WLAN SAR Report 4 of 4

FCC ID: NM8PG76100

RF Exposure Info

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srontow cas.

               Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                        Schwoizerischer Kaldbrierdianst
               Schmid & Partner                                                                                                 Service suisse détalonnage
                  Engineering AG                                                                                                Servizio sviezero di taratur
               Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                     Swiss Calibration Service

               Accredited by the Swize Accreditation Service (SAS)                                            Accreditation No.: SCS 108
               The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the €A
               Muitllateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

               ciex         Sporton(Auden)               _                                                    Cortificate No: D2450V2—736_JuI09

                Celibration procedure(s)

                Calloration date:                    July 2008

                Congition of me caibeated nem        UIAT&lgrance

                This calibration carticate documents the traceabilty to nationsl standards, which realize the physical units af measurements ($1)
                The measurements and the uncertainkes with confidance probablity are gven on the fofowing pages and are part of the conificate

                All callbrations have bren conducted in the clsed laboratory faciity: environment tampessture (22 + 3)°C and humidity <70w

                Calbration Equipment used (MATE eritical for callbration}

                Prmary Staraarcs                       ie_                      CalDato (Calteatedby, Certificate No.)              Scheculed Cabration
                Powet meter EPM—424                    GB37480704               08—Oct—08 (No. 217—00888)                           ©ct09
                Power senact NP 8461A                  US37202703               0B—Oct—08 (No. 217—00088)                           Ccton
                Reterence 20 4B Aftenator              Sh: 5086 (20g)           31—Mar—00 (No. 217—01028)                           Mar 10
                Type—N mismaich combination            Sh: 5007.2 / 06327       31—Mar—09 (No, 217—01029)                           Mar 10
                Raference Probe E53042                 Siv: 3025                30—Apr—09 (No. ES3—3025_AprO9)                      Apr10
                D&AE4                                  Sh: 801                  O7—Mar—08 (No, DAEA—601_Mer09)                      Mar 10

                Secondary Standards _                  in#       20             Check Date (in house)                               Schequled Cneck               j
                Power sensor HP B4B1A                  Myaroseqn?                18—0ct—02 in house chack Oct—07)                   in house chack: Oct:0D
                AF generato: RAS SMT—05                 100008                  4—Nug—59 (in house chok Oct07)                      in hause chodc Oct.0@
                Natwork Anatyzer HP 8793E              USar3agosis $4206         18—Oct—01 (in house check Oct—06)                  in house shadc Oct.0B

                                                      Nams                                   Function                               Signature
                Csfibrated by:                        sgue                         _ Lnborsiory
                                                                                     Technician                                       W

                Apcroved by                          *-                            poyprersmess Ji|                                flfl‘

                                                                                                                                   issued July 22, 2000
                This caltoration carificate shall not be raproduced axcept in full without writien approval of the laboratory

               Cartificate No: D2450V2—736_JuI0®                                    Page 1 of 9

srontow ian. .. .

                    Calibration Laboratory of                                   Sn                    Schweizerischer Kalibriordienst
                    Schmid & Partner                                           in                     Service sulsse détlonnage
                      Engineering AG                                           o eng                  Servicio svizzero d taratura
                    Zoughausstracse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland               *zxfia*":               Swiss Calibration Service
                    Accrecited by the Smiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                           Accreditation No.: SCS 108
                    The Swizs Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
                    Mult®aterat Agraemont for the recognition af calibration certificates

                    TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
                    ConvF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORM x,y.2
                    N/A                         not applicable or not measured

                    Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                       a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
                             Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head trom Wireless
                           Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
                        b) IEC 62209—1, *Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held
                             devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)®,
                             February 2005
                        )    Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering & Technology (FCC OET},
                             *Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
                             Electromagnetic Fields; Additional Information for Evaluating Compliance of Mobile and
                             Portable Devices with FCC Limits for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions",
                             Supplement C (Edition 01—01) to Bulletin 65

                    Additional Documentation:
                        d) DASY4/5 System Handbook
                    Mothod. Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                             Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
                            of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated
                            Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
                            point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
                            parallel to the body axis.
                            Feed Point impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
                            positioned underthe liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
                            measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point, The Return Loss ensures low
                            reflected power. No uncertainty required.
                            Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
                            No uncertainty required.
                            SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
                            SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
                            SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
                            nominal SAR result.

                    Certificate No: D245DV2—796_Jul0                              Page 2 of 9

srontowiam. . .   .   . . .     1.

                  Measurement Conditions
                     DASY system confiquration, as far as not given onpage 1.
                         DASY Version                                 _             DASYS                                       vs o
                         Extrapolation                                     Advanced Extrapalation
                         Phantom:                                         Modular Flat Phantam V5.0
                         Distance Dipole Center — TSL                               10 mm           '                       with Spacer
                         Zoom Scan Resolution                                 dw, dy, dz =5 mm                                  —
                         Frequency                                            2450 MHz +1 MHz

                  Head TSL parameters
                       The fallowing paramaters and calculations were appiied.
                                                                                    Temperature         Permittivity                Conductivity
                         Nominal Head TSL parameters                                   22.0 °C          __      32                   1.80 mhoim
                         Maeasured Head TSL parameters                             (22.0 =0.2) °C            40.2 a 6 %         1.78 mhoim + 6 %
                         Head TSL temperature during test                          (22.0 20.2) °C                                       m—

                  SAR result with Head TSL

                         SAR avernged over 1 em" (1 g) of Haed TSL                   Conditinn
                         SAR measured                                          250 mW input po_wm                         134 mW /q
                         SAR normalized                                          normalized to TW                         £3.6 mW /q
                         SAFl-fur nominal Head TSL parametars ‘                  normallized to 1W              54.2 mW ig = 17.0 % (l=2)

                         SAR averaged over 10 om" (10 g) of Haad TSL                 condétion
                         SAR maasured                                          250 mW Input pawer                         6.33 mW / g
                        SAR normalized                                           normalized to 19                         25.3 mW / g
                        SAR for nominal Head TSL patameters ‘                    normalized to 1W               25.5 mW ig a 16.5 % (k=2)

                  ‘ Correction to nominal TSL parameters acsording to dl. chapler *SAR Senallivibes®
                  Certificate No: D24502—736_.JuiCd                         Page 3 of

srontowiam. . .   _.

                   Body TSL parameters
                       The fellowing parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                                   Temperature       Permittivity         Conductivity     |
                         Nominal Body TSL paramoters                                  22.0°C            52.7               1.95 mho/m
                         Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 £0.2) °C    82.8 £ 6 %         1.99 mhoim & 6 %
                         Body TSL temperature during test                          (21.0 £ 0.2) °C

                  SAR result with Body TSL

                         SAR averaged over 1 em" {1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition

                         SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                   13.4 mW (q
                         SAR normalized                                          normalized to 1W                 53.6 mW /qg
                         SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters *                   normalized to TW        53.0 mW ig a 17.0 % (k=2)

                        SAR avoraged over 10 cm* {10 g) of Body TSL                 condition
                         SAR measured                                        250 mW input power             ~     6.26 mW /g
                         SAR normalized                                          normalized to 1W                 25.0 mW / q
                         SAR for nominal Body TSL paramaters *                   normalized to 1W       24.0 mW ig 2 16.5 % (k=2)

                  * Corection to nominalTL parameters according to dl. chapler *SAR Senelivitiae"
                  Cartificate No: ©24502—736_Jul®                         Page 4 of 9

srontow cas.


               Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

                     impedance, transformed to feed paint                                           54.9 0 +22 oo
                   | Retum Loss                                                                        —27.2 dB

               Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

                     Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           49.7 0 + 4.2 j02
                     Retum Loss                                                                        —27.4 0B

               General Antenna Parameters and Design

                   | Electrical Datay (one direction)                       |                          1158 ns
               Aftor long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

               The dipole is made of standard seminged coaxial cable. The centar conductor of the faeding line is direcily connected to the
               second arm of the dipole, The antenna is therefore short—circuited for DC—signals
               No excessive foroe must be applied to the dipole arms, because thay might band or the soldarsd connactions near the
               feedpoint may be damaged..

               Additional EUT Data

                     Menulactured by                                                                   SPEAG
                     Manulactured on                                                               August 26, 2003

               Certificate No: D245OV2—736_Juld6                        Page 5 of 9

srontow cas.

               DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL
                                                                                                   Date/Time: 20.07.2009 17:44:29

               Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

               DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D24S0V2 — SN736

               Communication System: CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz: Duty Cycle: 1: 1
               Medium: HSL U1 BB                                                             .
               Medium parameters used; {= 2450 MHz; 0 = 1.78 mho/m; s, = 40.2; p = 1000 kg/m‘
               Phantomsection: Flat Section
               Measurement Standard; DASY3 (IEEEAEC)

               DASYS Configuration:
                   ®—   Probe: ES3DYV2 — SN3025; ConyFL4.35. 4.35, 4.35); Culibrated: 30.04.2009

                   *    Sensor Surface; 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection

                   *    Elecironics: DAE4 Sn601:; Calibrated: 07.03.2009

                   *    Phantom: Flat Phantom5.0(front); Type: QDOOOPSOAA: Senal: 1001

                   *    Measurement SW: DASY5, V5.0 Build 120; SEMCAD X Version 13.4 Build 45

               Pin = 250 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
               Mcasurement grid; dx=5mm, dy=Smm, dz=S5mm
               Reference Value = 100.6 V/m; Power Drift = 0.037 dB
               Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 27.4 Wikg
               SAR(I g) = 13.4 mW/g; SAR(1O g) = 6.33 mW/g
               Maximum value of SAR {measured) = 16.9 mW/g

                                                      00B = 16.9mWig

               Cortilicate No: D2450V2—736_Jul09                           Page 6 of 9

srontowiam. . .   .   . . .    Lucu      ulc     .   —

                  Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                  Corfiicate No: D2450V2—736_Jul09       Page 7   of 9

srontow cas.

                DASYS Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                                                 Date/Time: 14.07.2009 17:46:41

               Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

                DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2:; Serial: D2450V2 — SN:736
               Communication System: CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1: 1
               Medium: MSL U1O BB
               Medium parameters used: f = 2450 MHz; a = 2 mho/m; c, = 52.9; p « 1000 kg/m‘
               Phantomsection; Flat Section
               Measurement Standard; DASYS (IEEEAEC)

               DASY3 Configuration:

                   *    Probe: ES3DV2 . SN3023; ConvF4.06, 4.06. 4.06); Calibrated: 30.04.2009

                   *    Sensor Surfact: Amim (Machunical Surface Detection}

                   *    Elecironics: DAE4 $a60): Calibrated: 07.03.2009

                   *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QDOOOPSOAA; Seaal: 1002

                   *    Mcasurement SW DASY5, ¥3.0 Build120. SEMCAD X Version 13.4 Build45

               Pin = 250 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
               Mcasurement grid: dx=Smm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
               Reference Value = 98 V/m; Power Drift = —0.018 dB
               Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 27.1 Wikg
               SAR(I g) = 13.4 mW/g; SAR(1O g) = 6.26 mW/g
               Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 17.8 mW/g

                                                      0 dB = 17.8mWig

               Cartiticata No: D2450V2—736_Jul09®                         Page 8 of 9

srontowiam. . .   .   . . .   Lucu   ulc   .   —

                  Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

SPORTON LAB.   Calibration Certificate of DASY

                                                                    Dipole Verification
    Model / SN : D2450V2 / 736

    Verification Date : Dec. 01, 2010
    Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

     Impedance, Transformed to Feed Point                                                           46.510 —3.06j0 (50+50)
     Return Loss                                                                                    —25.97 dB (<= —20 dB)
                         Agilent Technologies                                              page 1 of 1                                       01—Dec—2010   18:49:28

                  Window 1       (1) S11 Units
                                 Smith C 1—Port
                                                                                                                        > 1:      2.450000 GHz         46.51 Q
                                                                                                                                       21.23 pF       —3.060 Q

                                 Ch1: Start 2.25000 GHz                                                                                  Stop 2.65000 GHz

                                                           Channel Settings

                  Channel   Sweep      Points      Start           Stop        IF BW       Sweep      Pow 1    Pow 2

                             Type                 (MHz)            (MHz)       (kHz)   Time (ms)      (dBm)    (dBm)

                            LinFreq             2250000000 2650000000          0.030    6006.280       0.00|    0.00

                                                                           Trace Attributes

                  Window    ID Trace    Channel   Correction    Smooth     Options   Marker        Position            Response
                     1          S11      1        C 1—Port                                         2450 MHz (46.583 Q, —3.1446 ) 20.658 pF


     Calibration Certificate of DASY


seosronicas. Galibration Certificate of DASY

  Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

   Impedance, Transformed to Feed Point                                                           51.390 —3.72j0            (50+150)

   Return Loss                                                                                    —28.15 dB        (<= —20 dB)

                   Agilent Technologies                                                 page 1 of 1                                       01—Dee—2010 183513

           Window 1          (1) S11 Units
                             Smith C 1—Port
                                                                                                                     > 1:       2.450000 GHz       51.39 Q
                                                                                                                                    17.47 pF      —3.718 Q

                                                                                                      A                \&7

                             Ch1: Start 225000 GHz                ——                                                                   Stop 2.65000 GHz

                                                      Channel Settings

            Channel   Sweep       Points      Start           Stop        IF BW        Sweep      |Pow 1   Pow 2

                          Type                (MHz)           (MHz)       (kHz)    Time (ms)      (dBm)    (dBm)

               1      LinFreq      201     |2250.000000 2650.000000       0.030|       6006.280    0.00|    0.00

                                                                      Trace Attributes

            Window    ID Trace     Channel    Correction   Smooth     Options   Marker         Position              Response

               1      1    [S11     1         C 1—Port                             1           2450 MHz (51.398 Q, —3.7150 0) 17.486 pF


     Calibration Certificate of DASY


srontowiam. . .     .    . . .     Lucu        ulc      .          —

          Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                    Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
          Schmid & Partner                                                                                             Service suisse d‘étalonnage
             Engineering AG                                                                                            Servizio svizzero di taratura
          Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                 Swiss Calibration Service

          Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                         Accreditation No.: SCS 108
          The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
          Multilaterai Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

           Object                              DAE4 — SD 000 DO4 BJ — SN: 778

           Calibration procedure(s)            QA CAL—06.v22                                                             #         4
                                               Calibration procedure for the data acquisition electronics (DAE)

           Calibration date                    October 22, 2010

           This calibration cortificate documents the traceabilty to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (S1)
           The measurements and the uncertsinties with confidence probabiity are given on the following pages and are part of the cortificate.

           All callbrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory faciity: environment temperature (22 & 3)°C and hurnidity « 70%.

           Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)

           PomaryStandardsiD#_                                          _Cai Date(CertiicateNo.)                             Schaduled Cakibration
           Keithlay Multimeter Type 2001        SN: 0810278              28—Sap—10 (No:10378)                                Sep—11

           Secondary Standards                  ID                       CheckDate (in house)                                ScheduladCheck
           Calibrator Box V1.1                  SE UMS 006 AB 1004       07—Jun—10 fin housecheck)                           in house cheok: Jun—1 1

                                                Name                                  Function                               Signature
           Calibrated by:                      Eric Hainfald                         Technician                  C:%’

          Approved by:                         Fin Bomhoit                            R&AD Director              .‘JW

                                                                                                                             Issued: October 22, 2010

         Certificate No: DAE4—778_Oct10                                      Page 1 of 5

srontowiam. . .    .    . . .

          Calibration Laboratory of
          Schmid & Partner
            Engineering AG
          Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland

          Accreditad by the Sss Accreditation Service (SAS)
          The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
          Multitatera! Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

          DAE                         data acquisition electronics
          Connector angle              information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                                      coordinate system.

          Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
              *        DC Voitage Measurement: Calibration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
                   comparison with a calibrated instrumenttraceable to national standards. The figure given
                   corresponds to the full scale range of the voltmeter in the respective range.
              *    Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
                   mechanically by a tool inserted. Uncertainty is not required.
              *    The following parameters as documented in the Appendix contain technical information as a
                   result from the performance test and require no uncertainty.
                         DC Voitage Measurement Linearity: Verification of the Linearity at +10% and —10% of
                         the nominal calibration voltage. Influence of offset voltage is included in this
                         Common mode sensitivity: Influence of a positive or negative common mode voltage on
                         the differential measurement.
                         Channel separation: Influence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an
                         input voltage.
                         AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the internal AD converter
                         corresponding to zero input voltage
                         Input Offset Measurement. Output voltage and statistical results over a large number of
                         zero voltage measurements.
                         Input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset
                         current, not considering the input resistance,
                         Input resistance: Typical value for information: DAE input resistance at the connector,
                         during internal auto—zeroing and during measurement.
                         Low Battery Alarm Voltage: Typical value for information. Below this voltage, a battery
                         alarm signalis generated.
                         Power consumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

         Certificate No: DAE4—778_Oct10                                  Page 2 of 5

srontowiam. . .      _.

          DC Voitage Measurement
                  A/D — Gonverter Resolution nominal
                      High Range:          1LSB =          6.14V ,       full range «   100...+300 mV
                      Low Range            1LSB =          61nV ,        full range =    —1.......+3mV
              DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec

                    Calibration Factors                X                           ¥                        2
                    High Range               404.679 + 0.1% (k=2)      403.480 + 0.1% (k=2)      405.025 £ 0.1% (k=2)
                    Low Range                3.98633 + 0.7% (ke2)      3.96375 + 0.7% (k=2)      3.99940 + 0.7% (ke2)

          Connector Angle

                  [ Connector Angle to be used in DASY system                                            eas°+1°    ___]

         Certificate No: DAE4—778_Oct10                              Page 3 of 5

1. DC Voitage Linearity
      High Range                              Reading (uV)          Difference (wV)               Error (%)
      Channel X        + input                  200004.4                 1.89                      0.00
      Channel X        + Input                  20001,11                    141                    0.01
      Channel X        — input                 +19998.36                    1.54                   —0.01
      Channel Y        + input                  1999961                     342                    0.00
      Channel Y        +Input                   19999.75                    0.35                   0.00
      Channel Y       — Input                  +19999.02                    —0.12                  0.00
      Channel Z       + Input                  200002.7                      1.29                 0.00
      Channel Z       + Input                  1090685                      —2.55                 —0.01
      Channel Z       — Input                  20004.31                     4.61                  0.02

      Low Range                               Reading (uV)          Difference (1V)               Error (%)
      Channel X       + Input                   2000.0                      0.09                   0.00
      Channel X       + Input                   200.02                      0.02                   0.01
      Channel X       + Input                   —198.62                     1.48                  —0.74

      Channel Y       + Input                    1999.6                     —0.58                 —0.03
      Channel Y       + Input                    199.13                    —0.57                  —0.29
      Channel Y       « Input                   —200.71                    —0.61                   0.31
      Channel Z       + Input                   2000.1                     —0.01                  —0.00
      Channel Z       + Input                    198.96                    ~1.14                  —0.57
      Channel 2       > Input                   —200.98                    —0.98                  0.49

2. Common mode sensitivity
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec: Measuring time: 3 sec
                        Common mode                           High Range                      Low Range
                        Input Voltage (mV)           Average Reading (1V)                 Average Reading (1V)
     Channel X                          200                      —5.28                          5.07

                                       +200                      6.79                           6.12
     Channel Y                         200                       +1.80                          «1.60
                                       ~200                      0.97                           0.35
     Channel Z                         200                       ©9.76                          —9.86
                                       —200                      7.56                           7.61

3. Channel separation
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec
                       Input Voitage (mV)       Channel X (wV)           Channel Y (uV)       ChannelZ (aV)
    Channel X                    200                      —                   1.86                 —0.66
    Channel Y                    200                  2.28                      *                  289
    Channel Z                    200                  1.68                   —0.15                      —

Certificate No: DAE4—778_Oct10                             Page 4 of 5

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            4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
                DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec

                                                                    High Range (LSB)                     Low Range (LSB)
                    Channel X                                             16056                               16950
                    Channel Y                                             16153                               13741
                    Channel Z                                             16441                               16086

           5. Input Offset Measurement
                DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec
                Input 10Mg
                                            Average (uV)       min. Offset (uV)        max. Offset (uv)         *** m‘“""
                    Channel X                   0.32                 2.35                      2.08                 0.55
                    Channel Y                   "1.83                2.96                      0.72                 0.47
                    Channel Z                   —1.93                —3.00                     —0.80                045

           6. Input Offset Current
                    Nominal Input circuitry offset current on all channels: «251A

           7. Input Resistance (Typical values for information)
                                                                 Zeroing (kOhm)                         Measuring (MOhm)
                    Channel X                                            200                                  200
                    Channel Y                                            200                                  200
                    Channel Z                                            200                                  200

           8. Low Battery Alarm Voltage (Typicai values for information}
                    Typical values                               Alarm Level (VDC)
                    Supply (+ Vee)                                                               +7.9
                    Supply (— Vee)                                                               176

           9. Power Consumption (Typical values for information)
                    Typical values                         Switched off (mA)        Stand by (mA)          Transmitting (mA)
                    Supply (+ Vee)                               +0.01                    +6                     +14
                    Supply (— Vee)                               ~0.01                    —8                        8

          Certificate No: DAE4—778_Oct10                                 Page 5 of 5

srontow cas.

               Calibration Laboratory of                                          s{""‘""'"                                Schwoizerischer Kalibrierdienst
               Schmid & Partner                                                  %                                         Service suisse d‘étalonnage
                 Engineering AG                                                  o rng                                     Servizio svizzero di taratura
               Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                       'z,,fr?\“.v’                             Swiss Calibration Service

               Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                            Accreditation No.: SCS 108
               The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
               Multilatera! Agreementfor the recognition of calibration certificates

               Ciient       Sporton (Auden)                                                                   Cortificate No: ET3—1787_May10

               @ETION CERTIFICATE                                                                                                                             ]
                Object                                ET3DV6 — SN:1787

                Calibration procedure(s)              QA CAL—01.v6, QA CAL—23.v3 andQA CAL—25.1v2
                                                      Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

                Calibration date:                     May 18, 2010

                This calibration certficate documents the traceabilty to national standards, which realizethe physical units of measurements (S1)
                The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probabilty are given on the following pages and are part of the certiicate

                All callbrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory faciity: environment temperature (22 # 3)°C and humidity < 70%

                Calbration Equipment used (METE critical for calibration)

                Primary Standards                      10# _                     Cal Date (Certficate No )                      Scheduled Calibration
                Power meter E44198                     GBatz0s874                 1—Apr—10 (No. 217—01136)                      Apet
                Power sensor E4412A                    MY41495277                 1—Apr—10 (No. 217—01136)                      Apro1
                Power sensor E4412A                    MyY41498087                1—Apr—10 (No. 217—01136)                      Apr1
                Reference 3 0BArenuator                sn ssose (Gc)              30—Mar—10 (No. 217—01150)                     Mart1
                Reference 20 d8 Attenuator             SN: 55086 (20b)           30—Mar—10 (No. 217—01161)                      Mar—11
                Reference 30 48 Attenuator             s set20 (ob)              30—Mar—10 (No. 217—01160)                      Mart1
                Reference Probe ES3DV2                 sn: so13                  30—Dec—09 (No. £83—3013_Dect9)                 Dec—10
                Dpags                                  sn seo                    20—Apr—10 (No. DAE4—860_Apri0)                 Aprot
                Secondary Standards                   |in«                       Check Date (in house)              0_          Scheduled Check___           _“
                RF generator HP 8648C                  US3642U01700              4—Aug—99 (in house check Oct—09)               in house check Oct—11
                Network Analyzer HP 8753E              ussrasoses                 18—0ct—01 (in house check Oct—08)             in house check: Oct10         i
                                                       Name                                   Function                           Signature                    |
                Calbrated by                          Jeton Kastrati                          Laboratory Technician

                Approved by                            Kate Pokovic                           Technical Manager           /&4__

                                                                                                                                Issued: May22, 2010
                This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without writien appro

               Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                                       Page 1 of 11

srontow cas.

               Calibration Laboratory of                                     «m
                                                                            )h                                Schwoizerischer Kalibrierdienst
               Schmid & Partner                                               w                          g Service suisse d‘étaionnage
                 Engineering AG                                             C     s                        Servizio svizzero d taratura
               Zoughausstrasso 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                  /-\fi&                       S swiss Calibration Service

               Accradited by the Swiss Accred@tation Service (SAS)                                        Accreditation No.: SCS 108
               The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
               Multilatoral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

               TSL                          tissue simulating liquid
               NORMx,y,z                    sensitivity in free space
               ConvF                        sensitivity in TSL / NORMx,y,z
               DCP                          diode compression point
               CF                           crest factor(1/duty_cycle) of the RF signal
               A, B,C                       modulation dependent linearization parameters
               Polarization q               «p rotation around probe axis
               Polarization 8               3 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at measurement center),
                                            ie., 9 = 0 is normal to probe axis

               Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                     a)    IEEE Std 1528—2003, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged Specific
                      Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
                      Techniques", December 2003
                   b) IEC 62209—1, *Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held devices used in close
                          proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)*, February 2005

               Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                     *    NORMx,y,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 3 = 0 (f < 900 MHz in TEM—cell; { > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide).
                          NORMx,y.z are only intermediate values, i.e., the uncertainties of NORMx,y,z does not effect the E*—field
                          uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF)
                     *    NORM(Mxy,z = NORMx.y,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This linearization is
                          implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency response is included
                          in thestated uncertainty of Conv.
                     *    DCPxy,z: DCP are numericallinearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
                          signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
                   *      Amy.z Bxy.z; CKy,2, VRxy,2: A, 8. C are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of
                          power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor media. VR is the
                          maximum calibration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
                   *      ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or Temperature Transfer
                          Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical field distributions based on power
                          measurements for {> 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
                          boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
                          used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
                          to NORMx.y,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF, A frequency dependent
                          ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100
                   *      Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy): in a field of low gradients realized using a flat phantom
                          exposed by a patch antenna.
                   *      Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center from the probe tip
                          (on probe axis). No tolerance required.

               Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                                 Page 2 of 11

srontow ian. .. .

                ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                      May 18, 2010

                                               Probe ET3DV6
                                               Manufactured:                      May 28, 2003
                                               Last calibrated:                   May 26, 2009
                                               Recalibrated:                      May 18, 2010

                                                     Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                                        (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

                    Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                Page 3 of 11

srontow ian. .. .

                ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                                                               May 18, 2010

                DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1787

                Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                                                                           Sensor X Sensor Y Sensor Z (Unc (k=2)
                Norm (uV/(V/m)*)*                                                                             160           1179           210           _|£10.1%
                DCP (mv)®                                                                                     92.4          95.5           91.0

                Modulation Calibration Parameters
                uiD            Communication System Name                              PAR                       A             B              C             VR         Une®
                                                                                                               dB           dBuV                           mV         (ke2)
                10000          Cw                                                     0.00        X                 0.00          0.00           1.00|    300.0      %1.5%
                                                                                                  Y                 0.00          0.00           1.00)    300.0
                                                                                                  Z                 0.00          0.00           1.00)    300.0

                    The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied
                    by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of
                    approximately 95%

               * The uncertanties of NomX Y,2 do not affect the E—ield uncertainty inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6)
               " Numerical ineartzation paramator: uncertainty not required
               ° Uncertainty is detarrmined using the mmemum deviston from linear response applying recatangular dstibution and is expressed for the square of the field value

                      Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                                 Page 4 of 11

ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                                                              May 18, 2010

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1787

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

6 ikz)          Validity [MHz]®        Permittivity       Conductivity        ConvF X_ConvFY             _ConyF Z             Alpha       ___Depth Unc (k«2)
750             50/ + 100              4154 5%            0.90 £ 5%                  6.56         6.56           6.56          0.52         1.96 £11.0%
835             + 50/ + 100           41.9 + 5%           0.89 £ 5%                  621          621            621           0.42         223 £11.0%
1750            + 50 / x 100          40.1 £ 5%            1.37 £ 5%                 5.36         5.36           5.36          0.49         1.18 £11.0%
1900            +50/ 2 100            40.0 x 5%            1.40 £ 5%                 5.09         5.09           5.09          0.66         220 £11.0%
2450            +50 / £ 100            39.2 4 5%           1.80 £ 5%                 4.50         4.50           4.50          0.99         163 £11.0%

° The valisty of x 100 MHz only applies for DASY vé 4 and higher (see Page 2). The unceriainty is the RSS of the Conv uncertainty at callbration frequency
and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band

      Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                                  Page 5 of 11

ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                                                              May 18, 2010

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1787

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

+ pakz)         Validity [MHz]®        Permittivity       Conductivity       ConvF X ConvF Y¥            __ConvFZ             Alpha        ___Depth Unc (k=2)
750             + 50 / £ 100           55.5 4 5%          0.96 £ 5%                 6.22          6.22           6.22          0.48         220 £11.0%
835             +501 £ 100             55.2 + 5%          0.97 £ 5%                 6.12          6.12           6.12          0.30         245 £11.0%
1750            +50/ + 100             53.4 + 5%           149 4 5%                 4.72          4.72           4.72          0.63         2.90 £11.0%
1900            + 50 / £ 100           53.3 45%            1.5245%                  4.47          4.47           4.47          0.88         2.39 +11.0%
2450            50/ £ 100              52.7 4 5%           1.95 4 5%                4.03          4.03           4.03          0.99         1.35 £11.0%

© The validity of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY w 4 and higher (see Page 2) The uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at callbration frequency
and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band

      Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                                  Page6 of 11

srontowiam. . .    .   . . .     Lucu                                       ulc        .      —

              ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                                                           May 18, 2010

                                                                                       Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                                                           (TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
                                          Frequency response (normalized)






                                                                                   J         00       1000        1500    2000      2500        2000
                                                                                                                t nz
                                                                                                   —o—TEM                —@—R22

                                                                                   Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £ 6.3% (k=2)

                  Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                                                      Page 7 of 11

srontowiam. . .    .   . . .       1.

              ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                                       May 18, 2010

                                                       Receiving Pattern (¢), 3 = 0°

                                       £= 600 MHz, TEM ifi110EXX                                  1= 1800 MHz, WG R22

                                       —0—X   —#—y    —0—2         —O0—Tat                  —0—X%    —#—¥    —0—2   —O0—Ta


                               an4                                                                                  —0— 30 Mitc

                               Egz                                                                                  —&— 100 Niz
                               &                                                                                    —4—600 hKz
                                 04                                  |                                              —®—— 1800 Mz
                                16                            |                                                     —&—2500 MHz
                                       0       so            120              180           240        300

                                                     Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: + 0.5% (k=2)

                  Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                             Pane 8 of 11

srontow ian. .. .

                ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                            May 18, 2010

                                                              Dynamic Range f(SARnea4)
                                                                   (Waveguide R22, f = 1800 MHz)





                                                   o.o001     0.001      o1           0.1       1        10       100
                                                                                 SAR [mWicm‘]
                                                                ~®— not compensated             —4— compensated

                                          6Eo2                                              2 900 0 0 o o o on

                                               0.001          o1             0   1          1           10          100
                                                                                 SAR [mWicm‘]

                                                            Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

                    Certificate No: ET3—1787_ May10                        Pane 9 of 11

srontowiam. . .    .     . . .     Lucu         ulc     .        —

              ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                                                May 18, 2010

                                                        Conversion Factor Assessment

                                   1 = 835 MHz, WGLS R9 (head)                                       1 = 1750 MHz, WGLS R22 (head)
                       4.0 ,               j                                          30.0

                                                2[mm]                                                        {mm]

                                 —@—Analytcal    —O—Measurements     |                          —@— Anaiytical           ~60—Measurements

                                                        Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                                                         Error (4, 9), f = 900 MHz
                                                                                                            Error [dB]

                                                      ©—100—080 ©.080—050 M—000—040 ©—040—020 ©020.000
                                                      ©o00020    020040       Mo«sost      ©oeo0so     moso1c

                                                      Uncertainty of Sphorical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (k=2)

                  Certificate No: ET3—1787_May10                           Page 10 of 11

ET3DV6 SN:1787                                              May 18. 2010

Other Probe Parameters

Sensor Arrangement                                              Triangular
‘Connector Angle (*)                                        Not applicable

Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                 enabled
‘Optical Surface Detection Mode                                  disabled
Probe Overall Langth                                             337 mm
Probe Body Diameter                                                10 mm
Tip Length                                                         10 mm
Tip Diameter                                                      6.8 mm

Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                           2.7 mm
Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                           2.7 mm
Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                           2.7 mm
Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                       4 mm

   Certficate No: ET3—1787_May10            Page 11 of 11

Document Created: 2011-04-01 20:38:26
Document Modified: 2011-04-01 20:38:26

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