RF Test Report


Test Report

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                                                               FCC Test Report

                       Report No.: RF170926C22

                            FCC ID: NM82PYV200

                       Test Model: 2PYV200

                 Received Date: Sep. 26, 2017

                         Test Date: Oct. 02, 2017 ~ Oct. 06, 2017

                     Issued Date: Oct. 20, 2017

                         Applicant: HTC Corporation

                          Address: 1F, 6-3 Baoqiang Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City 231, Taiwan

                        Issued By: Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch

                    Lab Address: No. 47-2, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Lin Kou Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan
                                 ( R.O.C )
                  Test Location: No.19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd., Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Dist., Taoyuan City
                                 33383, Taiwan, R.O.C.

This report is for your exclusive use. Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is permitted
only with our prior written permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The results set forth in this
report are not indicative or representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or any similar or identical product
unless specifically and expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof based upon the information that you
provided to us. You have 60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error or omission caused by our negligence, provided,
however, that such notice shall be in writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time
shall constitute your unqualified acceptance of the completeness of this report, the tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific
mention, the uncertainty of measurement has been explicitly taken into account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification.

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                                                                Table of Contents
Release Control Record .................................................................................................................................. 3
1 Certificate of Conformity ........................................................................................................................... 4
2 Summary of Test Results ........................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1 Measurement Uncertainty ..................................................................................................................... 5
    2.2 Modification Record .............................................................................................................................. 5
3 General Information ................................................................................................................................... 6
    3.1 General Description of EUT .................................................................................................................. 6
    3.2 Description of Test Modes..................................................................................................................... 7
        3.2.1 Test Mode Applicability and Tested Channel Detail .................................................................... 8
    3.3 Description of Support Units ................................................................................................................. 9
        3.3.1 Configuration of System under Test ........................................................................................... 9
    3.4 General Description of Applied Standards .......................................................................................... 10
4 Test Types and Results ............................................................................................................................. 11
    4.1 Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement ............................................................................... 11
        4.1.1 Limits of Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement ...................................................... 11
        4.1.2 Test Instruments ....................................................................................................................... 12
        4.1.3 Test Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 14
        4.1.4 Deviation from Test Standard ................................................................................................... 14
        4.1.5 Test Set Up ............................................................................................................................... 15
        4.1.6 EUT Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................ 16
        4.1.7 Test Results .............................................................................................................................. 17
    4.2 Conducted Emission Measurement .................................................................................................... 21
        4.2.1 Limits of Conducted Emission Measurement ........................................................................... 21
        4.2.2 Test Instruments ....................................................................................................................... 21
        4.2.3 Test Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 21
        4.2.4 Deviation from Test Standard ................................................................................................... 22
        4.2.5 TEST SETUP............................................................................................................................ 22
        4.2.6 EUT Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................ 22
        4.2.7 Test Results .............................................................................................................................. 23
    4.3 20 dB Bandwidth Measurement.......................................................................................................... 25
        4.3.1 Limits of 20 dB Bandwidth Measurement ................................................................................. 25
        4.3.2 Test Setup ................................................................................................................................. 25
        4.3.3 Test Instruments ....................................................................................................................... 25
        4.3.4 Test Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 25
        4.3.5 Deviation fromTest Standard .................................................................................................... 25
        4.3.6 EUT Operating Conditions ........................................................................................................ 25
        4.3.7 Test Result ................................................................................................................................ 26
5 Pictures of Test Arrangements................................................................................................................ 27
Appendix – Information on the Testing Laboratories ................................................................................ 28

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                                             Release Control Record

 Issue No.                Description                                                Date Issued
 RF170926C22              Original Release                                           Oct. 20, 2017

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1    Certificate of Conformity

            Product: Vive tracker

              Brand: VIVE

        Test Model: 2PYV200

    Sample Status: Identical Prototype

          Applicant: HTC Corporation

          Test Date: Oct. 02, 2017 ~ Oct. 06, 2017

         Standards: 47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.249)
                          ANSI C63.10: 2013

The above equipment has been tested by Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd.,
Taoyuan Branch, and found compliance with the requirement of the above standards. The test record, data
evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT) configurations represented herein are true and accurate accounts
of the measurements of the sample’s EMC characteristics under the conditions specified in this report.

      Prepared by :                                                 ,   Date:    Oct. 20, 2017
                                 Rona Chen / Specialist

     Approved by :                                                  ,   Date:    Oct. 20, 2017
                             Dylan Chiou / Project Engineer

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2      Summary of Test Results

                               47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart C (Section 15.247)

                                 Test Item                     Result                     Remarks
                                                                           Meet the requirement of limit.
       15.207      AC Power Conducted Emission                  PASS       Minimum passing margin is —13.93 dB
                                                                           at 0.51754 MHz.
      15.215 (c)   200B Bandwidth                               PASS       Meet the requirement of limit.

                   Radiated Emission Test
       15.209      B.a”.d Edge Measurement                                 Meet the requirement of limit.
       15.249      Limit: 500B less than the peak value         PASS       Minimum passing margin is —1.61 dB
      15.249 (d)   of fgndamer?tallfrequgnlcy or meet                      at 2480 MHz.
                   radiated emission limit in section
       15.203      Antenna Requirement                          PASS       No antenna connector is used.

2.1      Measurement Uncertainty

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on
the EUT:
The listed uncertainties are the worst case uncertainty for the entire range of measurement. Please note that
the uncertainty values are provided for informational purposes only and are not used in determining the
PASS/FAIL results.

                    m               A                             Frequenc                Expended Uncertainty
                                                                      sgpoinsy                    (k=2) (1)
          Conducted Emissions at mains ports                  150 kHz ~ 30 MHz                    2.44 dB
                                                             30 MHz ~ 200 MHz                     2.93 dB
            Radiated Emissions up to 1 GHz
                                                            200 MHz ~1000 MHz                     2.95 dB

                                                               1 GHz ~ 18 GHz                     2.26 dB
            Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz
                                                              18 GHz ~ 40 GHz                     1.94 dB

2.2      Modification Record

There were no modifications required for compliance.

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3      General Information
3.1      General Description of EUT

 Product                         Vive tracker
 Brand                           VIVE
 Test Model                      2PYV200
 Status of EUT                   Identical Prototype
                                 5.0 Vdc (adapter or host equipment)
 Power Supply Rating
                                 3.85 Vdc (Li-ion battery)
 Modulation Type                 GFSK
 Operating Frequency             2402 ~ 2480 MHz
 Number of Channel               40
 Field Strength Result           96.47 dBuV/m
 Antenna Type                    PIFA antenna with -1.53 dBi gain
 Antenna Connector               N/A
 Accessory Device                Refer to Note as below
 Data Cable Supplied             Refer to Note as below
1. The EUT’s accessories list refers to EUT Photo.pdf.
2. The above EUT information is declared by manufacturer and for more detailed features description,
      please refer to the manufacturer's specifications or User's Manual.

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3.2   Description of Test Modes

40 channels are provided to this EUT:
  Channel      Freq. (MHz)   Channel    Freq. (MHz)    Channel   Freq. (MHz)    Channel       Freq. (MHz)
      0            2402         10         2422           20        2442            30             2462
      1            2404         11         2424           21        2444            31             2464
      2            2406         12         2426           22        2446            32             2466
      3            2408         13         2428           23        2448            33             2468
      4            2410         14         2430           24        2450            34             2470
      5            2412         15         2432           25        2452            35             2472
      6            2414         16         2434           26        2454            36             2474
      7            2416         17         2436           27        2456            37             2476
      8            2418         18         2438           28        2458            38             2478
      9            2420         19         2440           29        2460            39             2480

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3.2.1       Test Mode Applicability and Tested Channel Detail

 EUT Configure                             Applicable To
     Mode             RE1G         RE<1G                PLC           APCM

        -               √              √                   √              √        -
Where        RE1G: Radiated Emission above 1 GHz              RE<1G: Radiated Emission below 1 GHz
             PLC: Power Line Conducted Emission                APCM: Antenna Port Conducted Measurement

Note: The EUT had been pre-tested on the positioned of each 3 axis. The worst case was found when positioned on Z-plane.

Radiated Emission Test (Above 1 GHz):

     Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible combinations
     between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture).
     Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.
    EUT Configure Mode                 Available Channel                      Tested Channel              Modulation Type

                 -                             0 to 39                           0, 19, 39                      GFSK

Radiated Emission Test (Below 1 GHz):

     Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible combinations
     between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture).
     Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.
    EUT Configure Mode                 Available Channel                      Tested Channel              Modulation Type

                 -                             0 to 39                              39                          GFSK

Power Line Conducted Emission Test:

     Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible combinations
     between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture).
     Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.
    EUT Configure Mode                 Available Channel                      Tested Channel              Modulation Type

                 -                             0 to 39                              39                          GFSK

Antenna Port Conducted Measurement:

     This item includes all test value of each mode, but only includes spectrum plot of worst value of each
     Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible combinations
     between available modulations, data rates and antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture).
     Following channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.
    EUT Configure Mode                 Available Channel                      Tested Channel              Modulation Type

                 -                             0 to 39                           0, 19, 39                      GFSK

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Test Condition:
       Applicable To           Environmental Conditions                     Input Power                             Tested by

          REz1G                    25 deg. C, 65 % RH                      120 Vac, 60 Hz                          Getaz Yang

          RE«1G                    25 deg. C, 65 % RH                      120 Vac, 60 Hz                          Getaz Yang

           PLC                     25 deg. C, 65 % RH                      120 Vac, 60 Hz                          Getaz Yang

          APCM                     25 deg. C, 65 % RH                           3.85 Vde                           Carlos Chen

3.3       Description of Support Units

The EUT has been tested as an independent unit together with other necessary accessories or support units.
The following support units or accessories were used to form a representative test configuration during the
 No.              Product                Brand              Model No.                      Serial No.                     FCC ID
                                                          TC NESW—XX
  1.               Adapter                HTC                                                 N/A                           N/A

 No.                                   Signal Cable Description Of The Above Support Units
 1._     N/A
1. All power cords of the above support units are non—shielded (1.8m).
2. Items 1 was provided by client.

3.3.1       Configuration of System under Test



                                                 (Power from AC Adapter)

            *Test Table

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3.4   General Description of Applied Standards

The EUT is a RF Product. According to the specifications of the manufacturer, it must comply with the
requirements of the following standards:

FCC Part 15, Subpart C (15.249)
ANSI C63.10-2013

All test items have been performed and recorded as per the above standards.

NOTE: The EUT has been verified to comply with the requirements of FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class B (DoC).
        The test report has been issued separately.

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4      Test Types and Results
4.1      Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement
4.1.1     Limits of Radiated Emission and Bandedge Measurement

The field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply
with the following
                                         Field Strength of Fundamental        Field Strength of Harmonics
        Fundamental Frequency
                                                (millivolts/meter)                 (microvolts/meter)
             902 ~ 928 MHz                              50                                  500
           2400 ~ 2483.5 MHz                            50                                  500
            5725 ~ 5875 MHz                             50                                  500
             24 ~ 24.25 GHz                            250                                 2500

Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at
least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits as below table,
whichever is the lesser attenuation
              Frequencies                        Field Strength                Measurement Distance
                 (MHz)                         (microvolts/meter)                    (meters)
             0.009 ~ 0.490                        2400/F(kHz)                               300
             0.490 ~ 1.705                        24000/F(kHz)                               30
              1.705 ~ 30.0                             30                                    30
                 30 ~ 88                               100                                   3
                88 ~ 216                               150                                   3
               216 ~ 960                               200                                   3
               Above 960                               500                                   3
1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
2. Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
3. For frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits are based on average detector, however, the
      peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits, specified
      above by more than 20dB under any condition of modulation.

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4.1.2    Test Instruments

        Description &                                                                     Due Date of
                              Model No.       Serial No.      Date of Calibration
        Manufacturer                                                                      Calibration
Test Receiver
                               N9038A       MY51210203          Feb. 17, 2017            Feb. 16, 2018
Spectrum Analyzer
                               N9010A       MY52220314          Dec. 16, 2016            Dec. 15, 2017
Spectrum Analyzer
                               FSU43           101261           Dec. 13, 2016            Dec. 12, 2017
BILOG Antenna
                              VULB9168        9168-472          Dec. 26, 2016            Dec. 27, 2017
HORN Antenna
                            BBHA 9120 D      9120D-969          Dec. 12, 2016            Dec. 13, 2017
HORN Antenna
                             BBHA 9170        9170-480          Dec. 14, 2016            Dec. 13, 2017
Fixed Attenuator
                            MDCS18N-10     MDCS18N-10-01         Apr. 17, 2017           Apr. 16, 2018
Loop Antenna                  HLA 6121          45745            May 19, 2017            May 18, 2018
                             EMC001340         980201           Nov. 02, 2016            Nov. 01, 2017
Bluetooth Tester                CBT            100946            Jul. 29, 2016           Jul. 28, 2018
                             EMC 012645         980115           Oct. 21, 2016           Oct. 20, 2017
                             EMC 184045         980116           Oct. 21, 2016           Oct. 20, 2017
                              EMC 330H          980112           Oct. 21, 2016           Oct. 20, 2017
Power Meter
                              ML2495A          1012010          Aug. 15, 2017            Aug. 14, 2018
Power Sensor
                              MA2411B          1315050          Aug. 15, 2017            Aug. 14, 2018
RF signal cable                               309219/4
                            SUCOFLEX 104                         Oct. 21, 2016           Oct. 20, 2017
HUBER+SUHNNER                                 2950114
RF signal cable
                            SUCOFLEX 104      250130/4           Oct. 21, 2016           Oct. 20, 2017
RF Coaxial Cable
                               8D-FB       Cable-Ch10-01         Oct. 21, 2016           Oct. 20, 2017
Software                         E3
                                                  NA                  NA                       NA
BV ADT                        6.120103
Antenna Tower
                              MFA-440H            NA                  NA                       NA
Turn Table
                             MFT-201SS            NA                  NA                       NA
Antenna Tower &Turn
Table Controller              MF-7802             NA                  NA                       NA

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Note: 1. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are
         traceable to NML/ROC and NIST/USA.
       2. The test was performed in HwaYa Chamber 10.
       3. The horn antenna and preamplifier (model: EMC 184045) are used only for the measurement of
          emission frequency above 1GHz if tested.
       4. The FCC Designation Number is TW0003. The number will be varied with the Lab location and
          scope as attached.
       5. The IC Site Registration No. is IC7450F-10.

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4.1.3   Test Procedures

a.   The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters (for below 1 GHz) / 1.5 meters (for above 1
     GHz) above the ground at 3 meter chamber room for test. The table was rotated 360 degrees to
     determine the position of the highest radiation.
b.   The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top
     of a variable-height antenna tower.
c.   The height of antenna is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
     maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to
     make the measurement.
d.   For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned
     to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to
     find the maximum reading.
e.   The test-receiver system was set to quasi-peak detect function and specified bandwidth with maximum
     hold mode when the test frequency is below 1 GHz.
f.   The test-receiver system was set to peak and average detect function and specified bandwidth with
     maximum hold mode when the test frequency is above 1 GHz. If the peak reading value also meets
     average limit, measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.

1.   The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120 kHz for
     Quasi-peak detection (QP) at frequency below 1 GHz.
2.   The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth is 3 MHz
     for Peak vaule of fundamental frequency.
3.   The average value of fundamental frequency is: Average = Peak value + 20log(Duty cycle).
4.   The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth is 3 MHz
     for Peak detection (PK) at frequency above 1 GHz.
5.   The average value of emissions at frequency above 1 GHz is: Average = Peak value + 20log(Duty cycle).
6.   All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported.

4.1.4   Deviation from Test Standard

No deviation.

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4.1.5   Test Set Up
 <Radiated emission below 30MHz>

            EUT&                       3m
            Support Units

                              Turn Table


                                    Ground Plane
                                    Test Receiver

 <Frequency Range below 1 GHz>

                                                        Ant. Tower
              Support Units

                                   Turn Table


                                      Ground Plane

                                      Test Receiver

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 <Frequency Range above 1 GHz>

                                                             Ant. Tower            1-4m
            EUT&                               3m
            Support Units

                                    Turn Table


                                            Ground Plane
                                            Test Receiver

For the actual test configuration, please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

4.1.6   EUT Operating Conditions

Set the EUT under transmission condition continuously at specific channel frequency.

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4.1.7      Test Results

Above 1 GHz Data:
EUT Test Condition                                           Measurement Detail
Channel                       Channel 0                      Frequency Range                1 GHz ~ 25 GHz
                                                                                            Peak (PK)
Input Power                   120 Vac, 60 Hz                 Detector Function
                                                                                            Average (AV)
                              25 deg. C, 65 % RH             Tested By                      Getaz Yang

                                  Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Horizontal at 3 m
             Emission      Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
               Level       Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
             (dBuV/m)     (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
  2388.3       35.5       57.61         54      -18.5       26.91       4.85      53.87       172         158       Average
  2388.3       48.24      54.47         74      -25.76      26.91       4.36       37.5       172         158         Peak
  2402         92.01      98.25         94      -1.99       26.91       4.37      37.52       172         158       Average
  2402         96.09      102.33        114     -17.91      26.91       4.37      37.52       172         158         Peak
  4804         34.46       49.6         54      -19.54      30.97       6.79       52.9       133         284       Average
  4804         45.71      60.85         74      -28.29      30.97       6.79       52.9       133         284         Peak
                                   Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Vertical at 3 m
             Emission      Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
               Level       Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
             (dBuV/m)     (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
 2386.68       36.93      58.85         54      -17.07      26.91       4.84      53.67       143         172       Average
 2386.68       48.53      54.76         74      -25.47      26.91       4.36       37.5       143         172         Peak
  2402         90.67      96.91         94      -3.33       26.91       4.37      37.52       143         172       Average
  2402         94.76       101          114     -19.24      26.91       4.37      37.52       143         172         Peak
  4804         34.44      49.78         54      -19.56      30.97       6.79       53.1       113         204       Average
  4804         45.25      60.59         74      -28.75      30.97       6.79       53.1       113         204         Peak

1. Emission Level = Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Preamp Factor
   Margin value = Emission level – Limit value
2. 2402 MHz: Fundamental frequency.

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EUT Test Condition                                           Measurement Detail
Channel                       Channel 19                     Frequency Range                1 GHz ~ 25 GHz
                                                                                            Peak (PK)
Input Power                   120 Vac, 60 Hz                 Detector Function
                                                                                            Average (AV)
                              25 deg. C, 65 % RH             Tested By                      Getaz Yang

                                  Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Horizontal at 3 m
            Emission       Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
              Level        Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
            (dBuV/m)      (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
 2346.36     37.21        59.49         54      -16.79      26.77           4.8   53.85       182         168       Average
 2346.36     47.89         54.3         74      -26.11      26.77       4.31      37.49       182         168         Peak
  2440       91.75        97.75         94      -2.25       27.06           4.4   37.46       182         168       Average
  2440       95.84        101.84        114     -18.16      27.06           4.4   37.46       182         168         Peak
 2497.92     36.87         58.7         54      -17.13       27.2       4.95      53.98       182         168       Average
 2497.92     48.32        53.93         74      -25.68       27.2       4.44      37.25       182         168         Peak
  4880       34.22        49.16         54      -19.78      31.06       6.86      52.86       133         281       Average
  4880       45.54        60.48         74      -28.46      31.06       6.86      52.86       133         281         Peak
                                   Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Vertical at 3 m
            Emission       Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
              Level        Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
            (dBuV/m)      (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
 2311.62     37.61        59.92         54      -16.39      26.67       4.75      53.73       136         174       Average
 2311.62     47.82        54.33         74      -26.18      26.67       4.27      37.45       136         174         Peak
  2440       90.63        96.63         94      -3.37       27.06           4.4   37.46       136         174       Average
  2440       94.72        100.72        114     -19.28      27.06           4.4   37.46       136         174         Peak
 2485.68     35.97        57.49         54      -18.03      27.15       4.94      53.61       136         174       Average
 2485.68     47.78        53.52         74      -26.22      27.15       4.43      37.32       136         174         Peak
  4880       34.32        49.45         54      -19.68      31.06       6.86      53.05       113         200       Average
  4880       44.89        60.02         74      -29.11      31.06       6.86      53.05       113         200         Peak

1. Emission Level = Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Preamp Factor
   Margin value = Emission level – Limit value
2. 2440 MHz: Fundamental frequency.

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EUT Test Condition                                           Measurement Detail
Channel                       Channel 39                     Frequency Range                1 GHz ~ 25 GHz
                                                                                            Peak (PK)
Input Power                   120 Vac, 60 Hz                 Detector Function
                                                                                            Average (AV)
                              25 deg. C, 65 % RH             Tested By                      Getaz Yang

                               Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Horizontal at 3 m
            Emission       Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
              Level        Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
            (dBuV/m)      (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
  2480       92.39        98.13         94      -1.61       27.15       4.43      37.32       178         164       Average
  2480       96.47        102.21       114      -17.53      27.15       4.43      37.32       178         164         Peak
 2483.52     38.59        44.33         54      -15.41      27.15       4.43      37.32       178         164       Average
 2483.52     59.27        65.01         74      -14.73      27.15       4.43      37.32       178         164         Peak
  4960        34.6        49.46         54      -19.4       31.16           6.9   52.92       135         290       Average
  4960       45.43        60.29         74      -28.57      31.16           6.9   52.92       135         290         Peak
                                   Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Vertical at 3 m
            Emission       Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
              Level        Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
            (dBuV/m)      (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
  2480       90.23        95.97         94      -3.77       27.15       4.43      37.32       136         175       Average
  2480       94.31        100.05       114      -19.69      27.15       4.43      37.32       136         175         Peak
  2483.6     37.96        59.48         54      -16.04      27.15       4.94      53.61       177         172       Average
  2483.6     58.44        64.18         74      -15.56      27.15       4.43      37.32       177         172         Peak
  4960       34.76        49.74         54      -19.24      31.16           6.9   53.04       114         205       Average
  4960       45.56        60.54         74      -28.44      31.16           6.9   53.04       114         205         Peak

1. Emission Level = Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Preamp Factor
   Margin value = Emission level – Limit value
2. 2480 MHz: Fundamental frequency.

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9 kHz ~ 30 MHz Data:
The amplitude of spurious emissions attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value is not required
to be report.

30 MHz ~ 1 GHz Worst-Case Data:
EUT Test Condition                                           Measurement Detail
Channel                       Channel 39                     Frequency Range                30 MHz ~ 1 GHz
                                                                                            Peak (PK)
Input Power                   120 Vac, 60 Hz                 Detector Function
                                                                                            Quasi-peak (QP)
                              25 deg. C, 65 % RH             Tested By                      Getaz Yang

                                  Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Horizontal at 3 m
            Emission       Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
              Level        Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
            (dBuV/m)      (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
  130.88        28.08      47.3        43.5     -15.42      11.75       0.89      31.86       121         328         Peak
  199.75        28.43     49.61        43.5     -15.07       9.36       1.23      31.77       116         185         Peak
  222.06        29.18     49.28         46      -16.82       10.3       1.34      31.74       135         166         Peak
  309.36        26.88     43.96         46      -19.12      13.17       1.69      31.94       110         157         Peak
  527.61        34.12     45.22         46      -11.88      17.95       2.62      31.67       124         290         Peak
  576.11        30.06      40.3         46      -15.94      19.06           2.8    32.1       140          49         Peak
                                   Antennal Polarity & Test Distance: Vertical at 3 m
            Emission       Read                            Antenna                Preamp    Antenna       Table
Frequency                              Limit    Margin                  Cable
              Level        Level                            Factor                Factor     Height      Angle      Remark
  (MHz)                              (dBuV/m)    (dB)                 Loss (dB)
            (dBuV/m)      (dBuV)                            (dB/m)                 (dB)       (cm)      (Degree)
  42.61         28.07     45.07         40      -11.93      13.58           0.5   31.08        111        282         Peak
  127.97        30.6      50.05        43.5     -12.9       11.55       0.88      31.88       124          73         Peak
  213.33        28.3       48.7        43.5     -15.2        9.93           1.3   31.63       137         173         Peak
  301.6         25.24     42.45         46      -20.76      12.99       1.66      31.86       123          37         Peak
  527.61        35.5       46.6         46      -10.5       17.95       2.62      31.67       124         346         Peak
  576.11        29.09     39.33         46      -16.91      19.06           2.8    32.1       127          49         Peak

1. Emission Level = Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Preamp Factor
   Margin value = Emission level – Limit value

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4.2      Conducted Emission Measurement
4.2.1     Limits of Conducted Emission Measurement

                                                           Conducted Limit (dBuV)
        Frequency (MHz)
                                            Quasi-peak                                  Average
             0.15 - 0.5                         66 - 56                                  56 - 46
             0.50 - 5.0                           56                                        46
             5.0 - 30.0                           60                                        50

Note: 1. The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
      2. The limit decreases in line with the logarithm of the frequency in the range of 0.15 to 0.50 MHz.

4.2.2     Test Instruments

        Description &                                                                            Due Date Of
                                Model No.           Serial No.       Date Of Calibration
        Manufacturer                                                                             Calibration
Test Receiver
                                   ESCI                100613           Nov. 21, 2016            Nov. 20, 2017
RF signal cable (with
10dB PAD)                         5D-FB          Cable-cond1-01        Sep. 05, 2017             Sep. 04, 2018
ROHDE & SCHWARZ                  ESH3-Z5           835239/001           Mar. 10, 2017            Mar. 09, 2018
ROHDE & SCHWARZ                   ENV216               101196           Apr. 20, 2017            Apr. 19, 2018
Software                      BV ADT_Cond_
                                                          NA                 NA                       NA
ADT                              V7.3.7.3

Note: 1. The calibration interval of the above test instruments is 12 months and the calibrations are traceable
         to NML/ROC and NIST/USA.
      2. The test was performed in HwaYa Shielded Room 1.
      3. The VCCI Site Registration No. is C-2040.

4.2.3     Test Procedures

a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meters from the conducting wall of the shielded room with EUT being connected
      to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN). Other support units were
      connected to the power mains through another LISN. The two LISNs provide 50 ohm/50 uH of coupling
      impedance for the measuring instrument.
b. Both lines of the power mains connected to the EUT were checked for maximum conducted interference.
c. The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was searched. Emission levels under (Limit – 20 dB) was
      not recorded.

Note: All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported.

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4.2.4    Deviation from Test Standard
No deviation.

4.2.5     TEST SETUP
                                   Vertical Ground
                                   Reference Plane                              /Test Receiver

                                    EUT                                          M“'
                                                                                       5o s

                                                                                       o   e   o   o

                                                | |       80cm                  | |

                                                L |                             U
                                                                         N                             T
                                                          \ Horizontal Ground
                                                                         Reference Plane

                          Note: 1.Support units were connected to second LISN.
                               2.Both of LISNs (AMN) are 80 cm from EUT and at least 80

                                 from other units and other metal planes

4.2.6    EUT Operating Conditions

a.   Placed the EUT on the testing table.
b.   Set the EUT under transmission condition continuously at specific channel frequency.

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4.2.7   Test Results
                                                                Detectolr Function & Quasi—Peak (QP) /
Frequency Range             150kHz ~ 30MHz                      g:iglwultm             Average (AV), OkHz

                                                                Environmental             s
Input Power                 120Vac, 60Hz                        Conditions             25°C, 65%RH

Tested by                   Getaz Yang                          Test Date              2017/10/5

                                                Phase Of Power : Line (L)
        Frequency         |Correction|   Reading Value        Emission Level             Limit                    Margin
 No                         Factor            (dBuV)               (dBuV)               (dBuV)                     (dB)
           (MHz)             (dB)         Q.P.       AV.       Q.P.       AV.       Q.P.       AV.           Q.P.        AV.
  1       0.32204           10.11        16.66     10.74      26.77     20.85      59.65     49.65          —32.88     —28.80
  2       0.51754           10.12        27.37     21.95      37.49     32.07      56.00     46.00          —18.51     —13.93
  3       0.78733           10.13        17.18     10.62      27.31     20.75      56.00     46.00          —28.69     —25.25
  4       0.92809           10.14        18.10      7.55      28.24     17.69      56.00     46.00          —27.76     —28.31
  5      15.36004           10.94        13.97      2.96      24.91     13.90      60.00     50.00          —35.09     —36.10
  6      22.33143           11.25        —0.40     —5.01      10.85      6.24      60.00     50.00          —49.15     —43.76
         1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi—peak and average individually.
         2. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
         3. Margin value = Emission level — Limit value
         4. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
         5. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value

                                                                                PiC Trace
                                                                                     +    ———
                                                                                ar timit |.——
                                                                                cay Limt |ow—

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                                                                Detectolr Function & Quasi—Peak (QP) /
Frequency Range             150kHz ~ 30MHz                      g:iglwultm                    Average (AV), OkHz

Input Power                 120Vac, 60Hz                        Eg‘r’]'é‘i’fi”omnima'          25°C, 65%RH
Tested by                   Getaz Yang                          Test Date                     2017/10/5

                                              Phase Of Power : Neutral (N)
        Frequency         |Correction|   Reading Value        Emission Level                     Limit                 Margin
 No                         Factor            (dBuV)               (dBuV)                      (dBuV)                   (dB)
           (MHz)             (dB)         a.P.      AV.        Q.P.       AV.              Q.P.       AV.         Q.P.       AV.
  1       0.31432           10.11        15.89     8.13       26.00     18.24             59.86     49.86        —33.86     —31.62
  2       0.52536           10.12        25.99     18.02      36.11     28.14             56.00     46.00        —19.89     —17.86
  3       0.95155           10.13        17.97     5.60       28.10     15.73             56.00     46.00        —27.90     —30.27
  4       1.07667           10.14        17.16     6.57       27.30     16.71             56.00     46.00        —28.70     —29.29
  5       4.21640           10.28        14.21     6.88       2449      17.16             56.00     46.00        —31.51     —28.84
  6      21.91697           10.97        —0.12     ~4.63      10.85      6.34             60.00     50.00        —49.15     —43.66
         1. Q.P. and AV. are abbreviations of quasi—peak and average individually.
         2. The emission levels of other frequencies were very low against the limit.
         3. Margin value = Emission level — Limit value
         4. Correction factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss
         5. Emission Level = Correction Factor + Reading Value

                                                                                       io Trace _
                                                                                       ar timit |.=—
                                                                                       Cay Limit |.o—

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4.3     20 dB Bandwidth Measurement
4.3.1    Limits of 20 dB Bandwidth Measurement

The 20 dB bandwidth shall be specified in operating frequency band.

4.3.2    Test Setup

                EUT                                         Spectrum Analyzer


4.3.3    Test Instruments

Refer to section 4.1.2 to get information of above instrument.

4.3.4    Test Procedure

The bandwidth of the fundamental frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer with 300 kHz RBW and 1
MHz VBW. The 20 dB bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum the power of which is higher than peak
power minus 20 dB.

4.3.5    Deviation fromTest Standard

No deviation.

4.3.6    EUT Operating Conditions

The software provided by client to enable the EUT under transmission condition continuously at lowest,
middle and highest channel frequencies individually.

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4.3.7    Test Result

                                                                  20 dB Bandwidth (MHz)
        Channel           Frequency (MHz)
           0                   2402                                       1.26
          19                   2440                                       1.27
          39                   2480                                       1.28

                                      Spectrum Plot of Worst Value

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5    Pictures of Test Arrangements

Please refer to the attached file (Test Setup Photo).

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Appendix – Information on the Testing Laboratories

We, Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch, were founded in 1988 to
provide our best service in EMC, Radio, Telecom and Safety consultation. Our laboratories are FCC
recognized accredited test firms and accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025.

If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us at the following:

Linko EMC/RF Lab                                      Hsin Chu EMC/RF/Telecom Lab
Tel: 886-2-26052180                                   Tel: 886-3-6668565
Fax: 886-2-26051924                                   Fax: 886-3-6668323

Hwa Ya EMC/RF/Safety
Tel: 886-3-3183232
Fax: 886-3-3270892

Email: service.adt@tw.bureauveritas.com
Web Site: www.bureauveritas-adt.com

The address and road map of all our labs can be found in our web site also.

--- END ---

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Document Created: 2017-11-20 09:42:52
Document Modified: 2017-11-20 09:42:52

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