Test Report HAC TCOIL

FCC ID: NM80P9C300

Test Report

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

                                 FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report
                           Report No.                                : SA140123C02-1

                           Applicant                                 : HTC Corporation

                           Address                                   : No. 23, Xinghua Rd., Taoyuan City, Taiwan

                           Product                                   : Smartphone

                           FCC ID                                    : NM80P9C300

                           Brand                                     : HTC

                           Model No.                                 : 0P9C300

                           Standards                                 : FCC 47 CFR Part 20.19
                                                                       ANSI C63.19-2011
                           Sample Received Date                      : Jan. 23, 2014

                           Date of Testing                           : Feb. 24, 2014 ~ Feb. 27, 2014

                           Summary M-Rating                          : T3

CERTIFICATION: The above equipment have been tested by Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.)
Ltd., Taoyuan Branch – Lin Kou Laboratories, and found compliance with the requirement of the above standards.
The test record, data evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT) configurations represented herein are true and
accurate accounts of the measurements of the sample’s HAC characteristics under the conditions specified in this
report. It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of our laboratory. The client should not
use it to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by TAF or any government agencies.

 Prepared By :
                                    Ivonne Wu / Supervisor

 Approved By :
                                       Roy Wu / Manager

 This report is for your exclusive use. Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is permitted only
 with our prior written permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The results set forth in this report are
 not indicative or representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or any similar or identical product unless specifically
 and expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof based upon the information that you provided to us. You have 60
 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error or omission caused by our negligence, provided, however, that such notice shall be in
 writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time shall constitute your unqualified
 acceptance of the completeness of this report, the tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific mention, the uncertainty of
 measurement has been explicitly taken into account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification.

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

                                                                    Table of Contents
Release Control Record ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Summary of Maximum T-Rating ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Description of Equipment Under Test ................................................................................................................................. 5
3. HAC RF Emission Measurement System ............................................................................................................................ 6
    3.1   SPEAG DASY System ................................................................................................................................................. 6
          3.1.1 Robot.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
          3.1.2 AM1D Probe ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
          3.1.3 Audio Magnetic Calibration Coil (AMCC) ........................................................................................................... 8
          3.1.4 Audio Magnetic Measuring Instrument (AMMI) .................................................................................................. 8
          3.1.5 Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE) .................................................................................................................... 9
          3.1.6 Phantoms ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
          3.1.7 Device Holder ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
    3.2   System Calibration ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
    3.3   EUT Measurements Reference and Plane ................................................................................................................. 11
    3.4   HAC T-Coil Measurement Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 12
    3.5   Audio Reference Input Level ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4. HAC Measurement Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................ 15
    4.1   Measurement Criteria ................................................................................................................................................. 15
          4.1.1 Field Intensity ................................................................................................................................................... 15
          4.1.2 Frequency Response ....................................................................................................................................... 15
          4.1.3 Signal Quality ................................................................................................................................................... 16
    4.2   EUT Configuration and Setting ................................................................................................................................... 16
    4.3   EUT Reference Level Calibration ............................................................................................................................... 16
    4.4   HAC T-Coil Testing Results ........................................................................................................................................ 17
5. Calibration of Test Equipment ............................................................................................................................................ 18
6. Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................................................... 19
7. Information on the Testing Laboratories ........................................................................................................................... 20

Appendix A. Plots of HAC T-Coil Measurement
Appendix B. Calibration Certificate for Probe
Appendix C. Photographs of EUT and Setup

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

                                          Release Control Record
    Report No.                                 Reason for Change                 Date Issued
  SA140123C02-1         Initial release                                          Mar. 21, 2014

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

1. Summary of Maximum T-Rating

     Mode / Band                   Test Item            Criterion        Test Results               T-Rating

                                 Field Intensity        ≥ -18 dB            -17.63
      CDMA BC0                Frequency Response          Pass               Pass                       T3
                                 Signal Quality        T3 : ≥ 20 dB         22.22
                                 Field Intensity        ≥ -18 dB            -16.87
      CDMA BC1                Frequency Response          Pass               Pass                       T3
                                 Signal Quality        T3 : ≥ 20 dB         28.50
                                 Field Intensity        ≥ -18 dB            -17.96
     CDMA BC10                Frequency Response          Pass               Pass                       T3
                                 Signal Quality        T3 : ≥ 20 dB         26.77
                                             Summary                                                    T3
1. The HAC T-Coil limit (T-Rating Category T3) is specified in FCC 47 CFR part 20.19 and ANSI C63.19.
2. The device T-Coil rating is determined by the minimum rating.

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

2. Description of Equipment Under Test
EUT Type                                             Smartphone
FCC ID                                               NM80P9C300
Brand Name                                           HTC
Model Name                                           0P9C300
                                                     EUT 1: Phone + Battery 1
EUT Configuration
                                                     EUT 2: Phone + Battery 2
                                                     CDMA BC0 : 824.7 ~ 848.31
Tx Frequency Bands
                                                     CDMA BC1 : 1851.25 ~ 1908.75
(Unit: MHz)
                                                     CDMA BC10 : 817.9 ~ 823.1
Uplink Modulations                                   QPSK
                                                     CDMA BC0 : 24.5
Maximum AVG Conducted Power
                                                     CDMA BC1 : 24.5
(Unit: dBm)
                                                     CDMA BC10 : 24.5
Antenna Type                                         Fixed Internal Antenna
EUT Stage                                            Identical Prototype
1. The above EUT information is declared by manufacturer and for more detailed features description please refers
   to the manufacturer's specifications or User's Manual.

                                                      Air Interface and Operational Mode
                                                                                                    Voice Over
                                                                  Simultaneous     Concurrent         Digital                        Additional
      Air                               Type             HAC                                                           WiFi
                      Bands                                          But Not       HAC Tested       Transport                        GSM Power
   Interface                          Transport         Tested                                                       Low Power
                                                                     Tested       or Not Tested        OTT                           Reduction
                       BC1               VO              YES       WLAN or BT       Not Tested1         N/A
    CDMA                                                                                                                 N/A               N/A
                      EVDO               DT              N/A       WLAN or BT          N/A              YES
      LTE               26               DT              N/A       WLAN or BT          N/A              YES              N/A               N/A
    WLAN               2.4G              DT              N/A         WWAN              N/A              YES              N/A               N/A
   Bluetooth           2.4G              DT              N/A         WWAN              N/A              N/A              N/A               N/A
 Type Transport                                                   Note
 VO = Voice only                                                  1. Non-concurrent mode was found to be the Worst Case mode
 DT = Digital Data – Not Indented for CMRS Service
 VD = CMRS and Data transport

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

3. HAC RF Emission Measurement System
3.1 SPEAG DASY System
DASY system consists of high precision robot, probe alignment sensor, phantom, robot controller, controlled
measurement server and near-field probe. The robot includes six axes that can move to the precision position of the
DASY5 software defined. The DASY software can define the area that is detected by the probe. The robot is
connected to controlled box. Controlled measurement server is connected to the controlled robot box. The DAE
includes amplifier, signal multiplexing, AD converter, offset measurement and surface detection. It is connected to
the Electro-optical coupler (ECO). The ECO performs the conversion form the optical into digital electric signal of the
DAE and transfers data to the PC.

                                            Fig-3.1 DASY System Setup

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FCC HAC (T—Coil) Test Report

The principal cabling of the T—Coil setup is shown in below. All cables provided with the basic setup have a length of
approximately 5 m.

                              USB              USB                                       AMMI

                    PC                             Audio       Coil   Coil In          Probe In
                                                    Out        Out

                                                          1~——{— I
                                                    V¥ ;
                                          Speech    In Out

                  <—] ———5                Tone:
                                            al        |
                                    RF2             Speech

                 WD                                       CMU200                AMCC          Probe
               = — =— For Cal Gain
                                                   Fig—3.2 T—Coil Setup Cabling

3.1.1    Robot
The DASY system uses the high precision robots from Staubli SA (France). For the 6—axis controller system, the
robot controller version (DASY5: CS8c) from Staubli is used. The Staubli robot series have many features that are
important for our application:
+   High precision (repeatability +0.035 mm)
+ High reliability (industrial design)
+ Jerk—free straight movements
+ Low ELF interference (the closed metallic construction shields against motor control fields)

                                                              Fig—3.3 DASY5

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FCC HAC (T—Coil) Test Report

3.1.2      AM1D Probe
The AM1D probe is an active probe with a single sensor. It is fully RF—shielded and has a rounded tip 6 mm in
diameter incorporating a pickup coil with its center offset 3 mm from the tip and the sides. The symmetric signal
preamplifier in the probe is fed via the shielded symmetric output cable from the AMMI with a 48V "phantom" voltage
supply. The 7—pin connector on the back in the axis of the probe does not carry any signals. It is mounted to the DAE
for the correct orientation of the sensor. If the probe axis is tilted 54.7 degrees from the vertical, the sensor is
approximately vertical when the signal connector is at the underside of the probe (cable hanging downwards).

 Model                   AM1DV3
                         0.1 kHz to 20 kHz
 Sampling Rate
                         RE sensitivity < —100 dB
 Preamplifier            Symmetric, 40 dB
 Dynamic Range           —60 to 40 dB A/m
 Calibration             at 1kHz
                         Tip diameter : 6 mm
 Dimensions               Length : 290 mm

3.1.3    Audio Magnetic Calibration Coil (AMCC)
The AMCC is a Helmholtz Coil designed for calibration of the AM1D probe. The two horizontal coils generate a
homageneous magnetic field in the z direction. The DC input resistance is adjusted by a series resistor to
approximately 50 Ohm, and a shunt resistor of 10 Ohm permits monitoring the current with a scale of 1:10.

          Signal                   Connector                         Resistance
          Coil In                      BNC               Typically 50 Ohm
           .     .                                       10 Ohm £1%
        Goil Monitor                   BNO               (100mV corresponding to 1 A/m)}

 Dimensions                   370 x 370 x 196 mm

3.1.4    Audio Magnetic Measuring Instrument (AMMI)
The AMMI is a desktop 19—inch unit containing a sampling unit, a waveform generator for test and calibration signals,
and a USB interface.

 Sampling Rate           48 kHz / 24 bit
 Dynamic Range           100 dB (with AM1DV3 probe)
 Test Signal                                        .      .
 Generation               User selectable and predefined (via PC)
 Calibration             Qgttg&ct:allbratlon / full system calibration using AMCC with monitor

 Dimensions              482 x 65 x 270 mm

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

3.1.5    Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE)
 Model                   DAE3, DAE4
                         Signal amplifier, multiplexer, A/D converter and control logic.
                         Serial optical link for communication with DASY embedded
                         system (fully remote controlled). Two step probe touch detector
                         for mechanical surface detection and emergency robot stop.
 Measurement             -100 to +300 mV (16 bit resolution and two range settings: 4mV,
 Range                   400mV)
 Input Offset
                         < 5µV (with auto zero)
 Input Bias Current      < 50 fA
 Dimensions              60 x 60 x 68 mm

3.1.6    Phantoms
 Model                   Test Arch
                         Enables easy and well defined positioning of the phone and
                         validation dipoles as well as simple teaching of the robot.

                         Length : 370 mm
 Dimensions              Width : 370 mm
                         Height : 370 mm

3.1.7    Device Holder
 Model                   Mounting Device
                         The Mounting Device enables the rotation of the mounted
                         transmitter device in spherical coordinates. Rotation point is the
                         ear opening point. Transmitter devices can be easily and
                         accurately positioned according to ANSI C63.19.

 Material                POM

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

3.2 System Calibration
For correct and calibrated measurement of the voltages and ABM field, DASY will perform a calibration job as below.
In phase 1, the audio output is switched off, and a 200 mVpp symmetric rectangular signal of 1 kHz is generated and
internally connected directly to both channels of the sampling unit (Coil in, Probe in).

In phase 2, the audio output is off, and a 20 mVpp symmetric 100 Hz signal is internally connected. The signals
during phases 1 and 2 are available at the output on the rear panel of the AMMI. However, the output must not be
loaded, in order to avoid influencing the calibration. An RMS voltmeter would indicate 100 mVRMS during the first
phase and 10 mVRMS during the second phase. After the first two phases, the two input channels are both calibrated
for absolute measurements of voltages. The resulting factors are displayed above the multi-meter window.

After phases 1 and 2, the input channels are calibrated to measure exact voltages. This is required to use the inputs
for measuring voltages with their peak and RMS value.

In phase 3, a multi-sine signal covering each third-octave band from 50 Hz to 10 kHz is generated and applied to
both audio outputs. The probe should be positioned in the center of the AMCC and aligned in the z-direction, the
field orientation of the AMCC. The “Coil In” channel is measuring the voltage over the AMCC internal shunt, which is
proportional to the magnetic field in the AMCC. At the same time, the “Probe In" channel samples the amplified
signal picked up by the probe coil and provides it to a numerical integrator. The ratio of the two voltages in each
third-octave filter leads to the spectral representation over the frequency band of interest. The Coil signal is scaled in
dBV, and the Probe signal is first integrated and normalized to show dB A/m. The ratio probe-to-coil at the frequency
of 1 kHz is the sensitivity which will be used in the consecutive T-Coil jobs.

                              Fig-3.4 Frequency Response and Sensitivity of AM1D Probe

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

3.3 EUT Measurements Reference and Plane
The EUT is mounted in the device holder. The acoustic output of the EUT will coincide with the center point of the
area formed by the dielectric wire and the middle bar of the arch’s top frame. Then EUT will be moved vertically
upwards until it touches the frame.

Figure 3.5 illustrates the three standard probe orientations. Position 1 is the perpendicular (axial) orientation of the
probe coil. Orientation 2 is the transverse (radial) orientation. The space between the measurement positions is not
fixed. It is recommended that a scan of the EUT be done for each probe coil orientation and that the maximum level
recorded be used as the reading for that orientation of the probe coil.
(1) The reference plane is the planar area that contains the highest point in the area of the phone that normally
      rests against the user’s ear. It is parallel to the centerline of the receiver area of the phone and is defined by the
      points of the receiver-end of the EUT handset that, in normal handset use, rest against the ear.
(2) The measurement plane is parallel to, and 10 mm in front of the reference plane.
(3) The reference axis is normal to the reference plane and passes through the center of the receiver speaker
      section or it may be centered on a secondary inductive source.
(4) The measurement points may be located where the perpendicular (axial) and transverse (radial) field intensity
      measurements are optimum with regard to the requirements. However, the measurement points should be
      near the acoustic output of the EUT and shall be located in the same half of the phone as the EUT receiver. In
      a EUT handset with a centered receiver and a circularly symmetrical magnetic field, the measurement axis and
      the reference axis would coincide.
(5) The relative spacing of each measurement orientations is not fixed. The perpendicular (axial) and transverse
      (radial) orientations should be chosen to select the optimal position.
(6) The measurement point for the axial position is located 10 mm from the reference plane on the measurement

                                                Fig-3.5 Axis and Planes

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

3.4 HAC T-Coil Measurement Procedure
According to ANSI C63.19-2011, the T-Coil test procedure for wireless communications device is as below.
1. Position the EUT in the test setup and connect the EUT RF connector to a base station simulator.
2. The drive level to the EUT is set such that the reference input level specified in Table 7.1 is input to the base
   station simulator in the 1 kHz, 1/3 octave band. This drive level shall be used for the T-Coil signal test (ABM1) at f
   = 1 kHz. Either a sine wave at 1025 Hz or a voice-like signal, band-limited to the 1 kHz 1/3 octave, as defined in
   7.4.2, shall be used for the reference audio signal. If interference is found at 1025 Hz, an alternate nearby
   reference audio signal frequency may be used. The same drive level will be used for the ABM1 frequency
   response measurements at each 1/3 octave band center frequency. The EUT volume control may be set at any
   level up to maximum, provided that a signal at any frequency at maximum modulation would not result in clipping
   or signal overload.
3. Determine the magnetic measurement locations for the EUT, if not already specified by the manufacturer, as
   described in and
4. At each measurement location, measure and record the desired T-Coil magnetic signals (ABM1 at fi) as
   described in in each individual ISO 266-1975 R10 standard 1/3 octave band. The desired audio band
   input frequency (fi) shall be centered in each 1/3 octave band maintaining the same drive level as determined in
   Step 2 and the reading taken for that band. Equivalent methods of determining the frequency response may also
   be employed, such as fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis using noise excitation or input–output comparison
   using simulated speech. The full-band integrated or half-band integrated probe output, as described in D.9, may
   be used, as long as the appropriate calibration curve is applied to the measured result, so as to yield an accurate
   measurement of the field magnitude. (The resulting measurement shall be an accurate measurement in dB A/m.)
   All measurements of the desired signal shall be shown to be of the desired signal and not of an undesired signal.
   This may be shown by turning the desired signal on and off with the probe measuring the same location. If the
   scanning method is used, the scans shall show that all measurement points selected for the ABM1 measurement
   meet the ambient and test system noise criterion in 7.3.1.
5. At the measurement location for each orientation, measure and record the undesired broadband audio magnetic
   signal (ABM2) as described in with no audio signal applied (or digital zero applied, if appropriate) using
   A-weighting, and the half-band integrator. Calculate the ratio of the desired to undesired signal strength (i.e.,
   signal quality).
6. Determine the category that properly classifies the signal quality based on Table 8.5.

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

                                              Fig-3.6 T-Coil Measurement Test Setup

                      ♦ Confirm calibration of test equipment
                      ♦ Configure and validate test setup
                      ♦ Establish WD reference level
                      ♦ Find measurement locations

                       Per ANSI C63.19-2011 Section 7.3, 7.4.1(a-b) &

                      ♦ Position and orient probe
                      ♦ Measure desired audio band signal strength

                               Per ANSI C63.19-2011 Section 7.4.1(c-e)

                      ♦ Calculate signal strength
                      ♦ Calculate signal quality
                      ♦ Measure frequency response(axial orientation only)                  No

                              Per ANSI C63.19-2011 Section 7.4.5 - 7.4.6

                                        All locations measured?


                                   Intensity and response compliant?
                                  Per ANSI C63.19-2011 8.3.1 & 8.3.2


                              Determine and record signal quality category
                                 Per ANSI C63.19-2011 Section 8.3.4

                                                Fig-3.7 T-Coil Signal Test Flowchart

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

3.5 Audio Reference Input Level
According to ANSI C63.19-2011 section, the normal speech input level for HAC T-coil tests shall be set to -16
dBm0 for GSM and WCDMA, and to -18 dBm0 for CDMA. The technical description below shows a possibility to
evaluate and set the correct level with the HAC T-Coil setup with a Rohde&Schwarz communication tester CMU200
with codec.

Establish a call from the CMU200 to a wireless device. Select CMU200 Network Bitstream ”Decoder Cal” to obtain a
1 kHz signal from the internal generator with a level of 3.14 dBm0 at the speech output. Run the measurement job
and read the voltage level at the multi-meter display RMS Coil signal. Read the RMS Coil signal voltage
corresponding to 3.14 dBm0 and note it. Calculate the desired signal levels of -16 dBm0 and/or -18 dBm0.

3.14 dBm0 = X dBV
-16 dBm0 = L-16dBm0 dBV
L-16dBm0 = (-16) – (3.14) + X
-18 dBm0 = L-18dBm0 dBV
L-19dBm0 = (-18) – (3.14) + X

Determine the 1 kHz gain level to generate the desired signal level of -16 dBm0 and/or -18 dBm0. Select CMU200
Network Bitstream “Encoder Cal” to loop the input via the codec to the output. Run the measurement job (AMMI 1
kHz signal with gain 10 inserted) and read the RMS voltage level at the multi-meter display RMS Coil signal.
Calculate the required gain setting for the desired level.

Gain 10 = G dBV
Difference for -16 dBm0 = D-16dBm0 = L-16dBm0 – G
Resulting Gain for -16 dBm0 = 10 ^ (D-16dBm0 / 20) * 10
Difference for -18 dBm0 = D-18dBm0 = L-18dBm0 – G
Resulting Gain for -18 dBm0 = 10 ^ (D-18dBm0 / 20) * 10

The gain setting for other signal types need to be adjusted to achieve the same average level. Those signal types
have the following differences/factors compared to the 1 kHz sine signal:
                                         Duration                        BWC
          Signal Type                                                                       Required Gain Factor
                                           (s)                           (dB)
           1 kHz sine                        -                            0.0                         1.00
       48k_voice_1kHz                        1                            0.16                        4.33
     48k_voice_300-3000                      2                            10.8                        8.48
Note: Gain Setting = Resulting Gain * Required Gain Factor

The result of calculated gain setting is shown in section 4.3 of this report.

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

4. HAC Measurement Evaluation
4.1 Measurement Criteria
The HAC Standard ANSI C63.19-2011 represents performance requirements for acceptable interoperability of
hearing aids with wireless communications devices. When these parameters are met, a hearing aid operates
acceptably in close proximity to a wireless communications device.

4.1.1    Field Intensity
When measured as specified in this standard, the T-Coil signal shall be ≥ –18 dB (A/m) at 1 kHz, in a 1/3 octave
band filter for all orientations.

4.1.2    Frequency Response
The frequency response of the axial component of the magnetic field, measured in 1/3 octave bands, shall follow the
below response curve, over the frequency range 300 Hz to 3000 Hz. Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 provide the
boundaries for the specified frequency. These response curves are for true field strength measurements of the
T-Coil signal. Thus the 6 dB/octave probe response has been corrected from the raw readings.

                              Fig-4.1 Boundaries for EUT with a field ≤ -15 dB (A/m) at 1 kHz

                              Fig-4.2 Boundaries for EUT with a field > -15 dB (A/m) at 1 kHz

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FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

4.1.3    Signal Quality
The worst signal quality of the three T-Coil signal measurements shall be used to determine the T-Coil mode
category per below table.

                                                                 Telephone Parameters WD Signal Quality
                                                                       (Signal to Noise Ratio, in dB)
                          Category T1                                                0 – 10
                          Category T2                                                10 – 20
                          Category T3                                                20 – 30
                          Category T4                                                   > 30

4.2 EUT Configuration and Setting
For HAC T-Coil testing, the EUT was linked and controlled by base station emulator. Communication between the
EUT and the emulator was established by coaxial connection. The EUT was set from the emulator to radiate
maximum output power during HAC testing.

4.3 EUT Reference Level Calibration
The predefined signal types have the following differences / factors compared to the 1 kHz sine signal:

    Audio Signal                                                           Measured
                                             Duration         Gain                          Calculated         Adjusted
       Level                   Signal Type                                 / Desired
                                               (s)           Factor                        Gain Setting       Gain Setting
      (dBm0)                                                              Level (dBV)
        3.14                1 kHz sine          -             1.00           -2.52                -                 -
        -18                 1 kHz sine          -             1.00          -23.66              6.43              6.43
        -18               48k_voice_1kHz        1             4.33          -23.66             27.84             27.83
        -18             48k_voice_300-3000      2             8.48          -23.66             54.50             54.47
1. The gain setting for the voice signal (1 kHz and 300-3000 Hz) will be multiplied by the gain factor to achieve
   approximately the same level as for the 1 kHz sine signal.
2. If the measurement for each signal type with calculated gain setting does not meet the desired level, the gain
   setting will be fine adjusted manually until the desired level is obtained.

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FCC HAC (T—Coil) Test Report

4.A4HAC T—Coil Testing Results
 Plot                              Probe       Frequenc   Coordinates     ABM2      ABM1               SNR                   a
 No.        Band          °8|    orientation   He:ponsZ      (mm)        (dB am)   (dB Aim)             (dB)          TRating
 oi                      i1013    420            Pass     0, —10, 3.7     —37.62     —3.13             34.49            T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      —10, 0, 3.7    —36.85    —14.63              22.22                T3
                         384      Axial (Z)      Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —37.15     —2.54              34.61                T4
         coMA BCo                Radial (Y)        —      —5, —20, 3.7   —45.15    41717               27.98                T3
                         777      Axial (Z)      Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —35.79     —2.63              33.16                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      —5, —20, 3.7   —44.41    —17.63              26.78                T3
                         i1013    420            Pass     0, —10, 3.7    —40.06     212                37.94                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      —5, —15, 3.7   —42.25    —14.28              27.97                T3
 o2                       25      Axial (Z)      Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —36.18     —2.79              33.39                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      —5, 20. 3.7    —45.37    —16.87              28.50                T3
                         600      Axial (Z)      Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —38.61     —2.57              36.04                T4
         coMA BC1                Radial (Y)        —      —5, —20, 3.7   —46.58    —16.72              29.86                T3
                         1175     L—®2 0         Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —37.71     —3.13              34.58                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      —5, —20, 3.7   —46.15    —16.62              29.53                T3
                          25      Axial (Z)      Pass     0, —10, 3.7    —41.85     —6.59              35.26                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      0. —15, 3.7    —40.11     —9.88              30.23                T4
                         a76      Axial (Z)      Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —38.60     —1.70              36.90                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      —5, —20, 3.7   —46.33    —16.47              29.86                T3
                         5e0      Axial (Z)      Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —37.74     —2.85              34.89                T4
         CDMA BC10               Radial (Y)        —      —5, —20, 3.7   —45.60    —16.77              28.83                T3
                         684      Axial (Z)      Pass      0, —5, 3.7    —37.04     —2.59              34.45                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      0, —20, 3.7    —40.75    —13.66              27.09                T3
 o3                      634      Axial (Z)      Pass     0, —10, 3.7    —37.76     —3.68              34.08                T4
                                 Radial (Y)        —      —5, —20, 3.7   —44.73    —17.96              -                    .

Test Engineer : Ulysses Liu, and Chang

Report Format Version 5.0.0                                                                 Page No.         :   17 of 20
Report No. : SA140123002—1                                                                  Issued Date      :   Mar. 21, 2014

FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

5. Calibration of Test Equipment
             Equipment           Manufacturer   Model     SN        Cal. Date       Cal. Interval
 Audio Band Magnetic Probe         SPEAG        AM1DV3   3060     Jan. 29, 2014        Annual
 Data Acquisition Electronics      SPEAG         DAE3     510     Sep. 25, 2013        Annual
 Universal Radio Communication
                                     R&S        CMU200   104484   Jan. 24, 2013        Biennial

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Report No. : SA140123C02-1                                          Issued Date   : Mar. 21, 2014

FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

6. Measurement Uncertainty
                              Uncertainty                                                      Standard         Standard
                                             Probability               Ci         Ci
       Error Description         Value                     Divisor                           Uncertainty    Uncertainty
                                            Distribution             (ABM1)     (ABM2)
                                 (±%)                                                          (ABM1)           (ABM2)
 Probe Sensitivity
 Reference Level                  3.0          Normal        1         1          1            ± 3.0 %          ± 3.0 %
 AMCC Geometry                    0.4        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.2 %          ± 0.2 %
 AMCC Current                     1.0        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.6 %          ± 0.6 %
 Probe Positioning During
                                  0.1        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.1 %          ± 0.1 %
 Noise Contribution               0.7        Rectangular     √3      0.0143       1            ± 0.0 %          ± 0.4 %
 Frequency Slope                  5.9        Rectangular     √3        0.1        1            ± 0.3 %          ± 3.5 %
 Probe System
 Repeatability / Drift            1.0        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.6 %          ± 0.6 %
 Linearity / Dynamic Range        0.6        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.4 %          ± 0.4 %
 Acoustic Noise                   1.0        Rectangular     √3        0.1        1            ± 0.1 %          ± 0.6 %
 Probe Angle                      2.3        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 1.4 %          ± 1.4 %
 Spectral Processing              0.9        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.5 %          ± 0.5 %
 Integration Time                 0.6          Normal        1         1          5            ± 0.6 %          ± 3.0 %
 Field Distribution               0.2        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.1 %          ± 0.1 %
 Test Signal
 Ref. Signal Spectral
                                  0.6        Rectangular     √3        0          1            ± 0.0 %          ± 0.4 %
 Probe Positioning                1.9        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 1.1 %          ± 1.1 %
 Phantom Thickness                0.9        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 0.5 %          ± 0.5 %
 EUT Positioning                  1.9        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 1.1 %          ± 1.1 %
 External Contributions
 RF Interference                  0.0        Rectangular     √3        1         0.3           ± 0.0 %          ± 0.0 %
 Test Signal Variation            2.0        Rectangular     √3        1          1            ± 1.2 %          ± 1.2 %
 Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                 ± 4.1 %          ± 6.1 %
 Coverage Factor for 95 %                                                                                 K=2
 Expanded Uncertainty                                                                          ± 8.1 %       ± 12.3 %
                                            Uncertainty Budget for HAC T-Coil

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Report No. : SA140123C02-1                                                               Issued Date   : Mar. 21, 2014

FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

7. Information on the Testing Laboratories
We, Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services (H.K.) Ltd., Taoyuan Branch, were founded in 1988 to provide our
best service in EMC, Radio, Telecom and Safety consultation. Our laboratories are accredited and approved
according to ISO/IEC 17025.

If you have any comments, please feel free to contact us at the following:

Taiwan HwaYa EMC/RF/Safety/Telecom Lab:
Add: No. 19, Hwa Ya 2nd Rd, Wen Hwa Vil., Kwei Shan Hsiang, Taoyuan Hsien 333, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-3-318-3232
Fax: 886-3-327-0892

Taiwan LinKo EMC/RF Lab:
Add: No. 47, 14th Ling, Chia Pau Vil., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-2-2605-2180
Fax: 886-2-2605-1924

Taiwan HsinChu EMC/RF Lab:
Add: No. 81-1, Lu Liao Keng, 9th Ling, Wu Lung Vil., Chiung Lin Township, Hsinchu County 307, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: 886-3-593-5343
Fax: 886-3-593-5342

Email: service.adt@tw.bureauveritas.com
Web Site: www.adt.com.tw

The road map of all our labs can be found in our web site also.


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Report No. : SA140123C02-1                                                            Issued Date   : Mar. 21, 2014

FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

Appendix A. Plots of HAC T-Coil Measurement

The plots for HAC measurement are shown as follows.

Report Format Version 5.0.0                           Issued Date   : Mar. 21, 2014
Report No. : SA140123C02-1

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab          Date: 2014/02/24

P01 T-Coil_CDMA BC0_Ch1013_Sample1_Axial (Z)

DUT: 140123C02

Communication System: CDMA2000; Frequency: 824.7 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: Air Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 1 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:21.3 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: AM1DV3 - 3060; ; Calibrated: 2014/01/29
- Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn510; Calibrated: 2013/09/25
- Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC P01 BA;
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (7); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7164)

T-Coil scan (scan for ANSI C63.19 compliance)/General Scans: Measurement
grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
ABM1/ABM2 = 34.49 dB
ABM1 comp = -3.13 dBA/m
Location: 0, -10, 3.7 mm

     General Scans/z (axial) wideband at best S/N/ABM Freq Resp(y.2.9)
                                 tee 014457 mm000 0580
             Fresvensynessonse             tover i        unpertint

10             V

                                              10                         10

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab          Date: 2014/02/24

P01 T-Coil_CDMA BC0_Ch1013_Sample1_Radial (Y)

DUT: 140123C02

Communication System: CDMA2000; Frequency: 824.7 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: Air Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 1 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:21.3 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: AM1DV3 - 3060; ; Calibrated: 2014/01/29
- Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn510; Calibrated: 2013/09/25
- Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC P01 BA;
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (7); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7164)

T-Coil scan (scan for ANSI C63.19 compliance)/General Scans: Measurement
grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
ABM1/ABM2 = 22.22 dB
ABM1 comp = -14.63 dBA/m
Location: -10, 0, 3.7 mm

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab          Date: 2014/02/24

P02 T-Coil_CDMA BC1_Ch25_Sample1_Axial (Z)

DUT: 140123C02

Communication System: CDMA2000; Frequency: 1851.25 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: Air Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 1 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:21.3 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: AM1DV3 - 3060; ; Calibrated: 2014/01/29
- Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn510; Calibrated: 2013/09/25
- Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC P01 BA;
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (7); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7164)

T-Coil scan (scan for ANSI C63.19 compliance)/General Scans: Measurement
grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
ABM1/ABM2 = 33.39 dB
ABM1 comp = -2.79 dBA/m
Location: 0, -5, 3.7 mm

     General Scans/z (axial) wideband at best S/N/ABM Freq Resp(y.2.9)
                                teco 49 37mapitin8
              Freavensynessonse           Lovertim        unsertint



         18                                10                            10

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab          Date: 2014/02/24

P02 T-Coil_CDMA BC1_Ch25_Sample1_Radial (Y)

DUT: 140123C02

Communication System: CDMA2000; Frequency: 1851.25 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: Air Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 1 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:21.3 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: AM1DV3 - 3060; ; Calibrated: 2014/01/29
- Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn510; Calibrated: 2013/09/25
- Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC P01 BA;
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (7); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7164)

T-Coil scan (scan for ANSI C63.19 compliance)/General Scans: Measurement
grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
ABM1/ABM2 = 28.50 dB
ABM1 comp = -16.87 dBA/m
Location: -5, -20, 3.7 mm

Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab          Date: 2014/02/24

P03 T-Coil_CDMA BC10_Ch476_Sample2_Axial (Z)

DUT: 140123C02

Communication System: CDMA2000; Frequency: 817.9 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: Air Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 1 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:21.3 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: AM1DV3 - 3060; ; Calibrated: 2014/01/29
- Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn510; Calibrated: 2013/09/25
- Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC P01 BA;
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (7); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7164)

T-Coil scan (scan for ANSI C63.19 compliance)/General Scans: Measurement
grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
ABM1/ABM2 = 34.08 dB
ABM1 comp = -3.68 dBA/m
Location: 0, -10, 3.7 mm

     General Scans/z (axial) wideband at best S/N/ABM Freq Resp(y.2.9)
                           teso 4437 mapiti008

is     is     \A
10             *
                 |B                    H


Test Laboratory: Bureau Veritas ADT SAR/HAC Testing Lab          Date: 2014/02/24

P03 T-Coil_CDMA BC10_Ch476_Sample2_Radial (Y)

DUT: 140123C02

Communication System: CDMA2000; Frequency: 817.9 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: Air Medium parameters used: σ = 0 S/m, εr = 1; ρ = 1 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature:21.3 ℃

DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: AM1DV3 - 3060; ; Calibrated: 2014/01/29
- Sensor-Surface: 0mm (Fix Surface)
- Electronics: DAE3 Sn510; Calibrated: 2013/09/25
- Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC P01 BA;
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (7); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7164)

T-Coil scan (scan for ANSI C63.19 compliance)/General Scans: Measurement
grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
ABM1/ABM2 = 26.77 dB
ABM1 comp = -17.96 dBA/m
Location: -5, -20, 3.7 mm

FCC HAC (T-Coil) Test Report

Appendix B. Calibration Certificate for Probe

The SPEAG calibration certificates are shown as follows.

Report Format Version 5.0.0                                Issued Date   : Mar. 21, 2014
Report No. : SA140123C02-1

Calibration Laboratory of                                               w1UlUpey
                                                                  &Ym "7,>
                                                                    N              7

          .                                                                                                        Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                 ififi                                               Service suisse d‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                 onk                                               Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                      o,"4 (rN
                                                                        «o y                                       Swiss Calibration Service

Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                                  Accreditation No.: SCS 108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Muitilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

Client        B.V. ADT (Auden)                                                                       Certificate No: AM1DV3—3060_Jan14

 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                                                              I
 Object                                AM1DV3 — SN: 3060

 Calibration procedure(s)              QA CAL—24.v3
                                       Calibration procedure for AM1D magnetic field probes and TMFS in the
                                       audio range

 Calibration date:                     January 29, 2014

 This calibration certificate documents the traceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (Sl).
 The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probability are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate.

 All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)

 Primary Standards                      ID #                      Cal Date (Certificate No.)                               Scheduled Calibration
 Keithley Multimeter Type 2001          SN: 0810278               01—Oct—13 (No:13976)                                     Oct—14
 Reference Probe AM1DV2                 SN: 1008                  14—Jan—14 (No. AM1D—1008_Jan14)                          Jan—15
 DAE4                                   SN: 781                   13—Sep—13 (No. DAE4—781_Sep13)                           Sep—14

 Secondary Standards                    ID #                      Check Date (in house)                                    Scheduled Check
 AMCC                                   1050                      01—Oct—13 {in house check Oct—13)                        Oct—15
 AMMI Audio Measuring Instrument        1062                      26—Sep—12 (in house check Sep—12)                        Sep—14

                                        Name                                           Function
 Calibrated by:                         Claudio Leubler                                Laboratory Technician

 Approved by:                           Fin Bomholt                                    Deputy Technical Manager       ="      y           oz

                                                                                                                           Issued: January 29, 2014
 This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the laboratory.

Certificate No: AM1DV3—3060_Jan14                                       Page 1 of 3


[1]      ANSI—C63.19—2007
         American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless
         Communications Devices and Hearing Aids.
[2]      ANSI—C63.19—2011
         American National Standard, Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless
         Communications Devices and Hearing Aids.
[3]      DASYS5 manual, Chapter: Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) T—Coil Extension

Description of the AM1D probe

      The AM1D Audio Magnetic Field Probe is a fully shielded magnetic field probe for the frequency
      range from 100 Hz to 20 kHz. The pickup coil is compliant with the dimensional requirements of
      [1+2]. The probe includes a symmetric low noise amplifier for the signal available at the shielded
      3 pin connector at the side. Power is supplied via the same connector (phantom power supply)
      and monitored via the LED near the connector. The 7 pin connector at the end of the probe does
      not carry any signals, but determines the angle of the sensor when mounted on the DAE. The
      probe supports mechanical detection of the surface.
      The single sensor in the probe is arranged in a tilt angle allowing measurement of 3 orthogonal
      field components when rotating the probe by 120° around its axis. It is aligned with the
      perpendicular component of the field, if the probe axis is tilted nominally 35.3° above the
      measurement plane, using the connector rotation and sensor angle stated below.
      The probe is fully RF shielded when operated with the matching signal cable (shielded) and
      allows measurement of audio magnetic fields in the close vicinity of RF emitting wireless devices
      according to [1+2] without additional shielding.

Handling of the item

      The probe is manufactured from stainless steel. In order to maintain the performance and
      calibration of the probe, it must not be opened. The probe is designed for operation in air and
      shall not be exposed to humidity or liquids. For proper operation of the surface detection and
      emergency stop functions in a DASY system, the probe must be operated with the special probe
      cup provided (larger diameter).

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters

      Coordinate System: The AM1D probe is mounted in the DASY system for operation with a HAC
      Test Arch phantom with AMCC Helmholtz calibration coil according to [3], with the tip pointing to
      "southwest" orientation.
      Functional Test: The functional test preceding calibration includes test of
      Noise level
      RF immunity (1kHz AM modulated signal). The shield of the probe cable must be well connected.
      Frequency response verification from 100 Hz to 10 kHz.
      Connector Rotation: The connector at the end of the probe does not carry any signals and is used
      for fixation to the DAE only. The probe is operated in the center of the AMCC Helmholtz coil using a
      1 kHz magnetic field signal. Its angle is determined from the two minima at nominally +120° and —
      120° rotation, so the sensor in the tip of the probe is aligned to the vertical plane in z—direction,
      corresponding to the field maximum in the AMCC Helmholtz calibration coil.
      Sensor Angle: The sensor tilting in the vertical plane from the ideal vertical direction is determined
      from the two minima at nominally +120° and —120°. DASY system uses this angle to align the
      sensor for radial measurements to the x and y axis in the horizontal plane.
Sensitivity: With the probe sensor aligned to the z—field in the AMCC, the output of the probe is
         compared to the magnetic field in the AMCC at 1 kHz. The field in the AMCC Helmholtz coil is
         given by the geometry and the current through the coil, which is monitored on the precision
         shunt resistor of the coil.

Certificate No: AM1DV3—3060_Jan14                     Page 2 of 3

AM1D probe identification and configuration data

    Item                        AM1DV3 Audio Magnetic 1D Field Probe
    Type No                     SP AM1 001 BA
    Serial No                   3060

    Overall length              296 mm
    Tip diameter                6.0 mm (at the tip)
    Sensor offset               3.0 mm (centre of sensor from tip)
    Internal Amplifier          20 dB

    Manufacturer / Origin       Schmid & Partner Engineering AG, ZUrich, Switzerland
    Manufacturing date          Oct—2008
    Last calibration date       January 23, 2013

Calibration data

Connector rotation angle       (in DASY system)       51.9 °               +/— 3.6 ° (k=2)

Sensor angle                   (in DASY system)       0.88 °               +/— 0.5 ° (k=2)

Sensitivity at 1 kHz           (in DASY system)       0.00732 V / (A/m)    +/— 2.2 % (k=2)

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probability of approximately 95%.

Certificate No: AM1DV3—3060_Jan14                  Page 3 of 3

Document Created: 2014-03-31 15:11:57
Document Modified: 2014-03-31 15:11:57

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