Parts List/Tune Up Info

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                                                                                                     FCC ID: NIMT900

Circuit description          VIDEO Transmitter

Voltage Regulator:

Anintegrated voltage regulator provides 5 Volt DC for the complete transmitter.
A luF and a 100nF capacitor at the input and output terminal respectively ensure stable operation of the IC
and short all RF to ground
An additional 10uF tantal capacitor provides low frequency ground.
The VCC is farther decoupled at the oscillator and RF — amplifier with 100p and InF capacitors.


The Video Signal is terminated into an 82 Ohm resistor to provide a proper Load to the Video Source.
The Video Signal is amplified and inverted, to provide a varying DC Voltage to the transmitter.
Two trimm—potentiometers allowfor Gain and Linearity adjustment of the modulating signal.


The oscillator utilizes a SAWResonator as frequency determining device.
The second transistor is loosely coupled and acts as Oscillator decoupling and final output stage.
This transistor is amplitude modulated with the video signal from the modulator.
A variable capacitor allows for final output matching of the transmitter.
The 5 element chebycheflow—pass—filter filters unwanted harmonics ofthe transmitter.
A ¥a wave wire antenna is directly soldered to the PC—Board.The PC—board and connected wires act as
groundplane and counterweight for the antenna.

Document Created: 2001-07-16 16:23:08
Document Modified: 2001-07-16 16:23:08

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