15.231 Test Report Rev 3.3

FCC ID: NC3-14024VL

Test Report

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731 Enterprise Drive
Lexington, KY 40510

Tel 859 226 1000
Fax 859 226 1040


Attenti US Inc.





Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017

                                                       EMC TEST REPORT
                                                            (FULL COMPLIANCE)

                                                  Report Number:            103788844LEX-003.3
                                                  Project Number:           G103788844

                                                Report Issue Date:          4/10/2019

                                                  Model(s) Tested:          AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device

                                                          Standards:        FCC Part 15.231
                                                                            RSS-210 Issue 9

                         Tested by:                                                                     Client:
             Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc.                                                     Attenti US Inc.
                     731 Enterprise Dr.                                                           1838 Gunn Highway
                    Lexington, KY 40510                                                            Odessa, FL 55144
                            USA                                                                          USA

                       Report prepared by                                                           Report reviewed by

                            Brian Daffin,                                                               Bryan Taylor,
                              Engineer                                                                  Team Leader

This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's
responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the
Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to
copy or distribute this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the
tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only
to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification

                                                             Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc.

                                                                                                            Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                                                 Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                                          Date: 4/10/2019

                                                               Table of Contents

1   Introduction and Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 4
2   Test Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 4
3   Description of Equipment Under Test ............................................................................................... 5
4   Duty Cycle Correction Factor ............................................................................................................. 8
5   Transmission Timing ........................................................................................................................... 9
6   Occupied Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................... 11
7   Radiated Spurious Emissions (Transmitter) ................................................................................... 16
8   Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................. 22
9   Revision History ................................................................................................................................. 23

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                   Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                        Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                 Date: 4/10/2019

1        Introduction and Conclusion

The tests indicated in section 2 were performed on the product constructed as described in section 3. The
remaining test sections are the verbatim text from the actual data sheets used during the investigation.
These test sections include the test name, the specified test method, a list of the actual test equipment
used, documentation photos, results and raw data. No additions, deviations, or exclusions have been
made from the standard(s) unless specifically noted.

Based on the results of our investigation, we have concluded the product tested complied with the
requirements of the standard(s) indicated. The results obtained in this test report pertain only to the
item(s) tested.

The INTERTEK-Lexington is located at 731 Enterprise Drive, Lexington Kentucky, 40510. The radiated
emission test site is a 10-meter semi-anechoic chamber. The chamber meets the characteristics of
CISPR 16-1 and ANSI C63.4: 2009. For measurements, a remotely controlled flush-mount metal-top
turntable is used to rotate the EUT a full 360 degrees. A remote controlled non-conductive antenna mast
is used to scan the antenna height from one to four meters. The test site is listed with the FCC under
registration number 485103. The test site is listed with Industry Canada under site number IC 2042M-1.

2        Test Summary

Page                   Test full name                    FCC Reference                IC Reference          Result

                                                                                      ANSI C63.10:
    8         Duty Cycle Correction Factor             ANSI C63.10: 2013                                       ---
              Transmission Timing
    11                                                     § 15.231(a)              RSS-210 (A1.1.1)         Pass

    11        Occupied Bandwidth                           § 15.231(c)              RSS-210 (A1.1.3)         Pass

    12        Radiated Emissions                           § 15.231(b)              RSS-210 (A1.1.2)         Pass

    21        Antenna Requirement per FCC                    § 15.203                RSS-Gen (7.1.2)         Pass
              Part 15.203

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                              Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                   Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                            Date: 4/10/2019

3       Description of Equipment Under Test

                                    Equipment Under Test
Manufacturer                               Attenti US Inc.
Model Number                               14024VL
Serial Number                              34477985
Receive Date                               12/13/2018
Test Start Date                            12/13/2018
Test End Date                              12/21/2018
Device Received Condition                  Good
Test Sample Type                           Production
Transmission Control                       Firmware
Transmit Frequencies                       433.92 MHz
Fundamental Transmission Field Strength    Beacon Mode – 79.96 dBµV/m
                                           Ping Mode – 67.11 dBµV/m
Antenna Type (15.203)                      Permanent internal antenna
Operating Voltage                          Battery Powered

Description of Equipment Under Test
Attenti 1Piece GPS Offender Tracking Device Model 14024VL

Operating modes of the EUT:
No. Descriptions of EUT Exercising
    1   Beacon Mode - Continuously transmitting data transmission at normal operation max power
    2   Ping Mode - Continuously transmitting CW at reduced power

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                              Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                   Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                            Date: 4/10/2019

    3.1 Photographs of Test Sample



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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                               Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                    Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                             Date: 4/10/2019

4        System Setup and Method

4.1       Method:

Configuration as required by ANSI C63.10:2013.

No. Descriptions of EUT Exercising
    1     Beacon Mode - Continuously transmitting data transmission at normal operation max power
    2     Ping Mode - Continuously transmitting CW at reduced power


    ID               Description              Length (m)       Shielding        Ferrites      Termination
                    Charging Cable                2               No              No            AC Plug

                                             Support Equipment
        Description                  Manufacturer         Model Number                 Serial Number
    No Support Equipment                 ---                   ---                            ---

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                 Page 7 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                     Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                              Date: 4/10/2019

5    Duty Cycle Correction Factor

    5.1 Test Procedure
ANSI C63.10: 2013 Section 7.5 was followed for measuring the duty cycle and calculating the duty cycle
correction factor. When necessary the duty cycle correction factor was used to compute the average
value of pulsed emissions during the radiated testing.

    5.2 Test Equipment Used:
    Description       Serial Number        Manufacturer            Model          Cal. Date       Cal. Due
     Spectrum              3099              Rohde &               FSP7           9/20/2018       9/20/2019
     Analyzer                                Schwarz

    5.3 Duty Cycle Correction Factor Results (433.92MHz):

    Pulse train exceeds 100ms, so duty cycle correction factor is calculated based on 100ms window

         DELTA MARKER 1                                   RBW 1 MHz         Delta 1 [T2 ]
         4.86 ms                                       * VBW   3 MHz                       -54.11 dB
        Ref -10 dBm                * Att    10 dB         SWT 10 ms                     4.860000 ms

        -10                                                                 Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                                                           -23.36 dBm
                                                                                      20.000000 µs          A
        -20       1

        -30                                                                                                TRG

2 AP


                  TRG -55.3 dBm








        Center 433.91824 MHz                        1 ms/

Date:          21.DEC.2018      16:19:09

Beacon Pulse Duration = 4.86mS

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                  Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                       Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                Date: 4/10/2019

         MARKER 1                                           RBW 1 MHz         Marker 1 [T2 ]
         100 ms                                            * VBW   3 MHz                     -75.80 dBm
        Ref -10 dBm                * Att      10 dB         SWT 200 ms                 100.000000 ms



        -30                                                                                                  TRG

2 AP


                  TRG -55.3 dBm







        Center 433.91824 MHz                          20 ms/

Date:          21.DEC.2018      16:22:03

Beacon Pulses in 100mS = 1

Beacon DCCF = 20log (4.86 / 100) = -26.26dB

Max Duty Cycle Correction factor is -20 dB.

Note: Firmware changes were made after the original testing to reduce the total transmission time. These
changes are detailed in the operational description document. These changes impact the ping mode Duty
Cycle Correction Factor, which is calculated by the manufacturer in the
“OperationalDescription_Pages4&5_2019_04-09.pdf” as -18.85dB.

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                  Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                       Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                Date: 4/10/2019

6     Transmission Timing

§ 15.231(a):
      The provisions of this section are restricted to periodic operation within the band 40.66-40.70 MHz
and above 70 MHz. Except as shown in paragraph (e) of this section, the intentional radiator is restricted
to the transmission of a control signal such as those used with alarm systems, door openers, remote
switches, etc. Continuous transmissions, voice, video and the radio control of toys are not permitted. Data
is permitted to be sent with a control signal. The following conditions shall be met to comply with the
provisions for this periodic operation:

     (1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the
transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.

      (2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation.

     (3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted. However, polling or
supervision transmissions, including data, to determine system integrity of transmitters used in security or
safety applications are allowed if the total duration of transmissions does not exceed more than two
seconds per hour for each transmitter. There is no limit on the number of individual transmissions,
provided the total transmission time does not exceed two seconds per hour.

       (4) Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during emergencies involving
fire, security, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate during the pendency of the
alarm condition

      (5) Transmission of set-up information for security systems may exceed the transmission duration
limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section, provided such transmissions are under the control of
a professional installer and do not exceed ten seconds after a manually operated switch is released or a
transmitter is activated automatically. Such set-up information may include data.

6.1    Test Results
The client provided attestation statements indicating the following:

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                   Page 10 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                             Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                  Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                           Date: 4/10/2019

7    Occupied Bandwidth

    7.1 Test Limits

§ 15.231(c): The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for
             devices operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900
             MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency. Bandwidth is
             determined at the points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

    7.2 Test Procedure
ANSI C63.10: 2013

    7.3 Test Equipment Used:
    Description       Serial Number      Manufacturer           Model          Cal. Date       Cal. Due
     Spectrum              3099            Rohde &              FSP7           9/20/2018       9/20/2019
     Analyzer                              Schwarz

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                 Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                      Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                               Date: 4/10/2019

   7.4 Results: Beacon Mode - Bandwidth Measurement

         VIDEO BANDWIDTH                                  * RBW   3 kHz      Marker 1 [T2 ]
         10 kHz                                           * VBW 10 kHz                      -26.30 dBm
        Ref -10 dBm                * Att    10 dB          SWT 60 ms             433.918235000 MHz

        -10                                                                  OBW153.000000000 kHz
                                                                             Temp 1 [T2 OBW]
                                                                                            -41.20 dBm       A
                                                      1                          433.842240000 MHz
                                                                             Temp 2 [T2 OBW]
        -30                                                                                 -40.87 dBm
                                                                                 433.995240000 MHz
2 PK
                                       T1                             T2








        Center 433.91824 MHz                        50 kHz/                              Span 500 kHz

Date:          21.DEC.2018      16:46:25

Beacon 99% BW = 153kHz

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                 Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                      Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                               Date: 4/10/2019

         ndB DOWN VALUE                                   * RBW   3 kHz      Marker 1 [T2 ]
         20 dB                                            * VBW   10 kHz                    -26.90 dBm
        Ref -10 dBm                * Att    10 dB          SWT 60 ms             433.918235000 MHz

        -10                                                                  ndB [T2]        20.00 dB
                                                                             BW 134.000000000 kHz
                                                                             Temp 1 [T2 ndB]                 A
                                                      1                                     -47.29 dBm
                                                                                 433.853240000 MHz
        -30                                                                  Temp 2 [T2 ndB]
                                                                                            -47.48 dBm
2 PK
                                                                                 433.987240000 MHz
                                           T1                        T2








        Center 433.91824 MHz                        50 kHz/                              Span 500 kHz

Date:          21.DEC.2018      16:47:38

Beacon 20dB BW = 134kHz

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                 Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                      Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                               Date: 4/10/2019

7.1     Results: Ping Mode - Bandwidth Measurement

                                                          * RBW   30 Hz      Marker 1 [T2 ]
                                                          * VBW   10 kHz                    -52.57 dBm
        Ref -20 dBm                * Att   10 dB           SWT 5.6 s               433.918230000 MHz

        -20                                                                  OBW     1.520000000 kHz
                                                                             Temp 1 [T2 OBW]
                                                                                            -76.98 dBm       A
                                                                                   433.917870000 MHz
                                                                             Temp 2 [T2 OBW]
        -40                                                                                 -76.66 dBm
                                                                                   433.919390000 MHz
2 PK
VIEW                                                  1


                                               T1                             T2






        Center 433.91824 MHz                        500 Hz/                                 Span 5 kHz

Date:          21.DEC.2018      15:22:17

99% BW = 1.52kHz

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                   Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                        Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                 Date: 4/10/2019

         MARKER 1                                           * RBW   30 Hz      Marker 1 [T2 ]
         433.91823 MHz                                      * VBW 10 kHz                      -52.57 dBm
        Ref -20 dBm                * Att   10 dB             SWT 5.6 s             433.918230000 MHz

        -20                                                                    ndB [T2]        20.00 dB
                                                                               BW 510.000000000 Hz
                                                                               Temp 1 [T2 ndB]                 A
                                                                                              -70.34 dBm
                                                                                   433.917960000 MHz
        -40                                                                    Temp 2 [T2 ndB]
                                                                                              -73.32 dBm
2 PK
                                                                                   433.918470000 MHz
        -50                                             1


        -70                                                   T2






        Center 433.91824 MHz                        500 Hz/                                   Span 5 kHz

Date:          21.DEC.2018      15:24:02

20dB BW = 510Hz

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                    Page 15 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                        Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                             Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                      Date: 4/10/2019

8    Radiated Spurious Emissions (Transmitter)

    8.1 Test Limits

§ 15.231(a): The provisions of this section are restricted to periodic operation within the band 40.66-40.70
             MHz and above 70 MHz. Except as shown in paragraph (e) of this section, the intentional
             radiator is restricted to the transmission of a control signal such as those used with alarm
             systems, door openers, remote switches, etc. Continuous transmissions, voice, video and
             the radio control of toys are not permitted. Data is permitted to be sent with a control signal.
             The following conditions shall be met to comply with the provisions for this periodic operation

                  (2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after

                  (4) Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during emergencies
                  involving fire, security, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate
                  during the pendency of the alarm condition.

                  (b) In addition to the provisions of §15.205, the field strength of emissions from intentional
                  radiators operated under this section shall not exceed the following:

      Fundamental                     Field strength of fundamental        Field strength of spurious emissions
    frequency (MHz)                         (microvolts/meter)                       (microvolts/meter)
40.66-40.70                       2,250                                225
70-130                            1,250                                125
                                  1                                    1
130-174                           1,250 to 3,750                       125 to 375
174-260                           3,750                                375
                                  1                                    1
260-470                           3,750 to 12,500                      375 to 1,250
Above 470                         12,500                               1,250
         Linear interpolations.

                  (1) The above field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters. The tighter limits
                       apply at the band edges.

                  (2) Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of this section shall demonstrate
                       compliance with the limits on the field strength of emissions, as shown in the above
                       table, based on the average value of the measured emissions. As an alternative,
                       compliance with the limits in the above table may be based on the use of measurement
                       instrumentation with a CISPR quasi-peak detector. The specific method of measurement
                       employed shall be specified in the application for equipment authorization. If average
                       emission measurements are employed, the provisions in §15.35 for averaging pulsed
                       emissions and for limiting peak emissions apply. Further, compliance with the provisions
                       of §15.205 shall be demonstrated using the measurement instrumentation specified in
                       that section.

                  (3) The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions in the above table are based on
                  the fundamental frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emissions shall be attenuated
                  to the average (or, alternatively, CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the
                  general limits shown in §15.209, whichever limit permits a higher field strength.

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Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                           Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                         Date: 4/10/2019

                            Part 15.205(a): Restricted Bands of Operations

               Part 15.209(a): Field Strength Limits for Restricted Bands of Operation

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                            Page 17 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                               Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                    Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                             Date: 4/10/2019

   8.2 Test Procedure

ANSI C63.10: 2013

   8.3 Example of Field Strength Calculation Method:
The measured field strength was calculated by summing the readings taken from the spectrum analyzer
with the appropriate correction factors associated with the antenna losses and cable losses. The
calculation formula and sample calculations are listed below:

FS = RA + AF + CF + DCCF
       FS = Field Strength in dBV/m
       RA = Receiver Amplitude in dBV
       AF = Antenna Factor in dB
       CF = Cable Attenuation Factor in dB (Including preamplifier and filter attenuation)
       DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor (used for average measurements only)
       DCCF = 20*log(Time on/100mS)

Example Calculation:
      RA = 19.48 dBV
      AF = 18.52 dB
      CF = 0.78 dB
      DCCF = -20 dB

FS = 19.48 + 18.52 + 0.78 -20 = 18.78 dBV/m

   8.4 Test Equipment Used:
       Description           Asset         Manufacturer             Model          Cal Date       Cal Due
    EMI Test Receiver        3900         Rohde & Schwarz           ESU40         9/18/2018      9/18/2019
      Bilog Antenna          7088              SunAR                  JB6         7/24/2018      7/24/2019
      Horn Antenna           3780           ETS Lindgren             3117         6/11/2018      6/11/2019
    System Controller        4096           ETS Lindgren             2090          Verify at      Verify at
                                                                                 Time of Use    Time of Use
    System Controller        3957          Sunol Sciences           SC99V          Verify at      Verify at
                                                                                 Time of Use    Time of Use
         3m Cable            3074                                                11/26/2018     11/26/2019
         3m Cable            3918         Rohde & Schwarz          TS-PR18       11/26/2018     11/26/2019
         3m Cable            2588                                                11/26/2018     11/26/2019
         3m Cable            2593                                                11/26/2018     11/26/2019
 ChamberControl Room
         3m Cable            2592                                                11/26/2018     11/26/2019
 Control RoomReceiver

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                Page 18 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                         Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                              Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                       Date: 4/10/2019

   8.5 Results:
All fundamental and spurious emissions not falling into the restricted bands met the limits outlined in FCC
Part 15.231(b). Additionally, all emissions falling within restricted bands of operation were found to be
below the limit specified in Part 15.209(a). The emissions listed in the following tables are the worst case
emissions and were investigated with the sample positioned in three orthogonal axis in order to report the
highest possible field strength.

                           Worst Case Spurious Measurements – Beacon Mode
 Frequency    QuasiPeak     Duty         Final        Limit     Margin   Bandwidth      Height      Pol    Azimuth    Corr.
   (MHz)      (dBµV/m)      Cycle        Meas.      (dBµV/m)     (dB)      (kHz)         (cm)               (deg)     (dB)
                            Corr.      (dBµV/m)
 433.940000        99.96    (dB)
                               -20         79.96        80.83     0.87        120.000       112.1   V         322.0     26.2

        Spurious Emissions Below 1GHz
 Frequency    QuasiPeak     Duty      Final Meas.     Limit     Margin   Bandwidth      Height      Pol    Azimuth    Corr.
   (MHz)      (dBµV/m)      Cycle      (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dB)      (kHz)         (cm)               (deg)     (dB)
 867.780000        44.75    (dB) 0          44.75       60.83    16.08        120.000       146.5   H         210.0     33.7

        Spurious Emissions Above 1GHz(Max Peak)
    Frequency       MaxPeak            Limit        Margin      Bandwidth        Height       Pol       Azimuth       Corr.
      (MHz)         (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)        (dB)         (kHz)           (cm)                   (deg)        (dB)
     1301.500000         56.94            74.00        17.06       1000.000         314.0    V              258.0       -1.7
     1735.500000         65.93            80.83        14.90       1000.000         141.0    H              316.0       -0.6
     2169.500000         59.82            80.83        21.01       1000.000         244.0    V              190.0        2.0
     2603.500000         61.89            80.83        18.94       1000.000         133.0    V                 0.0       3.4
     3071.500000         39.86            80.83        40.97       1000.000         100.0    H              157.0        4.4
     3471.000000         52.07            80.83        28.76       1000.000         316.0    V              156.0        4.8
     3905.000000         54.83            74.00        19.17       1000.000         339.0    V              145.0        5.7
     4338.500000         52.26            74.00        21.74       1000.000         253.0    V              182.0        6.2
     4773.500000         59.81            74.00        14.19       1000.000         265.0    V              134.0        7.1
     5207.500000         63.87            80.83        16.96       1000.000         254.0    V              151.0        7.7
     5640.500000         56.61            80.83        24.22       1000.000         287.0    V              130.0        8.2
     6074.500000         53.94            80.83        26.89       1000.000         340.0    V              124.0        9.4
     6509.500000         53.83            80.83        27.00       1000.000         221.0    V              128.0       10.1
     6943.000000         55.15            80.83        25.68       1000.000         323.0    V              136.0       10.8
     7376.000000         51.23            74.00        22.77       1000.000         100.0    V              156.0       10.9
     7811.000000         52.46            80.83        28.37       1000.000         109.0    V              158.0       11.4

        Spurious Emissions Above 1GHz(Average, MaxPeak minus Duty Cycle Correction Factor)
    Frequency        Average           Limit        Margin      Bandwidth        Height       Pol       Azimuth       Corr.
      (MHz)         (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)        (dB)         (kHz)           (cm)                   (deg)        (dB)
     1301.500000          36.94           54.00        17.06       1000.000         314.0    V              258.0       -1.7
     1735.500000          45.93           60.83        14.90       1000.000         141.0    H              316.0       -0.6
     2169.500000          39.82           60.83        21.01       1000.000         244.0    V              190.0        2.0
     2603.500000          41.89           60.83        18.94       1000.000         133.0    V                 0.0       3.4
     3071.500000          19.86           60.83        40.97       1000.000         100.0    H              157.0        4.4
     3471.000000          32.07           60.83        28.76       1000.000         316.0    V              156.0        4.8
     3905.000000          34.83           54.00        19.17       1000.000         339.0    V              145.0        5.7
     4338.500000          32.26           54.00        21.74       1000.000         253.0    V              182.0        6.2
     4773.500000          39.81           54.00        14.19       1000.000         265.0    V              134.0        7.1
     5207.500000          43.87           60.83        16.96       1000.000         254.0    V              151.0        7.7
     5640.500000          36.61           60.83        24.22       1000.000         287.0    V              130.0        8.2
     6074.500000          33.94           60.83        26.89       1000.000         340.0    V              124.0        9.4
     6509.500000          33.83           60.83        27.00       1000.000         221.0    V              128.0       10.1
     6943.000000          35.15           60.83        25.68       1000.000         323.0    V              136.0       10.8
     7376.000000          31.23           54.00        22.77       1000.000         100.0    V              156.0       10.9
     7811.000000          32.46           60.83        28.37       1000.000         109.0    V              158.0       11.4

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                              Page 19 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                        Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                             Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                      Date: 4/10/2019

                           Worst Case Spurious Measurements – Ping Mode
                              Using limits defined in FCC Part 15.231(e)
 Frequency     QuasiPeak   Duty      Final Meas.     Limit     Margin   Bandwidth      Height      Pol    Azimuth    Corr.
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)    Cycle      (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)     (dB)      (kHz)         (cm)               (deg)     (dB)
  433.920000       82.24   -18.85
                            (dB)           63.39       72.86    13.72        120.000       106.6   V         210.0     26.2

        Spurious Emissions Below 1GHz
 Frequency     QuasiPeak   Duty     Final Meas.      Limit     Margin   Bandwidth      Height      Pol    Azimuth    Corr.
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)    Cycle     (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)     (dB)      (kHz)         (cm)               (deg)     (dB)
  866.940000       42.07   (dB)0           42.07       52.86    10.79        120.000       153.4   H         238.0     33.7

        Spurious Emissions Above 1GHz(Max Peak)
    Frequency       MaxPeak           Limit        Margin      Bandwidth        Height       Pol       Azimuth       Corr.
      (MHz)         (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)        (dB)         (kHz)           (cm)                   (deg)        (dB)
     1301.500000         54.72           72.86        18.14       1000.000         202.0    H               92.0       -1.7
     1735.500000         39.86           72.86        33.00       1000.000         330.0    H              268.0       -0.6
     1837.000000         37.04           72.86        35.82       1000.000         410.0    H              345.0        0.8
     2169.500000         43.31           72.86        29.55       1000.000         167.0    V               72.0        2.0
     2603.500000         47.18           72.86        25.68       1000.000         133.0    V               84.0        3.4
     3037.500000         43.53           72.86        29.33       1000.000         167.0    V               80.0        4.2
     3471.000000         42.76           72.86        30.10       1000.000         109.0    V               66.0        4.8
     3905.000000         44.32           72.86        28.54       1000.000         263.0    V               73.0        5.7
     4339.000000         46.54           72.86        26.32       1000.000         100.0    V               90.0        6.2
     4773.000000         50.33           72.86        22.53       1000.000         100.0    V               86.0        7.1
     5207.000000         54.05           72.86        18.81       1000.000         202.0    V              101.0        7.7
    17624.000000         57.49           72.86        15.37       1000.000         100.0    V                 0.0      24.9

        Spurious Emissions Above 1GHz(Average MaxPeak minus Duty Cycle Correction Factor)
    Frequency        Average          Limit        Margin      Bandwidth        Height       Pol       Azimuth       Corr.
      (MHz)         (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)        (dB)         (kHz)           (cm)                   (deg)        (dB)
     1301.500000          35.87          52.86        16.99       1000.000         202.0    H               92.0       -1.7
     1735.500000          21.01          52.86        31.85       1000.000         330.0    H              268.0       -0.6
     1837.000000          18.19          52.86        34.67       1000.000         410.0    H              345.0        0.8
     2169.500000          24.46          52.86        28.40       1000.000         167.0    V               72.0        2.0
     2603.500000          28.33          52.86        24.53       1000.000         133.0    V               84.0        3.4
     3037.500000          24.68          52.86        28.18       1000.000         167.0    V               80.0        4.2
     3471.000000          23.91          52.86        28.95       1000.000         109.0    V               66.0        4.8
     3905.000000          25.47          52.86        27.39       1000.000         263.0    V               73.0        5.7
     4339.000000          27.69          52.86        25.17       1000.000         100.0    V               90.0        6.2
     4773.000000          31.48          52.86        21.38       1000.000         100.0    V               86.0        7.1
     5207.000000          35.20          52.86        17.66       1000.000         202.0    V              101.0        7.7
    17624.000000          38.64          52.86        14.22       1000.000         100.0    V                 0.0      24.9

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                             Page 20 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                     Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                          Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                                   Date: 4/10/2019

9    Antenna Requirement per FCC Part 15.203

    9.1 Test Limits

§ 15.203:    An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
             responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
             antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply
             with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna
             can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is
             prohibited. This requirement does not apply to carrier current devices or to devices operated under the
             provisions of §15.211, §15.213, §15.217, §15.219, or §15.221. Further, this requirement does not
             apply to intentional radiators that must be professionally installed, such as perimeter protection
             systems and some field disturbance sensors, or to other intentional radiators which, in accordance
             with §15.31(d), must be measured at the installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible
             for ensuring that the proper antenna is employed so that the limits in this part are not exceeded.

    9.2 Results:

The sample tested met the antenna requirement. The antenna used was permanently attached to the

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                       Page 21 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                                Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                     Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                              Date: 4/10/2019

10   Measurement Uncertainty

The measured value related to the corresponding limit will be used to decide whether the equipment
meets the requirements.

The measurement uncertainty figures were calculated and correspond to a coverage factor of k = 2,
providing a confidence level of respectively 95.45 % in the case where the distributions characterizing the
actual measurement uncertainties are normal (Gaussian).

Measurement uncertainty Table
Parameter                                              Uncertainty       Notes
Radiated emissions, 30 to 1000 MHz                       +3.9dB
Radiated emissions, 1 to 18 GHz                          +4.2dB
Radiated emissions, 18 to 40 GHz                         +4.3dB
Power Port Conducted emissions, 150kHz to 30             +2.8dB

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                                 Page 22 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

                                                                            Evaluation For: Attenti US Inc.
                                                                 Product: AT1 1-Piece GPS Tracking Device
EMC Test Report                                                                          Date: 4/10/2019

11 Revision History

 Revision           Date            Report Number                           Notes
    0             1/17/2019       103788844LEX-003                      Original Issue
     1            3/1/2019       103788844LEX-003.1      Added limits for restricted bands of operation
     2            4/5/2019       103788844LEX-003.2 Changed Average Results in Section 8.5 to utilize
                                                           the duty cycle correction factors
     3            4/10/2019      103788844LEX-003.3   Added reference to operational description,
                                                    changed ping mode to reference 15.231(e) limits

Non-Specific EMC Report Shell Rev. December 2017                                             Page 23 of 23
Report Number: 103788844LEX-003.3

Document Created: 2019-04-10 10:30:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 10:30:36

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