in car test report


Test Report

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                                            849 NW State Road 45
                                            Newberry, FL 32669 USA
                                            Phone: 888.472.2424 or 352.472.5500
                                            Fax: 352.472.2030

            FCC PART 15.239
             TEST REPORT
           Applicant                   Wistron NeWeb Corporation

            Address    No. 10-1, Li-hsin Road I Science-based Industrial Park
                                          Hsinchu, Taiwan
             FCC ID                                NKRUPASV305
      Model Number                                     SV3
 Product Description              Satellite Receiver with FM Exterder
Date Sample Received                           October 12, 2006
         Date Tested                           October 12, 2006
           Tested By               Richard Block, Mario de Aranzeta
        Approved By                                Bruno Clavier
      Report Number                          2852UT6TestRepot
        Test Results                       PASS                    FAIL


                           Certificate # 0955-01

                                           TABLE OF CONTENT

STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE.................................................................................. 3
REPORT SUMMARY................................................................................................... 4
TEST SYSTEM SETUP ............................................................................................... 4
DUT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 5
EMC EQUIPMENT LIST ............................................................................................. 6
TEST PROCEDURES ................................................................................................. 7
RADIATION INTERFERENCE ..................................................................................... 8

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                                                             Certificate #0955-01

This equipment has been tested in accordance with the standards identified in the
referenced test report. To the best of my knowledge and belief, these tests were
performed using the measurement procedures described in this report and
demonstrate that the equipment does comply with the appropriate standards.

I attest that the necessary measurements were made by me or under my supervision,
at TIMCO ENGINEERING, INC. located at 849 N.W. State Road 45, Newberry, Florida
32669 USA.

Authorized by:      Bruno Clavier

Signature:   <on file>

Function:    Engineer

Date: October 12, 2006

Tested by:   Mario de Aranzeta, Richard Block

Signature:   <on file>

Date: October 12, 2006

Applicant: Wistron NeWeb Corporation
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      Purpose of Report To demonstrate the DUT in compliance with FCC CFR 47
                        Part 15.239 requirements for a FM transmitter.
            Disclaimer The test results relate only to the items tested.
  Applicable Standards FCC CFR 47, Pt 15.239, ANSI C63.4-2003
         Related Report Applicant’s filing with FCC


           Test Facility Timco Engineering Inc
                         849 NW State Road 45 Newberry, FL 32669 USA
  Laboratory Condition Temperature: 26ºC, Humidity: 50%


    Certified System or The DUT was tested in three vehicles respectively.
             Supporting Vehicle 1: Van (Santa Fe) 2003
             Equipment Vehicle 2: Volvo (S60) 2005
                        Vehicle 3: Honda (Civic) 2001
   Modification to DUT No modification was made to ensure the DUT in
                       compliance with regulatory requirements
          Test Exercise The DUT was placed in continuous operation mode
                 Cable N/A

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           Manufacturer Wistron NeWeb Corporation
                    DUT Satellite Receiver with FM Radio Extender
                 FCC ID NKRUPASV305
          Model Number SV3
          Serial Number N/A
             Trade Name N/A
    Operating Frequency 88.1 ~ 107.9 MHz
  No. of Channels Tested 3
      Max. Output Power N/A
             Modulation FM
      DUT Power Source Vehicle battery operated exclusively
               Test Item     Prototype        Pre-Production    Production
      Type of Equipment      Fixed            Mobile            Portable
   Antenna Specification Integrated

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  Device       Manufacturer     Model         Serial    Cal/Char       Due Date
                                             Number        Date
3/10-Meter         TEI           N/A           N/A        Listed       3/26/07
   OATS                                                  3/27/04
  3-Meter          TEI           N/A           N/A        Listed       1/10/09
   OATS                                                  1/11/06
 Antenna:         Eaton        94455-1         1057        CAL         12/12/07
Biconnical                                              12/12/05
 Antenna:        Electro-       BIA-25         1171        CAL         4/29/07
Biconnical       Metrics                                 4/29/05
 Analyzer          HP          85650A      2811A01279      CAL         4/13/07
Blue Tower                                               4/13/05
 Analyzer          HP          85685A      2926A00983   CAL 9/5/05      9/5/07
Blue Tower
 Analyzer          HP           8568B      2928A04729      CAL         4/13/07
Blue Tower                                 2848A18049    4/13/05
   LISN          Electro-     ANS-25/2         2604        CAL         8/27/08
                 Metrics                                 8/27/06
   LISN          Electro-     EM-7820          2682        CAL         4/28/07
                 Metrics                                 4/28/05
 Antenna:         Eaton         96005          1243        CAL         12/14/07
Log-Periodic                                            12/14/05

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Radiation Interference
The test procedure used was ANSI STANDARD C63.4-2003 using an Agilent spectrum
analyzer with a preselector. In the frequency range 10 kHz to 30 MHz the RBW was 10
kHz and from 30-1000 MHz the RBW of the spectrum analyzer was 100 kHz with an
appropriate sweep speed. The analyzer was calibrated in dB above a microvolt at the
output of the antenna. The resolution bandwidth was 100 kHz and the video
bandwidth was 300 kHz.

Formula Of Conversion Factors:
The Field Strength at 3m was established by adding the meter reading of the spectrum
analyzer (which is set to read in units of dBuV) to the antenna correction factor
supplied by the antenna manufacturer. The antenna correction factors are stated in
terms of dB. The gain of the Pre-selector was accounted for in the Spectrum Analyzer
Meter Reading.

      Freq (MHz)    Meter Reading + ACF        +CL               = FS
      33            20 dBuV       + 10.36 dB/m +0.40 dB          =30.76 dBuV/m @ 3m

ANSI C63.4-2003 Section 8.2.1 Measurement Procedures:
Measurements were made at a distance of 3 meters from the auto on a minimum of 8
equally spaced radials around the vehicle. The antenna height varied and also placed
in a horizontal position.

Vehicle Antenna Mounting:
The external remote antenna was attached as a function of the FM auto antenna
arrangement. If a window glass antenna is used the remote antenna is placed adjacent
to it and along it's length and attached with the adhesive fixtures provided. If a fender
mount antenna is used, the remote antenna is placed vertically along the roof support
column nearest the car antenna.

Product Tuning:
All controls, manual and software were adjusted to determine the maximum tuning
range capabilities. The range was found to be as specified is 88.1 to 107.9 MHz. The
modulator input level was set to maximum.

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Rules Part No.:     Pt 15.239

Requirements:       Carrier frequency will not exceeds 48.0 dBuV/m at 3m. Out-of-
                    band emissions shall not exceed:

                      Operating Frequency                 Limits
                              MHz                dBuV/M measured at 3 meters
                            30 ~ 88                        40.0
                            88 - 216                       43.5
                           216 - 960                       46.0
                          ABOVE 960                        54.0

Test Data:          Sample Calculation: FSdBuV/m = MR(dBuV) + ACFdB

Vehicle 1 – Hyundai Santa Fe

   Tuned     Emission       Meter      Ant.       Coax   Correction   Field  Margin
 Frequency   Frequency     Reading    Polarity    Loss    Factor    Strength  dB
    MHz         MHz         dBuV       V/H         dB      dB/m     dBuV/m
     0          89.7        12.3         V        1.27     11.01     24.58   23.42
     0            89.7       10.1        H        1.27     10.35     21.72     26.28
     0            97.9       17.6        V        1.33     11.53     30.46     17.54
     0            97.9       19.5        H        1.33     10.86     31.69     16.31
     0            107.5      20.8        V        1.43     10.9      33.13     14.87
     0            107.5         9.2      H        1.43     10.65     21.28     26.72
     45           89.7       12.4        V        1.27     11.01     24.68     23.32
     45           89.7          10       H        1.27     10.35     21.62     26.38
     45           97.9       21.8        V        1.33     11.53     34.66     13.34
     45           97.9       20.5        H        1.33     10.86     32.69     15.31
     45           107.5         9.5      V        1.43     10.9      21.83     26.17
     45           107.5      11.5        H        1.43     10.65     23.58     24.42
     90           89.7       10.5        V        1.27     11.01     22.78     25.22
     90           89.7       14.9        H        1.27     10.35     26.52     21.48
     90           97.9       17.2        V        1.33     11.53     30.06     17.94
     90           97.9       22.5        H        1.33     10.86     34.69     13.31
     90           107.5      15.6        V        1.43     10.9      27.93     20.07
     90           107.5         9.6      H        1.43     10.65     21.68     26.32

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Vehicle 1 – Hyundai Santa Fe

   Tuned     Emission      Meter      Ant.      Coax    Correction   Field  Margin
 Frequency   Frequency    Reading    Polarity   Loss     Factor    Strength  dB
    MHz         MHz        dBuV       V/H        dB       dB/m     dBuV/m
    135         89.7       14.1         V       1.27      11.01     26.38   21.62
    135         89.7           12       H       1.27      10.35    23.62      24.38
    135         97.9        22.9        V       1.33      11.53    35.76      12.24
    135         97.9        20.4        H       1.33      10.86    32.59      15.41
    135         107.5       12.5        V       1.43      10.9     24.83      23.17
    135         107.5          6.9      H       1.43      10.65    18.98      29.02
    180         89.7        13.1        V       1.27      11.01    25.38      22.62
    180         89.7        12.6        H       1.27      10.35    24.22      23.78
    180         97.9        22.2        V       1.33      11.53    35.06      12.94
    180         97.9           22       H       1.33      10.86    34.19      13.81
    180         107.9       15.4        V       1.43      10.87     27.7      20.30
    180         107.9          7.3      H       1.43      10.63    19.36      28.64
    225         89.7        12.2        V       1.27      11.01    24.48      23.52
    225         89.7        11.5        H       1.27      10.35    23.12      24.88
    225         97.9        21.7        V       1.33      11.53    34.56      13.44
    225         97.9        18.9        H       1.33      10.86    31.09      16.91
    225         107.5       14.8        V       1.43      10.9     27.13      20.87
    225         107.5       10.5        H       1.43      10.65    22.58      25.42
    270         89.7        15.3        V       1.27      11.01    27.58      20.42
    270         89.7        15.1        H       1.27      10.35    26.72      21.28
    270         97.9        20.8        V       1.33      11.53    33.66      14.34
    270         97.9        19.3        H       1.33      10.86    31.49      16.51
    270         107.5       22.9        V       1.43      10.9     35.23      12.77
    270         107.5       14.6        H       1.43      10.65    26.68      21.32
    315         89.7        11.9        V       1.27      11.01    24.18      23.82
    315         89.7        14.9        H       1.27      10.35    26.52      21.48
    315         97.9           17       V       1.33      11.53    29.86      18.14
    315         97.9        12.6        H       1.33      10.86    24.79      23.21
    315         107.5       19.3        V       1.43      10.9     31.63      16.37
    315         107.5       14.6        H       1.43      10.65    26.68      21.32

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Vehicle 2 – Volvo S60

   Tuned      Emission     Meter      Ant.      Coax    Correction   Field  Margin
 Frequency    Frequency   Reading    Polarity   Loss     Factor    Strength   dB
    MHz          MHz       dBuV       V/H        dB       dB/m     dBuV/m
     0           89.7      26.0         V       1.27      11.01     38.28    9.72
     0           89.7       14.3        H       1.27      10.35    25.92     22.08
     0           97.7       21.3        V       1.33      11.54    34.17     13.83
     0           97.7       15.7        H       1.33      10.85    27.88     20.12
     0          107.5       20.0        V       1.43      10.90    32.33     15.67
     0          107.5       23.6        H       1.43      10.65    35.68     12.32
     45          89.7       30.5        V       1.27      11.01    42.78      5.22
     45          89.7       24.5        H       1.27      10.35    36.12     11.88
     45          97.7       19.2        V       1.33      11.54    32.07     15.93
     45          97.7       22.2        H       1.33      10.85    34.38     13.62
     45         107.5       27.9        V       1.43      10.90    40.23      7.77
     45         107.5       24.2        H       1.43      10.65    36.28     11.72
     90          88.7       24.5        V       1.27      10.71    36.48     11.52
     90          88.7       27.5        H       1.27      10.19    38.96      9.04
     90          97.7       25.2        V       1.33      11.54    38.07      9.93
     90          97.7       26.0        H       1.33      10.85    38.18      9.82
     90         107.5       27.0        V       1.43      10.90    39.33      8.67
     90         107.5       26.5        H       1.43      10.65    38.58      9.42
    135          88.7       29.5        V       1.27      10.71    41.48      6.52
    135          88.7       26.9        H       1.27      10.19    38.36      9.64
    135          97.7       25.4        V       1.33      11.54    38.27      9.73
    135          97.7       25.7        H       1.33      10.85    37.88     10.12
    135         107.5       33.1        V       1.43      10.90    45.43      2.57
    135         107.5       30.7        H       1.43      10.65    42.78      5.22
    180          88.7       24.0        V       1.27      11.01    36.28     11.72
    180          88.7       29.3        H       1.27      10.35    40.92      7.08
    180          97.7       23.4        V       1.33      11.53    36.26     11.74
    180          97.7       17.5        H       1.33      10.86    29.69     18.31
    180         107.5       30.9        V       1.43      10.90    43.23      4.77
    180         107.5       20.0        H       1.43      10.65    32.08     15.92

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Vehicle 2 – Volvo S20

   Tuned      Emission     Meter      Ant.      Coax    Correction   Field  Margin
 Frequency    Frequency   Reading    Polarity   Loss     Factor    Strength   dB
    MHz          MHz       dBuV       V/H        dB       dB/m     dBuV/m
    225          89.7      26.2         V       1.27      11.01     38.48    9.52
    225          89.7       28.2        H       1.27      10.35    39.82      8.18
    225          97.7       27.9        V       1.33      11.54    40.77      7.23
    225          97.7       24.4        H       1.33      10.85    36.58     11.42
    225         107.5       29.9        V       1.43      10.90    42.23      5.77
    225         107.5       27.3        H       1.43      10.65    39.38      8.62
    270          89.7       23.4        V       1.27      11.01    35.68     12.32
    270          89.7       30.0        H       1.27      10.35    41.62      6.38
    270          97.9       24.9        V       1.33      11.53    37.76     10.24
    270          97.9        28         H       1.33      10.86    40.19      7.81
    270         107.5       21.5        V       1.43      10.90    33.83     14.17
    270         107.5       28.8        H       1.43      10.65    40.88      7.12
    315          89.7       20.9        V       1.27      11.01    33.18     14.82
    315          89.7       19.6        H       1.27      10.35    31.22     16.78
    315          97.7       17.7        V       1.33      11.54    30.57     17.43
    315          97.7       24.4        H       1.33      10.85    36.58     11.42
    315         107.5       28.0        V       1.43      10.90    40.33      7.67
    315         107.5       27.8        H       1.43      10.65    39.88      8.12

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Vehicle 3 – Honda Civic

   Tuned      Emission     Meter      Ant.      Coax    Correction   Field  Margin
 Frequency    Frequency   Reading    Polarity   Loss     Factor    Strength  dB
    MHz          MHz       dBuV       V/H        dB       dB/m     dBuV/m
     0          88.7        33.0        V       1.27      10.71    44.98      3.02
     0          88.7        11.7        H       1.27      10.19    23.16     24.84
     0          97.7        20.0        V       1.33      11.54    32.87     15.13
     0          97.7        9.2         H       1.33      10.85    21.38     26.62
     0          107.5       17.6        V       1.43      10.90    29.93     18.07
     0          107.5       15.5        H       1.43      10.65    27.58     20.42
     45         88.7        27.6        V       1.27      10.71    39.58      8.42
     45         88.7        27.9        H       1.27      10.19    39.36      8.64
     45         97.7        14.0        V       1.33      11.54    26.87     21.13
     45         97.7        13.7        H       1.33      10.85    25.88     22.12
     45         107.5       17.7        V       1.43      10.90    30.03     17.97
     45         107.5       11.3        H       1.43      10.65    23.38     24.62
     90         88.7        23.8        V       1.27      10.71    35.78     12.22
     90         88.7        32.5        H       1.27      10.19    43.96      4.04
     90         97.7        10.1        V       1.33      11.54    22.97     25.03
     90         97.7        19.3        H       1.33      10.85    31.48     16.52
     90         107.5       17.3        V       1.43      10.90    29.63     18.37
     90         107.5       20.3        H       1.43      10.65    32.38     15.62
    135         88.7        33.1        V       1.27      10.71    45.08      2.92
    135         88.7        29.0        H       1.27      10.19    40.46      7.54
    135         97.7        16.8        V       1.33      11.54    29.67     18.33
    135         97.7        16.6        H       1.33      10.85    28.78     19.22
    135         107.5       21.1        V       1.43      10.90    33.43     14.57
    135         107.5       16.3        H       1.43      10.65    28.38     19.62
    180         88.7        27.5        V       1.27      11.01    39.78      8.22
    180         88.7        16.5        H       1.27      10.35    28.12     19.88
    180         97.7        25.4        V       1.33      11.53    38.26      9.74
    180         97.7        12.1        H       1.33      10.86    24.29     23.71
    180         107.5       28.7        V       1.43      10.90    41.03      6.97
    180         107.5       19.4        H       1.43      10.65    31.48     16.52

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Vehicle 3 – Honda Civic

   Tuned      Emission     Meter      Ant.      Coax    Correction   Field  Margin
 Frequency    Frequency   Reading    Polarity   Loss     Factor    Strength  dB
    MHz          MHz       dBuV       V/H        dB        dB      dBuV/m
    225         88.7        25.3        V       1.27      10.71    37.28     10.72
    225         88.7        19.9        H       1.27      10.19    31.36     16.64
    225         97.7        27.1        V       1.33      11.54    39.97      8.03
    225         97.7        24.0        H       1.33      10.85    36.18     11.82
    225         107.5       21.6        V       1.43      10.90    33.93     14.07
    225         107.5       17.7        H       1.43      10.65    29.78     18.22
    270         88.7        24.4        V       1.27      10.71    36.38     11.62
    270         88.7        29.2        H       1.27      10.19    40.66      7.34
    270         97.7        11.7        V       1.33      11.54    24.57     23.43
    270         97.7        22.6        H       1.33      10.85    34.78     13.22
    270         107.5       16.0        V       1.43      10.90    28.33     19.67
    270         107.5       16.4        H       1.43      10.65    28.48     19.52
    315         88.7        31.6        V       1.27      10.71    43.58      4.42
    315         88.7        28.9        H       1.27      10.19    40.36      7.64
    315         97.7        15.4        V       1.33      11.54    28.27     19.73
    315         97.7        14.8        H       1.33      10.85    26.98     21.02
    315         107.5       8.0         V       1.43      10.90    20.33     27.67
    315         107.5       13.1        H       1.43      10.65    25.18     22.82

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Document Created: 2006-10-20 12:07:15
Document Modified: 2006-10-20 12:07:15

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