RF Exposure Cal 2


RF Exposure Info

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NCLCalibration Laboratorics
Divison of APREL Latorioncs

System Validation Results Using the Electrically Calibrated Dipolo

  Head Tissue                              Poak
   Freg                                AboveFeeaPobt
[~5200 Mz                          m |     s1

                                 Area Scan
                                       Y Axis mm



        x Axts(mm)

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se                             40          6
                                      Y Aus (mm)

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NCL Caiibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Laboratars.

Test Equipment

The test equipment used during Probe Callbration, manufacturer, model number
and, current calibration status are listed and located on the main APREL server
RANCL\Calibration Equipment\instrument List May 2004

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                    Calbration File No: DC—515
             Project Number: WISB—ALSAS10U—5121

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Laborabrics

Dipole 5800—240—00852 was new and taken from stock prior to calibration.

Ambient Temperature of the Laboratory:             22 °C +/—0.5°C
Temperature of the Tissue:                         21 °C +4—0.5°0

We the undersigned attest that to the best of our knowledge the calibration of
this device has been accurately conducted and that all information contained
within this report has beon reviewed for accuracy.

Stuart Nicol
Director Product Development

D. Brooks
Memberof Engineering Staff
(Gallbration Engineer)

"This page has been reviewed fr contentand atlsted o by signature witin hidocument

NC Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Laboris

Calibration Results Summary

The following results retate the Calibrated Dipole and should be used as a quick
reference for the user.

Mechanical Dimensions
Length:                21.6 mm
Height:                12.6 mm
Electrical Spocification
swa:                    13 U
Return Loss:           —17.0 aB
impedance:              sesn
System Validation Results

 Frequency | 1 Gram         10 Gram Peak ]
 5600 MHz           50.3       18      1 207u

                                  Area Scan
                                      ¥ As tm

        XAis (nm)



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NCH Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Laboribries

This Calibration Report has been produced in line with the SSI Dipole Calibration
Procedure SS1—TP—018—ALSAS. The results contained within this report are for
Validation Dipole 5800—240—00862. The callbration routine consisted of a three—step
process. Step 1 was a mechanical verification of the dipole to ensure that it meets
the mechanical specifications. Step 2 was an Electrical Calibration for the Validation
Dipole, where the SWR, Impedance, and the Retun loss were assessed. Step 3
involved a System Validation using the ALSAS—10U, along with APREL E—020 130
MHz to 26 GHz E—Field Probe Sorial Number 212.

SSL—TP—018—ALSAS Dipole Callbration Procedure
SS—TP—016 Tissue Calibration Procedure
IEEE 1528 "Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak SpatiaAverage
Specific Absorplion Rate (SAR) in the Human Body Due to Wireless
Communications Devices: Experimental Techniques"

Dipole 5800—240—00852 was new taken from stock.
Ambient Temperature of the Laboratory:                22 °C +—0.5°C
Temperature of the Tissue:                            20 °C +/—0.5°0

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divinon of APREL Laborabrics

Dipole Calibration Results

Mechanical Vorification

    APREL             APREL            Measured           Measured
    Length             Height            Length             Height
   21.6 mm            12.6 mm           21.6 mm            14.7 mm

Tissue Validation

 Head Tissue 5800 MHz           Measured

 Dielectric constant, &            363
 Conductivity, o [Sim]             53

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Divison of APREL Laborters.

Electrical Callbration

      S11 RC
The Following Graphs are the results as displayed on the Vector Network Analyzer.
11 Parametor Retur Loss

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"This page has beon reviewed for contentand atlsted o by signature witin this document.

NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Laboraies


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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divisonof APREL Labotors.

Smith Chart Dipole Impedance

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Labonoris

System Validation Results Using the Electrically Calibrated Dipole

 ‘HeadTissue          1 Gram    10 Gram           Posk
   Frequency                       EM         avoverentraim
   5eo0 MHz            563

                                 Area Scan
                                        Y Axis gmm



         x Axts(mm)

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t                     20        A6          0
                                        ¥ Axis (mm)

"This page has been reviewad fr content and atlsted o by signature witin this document

NCL Calibration Laboratories
Divison of APREL Labororics

Test Equipment

The test equipment used during Probe Calibration, manufacturer, model number
and, current calibration status are listed and located on the main APREL server
RANCL\Calibration Equipment\instrument List May 2004

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Document Created: 2006-05-19 16:13:24
Document Modified: 2006-05-19 16:13:24

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