Colocation Report

FCC ID: NDD9576791401

Test Report

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          FCC Test Report                                                                       Report No. : FR411403

1.1 Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
1.1.1     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions Limit
                                      Restricted Band Emissions Limit
Frequency Range (MHz)         Field Strength (uV/m)      Field Strength (dBuV/m)          Measure Distance (m)
        0.009~0.490                 2400/F(kHz)                  48.5 - 13.8                      300
        0.490~1.705                24000/F(kHz)                   33.8 - 23                        30
        1.705~30.0                       30                              29                        30
           30~88                        100                              40                        3
           88~216                       150                          43.5                          3
          216~960                       200                              46                        3
         Above 960                      500                              54                        3
Note 1: Test distance for frequencies at or above 30 MHz, measurements may be performed at a distance
        other than the limit distance provided they are not performed in the near field and the emissions to
        be measured can be detected by the measurement equipment. When performing measurements at
        a distance other than that specified, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using
        an extrapolation factor of 20 dB/decade (inverse of linear distance for field-strength measurements,
        inverse of linear distance-squared for power-density measurements).
Note 2: Test distance for frequencies at below 30 MHz, measurements may be performed at a distance
        closer than the EUT limit distance; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making
        measurements in the near field. When performing measurements below 30 MHz at a closer distance
        than the limit distance, the results shall be extrapolated to the specified distance by either making
        measurements at a minimum of two or more distances on at least one radial to determine the proper
        extrapolation factor or by using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40
        dB/decade). The test report shall specify the extrapolation method used to determine compliance of
        the EUT.

                                     Un-restricted Band Emissions Limit
              RF output power procedure                                         Limit (dB)
              Peak output power procedure                                            20
            Average output power procedure                                           30
Note 1: If the peak output power procedure is used to measure the fundamental emission power to
        demonstrate compliance to requirements, then the peak conducted output power measured within
        any 100 kHz outside the authorized frequency band shall be attenuated by at least 20 dB relative to
        the maximum measured in-band peak PSD level.
Note 2: If the average output power procedure is used to measure the fundamental emission power to
        demonstrate compliance to requirements, then the power in any 100 kHz outside of the authorized
        frequency band shall be attenuated by at least 30 dB relative to the maximum measured in-band
        average PSD level.

1.1.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

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          FCC Test Report                                                                   Report No. : FR411403

1.1.3     Test Procedures
                                                Test Method
     Measurements may be performed at a distance other than the limit distance provided they are not
     performed in the near field and the emissions to be measured can be detected by the measurement
     equipment. When performing measurements at a distance other than that specified, the results shall be
     extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation factor of 20 dB/decade (inverse of linear
     distance for field-strength measurements, inverse of linear distance-squared for power-density
           Measurements in the frequency range 10 GHz - 18GHz are typically made at a closer distance 1m,
           because the instrumentation noise floor is typically close to the radiated emission limit.
           Measurements in the frequency range above 18 GHz - 25GHz are typically made at a closer
           distance 0.5m, because the instrumentation noise floor is typically close to the radiated emission
     The average emission levels shall be measured in [duty cycle ≥ 98 or duty factor].
     For the transmitter unwanted emissions shall be measured using following options below:
           Refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause 10.1 for unwanted emissions into non-restricted bands.
           Refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause 10.2 for unwanted emissions into restricted bands.
                 Refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause and 8.2.1 Option 1 (spectral trace averaging)
                 Refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause and 8.2.1 Option 2 (slow sweep speed).
                 Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause (Reduced VBW). VBW ≥ 1/T, where T is pulse time.
                 Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause average value of pulsed emissions.
                 Refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause and 8.1.1 measurement procedure peak limit.
                 Refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause measurement procedure Quasi-Peak limit.
     For radiated measurement, refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause 10.2.1.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.4 for radiated emissions below 30 MHz and test distance is 3m.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.5 for radiated emissions 30 MHz to 1 GHz and test distance is 3m.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.6 for radiated emissions above 1GHz.
           For 1 GHz to 5 GHz, test distance is 3m; For 5 GHz to 40 GHz, test distance is 1m.
     For conducted and cabinet radiation measurement, refer as FCC KDB 558074, clause 10.2.2.
           For conducted unwanted emissions into non-restricted bands (relative emission limits).
           Devices with multiple transmit chains:
           Refer as FCC KDB 662911, when testing out-of-band and spurious emissions against relative
           emission limits, tests may be performed on each output individually without summing or adding 10
           log(N) if the measurements are made relative to the in-band emissions on the individual outputs.
           For conducted unwanted emissions into restricted bands (absolute emission limits).
           Devices with multiple transmit chains using options given below:
           (1) Measure and sum the spectra across the outputs or
           (2) Measure and add 10 log(N) dB
FCC KDB 558074

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          FCC Test Report                                                                          Report No. : FR411403

1.1.4     Test Setup
                              Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions Below 1GHz

        Magnetic field tests shall be performed in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz using a calibrated loop
        antenna. Electric field tests shall be performed in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1000 MHz using a
        calibrated bi-log antenna.
                              Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions Above 1GHz

        The frequency range of 1 GHz to 40 GHz using a calibrated horn antenna.

1.1.5     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Below 30MHz)
All amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20 dB below the permissible value has
no need to be reported.

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          FCC Test Report                                                                 Report No. : FR411403

1.1.6     Results of Radiated Emissions (30MHz~1GHz)
                              Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Mode               EUT with Adapter 1                               Polarization     V
Operating Function           2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)

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          FCC Test Report                                                                 Report No. : FR411403

                              Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Mode               EUT with Adapter 1                               Polarization     H
Operating Function           2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)

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          FCC Test Report                                                                 Report No. : FR411403

                                Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Mode               EUT with Adapter 2                          Polarization       V
Operating Function           2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)

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          FCC Test Report                                                                 Report No. : FR411403

                                Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Mode               EUT with Adapter 2                          Polarization       H
Operating Function           2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)

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          FCC Test Report                                                                 Report No. : FR411403

                                Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Mode               EUT with PoE                                Polarization       V
Operating Function           2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)

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          FCC Test Report                                                                 Report No. : FR411403

                                Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Mode               EUT with PoE                                Polarization       H
Operating Function           2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)

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          FCC Test Report                                                                           Report No. : FR411403

1.1.7     Results for Radiated Emissions (1GHz~10th Harmonic)
                                    Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Function              2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)
Polarization                    V

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)
Note 4: For restricted bands, the peak measurement is fully sufficient, as the max field strength as measured with the
        Peak-Detector meets the AV-Limit so that the AV level does not need to be reported in addition.
Note 5: For un-restricted bands, unwanted emissions shall be attenuated by at least 20 dB relative to the maximum
        measured in-band level.

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          FCC Test Report                                                                           Report No. : FR411403

                                  Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
Operating Function            2.4GHz WiFi 3TX 11n20M (2437MHz) + 5G WiFi 3TX 11n20M (5745MHz)
Polarization                  H

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)
Note 4: For restricted bands, the peak measurement is fully sufficient, as the max field strength as measured with the
        Peak-Detector meets the AV-Limit so that the AV level does not need to be reported in addition.
Note 5: For un-restricted bands, unwanted emissions shall be attenuated by at least 20 dB relative to the maximum
        measured in-band level.

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             FCC Test Report                                                                                        Report No. : FR411403


    Instrument            Manufacturer           Model No.            Serial No.    Characteristics      Calibration Date       Remark

3m Se m i Ane c ho ic                                                               30MHz ~ 1G Hz                              Ra d ia te d
                        SIDT FRANKO NIA           SAC -3M             03C H03-HY                           No v. 30, 2013
    C ha m b e r                                                                        3m                                      Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
      Am p lifie r              HP                  8447D             2944A08033    10kHz ~ 1.3G Hz        Ma y 03, 2013
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
      Am p lifie r            Ag ile nt             8449B             3008A02120    1G Hz ~ 26.5G Hz       Aug . 20, 2013
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
     Sp e c trum                R&S                 FSP40               100004       9kHz ~ 40G Hz         Ma r. 27, 2014
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
   Bilo g Ante nna         SC HAFFNER            C BL 6112D             22237       30MHz ~ 1G Hz          Se p . 21, 2013
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
   Ho rn Ante nna             EMC O                  3115                6741       1G Hz ~ 18G Hz         Ma y 31, 2013
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
   Ho rn Ante nna        SC HWARZBEC K           BBHA9170           BBHA9170154     15G Hz ~ 40G Hz        Ja n. 10, 2014
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
  RF C a b le -R03m          Jye Ba o              RG 142               C B021       9kHz ~ 1G Hz          No v. 16, 2013
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
  RF C a b le -hig h         SUHNER            SUC O FLEX 106         03C H03-HY    1G Hz ~ 40G Hz         De c . 11, 2013
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
     Turn Ta b le        EM Ele c tro nic s    EM Ele c tro nic s       060615      0 ~ 360 d e g re e           N/ A
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
  Ante nna Ma st                MF                MF-7802           MF780208179         1~4m                     N/ A
                                                                                                                                Em issio n
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

    Instrument            Manufacturer           Model No.             Serial No.   Characteristics      Calibration Date       Remark

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
      Am p lifie r              EM              EM18G 40G               060604      18G Hz ~ 40G Hz        O c t. 17.2013
                                                                                                                                Em issio n

                                                                                                                               Ra d ia te d
  Lo o p Ante nna             TESEQ               HLA 6120               31244       9kHz ~ 30MHz          De c . 02, 2012
                                                                                                                                Em issio n
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is two year.

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Document Created: 2018-08-12 16:45:23
Document Modified: 2018-08-12 16:45:23

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