RF Exposure MPE calculation

FCC ID: N7N-MC5728

RF Exposure Info

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  RF exposure calculations for Sierra Wireless EV-DO MINI-PCI Express card
 CDMA when its antennas collocated with Qcom 802.11 b/g/n card antennas inside
   Ambient X-4000-xxx-xx smart grid node according FCC 47 CFR 1.307(b)(1).

The following RF exposure calculation made for EV-DO card, model: MC5728 (Sierra
Wireless Inc., FCC ID: N7N-MC5728) when his antenna collocated with antennas from
802.11 b/g/n card, model: Q802MKN ( Qcom Technology Inc., FCC ID: RUJ-

Both devices are embedded into the Ambient X-4000-xxx-xx smart grid node and has been
evaluated and complied with FCC RF exposure requirements separately, however in case
of X- 4000-xxx-xx, these antennas are collocated less then 20 cm from each other and
therefore cumulative RF exposure evaluation is required.

This device will be only used with a separation of 20 cm or greater between the antennas
and the user or nearby person. Device will be deployed in the fixed locations only but for
purpose of this calculation will be consider as a mobile transmitter per 47 CFR 2.1091(b),
and therefore has to comply with Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits.

EV-DO transmitter (FCC ID: N7N-MC5728) operates under Part 24E and 22H of FCC
Rules in cellular and PCS bands and has the transmitting characteristics which are
showing in Table1.
                                    Maximum                 Peak Antenna
 FCC                                                                                   Numeric Peak
            Frequency Range          output      Duty          Gain for
 Part                                                      calculation MPE
                                                                                      Antenna Gain for
                 (MHz)               power       Cycle                                calculation MPE
 No.                                                            (dBi)
 24E         1851.25 - 1908.8         814.7      100%              4.9                    3.0903
 22H          824.7 - 848.31          959.4      100%              2.2                    1.6596

   a) 802.11 b/g/n transmitter (FCC ID: RUJ-Q802MKN) operates under Part 15C of

      FCC Rules in ISM band and has transmitting characteristics which are showing in
                                              Maximum                   Peak Antenna         Numeric Peak
 FCC                      Frequency
                                               output      Duty            Gain for           Antenna Gain
 Part       Modulation      Range                                      calculation MPE       for calculation
                                               power       Cycle
 No.                        (MHz)                                           (dBi)                 MPE
            802.11b/g/n        2412.0 -
 15C                                           352.0       100%             3.6                 2.2909
                                                       ,           ,              ,


According 47 CFR 1.1310 FCC MPE limits for General population/Uncontrolled
Exposure are showing in the Table3
                 Electric Field
  Frequency                           Field       Power density      Averaging
                 Strength [E]
 Range (MHz)                        Strength      [S] (mW/cm²)     time    (min)
   0.3 - 1.34         614             1.63            (100)*            30

   1.34 - 30         824/f           2.19/f          (180/f²)*          30

    30 - 300         27.5            0.073             0.2              30

  300 - 1500         -------         -------          f/1500            30

 1500 -100,000       -------         -------              1             30
f = frequency in MHz
* = Plane-wave equivalent Power Density

Based on FCC Bulletin OET 65, the MPE calculations in case of multiple transmitters
have been e performed on the following and assumptions and equations:
       1. For transmitters which operate in the frequency band with a same MPE limit
           the Power Densities are summed. The Total Power Density shall not exceed
           the Limit for this band
       2. For transmitters which operate in frequency bands with a different MPE the
           Power Densities are calculated separately for each band, and then divided by
           Limit for each band. The sum of these ratios shall not exceed 1.
       3. The calculation of the Power Density based on equation given in OET 65:

                    E = √ (30 x P x DC x G) / d                          (Eq.1)
                    S = E² / 3770                                         (Eq.2)

       E = field strength in volts/meter
       P = power in watts
       DC = numeric duty cycle
       G = numeric antenna gain
       d = distance in meters
       S = power density in milliwatts / square centimeter

       Combining (Eq.1) and (Eq.2), S may be calculated as:

                    S = (30 x P x DC x G) / (3770 x d²)                   (Eq.3)

       By changing units for P to mW and distance to cm, (Eq.3) can be written as:

                                  S = [30 x (0.001 x P) x DC x G] / [3770 x (0.01 x d)²] (Eq.4)
                                  S = (0.0795756 x P x DC x G) / d²                                                                  (Eq.4)


             P = power in mW
             DC = numeric duty cycle
             G = numeric antenna gain
             d = distance in cm
             S = power density in mW/cm²

             4. According Table3, limit for EV-DO transmitter in 824.7 – 848.31 MHz band
                shall be calculated at the lowest frequency (worst case) as:

                                      824.7 / 1500 = 0.5498 mW/cm²

             5. For the all frequency bands the highest level (worst case) of conducted power
                and antennas gain was used for calculation. The results of calculations are
                showing in Table 4.
                                                                                    Table 4
                                                        Transmitting                                                                                             Ratio of the
                            Transmitting                                                      Antenna                            density at 20
       Device                                            conductive    Transmitter                             Numeric                                              power
                         frequency bands                                                       gain                                cm from
    (transmitter)                                          power        duty cycle                           antenna gain                                         density to
                               (MHz)                                                           (dBi)                              antennas
                                                           (mW)                                                                                                    its limit

     EV-DO               824.7-848.31                     959.4            100%                2.2             1.6596                0.3168                       0.5762

     EV-DO              1851.25-1908.8                    814.7            100%                4.9             3.0903                0.5009                       0.5009

                        2412.0-2462.0                    352.0             100%                3.6             2.2909                0.1604                       0.1604
                                            ,                     ,               ,                  ,                       ,                           ,

             6. Finally, the sum of ratios according (1.) and (2.) based on values in Table4.
             EV-DO (800) + WiFi = 0.5762 + 0.1604 = 0.7366 < 1
C            EV-DO (1900) + WiFi = 0.5009 + 0.1604 = 0.6613 < 1

     The Sierra Wireless EV-DO card model: MC5728 (FCC ID: N7N-MC5728), when
     device transmitting antenna collocated with antennas connected to Qcom Wi-Fi card
     model: Q802MKN (FCC ID: RUJ-Q802MKN) at the distance less than 20 cm and both
                C                 C             C         C                           C   C     C               C    C           C       C           C       C

     devices are integrated into the Ambient X-4000-xxx-xx smart grid node, is in compliance
                    C    C              C           C         C        C                                 C      C        C           C       C   C

     with FCC MPE limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure as a mobile
     device (d>20cm).

Document Created: 2010-11-09 12:45:16
Document Modified: 2010-11-09 12:45:16

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