Confidentiality Request Letter


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                                   Confidential Letter
                                                                                        Date: 2006/11/21

Federal Communications Commision
Authottation and Evaluation DMsion

re n : naeaznses

Confidentialty Request

Purstant to Sections 0.47 and 0489 of the Commiision‘s Rubos, tho Applcant Hereby requests contdential
reatment t Infomation accomparting hs Appleation As outined below:

1.   Sook Diagram
2.   Cieut Dlagrom
3.   OperationalDeseiptien

"he above materlals contaln trade secrels and proprietary Infomalion not customarty released to the puble.
‘he publlc diclosite of Inote matters might be harmfu to te Applicant and provide unjusfed benafts to it

he Applcant undantands hat pursuant to Rule 0.47, dclosure of ths Application and all accompanying
documentation wil not be made befare the date of he Grantfor inapplcation


Applcants company name        :. Wiston NeWeb Corporation
                             No.10—1,Lhn Road IMiinchu Sciance ParkHainchu 300Tabvan.
Appleants company address :. _ _\ _.

Job Te and Dop.
                              S cmd h
                              1. Edward Yeh Enginoer / Design Servcedapt.

Document Created: 2006-11-22 12:04:49
Document Modified: 2006-11-22 12:04:49

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