WWAN SAR report - Cal cert Probe 3773


RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                                                       SehvoierscheKatrtanst
Schmid & Partner                                                                Servcnsuso ttnonnase
  Engineering AG                                                                Sentlo viereditarure
Arvghaunstansein toot rurch Suazerand                                           Svis CaltratonServce
Asrudiy e Sus AcwestatonSavce (GA5)                                   Accrdtatntio: 5CS 108
‘he uisAceedtaton Senici onotth signtores o theEA
Mutlatt Agromentforthe recoqniton fcaltratoncetfentes
ciem     (UKGCS                                                                +BX3—3773_NMayi1
Joves                      exsova—snarre                                                                |
Cvtaronmsemteno            oa CaLory7, on Cal—18, ox oal—23vz; oA Caczsve                               |
                           Callbration procedure for dosimetic E—feld probes

Cxvtronsns                 Mays; 2077
Tovcattatoncortcse cvarnnisiv taeasiy i nssenartarts uncesn e oyscu seas t messrenset 90
Te messxonont and ho ncntantas uh cnttarce nnaby are uen ontro fotoungsageand n ct mecontcs
Abcairatonhobron cnttu in h on anentay i erronnontsenuen t 2C ons umt «700.
Catraton Envpment ons ts1E encn y cameton

 PinaSurtucs              c                                                       scraies caivaien
        mrtise          soz                   ~I siaoen ne mrora
       mcgoaies        Inmimomer                 imwet ns ow
 Retemres in anenir ou setse o                   mc n srroum
 rntewsesset nteracr—|     somee aoo             Euen e rronen
 Rutene 3008 Atince        seu on                Bincn  ie mrown _
 Retirce rese cosove       w                     imbene esroonoand
 se                        m                  ~ nnd arerest en
 mmaes                  is                       mememeng                         erme~
 at peomte iss            ussemuomce                    —                         Intoseste Oat
  emers reajnenariie      ussrssosee                                              inpoisea. on i
                              fone                                                 Spuve
Caitaity                      hoi pdois                     Teovesitinige                     /@

Acvontty                    neukomee                        oi tirige

                                                                                   hnwes may 2o
Thiccavalon crtit watnbe rerined mcent n twrout uren snno o aterton

Contesino mxsarramayit                          Page tot 11

Calibration Laboratory of                                                       Smaizeracher Katbcdonst
Schmid & Partner                                                                Senice iss atinamase
  Engineering AG                                                                Sentls verre d tantre
Zovghavestasse is600 2vichSuizerond                                             Suis CalbcatonSamvce

Acrnsiy e SnisrnsstonSaven (25)                                              Acedtaton io: 5CS 108
Te SrissAccredtatin Sevic i e of h ignatodes o hEA
Motot Agrosmantforthe eenuntton t catbvatoncottcnon
Tou                 tiesue simating tous
NORMxy:a            senstviy in reo space
Come                sensttyin TGL /NORMyz
bcP                 dlode compression pobt
cr                  erestfact(Tiduycycl)o he RF signal
As.e                modulaton dependantIncarizaton parameters
Poinizaton o        o retatonaround probe axis
Polarzation 8          3 retatonaround an axis hatis i he plane normaltoprove s (ameasurement conter)
                       1e 8 = is nomalto probe an‘s
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) 1EEE td 1520—2003, 1EEE Recommended Praciee for Deternining the Poak Spattal—Averaged Spaciic
      AbsorstonRate (GAR) in the Human Haad fom Wireless Communicatons Dovices: Maasurement
       Teshniques. Decomber 2003
   i) 120 62200—1"Frocedare t measire the Spoclfc Absorption Rate (GAR)fr hand—held davces used in cose
      proxinly to the ear (requency range of 200 Mc t 3 Gc), Fbrvary 2005
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
     NORMca 2: Assessed forE—feld polanzation3 = 0 (f «00 Mz in TEbtcal; (2 1000 Miz: Rez waveguxde]
     NORM)2 are only nfermedato values, i. the uncertaintesof NORMxy.z does not affectthe E—feid
         uncertanly nside TSL (see below Cony®)
    +    NORM{My.z= NORMx .2 requeney_response (see Freauency Response Char). This Incarizatonis
      implemented in DASY4 sottware versions ate han 42. The uncertaintohe requency responseis included
      in thestated uncertiny of ComF
   + DGPxy.a: DCP are numenicalInearizaton porameters assessed based on the data o power sweepwith CW
      signal(no uncertantrequred). DCP does notdepand on requency nor modia
   +. PR PMR is e Poak to Avermge Ratlo hatis not caltrated but determined based on tsgnal
   + Auyia By.z Cxy.a ate tumarial nearizaon parameters n 48 assossed based on hedats of power
      swaop for speciic modulatonsignal The parameters do not depend on requercy nor media
    +.   VR VR is thvaldirange ofthe calbrataon related t he average clode valage or DAE vatage in m¥
   + GonyE and Boundary Eifect Parameters: Assessed in faphantom using E—feld (r Tarmperature Transtor
     Standardfo 200 MHz) and insd wavequide usinganalyleafeld dtrbutions based on pover
     measuremants fo1 200 Mite. The same setups are used for assessment of h parameters anpled for
     boundary compensation(alha. dapth)of which yscaluncertainty values are gven, These parameters are
     used in DASYA sattware to improve probe accuracy coseto the boundany, The senstiy in TSL cortsponds
     to NORM3:z" Ganve: whereby the uncetainy coresponds t hat iven for ConvF. A frequency dependent
     ConyE is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher whichatows extending the valdy from + 50 MHz to : 100
   * Sphercalisotrapy (3D deviaton rom isotrapy) n a fleld of ow sradientsrealied usinga fat shantom
     exposed by pich antemna
   + Sensor Offer: The sensor offset coesponds tothe offetaf virual measurement centrfrom h probe tp
     (on probe anis. No toerance requred

coniteas No: Exo.arramaytt                        Page 2o 1

excove— suarre                                                            tnaya 200

                   Probe EX3DV4


                               Manufactured:        January 10, 2011
                               Calibrated:          May 3, 2011

                             Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                 (Note: non—compatble win DASY2 system)

Corifeat No: Ex.arra Maytt                   Page sn

exsovs— suarre                                                                       maya.2ort

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3773

Basic Calibration Parameters ___
                             SesarX         |         Sesery
 Nomym                                      1           ase
 bcP (av)"                                  1           ses

                                          san            A              c       ve     tnd
                                        «s                «e    nV |_ten
 wae      o                    aa—[ 3| on —|             Ti mss se |
                                    Y ons ~|             10| w
                                    2 |ose               im [ is
          witsron meown        3 x an |                  i1 se sork
                                    v| se 7|             ea 7| ues
                                    2 se             s   Ts mee          7
wer:_     esirrno mouxover     sm |x| 2o           o     is mo ie
m          —                        v|an|          Tes   ts es
                                    2| _soe        Te    165| 1007
rosse     commans mart. Res    s |x| an            as    ma mer| es
        1                           y |_sae—|      ses   193| 161
                                    2  |_sas
         —~|nresammwnserrcroms |wis x ue ris  |_ss     | _93   998
 es                                                      mss meo mek
                    _               v| mu|         ma    as was
             _        hm            2| ies |_reo |_me ts |
 wor      eeewoanewnazon       it xo am Tarc|            aro| mss si9%
                                                         @n    ms      wa      mes

                                                               rir     mea     is

 Threported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainly of measurement
 multiled by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probabiity of approximately 95%.
1 e incranie o NamiYt da et eE:t rentany nide 75. se Papon S ad )
!NumarelInonsmion painer vonnary et oawed
  restany a tamnat wng ha mas devatonfom roeorss oirecarstar uncton ana morued lte acur otte

Certfcate no: Exsarza.Maytt                 Pageaot i1

exsove— snarrs                                                                          maya zon

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe:                                EX3DV4 — SN:3773

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                 Relaive        Conduetyiy                                     Doot       Tnst
   tomm©                        _(sim!        comex comey| comez Apro          |_(mn)     te2
     ts                           ose          ase   sss    sss                aro       +120%
     sas          a1s             oso          see   ser    se                 ass       »120%
     sco          a1s             osr        ssi     sst    sst                ost_|     2120%
  |_1ss0          Eo              12           zse | zes    se | ore           ost |     rt20%
     1rso        _so1              137          reo    | _zso     reo   o7e    os?       r120%
     1900   «o                     118       _| zs       rso      im    are omi |        :1208
     1850   «o                     140           me      mi2      mis   or |os           +120%
     2aso   ass            _|      is            sse     ess      sss   om  oss          »120%
     saoo   30                     «se          aze      ase      aso   ois  18|         a11%
     sxo|__sse                     are           ar      ar       air   oso  180         anan%
     ssoo   3ss                                  a1s     ais      ais   oso 180          e1en%
     seoo   ass            _                     sso     sse      ase      _iso_|        ars1%
     seoo   ass                    sar           sse     sss      se    os   im          a11%

©Freauene ty ota10Nitr onansinto ABY ve t anananer ie Page 2e rewrcns ts 1 S 0tTre ncorany ue hss
of e Gont urcedant atcateate evarcy ana rancatwnt o ba ndeaes renarcr ie
* Actrcunncnstlon 3 Gte n vait o tawe stt ) can n rnas t 10 o conpeaaton onl nansis t
rresses SA vaien Attecsancen wvo 3 o tne vadh o tome canet ns )n reurce o . The wemnany a e RSS f
we Gord inurat t nacains gtave pranon

Ceniteais No exsarramy11                          Pagesott1

exoove—snsrms                                                                             naya 2ont

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4— SN:3773

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
   tm| pemiaty| "Wit" comex comty comrz Aie |_tam)                                           OeB
     1so          sss           oss        am    em              am| om           om »120%
     sss          sez           osr        ser   ser             ser ore          oss +120%
     sco          sso           10s       sas    aas             oas   oss        ors »120%
                  sas           140        ase   ase             ase   oso        oss a120%
                  sa«           140        mm    im              im    om         oss s120%
                  s3            15e        z31   mar             iss   ors        oss a120%
     1950         sas           15e        zse   mss             iss | ors        ose a120%
     aaso         ser           198        ser   ser             ser|or           oss a120%
     szo          «0            sso        a10 | «1              a1m | os         is ami%
     sa00         «s0           se         ase | sse           _       ose        i8 | «ata1%
     ssoo         «s            ses         sis    | sas        sas      oss      is       mon%
     seco         ass       _|__sm          am        sz        sm       oo      i%        131%
     seoo         «s2          sco _|       ase       sse       sss      oss     im        ais1%

  Presency vastots 100 cce aesto o OASYn on mape o Page t s ts earcudto 50 : Th rcersey is meess
ofi Cont ncniany ateterin hesanc n e inceiiny to w nsces bevaney ns
* t renrcmsttow 3 Gite me vai of e caranetos(can ) canhe rns t 19% lc conpersten mc inacsies in
ieasies SA vhes. ttewenses atoee 3 Gte revaton o tsee sanat c ant )n revrtat o 21. Thenceray a e RSS t
ie Gont uncuiast t ntcan ogetiawe pramatens

Certfeats no: Exa7z2maytt                     Pagesor i1

exoovi—suarre                                                                    way a 201

                       Frequency Response of E—Field
                               (TEM—Cellifit10 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

             15                      _                                          ——
        $    ind                       —
        6    10            :                     :      xi              is
         £ as
         &   as                                  i
             e F200053             000] 601040 04 4404010440004
               0    sto

                      Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—feld:£6.3% (kez)

CeniicaNo Exs—arr3.May1t                    Page ro 1

exove— suarme                                                                                naya.zont

                                 Receiving Pattern (¢), 8 = 0°
                    1=600 MHz,TEM                                           121800 MHz,R22

                4                                                       j

           ta          ®60ef                    +
                                                f                 t«>         60
                                                                              &       o
                                                                                      ?      a

           oo finicie $ nsquige zui tcmc tg upageactob—tugie+6

                               Uncerisinty of Axial Istropy Assossment£0.5% (ket)

Cerifeate No: Exs—arza Maytt                        Page Sot 11

maovi—susrre                                                                             ty a201

                                Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                        (TEM cell , £=900 MHz)
             Inout Sgnat(¥)

                                                 10         to          to
                                                 SA {mweni
                                                      Es                 Ls
                                                X rotcémpsated       Vconpersated
                                                      "+)                1+

                                                io                                  10
                               eePf             SaR [ntWiema]

                                  Cl             Fwiihuist
                                                    _»)           (tntsttiant
                               Uncertinty of Lineanty Assessment: £ 0.6% (et)

CorifeatNo exsrarray 1t                         Page sot i1

sxoove—snarrs                                                                           maya.zont

                          Conversion Factor Assessment
             t= 17so wite woLs Ra2 (i_come)                 1= 780 Mz WOLS R9 01coms)

                         Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                      Eror (. 8), £=900 MHz

                      «10 o8 o8 o« o2 co or on os o8 10
                        Uneertainty of Sphoricasotropy Assessment: 6% (e2)

Cortfcat No: Exo—3r73.Maytt                   Page roort1

exaovs— swarre                                               maya. 2ort

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3773

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Arangement                                           Tangur
 Comedior Argle )                                         Nerampians
 Mechanical Suface Detecion Node                              enauice
 Oplcal Surace Delaclon ode                                   deaues
 Frobe Overll Lengh                                           357 mm
 Frobs Body Diameter                                           10 mm|
 To Liigh                                                       3imm      |
 To Damater                                                    25mm       |
 ProveTto Senso: X Gatbraton Pont                               Tmm       |
 Probs Ti to Sensor Y Gatoraton Pomt                            Tim       |
 Frobe Tto Sensor 2 Galtration Pont                             Tmm
fRecummendea Measurement Distance rom Surtace                   2mm|

ContieaNo: Exs.arra.toy 11                  Page trortn

Document Created: 2019-03-31 13:43:29
Document Modified: 2019-03-31 13:43:29

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