Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                  FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                            Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                         Page 1 of 17

                           TEST REPORT

                       Report No.     : TS10020022-EME
                       Model No.      : R9P007
                       Issued Date : Feb. 22, 2010

Applicant:               Powertech Industrial Co., Ltd.
                         10F, No. 407, Chung Shan Rd., Sec. 2, Chung Ho City,
                         Taipei Hsien, Taiwan

Test Method/ Standard: 47 CFR FCC Part 15.231 & ANSI C63.4 2003

Test By:                 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.
                         No. 11, Lane 275, Ko-Nan 1 Street, Chia-Tung Li,
                         Shiang-Shan District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan

It may be duplicated completely for legal use with the allowance of the applicant. It
shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Intertek
Laboratory. The test result(s) in this report only applies to the tested sample(s).

   The test report was prepared by:           Sign on File
                                              Shirla Hsiao / Officer

   These measurements were taken by:          Sign on File
                                              Rex Liao / Engineer

   The test report was reviewed by:

                                             Name Jacky Chen
                                             Title Engineer

                                                                                                 FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                                                           Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                                                        Page 2 of 17
                                                        Table of Contents

Summary of Tests ............................................................................................................. 3

1. General information...................................................................................................... 4
   1.1 Identification of the EUT........................................................................................ 4
   1.2 Additional information about the EUT................................................................... 5
   1.3 Antenna description ................................................................................................ 5

2. Test specifications......................................................................................................... 6
   2.1 Test standard ........................................................................................................... 6
   2.2 Operation mode ...................................................................................................... 6
   2.3 Test equipment........................................................................................................ 7

3. Radiated emission test FCC 15.231 (b) ........................................................................ 8
   3.1 Operating environment ........................................................................................... 8
   3.2 Test setup & procedure ........................................................................................... 8
   3.3 Radiated emission limit ........................................................................................ 10
   3.3.1 Fundamental and harmonics emission limits..................................................... 10
   3.3.2 General radiated emission limit..........................................................................11
   3.4 Calculation of Average Factor .............................................................................. 12
   3.5 Radiated emission test data FCC 15.231 .............................................................. 15
   3.5.1 Measurement results: frequencies equal to or less than 1 GHz ......................... 15
   3.5.2 Measurement results: frequencies above 1GHz ................................................ 16

4. Measured bandwidth FCC 15.231(C)......................................................................... 17

                                                     FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                               Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                            Page 3 of 17

Summary of Tests

Wireless Home Appliance Timer Remote Control Kit -Model: R9P007
                     FCC ID: NHS-R9P007

                     Test              Reference            Results
Radiated Emission test            15.231(b), 15.209          Pass
Measured bandwidth                15.231(c)                  Pass

                                                                    FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                              Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                           Page 4 of 17

1. General information

1.1 Identification of the EUT

Product:                     Wireless Home Appliance Timer Remote Control Kit
Model No.:                   R9P007
FCC ID.:                     NHS-R9P007
Frequency Range:             433.92 MHz
Channel Number:              Single channel
Frequency of Each Channel:   433.92 MHz
Type of Modulation:          ASK
Power Supply:                DC 12 V from battery
Power Cord:                  N/A
Sample Received:             Feb. 02, 2010
Test Date(s):                Feb. 08, 2010 ~ Feb. 09, 2010
Note 1:                      This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and
                             is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek
                             and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are
                             limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement.
                             Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the
                             Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss,
                             expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report.
                             Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or
                             distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any
                             use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or
                             advertisement of the tested material, product or service
                             must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The
                             observations and test results in this report are relevant only
                             to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply
                             that the material, product, or service is or has ever been
                             under an Intertek certification program.
Note 2:                      When determining the test conclusion, the Measurement
                             Uncertainty of test has been considered.

                                                                   FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                             Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                          Page 5 of 17

1.2 Additional information about the EUT

The EUT is a Wireless Home Appliance Timer Remote Control Kit and transmitted by
manual setting. The transmission will stop once released the switch and was defined as
information technology equipment.

For more detail features, please refer to User's manual as file name “Installation

1.3 Antenna description

The EUT uses a permanently connected antenna.

Antenna Gain : -20 dBi max
Antenna Type : PCB printed antenna
Connector Type : N/A

                                                              FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                        Report No.: TS10020022-EME
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2. Test specifications

2.1 Test standard

The EUT was performed according to the procedures in FCC Part 2.1053 and the
requirement in FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.231.

2.2 Operation mode

The EUT was transmitted continuously during the test.

                                                                   FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                             Report No.: TS10020022-EME
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2.3 Test equipment

      Equipment              Brand           Frequency range            Model No.

  EMI Test Receiver    Rohde & Schwarz       9 kHz~2.75 GHz              ESCS 30
  Spectrum Analyzer Rohde & Schwarz           9 kHz~30 GHz               FSP 30
  Spectrum Analyzer Rohde & Schwarz           20 Hz~40 GHz               FSEK 30
    Horn Antenna             EMCO             1 GHz~18 GHz                3115
    Horn Antenna       SCHWARZBECK           14 GHz~40 GHz              BBHA 9170
    Bilog Antenna      SCHWARZBECK           25 MHz~1.7 GHz             VULB 9160
    Pre-Amplifier           MITEQ           100 MHz~26.5 GHz             919981
    Pre-Amplifier           MITEQ            26 GHz~40 GHz               828825
      Controller           HDGmbH                   N/A                  HD 100
    Antenna Tower          HDGmbH                   N/A                  MA 240
      Turn Table           HDGmbH                   N/A                  DS 420S

         LISN          Rohde & Schwarz        9 kHz~30 MHz               ESH3-Z5
  Note: The above equipments are within the valid calibration period.

                                                                   FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                             Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                          Page 8 of 17

3. Radiated emission test FCC 15.231 (b)

3.1 Operating environment

Temperature:                  24    ℃
Relative Humidity:            55    %
Atmospheric Pressure         1023   hPa

3.2 Test setup & procedure

The Diagram below shows the test setup, which is utilized to make these measurements.

The frequency spectrum from 30MHz to 1000MHz was investigated.


                                                         1.0~4.0 meters
                                           3 meters

  0.8 meter

                                          Ground Plane


                                                                              RF Test

                                                                  FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                            Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                         Page 9 of 17

The frequency spectrum from over 1GHz was investigated.


                                                                          Horn or Bilog
                                          3 meters     1~4 meters         Antenna


  0.8 meter

                                     Ground Plane


                                                                        RF Test

The signal is maximized through rotation and placement in the three orthogonal axes.
Radiated emission measurements were performed from 30 MHz to 25 GHz. Spectrum
Analyzer Resolution Bandwidth is 100 kHz or greater for frequencies 30 MHz to 1 GHz,
1MHz – for frequencies above 1 GHz.
The EUT for testing is arranged on a wooden turntable. If some peripherals apply to the
EUT, the peripherals will be connected to EUT and the whole system. During the test,
all cables were arranged to produce worst-case emissions. The signal is maximized
through rotation. The height of antenna and polarization is changing constantly for
exploring for maximum signal level. The height of antenna can be up to 4 meters and
down to 1 meter.

                                                                       FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                                 Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                            Page 10 of 17

The measurement for radiated emission will be done at the distance of three meters
unless the signal level is too low to measure at that distance. In the case of the reading
under noise floor, a pre-amplifier is used and/or the test is conducted at a closer distance.
And then all readings are extrapolated back to the equivalent three meter reading using
inverse scaling with distance.

The signal is maximized through rotation and placement in the three orthogonal axes.

             X axis                             Y axis                             Z axis

After verifying three axes, we found the maximum electromagnetic field was
occurred at Z axis. The final test data was executed under this configuration.

The EUT configuration please refer to the “Spurious set-up photo.pdf”.

3.3 Radiated emission limit

3.3.1 Fundamental and harmonics emission limits

                       Field Strength of Fundamental        Field Strength of Harmonics
 Frequency (MHz)
                      (uV/m@3 m) (dBuV/m@3 m) (uV/m@3 m)                   (dBuV/m@3 m)

       433.92             10958              80.8            1096.5              60.8

                                                                    FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                              Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                         Page 11 of 17

3.3.2 General radiated emission limit

The spurious Emission shall test through the 10th harmonic. In addition, radiated
emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply
with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a).

                          Frequency           15.209 Limits
                            MHz             (dBμV/m@3m)
                            30-88                  40
                           88-216                 43.5
                           216-960                 46
                          Above 960                54

1. In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna
   and the closed point of any part of the device or system

Measurement uncertainty was calculated in accordance with TR 100 028-1.

         Parameter                      Uncertainty
      Radiated Emission                 ±5.056 dB
     Conducted Emission                 ±2.786 dB

This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95
% confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

                                                                      FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                                Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                           Page 12 of 17

3.4 Calculation of Average Factor

  The specification for output field strengths in accordance with the FCC rules specify
  measurements with an average detector. During testing, a spectrum analyzer
  incorporating a peak detector was used. Therefore, a reduction factor can be applied
  to the resultant peak signal level and compared to the limit for measurement
  instrumentation incorporating an average detector.

  The time period over which the duty cycle is measured in 100 ms or the repetition
  cycle, whichever is a shorter time frame. The duty cycle is measured by placing the
  spectrum analyzer in zero span mode at 100 resolution bandwidth.

  Averaging factor in dB = 20log (duty cycle)

  The duty cycle is simply the on-time divided by the period:

  The duration of one cycle = 47.484 ms

  The number of long pulses in each period (10) multiplied by the duration of each
  short pulses (0.684ms) =6.84 ms

  The number of short pulses in each period (23) multiplied by the duration of each
  long pulses (0.224ms) = 5.152ms

  Effective period of the cycle = 6.84+5.152=11.992 ms

  Duty Cycle = 11.992 ms / 47.484 ms = 0.2525

  Therefore, the duty cycle correction factor will be 20 log10 0.2525 = -11.95 dB

  Please see the plot below.

                                                                                 FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                                           Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                                      Page 13 of 17

                                    Duty Cycle on time-long
             DELTA MARKER 2                             RBW 100 kHz    Delta 2 [T1 ]
           684 µs                                      * VBW 100 kHz              -1.13 dB
         Ref 87 dBµV                * Att   0 dB        SWT 2 ms             684.000000 µs

                                                                       Marker 1 [T1 ]
             80                                                                  35.56 dBµV
                                                                             484.000000 µs    A
 1 AP

 2 AP








         Center 433.965 MHz                        200 µs/

 Date:             8.FEB.2010   17:48:31

                                    Duty Cycle on time-Short
         DELTA MARKER 2                                 RBW 100 kHz     Delta 2 [T1 ]
          224 µs                                       * VBW 100 kHz                0.59 dB
        Ref 87 dBµV                 * Att   0 dB        SWT 2 ms              224.000000 µs

                                                                        Marker 1 [T1 ]
         80                                                                       41.95 dBµV
                                                                              920.000000 µs         A
1 AP

2 AP


                                                   1         2







        Center 433.965 MHz                         200 µs/

Date:              8.FEB.2010   17:47:40

                                                                               FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                                         Report No.: TS10020022-EME
                                                                                    Page 14 of 17

                                      Duty Cycle on-time
            SWEEP TIME                                 RBW 100 kHz
           50 ms                                      * VBW 100 kHz
         Ref 87 dBµV                * Att   0 dB       SWT 50 ms

 1 AP

 2 AP








         Center 433.965 MHz                        5 ms/

 Date:             8.FEB.2010   17:46:34

                                       Duty Cycle period
         DELTA MARKER 2                                RBW 100 kHz    Delta 2 [T1 ]
          47.484 ms                                   * VBW 100 kHz              -0.06 dB
        Ref 87 dBµV                * Att    0 dB       SWT 100 ms            47.484000 ms

                                                                      Marker 1 [T1 ]
        80                                                                      75.04 dBµV
                    1                                       2                12.284000 ms        A
1 AP

2 AP








        Center 433.965 MHz                         10 ms/

Date:             8.FEB.2010    17:49:33

                                                                     FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                               Report No.: TS10020022-EME
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3.5 Radiated emission test data FCC 15.231

3.5.1 Measurement results: frequencies equal to or less than 1 GHz

EUT                     : R9P007
Worst Case              : Tx at 433.92 MHz at Z axis

 Polarization Frequency     Detector     Corr.       Reading Calculated Limit Margin
   (circle)     (MHz)                   Factor       (dBuV) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
    Vertical      433.92        QP       19.42         60.45       79.87      80.828         -0.96
    Vertical      868.02        QP       26.48         22.70       49.18      60.828        -11.65
   Horizontal     433.92        QP       19.42         50.26       69.68      80.828        -11.15
   Horizontal     868.02        QP       26.48         17.10       43.58      60.828        -17.25
1. Calculated = Reading + Corr. Factor
2. Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss
3. Margin= Calculated - Limit

                                                                   FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                             Report No.: TS10020022-EME
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3.5.2 Measurement results: frequencies above 1GHz

EUT                    : R9P007
Worst Case             : Tx at 433.92 MHz at Z axis

Polarization Frequency Detector      Corr.   Reading      Average Calculated Limit  Margin
  (circle)     (MHz)                Factor   (dBuV)        Factor (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dB)
                                    (dB/m)                  (dB)
  Vertical     1302.00      PK       29.28     30.57        0.00    59.85    74.000 -14.15
  Vertical     1302.00      AV       29.28     30.57       -11.95   47.90    54.000  -6.10
  Vertical     1736.00      PK       30.62     30.16        0.00    60.78    80.828 -20.05
  Vertical     1736.00      AV       30.62     30.16       -11.95   48.83    60.828 -12.00
  Vertical     2170.00      PK       31.90     32.26        0.00    64.16    80.828 -16.67
  Vertical     2170.00      AV       31.90     32.26       -11.95   52.21    60.828  -8.62
Horizontal 1302.00          PK       29.28     23.99        0.00    53.27    74.000 -20.73
Horizontal 1302.00          AV       29.28     23.99       -11.95   41.32    54.000 -12.68
Horizontal 1736.00          PK       30.62     24.47        0.00    55.09    80.828 -25.74
Horizontal 1736.00          AV       30.62     24.47       -11.95   43.14    60.828 -17.69
Horizontal 2170.00          PK       31.90     24.78        0.00    56.68    80.828 -24.15
Horizontal 2170.00          AV       31.90     24.78       -11.95   44.73    60.828 -16.10
1. Calculated = Reading + Corr. Factor – Average Factor
2. Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss
3. Margin= Calculated - Limit

                                                                            FCC ID. : NHS-R9P007
                                                                      Report No.: TS10020022-EME
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4. Measured bandwidth FCC 15.231(C)

    The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center
    frequency for devices operating above 70MHz and below 900MHz. Bandwidth is
    determined at the points 20dB down from the modulated carrier.

    B.W(20dBc) Limit = 0.25% × f(MHz) = 0.25% × 433.92 MHz = 1.0848 MHz

    From the plot, the bandwidth is observed to be 433.92 MHz, at 20dBc where the
    bandwidth limit is 1.0848 MHz.

    Please see the plot below.

          CENTER FREQUENCY                            * RBW 100 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
           434.035 MHz                                * VBW 100 kHz              79.52 dBµV
         Ref 97 dBµV            * Att   0 dB           SWT 2.5 ms         434.035000000 MHz

                                                                       ndB [T1]   20.00 dB
         90                                                            BW 422.000000000 kHz
                                                                       Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A

                                                  1                              59.47 dBµV
 1 PK
         80                                                               433.817000000 MHz
                                                                       Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
 2 PK                                                                            59.30 dBµV
 MAXH                                                                     434.239000000 MHz
                               T1                                     T2







         Center 434.035 MHz                    100 kHz/                           Span 1 MHz

 Date:        8.FEB.2010     16:08:17

Document Created: 2010-03-26 15:16:04
Document Modified: 2010-03-26 15:16:04

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