Users Manual


Users Manual

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                             Connected Tablet"
                             mss Modet
                             auicx rererence cuive

  a rnivece cournne
otttseames     cun    cone
ta             aee    mm


Coebabdicis                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

overview                     a    stonature carrune (maoten            2s
  TABLET      .
          OociegSaion es     fs   usine the pas cooe scanmen (rastem .27
  setintors                   s   m—cas amrivo a ror viewno (raoten 20
  TABLET KepuBators           s   nofeem                               m
  musttoes                    *    oreort Ew usns ozn                  s
un—pockme raster              e    rastcoon                            a
usivcme pispray               s   system oimcnosncs                    a
  gtasem                      $   auromaten wonesiow                   a
  Scoen age...               s     Worto Reatn C wit inctaegaien...    x
  Actentu                    s                           e
  oatontwetionesime         10    conmecrime to a wnerwonk             x
  Amsis S inss              at    enowsmc mme mrenvier                 a
Smok                        id    vevice rmaimime vioeos               s
  sorme tors                n
  isrmitimeng               is    m—cas navication mevico)             a
  Te fuwe                   53     Sercnngstocion                      a
  mnies Tote                1      Proonoss                            an
  Bigrvess comnt            n      SaotyYiw                       —    a
  Nordarhts                 n      be                         ——       a
  sato Mesagng              1      Feomasfortoatons                    a
onivens a users             1     m—cas navication comtot mc           as
  Bark                      1      surenngatoatn                       as
  ClingegGumetOnes          is     Proimnose                           as
  Ctangra tems Use          is     se                                  as
  ts on                     4*    m—cas mamme.                         as
  Featng ow tassageh       3h     m—cas scannmo.                    __as
  SentngNew hassage        10
  Seaargs fom              a
  sng te mss tosk          a
  rertas                   2
  TeSpoccn                 a
mace carrure rmsen         a
  Usngite Canen            a
  irocinganimage           a

                                             status icons
                                                 orssqpinoon                 Sntte Conmenenien

                                                 weorsSpunaiat               16 08Cconmeesion
                                                  miylofdeem   3                            ;
                                                                             How Monazntectcan
                                                   e conte se
                              votume +             remsovca
                                             Tastet pockin station
 Home Bution The ons batenberge utss o vo    The Peopletit annecte Tanlt i esigned to se with
 HemaSeson                                   tabletdocing staten ogether. Plase oo nt use t
 Pewer e poverutton unstdevee ot and on      withoutaltdocingstatin
 1e pavered on ouvilnote h tramsrent
 inoge oh tatto t u>
 votume + me vlime uttnvilunyou ue           sort keveoarp
                                             To ut toart can t dalau t sueing tKren
 votume — me volime. uttnvilumyou wlume      keonto h rant t h nrmaton Gar o y slectng ha
 domn                                        oroarhy on ho TARLET iypad oh atton trat
                                             reesioDanlay t devce bven
 Home e hobaton on th righitc otthe device   To uscascage totinoastecrancirsandrunces
 wilingyou aco thmoin mens ween on the       by secin h fatat hy in ram on
 reeietctcomecte asit                        Secing thardX hy tomer onbywil oss th ott
                                             Hefteat a un asnosing h bstea y on e TARLET
                                             Herportbtom o trt ecpatio Dasn:tdovenon
                                             Thesot tsteac dacin co mornd un and downacons
                                             tha sroon y rosungan sacenetween th tyeand ran
                                             sidrauordounaos e scnen Thcante wotdto ow
                                             artatmayb ind u onteservon ie stt itont

Mb ce                                  DBSTcacsbbacl
                                       Tredanri gaoteoc scvon ovites icaccss
Undacd nc comecesto anthe witisource   1e anlty toaing tm on ho scoon Theo
                                       seqnonts isrbehow io ue t t senont ravg
                                       wome screen
                                       To Home sevon is th detit seroon wan ton storits
                                       to es caugares Yoratumtoth Home uoen noniee
                                       youpnss tHome tutonat ho c ot

                                       scneen neaper
                                          en scnenhasteos festres Fom t t rgn thy e
                                       1. hotttseon batton —prossHOME o ouenicve
                                            rentmensors n uns t deriy uen ue
                                       2. 88 batton —proseRAGKo suento tmovess

                                       action sar
                                       Maryserson zo haanacton baacostboter
                                       povideg s acostoeina scnons. miisnassncn
                                       10 t sndarvgatonbitons

USTNE THE DISPLAY                                IBLouc en baey
custom ruset Home setup                          returnine to perautt Home
Yos eance e dnast ome emen ty ctoring t          Youry sys              es te ootutstotens
butoms on Ast Yome senen o ane wz cous o ow      Tmebotornngntarertston aston Reattene sruns
       ommony imce!                iinctors      Detutfom. uncntrngsy0 1ote Dntutiiome scoen
1. sever merseet nowe setur «>     on to Spten
    meni o begn seunof he es
          theEnible FeetHome tor ortgue you
       oret se

                                                 Toony ste Doast fone scren
                                                 1. UnetwetiteEnanieFst Home barin t HomeSato
                                                 7. suner0i o n yor s
. SnetSHGRICUT tm son tror ons press the
   LEFT ANROW o errstram tomyou catem esHome     SAFE MODE
   sroen Stortasvamansto 1oi mens toms
4. SuietSHORTCUTS tom ttson th t and pross       Ste Meds Ims o          eton w te antom vide ne
   theltt ARROW o as rem t ou catom ow           wce s mourg Sate Mose s acvetnty e tst aimnetaer
                                                 who contgues h un rom ho Pecleit t Marage
                                                 and us thesaanatos tor uon
nores Youm haw un ts Bcuston patons on you Fe
       Home scrse
5. saserokss                     when youposs
   re HouE ne                   loyoucton

                                                 WihenSats Modo is actrmad tservcns nnate e
                                                    * Change User
                                                    + Border roms
                                                    + Onbourt ErntRecorter
                                                    + Sate oo Mamsagng
                                                 «onivens Loas
                                                  1 we ie vitis sOrver ops DriveTime Avatable
                                                 On—Daty TimeAvatatle, Crcl Time Avatabl Time Untt
                                                 20 Mnate oak sn 08uty Cl for Prsonal Comverince
                                                 wlb vatls n Site oce

SAFE MODE                                         usls
instant rust erficiency
Sate Mose anine h instat fstaticianc; wichcan
be confouas tis arGaton (MUGAL or Ltereper
100 Iiomats L0 tvough h Stings scven
Trip averace
Sate Mode dasine h re meragei ttioncy This
rromeronentanbcertiant o ies oGton MVGAUo
Lawssor 100 emvs OORtvough h Satgs susen
Rasetthe TRIPAVERAGE hoo Engne zt scroon          sare mone messacine
                                                  Foraditona hand o ty it t ciy messaestem
mites Topay AnD                                   S Modewatecores
AbpiTioNat inFormation                            1 tote a annow svead nesagus inror btor cr
Sate Madedatwutst betom ts ortoMLES T00A me       wiie t ic is maung id Ste Mode t thntenow
dnancetmvmte t h curet dag wich cantncontpred     messag avetty use in ton cce tew NMossage
tor Nn r Klonats ivough m Seterge scAso t         Intlatobos.and e PLAY ivcton wl acooss
sate mode s contians tb oo on maPr, ds carorce    1. SetetPLAy ssusng t PLAY ot ton
iouatstcnaletematon                               2. Tractvstinvat messup ui bectnt tm tex
   +Spoee               + Ambiont Tenp
   «rem                 + Compass Hoxting         NOTE: Ony now nesspesan maiobvet rovestfom
                                                          e htor
   +next3ttirfist                                 No: Messapes tathneata bon mxttom t ntox
                                                          otany nmaior it retto maiil in Ste Mode
sniaitnizss contnot.
                                                  note: in avlr i as naive teong uhoonh scven
Corveegreand in erngen Sate                               loter tan sesiwitase RLAY pemssage
Mote acaen uanginesttbatons
                                                  2. MBEamatevang thesameaut aton t any une
B dewt sree rtiness i stt to tm whch o               amossage istangnined
rateaty ns h disiy whon ho n isn dogwes tebw      4. SuietnePAUSst tamon t antrm and sere
tharotzon useonGPSeatoant atonatcan trghtors         whon matyty mc LAt
wren te un um s cagosatew t rerion rows
the BM sot ttons aso aratl on t SMece swnen       5. Onee ie mesags ts bonpind corvival hougr
Untesprovitatusus n the Sategs onwen tinge           tro mosagetecomss maluie o REPLAY
       Mede seing th BM t taton ine t ashy        6. SubetheREPLA t toer,lt unresags
dorn womer lns Orc e dinmestmtirg ractod to          atvashntcorgirat ies
wnttaton beconona BMIGHT t alovn ooegsn ho
suoenentthmaumuntrgpress notisreatos              T. Once me xt rov messag hastoon sinedcornlol
                                                     on‘ s maatlstorRERLAK antan on
The brgtinosssting setfom h SatModesreon daiats   NoTE hisme devens vahme i retsott Mute
10 tSrtepssrin onceSte Made sn orgerscive                 betom erarngSatMode andolaig messages
nigktay mope
se e MIT MODE stt mtont
woty s wocaliow Iptccirsoune . .
10e dlas whenatons o ator wevigat ni ho
use i t masmm bgtioss mdaciy hners a ons
by 2Xat mnimerntrgniress, e hmens onnd ty 57%
\ianyu sosweMIGHT MODE sut i t ctargsn DAY
w09sttioy unenyousros t mtun tthe sn ol
Atretny es omnconncma)

MIUESoUsiq                                        DRIVERS & USERS
Te curentDriv            atisassccut win t        chancine current orivers
e tate ocee
                                                  nore                      moor
rownices usrg                                            anes egpean
Brtver tasedco e
1. mednerinrwng y                                 1. seter m cranoe oniven »
                                                     toinartte SurcnCurentons
2. t rognm ae n0
     nortstvas ntn
3. t romerct es          risistve tetist merto
     ogn mo e devco e Curent Drier
nore: crrge
                               nc menctrg
                              ver togs to Aetve
Uhors io                                          2. rosstnesurtori ons
dn go
roceine in
                                                            oo pross teBAGK orHOME urons
TE sats pmtomer             wat giten mien
wecusin on
                                                  chancine active usens
1. trogrwnss o veanat in e topn scmenvit cce

2. Hanoter dn                n sebet metooin
      vattomine One      uo disythetopnscrn                                 oi tecvertgpesa
3. emeronverio anorassworo                           werposcon
nore: emesiowrnssworo                             nore: me Svacteme is sroenmmans ustl it
         cteot n asny                                   upres e RACKor OME crors
4. Pss tte OKtaron on
   n nommaton
nore i a secontusernoods

MdUESosiq                                      LEScds
Loceinc out                                    1. Toviw i inoox asiet MESSAGING on m Home
                                                  scion hosetectinon                  eon

                                                 e userca chcese o anloy messoge tom
                                                 evesttoolest orvcevens
 + Tologoutandler e tmck prothe YE3 setiinon
 +ojistlogout provs hot tscn

reapine a new messace
                                               3. Al matorss we      s tomto rtoc Saved
  + TreNowMossage                   tuses         outbor Sent sDritte      Iiapord
  rAntoin                                        temaitoc.
  +Anmitlectime istens                           + Fess tmescrouur w scrou cown        ts
  +Amecctise                                       arows ts cootvouhize    cmapes      Ea
                                                 +Omngete atsi          ectstmssage
                                                 + Apuetio e t           minte mc           e
                                                   ingontste message      onvoned

                                ve sns         senoine a new messace
    PLAYPAUSE a mess
                                               1. Cost s rowsnaty
                                                 Cmmc                   mtscting
                                                                            2.   t Q

                                  pocosoon §
    toxtosposen                                   sciunort selcting theRMAR en c oo
                                                  t ntor scon
    SAa nossage n to Sivd cee
                                               2. Suietthe TVPE 06 EMAi t oe
    REPLYt a massgs                               + PosonalEnat
                                               nore: posons enain

                   a 0« Emaiitoise                                    roo aabet h memintsramo
                                                  von prssseizct
       FoAcomosa row Form Mossage
                                               NOTE: Up t20 mepions ma seo segi anat
       commer                                  4. Pressthe Otro wren t nepiosshar teonsabant
       norkES oo
4. Tome e titine
   + ow memesssoereview e scren
   + Pss neview
   + Boublecick on a MESAGE t

                                               5. Enerthe MESEAGE TBT     02000 guccors
                                               6. rrssiesinve
                                               7. rssthe DraFTS n     roitie mossage set
                                                  s consius

5. Whlovewig o mssage o immay sePLAK,
   save nero oeuere

                                               . Prssite CANCEL tins      attts messige


[NECSb cU sc                         [DECsb cOe
usine Te camena                      5. Clet SAE o as o magetome om Atuntralcse
                                              sn vicsen is o magecastes t on tfom
roms cancortanima
ie fom Sabctngor hgrignig t n
into tom vilagantrens
1. Seiet ie canoa on foactits n

                                     6.    oo sti umm me pete tom to tom ighight
                                          theAGE CAPTURE fls on elt h CLEARaton
                                     importive an mace
                                               astove m toma usB doic
                                                           on t incet an mage tom
                                                          on peveray sast mago on
2. Youean ast t magetame o nonignt
   tametalt ind

                                     . Pug tanaralUS0 dwre none TAGLe ansaeict
                                       mexreniit Sounct sutoo
4. howvan o mmle nepove, c necamen
   wieng ut         Cane Voung
   ente motorston

[EbsbuUecee                                     BBLiU sb c e
5. Atstot mapesontre ol USB doven wite uced     2. Ener t sgratm on elethe0i taton i se to

4. Henign me esin inaget nc to e frmand elck
   the0Rimton                                   3. olethe CEA taton n ouss h sgrates t ouwih
5. Ataranat peve t ho mage ustapoea i tmage        Fewsiieie
   cxpten ts tefom                              wote oree o siatan ns een smed esn rolngerte
                                                       ctarpndersandty te isw
                                                4.A trrtralewrno ho inago uilaon n tsgratce
                                                   exstenlton t fom

BBUi on Gull conery
nore:Spnaue Can             raile winm x
Formeean cotansns casor olsstact ts             USING THE BAR CODE SCANNER awun
in in oSuncing o hatigninga signaze   canr fl
intormvilonantie foa                            \Whie weciser s oi onts ory ts ttr coce
1. Subetthe CAPTURE buton t ona sns on ts tom   scamercantns
                                                NoEuies MGLETpmion n us

            zo                                                   an

1. Pes t cnsorona tz ortytas                           m temergno petamancebfomaton o i ap
                                                 oran msetuaten temite rgro Do scoen
2. clerimsssmon maet
   reactras e trcodccaer                         1. se inCME DATstoncst om t Yoncomon
                                                    10 dnc t angre dn assgrat o ets s
1bEultc ul Boodc L cce
note in Cab Arvin an PoF vieng e ony ns
o ts entetnetto rumng fomeas stoomnt
canbe vimndand penin in th cas Sebctng onguig
tre tactnort un ttom w opant e folt
1. SebettheVEW stontocoun e
   boatacred doarrer                             2. Press he VEMIGLE ttontovanic engreto
                                                 pumamott temnains ime sees e hst ut
                                                 note: inne CHEARtuton t esc mu in en anages
                                                        and re mfomaten taas: mds
                                                 w onge ies P Gaton
                                                 AvaSPERD: Anage woss
2. Ciaing toom n or onOxtval       vesusayctme   moocspetesscons nc
   stt doamen
                                                 mtes:nurtor t mis ts
                                                 EME tereorgnerus ow nnng
                                                 DXE tme wont ieg tous evaton
                                                 MOVE: tm swontmoveg beses rnaos
                                                 over r:Timesooexcootng conpanyRoM gous
                                                 Te nanterater n teconsans tageDs mevion
                                                 oven srteD: Ti sson oveconsanysoond goas
                                                 TherurtoraterSpos s t conanytags ous:micis
5. CletthePRINT batonsendt domnmer manataaes     ExCes8 SPARD:Tiresporerconing what ocorpary
                                                        erina ttea ursats spen Therumcrate Spod
note: tosone tantem toptnt go o Sptem, Setnge       w compary mt brs: tss
       sereo anganzen tDntaitPrre tasbeen        LOMG DLE ers wentsiglngetant trosltstty
       seuw comet                                yourconeany bors: uts
                                                 LO0GIDLE : Pucariage t tme spor n ng ie
                                                 wo Lo10ES: Anosrot mas wnte sadngtan
                                                 e corcanysntmosta
                                                 xe rirestout:tuee inss use it ngand

BoLstit                                               ENGINE DATA
swomoe:        cerottioutavs idse tan                 Option 1: Recording Events (manual triggen)
                                                      1. Subetthe OBRt atem to fore
svort oues setageottmewont n atet e
no. sR oces: m ruercarftra yu have oo se
                  esriae otre whcl is in maton
neAbuit Ust s Pacsrageot tswi n nes
turve rsalgts      ns
rues t evek : Peconugo o tulorning incte
otian in accndny ts
oreset doinust D it sc rucsnage o cow
oreser rnmoutate ruren $1a708:.Sus ot m coce
aonstsncie s
anoient remrenatu®t: Curerunsestus onse bo
tnek : Fare
sreen aoventon SETTMG: aumun spess rewha‘s
ongoano event reconpina (oem                          rautt copes
ortou Ernt rec sng‘ mstb ontled o h on                Fai cotesa assgradMss rgpes y ie Ecnt
srinsvace n       o neot wents Paase conuct you       1. SubettheFAULT 00063 ons tom ns Janclimensto
fostainins      ceiomaton mout on
                                                         devin o fat codes tt on teon opua tarsiaiel
Theas es t whicl       evanscan o recordad ts areng
Budten aceleraion §A cots 2 ucontsbtoeand
30 seconds t ic coremistornd nst rostls
sudten dacalrnion 0 orts 60 secngs o and
Sosemnt          ies tyane st sls
Htanca vigge aet 1ts 10 soants beto0
                   To camtitymntbeacnmtesty to
snmenap         ceteatonot hamansl vntcoous
staity Contrl 80kt 5 seconts ttoan 20                 note:     than cotecing whice c
aecants e th on Thcapityrears th Voice                       Maragoment Mtous A
Warapome M        Adusaand a suoity ntom on                  th oten to inotvr           9 tastcoos
an Beravor Mertortatco                                       tom tis sewen
Vowaateg                     tomtre OEA senen                                              re
                                                      2. gebetthe 70and iB tors io

                as                                                     as

Sm dagrestcs dasins h nformaten oaeng to t     2. PressSERVI ces tctssttng antars othe
orterd Conpate BC ans e dsn                       dsn antnCanScamang Taiing, oi Ad Messges
                                                  Touth       Gatatonnd Nevgnion
1. sevet mesertmos          e Sptemmens
      isectenstoc            vespon            5. savenetESHstoo e ocm
                                               4. suver ctean rppa rhaNSAGTION t coe o
                                                  sendngscaved dommontvaaeton tat us boon se
                                                      eamerto nsa              b namestysan
                                                      to seanant wort amont on CSrrang
                                               5. Suterthe VeRSIONsronsattom to 57
                                                  dsn dercosttine w
                                                BROWSING THE INTERNET
o anese
       deedain nSETTINGS. e deain wl mtootat    You nus t comeutt W.F rowat tthas intonat
       wnintranow anpsags ont ctargud zon       conmetiey tss yorcan oi th morst
For02C dagrestcnormsten                         1. suser mmiteniet woncs vonine omermensto
1. seihe 080 DMGNOSTICstona tom to Sptom        noe ieg hm mtc
   noniforOGC mensoptons                               wrehnt nocs

Fordove daprosicbfomaton
1. seet im nronmamon s
   ons tordannyiformaton

                                                5. cick otheDROFoOW nasaussartowow
                                                    wot sesonizedestages
                                                not : mepnesnind intpaoe musetbyyoorcy
                                                       andcamsttasnanpattom veevce
                                                4. cick on thoWEBHTE MAME o9 to ust wsccup
               2s                                                  a

5. To sntomwata         sss o any votntos soupn   1. Saiet NAVIGATION tm wo m
        1 wnt ty you aorinttorAtaratrg            nott i Cntimigntoninparmonniwan Al i
             ue mat is not it nad witout io              cptont sonie Poaseco       focimnistar
                                                         to se youfostPa actvatet i sovcn o our
                                                  nore tmo se mervcotmnscone commeans coma
                                                        ban gmedost geasec           metin
                                                        t w youar amorine
                                                  seanchine a Location
                                                  1. Suter uen Toronire aue

1. SeectDENCE TRAMIMG on h Orver marstovan
               ves trnng vases
             se vanngvdosvalhedenined
                                                  2. SaietOCATION SEAREH i sounn t onbeston
                                                  nore: savet necent apone
                                                        acosses ncorty uc
                                                        locatons tat aveooen uind
                                                  2. Tmome destratc
                                                     ame FND tas

                                                   © Tiuck Sorvices
2. Heplgnavieo   e anteletthe PLAY con
4. Th id wilteg o y Olek the PAUSE to
   paizew en o e STOPtrto to out ans ouen         O Hotis
               ntl viees

                                                  4. Prov SEARCH A ds c is o
                                                     ceaton serch0;

                as                                                    m

IN—CAB NAVIGATION                           UoLdecucil
5. sebetPONTS OFTEREST fomve AC menusomsn
   tnsovn es mctasrommemsor it epe
6. chrot hoaorg e eas t sowenor e rane

©tuck Servies
O Resturnat
O Hows

                                            re adires is slete, es go andthe 19 it
                                            diretyou in reatme on th est outeto tokn
                                            ‘e usermay atsoargand ctoh route stoul they
1. seee mecomeor tocrmot tom ws cavmares    wot t etrtom e prteredcrecionprovded ty
   FOUND istnd pesec0                       tre appicaton

a. tRavprton w scis sopes in t ts
   curen sostene otoue                      Accontotaso uty integated h your baccend
                                            ‘tnproidei t recaletet open Itorice or
                                            ease t uze and navignioninclude dopntcting


Tib c Lo iL Seeenac s      Dib o ol IL Doetra y

1. seierme onntnmanme
nore: ic

2. EnorthoDRVRID assccus
                           6. Subet ho LESSON on   tom to   ron

3. coommonverio
4. Adiisentwe

s                   »
    momeno c osna
                           s. onestor

Document Created: 2015-03-24 10:09:59
Document Modified: 2015-03-24 10:09:59

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC