Test report

FCC ID: NJV0310-0951

Test Report

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July 16, 1998

Chief, Equipment Authorization Branch,
Authorization and Evaluation Division,
Office of Engineering and Technology
P.O. Box 358315
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5315


The enclosed documents constitute a formal submittal and request for a Class II Permissive Change
pursuant to Subpart C of Part 15 of FCC Rules (CFR 47) regarding changes to intentional
radiators. A change is being proposed to the Advanced Fibre Communications model mSSR-
XCVR 2.4 GHz, which would result in changes to the performance characteristics originally
reported to the Commission. Since the mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz is presently certified, an emissions
test has been performed to demonstrate that it continues to comply with FCC Part 15 limits for
intentional radiators.

This submittal was prepared by Elliott Laboratories, as duly authorized agent. A copy of the letter
of our appointment as agent is enclosed. Please also find enclosed a check in the amount of
$45.00 for the application fee.

If there are any questions or if further information is needed, please contact Elliott Laboratories for


Mark Briggs
Manager, EMC Consulting Services

Enclosures:      Application Fee
                 FCC Form 731
                 Agent Authorization Letter
                 Anti-Drug Abuse Statement
                 Request For Confidentiality
                 Emissions Test Report with Exhibits

File: R27473

                             Electromagnetic Emissions Test Report
                            Request for Class II Permissive Change
                                            pursuant to
                           FCC Part 15, Subpart C Specifications for a
                                    Intentional Radiator on the
                                Advanced Fibre Communications
                                   Model: mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz

                            PRESENT FCC ID:             NJV0310-0951

                                 GRANT DATE:            May 6, 1998

                                      GRANTEE:          Advanced Fibre Communications, Inc.
                                                        1 Willowbrook Court
                                                        Petaluma, CA 94954

                                     TEST SITE:         Elliott Laboratories, Inc.
                                                        684 W. Maude Avenue
                                                        Sunnyvale, CA 94086

                                REPORT DATE:            July 16, 1998

                           FINAL TEST DATE:             July 13, 1998

                             TEST ENGINEER:             Pamela Galvan and Herb Smith

               AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY:                    ______________________________
                                                        Mark Briggs
                                                        Manager, EMC Consulting Services

 Elliott Laboratories, Inc. is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program under Lab Code
 200069-0 for Federal Communications Commission Methods, CISPR Methods, and Austel Technical Standards. This
 report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Elliott Laboratories, Inc.

File: R27473
Page 1 of 16 pages

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                    Test Report
                                                                                  Report Date: July 16, 1998

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
COVER PAGE ....................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................ 2
SCOPE ................................................................................................ 3
OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................... 3
TEST SITE............................................................................................ 4
      GENERAL INFORMATION.............................................................. 4
      CONDUCTED EMISSIONS CONSIDERATIONS.................................... 4
      RADIATED EMISSIONS CONSIDERATIONS ....................................... 4
MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTATION ...................................................... 5
      RECEIVER SYSTEM ...................................................................... 5
      INSTRUMENT CONTROL COMPUTER .............................................. 5
      LINE IMPEDANCE STABILIZATION NETWORK (LISN) ........................ 5
      POWER METER............................................................................ 6
      FILTERS/ATTENUATORS............................................................... 6
      ANTENNAS................................................................................. 6
      ANTENNA MAST AND EQUIPMENT TURNTABLE............................... 6
      INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION......................................................... 6
TEST PROCEDURES............................................................................... 7
      EUT AND CABLE PLACEMENT ....................................................... 7
      CONDUCTED EMISSIONS .............................................................. 7
      RADIATED EMISSIONS.................................................................. 7
      CONDUCTED EMISSIONS SPECIFICATION LIMITS............................. 8
      RADIATED EMISSIONS SPECIFICATION LIMITS ................................ 8
      SAMPLE CALCULATIONS - CONDUCTED EMISSIONS......................... 9
      SAMPLE CALCULATIONS - RADIATED EMISSIONS ...........................10
EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) DETAILS................................................11
      ENCLOSURE .............................................................................. 11
      INPUT POWER............................................................................11
      EMI SUPPRESSION DEVICES.........................................................11
      PRINTED WIRING BOARDS...........................................................11
      SUPPORT EQUIPMENT.................................................................12
      EXTERNAL I/O CABLING..............................................................13
      TEST MODES.............................................................................. 13
      ANTENNA SYSTEM .....................................................................13
PROPOSED MODIFICATION DETAILS.......................................................14
      PRINTED WIRING BOARDS...........................................................14
TEST RESULTS....................................................................................15
      TEST DATA ANALYSIS - CONDUCTED ............................................15
      TEST DATA ANALYSIS - RADIATED................................................15
      TEST DATA ANALYSIS - ANTENNA CONDUCTED .............................15

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                               Test Report
                                                                             Report Date: July 16, 1998

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

EXHIBIT A Test Equipment Calibration ...................................................... 16
EXHIBIT B Test Measurement Data........................................................... 17
EXHIBIT C Photographs of Test Configurations............................................ 18
EXHIBIT D Detailed Photographs of the Construction...................................... 19
EXHIBIT E Block Diagram..................................................................... 20
EXHIBIT F Schematic Diagrams............................................................... 21
EXHIBIT G Theory of Operation .............................................................. 22
EXHIBIT H Operator's Manual ................................................................ 23

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                            Test Report
                                                                          Report Date: July 16, 1998


       An electromagnetic emissions test has been performed on the Advanced Fibre
       Communications Transceiver model mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz pursuant to Subpart C of Part
       15 of FCC Rules for intentional radiators. Conducted and radiated emissions data has been
       collected, reduced, and analyzed within this report in accordance with measurement
       guidelines set forth in FCC Rules This test has been performed to confirm continued
       compliance of a new version of the mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz in accordance with Part 2,
       Section 2.1043 of the FCC Rules for permissive changes to Certified devices.

       The intentional radiator above has been tested in a simulated typical installation to
       demonstrate compliance with the relevant FCC performance and procedural standards.

       Final system data was gathered in a mode that tended to maximize emissions by varying
       orientation of EUT, orientation of power and I/O cabling, antenna search height, and
       antenna polarization.

       Every practical effort was made to perform an impartial test using appropriate test
       equipment of known calibration. All pertinent factors have been applied to reach the
       determination of compliance.

       The test results recorded herein are based on a single type test of the Advanced Fibre
       Communications model mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz and therefore apply only to the tested
       sample. The sample was selected and prepared by Scott Pradels of Advanced Fibre
       Communications, Inc..


       The primary objective of the manufacturer is compliance with Subpart C of Part 15 of FCC
       Rules for the radiated and conducted emissions of intentional radiators. In this case, minor
       modifications to the design of the subject device require that additional testing be performed
       to demonstrate that the device continues to comply with the Rules. The original Grant of
       Equipment Authorization issued by the FCC for the Certification of the subject device will
       be valid for the new version once acceptance is received from the FCC.

       Certification is a procedure where the manufacturer or a contracted laboratory makes
       measurements and submits the test data and technical information to the FCC. The FCC
       issues a Grant of Equipment Authorization upon successful completion of their review of
       the submitted documents. Once the equipment authorization has been obtained, the label
       indicating compliance must be attached to all identical units which are subsequently

       Maintenance of FCC compliance is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Any
       modification of the product which may result in increased emissions should be checked to
       ensure compliance has been maintained (i.e., printed circuit board layout changes, different
       line filter, different power supply, harnessing or I/O cable changes, etc.).

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                         Test Report
                                                                       Report Date: July 16, 1998


       Final test measurements were taken on July 13, 1998 at the Elliott Laboratories Open Area
       Test Site located at 684 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, California. Pursuant to section
       2.948 of the Rules, construction, calibration, and equipment data has been filed with the

       The FCC recommends that ambient noise at the test site be at least 6 dB below the
       allowable limits. Ambient levels are below this requirement with the exception of
       predictable local TV, radio, and mobile communications traffic. The test site contains
       separate areas for radiated and conducted emissions testing. Considerable engineering
       effort has been expended to ensure that the facilities conform to all pertinent FCC


       Conducted emissions testing is performed in conformance with ANSI C63.4.
       Measurements are made with the EUT connected to the public power network through a
       nominal, standardized RF impedance, which is provided by a line impedance stabilization
       network, known as a LISN. A LISN is inserted in series with each current-carrying
       conductor in the EUT power cord.


       The FCC has determined that radiation measurements made in a shielded enclosure are not
       suitable for determining levels of radiated emissions. Radiated measurements are
       performed in an open field environment. The test site is maintained free of conductive
       objects within the CISPR defined elliptical area incorporated in ANSI C63.4 guidelines.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                            Test Report
                                                                          Report Date: July 16, 1998


       AN EMI receiver as specified in CISPER 16 is used for emissions measurements. The
       ESH3 receiver can measure over the frequency range of 9 kHz up to 2000 MHz. These
       receivers, allow both ease of measurement and high accuracy to be achieved. The receivers
       have Peak, Average, and CISPR (Quasi-peak) detectors built into their design so no
       external adapters are necessary. The receiver automatically sets the required bandwidth for
       the particular detector used during measurements.

       For measurements above the frequency range of the receivers, a spectrum analyzer is
       utilized because it provides visibility of the entire spectrum along with the precision and
       versatility required to support engineering analysis. Average measurements above
       1000MHz are performed on the spectrum analyzer using the linear-average method with a
       resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz and a video bandwidth of 10 Hz.


       A Rohde and Schwarz EZM Spectrum Monitor/Controller is utilized to convert the receiver
       measurements to the field strength at the antenna, which is then compared directly with the
       appropriate specification limit. This provides faster, more accurate readings by performing
       the conversions described under Sample Calculations within the Test Procedures section of
       this report. Results are printed in a graphic and/or tabular format, as appropriate.

       The EZM provides a visual display of the signal being measured. In addition, the EZM
       Spectrum Monitor runs the automated data collection programs which control both
       receivers. This provides added accuracy since all site correction factors, such as cable loss
       and antenna factors, are added automatically.


       Line conducted measurements utilize a fifty microhenry Line Impedance Stabilization
       Network as the monitoring point. The 50 uH LISNs used were manufactured by Fischer
       Custom Communications, model LISN-3 in combination with a 250 uH Fischer Custom
       Communications LISN-3 CISPR adapter. This network provides for calibrated radio
       frequency noise measurements by the design of the internal low pass and high pass filters
       on the EUT and measurement ports, respectively.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                           Test Report
                                                                         Report Date: July 16, 1998


       A power meter and thermister mount are used for all output power measurements from
       transmitters as they provides a broadband indication of the power output. The power meter
       used was the Hewlett Packard model 432A, S/N 992-05509 and the thermister mount was
       the Hewlett Packard model 478A, S/N 46397.


       External filters and precision attenuators are often connected between the receiving antenna
       or LISN and the receiver. This eliminates saturation effects and non-linear operation due to
       high amplitude transient events.


       A biconical antenna is used to cover the range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz and a log periodic
       antenna is utilized from 300 MHz to 1000 MHz. Narrowband tuned dipole antennas are
       used over the 30 to 1000 MHz range for precision measurements of field strength. Above
       1000 MHz, a horn antenna is used.

       The antenna calibration factors are included in site factors which are programmed into the
       test receivers


       The antennas used to measure the radiated electric field strength are mounted on a non-
       conductive antenna mast equipped with a motor-drive to vary the antenna height.

       ANSI C63.4 specifies that the test height above ground for table mounted devices shall be
       80 centimeters. Floor mounted equipment shall be placed on the ground plane if the device
       is normally used on a conductive floor or separated from the ground plane by insulating
       material from 3 to 12 mm if the device is normally used on a non-conductive floor. During
       radiated measurements, the EUT is positioned on a motorized turntable in conformance
       with this requirement.


       All test equipment is regularly checked to ensure that performance is maintained in
       accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. All antennas are calibrated at regular
       intervals with respect to tuned half-wave dipoles. An appendix of this report contains the
       list of test equipment used and calibration information.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                            Test Report
                                                                          Report Date: July 16, 1998


       The FCC requires that interconnecting cables be connected to the available ports of the unit
       and that the placement of the unit and the attached cables simulate the worst case orientation
       that can be expected from a typical installation, so far as practicable. To this end, the
       position of the unit and associated cabling is varied within the guidelines of ANSI C63.4,
       and the worst case orientation is used for final measurements.


       Conducted emissions are measured at the plug end of the power cord supplied with the
       EUT. Excess power cord length is wrapped in a bundle between 30 and 40 centimeters in
       length near the center of the cord. Preliminary measurements are made to determine the
       highest amplitude emission relative to the specification limit for all the modes of operation.
       Placement of system components and varying of cable positions are performed in each
       mode. A final peak mode scan is then performed in the position and mode for which the
       highest emission was noted on all current carrying conductors of the power cord.


       Radiated emissions measurements are performed in two phases as well. A preliminary
       scan of emissions is conducted in which all significant EUT frequencies are identified with
       the system in a nominal configuration. At least two scans are performed from 30 to 1000
       MHz. One or more of these is with the antenna polarized vertically while the one or more
       of these is with the antenna polarized horizontally. During the preliminary scans, the EUT
       is rotated through 360˚, the antenna height is varied and cable positions are varied to
       determine the highest emission relative to the limit.

       A speaker is provided in the receiver to aid in discriminating between EUT and ambient
       emissions. Other methods used during the preliminary scan for EUT emissions involve
       scanning with near field magnetic loops, monitoring I/O cables with RF current clamps,
       and cycling power to the EUT.

       Final maximization is a phase in which the highest amplitude emissions identified in the
       spectral search are viewed while the EUT azimuth angle is varied from 0 to 360 degrees
       relative to the receiving antenna. The azimuth which results in the highest emission is then
       maintained while varying the antenna height from one to four meters. The result is the
       identification of the highest amplitude for each of the highest peaks. Each recorded level is
       corrected in the receiver using appropriate factors for cables, connectors, antennas, and
       preamplifier gain. Emissions which have values close to the specification limit may also be
       measured with a tuned dipole antenna to determine compliance.


       Direct measurements are performed with the antenna port of the EUT connected to either
       the power meter or spectrum analyzer via a suitable attenuator and/or filter. These are used
       to ensure that the front end of the measurement instrument is not overloaded by the
       fundamental transmission.
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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                            Test Report
                                                                          Report Date: July 16, 1998


       The limits for conducted emissions are given in units of microvolts, and the limits for
       radiated emissions are given in units of microvolts per meter at a specified test distance.
       Data is measured in the logarithmic form of decibels relative to one microvolt, or dB
       microvolts (dBuV). For radiated emissions, the measured data is converted to the field
       strength at the antenna in dB microvolts per meter (dBuV/m). The results are then
       converted to the linear forms of uV and uV/m for comparison to published specifications.

       For reference, converting the specification limits from linear to decibel form is
       accomplished by taking the base ten logarithm, then multiplying by 20. These limits in
       both linear and logarithmic form are as follows:

       Range                         Limit                   Limit
       (MHz)                         (uV)                    (dBuV)

       0.450 to 30.000                         250                           48


       The limits below were used for all spurious emissions that fell in restricted bands.

       Range                         Limit                   Limit
       (MHz)                         (uV/m @ 3m)             (dBuV/m @ 3m)

       0.009-0.490                     2400/FKHz @ 300m            67.6-20*log10(FKHz) @ 300m

       0.490-1.705                     24000/FKHz @ 30m            87.6-20*log10(FKHz) @ 30m

       1.705 to 30                     30 @ 30m                    29.5 @ 30m

       30 to 88                        100                         40

       88 to 216                       150                         43.5

       216 to 960                      200                         46.0

       Above 960                       500                         54.0

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                              Test Report
                                                                            Report Date: July 16, 1998


       Receiver readings are compared directly to the conducted emissions specification limit
       (decibel form) as follows:

                           Rr - B = C




                       Rr = Receiver Reading in dBuV

                       B     = Broadband Correction Factor*

                       C     = Corrected Reading in dBuV

                       S     = Specification Limit in dBuV

                       M = Margin to Specification in +/- dB

*      Broadband Level - Per ANSI C63.4, 13 dB may be subtracted from the quasi-peak level
       if it is determined that the emission is broadband in nature. If the signal level in the average
       mode is six dB or more below the signal level in the peak mode, the emission is classified
       as broadband.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                             Test Report
                                                                           Report Date: July 16, 1998


       Receiver readings are compared directly to the specification limit (decibel form). The
       receiver internally corrects for cable loss, preamplifier gain, and antenna factor. The
       calculations are in the reverse direction of the actual signal flow, thus cable loss is added
       and the amplifier gain is subtracted. The Antenna Factor converts the voltage at the antenna
       coaxial connector to the field strength at the antenna elements. A distance factor, when
       used for electric field measurements, is calculated by using the following formula:

                               Fd = 20*LOG10 (Dm/Ds)


                               Fd = Distance Factor in dB

                               Dm = Measurement Distance in meters

                               Ds = Specification Distance in meters

       Measurement Distance is the distance at which the measurements were taken and
       Specification Distance is the distance at which the specification limits are based. The
       antenna factor converts the voltage at the antenna coaxial connector to the field strength at
       the antenna elements.

       The margin of a given emission peak relative to the limit is calculated as follows:

                               Rc = Rr + Fd


                               M = Rc - Ls


                               Rr = Receiver Reading in dBuV/m

                               Fd = Distance Factor in dB

                               Rc = Corrected Reading in dBuV/m

                               Ls = Specification Limit in dBuV/m

                               M = Margin in dB Relative to Spec

File: R27473                                                                      Page 11 of 16 pages

Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                             Test Report
                                                                           Report Date: July 16, 1998


       The Advanced Fibre Communications model mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz is a Spread-Spectrum
       Transceiver which is designed to operate using Direct Sequence techniques. The sample
       was received on July 13, 1998 and tested on July 13, 1998. The EUT consisted of the
       following component(s):

            Manufacturer/Model/Description                Serial Number        FCC ID Number
       AFC mSSR-XCVR-A RFl Board                           8100-0281           NJV0310-0951
       AFC AIM Antenna Interface Module                    8100-0951           NJV0310-0951


       The mSSR-XCVR enclosure is primarily constructed of fabricated sheet steel. It measures
       approximately 8 cm wide by 8 cm deep by 14 cm high.

       The AIM enclosure is primarily constructed of fabricated sheet steel. It measures
       approximately 6 cm wide by 4 cm deep by 10 cm high.


       The EUT uses the following 48 V power supply contained within the enclosure:

         Manufacturer/Description              Assembly Number      Rev.        Serial Number
       AFC mR-PSU                                 8100-0346          1C         AFC01361313


       The EUT contained the following EMI suppression devices during emissions testing:

                Description                      Manufacturer                  Part Number
       None                                          -                               -


       The Advanced Fibre Communications model mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz contained the
       following printed wiring boards during emissions testing:

        Manufacturer/Description        Assembly #     Rev.       Serial #        Crystals (MHz)
       AFC mSSR-XCVR-A                  81000281        0D      AFC01361169       400, 280, Xr,
       RFl Board                                                                     and Xt *

       Note: * Xt is a VCO which varies from 2210 - 2265 MHz, depending upon the actual
       operating channel. Xr is a VCO which varies from 22250 - 2305 MHz, depending upon
       the operating channel.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                         Test Report
                                                                       Report Date: July 16, 1998


       The Advanced Fibre Communications model mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz contained the
       following subassembly modules during emissions testing:

               Manufacturer/Description           Assembly #        Rev.      Serial Number
       AFC Antenna Interface Module (AIM)*         8100-0951         1B        AFC013620
       AFC RSC/24 Enclosure                        0310-1001         2A        Nor Serialized

       Note: The AIM is unmodified from the original submittal.


       The following equipment was used as local support equipment for emissions testing:

               Manufacturer/Model/Description          Serial Number FCC ID Number
       AFC mR-PSU 48V input Power supply*               8100-0346         N/A
       AFC mSSR-XCVR-B Digital Board*                   8100-0282         N/A
       AFC mCPU Main CPU Board*                         8100-0078         N/A
       Mean Well S320-48 230V ac to 48Vdc Power supply     None           N/A
       Tecom 1m parabolic dish antenna                     None           N/A

       The following equipment was used as remote support equipment for emissions testing:

               Manufacturer/Model/Description          Serial Number       FCC ID Number
       None                                                   -                  -

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                          Test Report
                                                                        Report Date: July 16, 1998


       The I/O cabling configuration during emissions testing was as follows:

         Cable Description      Length (m)     From Unit/Port       To Unit/Port
       50 Coaxial                  1.1        SSR-XCVR Input         AIM Output
       50 Coaxial                  1.1       SSR-XCVR Output          AIM Input
       50 Coaxial                  1.1            Antenna           AIM Antenna
       Unshielded                  1.5     SSRXCVR Power supply External power supply


       The EUT was configured to constantly transmit on either the low (2410 MHz), center
       (2430 MHz) or high (2460 MHz) channel.


       The antenna system used with the Advanced Fibre Communications Transceiver, model
       mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz, is designed to be professionally installed and so utilizes a standard
       rf connector (N-type). The EUT can be used with a variety of high gain parabolic dish
       antennas for point-to-point operation. A 1m dish (Tecom 1m Dish Antenna) was used
       during testing as this was the highest gain antenna that could be physically located on the
       test table.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                              Test Report
                                                                            Report Date: July 16, 1998


       This section details the modifications to the Advanced Fibre Communications model
       mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz being proposed. All performance and construction deviations
       from the characteristics originally reported to the FCC are addressed

       The device originally submitted comprised of a single board (containing digital and rf
       circuits) and an Antenna Interface Module (AIM). This version effectively splits the
       original design into two separate circuit boards, one with the rf circuits and the other with
       the digital circuits. this allows the device to be installed in a smaller chassis which can then
       be mounted in a pedestal.

       The modifications were explained to the FCC prior to testing. Richard Fabina of the FCC
       detailed in his Fax (dated June 18, 1998) that only radiated spurious emissions would be
       affected by this change and only these emissions would have to be reported to the FCC.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                                Test Report
                                                                              Report Date: July 16, 1998


       Testing was performed for radiated emissions only. The power, bandwidth, processing
       gain and spectral density have not been affected by the modifications as the circuitry is
       identical to the original device. This test plan was agreed upon by the FCC through
       Richard Fabina.


       The following measurements were extracted from the data recorded during the radiated
       electric field emissions scan and represent the highest amplitude peaks relative to the
       specification limit. The actual test data and correction factors are contained in the
       appendices of this report.

                       Maximized Radiated Emissions, Peak/Average Readings,
                        Restricted Bands, Sorted by Margin - High Channel
                                   (Worst Case Operating Channel)

    Frequency Level      Pol   FCC      FCC     Detector Azimuth Height           Comments
       MHz    dBuV/m     v/h   Limit   Margin   Pk/Avg degrees meters
    2483.500   51.1       v    54.0     -2.9     Avg        0     1.5      Band Edge measurement -
                                                                                  noise floor
    2483.500    50.3      h    54.0     -3.7     Avg       0      2.0      Band Edge measurement -
                                                                                  noise floor
    4530.000    47.0      h    54.0     -7.0     Pk       150     1.0     Peak Reading, Average Limit
    4530.000    46.7      v    54.0     -7.3     Pk        0      1.0     Peak Reading, Average Limit
    2265.000    42.0      v    54.0    -12.0     Avg      180     1.1
    2483.500    61.8      h    74.0    -12.2     Pk        0      2.0      Band Edge measurement -
                                                                                  noise floor
    2483.500    61.6      v    74.0    -12.4      Pk       0      1.5      Band Edge measurement -
                                                                                  noise floor
    4930.000    41.4      v    54.0    -12.6     Avg       10     1.0
    4930.000    37.7      h    54.0    -16.3     Avg      190     1.0
    4930.000    50.3      v    74.0    -23.7     Pk        10     1.0
    4930.000    49.3      h    74.0    -24.7     Pk       190     1.0
    2265.000    47.3      v    74.0    -26.7     Pk       180     1.1

Note: Peak reading RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Average Reading RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz


       Not Required. The proposed changes will not affect the results already submitted to the
       FCC for the original device.


       Not Required. The proposed changes will not affect the results already submitted to the
       FCC for the original device.

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                   Test Report
                                                                 Report Date: July 16, 1998

                                               EXHIBIT A

                                    Test Equipment Calibration

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Elliott Laboratories, Inc. -- EMC Department                                   Test Report
                                                                 Report Date: July 16, 1998

                                               EXHIBIT B

                                       Test Measurement Data

       The following data includes conducted emission measurements of the Advanced Fibre
       Communications model mSSR-XCVR 2.4 GHz and maximized radiated emissions
       measurements of the complete system.

File: R27473

                                                                        EMC Test Log
Client:      Advanced Fibre Communications     Date:   7/13/98      Test Engr: Pam/Herb
Product:     mSSR-XCVR (2.46 GHz)              File:   T27415       Proj. Eng: Mark Briggs
Objective:   Final Qualification               Site:   SVOATS #1    Contact:   Scott Pradels
Spec:        FCC Part 15.247                   Page:   1 of 4       Approved:

                                     Test Objective
The objective of this test session is to perform final qualification testing the EUT
defined below relative to Part 15.247 of the FCC rules governing non-licensed
intentional radiators. The results from this test are to be submitted to the FCC in order
to obtain approvals for a Class II Permissive change to the device which has been
approved under FCC ID: NJV 0310-0951 on 5/6/98.

The changes made to the device are:
The device originally submitted comprised of a single board (containing digital and rf
circuits) and an Antenna Interface Module (AIM). This version uses two circuit boards,
one with the rf circuits and the other with the digital circuits in place of the single board.

Testing was performed for radiated emissions only. The power, bandwidth,
processing gain and spectral density have not been affected by the modifications as
the circuitry is identical to the original device. This test plan was agreed upon by the
FCC through Richard Fabina.

                                     Test Summary
Run #1 - Maximized Radiated Emissions Scan, Spurious Emissions In Restricted

PASS*         Results: §15.207               -2.9 dB Avg    @ 2483.5 MHz         Vertical

Note: * indicates that the difference between the highest amplitude emission with
respect to the specification limit is within the measurement uncertainty. This signal
was a noise floor measurement - moving the antenna closer to the device under test
gave no increase in the measured field strength.

             Equipment Under Test (EUT) General Description
The EUT is a spread spectrum transceiver which is designed to operate in the 2.4 GHz
band. Normally, the EUT would be placed on a mast or inside a pedestal during
operation. The EUT was treated as table-top equipment during emissions testing to
simulate the end user environment.

                          Equipment Under Test (EUT)
       Manufacturer/Model/Description                    Serial Number         FCC ID Number
AFC mSSR-XCVR-A RFl Board                                   8100-0281            NJV0310-0951
AFC AIM Antenna Interface Module                            8100-0951            NJV0310-0951

                                                                       EMC Test Log
Client:      Advanced Fibre Communications    Date:   7/13/98         Test Engr: Pam/Herb
Product:     mSSR-XCVR (2.46 GHz)             File:   T27415          Proj. Eng: Mark Briggs
Objective:   Final Qualification              Site:   SVOATS #1       Contact:   Scott Pradels
Spec:        FCC Part 15.247                  Page:   2 of 4          Approved:

                          Power Supply and Line Filters
The EUT uses the following 48 V power supply contained within the enclosure:
        Manufacturer/Description                Assembly Number           Rev.      Serial Number
AFC mR-PSU                                            8100-0346            1C        AFC01361313

                          Printed Wiring Boards in EUT
The following information was provided by the manufacturer:
  Manufacturer/Description             Assembly #      Rev.   Serial Number         Crystals (MHz)
AFC mSSR-XCVR-A RFl Board               81000281        0D        AFC01361169      400, 280, Xr and Xt *

      * Xt is a VCO which varies from 2210 - 2265 MHz, depending upon the actual
      operating channel. Xr is a VCO which varies from 22250 - 2305 MHz, depending
      upon the operating channel.

                               Subassemblies in EUT
The following information was provided by the manufacturer:
        Manufacturer/Description                Assembly Number           Rev.      Serial Number
AFC Antenna Interface Module (AIM)*                   8100-0951            1B        AFC013620
AFC RSC/24 Enclosure                                  0310-1001            2A        Nor Serialized

The AIM is unmodified from the original submittal.

The EUT is designed to be professionally installed and so utilizes a standard rf
connector (N-type). The EUT can be used with a variety of high gain parabolic dish
antennas for point-to-point operation. A 1m dish (Tecom 1m Dish Antenna) was used
during testing as this was the highest gain antenna that could be physically located on
the test table.

                                      EUT Enclosure(s)
The mSSR-XCVR enclosure is primarily constructed of fabricated sheet steel. It
measures approximately 8 cm wide by 8 cm deep by 14 cm high.

The AIM enclosure is primarily constructed of fabricated sheet steel. It measures
approximately 6 cm wide by 4 cm deep by 10 cm high.

                                                                         EMC Test Log
Client:      Advanced Fibre Communications   Date:   7/13/98           Test Engr: Pam/Herb
Product:     mSSR-XCVR (2.46 GHz)            File:   T27415            Proj. Eng: Mark Briggs
Objective:   Final Qualification             Site:   SVOATS #1         Contact:   Scott Pradels
Spec:        FCC Part 15.247                 Page:   3 of 4            Approved:

                   EMI Suppression Devices                   (filters, gaskets, etc.)

             Description                          Manufacturer                             Model
None                                                    -                                     -

                             Local Support Equipment
        Manufacturer/Model/Description                  Serial Number                   FCC ID Number
AFC mR-PSU 48V input Power supply*                          8100-0346                         N/A
AFC mSSR-XCVR-B Digital Board*                              8100-0282                         N/A
AFC mCPU Main CPU Board*                                    8100-0078                         N/A
Mean Well S320-48 230V ac to 48Vdc Power supply               None                            N/A
Tecom 1m parabolic dish antenna                               None                            N/A

       Items marked * were installed inside the same enclosure as mSSR-XCVR-A
       circuit board

                           Remote Support Equipment
        Manufacturer/Model/Description                  Serial Number                   FCC ID Number
None                                                             -                                -

                                   Interface Cabling
             Cable Description               Length (m)      From Unit/Port                To Unit/Port
50 Coaxial                                        1.1         SSR-XCVR Input                 AIM Output
50 Coaxial                                        1.1        SSR-XCVR Output                  AIM Input
50 Coaxial                                        1.1            Antenna                    AIM Antenna
Unshielded                                        1.5        SSRXCVR Power              External power supply

                                      Test Software
The EUT was configured to constantly transmit on either the low (2410 MHz), center
(2430 MHz) or high (2460 MHz) channel.

                                                                  EMC Test Log
Client:      Advanced Fibre Communications   Date:   7/13/98     Test Engr: Pam/Herb
Product:     mSSR-XCVR (2.46 GHz)            File:   T27415      Proj. Eng: Mark Briggs
Objective:   Final Qualification             Site:   SVOATS #1   Contact:   Scott Pradels
Spec:        FCC Part 15.247                 Page:   4 of 4      Approved:

                              General Test Conditions
During radiated testing, the EUT was connected to 48V dc via an external AC-DC
power supply. The EUT and all local support equipment were located on the turntable
for radiated testing and conducted testing. All remote support equipment was located
approximately 30 meters from the EUT with all I/O connections running on top of the

                                   Test Data Tables
                                    See attached data

                                                                              Emissions Test Data
Client:      Advanced Fibre Communications   Date:      7/13/98                          Test Engr: Pam/Herb
Product:     mSSR-XCVR                       File:      T27415                           Proj. Engr: Mark Briggs
Objective    Final Qualification             Site:     SVOATS #1                         Contact:  Scott Pradels
Spec:        FCC Part 15.247                 Distance: 3 m                               Approved:

Run #1a: Radiated Emissions - Spurious Emissions In Restricted Bands (High Channel)

Frequency Level           Pol      FCC          FCC      Detector Azimuth     Height     Comments
   MHz    dBuV/m          v/h      Limit       Margin   Pk/QP/Avg degrees     meters
 2483.500    51.1          v       54.0         -2.9       Avg            0        1.5   Band Edge measurement - noise floor
 2483.500    50.3          h       54.0         -3.7       Avg            0        2.0   Band Edge measurement - noise floor
 4530.000    47.0          h       54.0         -7.0        Pk         150         1.0   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 4530.000    46.7          v       54.0         -7.3        Pk            0        1.0   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2265.000    42.0          v       54.0        -12.0       Avg         180         1.1
 2483.500    61.8          h       74.0        -12.2        Pk            0        2.0   Band Edge measurement - noise floor
 2483.500    61.6          v       74.0        -12.4        Pk            0        1.5   Band Edge measurement - noise floor
 4930.000    41.4          v       54.0        -12.6       Avg          10         1.0
 4930.000    37.7          h       54.0        -16.3       Avg         190         1.0
 4930.000    50.3          v       74.0        -23.7        Pk          10         1.0
 4930.000    49.3          h       74.0        -24.7        Pk         190         1.0
 2265.000    47.3          v       74.0        -26.7        Pk         180         1.1

  Note 1:    Peak reading RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Average Reading RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz.

Run #1b: Radiated Emissions - Spurious Emissions In Restricted Bands (Center Channel)

Frequency Level           Pol      FCC          FCC      Detector Azimuth     Height     Comments
   MHz    dBuV/m          v/h      Limit       Margin   Pk/QP/Avg degrees     meters
 4860.000    48.2          v       54.0         -5.8        Pk            0        1.0   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2325.000    47.8          v       54.0         -6.2        Pk         180         1.1   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2325.000    47.4          h       54.0         -6.6        Pk         200         1.3   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 4860.000    47.3          h       54.0         -6.8        Pk         160         1.2   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2230.000    45.8          h       54.0         -8.2        Pk         190         1.3   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2230.000    42.2          v       54.0        -11.8        Pk         180         1.0   Peak Reading, Average Limit

Run #1c: Radiated Emissions - Spurious Emissions In Restricted Bands (Low Channel)

Frequency Level           Pol      FCC          FCC      Detector Azimuth     Height     Comments
   MHz    dBuV/m          v/h      Limit       Margin   Pk/QP/Avg degrees     meters
 2311.000    47.8          h       54.0         -6.2       Avg         155         1.5
 4622.000    46.8          v       54.0         -7.2        Pk         200         1.0   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 4420.000    45.4          v       54.0         -8.6        Pk         155         1.5   Noise Floor, Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2210.000    44.8          v       54.0         -9.3        Pk         150         1.0   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2311.000    43.9          v       54.0        -10.1       Avg         180         1.4
 4622.000    42.5          h       54.0        -11.5       Avg         200         1.0
 2210.000    38.4          h       54.0        -15.6       Avg         150         1.5
 4820.000    37.8          v       54.0        -16.2        Pk         180         1.0   Peak Reading, Average Limit
 2311.000    50.9          h       74.0        -23.1        Pk         155         1.5
 2311.000    48.8          v       74.0        -25.3        Pk         180         1.4
 4622.000    46.4          h       74.0        -27.6        Pk         200         1.0
 2210.000    44.7          h       74.0        -29.3        Pk         150         1.5

Note 1:      Peak reading RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Average Reading RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz.

    Page 1

Document Created: 1998-09-30 09:55:04
Document Modified: 1998-09-30 09:55:04

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