Test Report


Test Report

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         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: TEFO1705095

                    RADIO TEST REPORT
           Applicant           : Partner Tech Corp.
                                   10FL, 233-2, Baoqiao Road, Xindian,
           Address             :
                                   New Taipei City, Taiwan
           Equipment           : Handheld Terminal

           Model No.           : MF-2352

           Trade Name          : Partner

           FCC ID              : NDPMF-2352


         The sample was received on Oct. 03, 2017 and the testing was carried out on Oct.
         23, 2017 at Cerpass Technology Corp. The test result refers exclusively to the test
         presented test model / sample. Without written approval of Cerpass Technology
         Corp., the test report shall not be reproduced except in full.

          Approved by:                               Tested by:

          Mark Liao / Assistant Manager              Spree Yei / Engineer

          Laboratory Accreditation:

                  Cerpass Technology Corporation Test Laboratory

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                             Issued date   :   Nov. 06, 2017
Tel:886-3-3226-888 Fax:886-3-3226-881                                Page No.      :   1 of 27
                                                                     FCC ID        :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                                     Report No.: TEFO1705095


 1.   Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results.................................................................................4
      1.1.     Applicable Standards .................................................................................................................4
 2.   Test Configuration of Equipment under Test ...................................................................................5
      2.1.     Feature of Equipment under Test...............................................................................................5
      2.2.     Carrier Frequency of Channels ..................................................................................................5
      2.3.     Test Mode and Test Software.....................................................................................................5
      2.4.     Description of Test System.........................................................................................................5
      2.5.     General Information of Test........................................................................................................6
 3.   Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests ...............................................................................7
 4.   Antenna Requirements.......................................................................................................................8
      4.1.     Standard Applicable ...................................................................................................................8
      4.2.     Antenna Construction and Directional Gain...............................................................................8
 5.   Test of AC Power Line Conducted Emission ...................................................................................9
      5.1.     Test Limit ....................................................................................................................................9
      5.2.     Test Procedures .........................................................................................................................9
      5.3.     Typical Test Setup ....................................................................................................................10
      5.4.     Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................ 11
      5.5.     Test Photographs .....................................................................................................................13
 6.   Test of Radiated Emission ...............................................................................................................14
      6.1.     Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................14
      6.2.     Test Procedures .......................................................................................................................15
      6.3.     Typical Test Setup Layout of Radiated Emission .....................................................................16
      6.4.     Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................17
      6.5.     20dB Bandwidth BW ................................................................................................................23
      6.6.     Test Photographs (9KHz ~ 30MHz) .........................................................................................24
      6.7.     Test Photographs (30MHz ~ 1GHz) .........................................................................................25
 7.   Frequency Stability ...........................................................................................................................26
      7.1.     Test Procedure .........................................................................................................................26
      7.2.     Test Setup Layout ....................................................................................................................26
      7.3.     Test Result and Data ................................................................................................................27

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                                                    Issued date             :    Nov. 06, 2017
Tel:886-3-3226-888 Fax:886-3-3226-881                                                                       Page No.                :    2 of 27
                                                                                                            FCC ID                  :    NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: TEFO1705095

                                        History of this test report

          Report No.          Issue Date       Description

          TEFO1705095         Nov. 06, 2017    Original

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                                                                      FCC ID        :   NDPMF-2352

    Lo        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFO1705035

     1. Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results
       1.1.   Applicable Standards
              ansi conarzore
              FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C §15.225
                FCC Ruta                 Description of Test          Resut
                 15.203              Antenna Requirement              pass
                 15.207              Conducted Emission               pass

                 1                        adiated E Emission
                                         Rediated                      P ass

                 15.205              200B Bandwidth BW                 Pass
                15.225(e)                Frequency Stabilty            Pass

    Cerpass Technology Corp.                                        Insued date       Now 06, 2017
    Torase8 4220808   FarBGs3 9220—001                              Page No.          a of2r
                                                                    ree in            NorNzase

Lo     CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No. TEFO1705025

 2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test
   24. Fealure of Equipment under Test
                              ET 2505—22300z;
       Frequency Range        RFID: 13.58MHz;
                              2.1G: 2412.0400MHz;
       Modulation Type        OFDM, DSSS, GFsK, x/4—DGPSK, SDPSK, ASK
                              802.1 th: 1, 2, 5.8,1Mbps
                              802.1 to: 6,9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mope
       Data Rate              802.1 n: MCBO — MCS7, HT20
                              GFSHG 1Mbops
                              it A—DOPSI: PMops
                              SDPSIC 3Mbps
                              ET: Monopole Antenna / 2dBi
       Antenna Typeigain      RFID: GoilAnterna /0.6dBi
                              2+4G: Monagote Antenna / 24Bi

  2.2. Carrier Frequency of Channels
               Ghannel          Frequency(MH2)
                  "                  13.5e
       Note: Channel remarked "*"is selected to perform test.

 28. Test Mode and Test Software
       . During testing, the interface cables and equipment positons were varied according to
       b. The complete test system included EUT for RF test
       ©. An execulve program," Production Test Too" under Linux was exeouted to ransrnt and receive
       d. The test mode of RF test as follow.
          Test Mode 1. RFID (ASK),13.56MHz

 24. Description of Test System
      The EUT was tested alone. No support devices are needed for testing.

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                            Insued date       Nov. 06, 2017
Torsse00020000 Fexeoso.ozrscet                                      Page No.          s or 2r
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         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No.: TEFO1705095

 2.5. General Information of Test
                           Cerpass Technology Corporation Test Laboratory
                           Address: No.10, Ln. 2, Lianfu St., Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City 33848, Taiwan
             Test Site     Address: No.68-1, Shihbachongsi, Shihding Township,
                           New Taipei City 223, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                           Tel: +886-2-2663-8582
                           FCC             TW1079, TW1061,390316, 228391, 641184
                           IC              4934E-1, 4934E-2
                                           T-2205 for Telecommunication Test
                                           C-4663 for Conducted emission test
                                           R-4399, R-4218 for Radiated emission test
                                           G-10812, G-10813 for radiated disturbance above 1GHz
                           Cerpass Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd
                           Address: No.66,Tangzhuang Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu 215006,
                           Tel: +86-512-6917-5888
                           Fax: +86-512-6917-5666
             Test Site     FCC             916572, 331395
                           IC              7290A-1, 7290A-2
                                           T-1945 for Telecommunication Test
                                           C-2919 for Conducted emission test
                                           R-2670 for Radiated emission test
                                           G-227 for radiated disturbance above 1GHz
        Frequency Range Investigated:      Conducted: from 150kHz to 30 MHz
                                           Radiation: from 30 MHz to 10,000MHz
                                           The test distance of radiated emission from antenna to
        Test Distance:
                                           EUT is 3 M.

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                Issued date   :   Nov. 06, 2017
Tel:886-3-3226-888 Fax:886-3-3226-881                                   Page No.      :   6 of 27
                                                                        FCC ID        :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No.: TEFO1705095

 3. Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests
        Instrument         Model No.    Manufacturer       Serial No.    Calibration Date     Valid Date
      EMI Receiver           R&S            ESCI3           100443         2017/03/07        2018/03/06

           LISN         Schwarzbeck      NSLK 8127         8127-568        2017/02/15        2018/02/14

       Pulse Limiter         R&S          ESH3-Z2           101934         2017/02/14        2018/02/13

      Bilog Antenna     Schwarzbeck       VULB9168            369          2017/03/15        2018/03/14
       Active Loop
                            EMCO            6507            40855          2017/05/15        2018/05/14
      Horn Antenna          EMCO            3115            31589          2017/02/18        2018/02/17

      Horn Anrenna          EMCO            3116            31970          2017/03/29        2018/03/28
       EXA Signal
                           KEYSIGHT        N9010A         MY54200207       2017/03/17        2018/03/16
       Preamplifier           EM           EM330            60660          2017/02/25        2018/02/24
       Preamplifier                EMC051845SE              980333         2017/09/20        2018/09/19
       Preamplifier         Agilent         8449B         3008A01954       2017/02/09        2018/02/08
       Preamplifier                      EMC184045          980065         2016/11/04        2017/11/03
       MXG MW
      Analog Signal        KEYSIGHT        N5183A         MY50142931       2017/03/17        2018/03/16
                             R&S            FSP40           100219         2017/07/01        2018/06/30
                             R&S             CBT            101133         2017/03/10        2018/03/09
        Attenuator         KEYSIGHT         8491B         MY39250703       2017/03/07        2018/03/06
                            Agilent         8495B         MY42146680       2017/03/13        2018/03/12
      Temp & Humi
                        T-MACHINE         TMJ-9712        T-12-040111      2017/09/04        2018/09/03
      Series Power
                            Anritsu       ML2495A          1224005         2017/03/01        2018/02/28
      Power Sensor          Anritsu       MA2411B          1207295         2017/03/01        2018/02/28
                            HUBER        SUCOFLEX
          Cable                                             28422/2        2017/02/25        2018/02/24
                           SUHNER           102
                            HUBER        SUCOFLEX
          Cable                                             28418/2        2017/02/25        2018/02/24
                           SUHNER           102
         Software           Farad          Ez-EMC          ver.ct3a1             N/A             N/A

         Software           AUDIX             E3          V8.2014-8-6            N/A              N/A
                                        N7607B Signal
         Software          Keysight                         v2.0.0.1             N/A              N/A
         Software          Keysight                           N/A                N/A              N/A

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                Issued date     :   Nov. 06, 2017
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                                                                        FCC ID          :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                            Report No.: TEFO1705095

 4. Antenna Requirements

   4.1. Standard Applicable
         For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be
         designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be
         used with the device.

         And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.249, if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater
         than 6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of
         the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

   4.2. Antenna Construction and Directional Gain
          Antenna Type        Antenna Gain
          Coil Antenna        0.6dBi

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                              Issued date     :   Nov. 06, 2017
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                                                                      FCC ID          :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                            Report No.: TEFO1705095

 5. Test of AC Power Line Conducted Emission

   5.1. Test Limit

         Conducted Emissions were measured from 150 kHz to 30 MHz with a bandwidth of 9 KHz,
         according to the methods defined in ANSI C63.4-2014. The EUT was placed on a nonmetallic
         stand in a shielded room 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The interface cables and
         equipment positioning were varied within limits of reasonable applications to determine the
         position produced maximum conducted emissions.

                Frequency               Quasi Peak                Average
                   (MHz)                 (dB µ V)                 (dB µ V)
                 0.15 – 0.5               66-56*                   56-46*
                 0.5 – 5.0                  56                        46
                 5.0 – 30.0                 60                        50
         *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

   5.2. Test Procedures

         a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meter from the conducting wall of the shielding room was kept at
              least 80 centimeters from any other grounded conducting surface.
         b. Connect EUT to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
         c. All the support units are connecting to the other LISN.
         d. The LISN provides 50 ohm coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.
         e. The FCC states that a 50 ohm, 50 micro-Henry LISN should be used.
         f.   Both sides of AC line were checked for maximum conducted interference.
         g. The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was searched.
         h. Set the test-receiver system to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with
              Maximum Hold Mode.

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                                                                       FCC ID        :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFO1705095

   5.3. Typical Test Setup




        AC Line

                   LISN                                                               LISN


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                                                                    FCC ID        :     NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFO1705095

   5.4. Test Result and Data

          Power         :   AC 120V                         Pol/Phase        :   LINE
          Test Mode     :   Mode 1                          Temperature      :   25 °C
          Test date     :   Oct. 23, 2017                   Humidity         :   61 %

         Note: Level = Reading + Factor
              Margin = Level – Limit
              Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or current probe) Factor + Cable Loss+ Attenuator

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                                                                    FCC ID           :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFO1705095

          Power         :   AC 120V                         Pol/Phase        :   NEUTRAL
          Test Mode     :   Mode 1                          Temperature      :   25 °C
          Test date     :   Oct. 23, 2017                   Humidity         :   61 %

         Note: Level = Reading + Factor
              Margin = Level – Limit
              Factor = (LISN, ISN, PLC or current probe) Factor + Cable Loss+ Attenuator

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                                                                    FCC ID          :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.             Report No.: TEFO1705095

 5.5. Test Photographs

       Front View

       Rear View

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                                        FCC ID        :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                               Report No.: TEFO1705095

 6. Test of Radiated Emission
 6.1. Test Limit
        (a) The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553-13.567 MHz shall not exceed
            15,848 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.
        (b) Within the bands 13.410-13.553 MHz and 13.567-13.710 MHz, the field strength of any
            emissions shall not exceed 334 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.
        (c) Within the bands 13.110-13.410 MHz and 13.710-14.010 MHz the field strength of any
            emissions shall not exceed 106 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.
        (d) The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110-14.010 MHz band
            shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in §15.209.

            Frequency (MHz)         Distance         Limit (μV/ m)
              0.09 ~ 0.490              300m         2400/F(kHz)
              0.490 ~ 1.705             30m         24000/ F(kHz)
               1.705 ~ 30               30m               30
                 30 ~ 88                3m               100
                88 ~ 216                3m               150
               216 ~ 960                3m               200
               Above 960                3m               500

       15.215 Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations.:

         (c) Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general

            emission limits, as contained in §§15.217 through 15.257 and in subpart E of this part,

            must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever

            bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the specific rule section under which the

            equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule

            section under which the equipment is operated.

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                 Issued date     :   Nov. 06, 2017
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                                                                         FCC ID          :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No.: TEFO1705095

   6.2. Test Procedures
         a. The EUT was placed on a rotatable table top 0.8 meter above ground.
         b. The EUT was set 3 meters from the interference receiving antenna which was mounted on
               the top of a variable height antenna tower.
         c. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
         d. The antenna is a broadband antenna and its height is varied between one meter and four
               meters above ground to find the maximum value of the field strength both horizontal
               polarization and vertical polarization of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
         e. For each suspected emission the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the
               antenna tower (from 1 M to 4 M) and turn table (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the
               maximum reading.
         f.    Set the test-receiver system to Peak or CISPR quasi-peak Detect Function and specified
               bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
         g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 3 dB lower than the limit specified, then
               testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions
               which do not have 3 dB margin will be repeated one by one using the quasi-peak method and
         h. “Cone of radiation” has been considered to be 3dB beamwidth of the measurement antenna.

       1. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 300Hz or CISPS 200Hz(QP
              detector) at frequency Below 150 kHz.
       2. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 10KHz or CISPS 9KHz(QP
              detector) at frequency 150 kHz to 30 MHz.
       3. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz for
              Peak detection (PK) and Quasi-peak detection (QP) at frequency below 1GHz.

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                Issued date    :   Nov. 06, 2017
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                                                                        FCC ID         :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: TEFO1705095

   6.3. Typical Test Setup Layout of Radiated Emission
           Below 30MHz test setup


                                                                          Equipment under Test

                              1m                 *    3m


                                                           Ground Plane

          Below 1GHz Test Setup

                                                                          Equipment under Test

                                             *       3m

                                                                               Turn Table

                                                           Ground Plane


Cerpass Technology Corp.                                           Issued date        :     Nov. 06, 2017
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                                                                   FCC ID             :     NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                    Report No.: TEFO1705095

 6.4. Test Result and Data
 6.4.1. Test Result of Fundamental Emission

        Power                  : AC 120V         Loop                        :       Open
        Test Mode              : Mode 1          Temperature                 :       24°C
        Test Date              : Oct. 03, 2017   Humidity                    :       63%

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                                                               FCC ID            :    NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                    Report No.: TEFO1705095

        Power                  : AC 120V         Loop                        : Close
        Test Mode              : Mode 1          Temperature                 : 24°C
        Test Date              : Oct. 03, 2017   Humidity                    : 63%

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                                                               FCC ID          :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                     Report No.: TEFO1705095

 6.4.2. Test Result of Unwanted Spurious emission (9KHz ~ 30MHz)

        Power                  : AC 120V          Loop                        : Open
        Test Mode              : Mode 1           Temperature                 : 24°C
        Test Date              : Oct. 03, 2017    Humidity                    : 63%

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                                                                FCC ID         :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                    Report No.: TEFO1705095

        Power                  : AC 120V         Loop                        : Close
        Test Mode              : Mode 1          Temperature                 : 24°C
        Test Date              : Oct. 03, 2017   Humidity                    : 63%

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                                                               FCC ID          :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                     Report No.: TEFO1705095

 6.4.3. Test Result of Unwanted Spurious emission (30GHz ~ 1GHz)

        Power                  : AC 120V          Pol/Phase                   : VERTICAL
        Test Mode              : Mode 1           Temperature                 : 24°C
        Test Date              : Oct. 03, 2017    Humidity                    : 63%

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                                                                FCC ID         :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                    Report No.: TEFO1705095

        Power                  : AC 120V         Pol/Phase                   : HORIZONTAL
        Test Mode              : Mode 1          Temperature                 : 24°C
        Test Date              : Oct. 03, 2017   Humidity                    : 63%

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                                                               FCC ID         :   NDPMF-2352

    Lo       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                          Report No.: TEFO1705035

     6.5. 200B Bandwidth BW

                                            Frequency range Frequency range
             F'a‘}l‘fl;cy   ZDdB(ifl‘z‘)"”‘d‘” MHz (20dB Down)MHz (20dB Down)
                                           1L > 13.553 Mz 1 <19.567 MHz
                EC3             272            Taseoss         ia.sez08
           2008 Bandwitth
           1356 viie
           &                                     tm d hm       memee a io a
                                                               «se 9t
                 .                              >

    Cerpass Technology Corp.                                          Issued date       Now 06,2017
    Torase8 4220208   FarBOs3—9225—801                                Page No.          23 of 27
                                                                      ree in            NorNzase

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.               Report No.: TEFO1705095

   6.6. Test Photographs (9KHz ~ 30MHz)

         Front View

         Rear View

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                                          FCC ID        :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.               Report No.: TEFO1705095

   6.7. Test Photographs (30MHz ~ 1GHz)

         Front View

         Rear View

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                                          FCC ID        :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: TEFO1705095

 7. Frequency Stability
   7.1. Test Procedure

        1. The EUT was placed inside the Temperature and Humidity chamber.
        2. The transmitter output was connected to spectrum analyzer.
        3. Turn the EUT on and couple its output to a spectrum analyzer.
        4. Turn the EUT off and set the chamber to the highest temperature specified.
        5. Allow sufficient time (approximately 30 min) for the temperature of the chamber to stabilize,
           turn the EUT on and measure the operating frequency after 2, 5, and 10 minutes.
        6. Repeat step 2 and 3 with the temperature chamber set to the lowest temperature.
        7. The test chamber was allowed to stabilize at +20 degree C for a minimum of 30 minutes. The
           supply voltage was then adjusted on the EUT from 85% to 115% and the frequency record.

   7.2. Test Setup Layout

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                                                                      FCC ID         :   NDPMF-2352

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                  Report No.: TEFO1705095

   7.3. Test Result and Data
        Operating frequency: 13.56 MHz
                      Power        2 minute           5 minute                10 minute
           (C)                (MHz)      (%)    (MHz)       (%)           (MHz)        (%)
                       102    13.5613 0.009355   13.5609   0.006919     13.5608      0.005928
            50         120    13.5608 0.006195   13.5608   0.005605     13.5608      0.005605
                       138    13.5613 0.009364   13.5608   0.005865     13.5610      0.007709
                       102    13.5609 0.006710   13.5608   0.005885     13.5611      0.007860
            40         120    13.5611 0.008215   13.5610   0.007598     13.5611      0.007882
                       138    13.5611 0.008049   13.5610   0.007008     13.5608      0.005613
                       102    13.5611 0.008220   13.5609   0.006901     13.5610      0.007366
            30         120    13.5609 0.006646   13.5611   0.007985     13.5609      0.006496
                       138    13.5610 0.007268   13.5612   0.008889     13.5612      0.008719
                       102    13.5612 0.008914   13.5609   0.006392     13.5610      0.007062
            20         120    13.5608 0.005605   13.5608   0.005605     13.5607      0.005457
                       138    13.5612 0.009069   13.5611   0.008388     13.5609      0.006487
                       102    13.5610 0.007666   13.5609   0.006543     13.5609      0.006791
            10         120    13.5613 0.009830   13.5608   0.005611     13.5609      0.006795
                       138    13.5609 0.006830   13.5608   0.005695     13.5611      0.007880
                       102    13.5609 0.006464   13.5609   0.006334     13.5613      0.009277
             0         120    13.5609 0.006982   13.5609   0.006998     13.5612      0.008948
                       138    13.5612 0.009169   13.5612   0.008608     13.5612      0.009190
                       102    13.5609 0.006459   13.5609   0.006477     13.5611      0.008187
           -10         120    13.5611 0.008358   13.5608   0.005912     13.5612      0.008506
                       138    13.5611 0.008058   13.5610   0.007179     13.5612      0.009025
                       102    13.5609 0.006342   13.5608   0.006115     13.5610      0.007708
           -20         120    13.5608 0.006047   13.5608   0.006047     13.5608      0.006047
                       138    13.5611 0.008312   13.5611   0.007880     13.5609      0.006472

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                     Issued date      :    Nov. 06, 2017
Tel:886-3-3226-888 Fax:886-3-3226-881                        Page No.         :    27 of 27
                                                             FCC ID           :    NDPMF-2352

Document Created: 2017-11-20 11:09:28
Document Modified: 2017-11-20 11:09:28

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