Missing Sections 2.3 and 5.5 of test report


Test Report

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Test Report ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       2.3 Test Instruments Configuration

                                                         EMCO 3142
                                                         Bi-Log periodic Antenna
                                       2 meters

                               Wood Table

                                            0.8 meters

                                                          HP 8591EM Spectrum Analyzer
               HP54502A Digitizing Oscilloscope

                             Aux Video Output            Resolution Bandwidth: 1 MHz
                                                         Video Bandwidth : 1 MHz
                                                         Span          : 0 Hz
                                                         Vertical Scale     : Linear

                      Pig 1. Test Configuration of Duty Cycle Measurement

        2.4 Test Result
             Following is the test result which produce maximum duty cycle :
                  Total on interval in a complete pulse train = 31.000 ms
                  Length of a complete pulse train = 41.500 ms
                  Duty cycle (%) = 31.000 ms / 41.5000 ms * 100%=0.746987951
                  Duty Cycle Correction Factor (dB) = 20 * Log 0.746987951 = -2.53
                  A plot is attached on the following page.

Report No.: G2115651 , Transmitter of Wireless Remote Outlet, FCC Part 15.231(C), Certification.
Test date: 08/13/99, Training Research Co., Ltd., TEL: 886-2-26935155, Fax: 886-2-26934440

Test Report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/18

        5.5 Test Result of Radiated Emissions
               The highest peak values of radiated emissions form the EUT at various antenna heights, antenna
         polarization, EUT orientation, etc. are recorded on the following.

                  Table 1 Open Field Radiated Emissions For 30MHz - 1GHz [Horizontal]
                                        (Orthogonal: X-position)
                         Radiated                         Correction                   FCC Class B
                         Emission                          Factors        Corrected      (3M)
       Frequency Amplitude Ant.H.              Table                                  Limit Margin
                                                             (dB)         (dBµV/m)
         (MHz) (dBµV/m) (cm)                    ( °)                                (dBµV/m)   (dB)

          314.820         90.61        1.00        314          -17.30        73.31       75.60     -2.29
          629.648         65.92        3.00        281          -23.40        42.52       55.60   -13.08

             1. Margin = Corrected - Limit.
             2. Peak Amplitude +Correction Factors = Corrected

          Table 2. Open Field Radiated Emissions for 1 GHz -18 GHz [Horizontal]

                     Radiated                       Correction       Duty                       FCC Class B
                     Emission                        Factors         Cycle    Corrected           (3M)
  Frequency Amplitude        Ant.H.       Table                                             Limit      Margin
                                           ( °)        ( dB )        ( dB )    (dBµV/m)    (dBµV/m)
    (GHz) (dBµV/m)            (cm)                                                                      (dB)

 ***           ***         ***          ***         ***             ***       ***         ***         ***

          1. Margin = Corrected - Limit.
          2. Peak Amplitude + Correction Factor + Duty Cycle = Corrected
          3. The emissions that above 1GHz were all in the ambient.

 Report No.: G2115651, Transmitter of Wireless Remote Outlet, FCC Part 15.231(C), Certification.
 Test date: 08/10/99, Training Research Co., Ltd., TEL: 886-2-27881332, Fax: 886-2-27857408

Test Report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/18

              Table 3 Open Field Radiated Emissions For 30MHz – 1GHz [Vertical]
                                          (Orthogonal: Y-position)

                       Radiated                      Correction                   FCC Class B
                       Emission                       Factors        Corrected      (3M)
       Frequency Amplitude Ant.H.         Table                                  Limit Margin
                                                        (dB)         (dBµV/m)
         (MHz) (dBµV/m) (cm)               ( °)                                (dBµV/m)   (dB)

          314.820       87.03      1.00       288          -17.41        69.62     75.60       -5.98
          630.150       63.64      1.00        94          -23.64        40.00     55.60      -20.73

             1. Margin = Corrected - Limit.
             2. Peak Amplitude +Correction Factors = Corrected

          Table 4. Open Field Radiated Emissions For 1 GHz -18 GHz [Vertical]

                    Radiated                   Correction      Duty                       FCC Class B
                    Emission                    Factors        Cycle     Corrected          (3M)
  Frequency Amplitude     Ant.H.      Table                                         Limit           Margin
                                       ( °)       ( dB )       ( dB )    (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)
    (GHz) (dBµV/m)         (cm)                                                                      (dB)

 ***          ***        ***        ***        ***           ***        ***         ***            ***

          1. Margin = Corrected - Limit.
          2. Peak Amplitude + Correction Factor + Duty Cycle = Corrected
          3. The emissions that above 1GHz were all in the ambient.

 Report No.: G2115651, Transmitter of Wireless Remote Outlet, FCC Part 15.231(C), Certification.
 Test date: 08/10/99, Training Research Co., Ltd., TEL: 886-2-27881332, Fax: 886-2-27857408

Document Created: 2001-05-22 10:33:14
Document Modified: 2001-05-22 10:33:14

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