Manual 8


Users Manual

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                                 Connecting to the FTP Server
                                 Before connecting the WT-4, select [MTP/PTP] for the [USB] option
 Connecting to the FTP Server

                                 in the camera setup menu (pg.7) and confirm that the computer
                                 intended for network connection is started and the user is logged

                                 1    Turn the camera off and insert the

                                      memory card containing the pictures to
                                      be sent.
                                      • If there are multiple card slots, insert
                                        the card into any slot.

                                      To access the network via Ethernet, connect the Ethernet
                                      cable (pg.2). Note that wireless transfer is disabled while an
                                      Ethernet cable is connected. Disconnect the Ethernet cable
                                      before accessing a wireless network. Turn the WT-4 off before
                                      connecting or disconnecting the Ethernet cable.

                                 2    Open the WT-4 USB connector cover and
                                      connect the USB cable from the WT-4 to
                                      the camera USB connector.

                                 3    Turn the camera on.


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   4     Select [Transfer mode] for the [Wireless
         transmitter] > [Mode] option in the
         camera setup menu (pg.152).

                                                                                         Connecting to the FTP Server
   5     A list of available connection profiles will
         be displayed. Highlight the desired
         profile and press J.

         A   Viewing Profile Information
         Press the camera L (?) button to view
         information on the selected profile.

         A   Editing ftp Server Profiles
         To edit the ftp server profile, press the camera
         N button after turning on the WT-4. See the
         Menu Guide for more information (pg.153).

   6     Select [Wireless transmitter] > [Transfer
         settings] and adjust settings as
         described on pages pp.169–170.

   7     Turn on the WT-4.                                      Power switch

                                                            Operating the WT-4 for FTP   141

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                                 8    Confirm that the selected profile is
                                      displayed in green in the top level of the
                                      wireless transmitter menu. For
 Connecting to the FTP Server

                                      information on what to do if an error is
                                      displayed, see “Troubleshooting”

                                 A   Using the Windows Vista Ad-hoc Connection
                                 To use the Windows Vista ad-hoc connection, turn on the WT-4
                                 and conduct the following steps on your computer.

                                 1    Click the [Start] and select [Connect To].

142 Operating the WT-4 for FTP

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   2     Select a preset network name and click [Connet].

                                                                                         Connecting to the FTP Server
   3     Enter the network security key and click [Connect].

                                                            Operating the WT-4 for FTP   143

                             G # comecttos netwotk
anieg 414 oys 01 Bunpauuoy

                                 Successfully connected to WT—4


$ Page 145 Friday, August 10, 2007 2:02 PM

   Uploading Images
   1     Press the K button to view pictures on the memory card.

                                                                                         Uploading Images
         Display the first picture to be sent in single-image playback or
         highlight it in the thumbnail list.

   2     While pressing the N button, press the
         center of the multi selector (D3) or the J
         button (D300). The image will be
         marked with a white “send” icon and
         transmission will begin immediately.
         During upload, images are marked with
         a green “sending” icon. Repeat this process to send additional
         images (pictures will be sent in the order selected).
         Images that have been successfully
         uploaded are marked with a blue “sent”
         icon. Images can be resent by pressing
         the center of the multi selector while
         pressing the N button (D3) or the J
         button (D300) to change the blue “sent”
         icon to a white “send” icon.

   A   Restrictions to the D300 Retouch Menu
   The Nikon D300 transfers selected images when the J button is pressed
   during image playback (when the WT-4 is not connected, only transfer
   settings are configured). For this reason, retouch menus such as [Side-by-
   side comparison] operated by pressing the J button during image
   playback cannot be used. To use [Side-by-side comparison], configure
   [Mode] in [Wireless transmitter] to a setting other than [Transfer mode].
                                                            Operating the WT-4 for FTP   145

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                     3    Turn off the WT-4 power.
                          When the POWER LED (pg.3) changes
                          from green to yellow and then goes
 Uploading Images

                          out, detach the USB cable.
                          • To change the destination folder, use
                            the Setup Utility (pg.50, 126).

                     ❏ Interrupting Transmission
                     To cancel transmission of images marked with a white “send” icon
                     or green “sending” icon, select the images during playback and
                     press the center of the multi selector while pressing the N button
                     (D3) or the J button (D300). The icon will be removed. Any of the
                     following actions will also interrupt transmission:
                     • Turning the camera or WT-4 off
                     • Selecting [Yes] for [Wireless transmitter] > [Transfer
                       settings] > [Deselect all]

                     D  During Upload
                     Do not remove the memory card or disconnect the Ethernet cable during
                     D    File Names
                     • To prevent files from being overwritten during transfer, select [On] for
                       the [File No. Sequence] option in the camera Custom Settings menu
                       before shooting.
                     • If the same FTP server is set as the transfer destination for multiple
                       cameras, we recommend that separate storage folders be set for each
                     A   Voice Memos
                     Voice memos can not be uploaded separately, but will be included when
                     associated pictures are transmitted. Voice recordings can not be selected
                     for upload.
146 Operating the WT-4 for FTP

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   ❏ Transfer Status
   During playback, the status of images selected for uploaded is
   shown as follows:
   a: “Send”

                                                                                         Uploading Images
   Images that have been selected for upload
   are marked with a white a icon.

   b: “Sending”
   A green b icon is displayed during upload.

   c: “Sent”
   Images that have been uploaded
   successfully are marked with a blue c icon.

   A   Loss of Signal
   Transmission may be interrupted if the signal is lost (pg.148).
   Transmission can be resumed by turning the WT-4 off and then on again.
   A   Turning the Camera Off
   “Send” marking will be saved if the camera or WT-4 is turned off while
   transmission is in progress. Transmission of images marked with a “send”
   icon will resume when the camera or WT-4 is turned on.
   A    Removing the “Send,” “Sending,” and “Sent” Icons
   “Send,” “sending,” and “sent” icons can be removed from all images by
   selecting [Yes] for [Wireless transmitter] > [Transfer settings] > [Deselect
   all?] (pg.170).
                                                            Operating the WT-4 for FTP   147

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                     ❏ Network Status
                     The status of the link between the host and the WT-4 is shown by
                     the status LEDs and by the display in the top level of the wireless
                     transmitter menu.
 Uploading Images

                     The Status LEDs
                     The POWER LED lights when the WT-4 is on.                  Status LEDs
                     Signal quality is shown by the LINK LED: the
                     faster the LED blinks, the better the signal
                     and the faster data can be transmitted. The
                     ERROR LED blinks to show that an error has

                                      Status                          POWER       LINK      ERROR
                     WT-4 off                                         I (off )   I (off )   I (off )
                     USB cable not connected                          K (on)     I (off )   I (off )
                     Connecting to host                               K (on)     K (on)     I (off )
                     Waiting to send or sending data                  K (on) H (blinks) I (off )
                     Connection error                                H (blinks) I (off ) H (blinks)
                     WT-4 hardware or battery malfunction.           H (blinks) H (blinks) H (blinks)

148 Operating the WT-4 for FTP

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   The Status Display
   Network status can also be viewed in the top level of the wireless
   transmitter menu.

                                                                                         Uploading Images
                                           Status area: The status of the
                                           connection to the host. The host
                                           name is displayed in green when a
                                           connection is established. While files
                                           are being transferred, the status
                                           display shows “Now sending”
                                           followed by the name of the file being
      e, f: The estimated                  sent. Any errors that occur during
      time required to                     transfer are also displayed here.
      send the remaining
      images.                              Signal strength: This icon shows wireless
                                           signal strength. It is displayed in red
                                           when no signal can be detected. For
      Battery level: This icon             maximum signal strength, ensure a
      shows five level of                  clear line of sight between the WT-4
      WT-4 battery level.                  antenna and the wireless LAN adapter
                                           or access point. A d icon is displayed
                                           when the WT-4 is connected via

                                                            Operating the WT-4 for FTP   149

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 Uploading Images

150 Operating the WT-4 for FTP

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   Menu Guide
   This section describes the settings available
   for the [Wireless transmitter] option in the
   camera setup menu when the WT-4 is

                           Menu item                           Pg.
    Mode                                                      pg.152
      Choose Profile                                          pg.152
      FTP Registration (for Connection to ftp Servers Only)   pg.153
      Editing ftp Profiles                                    pg.153
    Transfer settings (Transfer Mode Only)                    pg.169
      Auto Send                                               pg.169
      Delete After Send?                                      pg.169
      Send File As                                            pg.170
      Send Folder                                             pg.170
      Deselect All?                                           pg.170
    Print (Print Mode Only)                                   pg.171
    Device Info                                               pg.172
      Battery Info                                            pg.172
      Restrictions to Print Mode                              pg.171
      Firmware Version                                        pg.172
    Device Settings                                           pg.173
      Auto Power Off                                          pg.173
      Format Transmitter’s Memory                             pg.173

                                                                       Menu Guide   151

Document Created: 2007-10-05 11:13:24
Document Modified: 2007-10-05 11:13:24

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