EM7355 Module FCC MPE Evaluation v2


RF Exposure Info

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 MPE Evaluation for
EM7355 Radio Module

       February 5, 2013

1. Introduction
     In this application we seek for modular approval to the EM7355 wireless
     modem for use in standalone and collocated simultaneous transmission
     under mobile configuration. This Maximum Permissive Exposure (MPE)
     report demonstrates compliance analysis for EM7355 wireless modem
     with FCC CFR 47 §2.1091 and IC RSS-102 for standalone and collocated
     transmission in mobile exposure conditions. The MPE analysis is limited
     for US / Canada bands only.

     The general population/uncontrolled exposure limits are applicable to
     situations in which the general public may be exposed or in which persons
     who are exposed as a consequence of their employment may not be
     made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control
     over their exposure.

     Any collocated transmitter must have a valid FCC ID documenting
     equivalent or degraded RF characteristics with the collocated parameters
     defined in this MPE report. A separation distance of 20cm or more shall be
     maintained between the end user and each WWAN, WiMAX or WLAN,
     and Bluetooth transmitting antenna.

     Portable user conditions or additional collocated transmitters not allowed
     based on this RF exposure analysis require a Class II permissive change
     and updated RF exposure report.

2. RF Exposure Limits and Equations

     According to FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C, the criteria listed in
     Table 1 shall be used to evaluate the environmental impact of human
     exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in §1.1307.

             Table 1 : Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

     IC RULES:

     IC has adopted the RF field strength limits established in Health Canada’s
     RF exposure guideline. The limits are shown in Table 2 below per RSS-

         Table 2 : RF Field Strength Limits for Devices Used by the General Public
                                (Uncontrolled Environment)


Power density is given by :

        S = EIRP / (4 * Pi * D^2)

        S = Power density (mW/cm^2)
        EIRP = Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (mW)
        D = Separation distance (cm)

 3. Product Declarations
      The EM7355 wireless modem can be installed for use in any mobile host as
      long as the antenna gain of the host antenna does not exceed the gain listed
      in table 2.

      This MPE analysis is applicable to any collocated transmitters with transmit
         - less than or equal to 29.0dBm for WLAN/WiMAX; and
         - less than or equal to 15.0dBm for BT.

       Specific FCC IDs for those devices are not necessary or identified in this
       analysis providing they are classified as mobile transmitters. A 100% duty
       cycle is used for calculations to present a worse-case analysis when

                        Max                       Conducted     Max Antenna Gain (dBi)
         Equipment                 Transmitter
Mode                 Transmitter                    Power
          Category                 Range (MHz)
                     Duty Cycle
                                                 (dBm)    (W)   Standalone   Collocated
                                     824-849      33.0   2.00       6.5         3.0
GPRS      Class 10      25%
                                   1850-1910      30.0   1.00       3.0         3.0
                                     824-849      28.0   0.63       6.5         3.0
          Class 10      25%
                                   1850-1910      27.0   0.50       3.0         3.0
                                     824-849      26.2   0.42       6.5         3.0
EDGE      Class 11     37.50%
                                   1850-1910      25.2   0.33       3.0         3.0
                                     824-849      25.0   0.32       6.5         3.0
          Class 12      50%
                                   1850-1910      24.0   0.25       3.0         3.0
                                     824-849      25.0   0.32       6.5         3.0
CDMA       EvDo         100%       1850-1910      25.0   0.32       3.0         3.0
                                    817 – 824     25.0   0.32       6.5         3.0
                                    824 - 849     24.0   0.25       6.5         3.0
UMTS                    100%       1710-1755      24.0   0.25       6.0         6.0
                                   1850 - 1910    24.0   0.25       3.0         3.0
                                    704 - 716     24.0   0.25       9.0         6.0
          Band 17                   777 - 787     24.0   0.25       9.0         6.0
          Band 13
                                    824 - 849     24.0   0.25       6.5         3.0
          Band 5
LTE                     100%       1710 - 1755    24.0   0.25       6.0         6.0
          Band 4
          Band 2                   1850 - 1910    24.0   0.25       3.0         3.0
          Band 25
                                   1850 - 1915    24.0   0.25       3.0         3.0

      Table 2: EM7355 Standalone and Collocated Transmission Declarations

4. MPE Calculations
     The WWAN MPE calculations are based on conservative conducted
     transmit power exceeding those listed in the FCC ID N7NEM7355 and IC
     number 2417C-EM7355 filing. The higher transmit power levels are used
     to present a worst case assessment.

     The WiMAX, WLAN, and BT transmit power and antenna gain parameters
     represent a maximum transmit power for a given frequency band.

     Integration of either a WiMAX or WLAN, and BT module that exceeds the
     parameters requires a new FCC authorization or permissive change
     application. A maximum antenna gain of 5 dBi for WLAN/WiMAX/BT has
     been assumed for all collocated antennas.

     Table 3, 4, and 5 summarize transmitter parameters associated with this

                     4.1. Individual Transmitter Calculations

                         4.1.1. Maximum Output Power

                               The maximum power calculations for EM7355 per wireless
                               technology are shown in Table 3

                                           Maximum     Maximum    Maximum                                               Max
                                                                                     Max     Max      Max     Max
                             Frequency     Conducted   Conducte   Antenna   Duty                                       output
                Technology                                                          EIRP     EIRP     ERP     ERP
                               (MHz)         Power     d Power     Gain     Cycle                                      power
                                                                                    (dBm)     (W)    (dBm)    (W)
                                             (dBm)       (W)       (dBi)                                                limit

                GPRS 2 UL     824-849        33.0        2.00       6.5     0.250   39.500   8.913   37.360   5.445   7 W ERP

                EDGE 2 UL     824-849        28.0        0.63       6.5     0.250   34.500   2.818   32.360   1.722   7 W ERP

                EDGE 3 UL     824-849        26.2        0.42       6.5     0.375   32.700   1.862   30.560   1.138   7 W ERP

                EDGE 4UL      824-849        25.0        0.32       6.5     0.500   31.500   1.413   29.360   0.863   7 W ERP

                GPRS 2 UL    1850-1910       30.0        1.00       3.0     0.250   33.000   1.995   30.860   1.219   2 W EIRP

                EDGE 2 UL    1850-1910       27.0        0.50       3.0     0.250   30.000   1.000   27.860   0.611   2 W EIRP

                EDGE 3 UL    1850-1910       25.2        0.33       3.0     0.375   28.200   0.661   26.060   0.404   2 W EIRP
EM7355 module

                EDGE 4UL     1850-1910       24.0        0.25       3.0     0.500   27.000   0.501   24.860   0.306   2 W EIRP

                CDMA BC0      824-849        25.0        0.32       6.5     1.000   31.500   1.413   29.360   0.863   7 W ERP

                CDMA BC1     1850-1910       25.0        0.32       3.0     1.000   28.000   0.631   25.860   0.385   2 W EIRP

                CDMA BC10     817-824        25.0        0.32       6.5     1.000   31.500   1.413   29.360   0.863   7 W ERP

                  UMTS        824 - 849      24.0        0.25       6.5     1.000   30.500   1.122   28.360   0.685   7 W ERP

                  UMTS       1710-1755       24.0        0.25       6.0     1.000   30.000   1.000   27.860   0.611   1 W EIRP

                  UMTS       1850 - 1910     24.0        0.25       3.0     1.000   27.000   0.501   24.860   0.306   2 W EIRP

                   LTE        704 - 716      24.0        0.25       9.0     1.000   33.000   1.995   30.860   1.219   3 W ERP

                   LTE        777 - 787      24.0        0.25       9.0     1.000   33.000   1.995   30.860   1.219   3 W ERP

                   LTE        824 - 849      24.0        0.25       6.5     1.000   30.500   1.122   28.360   0.685   7 W ERP

                   LTE       1710 - 1755     24.0        0.25       6.0     1.000   30.000   1.000   27.860   0.611   1 W EIRP

                   LTE       1850– 1910      24.0        0.25       3.0     1.000   27.000   0.501   24.860   0.306   2 W EIRP

                   LTE       1850- 1915      24.0        0.25       3.0     1.000   27.000   0.501   24.860   0.306   2 W EIRP

                                Table 3: EM7355 Maximum Output Power Calculation

                                          4.1.2. Standalone Power Density

                                          The power density calculations for the individual transmitters per wireless
                                          technology at an exposure minimum separation distance of 20cm are
                                          shown in Table 4.

                                          For frequency dependent limit, the lowest transmitter frequency was used
                                          to represent the lowest MPE limit in this analysis (eg. 824MHz =

                                                          Maximum                 Maximum                                  Power
                                                                      Maximum                       Average   Average                 FCC MPE
                                            Frequency     Conducted               Antenna   Duty                          Density @
                             Technology                               Conducted                       EIRP     EIRP                   Limit
                                              (MHz)         Power                  Gain     Cycle                           20cm
                                                                      Power (W)                      (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm^2)
                                                            (dBm)                  (dBi)                                 (mW/cm^2)
                             GPRS 2 UL       824-849        33.0        2.00        6.5     0.250    33.48    2228.127     0.443        0.549

                             EDGE 2 UL       824-849        28.0        0.63        6.5     0.250    28.48    704.596      0.140        0.549

                             EDGE 3 UL       824-849        26.2        0.42        6.5     0.375    28.44    698.283      0.139        0.549
                             EDGE 4UL        824-849        25.0        0.32        6.5     0.500    28.49    706.269      0.141        0.549
                             GPRS 2 UL      1850-1910       30.0        1.00        3.0     0.250    26.98    498.816      0.099        1.000
                             EDGE 2 UL      1850-1910       27.0        0.50        3.0     0.250    23.98    250.000      0.050        1.000
EM7355 Module (Standalone)

                             EDGE 3 UL      1850-1910       25.2        0.33        3.0     0.375    23.94    247.760      0.049        1.000

                             EDGE 4UL       1850-1910       24.0        0.25        3.0     0.500    23.99    250.594      0.050        1.000
                             CDMA BC0        824-849        25.0         0.3        6.5     1.000    31.50    1412.538     0.281        0.549
                             CDMA BC1       1850-1910       25.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    28.00    630.957      0.126        1.000
                             CDMA BC10       817-824        25.0         0.3        6.5     1.000    31.50    1412.538     0.281        0.544
                               UMTS          824 - 849      24.0        0.251       6.5     1.000    30.50    1122.018     0.223        0.549
                               UMTS         1710-1755       24.0        0.251       6.0     1.000    30.00    1000.000     0.199        1.000
                               UMTS         1850 - 1910     24.0        0.251       3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        1.000
                                LTE          704 - 716      24.0         0.3        9.0     1.000    33.00    1995.262     0.397        0.469
                                LTE          777 - 787      24.0         0.3        9.0     1.000    33.00    1995.262     0.397        0.518
                                LTE          824 - 849      24.0         0.3        6.5     1.000    30.50    1122.018     0.223        0.549
                                LTE         1710 - 1755     24.0         0.3        6.0     1.000    30.00    1000.000     0.199        1.000
                                LTE         1850 - 1910     24.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        1.000
                                LTE         1850 - 1915     24.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        1.000

                                                          Table 4: EM7355 Standalone MPE Calculation

                                             4.2. Collocated MPE Calculation

                                                The WiMAX, WLAN, and BT power levels listed represent the worse-case
                                                scenario for corresponding frequency ranges given.

                                                                Maximum                 Maximum                                  Power
                                                                            Maximum                       Average   Average                 FCC MPE
                                                  Frequency     Conducted               Antenna   Duty                          Density @
                                 Technology                                 Conducted                       EIRP     EIRP                   Limit
                                                    (MHz)         Power                  Gain     Cycle                           20cm
                                                                            Power (W)                      (dBm)     (mW)                   (mW/cm^2)
                                                                  (dBm)                  (dBi)                                 (mW/cm^2)
                                 GPRS 2 UL         824-849        33.0        2.00        3.0     0.250    29.98    995.268      0.198        0.549

                                 EDGE 2 UL         824-849        28.0        0.63        3.0     0.250    24.98    314.731      0.063        0.549

                                 EDGE 3 UL         824-849        26.2        0.42        3.0     0.375    24.94    311.911      0.062        0.549
                                 EDGE 4UL          824-849        25.0        0.32        3.0     0.500    24.99    315.479      0.063        0.549
                                 GPRS 2 UL        1850-1910       30.0        1.00        3.0     0.250    26.98    498.816      0.099        1.000
                                 EDGE 2 UL        1850-1910       27.0        0.50        3.0     0.250    23.98    250.000      0.050        1.000
    EM7355 Module (Collocated)

                                 EDGE 3 UL        1850-1910       25.2        0.33        3.0     0.375    23.94    247.760      0.049        1.000

                                 EDGE 4UL         1850-1910       24.0        0.25        3.0     0.500    23.99    250.594      0.050        1.000
                                 CDMA BC0          824-849        25.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    28.00    630.957      0.126        0.549
                                 CDMA BC1         1850-1910       25.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    28.00    630.957      0.126        1.000
                                 CDMA BC10         817-824        25.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    28.00    630.957      0.126        0.544
                                   UMTS            824 - 849      24.0        0.251       3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        0.549
                                   UMTS           1710-1755       24.0        0.251       6.0     1.000    30.00    1000.000     0.199        1.000
                                   UMTS           1850 - 1910     24.0        0.251       3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        1.000
                                    LTE            704 - 716      24.0         0.3        6.0     1.000    30.00    1000.000     0.199        0.469
                                    LTE            777 - 787      24.0         0.3        6.0     1.000    30.00    1000.000     0.199        0.518
                                    LTE            824 - 849      24.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        0.549
                                    LTE           1710 - 1755     24.0         0.3        6.0     1.000    30.00    1000.000     0.199        1.000
                                    LTE           1850 - 1910     24.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        1.000
                                    LTE           1850 - 1915     24.0         0.3        3.0     1.000    27.00    501.187      0.100        1.000
                                   WLAN           2400 - 2500     29.0        0.794       5.0     1.000    34.00    2511.886     0.500        1.000
Other Collocated

                                   WLAN           5150 - 5850     29.0        0.794       5.0     1.000    34.00    2511.886     0.500        1.000

                                   WiMax          2300 - 2400     29.0        0.794       5.0     1.000    34.00    2511.886     0.500        1.000
                                   WiMax          2500 - 2700     29.0        0.794       5.0     1.000    34.00    2511.886     0.500        1.000
                                   WiMax          3300 - 3800     29.0        0.794       5.0     1.000    34.00    2511.886     0.500        1.000
                                    BT            2400 - 2500     15.0        0.032       5.0     1.000    20.00    100.000      0.020        1.000

                                                                Table 5: EM7355 Collocated MPE Calculation

                          Per OET Bulletin 65, when RF sources have difference frequencies, the
                          fraction of the FCC power density limit shall be determined and the sum
                          of all fractional components shall be less than 1.

                 WLAN/WiMAX                                                                      +
                                            WLAN/WiMAX Pd (mW/cm^2)       BT Pd (mW/cm^2)                             Limit
                  Band (GHz)                                                                   BT Pd

                    2.3 - 2.4
                    2.4 - 2.5
                    2.5 - 2.7                         0.500                    0.020                0.520          1.000
                        3.3 3.8
                   5.15 - 5.85

                              Table 6: (WLAN or WiMAX) + BT Collocated MPE Calculation

                                                                                                            (850 MHz
                                                 (WLAN /
               WLAN /                            WiMAX
 WLAN /        WiMAX               FCC MPE          +          850 MHz      FCC MPE     (WWAN 850
                                                                                                             WLAN /
 WiMAX            +                  Limit        BT Pd)      WWAN Pd         Limit     MHz) / MPE                            Limit   Pass/Fail
Band (GHz)      BT Pd             (mW/cm^2)         /         (mW/cm^2)    (mW/cm^2)      Limit)
              (mW/cm^2)                           (MPE
 2.3 - 2.4
 2.4 - 2.5
 2.5 - 2.7      0.520               1.000          0.520        0.198        0.549          0.360             0.880           1.000     Pass
 3.3 - 3.8
5.15 - 5.85

                Table 7: WWAN 850MHz + WLAN / WiMAX + BT Collocated MPE Calculation

                                       (WLAN /                                              MHz
                 WLAN /                WiMAX                                              WWAN
                WiMAX       FCC MPE       +       1900 MHz    FCC MPE    (WWAN 1900           +
                   +          Limit     BT Pd)   WWAN Pd        Limit     MHz) / MPE      WLAN /       Limit   Pass/Fail
                 BT Pd     (mW/cm^2)      /      (mW/cm^2)   (mW/cm^2)      Limit)        WiMAX
               (mW/cm^2)                (MPE                                                  +
                                        Limit)                                               BT
 2.3 - 2.4
 2.4 - 2.5
 2.5 - 2.7       0.520       1.000      0.520      0.126       1.000         0.126         0.645       1.000     Pass
 3.3 - 3.8
5.15 - 5.85

                 Table 8: WWAN 1900MHz + WLAN / WiMAX + BT Collocated MPE Calculation

                                       (WLAN /                                               MHz
                WLAN /                 WIMAX                                               WWAN
 WLAN /                                                                       (WWAN
                WiMAX       FCC MPE       +       700 MHz                                      +
 WIMAX                                                       FCC MPE Limit   700 MHz) /
                   +          Limit     BT Pd)   WWAN Pd                                   WLAN /      Limit   Pass/Fail
   Band                                                        (mW/cm^2)        MPE
                 BT Pd     (mW/cm^2)      /      (mW/cm^2)                                 WiMAX
  (GHz)                                                                        Limit)
               (mW/cm^2)                (MPE                                                   +
                                        Limit)                                                BT
  2.3 - 2.4
  2.4 - 2.5
  2.5 - 2.7       0.520       1.000      0.520      0.199        0.469         0.424         0.944     1.000     Pass
  3.3 - 3.8
 5.15 - 5.85

                 Table 9: WWAN 700MHz + WLAN / WiMAX + BT Collocated MPE Calculation

                                      (WLAN /                                             MHz
               WLAN /                 WIMAX                                             WWAN
WLAN /                                                                       (WWAN
               WiMAX       FCC MPE       +       1700 MHz                                   +
WIMAX                                                       FCC MPE Limit   1700 MHz)
                  +          Limit     BT Pd)   WWAN Pd                                 WLAN /      Limit   Pass/Fail
  Band                                                        (mW/cm^2)       / MPE
                BT Pd     (mW/cm^2)      /      (mW/cm^2)                               WiMAX
 (GHz)                                                                        Limit)
              (mW/cm^2)                (MPE                                                 +
                                       Limit)                                              BT
 2.3 - 2.4
 2.4 - 2.5
 2.5 - 2.7      0.520       1.000      0.520      0.199         1.000         0.199      0.719      1.000     Pass
 3.3 - 3.8
5.15 - 5.85

              Table 10: WWAN 1700MHz + WLAN / WiMAX + BT Collocated MPE Calculation

5. Conclusion
  Based on FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C and 47 CFR §2.1091, the
  analysis concludes that the EM7355 wireless modem, when transmitting
  either in standalone or simultaneously with other co-located radio transmitters
  within a host device, is compliant with the FCC/IC RF exposure requirements
  in mobile exposure condition, provided the conducted power and antenna
  gain do not exceed the limits in Table 11 for each given frequency band per
  wireless technology.

                                                    Maximum     Maximum Antenna Gain
                                      Frequency     Conducted          (dBi)
    Device           Technology
                                        (MHz)         Power
                                                                Standalone   Collocated
                                       824 - 849       33.0        6.5          3.0
                                      1850 – 1910     30.0         3.0          3.0
                                       824 – 849      28.0         6.5          3.0
                                      1850 - 1910     27.0         3.0          3.0
                                        824-849       25.0         6.5          3.0
                          CDMA        1850 - 1910     25.0         3.0          3.0
                                       817 – 824      25.0         6.5          3.0

                                       824 - 849      24.0         6.5          3.0
                          UMTS        1710 – 1755     24.0         6.0          6.0
                                      1850 - 1910     24.0         3.0          3.0
                                       704 - 716      24.0         9.0          6.0
                                       777 – 787      24.0         9.0          6.0
                                       824 – 849      24.0         6.5          3.0
                                      1710 – 1755     24.0         6.0          6.0
                                      1850 – 1910     24.0         3.0          3.0
                                      1850 - 1915     24.0         3.0          3.0
                    WLAN              2400 - 2500     29.0                      5.0

                    WLAN              5150 - 5850     29.0                      5.0

                             WiMAX    2300 - 2400      29                       5.0
                             WiMAX    2500 - 2700      29                       5.0
                             WiMAX    3300 - 3800      29                       5.0
                     BT          BT   2400 - 2500      15                       5.0

       Table 11: Summary of Maximum Conducted Power and Antenna Gain

Document Created: 2013-02-05 13:48:38
Document Modified: 2013-02-05 13:48:38

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