User Manual


Users Manual

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Connectivity                                               Advanced Settings
                                                           Highlight Advanced Settings and press the OK
Wired Connectivity
                                                           button. On the next screen you can change the IP and
To Connect to a Wired Network                              DNS settings of the TV. Highlight the desired one and
• You must have a modem/router connected to an             press Left or Right button to change the setting from
  active broadband connection.                             Automatic to Manual. Now you can enter the Manual
                                                           IP and / or Manual DNS values. Select the related item
• Connect your TV to your modem/router via an              in the drop down menu and enter the new values using
  ethernet cable. There is a LAN port at the rear (back)   the numeric buttons of the remote. Press the OK button
  of your TV.                                              to save settings when complete.
                                                           Wireless Connectivity
                  Broadband ISP connection
                                                           To Connect to a Wireless Network
                                                           IMPORTANT: “Veezy 200” USB dongle is required to
                                                           use wireless network features.
                                                           The TV cannot connect to the networks with a hidden
                    LAN (ethernet) cable
                                                           SSID. To make your modem’s SSID visible, you should
                                                           change your SSID settings via the modem’s software.
                                                           To Connect to a wireless LAN, you should perform
                                                           the following steps:
   LAN input on the rear                                   1.   Then connect the wireless adaptor to one of the
   side of the TV                                               USB inputs of the TV.
To configure wired settings please refer to                2.   To configure your wireless settings please refer
the Network/Internet Settings section in the                    to the Network/Internet Settings section in the
System>Settings Menu.                                           System>Settings Menu.
• You might be able to connect your TV to your LAN
  depending on your network’s configuration. In such                           Broadband ISP
  a case, use an ethernet cable to connect your TV                             connection
  directly to the network wall outlet.

              network                                                                          Wireless LAN
           wall socket                                                                         adaptor

                                                                                    USB inputs on the
                                                                                    rear left side of the TV
      LAN input on the rear
      side of the TV                                       A Wireless-N router (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n) with
                                                           simultaneous 2.4 and 5 GHz bands is designed to
Configuring Wired Device Settings
                                                           increase bandwidth. These are optimized for smoother
Network Type                                               and faster HD video streaming, file transfers and
The Network Type can be selected as Wired Device,          wireless gaming.
Wireless Device or Disabled, in accordance with the        • The frequency and channel differ depending on
active connection to the TV set. Select this as Wired        the area.
Device if you are connecting via an ethernet cable.      • The transmission speed differs depending on the
Internet Speed Test                                        distance and number of obstructions between the
                                                           transmission products, the configuration of these
Highlight Internet Speed Test and press the OK
                                                           products, the radio wave conditions, the line traffic
button. TV will check the internet connection bandwidth
                                                           and the products that you use. The transmission may
and display the result when complete.
                                                           also be cut off or may get disconnected depending
                                                           on the radio wave conditions, DECT phones or any
                                                           other WiFi 11b appliances. The standard values of
                                                           the transmission speed are the theoretical maximum
                                                  English - 1 -

  values for the wireless standards. They are not the     Connecting to your mobile device via WiFi
  actuel speeds of data transmission.                     + Ifyour mobledevice has WiFifeature, you can connect
* The location where the transmission is most effectve      itto your TV vi a router, in order o access the content
  differs deending on the usage envronment                  in your device. For this, your mobile device must have
* The Wireless LAN adaptor should be connected              an appropriate sharing sottware.
  directly to the TV‘s USB port, USB hubs are not         + Connectto your routerfollowing the steps stated above
  supported. You can plug your wif dangle into the            in the Wireless Connectivity section.
  supplieddock in cases where network qualty is poor      +   Aferwards, engage your moble devicewihtherouterand
  and the wifl dongle needs to be placed to a location        then actvate heshaing sotwareon your mobledevice.
  with better signal qualiy.                                  Then, select ies that you want to share with your TV
* The Wireless LAN adaptor supports 802.11 a.g & n        +   If te connection is establshed correaty, you wil be
  ypemodems. ts highl recommended hatyou should               ableto access the shared es from your moble device
  use the IEEE 802.1 in communicationprotocalin order         via the Media Browserof your TV.
  to avodd any possible problems whie watching videos.    *   Enter the Media Browser menu and the playback
+ Use the oher USB ingut, if you experience problems          device selection OSD will be displayed. Select your
  with audo/deo performance.                                  moble device and pressthe OK button to continue.
* You must change your modermn‘s SSID when there are      +   If available, you can download a virtual remote
  any oher modems around wih the same SSID. You               contraller application from the server of your mobile
 can encounter connection problems onersise. Use a            device application provider.
 wired connection it you experience problems wth a \& Note: Tris featire may ret bo supported on all mable
 wiretess comecton.                                devies.
Configuring Wireless Device Settings                          oS
To ensble WeFifeatures, ug in the W—Fidongle to one Wake—on—LAN (WoL) and Wake—on—Wireless LAN
of the USB ports. Open the Network!Internat Settings      (WoWLAN) are standards that allow a device to be
menu and select Network Type as Wireless Device to turned on or woken up by a network message. The
start connection process.                                 message is sent to the device by a program exeouted
The TV will scan the wireless networks automaticall. on a remote device connected to the same local area
A list of available networks will be cisplayed. Please network, such as a smartphone.
select your desired network from the it                   Your TV is Wol. and WoWLAN compatble. To enable
Wotes f the madem supports N mode, you should set N this feature set the Wake On option in the Network!
mode setings                                              Internet Settings menu as On. it is necessary that
If the selected network is protected wih a password, both the device, from which the network message wil
please enterthe correct key by using the vitual keyboard. be sent to the TV, and the TV are connected to the
Youcanuse this keyboard via he directionalbuttons and same network, Wake On feature is only supported for
                                                          Android OSdevices and can only be used via YouTube
the OK button on the remote control.                      and Netfix appleations
Wait untl the IP address is shown on the screen.          in order to use this feature the TV and the remote
This means thatthe connection is now estabished. To deviceshould be connected at least once whie theTV
discomect rom a wireless network, highiight Network is on. f the TV is powered of, the connection should be
Type and press Left or Right buttons to set as reestablished. the next tmeitis swiched on. Othersise
Disabled.                                                 this feature wil be unavailable. This does not apply,
HighightInternet Speed Test and press the OK hutton       when the TV is switched into the standby mode.
to check your intemet connection speed. Highlght          Tne performance of some devicesin the market, may
Advanced Settings and press the OK button to open         vary due to the software architecture. in orderto use
the advanced seting menu. Use drectonal and numeric       Wake On feature wih a better performance, please
buttons to set. Press the OK button to save settings      make sure that your device has latest frmware version
when complete.                                             Wireloss Display
Other Information                                         Wireless Display is a standard forstreaming video and
The status of the connection will be displayed as         sound content by W—FiAllance. This feature provides
Connected or Not Connected and the current IP             the abilty to use your TV as wireless display device.
address, if a connecton is estabished.

Using with mobile devices                                    In such a case, the MAC address is authenticated
There are different standards which enable sharing of        each time when you connect to the internet. This is a
screens including graphical, video and audio content         precaution against unauthorized access. Since your
between your mobile device and TV.                           TV has its own MAC address, your internet service
                                                             provider cannot validate the MAC address of your TV.
Plug the wireless USB dongle to TV first, if the TV          For this reason, your TV cannot connect to the internet.
doesn’t have internal WiFi feature.                          Contact your internet service provider and request
Then press the Source button on the remote and               information on how to connect a different device, such
switch to Wireless Display source.                           as your TV, to the internet.
A screen appears stating that the TV is ready for            It is also possible that the connection may not be
connection.                                                  available due to a firewall problem. If you think this
Open the sharing application on your mobile device.          causes your problem, contact your internet service
These applications are named differently for each            provider. A firewall might be the reason of a connectivity
brand, please refer to the instruction manual of your        and discovery problem while using the TV in Audio
mobile device for detailed information.                      Video Sharing mode or while browsing via Audio Video
                                                             Sharing feature.
Scan for devices. After you select your TV and connect,
the screen of your device will be displayed on your TV.      Invalid Domain
Note: This feature can be used only if the mobile device     Ensure that you have already logged on to your PC with
supports this feature. Scanning and connecting processes     an authorized username/password and also ensure
differ according to the programme you use. Android based     that your domain is active, prior to sharing any files in
mobile devices should have the software version V4.2.2       your media server program on your PC. If the domain
and above.                                                   is invalid, this might cause problems while browsing
Connectivity Troubleshooting                                 files in Audio Video Sharing mode.
Wireless Network Not Available                               Using Audio Video Sharing Network Service
• Ensure that any firewalls of your network allow the        Audio Video Sharing feature uses a standard that eases
  TV wireless connection.                                    the viewing process of digital electronics and makes them
• Ensure the “Veezy 200” USB WiFi dongle is plugged          more convenient to use on a home network.
  in fully.                                                  This standard allows you to view and play photos, music
                                                             and videos stored in the media server connected to your
• Try searching for wireless networks again, using the
                                                             home network.
  Network/Internet Settings menu screen.
                                                             1. Server Software Installation
If the wireless network does not function properly, try
using the wired network in your home. Refer to the           The Audio Video Sharing feature cannot be used if the
Wired Connectivity section for more information on           server programme is not installed onto your PC or if
the process.                                                 the required media server software is not installed onto
                                                             the companion device. Please prepare your PC with a
If the TV does not function using the wired connection,      proper server programme.
check the modem (router). If the router does not have a
problem, check the internet connection of your modem.
                                                             2. Connect to a Wired or Wireless Network
                                                             See the Wired/Wireless Connectivity chapters for
Connection is Slow                                           detailed configuration information.
See the instruction book of your wireless modem to           3. Play Shared Files via Media Browser
get information on the internal service area, connection
                                                             Select Media Browser by using the directional buttons
speed, signal quality and other settings. You need to have
                                                             from the main menu and press OK. The media browser
a high speed connection for your modem.
                                                             will then be displayed.
Disruption during playback or slow reactions                  Audio Video Sharing
You could try the following in such a case:
                                                             Select the desired media type on the main media browser
Keep at least three meters distance from microwave
                                                             menu and press OK. If sharing configurations are set
ovens, mobile telephones, bluetooth devices or any
                                                             properly, Device Selection screen will be displayed
other Wi-Fi compatible devices. Try changing the active
                                                             after selecting the desired media type. If available
channel on the WLAN router.
                                                             networks are found, they will be listed on this screen.
Internet Connection Not Available / Audio Video              Select media server or network that you want to
Sharing Not Working                                          connect to using the Up or Down buttons and press
If the MAC address (a unique identifier number) of your      OK. If you want to refresh the device list, press the
PC or modem has been permanently registered, it is           Green button. You can press Menu to exit.
possible that your TV might not connect to the internet.
                                                    English - 3 -

If you select the media type as Videos and choose              This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
a device from the selection menu. Then select the              Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
folder with video files in it on the next screen and all       This device may not cause harmful interference, and
the available video files will be listed.                      (2) this device must accept any interference received,
                                                               including interference that may cause undesired
To play other media types from this screen, you can go
back to main Media Browser screen and select the
media type as desired and then perform the network             For product available in the USA/Canada market, only
selection again. Or press the Blue button to switch to         channel 1~11 can be operated. Selection of other
next media type quickly without changing the network.          channels is not possible.
Refer to the Media Browser menu section for further            IMPORTANT NOTE
information on file playback.
                                                               FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
If a problem occurs with the network, please switch
                                                               This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure
your television off at the wall socket and back on again.
                                                               limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
Trick mode and jump are not supported with the Audio
                                                               equipment should be installed and operated with
Video Sharing feature.
                                                               minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your
PC/HDD/Media Player or any other devices that are              body.
compatible should be used with a wired connection for
higher playback quality.
Use a LAN connection for quicker file sharing between
other devices like computers.
Note: There may be some PC’s which may not be able to
utilize the Audio Video Sharing feature due to administrator
and security settings (such as business PC’s).

 Federal Communication Commission Interference
This equipment has been tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-
ence in a residential installation. This equipment gen-
erates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is en-
couraged to try to correct the interference by one of
the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment
  and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
  different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
  technician for help.

FCC Caution: A
              ny changes or modifications not
             expressly approved by the party
             responsible for compliance could void
             the user’s authority to operate this

                                                     English - 4 -

Document Created: 2019-07-04 17:19:02
Document Modified: 2019-07-04 17:19:02

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