

Cover Letter(s)

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FCG, Anquestfor non—daclosure                                              Date: 101g49
nFS01,leave 5                                                              Page 1 or1
                                   Company Name: Partner Tach Corp.
                                   Address:      1002, 2302, Roogiso Aoad, xtndton,
                                   Oy:           HewTelp y
                                   Gaunty:           Tahan
To: Telelcation BY,, Deat. Foc Tos
    Edisonstruat 128
    es pk zevetiaan
    The Nethariende

Subject: Requent or confidentilty FGC ID: nope—a00
Raterence number: #8248
1. Long—Term Confidentalty
  Purstantto 47 CFR Secton 0.450(e) & (, we hereby requests nondladlosure and contident teatment
  o tha fllming mateials submited i support f FGG ourtfeation sppleation:
   C Blits) of Materal         E) Block Diagrims
   EJ Operatonal Deecrision CJ Schomac Diagrams             C Tunsrup Procedure
  Above materals contal secret, propetary and technical nformaton, which would customaty be
  quarted from compattor under 47 GFN, senton 0.457(@}(2)Disclooure or publation or any portonat
  this company contéderal matera o other parten could cause substartlalcompottve harm and provo
  uniuatfed benafts for compattors.

2. Short—Term Confidentialty (6TC)
    Pursuantto Puble Notlce DA 0é—1706 of ho Cormmisalon‘s poly, n orda to comply wih the markating
    regulatons n 47 CFR §2.009 and the Imporiaton rules in 47 CFR §2.1204, apploant hereby requests
    shor—Torm Contdantal veetmontof t folowing mateiale(note 1};
   C Intomal Photon C User‘s Marual          C Test Setup Photoe           CJ Extemal Photos

   Flannod Release Dato STC:       froe2,5.4,8)

Dare: aotzmzm         Name and oignature of apllcant dary Fang   )“w'/‘    L{uj

"}Astcurerorpe fanrentc enhmOEtpoctcntinatatyt
‘) horTh oontdlcday inable ldye ordat oe oo h utrcado tm eta o 100 cze x1
3 POGuxt ntrmes nter mateirgtaghesute.
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8 frano nmndmc h iess ren o recaindtyTabcat tus 7c ts uoactl ttgert
mpiniti oheTCpatad

Document Created: 2017-02-21 22:48:32
Document Modified: 2017-02-21 22:48:32

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