

Test Report

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     China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

             TEST REPORT
            REPORT NUMBER: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

Type of Equipment:   Wireless Modules
Type of Designation: MC7355
Manufacturer:        Sierra Wireless Inc.

e-CFR, Oct 1, 2011
SERVICES, Oct 1, 2011

            China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

Month date, year
Oct, 15, 2012


He Guili

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          FCC ID:                                  N7NMC7355

          Report Date:                             2012-10-15

          Test Firm Name:                          China Telecommunication Technology Labs

          Registration Number:                     840587

          The measurements shown in this report were made in accordance with the
          procedures described on test pages. All reported tests were carried out on a
          sample equipment to demonstrate limited compliance with FCC CFR 47 Parts 2,
          22, 24, 27 and 90. The sample tested was found to comply with the
          requirements defined in the applied rules.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 2 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                     REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF


          1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................ 4

            1.1 NOTES ......................................................................................... 4
            1.2 TESTERS ....................................................................................... 5
            1.3 TESTING LABORATORY INFORMATION ...................................................... 6
            1.4 DETAILS OF APPLICANT OR MANUFACTURER ............................................... 7

          2 TEST ITEM ...................................................................................... 8

            2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................................................... 8
            2.2 OUTLINE OF EUT ............................................................................. 8
            2.3 MODIFICATIONS INCORPORATED IN EUT .................................................. 8
            2.4 EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION ............................................................... 8
            2.5 OTHER INFORMATION ........................................................................ 8

          3 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .......................................................... 9

          4 TEST RESULTS .............................................................................. 10

            4.1 RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSION...........................................................10

          ANNEX A EXTERNAL PHOTOS ........................................................... 30

          ANNEX B INTERNAL PHOTOS ........................................................... 31


Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                    Page 3 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          1 General Information
          1.1 Notes
          All reported tests were carried out on a sample equipment to demonstrate
          limited compliance with FCC CFR 47 Parts 2, 22, 24, 27and 90.

          The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the item(s) tested as
          specified in section 2.

          The following deviation from, additions to, or exclusions from the test
          specifications have been made. See Annex C.

          China Telecommunication Technology Labs. (CTTL) authorizes the applicant or
          manufacturer (see section 1.4) to reproduce this report provided, and the test
          report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication
          of extracts from the report requires the prior written approval of CTTL Mr. He

          Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions
          to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. CTTL accepts
          no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of
          decisions made or actions based on this report.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 4 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          1.2 Testers
          Name:                         Lv ke

          Position:                     Engineer

          Department:                   Department of EMC test

          Date:                         2012-10-15


          Editor of this test report:

          Name:                         Pan Yang

          Position:                     Engineer

          Department:                   Department of EMC test

          Date:                         2012-10-15


          Technical responsibility for area of testing:

          Name:                         Zou Dongyi

          Position:                     Manager

          Department:                   Department of EMC test

          Date:                         2012-10-15


Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 5 of 32

                  China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          1.3 Testing Laboratory information
          1.3.1 Location

          Name:                         China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

          Address:                      No. 11, Yue Tan Nan Jie, Xi Cheng District


                                        P. R. CHINA, 100083

          Tel:                          +86 10 68094053

          Fax:                          +86 10 68011404

          Email:                        emc@chinattl.com

          1.3.2 Details of accreditation status

          Accredited by:                China National Accreditation Service for Conformity

                                        Assessment (CNAS)

          Registration number:          CNAS Registration No. CNAS L0570

          Standard:                     ISO/IEC 17025:2005

          1.3.3 Test location, where different from section 1.3.1

          Name:                         ------

          Street:                       ------

          City:                         ------

          Country:                      ------

          Telephone:                    ------

          Fax:                          ------

          Postcode:                     ------

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 6 of 32

                  China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          1.4 Details of applicant or manufacturer
          1.4.1 Applicant

          Name:                         Sierra Wireless Inc.

          Address:                      13811, Wireless Way, Richmond, British Columbia

          Country:                      Canada

          Telephone:                    --

          Fax:                          --

          Contact:                      --

          Telephone:                    --

          Email:                        --

          1.4.2 Manufacturer (if different from applicant in section 1.4.1)

          Name:                         --

          Address:                      --

          City:                         --

          Country:                      --

          1.4.3 Manufactory (if different from applicant in section 1.4.1)

          Name:                         --

          Address:                      --

          City:                         --

          Country:                      --

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 7 of 32

                 China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          2 Test Item
          2.1 General Information
          Manufacturer:                        Sierra Wireless Inc.
          Name:                                Wireless Modules
          Model Number:                        MC7355
          Serial Number:                       -----
          Production Status:                   Product
          Receipt date of test item:           2012-09-14

          2.2 Outline of EUT
          EUT is a model supporting GSM/GPRS/EGPRS 850/1900 bands and
          WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA FDD II/V/IV bands. For GPRS, the multi class is 12
          (maximum 4 up timeslots) and for EGPRS, it is 12 (maximum 4 up timeslots),and LTE
          FDD 2/4/5/13/17/25 bands, and CDMA 1X/EVDO 850/190/800 bands.

          2.3 Modifications Incorporated in EUT
          The EUT has not been modified from what is described by the brand name and unique
          type identification stated above.

          2.4 Equipment Configuration
          Equipment configuration list:
            Item    Generic Description        Manufacturer               Type          Serial No.    Remarks

             A                            Sierra Wireless Inc.         MC7355              --          None

          2.5 Other Information

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 8 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                   REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          3 Summary of Test Results
        A brief summary of the tests carried out is shown as following.
        Specification Clause                             Name of Test                              Result
                                       Radiated Spurious Emission                                  Pass
        24.238, 27.5
        Note: --

       Test equipment Used:
                      Description       Manufacturer    Model Number    Serial Number    Cal Due          State

        7805       EMI Test Receiver        R/S            ESI26           100211       2013-01-11     Normal
                   Ultra Broadband
        7330                                R/S          VULB 9160      vulb9160-3252   2013-09-05     Normal
        7330                                R/S            HF906           100037       2014-01-23     Normal
                    Horn Antenna
                    Fully-Anechoic                     11.8m×6.5m×6.
         713                                ETS                              --         2013-11-16     Normal
                       Chamber                              3m
       7330-2      Communications         Anritsu         MT8820B        6200772659     2013-01-27     Normal
       7330-2      Communications         Anritsu         MT8820c        6201026477     2013-08-04     Normal
        7330       Signal Generator         R/S            SMY02           100024       2012-10-13     Normal

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                       Page 9 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          4 Test Results
          4.1 Radiated Spurious Emission
       Specifications:               2.1051, 22.917, 24.238, 27.53, 90.669
       Date of Tests                 2012-09-24~2012-09-28, 2012-10-8~14
       Test conditions:              Ambient Temperature:15℃-35℃
                                     Relative Humidity:30%-60%
                                     Air pressure: 86-106kPa
       Operation Mode                TX on, channel 190 and 661 for GSM/GPRS/EGPRS mode,
                                     channel 4175, 1412 and 9400 for WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA
                                     mode ,channel 18900,20175,20525,23230,23790 and
                                     26365 BandWidth 5MHz/10MHz for LTE mode, channel
                                     384,600 and 560 for 1x/EVDO mode.
       Test Results:                 Pass

          Limit Level Construction:
          Part 22:
          According to Part 22.917(a), i.e., Out of band emissions, the power of any
          emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be
          attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log
          (P) dB, so the limit level is:
          P(dBm) – (43 + 10 log(P)) dB= -13dBm
          Part 24:
          According to Part 24.238 (a), i.e., Out of band emissions, the power of any
          emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be
          attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log
          (P) dB, so the limit level is:
          P(dBm) – (43 + 10 log(P)) dB= -13dBm
          Part 27:
          According to the Part 27.53, for the 700/1700 MHz band, the emission power of
          any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be
          attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log
          (P) dB, so the limit level is:
          P(dBm) – (43 + 10 log(P)) dB= -13dBm
          Part 27:
          According to the Part 90.669, Out of band emissions, the emission power of any
          emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be
          attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log
          (P) dB, so the limit level is:
          P(dBm) – (43 + 10 log(P)) dB= -13dBm

          Test Setup:
              The EUT was placed in an anechoic chamber. The Wireless Communications
          Test Set was used to set the TX channel and power level and modulate the TX
          signal with different bit patterns.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 10 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

       Test Method:
       The measurement method is substitution method accordance with section 2.2.12
       of ANSI/TIA-603-C: Land Mobile FM or PM Communications Equipment
       Measurement and Performance Standards.
         (a) Connect the equipment as illustrated and measure the spurious emissions as
         the method as above.

          (b) Reconnect the equipment as illustrated.

          (c) Remove the transmitter and replace it with a substitution antenna. The
          center of the substitution antenna should be approximately at the same location
          as the center of the transmitter.
          (d) Feed the substitution antenna at the transmitter end with a signal generator
          connected to the antenna by means of a non-radiating cable. With the antennas
          at both ends horizontally polarized, and with the signal generator tuned to a
          particular spurious frequency, raise and lower the test antenna to obtain a

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 11 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          maximum reading at the spectrum analyzer. Adjust the level of the signal
          generator output until the previously recorded maximum reading for this set of
          conditions is obtained. This should be done carefully repeating the adjustment
          of the test antenna and generator output.
          (e) Repeat step d) with both antennas vertically polarized for each spurious
          (f) Calculate power in dBm into a reference ideal half-wave dipole antenna by
          reducing the readings obtained in steps d) and e) by the power loss in the cable
          between the generator and the antenna, and further corrected for the gain of
          the substitution antenna used relative to an ideal half-wave dipole antenna by
          the following formula:
          Pd(dBm) = Pg(dBm) – cable loss (dB) + antenna gain (dB)
          Pd is the dipole equivalent power and
          Pg is the generator output power into the substitution antenna.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 12 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (GSM channel 190)
          Frequency           Generator          Cable        Antenna        Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output             loss [dB]    Gain [dB]      Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power           [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          (Pd)
          1673.2              -59.9              7.2          8.6            -58.5          V
          2509.8              -56.8              9.1          10             -55.9          V
          3346.4              -60.5              11           9.9            -61.6          V
          4183                -53.4              12.6         9.8            -56.2          V
          5019.6              -57.6              14.2         10             -61.8          V
          5856.2              -57.7              15.9         11.2           -62.4          V
          1673.2              -34.5              7.2          8.6            -33.1          H
          2509.8              -56                9.1          10             -55.1          H
          3346.4              -59.5              11           9.9            -60.6          H
          4183                -51.4              12.6         9.8            -54.2          H
          5019.6              -61.1              14.2         10             -65.3          H
          5856.2              -59.2              15.9         11.2           -63.9          H

          Test Data (GSM channel 661)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -59.4           13.6           9.8             -63.2          V
          5640                -50.6           15.1           10.9            -54.8          V
          7520                -55.2           18.8           11.4            -62.6          V
          9400                -48.5           22.9           12              -59.4          V
          11280               -46.3           28.4           13.4            -61.3          V
          13160               -39.3           36.7           13.4            -62.6          V
          3760                -57             13.6           9.8             -60.8          H
          5640                -55.6           15.1           10.9            -59.8          H
          7520                -55.4           18.8           11.4            -62.8          H
          9400                -49.4           22.9           12              -60.3          H
          11280               -45.7           28.4           13.4            -60.7          H
          13160               -39.0           36.7           13.4            -62.3          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 13 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (GPRS channel 190)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1673.2              -61.9           7.2            8.6             -60.5          V
          2509.8              -62.6           9.1            10              -61.7          V
          3346.4              -59.9           11             9.9             -61.0          V
          4183                -54.5           12.6           9.8             -57.3          V
          5019.6              -56.1           14.2           10              -60.3          V
          5856.2              -58.5           15.9           11.2            -63.2          V
          1673.2              -61.1           7.2            8.6             -59.7          H
          2509.8              -60.9           9.1            10              -60.0          H
          3346.4              -62.8           11             9.9             -63.9          H
          4183                -54.8           12.6           9.8             -57.6          H
          5019.6              -58.5           14.2           10              -62.7          H
          5856.2              -57.3           15.9           11.2            -62.0          H

          Test Data (GPRS channel 661)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -57.1           13.6           9.8             -60.9          V
          5640                -53.7           15.1           10.9            -57.9          V
          7520                -52.8           18.8           11.4            -60.2          V
          9400                -48.7           22.9           12              -59.6          V
          11280               -45.2           28.4           13.4            -60.2          V
          13160               -39.6           36.7           13.4            -62.9          V
          3760                -56.4           13.6           9.8             -60.2          H
          5640                -58.6           15.1           10.9            -62.8          H
          7520                -50.9           18.8           11.4            -58.3          H
          9400                -48.3           22.9           12              -59.2          H
          11280               -46.5           28.4           13.4            -61.5          H
          13160               -39.9           36.7           13.4            -63.2          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 14 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (EGPRS channel 190)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1673.2              -51.9           7.2            8.6             -50.5          V
          2509.8              -57.9           9.1            10              -57.0          V
          3346.4              -60.3           11             9.9             -61.4          V
          4183                -56             12.6           9.8             -58.8          V
          5019.6              -56.4           14.2           10              -60.6          V
          5856.2              -54.9           15.9           11.2            -59.6          V
          1673.2              -34.7           7.2            8.6             -33.3          H
          2509.8              -57.4           9.1            10              -56.5          H
          3346.4              -59.4           11             9.9             -60.5          H
          4183                -54.4           12.6           9.8             -57.2          H
          5019.6              -56             14.2           10              -60.2          H
          5856.2              -54.9           15.9           11.2            -59.6          H

          Test Data (EGPRS channel 661)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -55.6           13.6           9.8             -59.4          V
          5640                -51.8           15.1           10.9            -56.0          V
          7520                -54.2           18.8           11.4            -61.6          V
          9400                -47.5           22.9           12              -58.4          V
          11280               -46             28.4           13.4            -61.0          V
          13160               -39.2           36.7           13.4            -62.5          V
          3760                -55.6           13.6           9.8             -59.4          H
          5640                -51.9           15.1           10.9            -56.1          H
          7520                -52.1           18.8           11.4            -59.5          H
          9400                -49             22.9           12              -59.9          H
          11280               -45.2           28.4           13.4            -60.2          H
          13160               -38.6           36.7           13.4            -61.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 15 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (WCDMA channel 4175)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1670                -58.9           7.2            8.6             -57.5          V
          2505                -59.8           9.1            10              -58.9          V
          3340                -59.5           11             9.9             -60.6          V
          4175                -53.4           12.6           9.8             -56.2          V
          5010                -57.6           14.2           10              -61.8          V
          5845                -57.7           15.9           11.2            -62.4          V
          1670                -58.8           7.2            8.6             -57.4          H
          2505                -58             9.1            10              -57.1          H
          3340                -59.5           11             9.9             -60.6          H
          4175                -54.4           12.6           9.8             -57.2          H
          5010                -61.1           14.2           10              -65.3          H
          5845                -59.2           15.9           11.2            -63.9          H

          Test Data (WCDMA channel 9400)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -52.4           13.6           9.8             -56.2          V
          5640                -54.6           15.1           10.9            -58.8          V
          7520                -55.2           18.8           11.4            -62.6          V
          9400                -48.5           22.9           12              -59.4          V
          11280               -46.3           28.4           13.4            -61.3          V
          13160               -39.3           36.7           13.4            -62.6          V
          3760                62.3            13.6           9.8             58.5           H
          5640                -53.6           15.1           10.9            -57.8          H
          7520                -55.4           18.8           11.4            -62.8          H
          9400                -49.4           22.9           12              -60.3          H
          11280               -45.7           28.4           13.4            -60.7          H
          13160               -39             36.7           13.4            -62.3          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 16 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (WCDMA channel 1412)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3464.8              -54.7           11.3           9.8             -56.2          V
          5197.2              -58.3           14.4           10.9            -61.8          V
          6929.6              -57.7           16.3           11.4            -62.6          V
          8662                -49.9           21.5           12              -59.4          V
          10394.4             -48.6           26.1           13.4            -61.3          V
          12126.8             -44.1           31.9           13.4            -62.6          V
          3464.8              -57             11.3           9.8             -58.5          H
          5197.2              -54.3           14.4           10.9            -57.8          H
          6929.6              -57.9           16.3           11.4            -62.8          H
          8662                -50.8           21.5           12              -60.3          H
          10394.4             -48             26.1           13.4            -60.7          H
          12126.8             -43.8           31.9           13.4            -62.3          H

          Test Data (HSDPA channel 4175)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1670                -54.9           7.2            8.6             -53.5          V
          2505                -61.6           9.1            10              -60.7          V
          3340                -59.9           11             9.9             -61.0          V
          4175                -54.5           12.6           9.8             -57.3          V
          5010                -56.1           14.2           10              -60.3          V
          5845                -58.5           15.9           11.2            -63.2          V
          1670                -52.1           7.2            8.6             -50.7          H
          2505                -60.9           9.1            10              -60.0          H
          3340                -62.8           11             9.9             -63.9          H
          4175                -54.8           12.6           9.8             -57.6          H
          5010                -58.5           14.2           10              -62.7          H
          5845                -57.3           15.9           11.2            -62.0          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 17 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (HSDPA channel 9400)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -51.1           13.6           9.8             -54.9          V
          5640                -48.7           15.1           10.9            -52.9          V
          7520                -52.8           18.8           11.4            -60.2          V
          9400                -48.7           22.9           12              -59.6          V
          11280               -45.2           28.4           13.4            -60.2          V
          13160               -39.6           36.7           13.4            -62.9          V
          3760                -46.2           13.6           9.8             -50.0          H
          5640                -48.6           15.1           10.9            -52.8          H
          7520                -50.9           18.8           11.4            -58.3          H
          9400                -48.3           22.9           12              -59.2          H
          11280               -46.5           28.4           13.4            -61.5          H
          13160               -39.9           36.7           13.4            -63.2          H

          Test Data (HSDPA channel 1412)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3464.8              -55.7           11.3           9.8             -57.2          V
          5197.2              -57.3           14.4           10.9            -60.8          V
          6929.6              -58.7           16.3           11.4            -63.6          V
          8662                -48.9           21.5           12              -58.4          V
          10394.4             -47.6           26.1           13.4            -60.3          V
          12126.8             -42.1           31.9           13.4            -60.6          V
          3464.8              -58             11.3           9.8             -59.5          H
          5197.2              -55.3           14.4           10.9            -58.8          H
          6929.6              -56.9           16.3           11.4            -61.8          H
          8662                -52.8           21.5           12              -62.3          H
          10394.4             -49             26.1           13.4            -61.7          H
          12126.8             -41.8           31.9           13.4            -60.3          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 18 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (HSUPA channel 4175)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1670                -55.6           7.2            8.6             -54.2          V
          2505                -55.9           9.1            10              -55.0          V
          3340                -60.3           11             9.9             -61.4          V
          4175                -56             12.6           9.8             -58.8          V
          5010                -56.4           14.2           10              -60.6          V
          5845                -54.9           15.9           11.2            -59.6          V
          1670                -47.5           7.2            8.6             -46.1          H
          2505                -56.4           9.1            10              -55.5          H
          3340                -59.4           11             9.9             -60.5          H
          4175                -54.4           12.6           9.8             -57.2          H
          5010                -56             14.2           10              -60.2          H
          5845                -54.9           15.9           11.2            -59.6          H

          Test Data (HSUPA channel 9400)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -43.6           13.6           9.8             -47.4          V
          5640                -49.8           15.1           10.9            -54.0          V
          7520                -54.2           18.8           11.4            -61.6          V
          9400                -47.5           22.9           12              -58.4          V
          11280               -46             28.4           13.4            -61.0          V
          13160               -39.2           36.7           13.4            -62.5          V
          3760                -45.6           13.6           9.8             -49.4          H
          5640                -48.9           15.1           10.9            -53.1          H
          7520                -50.1           18.8           11.4            -57.5          H
          9400                -49             22.9           12              -59.9          H
          11280               -45.2           28.4           13.4            -60.2          H
          13160               -38.6           36.7           13.4            -61.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 19 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (HSUPA channel 1412)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3464.8              -56.7           11.3           9.8             -58.2          V
          5197.2              -54.3           14.4           10.9            -57.8          V
          6929.6              -57.7           16.3           11.4            -62.6          V
          8662                -49.9           21.5           12              -59.4          V
          10394.4             -48.6           26.1           13.4            -61.3          V
          12126.8             -44.1           31.9           13.4            -62.6          V
          3464.8              -59             11.3           9.8             -60.5          H
          5197.2              -56.3           14.4           10.9            -59.8          H
          6929.6              -57.9           16.3           11.4            -62.8          H
          8662                -50.8           21.5           12              -60.3          H
          10394.4             -48             26.1           13.4            -60.7          H
          12126.8             -43.8           31.9           13.4            -62.3          H

          Test Data (LTE channel 18900 BW 10MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -54.4           13.6           9.8             -58.2          V
          5640                -53.2           15.1           10.9            -57.4          V
          7520                -47.4           18.8           11.4            -54.8          V
          9400                -44.1           22.9           12              -55.0          V
          11280               -39.4           28.4           13.4            -54.4          V
          13160               -32.2           36.7           13.4            -55.5          V
          3760                -57.2           13.6           9.8             -61.0          H
          5640                -54.2           15.1           10.9            -58.4          H
          7520                -51.1           18.8           11.4            -58.5          H
          9400                -50             22.9           12              -60.9          H
          11280               -44.2           28.4           13.4            -59.2          H
          13160               -34.6           36.7           13.4            -57.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 20 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (LTE channel 18900 BW 5MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -51.9           13.6           9.8             -55.7          V
          5640                -53.3           15.1           10.9            -57.5          V
          7520                -54.2           18.8           11.4            -61.6          V
          9400                -46.1           22.9           12              -57.0          V
          11280               -45.1           28.4           13.4            -60.1          V
          13160               -34.2           36.7           13.4            -57.5          V
          3760                -51.4           13.6           9.8             -55.2          H
          5640                -49.8           15.1           10.9            -54.0          H
          7520                -52.7           18.8           11.4            -60.1          H
          9400                -50.5           22.9           12              -61.4          H
          11280               -43.3           28.4           13.4            -58.3          H
          13160               -32.8           36.7           13.4            -56.1          H

          Test Data (LTE channel 20175 BW 10MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3465                -59.1           11.3           9.8             -60.6          V
          5197.5              -60.4           14.4           10.9            -63.9          V
          6930                -55.9           16.3           11.4            -60.8          V
          8662.5              -47.5           21.5           12              -57.0          V
          10395               -42.7           26.1           13.4            -55.4          V
          12127.5             -43             31.9           13.4            -61.5          V
          3465                -54             11.3           9.8             -55.5          H
          5197.5              -50.3           14.4           10.9            -53.8          H
          6930                -53.6           16.3           11.4            -58.5          H
          8662.5              -47.4           21.5           12              -56.9          H
          10395               -42.5           26.1           13.4            -55.2          H
          12127.5             -37.4           31.9           13.4            -55.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 21 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (LTE channel 20175 BW 5MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3465                -57.5           11.3           9.8             -59.0          V
          5197.5              -55.1           14.4           10.9            -58.6          V
          6930                -58.7           16.3           11.4            -63.6          V
          8662.5              -47.5           21.5           12              -57.0          V
          10395               -47.4           26.1           13.4            -60.1          V
          12127.5             -39             31.9           13.4            -57.5          V
          3465                -60.4           11.3           9.8             -61.9          H
          5197.5              -59.3           14.4           10.9            -62.8          H
          6930                -58.2           16.3           11.4            -63.1          H
          8662.5              -50.9           21.5           12              -60.4          H
          10395               -43.6           26.1           13.4            -56.3          H
          12127.5             -36.6           31.9           13.4            -55.1          H

          Test Data (LTE channel 20525 BW 10MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1673                -63.6           7.2            8.6             -62.2          V
          2509.5              -66.3           9.1            10              -65.4          V
          3346                -54.7           11             9.9             -55.8          V
          4182.5              -54.2           12.6           9.8             -57.0          V
          5019                -50.2           14.2           10              -54.4          V
          5855.5              -51.8           15.9           11.2            -56.5          V
          1673                -52.4           7.2            8.6             -51.0          H
          2509.5              -59.3           9.1            10              -58.4          H
          3346                -57.4           11             9.9             -58.5          H
          4182.5              -58.1           12.6           9.8             -60.9          H
          5019                -51             14.2           10              -55.2          H
          5855.5              -52.2           15.9           11.2            -56.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 22 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (LTE channel 20525 BW 5MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1673                -66.1           7.2            8.6             -64.7          V
          2509.5              -67.4           9.1            10              -66.5          V
          3346                -62.5           11             9.9             -63.6          V
          4182.5              -54.2           12.6           9.8             -57.0          V
          5019                -55.9           14.2           10              -60.1          V
          5855.5              -56.8           15.9           11.2            -61.5          V
          1673                -61.6           7.2            8.6             -60.2          H
          2509.5              -63.9           9.1            10              -63.0          H
          3346                -62             11             9.9             -63.1          H
          4182.5              -59.6           12.6           9.8             -62.4          H
          5019                -54.1           14.2           10              -58.3          H
          5855.5              -57.4           15.9           11.2            -62.1          H

          Test Data (LTE channel 23230 BW 10MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1564                -62.3           6.9            8.6             -60.6          V
          2346                -65.2           8.7            10              -63.9          V
          3128                -69.2           5.5            9.9             -64.8          V
          3910                -54.3           10.5           9.8             -55.0          V
          4692                -55.1           13.5           11.2            -57.4          V
          5474                -57.4           15             10.9            -61.5          V
          1564                -67.2           6.9            8.6             -65.5          H
          2346                -55.1           8.7            10              -53.8          H
          3128                -62.9           5.5            9.9             -58.5          H
          3910                -60.2           10.5           9.8             -60.9          H
          4692                -57.9           13.5           11.2            -60.2          H
          5474                -57.8           15             10.9            -61.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 23 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (LTE channel 23230 BW 5MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1564                -63.7           6.9            8.6             -62.0          V
          2346                -63.9           8.7            10              -62.6          V
          3128                -68             5.5            9.9             -63.6          V
          3910                -56.3           10.5           9.8             -57.0          V
          4692                -57.8           13.5           11.2            -60.1          V
          5474                -57.4           15             10.9            -61.5          V
          1564                -64.6           6.9            8.6             -62.9          H
          2346                -64.1           8.7            10              -62.8          H
          3128                -67.5           5.5            9.9             -63.1          H
          3910                -61.7           10.5           9.8             -62.4          H
          4692                -56             13.5           11.2            -58.3          H
          5474                -58             15             10.9            -62.1          H

          Test Data (LTE channel 23790 BW 10MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1420                -64.3           6.5            8.6             -62.2          V
          2130                -61.3           8.4            9.3             -60.4          V
          2840                -59.8           9.9            9.9             -59.8          V
          3550                -53.3           11.6           9.9             -55.0          V
          4260                -55.3           12.7           10.6            -57.4          V
          4970                -55.1           14.2           10.8            -58.5          V
          1420                -63.1           6.5            8.6             -61.0          H
          2130                -59.3           8.4            9.3             -58.4          H
          2840                -58.5           9.9            9.9             -58.5          H
          3550                -59.2           11.6           9.9             -60.9          H
          4260                -58.1           12.7           10.6            -60.2          H
          4970                -58.5           14.2           10.8            -61.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 24 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (LTE channel 23790 BW 5MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1420                -62.8           6.5            8.6             -60.7          V
          2130                -60.4           8.4            9.3             -59.5          V
          2840                -63.6           9.9            9.9             -63.6          V
          3550                -55.3           11.6           9.9             -57.0          V
          4260                -58             12.7           10.6            -60.1          V
          4970                -58.1           14.2           10.8            -61.5          V
          1420                -62.3           6.5            8.6             -60.2          H
          2130                -53.9           8.4            9.3             -53.0          H
          2840                -63.1           9.9            9.9             -63.1          H
          3550                -60.7           11.6           9.9             -62.4          H
          4260                -56.2           12.7           10.6            -58.3          H
          4970                -58.7           14.2           10.8            -62.1          H

          Test Data (LTE channel 26365 BW 10MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3765                -56.8           13.6           9.8             -60.6          V
          5647.5              -59.7           15.1           10.9            -63.9          V
          7530                -51.4           18.8           11.4            -58.8          V
          9412.5              -44.1           22.9           12              -55.0          V
          11295               -42.4           28.4           13.4            -57.4          V
          13177.5             -32.2           36.7           13.4            -55.5          V
          3765                -54.7           13.6           9.8             -58.5          H
          5647.5              -51.6           15.1           10.9            -55.8          H
          7530                -51.1           18.8           11.4            -58.5          H
          9412.5              -45             22.9           12              -55.9          H
          11295               -35.2           28.4           13.4            -50.2          H
          13177.5             -29.6           36.7           13.4            -52.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 25 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (LTE channel 26365 BW 5MHz, 1RB, 25RB offset, QPSK)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3765                -55.2           13.6           9.8             -59.0          V
          5647.5              -48.4           15.1           10.9            -52.6          V
          7530                -56.2           18.8           11.4            -63.6          V
          9412.5              -46.1           22.9           12              -57.0          V
          11295               -40.1           28.4           13.4            -55.1          V
          13177.5             -31.2           36.7           13.4            -54.5          V
          3765                -53.1           13.6           9.8             -56.9          H
          5647.5              -54.6           15.1           10.9            -58.8          H
          7530                -52.7           18.8           11.4            -60.1          H
          9412.5              -49.5           22.9           12              -60.4          H
          11295               -43.3           28.4           13.4            -58.3          H
          13177.5             -28.8           36.7           13.4            -52.1          H

          Test Data (CDMA1X channel 384)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1673                -52             7.2            8.6             -50.6          V
          2509.5              -64.8           9.1            10              -63.9          V
          3346                -58.7           11             9.9             -59.8          V
          4182.5              -57.2           12.6           9.8             -60.0          V
          5019                -53.2           14.2           10              -57.4          V
          5855.5              -56.8           15.9           11.2            -61.5          V
          1673                -52.9           7.2            8.6             -51.5          H
          2509.5              -64.7           9.1            10              -63.8          H
          3346                -57.4           11             9.9             -58.5          H
          4182.5              -58.1           12.6           9.8             -60.9          H
          5019                -56             14.2           10              -60.2          H
          5855.5              -57.2           15.9           11.2            -61.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 26 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (CDMA1X channel 600)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -55.2           13.6           9.8             -59.0          V
          5640                -58.4           15.1           10.9            -62.6          V
          7520                -50.2           18.8           11.4            -57.6          V
          9400                -46.1           22.9           12              -57.0          V
          11280               -40.1           28.4           13.4            -55.1          V
          13160               -28.2           36.7           13.4            -51.5          V
          3760                -53.1           13.6           9.8             -56.9          H
          5640                -58.6           15.1           10.9            -62.8          H
          7520                -50.7           18.8           11.4            -58.1          H
          9400                -46.5           22.9           12              -57.4          H
          11280               -43.3           28.4           13.4            -58.3          H
          13160               -31.8           36.7           13.4            -55.1          H

          Test Data (CDMA1X channel 560)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1640                -63.9           7.2            8.9             -62.2          V
          2640                -61             9.4            10              -60.4          V
          3280                -58.7           11             9.9             -59.8          V
          4100                -52.3           12.5           9.8             -55.0          V
          4920                -53.4           13.8           10.8            -56.4          V
          5740                -51.4           15.3           11.2            -55.5          V
          1640                -62.7           7.2            8.9             -61.0          H
          2640                -59             9.4            10              -58.4          H
          3280                -57.4           11             9.9             -58.5          H
          4100                -55.2           12.5           9.8             -57.9          H
          4920                -54.2           13.8           10.8            -57.2          H
          5740                -51.8           15.3           11.2            -55.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 27 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (EVDO            channel 384)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1673                -63.1           7.2            8.6             -61.7          V
          2509.5              -59.4           9.1            10              -58.5          V
          3346                -62.5           11             9.9             -63.6          V
          4182.5              -54.2           12.6           9.8             -57.0          V
          5019                -55.9           14.2           10              -60.1          V
          5855.5              -56.8           15.9           11.2            -61.5          V
          1673                -61.6           7.2            8.6             -60.2          H
          2509.5              -59.9           9.1            10              -59.0          H
          3346                -62             11             9.9             -63.1          H
          4182.5              -59.6           12.6           9.8             -62.4          H
          5019                -54.1           14.2           10              -58.3          H
          5855.5              -57.4           15.9           11.2            -62.1          H

          Test Data (EVDO            channel 600)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          3760                -56.8           13.6           9.8             -60.6          V
          5640                -54.7           15.1           10.9            -58.9          V
          7520                -47.4           18.8           11.4            -54.8          V
          9400                -44.1           22.9           12              -55.0          V
          11280               -42.4           28.4           13.4            -57.4          V
          13160               -30.2           36.7           13.4            -53.5          V
          3760                -53.7           13.6           9.8             -57.5          H
          5640                -53.6           15.1           10.9            -57.8          H
          7520                -51.1           18.8           11.4            -58.5          H
          9400                -50             22.9           12              -60.9          H
          11280               -42.2           28.4           13.4            -57.2          H
          13160               -32.6           36.7           13.4            -55.9          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 28 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Test Data (EVDO            channel 560)
          Frequency           Generator       Cable loss     Antenna         Spurious       Antenna
          [GHz]               output          [dB]           Gain [dB]       Emission       Polarization
                              power(Pg)                                      Power (Pd)      [H/V]
                              [dBm]                                          [dBm]
          1640                -60.7           7.2            8.9             -59.0          V
          2640                -63.2           9.4            10              -62.6          V
          3280                -62.5           11             9.9             -63.6          V
          4100                -54.3           12.5           9.8             -57.0          V
          4920                -57.1           13.8           10.8            -60.1          V
          5740                -57.4           15.3           11.2            -61.5          V
          1640                -58.6           7.2            8.9             -56.9          H
          2640                -63.4           9.4            10              -62.8          H
          3280                -62             11             9.9             -63.1          H
          4100                -59.7           12.5           9.8             -62.4          H
          4920                -55.3           13.8           10.8            -58.3          H
          5740                -54             15.3           11.2            -58.1          H

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 29 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Annex A External Photos
          See the attachment.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 30 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          Annex B Internal Photos
          See the attachment.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 31 of 32

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Parts 2, 22, 24,27,90
         Equipment:MC7355                                                  REPORT NO.: I12GC0833-FCC-RF

          ANNEX C Deviations from Prescribed Test Methods
          No deviation from Prescribed Test Methods.

                                         The End of this Report

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 32 of 32

Document Created: 2012-10-16 11:18:31
Document Modified: 2012-10-16 11:18:31

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