

Test Report

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                  EM7355/EM7655 Modem

                                Test Report


                            CDMA and EVDO

                       FCC and IC Certifications

                        IC: 2417C-EM7655
                       FCC ID: N7NEM7655

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
This document contains information which is proprietary and confidential to Sierra
Wireless, Inc. Disclosure to persons other than the officers, employees, agents, or
subcontractors of the Company or licensee of this document without the prior written
permission of Sierra Wireless, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

                                            SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                 EM7655                Aug. 16, 2012                 Page 2 of 34

Table of Contents
1 Introduction and Purpose ......................................................................... 4
2 Test Summary .......................................................................................... 4
3 Description of Equipment under Test ...................................................... 4
    3.1       Differences between EM7355 and EM7655 ....................................................... 5
4      Compliance Test Equipment List ............................................................ 5
5      Test Setup Block Diagrams ..................................................................... 5
    5.1       Test Setup 1 ......................................................................................................... 5
    5.2       Test Setup 2 ......................................................................................................... 6
6      RF Power Output ..................................................................................... 6
    6.1     Test Procedure .................................................................................................... 6
       6.1.1 CDMA/EVDO Max Power setup ................................................................... 6
       6.1.2 Test Results CDMA/EVDO Output Power .................................................... 7
7      Occupied Bandwidth ................................................................................ 7
    7.1     Test Procedure .................................................................................................... 7
    7.2     Test Results ......................................................................................................... 7
       7.2.1 CDMA Summary Results ............................................................................... 7
       7.2.2 CDMA Test Plots ............................................................................................ 8
       7.2.3 1x EvDO Test Plots ...................................................................................... 10
8      Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals ...................................... 12
    8.1     Test Procedure .................................................................................................. 12
    8.2     Test Results ....................................................................................................... 12
       8.2.1 CDMA Test Plots .......................................................................................... 13
       8.2.2 EVDO Rel. A Test Plots ............................................................................... 16
9      Block Edge Compliance ........................................................................ 19
    9.1     Test Procedure .................................................................................................. 19
    9.2     Test Results ....................................................................................................... 20
       9.2.1 CDMA Test Plots .......................................................................................... 21
       9.2.2 1x EvDO Test Plots ...................................................................................... 27
10         Frequency Stability versus Temperature ............................................ 29
    10.1 Summary of Results ........................................................................................... 30
    10.2 Test Procedure .................................................................................................. 30
    10.3 Test Results ....................................................................................................... 30
      10.3.1  CDMA Frequency Error over Temperature ............................................. 30
11         Frequency Stability versus Voltage .................................................... 30
    11.1 Summary of Results ........................................................................................... 30
    11.2 Test Procedure .................................................................................................. 31
    11.3 Test Results ....................................................................................................... 31
      11.3.1  CDMA Frequency Error over Voltage ..................................................... 31
12         Peak to Average Ratio ........................................................................ 31
    12.1   Summary of Results ........................................................................................... 31
    12.2   Test Procedure .................................................................................................. 31
    12.3   Test Results ....................................................................................................... 31
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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                           EM7655                 Aug. 16, 2012                Page 3 of 34

     12.3.1     Test Plots ................................................................................................... 32

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                                 SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133               EM7655         Aug. 16, 2012          Page 4 of 34

1     Introduction and Purpose
This document provides test data for the EM7355 modem output power intended for FCC
and Industry Canada certifications.

2     Test Summary

     FCC Rule              IC             DESCRIPTION OF                  RESULT        PAGE
                        Standards             TEST
        2.1046        RSS-132, 4.4     RF Power Output                      Complies        5
                      RSS-133, 6.4
    2.1049, 22.917,   RSS-Gen, 4.6     Occupied Bandwidth                   Complies       16
    24.238, 90.691
    2.1051, 22.917,   RSS-132, 4.5     Out of Band Emissions at             Complies       45
    24.238, 90.210    RSS-133, 6.5     Antenna Terminals

     22.917,          RSS-Gen, 4.6     Block Edge Compliance                Complies      106
24.238, 90.691
  2.1055, 22.355,     RSS-132, 4.3     Frequency Stability versus           Complies      122
   24.235, 90.213     RSS-133, 6.3     Temperature
  2.1055, 22.355,     RSS-132, 4.3     Frequency Stability versus           Complies      124
   24.235, 90.213     RSS-133, 6.3     Voltage
       24.232                          Peak to Average Ratio                Complies      126

3     Description of Equipment under Test
The EM7355/EM7655 modem, referred to as “EUT” hereafter, is a multi-band wireless
modem operating on the GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/LTE/CDMA networks. The table
below shows the supported North American bands for the device.

         Technology          Band     UL Freq. (MHz)     DL Freq. (MHz)           Max Power
                               B2       1850 – 1910         1930 – 1990        23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                               B4       1710 – 1755         2110 – 2155        23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                               B5        824 – 849           869 – 894         23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                              B13        777 – 787           746 – 756         23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                              B17        704 – 716           734 – 746         23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                              B25       1850 – 1915         1930 – 1995        23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                               B2       1850 – 1910         1930 – 1990        23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                               B4       1710 – 1755         2110 – 2155        23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
      / HSPA+
                               B5        824 – 849           869 – 894         23 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                              BC0        824 – 849           869 – 894         24 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
       CDMA / EVDO            BC1       1850 – 1910         1930 – 1990        24 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
                             BC10*     816.0 – 823.975    861.0 – 868.975      24 dBm (+/- 1 dB)
            GSM              G850        824 – 849           869 – 894         32.5 dBm (+/-1dB)

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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                    EM7655            Aug. 16, 2012         Page 5 of 34

                                 G1900      1850 – 1910            1930 – 1990       29.5 dBm (+/-1dB)
                                 G850          824 – 849            869 – 894         27 dBm (+/-1dB)
                                 G1900      1850 – 1910            1930 – 1990        26 dBm (+/-1dB)
* Only BC10 subclass 2 and 3 frequencies are supported by hardware and firmware.

3.1 Differences between EM7355 and EM7655
The EM7355 and EM7655 differ only in pcb length and host interface connector. Both
products utilize the same pcb RF layout, components and firmware. Please refer to
document “7x55 Comparison.pdf”.

4      Compliance Test Equipment List

EQUIPMENT             MANUFACTURER             MODEL NO.           SERIAL NO.       CAL. DUE DATE
Control Computer      TC                       Generic PC          100488           N/A
Wireless Test Set     Rohde & Schwarz          CMU200              110521           October 27, 2013
Wireless Test Set     Rohde & Schwarz          CMW500              101060           June 6, 2014
Spectrum              Rohde & Schwarz          FSP                 100060           October 27, 2013
DC Power Supply       HP                       6632A               3530A            N/A
Interface Board       Shop built               ATEMux              N/A              N/A
Directional           Pasternack               PE2209-10           N/A              N/A

5      Test Setup Block Diagrams
5.1     Test Setup 1

      Control Computer

                     Interface           DUT                       Directional            Spectrum
                       Board                                        Coupler               Analyzer

          DC Power                                 Power Meter               Test Set
           Supply                                  (for trigger)

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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                  EM7655          Aug. 16, 2012        Page 6 of 34

5.2       Test Setup 2

      Control Computer

                      Interface         DUT                                          Test Set

           DC Power                    Temperature Chamber

6      RF Power Output
       FCC 2.1046, 27.53(h)

6.1 Test Procedure
The transmitter output was connected to a Rohde & Schwarz CMW500 Test Set and
configured to operate at maximum power in a call. The power was measured using the
CDMA Tx measurement of the CMW500. Refer to Test Setup 1.

6.1.1 CDMA/EVDO Max Power setup

For CDMA Loopback Call per 3GPP2 CS00114.4.5 Maximum Output Power

          Configure Fundamental Channel Test Mode 1 with 9600 bps data rate.
          Set the Service option to SO2, the radio configuration to RC1, set forward channel
           power to -85 dBm and connect call.
          Set the reverse power control bits to ”All up” and measure the power at the EM7355
           module antenna connector.
          Repeat above process for SO9 and SO55 service options and RC1 and RC3 radio

For EVDO Loopback Call per 3GPP2 CS0033 4.3.4 Maximum Output Power

          For Subtype 0 or 1 Physical Layer, configure the Test Application RTAP (R0) so that the
           Reverse Data Channel rate corresponds to 153.6 kbps.
          Set Ior to -85 dBm/1.23 MHz and connect call.
          Set the reverse power control bits to ”All up” and measure the power at the EM7355
           module antenna connector.
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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                            EM7655            Aug. 16, 2012            Page 7 of 34

         Repeat above process for Test Application RETAP (RA) service option.

6.1.2 Test Results CDMA/EVDO Output Power

                                                        CDMA                                          1x EvDO
             Channel             SO2                      SO9                      SO55           Rel. 0       Rel. A
 Band         F-RC       RC1            RC3        RC1           RC3        RC1            RC3    RTAP         RETAP
              1013      24.31          24.27      24.29         24.31      24.12          24.37   24.07        24.16
    BC0        384      24.21          24.24      24.21         24.23      24.1           24.25   24.12        24.15
               777      23.95          24.02      24.08         24.04      23.94          24.03   24.06        24.06
                25      24.23          24.28      24.36         24.34      24.31          24.35   24.28        24.13
    BC1        600      24.32          24.29      24.36         24.36      24.34          24.31   24.26        24.17
              1175      24.29          24.33      24.31         24.33      24.29          24.3    24.13        24.12
               450      24.2           24.19      24.2          24.21      24.16          24.17   24.03        24.02
BC10*          560      24.09          24.12      24.12         24.12      23.98          24.09   24.09        24.04
               670      23.9             24       23.99           24       23.97            24    24.03        24.02
                 *Note: Only BC10 Sub-Band 2 and 3 are supported by hardware and firmware

7     Occupied Bandwidth
      FCC 2.202, 22.917, 24.238(a)(b), 90.691

7.1 Test Procedure
The transmitter output was connected to a spectrum analyzer through a calibrated coaxial
cable and a directional coupler. The occupied bandwidth (defined as the 99% Power
Bandwidth) was measured with the spectrum analyzer at low, middle, and high
frequencies in each band. The –26dB bandwidth was also measured and recorded. Refer
to Test Setup 1.

7.2 Test Results
The measurements were performed with the

7.2.1 CDMA Summary Results

                                                                 99% OBW            -26 dB OBW
      Band                    Configuration                                                                Plot No.
                                                                   (MHz)               (MHz)

                                                RC1                1.284                  1.437  
      BC0                                       RC3                1.274                  1.437  
                         1x EvDo               Rel. A              1.289                  1.442  
                                                RC1                1.274                  1.446  
      BC1                                       RC3                1.279                  1.437  
                         1x EvDo               Rel. A              1.279                  1.437  
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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                EM7655                                           Aug. 16, 2012                                  Page 8 of 34

                                                                           RC1                                       1.274                                                   1.437     
    BC10*                                                                  RC3                                       1.279                                                   1.442     
                     1x EvDo                                              Rel. A                                     1.274                                                   1.456     

7.2.2   CDMA Test Plots CDMA Occupied Bandwidth, SO2, RC1, BC0 Mid channel, 836.52 MHz, 99%
                                CDMA         BC0    SO2    OQPSK          F1                             * RBW   30     kHz         Marker         1       [T1    ]
                                                                                                         * VBW   100        kHz                                  4.14       dBm
                                Ref          22    dBm                         * Att     40   dB           SWT   5     ms                 836.515080000                     MHz

                                   20    Offset           5.3      dB                                                               OBW        1.274280000                  MHz
                                                                                                                                    Temp       1   [T1          OBW]
                                                                                                                                                                -1.55       dBm    A
                                                                                                                                          835.885320000                     MHz   SGL
                       1 RM *
                                                                                                                                    Temp       2   [T1          OBW]
                                                                    T1                                                                    T2                    -1.47       dBm
                                                                                                                                          837.159600000                     MHz   LVL



                                          SWP            50    of          50




                                   -70                                                                                                     F2

                                Center            836.52       MHz                             246      kHz/                                        Span         2.46       MHz

                       Date:                  4.OCT.2012                12:35:59 CDMA Occupied Bandwidth, SO2, RC3, BC0 Mid channel, 836.52 MHz, 99%
                                        CDMA       BC0    SO2       HPSK       F1                              * RBW    30    kHz         Marker            1    [T1    ]
                                                                                                               * VBW    100       kHz                                  4.47       dBm
                                        Ref        20.9       dBm                   * Att     40   dB            SWT    5    ms                    836.480640000                  MHz

                                         20       Offset        5.3       dB                                                              OBW          1.279200000                MHz
                                                                                                                                          Temp         1    [T1       OBW]
                                                                                                                                                                      -1.26       dBm    A
                                                                                                         1                                         835.880400000                  MHz   SGL
                             1 RM *
                                                                                                                                          Temp 2            [T1       OBW]
                             AVG                                          T1                                                                 T2
                                         0                                                                                                                            -1.43       dBm
                                                                                                                                                   837.159600000                  MHz   LVL



                                                  SWP          50    of             50




                                         -70                                                                                                        F2

                                         Center         836.52       MHz                             246     kHz/                                           Span       2.46       MHz

                             Date:                 4.OCT.2012                  12:38:42

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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                     EM7655                                 Aug. 16, 2012                              Page 9 of 34 CDMA Occupied Bandwidth, SO2, RC1, BC1 Mid channel, 1880.0 MHz, 99%
                                  CDMA    BC1    SO2    OQPSK         F1                         * RBW   30    kHz       Marker         1   [T1    ]
                                                                                                 * VBW   100       kHz                            3.15   dBm
                                  Ref     20.7    dBm                      * Att   40   dB         SWT   5    ms                    1.879439120          GHz

                                  20     Offset        5.3      dB                                                       OBW        1.274280000          MHz
                                                                                                                         Temp       1   [T1   OBW]
                                                                                                                                              -2.33      dBm    A
                                                                      1                                                             1.879365320          GHz   SGL
                         1 RM *
                                                                                                                         Temp 2         [T1   OBW]
                         AVG                                                                                                T2
                                  0                              T1                                                                           -1.81      dBm
                                                                                                                                    1.880639600          GHz   LVL



                                         SWP          50   of             50





                                  Center       1.88    GHz                               246     kHz/                                   Span      2.46   MHz

                         Date:            4.OCT.2012                 13:58:32 CDMA Occupied Bandwidth, SO2, RC3, BC1 Mid channel, 1880.0 MHz, 99%
                                  CDMA    BC1    SO2    HPSK         F1                          * RBW   30    kHz       Marker         1   [T1    ]
                                                                                                 * VBW   100       kHz                            4.40   dBm
                                  Ref     21.5    dBm                      * Att   40   dB         SWT   5    ms                    1.879936040          GHz

                                  20     Offset        5.3      dB                                                       OBW        1.279200000          MHz
                                                                                                                         Temp       1   [T1   OBW]
                                                                                                                                              -2.68      dBm    A
                                                                                             1                                      1.879360400          GHz   SGL
                         1 RM *
                                                                                                                         Temp       2   [T1   OBW]
                                  0                             T1                                                             T2             -2.14      dBm
                                                                                                                                    1.880639600          GHz   LVL



                                         SWP          50   of             50




                                  -70                                                                                           F2

                                  Center       1.88    GHz                               246     kHz/                                   Span      2.46   MHz

                         Date:            4.OCT.2012                 14:01:14

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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                     EM7655                                   Aug. 16, 2012                              Page 10 of 34 CDMA Occupied Bandwidth, SO2, RC1, BC10 Mid channel, 820.0 MHz, 99%
                                  CDMA    BC10       SO2    OQPSK      F                           * RBW   30    kHz       Marker         1   [T1    ]
                                                                                                   * VBW   100       kHz                            5.01   dBm
                                  Ref     20.9       dBm                   * Att   40   dB          SWT    5    ms               820.004920000             MHz

                                  20     Offset       5.3       dB                                                         OBW        1.274280000          MHz
                                                                                                                           Temp       1   [T1   OBW]
                                                                                                                                                -2.56      dBm    A
                                                                                               1                                 819.360400000             MHz   SGL
                         1 RM *
                                                                                                                           Temp       2   [T1   OBW]
                                  0                              T1                                                          T2                 -3.01      dBm
                                                                                                                                 820.634680000             MHz   LVL



                                         SWP          50    of         50




                                  -70                                                                                             F2

                                  Center       820    MHz                                246   kHz/                                       Span      2.46   MHz

                         Date:            4.OCT.2012                 11:22:58 CDMA Occupied Bandwidth, SO2, RC3, BC10 Mid channel, 820.0 MHz, 99%
                                  CDMA    BC10       SO2    HPSK      F1                           * RBW   30    kHz       Marker         1   [T1    ]
                                                                                                   * VBW   100       kHz                            5.15   dBm
                                  Ref     20.8       dBm                   * Att   40   dB          SWT    5    ms               819.995080000             MHz

                                  20     Offset       5.3       dB                                                         OBW        1.279200000          MHz
                                                                                                                           Temp       1   [T1   OBW]
                                                                                                                                                -1.11      dBm    A
                                                                                               1                                 819.360400000             MHz   SGL
                         1 RM *
                                                                                                                           Temp       2   [T1   OBW]
                         AVG                                     T1
                                  0                                                                                              T2             -2.28      dBm
                                                                                                                                 820.639600000             MHz   LVL



                                         SWP          50    of         50




                                  -70                                                                                             F2

                                  Center       820    MHz                                246   kHz/                                       Span      2.46   MHz

                         Date:            4.OCT.2012                 11:25:46

7.2.3   1x EvDO Test Plots

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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                  EM7655                                   Aug. 16, 2012                           Page 11 of 34 1x EvDO Occupied Bandwidth, Rel. A, BC0 Mid channel, 836.52 MHz, 99% BW
                                  EVDO    BC0    RA   F1                                    * RBW   30    kHz           Marker      1   [T1    ]
                                                                                            * VBW   100       kHz                             3.12   dBm
                                  Ref     20.9    dBm                   * Att   40   dB       SWT   5    ms                   837.007080000          MHz

                                  20     Offset       5.3       dB                                                      OBW     1.269360000          MHz
                                                                                                                        Temp    1   [T1   OBW]
                                                                                                                                          -1.56      dBm    A
                                                                                                                              835.885320000          MHz   SGL
                         1 RM *
                                                                                                                        Temp 2      [T1   OBW]
                         AVG                                     T1                                                        T2
                                  0                                                                                                       -1.57      dBm
                                                                                                                              837.154680000          MHz   LVL



                                         SWP          50   of          50




                                  -70                                                                                          F2

                                  Center       836.52      MHz                        246   kHz/                                    Span      2.46   MHz

                         Date:            4.OCT.2012                 13:10:34 1x EvDO Occupied Bandwidth, Rel. A, BC1 Mid channel, 1880.0 MHz, 99% BW
                                  EVDO    BC1    R0   F0                                    * RBW   30    kHz           Marker      1   [T1    ]
                                                                                            * VBW   100       kHz                             3.50   dBm
                                  Ref     20.3    dBm                   * Att   40   dB       SWT   5    ms                     1.851791200          GHz

                                  20     Offset       5.3       dB                                                      OBW     1.279200000          MHz
                                                                                                                        Temp    1   [T1   OBW]
                                                                                                                                          -3.09      dBm    A
                                                                                                                        1     1.850610400            GHz   SGL
                         1 RM *
                                                                                                                        Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                  0                             T1                                                         T2       -2.60            dBm
                                                                                                                                1.851889600          GHz   LVL




                                         SWP          50   of          50





                                  Center       1.85125      GHz                       246   kHz/                                    Span      2.46   MHz

                         Date:            4.OCT.2012                 14:33:55

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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                   EM7655                                 Aug. 16, 2012                           Page 12 of 34 1x EvDO Occupied Bandwidth, Rel. A, BC10 Mid channel, 820.0 MHz, 99% BW
                                   EVDO    BC10       R0    F1                               * RBW     30    kHz       Marker      1   [T1    ]
                                                                                             * VBW     100       kHz                         5.52   dBm
                                   Ref     21.1       dBm                * Att   40   dB         SWT   5    ms               820.024600000          MHz

                                   20     Offset           5.3   dB                                                    OBW     1.279200000          MHz
                                                                                                                       Temp    1   [T1   OBW]
                                                                                                                                         -1.61      dBm    A
                                                                                             1                               819.360400000          MHz   SGL
                          1 RM *
                                                                                                                       Temp 2      [T1   OBW]
                          AVG                                     T1                                                      T2
                                   0                                                                                                     -1.08      dBm
                                                                                                                             820.639600000          MHz   LVL



                                          SWP          50    of         50




                                   -70                                                                                        F2

                                   Center       820    MHz                             246   kHz/                                  Span      2.46   MHz

                          Date:            4.OCT.2012                 11:55:15

8 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals
       FCC 22.901(d), 22.917, 24.238(a), 27.53(h)(m)

Out of Band Emissions:
The mean power of emissions must be attenuated below the mean power of the
unmodulated carrier (P) on any frequency outside the frequency band by at least
(43 + 10 log P) dB. The out of band emission limit translates to a worst case absolute
limit of -13dBm in this case.

  8.1 Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to a spectrum analyzer through a
calibrated coaxial cable. Sufficient scans were taken to show the out-of-band emissions,
if any, up to 10th harmonic. The EUT was scanned for spurious emissions from 1MHz to
20GHz with sufficient bandwidth and video resolution. Data plots are included. Multiple
sweeps were recorded in maximum hold mode using a peak detector to ensure that the
worst-case emissions were captured. Refer to Test Setup 2.

8.2     Test Results

        Band                                Configuration                                                                  Plot No.                               Status
                                                SO2                                                          ,                            PASS
                                              1x EvDo                                                        ,                            PASS
                                                SO2                                                           –                           PASS
                                              1x EvDo                                                         –                           PASS
                                                SO2                                                          ,                            PASS
                                              1x EvDo                                                        ,                            PASS

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FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                    EM7655                            Aug. 16, 2012                       Page 13 of 34

The plots below show that the conducted emission limits requirements are met.

8.2.1 CDMA Test Plots Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals CDMA BC0, Mid channel, 836.52
        MHz, 2 Hz to 1 GHz
                                CDMA    BC0    SO2      QPSK    F1_                          * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                             * VBW   3   MHz                  -27.59        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                  Att   60   dB          SWT    195   ms      832.040000000            MHz

                                       Offset        6.1   dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13   dBm

                                       SWP          25   of       25






                                Start    30       MHz                                  97   MHz/                              Stop      1   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012              12:07:30

              Note: The strong emission shown in each case is the carrier signal. Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals CDMA BC0, Mid channel, 836.52
        MHz, 1 GHz to 10 GHz
                                CDMA    BC0    SO2      QPSK    F1_                          * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                             * VBW   3   MHz                  -20.99        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                  Att   60   dB          SWT    1.8   s         3.070000000            GHz

                                       Offset        6.1   dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13   dBm

                                       SWP          25   o f1     25





                                Start    1    GHz                                  900      MHz/                             Stop      10   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012              12:08:41

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   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                  SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                    EM7655                            Aug. 16, 2012                       Page 14 of 34 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals CDMA BC1, Mid channel, 1880.0
        MHz, 2 Hz to 1 GHz
                                CDMA    BC1    SO2      QPSK    F1_                          * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                             * VBW   3   MHz                  -27.96        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                  Att   60   dB          SWT    195   ms      818.460000000            MHz

                                       Offset        6.1   dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13   dBm

                                       SWP          25   of       25






                                Start    30       MHz                                  97   MHz/                              Stop      1   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012              13:21:17 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals CDMA BC1, Mid channel, 1880.0
        MHz, 1 GHz to 10 GHz
                                CDMA    BC1    SO2      QPSK    F1_                          * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                             * VBW   3   MHz                  -20.88        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                  Att   60   dB          SWT    1.8   s         3.070000000            GHz

                                       Offset        6.1   dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13   dBm

                                       SWP          25   o f1     25





                                Start    1    GHz                                  900      MHz/                             Stop      10   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012              13:22:28

              Note: The strong emission shown in each case is the carrier signal.

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                  SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                       EM7655                              Aug. 16, 2012                       Page 15 of 34 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals CDMA BC1, Mid channel, 1880.0
        MHz, 10 GHz to 20 GHz
                                CDMA    BC1    SO2      QPSK       F1_                          * RBW   1   MHz      Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                * VBW   3   MHz                    -19.10        dBm
                                Ref     23.1      dBm                     Att   50   dB           SWT   2   s            16.200000000            GHz

                                       Offset          6.1    dB


                                10                                                                                                                     SGL
                       1 AV *

                                0            D1    0    dBm




                                       SWP             25   of       25





                                Start    10       GHz                                     1    GHz/                               Stop      20   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012                 13:23:36 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals CDMA BC10, Mid channel, 820.0
        MHz, 2 Hz to 1 GHz
                                CDMA    BC10      SO2       QPSK    F1                          * RBW   1   MHz      Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                * VBW   3   MHz                    -27.47        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                     Att   60   dB           SWT   195     ms      816.520000000            MHz

                                       Offset          6.1    dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13      dBm

                                       SWP             25   of       25






                                Start    30       MHz                                     97   MHz/                                Stop      1   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012                 10:54:28

              Note: The strong emission shown in each case is the carrier signal.

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                     SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                EM7655                                        Aug. 16, 2012                              Page 16 of 34 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals CDMA BC10, Mid channel, 820.0
        MHz, 1 GHz to 10 GHz
                                CDMA       BC10      SO2       QPSK      F1                              * RBW     1     MHz            Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                         * VBW     3     MHz                          -20.96         dBm
                                Ref        36.1      dBm                          Att    60   dB             SWT   1.8        s              3.016000000             GHz

                                       Offset             6.1      dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                                D1    -13       dBm

                                       SWP                25    o f1         25





                                Start       1    GHz                                           900      MHz/                                         Stop      10    GHz

                       Date:                4.OCT.2012                  10:55:40

8.2.2 EVDO Rel. A Test Plots Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals 1x EvDO BC0, Mid channel,
        836.52 MHz, 2 Hz to 1 GHz
                                      EVDO       BC0      RA     F1_1                                          * RBW      1       MHz      Marker     1    [T1   ]
                                                                                                               * VBW      3       MHz                       -26.44         dBm
                                      Ref        36.1          dBm                      Att   60   dB              SWT    5       ms             832.040000000             MHz

                                                Offset           6.1     dB


                           1 AV *      20



                                                      D1       -13     dBm

                                                SWP             50     of          50





                                      Start          30    MHz                                          97   MHz/                                           Stop      1    GHz

                          Date:                   4.OCT.2012                  13:00:08

              Note: The strong emission shown in each case is the carrier signal.

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                     SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                  EM7655                                     Aug. 16, 2012                              Page 17 of 34 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals 1x EvDO BC0, Mid channel,
        836.52 MHz, 1 GHz to 10 GHz
                                EVDO       BC0    RA      F1_2                                             * RBW     1     MHz         Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                           * VBW     3     MHz                       -20.44         dBm
                                Ref        36.1      dBm                            Att    60   dB             SWT   180        ms          3.088000000             GHz

                                       Offset             6.1    dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                                D1    -13       dBm

                                       SWP                50    of             50





                                Start       1    GHz                                             900      MHz/                                      Stop      10    GHz

                       Date:                4.OCT.2012                   13:00:56 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals 1x EvDO BC1, Mid channel,
        1880.0 MHz, 2 Hz to 1 GHz
                                      EVDO       BC1      RA     F1_1                                            * RBW      1    MHz      Marker     1    [T1   ]
                                                                                                                 * VBW      3    MHz                       -26.55         dBm
                                      Ref        36.1          dBm                        Att   60   dB              SWT    5    ms             989.180000000             MHz

                                                Offset          6.1       dB


                           1 AV *      20



                                                      D1       -13       dBm

                                                SWP             50       of          50





                                      Start          30    MHz                                            97   MHz/                                        Stop      1    GHz

                          Date:                   4.OCT.2012                   14:25:32

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                  SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                        EM7655                             Aug. 16, 2012                       Page 18 of 34 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals 1x EvDO BC1, Mid channel,
        1880.0 MHz, 1 GHz to 10 GHz
                                EVDO    BC1    RA       F1_2                                    * RBW   1   MHz      Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                * VBW   3   MHz                    -20.36        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                      Att   60   dB          SWT   180     ms        3.052000000            GHz

                                       Offset          6.1     dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13      dBm

                                       SWP             50   of        50





                                Start    1    GHz                                      900      MHz/                              Stop      10   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012                  14:26:20

              Note: The strong emission shown in each case is the carrier signal. Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals 1x EvDO BC1, Mid channel,
        1880.0 MHz, 10 GHz to 20 GHz
                                EVDO    BC1    RA       F1_3                                    * RBW   1   MHz      Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                                * VBW   3   MHz                    -18.51        dBm
                                Ref     23.1      dBm                      Att   50   dB          SWT   200     ms       16.240000000            GHz

                                       Offset          6.1     dB


                                10                                                                                                                     SGL
                       1 AV *

                                0            D1    0    dBm




                                       SWP             50   of        50





                                Start    10       GHz                                      1   GHz/                               Stop      20   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012                  14:26:55

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                  SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                      EM7655                               Aug. 16, 2012                       Page 19 of 34 Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals 1x EvDO BC10, Mid channel,
        820.0 MHz, 2 Hz to 1 GHz
                                EVDO    BC10      RA    F1_1                                   * RBW   1   MHz       Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                               * VBW   3   MHz                     -26.44        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                    Att   60   dB          SWT    5   ms           816.520000000            MHz

                                       Offset          6.1   dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13   dBm

                                       SWP          50   of         50





                                Start    30       MHz                                    97   MHz/                                 Stop      1   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012                11:47:28

              Note: The strong emission shown in each case is the carrier signal. Out of Band Emissions at Antenna Terminals 1x EvDO BC10, Mid channel,
        820.0 MHz, 1 GHz to 10 GHz
                                EVDO    BC10      RA    F1_2                                   * RBW   1   MHz       Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                                               * VBW   3   MHz                     -20.52        dBm
                                Ref     36.1      dBm                    Att   60   dB          SWT    180      ms        3.052000000            GHz

                                       Offset          6.1   dB


                       1 AV *   20



                                             D1    -13   dBm

                                       SWP          50   of         50





                                Start    1    GHz                                    900      MHz/                                Stop      10   GHz

                       Date:            4.OCT.2012                11:48:16

9 Block Edge Compliance
     FCC Part 22(h)/24(e)/27.53(h)(m)

9.1 Test Procedure
The transmitter output was connected to a Rohde & Schwarz CMU200 Test Set (or
CMW500 for LTE), through a coaxial RF cable and a directional coupler, and configured
to operate at maximum power. The block edge emissions were measured at the required
operating frequencies in each band on the Spectrum Analyzer. Refer to Test Setup 1.
                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                         SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                            EM7655              Aug. 16, 2012             Page 20 of 34

The resolution bandwidth was set to at least 1% of the emission bandwidth (where
applicable). The power was scaled accordingly:

Power offset = 10*log(FCC_RBW/Measurement_RBW)

9.2      Test Results

 Block                                      Channels
             Band        Boundaries                           Configuration       Corresponding Plots          Result
  Test                                       Tested
                         Below 824                            RC1 (OQPSK)  ,
              BC0        MHz, above         128, 251                                                         Complies
                          849 MHz                              RC3 (HPSK)  ,
                           Below                              RC1 (OQPSK)  ,
CDMA          BC1                           512, 810                                                         Complies
                           above                               RC3 (HPSK)  ,
                           Below                              RC1 (OQPSK) ,
            BC10*                           450, 670                                                         Complies
                                                               RC3 (HPSK) ,
                         Below 824
              BC0       MHz, above          128, 251               Rel. A                                    Complies
                          849 MHz
 1x           BC1                           512, 810               Rel. A                                    Complies
            BC10*                           450, 670               Rel. A                                    Complies
*Note: Only BC10 Sub-Band 2 and 3 are supported by hardware and firmware

                                   2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
      The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                          SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                          EM7655                                       Aug. 16, 2012                                      Page 21 of 34

9.2.1 CDMA Test Plots CDMA BC0, RC1, low channel, below 824 MHz
         CDMA     BC0    SO2      QPSK        F0A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA      BC0     SO2        QPSK      F0B                       * RBW   100    kHz   Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -17.95   dBm                                                                              * VBW   300    kHz                 -33.26      dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        824.000000000       MHz             Ref       27    dBm                          * Att   40   dB       SWT   80    ms        823.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                     O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                              20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                   A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                                 SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                              10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                                 LVL
         0                                                                                                                               0

         -10                                                                                                                             -10
         L1                                                                                                                              L1

         -20                                                                                                                             -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                              SWP             10    of         10
         -30                                                                                                                             -30                                                                                                                  1

         -40                                                                                                                             -40

         -50                                                                                                                             -50

         -60                                                                                                                             -60

         -70                                                                                                                             -70

         Start      822.77          MHz                           246   kHz/                          Stop     825.23   MHz             Start       819        MHz                                 400   kHz/                              Stop   823   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 12:23:34                                                                         Date:               4.OCT.2012                  12:23:42 CDMA BC0, RC1, high channel, above 849 MHz
         CDMA     BC0    SO2      QPSK        F1A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA      BC0     SO2        QPSK      F1B                       * RBW   100    kHz   Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -17.70   dBm                                                                              * VBW   300    kHz                 -33.38      dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        849.000000000       MHz             Ref       27    dBm                          * Att   40   dB       SWT   80    ms        850.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                     O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                              20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                   A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                                 SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                              10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                                 LVL
         0                                                                                                                               0

         -10                                                                                                                             -10
                                                                        L1                                                               L1

         -20                                                                                                                             -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                              SWP             10    of         10
         -30                                                                                                                            1 -30

         -40                                                                                                                             -40

         -50                                                                                                                             -50

         -60                                                                                                                             -60

         -70                                                                                                                             -70

         Start      847.77          MHz                           246   kHz/                          Stop     850.23   MHz             Start       850        MHz                                 400   kHz/                              Stop   854   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 12:23:54                                                                         Date:               4.OCT.2012                  12:24:02

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                          SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                          EM7655                                         Aug. 16, 2012                                      Page 22 of 34 CDMA BC0, RC3, low channel, below 824 MHz
         CDMA     BC0    SO2      HPSK        F0A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC0     SO2        HPSK      F0B                       * RBW   100    kHz   Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -20.66   dBm                                                                                * VBW   300    kHz                 -35.59      dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        824.000000000       MHz             Ref         27    dBm                          * Att   40   dB       SWT   80    ms        823.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                     A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                                   SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                                   LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10
         L1                                                                                                                                 L1

         -20                                                                                                                                -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                                SWP             10    of         10
         -30                                                                                                                                -30

         -40                                                                                                                                -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      822.77          MHz                           246   kHz/                          Stop     825.23   MHz             Start         819        MHz                                 400   kHz/                              Stop   823   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 12:25:30                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                  12:25:37 CDMA BC0, RC3, high channel, above 849 MHz
         CDMA     BC0    SO2      HPSK        F1A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC0     SO2        HPSK      F1B                       * RBW   100    kHz   Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -16.87   dBm                                                                                * VBW   300    kHz                 -35.48      dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        849.000000000       MHz             Ref         27    dBm                          * Att   40   dB       SWT   80    ms        850.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                     A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                                   SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                                   LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10
                                                                        L1                                                                  L1

         -20                                                                                                                                -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                                SWP             10    of         10
         -30                                                                                                                                -30

         -40                                                                                                                                -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      847.77          MHz                           246   kHz/                          Stop     850.23   MHz             Start         850        MHz                                 400   kHz/                              Stop   854   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 12:25:49                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                  12:25:57

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                          SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                          EM7655                                        Aug. 16, 2012                                     Page 23 of 34 CDMA BC1,RC1, low channel, below 1850 MHz
         CDMA     BC1    SO2      QPSK        F0A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC1    SO2      QPSK        F0B                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -38.74   dBm                                                                               * VBW   3   MHz                  -26.94    dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms          1.850000000       GHz             Ref         27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms        1.849000000        GHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS   267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                              SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                              LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10
         L1                                                                                                                                 L1

         -20                                                                                                                                -20
                SWP            10   of          10                                                                                                SWP            25   of          25
         -30                                                                                                                                -30


         -40                                                                                                                                -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      1.84877         GHz                           246   kHz/                         Stop     1.85123   GHz             Start         1.845       GHz                               400   kHz/                        Stop   1.849   GHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 13:46:13                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 13:46:20 CDMA BC1, RC1, high channel, above 1910 MHz
         CDMA     BC1    SO2      QPSK        F1A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC1    SO2      QPSK        F1B                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -41.95   dBm                                                                               * VBW   3   MHz                  -27.01    dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms          1.910000000       GHz             Ref         27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms        1.911000000        GHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS   267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                              SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                              LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10
                                                                        L1                                                                  L1

         -20                                                                                                                                -20
                SWP            10   of          10                                                                                                SWP            25   of          25
         -30                                                                                                                                -30

         -40                                                                                                                                -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      1.90877         GHz                           246   kHz/                         Stop     1.91123   GHz             Start         1.911       GHz                               400   kHz/                        Stop   1.915   GHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 13:46:32                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 13:46:40

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                          SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                          EM7655                                        Aug. 16, 2012                                     Page 24 of 34 CDMA BC1,RC3, low channel, below 1850 MHz
         CDMA     BC1    SO2      HPSK        F0A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC1    SO2      HPSK        F0B                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -40.98   dBm                                                                               * VBW   3   MHz                  -29.79    dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms          1.850000000       GHz             Ref         27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms        1.849000000        GHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS   267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                              SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                              LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10
         L1                                                                                                                                 L1

         -20                                                                                                                                -20

                SWP            10   of          10                                                                                                SWP            25   of          25                                                                       1
         -30                                                                                                                                -30

         -40                                                                                                                                -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      1.84877         GHz                           246   kHz/                         Stop     1.85123   GHz             Start         1.845       GHz                               400   kHz/                        Stop   1.849   GHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 13:48:09                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 13:48:17 CDMA BC1, RC3, high channel, above 1910 MHz
         CDMA     BC1    SO2      HPSK        F1A                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC1    SO2      HPSK        F1B                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -37.23   dBm                                                                               * VBW   3   MHz                  -28.97    dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms          1.910000000       GHz             Ref         27    dBm                         * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms        1.911000000        GHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS   267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                              SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                              LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10
                                                                        L1                                                                  L1

         -20                                                                                                                                -20

                SWP            10   of          10                                                                                                SWP            25   of          25
         -30                                                                                                                                -30

         -40                                                                                                                                -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      1.90877         GHz                           246   kHz/                         Stop     1.91123   GHz             Start         1.911       GHz                               400   kHz/                        Stop   1.915   GHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 13:48:29                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 13:48:36

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                          SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                          EM7655                                         Aug. 16, 2012                                     Page 25 of 34 CDMA BC10, RC1, low channel, below 816 MHz
         CDMA     BC10     SO2      QPSK       F0                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC10     SO2       QPSK       F0                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -43.42   dBm                                                                                * VBW   3   MHz                  -28.41      dBm
         Ref      27   dBm                          * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        816.000000000       MHz             Ref         27   dBm                           * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms      815.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS    267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                   A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                                 SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                                 LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10

         -20                                                                                                                                -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                                SWP             25   of          25
         -30                                                                                                                                -30

         -40                                                            1                                                                   -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      814.77          MHz                           246   kHz/                          Stop     817.23   MHz             Start         811        MHz                                 400   kHz/                            Stop   815   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 11:10:33                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                  11:10:41 CDMA BC10, RC1, high channel, above 823.975 MHz
         CDMA     BC10     SO2      QPSK       F1                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA        BC10     SO2       QPSK       F1                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -42.44   dBm                                                                                * VBW   3   MHz                  -29.67      dBm
         Ref      27   dBm                          * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        823.975000000       MHz             Ref         27   dBm                           * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms      824.975000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                       O f f sPeOtS    267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                 20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                   A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                                 SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                 10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                                 LVL
         0                                                                                                                                  0

         -10                                                                                                                                -10

         -20                                                                                                                                -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                                SWP             25   of          25
         -30                                                                                                                                -30

         -40                                                            1                                                                   -40

         -50                                                                                                                                -50

         -60                                                                                                                                -60

         -70                                                                                                                                -70

         Start      822.745          MHz                          246   kHz/                         Stop     825.205   MHz             Start         824.975          MHz                           400   kHz/                   Stop      828.975     MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 11:10:53                                                                         Date:                 4.OCT.2012                  11:11:00

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                          SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                          EM7655                                       Aug. 16, 2012                                     Page 26 of 34 CDMA BC10, RC3, low channel, below 816 MHz
         CDMA     BC10     SO2      HPSK       F0                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA      BC10     SO2       HPSK       F0                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -39.42   dBm                                                                              * VBW   3   MHz                  -31.48      dBm
         Ref      27   dBm                          * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        816.000000000       MHz             Ref       27   dBm                           * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms      815.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                     O f f sPeOtS    267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                              20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                 A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                               SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                              10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                               LVL
         0                                                                                                                               0

         -10                                                                                                                             -10

         -20                                                                                                                             -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                              SWP             25   of          25                                                                         1
         -30                                                                                                                             -30

         -40                                                                                                                             -40

         -50                                                                                                                             -50

         -60                                                                                                                             -60

         -70                                                                                                                             -70

         Start      814.77          MHz                           246   kHz/                          Stop     817.23   MHz             Start       811        MHz                                 400   kHz/                            Stop   815   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 11:12:28                                                                         Date:               4.OCT.2012                  11:12:36 CDMA BC10, RC3, high channel, above 823.975 MHz
         CDMA     BC10     SO2      HPSK       F1                           * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                   CDMA      BC10     SO2       HPSK       F1                       * RBW   1   MHz    Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                            * VBW   100    kHz                 -36.35   dBm                                                                              * VBW   3   MHz                  -33.35      dBm
         Ref      27   dBm                          * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        823.975000000       MHz             Ref       27   dBm                           * Att   40   dB       SWT   2.5   ms      824.975000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                     O f f sPeOtS    267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                              20
                                                                                                                               A                                                                                                                                 A

                                                                                                                              SGL                                                                                                                               SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                         1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                              10
AVG                                                                                                                            AVG

                                                                                                                              LVL                                                                                                                               LVL
         0                                                                                                                               0

         -10                                                                                                                             -10

         -20                                                                                                                             -20

                SWP            10    of         10                                                                                              SWP             25   of          25
         -30                                                                                                                            1 -30

         -40                                                                                                                             -40

         -50                                                                                                                             -50

         -60                                                                                                                             -60

         -70                                                                                                                             -70

         Start      822.745          MHz                          246   kHz/                         Stop     825.205   MHz             Start       824.975          MHz                           400   kHz/                   Stop      828.975     MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 11:12:48                                                                         Date:               4.OCT.2012                  11:12:56

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                         SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                          EM7655                                               Aug. 16, 2012                                       Page 27 of 34

9.2.2 1x EvDO Test Plots                        1x EvDO BC0, Rel. A, low channel, below 824 MHz
         EVDO     BC0     RA     F0B                                    * RBW      100    kHz   Marker   1   [T1    ]                         EVDO        BC0     RA     F0A                                      * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                        * VBW      300    kHz                 -28.99      dBm                                                                                     * VBW   100    kHz                 -17.95      dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                       * Att   40   dB            SWT   80    ms        823.000000000          MHz                 Ref         27    dBm                       * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        824.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                            O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                       20
                                                                                                                                     A                                                                                                                                  A

                                                                                                                                    SGL                                                                                                                                SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                               1 PK *
         10                                                                                                                                       10
AVG                                                                                                                                  AVG

                                                                                                                                    LVL                                                                                                                                LVL
         0                                                                                                                                        0

         -10                                                                                                                                      -10
         L1                                                                                                                                       L1

         -20                                                                                                                                      -20

                SWP             50    of         50                                                                                                     SWP             50    of         50
         -30                                                                                                                                      -30

         -40                                                                                                                                      -40

         -50                                                                                                                                      -50

         -60                                                                                                                                      -60

         -70                                                                                                                                      -70

         Start      819        MHz                              400    kHz/                                  Stop   823   MHz                 Start         822.77           MHz                        246   kHz/                          Stop      825.23     MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                  13:05:34                                                                              Date:                 4.OCT.2012                  13:05:22 1x EvDO BC0, Rel. A, high channel, above 849 MHz
         EVDO     BC0     RA     F1A                                    * RBW      10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1    ]                         EVDO        BC0     RA     F1B                                      * RBW   100    kHz   Marker   1   [T1    ]
                                                                        * VBW      100    kHz                 -13.97      dBm                                                                                     * VBW   300    kHz                 -29.14      dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                       * Att   40   dB            SWT   25    ms        849.000000000          MHz                 Ref         27    dBm                       * Att   40   dB          SWT    80    ms        850.000000000          MHz

                O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                            O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                       20
                                                                                                                                     A                                                                                                                                  A

                                                                                                                                    SGL                                                                                                                                SGL
1 PK *                                                                                                                               1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                       10
AVG                                                                                                                                  AVG

                                                                                                                                    LVL                                                                                                                                LVL
         0                                                                                                                                        0

         -10                                                                                                                                      -10
                                                                      1L 1                                                                        L1

         -20                                                                                                                                      -20

                SWP             50    of         50                                                                                                     SWP             50    of         50
         -30                                                                                                                                      -30

         -40                                                                                                                                      -40

         -50                                                                                                                                      -50

         -60                                                                                                                                      -60

         -70                                                                                                                                      -70

         Start      847.77           MHz                        246    kHz/                          Stop      850.23     MHz                 Start         850        MHz                              400   kHz/                                  Stop   854   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                  13:05:48                                                                              Date:                 4.OCT.2012                  13:06:00

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                       SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                       EM7655                                             Aug. 16, 2012                                       Page 28 of 34 1x EvDO BC1,Rel. A, low channel, below 1850 MHz
         EVDO     BC1    RA     F0B                                      * RBW   1    MHz     Marker   1   [T1   ]                        EVDO        BC1    RA     F0A                                      * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                         * VBW   3    MHz                   -28.51    dBm                                                                                    * VBW   100    kHz                 -35.90    dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                      * Att   40   dB          SWT    2.5    ms         1.849000000        GHz                 Ref         27    dBm                      * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms          1.850000000        GHz

                O f f sPeOtS   267. 1d BdmB                                                                                                         O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                   20
                                                                                                                                 A                                                                                                                               A

                                                                                                                                SGL                                                                                                                             SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                           1 PK *
         10                                                                                                                                   10
AVG                                                                                                                              AVG

                                                                                                                                LVL                                                                                                                             LVL
         0                                                                                                                                    0

         -10                                                                                                                                  -10
         L1                                                                                                                                   L1

         -20                                                                                                                                  -20

                SWP            50   of          50                                                                                                  SWP            50   of          50
         -30                                                                                                                                  -30

         -40                                                                                                                                  -40

         -50                                                                                                                                  -50

         -60                                                                                                                                  -60

         -70                                                                                                                                  -70

         Start      1.845       GHz                            400   kHz/                              Stop   1.849   GHz                 Start         1.84877         GHz                        246   kHz/                         Stop     1.85123    GHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 14:31:59                                                                           Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 14:31:51 1x EvDO BC1, Rel. A, high channel, above 1910 MHz
         EVDO     BC1    RA     F1A                                      * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]                        EVDO        BC1    RA     F1B                                      * RBW   1    MHz     Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                         * VBW   100    kHz                 -33.76    dBm                                                                                    * VBW   3    MHz                   -26.71    dBm
         Ref      27    dBm                      * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms          1.910000000        GHz                 Ref         27    dBm                      * Att   40   dB          SWT    2.5    ms         1.911000000        GHz

                O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                         O f f sPeOtS   267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                   20
                                                                                                                                 A                                                                                                                               A

                                                                                                                                SGL                                                                                                                             SGL
1 PK *                                                                                                                           1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                   10
AVG                                                                                                                              AVG

                                                                                                                                LVL                                                                                                                             LVL
         0                                                                                                                                    0

         -10                                                                                                                                  -10
                                                                     L1                                                                       L1

         -20                                                                                                                                  -20

                SWP            50   of          50                                                                                                  SWP            50   of          50
         -30                                                         1                                                                        -30

         -40                                                                                                                                  -40

         -50                                                                                                                                  -50

         -60                                                                                                                                  -60

         -70                                                                                                                                  -70

         Start      1.90877         GHz                        246   kHz/                         Stop     1.91123    GHz                 Start         1.911       GHz                            400   kHz/                              Stop   1.915   GHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                 14:32:13                                                                           Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 14:32:21

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
         The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                                                                        SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                                                                         EM7655                                              Aug. 16, 2012                                       Page 29 of 34 1x EvDO BC10, Rel. A, low channel, below 816 MHz
         EVDO     BC10     RA        F0B                                  * RBW   1    MHz     Marker   1   [T1    ]                         EVDO        BC10     RA     F0A                                    * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                          * VBW   3    MHz                   -28.38      dBm                                                                                    * VBW   100    kHz                 -35.81   dBm
         Ref      27   dBm                        * Att   40   dB          SWT    2.5    ms       815.000000000          MHz                 Ref         27   dBm                       * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        816.000000000       MHz

                O f f sPeOtS    267. 1d BdmB                                                                                                           O f f sPeOtS   277. 3d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                      20
                                                                                                                                    A                                                                                                                              A

                                                                                                                                   SGL                                                                                                                            SGL
1 AV *                                                                                                                              1 PK *
         10                                                                                                                                      10
AVG                                                                                                                                 AVG

                                                                                                                                   LVL                                                                                                                            LVL
         0                                                                                                                                       0

         -10                                                                                                                                     -10
         L1                                                                                                                                      L1

         -20                                                                                                                                     -20

                SWP             50    of         50                                                                                                    SWP            50    of         50
         -30                                                                                                                                     -30

         -40                                                                                                                                     -40

         -50                                                                                                                                     -50

         -60                                                                                                                                     -60

         -70                                                                                                                                     -70

         Start      811        MHz                              400   kHz/                                  Stop   815   MHz                 Start         814.77          MHz                        246   kHz/                          Stop     817.23   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                  11:52:48                                                                             Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 11:52:39 1x EvDO BC10, Rel. A, high channel, above 823.975 MHz
         EVDO     BC10     RA        F1A                                  * RBW   10    kHz    Marker   1   [T1    ]                         EVDO        BC10     RA     F1B                                    * RBW   1    MHz     Marker   1   [T1   ]
                                                                          * VBW   100    kHz                 -34.80      dBm                                                                                    * VBW   3    MHz                   -27.65   dBm
         Ref      27   dBm                        * Att   40   dB          SWT    25    ms        823.975000000          MHz                 Ref         27   dBm                       * Att   40   dB          SWT    2.5    ms       824.975000000       MHz

                O f f sPeOtS    277. 3d BdmB                                                                                                           O f f sPeOtS   267. 1d BdmB

         20                                                                                                                                      20
                                                                                                                                    A                                                                                                                              A

                                                                                                                                   SGL                                                                                                                            SGL
1 PK *                                                                                                                              1 AV *
         10                                                                                                                                      10
AVG                                                                                                                                 AVG

                                                                                                                                   LVL                                                                                                                            LVL
         0                                                                                                                                       0

         -10                                                                                                                                     -10
                                                                      L1                                                                         L1

         -20                                                                                                                                     -20

                SWP             50    of         50                                                                                                    SWP            50    of         50
         -30                                                                                                                                     -30

         -40                                                                                                                                     -40

         -50                                                                                                                                     -50

         -60                                                                                                                                     -60

         -70                                                                                                                                     -70

         Start      822.745           MHz                       246   kHz/                         Stop      825.205     MHz                 Start         824.975          MHz                       400   kHz/                         Stop     828.975   MHz

Date:              4.OCT.2012                  11:53:02                                                                             Date:                 4.OCT.2012                 11:53:10

10 Frequency Stability versus Temperature

             FCC 2.1055, FCC 22.355, FCC 24.235, FCC 27.54

                                      2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
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                                  SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                EM7655          Aug. 16, 2012           Page 30 of 34

10.1 Summary of Results
The EUT’s Frequency Stability versus temperature meets the requirements of less than
2.5ppm when temperature varies from -30C to +50C.

10.2 Test Procedure
The EUT was placed inside a temperature chamber. The temperature was set to -30C and
maintained to stabilize. After sufficient soak time, the transmitting frequency error was
measured. The temperature was then increased by 10 degrees, maintained to stabilize, and
the measurement was repeated. This procedure was repeated until +50C is reached.
Frequency metering included internal averaging of the to stabilize the reading. Reference
power supply voltage for these tests is 3.7 volts. Refer to Test Setup 2.

10.3 Test Results

10.3.1 CDMA Frequency Error over Temperature

                                                 CDMA Mode
                         BC0                        BC1                            BC10
 Temp (C)
              Offset (Hz)   Offset (ppm)   Offset (Hz)   Offset (ppm)   Offset (Hz)     Offset (ppm)

    -30            1.5            0.0018       5.1          0.0027           1.9            0.0023
    -20          -23.8           -0.0289       3.8          0.0020           0.1            0.0001
    -10          -53.8           -0.0652       3.0          0.0016         -38.3           -0.0458
      0          -45.4           -0.0551      -19.4        -0.0103          -3.5           -0.0042
     10          -36.6           -0.0444      -25.1        -0.0134         -18.3           -0.0219
     20          -38.6           -0.0468       3.6          0.0019          -3.3           -0.0039
     30           -3.4           -0.0041      -10.6        -0.0056         -10.9           -0.0130
     40           -3.5           -0.0043      -10.3        -0.0055          -2.2           -0.0026
     50           -3.2           -0.0039      -19.2        -0.0102          -2.1           -0.0024

11 Frequency Stability versus Voltage
    FCC 2.1055, FCC 22.355, FCC 24.235, FCC 27.54

11.1 Summary of Results
The EUT is specified to operate with a supply voltage varying between 3.0 VDC and 4.2
VDC, having a nominal voltage of 3.7 VDC. It meets the frequency stability limit of less
than 2.5ppm when supply voltage varies within the specified limits. Operation above or
below these voltage limits is prohibited by firmware in order to prevent improper

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
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                                  SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                  EM7655           Aug. 16, 2012           Page 31 of 34

11.2 Test Procedure
The EUT was connected to a DC Power Supply and a CDMA test set (CMW500) with
frequency error measurement capability. The power supply output was adjusted to the test
voltage as measured at the input terminals to the device while transmitting. A voltmeter
was used to confirm the terminal voltage. The peak frequency error is recorded (worst
case). The test voltages are 3.0 volts to 4.2 volts. Refer to Test Setup 2.

11.3 Test Results

11.3.1 CDMA Frequency Error over Voltage

                                                   CDMA Mode
                        BC0                           BC1                             BC10
Voltage (V)
              Offset (Hz)    Offset (ppm)    Offset (Hz)    Offset (ppm)   Offset (Hz)     Offset (ppm)

     3        -22.49             -0.0273        -5.71         -0.0030          2.05            0.0024
    3.7       -8.5               -0.0103         2.86          0.0015        -33.18           -0.0396
    4.2       -16.11             -0.0196         3.08          0.0016         -1.32           -0.0016

12 Peak to Average Ratio
    FCC 27.50(d)

12.1 Summary of Results
The EUT meets the requirement of having a peak to average ratio of less than 13dB.

12.2 Test Procedure
The transmitter output was connected to a Rohde & Schwarz CMW500 through a coaxial
RF cable and directional coupler, and configured to operate at maximum power. The
peak to average ratio was measured at the required operating frequencies in each band on
the Spectrum Analyzer. Refer to Test Setup 1.

12.3 Test Results
                                                                                            Peak to
   Band                              Channel            Modulation          Plots           Average
                                                                                           Ratio (dB)
                                                        RC1 (OQPSK)          4.32
   BC0             836.52              384
                                                         RC3 (HPSK)          3.88
   BC1             836.52              600              RC1 (OQPSK)          4.26

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                                              SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                        EM7655                            Aug. 16, 2012                  Page 32 of 34

                                                                                  RC3 (HPSK)                               3.86
                                                                                 RC1 (OQPSK)                               4.12
   BC10             836.52                             560
                                                                                  RC3 (HPSK)                               3.66

12.3.1 Test Plots CDMA BC0, peak to average ratio, RC1, Mid channel, 836.52 MHz
                               CDMA BC0 SO2 OQPSK F0                             RBW 10 MHz

                               Ref    32.4 dBm             Att    60 dB          AQT 3.125 ms
                                     Offset   6.1 dB


                       1 SA

                               1E-3                                                                                         LVL



                               Center 836.52 MHz                          1 dB/                          Mean Pwr + 10 dB

                                Complementary      Cumulative     Distribution    Function    (100000   samples)

                                                  Trace 1
                               Mean              22.70 dBm
                               Peak              27.36 dBm
                               Crest              4.66 dB

                               10% @              2.60 dB
                                1% @              3.84 dB
                               .1% @              4.32 dB

                       Date:           4.OCT.2012      12:00:24 CDMA BC0, peak to average ratio, RC3, Mid channel, 836.52 MHz
                               CDMA BC0 SO2 HPSK F0                              RBW 10 MHz

                               Ref    32.1 dBm             Att    60 dB          AQT 3.125 ms
                                     Offset   6.1 dB


                       1 SA

                               1E-3                                                                                         LVL



                               Center 836.52 MHz                          1 dB/                          Mean Pwr + 10 dB

                                Complementary      Cumulative     Distribution    Function    (100000   samples)

                                                  Trace 1
                               Mean              22.82 dBm
                               Peak              27.08 dBm
                               Crest              4.26 dB

                               10% @              2.02 dB
                                1% @              3.34 dB
                               .1% @              3.88 dB

                       Date:           4.OCT.2012      12:03:18

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                              SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                        EM7655                            Aug. 16, 2012             Page 33 of 34 CDMA BC1, peak to average ratio, RC1, Mid channel, 1880.0MHz
                               CDMA BC1 SO2 OQPSK F0                             RBW 10 MHz

                               Ref    31.8 dBm             Att    60 dB          AQT 3.125 ms
                                     Offset   6.1 dB


                       1 SA

                               1E-3                                                                                         LVL



                               Center 1.88 GHz                            1 dB/                          Mean Pwr + 10 dB

                                Complementary      Cumulative     Distribution    Function    (100000   samples)

                                                  Trace 1
                               Mean              22.18 dBm
                               Peak              26.87 dBm
                               Crest              4.68 dB

                               10% @              2.54 dB
                                1% @              3.80 dB
                               .1% @              4.26 dB

                       Date:           4.OCT.2012      13:13:05 CDMA BC1, peak to average ratio, RC3, Mid channel, 1880.0 MHz
                               CDMA BC1 SO2 HPSK F0                              RBW 10 MHz

                               Ref    31.5 dBm             Att    60 dB          AQT 3.125 ms
                                     Offset   6.1 dB


                       1 SA

                               1E-3                                                                                         LVL



                               Center 1.88 GHz                            1 dB/                          Mean Pwr + 10 dB

                                Complementary      Cumulative     Distribution    Function    (100000   samples)

                                                  Trace 1
                               Mean              22.23 dBm
                               Peak              26.51 dBm
                               Crest              4.28 dB

                               10% @              1.96 dB
                                1% @              3.26 dB
                               .1% @              3.86 dB

                       Date:           4.OCT.2012      13:15:58

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

                                               SIERRA WIRELESS, INC.

FCC Part 22/24/90, RSS-132/133                                         EM7655                            Aug. 16, 2012             Page 34 of 34 CDMA BC10, peak to average ratio, RC1, Mid channel, 820.0 MHz
                               CDMA BC10 SO2 OQPSK F                              RBW 10 MHz

                               Ref    32 dBm                Att    60 dB          AQT 3.125 ms
                                     Offset    6.1 dB


                       1 SA

                               1E-3                                                                                          LVL



                               Center 820 MHz                              1 dB/                          Mean Pwr + 10 dB

                                Complementary       Cumulative     Distribution    Function    (100000   samples)

                                                  Trace 1
                               Mean              22.63 dBm
                               Peak              26.94 dBm
                               Crest              4.31 dB

                               10% @               2.62 dB
                                1% @               3.74 dB
                               .1% @               4.12 dB

                       Date:           4.OCT.2012       10:47:18 CDMA BC10, peak to average ratio, RC3, Mid channel, 820.0 MHz
                               CDMA BC10 SO2 HPSK F0                              RBW 10 MHz

                               Ref    31.7 dBm              Att    60 dB          AQT 3.125 ms
                                     Offset    6.1 dB


                       1 SA

                               1E-3                                                                                          LVL



                               Center 820 MHz                              1 dB/                          Mean Pwr + 10 dB

                                Complementary       Cumulative     Distribution    Function    (100000   samples)

                                                  Trace 1
                               Mean              22.56 dBm
                               Peak              26.66 dBm
                               Crest              4.10 dB

                               10% @               2.00 dB
                                1% @               3.24 dB
                               .1% @               3.66 dB

                       Date:           4.OCT.2012       10:50:13

                                2010 Sierra Wireless, Inc.
   The contents of this page are subject to the confidentiality information on page one.

Document Created: 2012-12-17 15:26:51
Document Modified: 2012-12-17 15:26:51

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