rf exposure info 3


RF Exposure Info

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             Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Tnc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 20079/20

             Body_WCDMA Ch9400_EUT Rear Face Touch_RMC12.2K+HSDPA_Open Mode_CPT_Simplo

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: WCDMA: Frequency: 1880 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_1900 Medium parameters used: £= 1880 MHz: 0 = 1.47 mho/m: £, = 55: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature © 22.9 °C; Liquid Temperature © 214 °C

             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787; ConvF(4.68, 4.68, 4.68); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/1 1/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V.8 Build 172

             Ch9400/Area Sean (O1x101x1): Measurement grid: dxc=1 5mmdy=1 5mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 1.19 mWi/g
             Ch9400/Zoom Scan (Sx5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=&mm. dy=8mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 2.28 V/m; Power Drift = 0.098 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.74 W/ke
             SAR(I g) = 1.05 mW/s; SAR(IO g)=0.593 mW/g
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 1.15 mW/g






                                  0 dB = 1.15mW/g

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie

             Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007920

             Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Top Side Touch_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: = 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature © 23.0 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C
             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172
             Ch6/Area Sean (41x161x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 Smm, dy=15mm.
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.055 mW/g
             Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=$mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 1.94 V/m: Power Drift =—0.065 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.095 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0.047 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.026 mW/z
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.049 mW/g





                                  0 dB = 0.049mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie

             Test Laboratory: Sporton Interational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007920

             Body_802.1 1g Ch6_EUT Top Side Touch_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: 802.1 1: Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cycle: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: = 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.9 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C
             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 55; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 176
             Ch6/Area Sean (41x161x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 Smm, dy=15mm.
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.016 mW/z
             Ch6/Zoom Scan (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measursment grid: dx=Smm. dy=mm, de=Smmm
             Reference Value = 1.06 V/m; Power Drift =—0.134 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.029 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0.013 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.00699 mW/«
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.014 mW/g





                                  0 dB =0.014mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie

             Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007920

             Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Bottom Side Touch_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: = 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.9 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C
             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172
             Ch6/Area Sean (41x161x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 Smm, dy=1 5mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.007 mW/s
             Ch6/Zoom Scan (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measursment grid: dx=Smm. dy=mm, de=Smmm
             Reference Value = 1.04 V/m; Power Drift=—0.101 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.014 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0,00291 mW/a; SAR(10 g) = 0.000767 mW/e
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.007 mW/g

             Ch6/Zoom Scan (§x5x7)/Cube 1: Measursment grid: dx=Smm. dy=mm, de=Smmm
             Reference Value = 1.04 V/m; Power Drift=—0.101 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.009 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0.00194 mW/a; SAR(1O g) = 0.000467 mW/e
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.003 mW/s





                                  0 dB = 0.003mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie                   moiue


              Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007920

              Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Front Face Touch_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo

              DUT: 780709—01

              Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
              Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: = 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
              Ambient Temperature : 23.0 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C

              DASY4 Configuration:
              — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
              — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
              — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
              — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C; Serial: TP—1383
              — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172
              Ch6/Area Sean (131x171x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=1 5mm
              Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.033 mW/z
              Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=$mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
              Reference Value = 1.98 V/m: Power Drift= 0.191 dB
              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.123 Wike
              SAR(I g) = 0.024 mW/g; SAR(1O g)= 0.013 mW/z
              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.026 mW/g





                                   0 dB =0.026mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie

             Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007920

             Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Rear Face Touch_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: = 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.9 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C
             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172
             Ch6/Area Sean (131x171x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=1 5mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.055 mW/z
             Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=$mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 4.05 V/m: Power Drift = —0.140 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.095 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0.046 mW/g; SAR(1O g) = 0.025 mW/z
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.049 mW/g

             Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 1: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 4.05 V/m; Power Drift = —0.140 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.068 Wike
             SAR(I 5) = 0.038 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.023 mW/z
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.041 mW/2





                                  0 dB =0.041mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie                   moiue


              Test Laboratory: Sporton Interational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007/9/20

              Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Right Side Touch_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo

              DUT: 780709—01

              Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
              Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: £= 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
              Ambient Temperature 5 23.1 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C

              DASY4 Configuration:
              — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
              — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
              — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
              — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C; Serial: TP—1383
              — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172
              Ch6/Area Sean (41x111x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 Smm, dy=15mm.
              Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.002 mW/z
              Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=$mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
              Reference Value = 0.688 V/m: Power Drift= 0.145 dB
              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.004 Wike
              SAR(I g) = 0.000121 mW/g; SAR(IO g) = 5.3e—005 mW/g
              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.004 mW/g

              Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 1: Measurement grid: dx=8mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
              Reference Value = 0.688 V/m; Power Drift= 0.145 dB
              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.004 Wike
              SAR(I g) = 0.000536 mW/g; SAR(IO 2) = 7.92e—005 mW/z
              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.003 mW/2





                                   0 dB = 0.003mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie                     moiue

             Test Laboratory: Sporton Interational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007/9/20

             Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Left Side Touch_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: = 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.9 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C
             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172

             Ch6/Area Sean (41x111x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 Smm, dy=1 5mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.009 mW/z
             Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm. dy=&mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 0.916 V/m: Power Drift= 0.127 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.016 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0.00596 mW/g; SAR(1O g) = 0.0025 mW/g
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.007 mW/s





                                  0 dB =0.007mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie


              Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007920

              Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Rear Face Touch_Open Mode_CPT_Simplo

              DUT: 780709—01

              Communication System: 802.1 1b ; Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
              Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: £= 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
              Ambient Temperature : 22.9 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C

              DASY4 Configuration:
              — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
              — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
              — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
              — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C; Serial: TP—1383
              — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172
              Ch6/Area Sean (131x171x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=1 5mm
              Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.245 mW/z
              Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=$mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
              Reference Value = 5.55 V/m: Power Drift = 0.142 dB
              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.453 Wike
              SAR(I g) = 0.226 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.130 mW/g
              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.237 mW/g






                                   0 dB =0.237mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie

             Test Laboratory: Sporton Interational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date 2007920

             Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Rear Face Touch_Open Mode_CPT_Simplo_BT On

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: = 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.95 mho/m: e, = 53: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.9 °C: Liquid Tempersture : 214 °C
             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172

             Ch6/Area Sean (61x121x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 Smm, dy=1 5mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.248 mW/z
             Ch6/Zoom Sean (§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=8mm. dy=&mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 5.23 V/m: Power Drift = —0.086 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.430 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0.223 mW/g: SAR(1O g)=0.131 mW/g
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.233 mW/g






                                  0 dB =0.233mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie

             Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Inc. SAR Testing Lab   Date: 2007920

             Body_802.1 1b Ch6_EUT Rear Face Touch_Open Mode_Toppoly_Dynapack

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: 802.1 1b : Frequency: 2437 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_2450 Medium parameters used: £= 2437 MHz: 0 = 1.92 mho/m: e, = 55: p= 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.8 °C: Liquid Tempersture © 214 °C

             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787; ConvF(4.02, 4.02, 4.02); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C; Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, VL.8 Build 176

             Ch6/Area Sean (O1x111x1): Measurement grid: dx=1Smm, dy=15mm.
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.232 mW/z
             Ch6/Zoom Sean (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=$mm, dy=&mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 7.28 V/m: Power Drift = —0.082 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.430 W/ke
             SAR(I g) = 0.209 mW/g; SAR(IO g) = 0.118 mW/g
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.217 mW/g





                                  0 dB =0.217mWi/z

ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie


             Test Laboratory: Sporton International Tnc. SAR Testing Lab              Date: 200798

             Body_GSM850 Ch189_EUT Left Side Touch_GPRS10_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo_2D

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: GSM850: Frequency: 836.4 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:4
             Medium: MSL_850 Medium parameters use: £=836.4 MHz: 0 = 0.97 mho/m: e,= 55: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.9 °C: Liquid Tempersture * 21.5 °C

             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1788: ConvE(6.33, 6.33, 6.33); Calibrated: 2006/9/19
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronis: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—A: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1303
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW : SEMCAD, VL8 Build 172

             Ch189/Area Sean(41x1 1 1x1): Measurement grid: dx= Smm, dy=1 5mm
              Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.806 mW/2
             Ch189/Zoom Scan(5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=mm, dy=Smm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 29.5 V/m: Power Drift = —0.010 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 1.13 Wikz
             SAR(I g) = 0.753 mW/g; SAR(1O g) = 0.502 mW/g
             Maximumvalue of SAR (measured) = 0.813 mW/g
                                                               1g/10g Averaged SAR
                                                           SAR; Zoom Scanalse Along Z, Xe2, ¥«2





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ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie


             Test Laboratory: Sporton International Inc. SAR Testing Lab                 Date 2007922

             Body_PCS Ch810_EUT Rear Face Touch_GPRS10_Open Mode_CPT LCD_Simplo Battery_2D

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: PCS: Frequency: 1909.8 MHz:Duty Cycle: 14
             Medium: MSL_1900 Mediumparameters used: = 1910 MHz: 0 = 1.52 mho/m: £,= 50.8; p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 23.0 °C; Liquid Temperature * 21.6 C

             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.68, 4.68, 4.68): Calibrated: 2007/3/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm(Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/1 1/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 172

             Ch810/Area Scean (81x101x1): Measurement grid: dx=1 5mm, dy=1 5mm
             Maximumvalue of SAR (interpolated) = 1.35 mWz
             Ch810/Zoom Sean(§x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=mm, dy=8mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 2.92 V/m: Power Drift= 0.018 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.00 W/ke
             SARCI g) = 1.23 mWi/gs SAR(IO g) = 0.679 mW/g
             Maximumvalue of SAR (measured) = 1.35 mW/z

                                                    1g/10g Averaged SAR
                                                 SAR; Zoom SeanValse Along Z, X=2, Y=2




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             Test Laboratory: Sporton Intemational Tnc. SAR Testing Lab                 Date: 2007/9/12

             Body_WCDMA Ch4182_EUT Left Side Touch_RMC12.2k_Close Mode_CPT_Simplo_2D

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: WCDMA: Frequency: 836.4 MHz:Duty Cycle: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_850 Medium parameters used: {=836.4 MHz: 0 = 0.969 mho/m£,= 55: p = 1000 ke/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.8 °C: Liquid Tempersture * 21.4 °C

             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(6.1, 6.1, 6.1); Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—A: Type: QD 000 P40 C: Serial: TP—1303
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, VL.8 Build 172

             Ch4182/Area Sean(41x1 11 x1): Measurement grid: dxc=1 5mmdy=1 5mm
             Maximumvalue of SAR (interpolated) = 0.621 mW/z
             Ch4182/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=mm, dy=Smm, dz=5mm
             Reference Value = 25.1 V/m: Power Drift = —0.084 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.823 Wike
             SAR(I g) = 0.577 mW/g; SAR(1O g)=0.391 mW/g
             Maximumvalue of SAR (measured) = 0.615 mW/g
                                                   1g/10g Averaged SAR
                                                SAR; Zoom Sean¥alse Along Z, X=2, Y=2

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ring reprore onen mc wne reprorraviy cnvigpn m cuny neemaue is rervieer eppmavew uprar ie                          moiue


             Test Laboratory: SportonInternational Tnc. SAR Testing Lab           Date: 2007/9/20

             Body_WCDMA Ch9538_EUT Rear Face Touch_RMC384K_Open Mode_CPT_Simplo_2D

             DUT: 780709—01

             Communication System: WCDMA: Frequency: 1907.6 MHz:Duty Cyele: 1:1
             Medium: MSL_1900 Mediumparameters used: £= 1908 MHz: 0 = 1.53 mho/m: e                   54.4; p= 1000 ka/m?
             Ambient Temperature : 22.8 °C: Liquid Tempersture * 21.4 °C

             DASY4 Configuration:
             — Probe: ET3DV6 — SN1787: ConvF(4.68, 4.68, 4.68): Calibrated: 2007/8/28
             — Sensor—Surface: 4mm(Mechanical Surface Detection)
             — Electronics: DAE3 Sn577: Calibrated: 2006/11/21
             — Phantom: SAM—B: Type: QD 000 P40 C; Serial: TP—1383
             — Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 53: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, VL.8 Build 172
             Ch9538/Area Scan (01x101 x1): Measurement grid: dxc=1 5mmdy=1 5mm
             Maximumvalue of SAR (interpolated) = 1.38 mW/2
             Ch9538/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=mm, dy=8mm, dz=Smm
             Reference Value = 3.22 V/m: Power Drift =—0.130 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 2.03 Wke
             SAR(I g) = 122 mW/ss SAR(1O ) = .680 mW/g
             Maximumvalue of SAR (measured) = 32 mWie

                                                              1g/10g Averaged SAR
                                                           SA8; Zoom Scan¥aloe Along Z.

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            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

Appendix C – Calibration Data

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

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            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

            FCC SAR Test Report                                                         Test Report No   : FA780709-01-1-2-03

©2007 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                               Rev.03

Document Created: 2007-10-18 00:02:36
Document Modified: 2007-10-18 00:02:36

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