User Manual


Users Manual

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                If all speed markers flash twice, there    Displays in the info display
                are already 6 desired speeds memo-
          rised. Delete at least one of them.<

          Deleting a desired speed
          Select the desired speed 5 which you wish
          to delete.
          Press button 4 for approx. 3 seconds. The
          desired speed is deleted.

          Active Cruise Control*
          The principle
          Active Cruise Control enables you to select
          a speed which the car will then maintain
          automatically, assuming your progress is
          not obstructed.
          Subject to reasonable limits, the system
          automatically adjusts the speed of your car
          if you come up behind a slower vehicle in
          front. You can adjust the distance which         1 Display for memorised desired speed
          the system maintains between your own            2 Display for vehicle detected.
          car and the vehicle in front in four stages.     Lights up when there is a vehicle in front
          For safety reasons, this distance depends        3 Selected distance from vehicle in front
          on the speeds in question. To maintain
                                                           4 Digital speed display.
          sufficient distance, the system automati-
                                                           Is displayed briefly if you select your
          cally closes down the throttle, applies the
                                                           desired speed, see page 72.
          brakes if necessary, and speeds up again if
          the vehicle in front accelerates. As soon as          1, 2 and 3 are displayed when the
          the road ahead becomes clear, it acceler-             system is activated.<
          ates to your desired speed again.
                                                                       The system is activated.
                 Active Cruise Control is no substitute
                                                                       The display appears as soon as
                 for the driver's individual responsi-
                                                                       the system is activated and no
          bility to keep a safe distance from other
                                                                       preceding vehicle is detected.
          You should decide on the basis of the road,
                                                                       Vehicle detected. The display
          traffic and visibility conditions whether and
                                                                       lights up when there is a vehicle
          how to use the system.
                                                                       in front.
          Only use the system in traffic that is flowing
          at a steady speed; do not use it on roads
          with tight bends, on slippery surfaces, in
                                                                       The system instructs you to
          heavy rain or in fog.
                                                                       intervene by braking and, if
          Check your road speed and stopping
                                                                       necessary, taking evasive
          distance, to avoid committing a traffic
                                                                       action. The display flashes.
          offence or running the risk of causing an
                                                                       Active Cruise Control is unable
                                                           to restore the distance between your car
                                                           and the vehicle in front automatically. For
                                                           further details, see page 74.


           Automatic intervention of ABS      differences in speed between your car and

           or DSC, or you apply the           a preceding vehicle, e. g. if you approach a
           parking brake while on the         heavy goods vehicle at high speed or if
           move. Active Cruise Control will   another vehicle turns out into your lane.<
           only intervene by applying the
brakes. For further details, see page 74.     Activating the system

Operating Active Cruise Control

                                                                                              Driving hints
                                              You can activate the system from a speed

                                              of 20 mph. Press the lever forward or pull it
1 Activating the system:                      back. You can now use the system.
Memorising and increasing the desired         The current speed is simultaneously
speed                                         memorised as the desired speed and
2 Activating the system:                      briefly displayed in the speedometer, see
Memorising and reducing the desired           arrow.
speed                                         The ideal operating conditions are main         Communication
3 Interrupting the system                     roads, dual carriageways and motorways
4 With the system interrupted:                where you are able to drive at speeds of
Briefly press the button to call up the       between approx. 50 and 90 mph. Always
memorised speed                               observe the speed limit for the road on
                                              which you are driving.
4 With the system activated:
Increase the desired speed by 1 mph each            If the system cannot be activated, the
time the button is pressed                          display ACC --- mph appears briefly
                                              in the speedometer. The system may have
5 Selected distance from vehicle in front.
                                              been interrupted automatically, see Inter-

You can choose between four distance
                                              rupting the system, or there may be a
levels. For further details, see page 72.
     Adjust your desired speed in line with   Calling up Check Control messages, see
     the traffic conditions, and always       page 79.<
remain ready to apply the brakes. The
system is unable to compensate for high



          De-activating the system                      > When you engage transmission position
          Whenever the ignition is switched off, the    N (neutral) of the automatic transmission
          system is de-activated and the desired        > If you switch off the Dynamic Stability
          speed stored in the memory is deleted.        Control (DSC)
                                                        > If you operate the parking brake while
          1 Memorising and increasing the               the car is moving
          desired speed
                                                        > If the system reduces the car's speed to
          Press the lever forwards:                     below 20 mph in view of the traffic condi-
          Your momentary road speed is adopted as       tions.
          your desired speed, and memorised. The
                                                             The system is shut down automati-
          speedometer displays this speed.
                                                             cally if the car's speed is regulated
          If the lever is pressed forwards a further
                                                        down to less than 20 mph. A gong sounds
          time, the desired speed is increased to the
                                                        and a message appears in the Check
          nearest 5-mile step.
                                                        Control. The driver's active intervention is
          Each subsequent time the lever is pressed
          forward, the desired speed increases by
          5 mph up to a maximum of 110 mph.
                                                        Background lighting
          Press the lever forwards and hold it
                                                        You can switch off the background lighting
                                                        of the speedometer and revolution counter
          The desired speed runs up in increments of
                                                        when the system is interrupted if no other
          5 mph until you release the lever. The
                                                        functions are displayed, e. g. the advance
          speed that is then shown is memorised and
                                                        warning field in the revolution counter, see
          will be achieved on a clear road.
                                                        page 76, or route guidance for the naviga-
                                                        tion system.
          2 Memorising and reducing the
          desired speed                                 To do this, press the lever up or down for
                                                        approx. 1 second.
          Pull the lever back:
          Your momentary road speed is rounded
          down to the nearest five miles, displayed     4 Recalling the memorised desired
          and memorised.                                speed
          Each subsequent time the lever is pulled      Press button 4:
          back, the desired speed decreases by          The displays appear in the speedometer.
          5 mph down to a minimum of 20 mph.
          Pull the lever back and hold it pulled:       4 Fine adjustment of desired speed
          The desired speed is reduced by the           With the system active, each time button 4
          system in increments of 5 mph until you       is pressed briefly, the desired speed is
          release the lever. The speed that is then     increased by 1 mph.
          shown is memorised and will be achieved
          on a clear road.                              5 Selecting distance

          3 Interrupting the system
          When the system is active, press the lever
          up or down. The displays in the speedom-
          eter go out. You can use the system again
          when required.
          In addition, you interrupt the system auto-
          > When braking


You can choose between four distance                         Distance 3

levels.                                                      When you switch on the system
> Knurled wheel turned upwards:                              for the first time after starting
To increase the distance                                     the engine, this distance is
                                                             always preset.
> Knurled wheel turned downwards:
To reduce the distance
                                                             Distance 4
The selected distance is displayed in the

            Distance 1
                                                       Select the distance category in line
                                                       with the traffic and weather condi-
                                                 tions. The driver is responsible for selecting

                                                                                                   Driving hints
                                                 the correct distance.<

            Distance 2                           When to use it
                                                 Please study the instructions for Active
                                                 Cruise Control carefully before using it.
                                                 Read and observe the following notes
                                                 closely, so that you will be able to use the
                                                 system safely and to maximum benefit.

Braking – by the system and by the driver

The system is capable of braking the car as      The system will not brake the car if you          Entertainment
you approach a slower-moving vehicle or if       approach a stationary obstruction on your
the car is travelling downhill. It will also     side of the road, e.g. a vehicle standing at
brake the car if you reduce the desired          red traffic lights or the end of a tailback. It
speed abruptly. It is nevertheless your          likewise does not respond to oncoming
responsibility as the driver to keep reas-       vehicles.
sessing the traffic situation and to apply the
brakes yourself if necessary.
Situations may arise in which the driver's
active intervention is essential. The range

of the sensor and the system's capacity for
braking the car automatically are limited.
The system will bring the car's speed down
to approx. 20 mph, below which the car
must be actively braked by the driver.



          Bends in the road                               Vehicles pulling out

          If the desired speed selected is excessive      If a vehicle pulls out in front of you, e.g.
          for a bend, the system will reduce the          after overtaking, the system will not identify
          speed while the car is taking the bend.         the vehicle until it has moved entirely into
          However, it is unable to anticipate how         the same lane as your car.
          sharp a bend in the road is. It is therefore           If another vehicle suddenly pulls over
          the driver's responsibility to select an               in front of you, the system may not be
          appropriate speed before entering a bend.       able to re-establish the selected distance
          Due to the sensor's restricted range, the       of its own accord. There is a risk of a
          situation may arise where a preceding           bumper-to-bumper collision. The system
          vehicle may not be detected on a bend in        instructs the driver to intervene by applying
          the road, or detected very late.                the brakes and, if necessary, taking evasive
                                                          action, by the flashing display in the speed-

                                                          Braking sensation
                                                          As a result of the system's automatic appli-
                                                          cation of the brakes, the sensation
                                                          produced when the car is braked differs
                                                          somewhat from the feeling if the driver
                                                          were to apply the brakes in the same situa-
                                                          tion. Unaccustomed noises when the car is
          When your car is approaching a bend, in         braked automatically are normal.
          view of its curvature the system may
          respond temporarily to vehicles in the other    Displays to alert you
          lane. If your car decelerates in such a situ-              The display in the speedometer
          ation, the accelerator can be used briefly to              flashes to alert you to situations
          counteract this effect. When the acceler-                  in which the system has identi-
          ator is released again, the system will                    fied that the driver needs to
          resume control of the car's speed.                         intervene by applying the
                                                          brakes. This display does not relieve you of
                                                          the responsibility to adapt your desired
                                                          speed and driving style to the traffic condi-

                                                                      The display appears in the
                                                                      speedometer if ABS or DSC
                                                                      intervene automatically or you
                                                                      apply the parking brake while
                                                                      the car is being driven on Active


Cruise Control. The system will only inter-

vene by applying the brakes.

In such situations, the system can also be
interrupted by pressing the accelerator.
You can resume use of the system as
desired, as soon as the road conditions
and the traffic situation permit.

The driver retains control
The driver's actions always take prece-
dence. If the driver operates the acceler-
ator while Active Cruise Control is in use,
the automatic braking function is tempo-

                                                    Driving hints
rarily interrupted. When the accelerator is
released, the desired speed is re-estab-
lished or the selected distance from the
vehicle in front maintained.
      Do not leave your foot on the acceler-
      ator pedal, otherwise the system will
be overridden when it needs to reduce the
car's speed, and it will not be possible for

the system to apply the brakes.
Make sure that the accelerator pedal is not
being pressed permanently by floor mats or
other objects.<

If a malfunction occurs, a message appears
in the Check Control. Also observe the
supplementary information provided in the
control centre.
Heavy rain, dirt, snow and ice may impair
the system's ability to detect preceding
If necessary, clean the radar sensor at the
front of the car, beneath the bumper. Take
particular care when removing snow and


Document Created: 2002-07-17 16:58:41
Document Modified: 2002-07-17 16:58:41

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