RF Exposure Info

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                              Intertek Testing Services

  Evaluation of Compliance with FCC—Specified Guidelines for

  Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

                                               on the

                                 Radio Packet Modem
                                  Model: CNI—903M
                               FCC ID: N79CNI—903M

                  Communication Network Interface Inc.

                               Date of Test: March 21, 2000

                                          Job # 120007646

           Total No. of Pages Contained in this Report: _8 + data pages

All services undertaken are subject to the following general policy: Reports are submitted for exclusive
use of the client to whom they are addressed.        Their significance is subject to the adequacy and
representative character of the samples and to the comprehensiveness of the tests, examinations or
surveys made. No quotations from reports or use of Intertek Testing Services‘ name is permitted except
as expressly authorized by Intertek Testing Services in writing.

                                    FCC 2.1091 & ANSI 95.1—1992

                               Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.                           Warnock Hersay
                                  1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025                    ‘-'
 uste=®,         Teiephane §50—463—2900 Fax 650—453—2910 Home Page         .:fi ®

                            Intertek Testing Services
                            ETL SEMKO

                         Report No. J20007646B

Verification is hereby issued to the named APPLICANT and is VALID ONLY for the
   equipment identified hereon for use under the rules and regulations listed below.

  Equipment Under Test:                                  Radio Packet Modem
  Trade Name:                                            CNI
  FCC ID:                                                N7FICNI—I03M
  Model No.:                                             CNI—I03M
  Serial No.:                                            Not Labeled

  Applicant:                                             Communication Network Interface Inc.
  Contact:                                               Mr. Won $. Lee
  Address:                                               165—5, Dongkyo—Dong, Mapo—Ku
                                                         Seoul 121—200, Korea
  Tel. number:                                           $2—2—330—5626
  Fax number:                                            $2—2—330—5733

  Applicable Regulation:                                 FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

  Equipment Class:                                       Uncontrolled Environments

  Date of Test:                                          March 21, 2000

  We attest to the accuracy of this report:

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  Xi—Ming Yang                                                    David Chernomordik
  Test Engineer                                                   Engineering Manager

                                 Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.                       Warnack Harsay
                                 1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
                Telephone §50—463—2900 Fax 650—463—2910.— Home Page       |_acm C

                   Intertek Testing Services                                           1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
      Communication Network Interface Inc., Radio Packet Modem                                       Date of Test: March 21, 2000

                                                       Table of Contents

1.0          IMEPOUUCHOM 2. .22 2...2200022020 04008 r 6k +6 4s e se ce en reb se bnree berev en n n e se verne se c se nb re ce are n es 1

2.0          Description Of EQUIPMENDE.....................20.ce66ccecsa 6e 6e e se rs esc ee c seb en en e se re e se e r es 1

3.0          TeSt SUMMMATY ....22.... .222 220026666 v++veve se ver se rr se enc en var bere en se n rea brve en n ra se e se en ind 1

4.0          System Test CORfigUPAtION...2.........2.22.22e80 066662620604 serv es v e veree rere esn en sn e reraene d 2
             4.1        Support Equipment................
             4.2       Block Diagram of Test S@Up ................l..2..}62.
             4.3       JUStIfICAHIOM ... .2..2 020000200 eeve e ce ce v se en ce ce renaake.
             4.4       Software Exercise PIOGTAM ...................cckll..l}}
             4.5       Mode of Operation During Test..............c....c.2.}.
             4.6       Modifications Required fOT COMpIHANCE@ .......... ... .. ce ces sc cessn eressenrrararsersa 3

5.0          Radiated Emissions........................ nhsvar ces se rersrenenernerrersrrarsr en rernesssecec en ces 4
             5.1        Radiated EMISSION LAMiItS .........2.0...0000006022 0020666 e ce e se re vevee se c sesern 604 4
             5.2        Site Description and List Of Test EQUIPM@NMt. ...................2. se ce 6cesn se n es 5
             5.3       TESt PFOC@GUT@.............20022002asa se es e rere esn sn es i se es en e re ces ns e se n r e rarsaks 5
             5.4        Figld StT@AQth CAICUIANMOM.....2......22606606                                        c se re en e rern e na 5
             5.5        CORfiGUFRtION PROEOGTADHS....2...22 000206020060 ee ce e e r e en en e en e e se v en e se c en e en se es 6
             5.6       TESt DAIR....2.....2.0020262 6e¥ rser e es vra ie e se rscrriara ied verse se rs en e rn en e e rernesa kess en® 7

6.0          Miscellaneous Information or Other COMMENES .....................0.00ecves esc en ce e kess 8

      Report # 120007646B                                                                      FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

            Intertek Testing Services                        1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Communication Network Interface Inc., Radio Packet Modem            Date of Test: March 21—22, 2000

1.0      Introduction

This report is designed to show compliance with the FCC Part 2.1091 Radio Frequency Radiation
Exposure Evaluation for mobile and unlicensed devices. The test procedures and limits, as
described in American National Standards Institute C95.1—1992, were employed. A description
of the product and operating configuration, the various provisions of the rules, the methods for
determining compliance, and a detailed summary of the results are included within this test report.

2.0      Description of Equipment

The CNI—903M, RPM (Radio Packet Modem) is a digital data communication equipment in
acordance with Mobitex specification. The frequency it uses ranges from 896 MHz to 901 MHz
for transmission and from 935 MHz to 941 MHz for reception.

A production version of the sample was received on March 21, 2000 in good condition.

3.0      Test Summary

The CNI—903M Radio Packet Modem was tested by Intertek Testing Services as documented
herein, and the energy emitted by the EUT was found to be below the recommended levels of
Maximum Permissible Exposure for Uncontrolled Environments in FCC 1.1310 (ANSI C95.1:

Therefore, in reference to the limits set forth in FCC 1.1310 use of the equipment is deemed to
be safe with respect to human exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, when used
in a normal fashion.

Report # 120007646B                              1                    FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

             Intertek Testing Services                        1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Communication Network Interface Inc. , Radio Packet Modem            Date of Test: March 21—22, 2000

4.0       System Test Configuration

4.1       Support Equipment

      1     Samsung Computer            SFM—1400LW          400391 AK700238        DOC B
            CNC RPM Interface Test      RPM                 N/A                    N/A
            Board Module
      3     Whip Antenna                N/A                 N/A                    N/A

4.2       Block Diagram of Test Setup

              115 VDC                      )                                         (1)
                                                                    2m, U

Report # 120007646B                             2                      FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

          Intertek Testing Services                         1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Communication Network Interface Inc., Radio Packet Modem           Date of Test: March 21—22, 2000

4.3    Justification

The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion (as a customer would normally use it).

4.4    Software Exercise Program

The CNI software was used during the test.

4.5    Mode of Operation During Test

Transmitting full power (0.47W).

4.6    Modifications Required for Compliance

The following modifications were installed during compliance testing in order to bring the product
into compliance (Please note that this list does not include changes made specifically by
Communication Network Interface Inc. prior to compliance testing):

No modifications were installed by Intertek Testing Services.

Report # J20007646B                             3                    FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

              Intertek Testing Services                      1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Communication Network Interface Inc., Radio Packet Modem            Date of Test: March 21—22, 2000

5.0       Radiated Emissions

5.1       Radiated Emission Limits, FCC 1.1310

The following exposure limits apply to equipment use in Uncontrolled Environments:

              Maximum Permissible Exposure for Uncontrolled Environments

       Frequency       Electric Field   Magnetic Field     Power Density (S)       Averaging Time
         Range          Strength (E)     Strength (H)       E—field, H—field          (Minutes)
         (MHZ)            (V/im)             (A/m)             {mWiem?)
        0.3 — 1.34          614               1.63                *100                    30
        1.34 — 30          824/f             2.19/f              *180/°                   30

        30 — 300           27.5              0.073                0.2                     30

       300 — 1500            —                 —                 £/1500                   30

      1500 — 100,000         —                 —                   1.0                    30

* = Plane—wave equivalent power density.
Dashes "—" are used to indicate that there is no limit under the guideline.

Report # 120007646B                                                      FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

           Intertek Testing Services                         1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025

Communication Network Interface Inc., Radio Packet Modem           Date of Test: March 21—22, 2000

5.2    Site Description and List of Test Equipment.

All tests were performed on Open Area Test Site.

Measurement equipment used for radiated emission compliance testing utilized some of the
equipment on the following list:

      Manufacturer            Equipment               Model Number            Calibration Due

 Holaday                 Field Strength Meter    HI—3004EX                 517100

5.3    Test Procedure

The test was performed at 836 MHz. The antenna was placed on a 0.8m wooden table on open
site. The antenna was connected to the EUT. EUT output power was measured at RF output
connector. EUT has 0.47W ERP power output.

The sensor of the field strength meter was moved around the antenna to obtain the maximum
reading of the field strength meter. The measurements were performed at the distance 0.1m to
Im from the antenna.

5.4    Field Strength Calculation

The field strength was measured directly from the meter. The power density (PD in W.m") was
calculated using the following formula:

                                         Pd = EMMA120r

Where E is Field Strength in V/m

Report # J20007646B                                                  FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

Communication Network Interface Inc., Radio Packet Modem
                                                                1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025

                                                                      Date of Test: March 21-22, 2000

5.5     Configuration Photographs

                                            Radiated Emission

Report # J20007646B                                        6            FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

          Intertek Testing Services                          1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Communication Network Interface Inc. , Radio Packet Modem          Date of Test: March 21—22, 2000

5.6    Test Data

The results on the following page(s) were obtained when the device was tested in the condition
described in section 4.

         0.1                  4.5                    0.54                       0.60
         0.2                  21                      0.12                      0.60
         0.3                   17                    0.077                      0.60
         0.5                   11                    0.032                      0.60
         1.0                   5                    0.0066                      0.60
         1.5                  3.5                   0.0032                      0.60

                                       Judgment: Passed

Report # 320007646B                             7                    FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

          Intertek Testing Services                        1365 Adams Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Communication Network Interface Inc., Radio Packet Modem         Date of Test: March 21—22, 2000

6.0     Miscellaneous Information er Other Comments


Report # 120007646B                            8                    FCC 2.1091 & ANSI C95.1:1992

Document Created: 2000-04-05 08:55:53
Document Modified: 2000-04-05 08:55:53

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