DFS test report


Test Report

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                                                                                    Test report No.     : 27KE0242—HO—A
          Underwriters                                                              Page                : 1 of 23
          Laboratories UL Japan, Inc.                                               Issued date         : September 27, 2007
                                                                                    FCC ID              : N6C—SX10WAG

                                  EMI TEST REPORT
                                Test Report No. : 27KE0242—HO—A
         Applicant                            ;        silex Technology, Inc.

          Type of Equipment                   3        MiniPCI Wireless LAN Board

          Model No.                           5        SX—10WAG

          Test standard                       f        FCC Part 15 Subpart E: 2007
                                                       Section 15.407(DFS test only)

          FCC ID                              §        N6C—SX10WAG

          Test Result                                  Complied

          1.   This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of
               UL Japan, Inc.
          2.   The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
               This sample tested is in compliance with above regulation.

          4.   The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.

                       Date of test
                                                        August 20 to September 20, 2007

                                                           7. Hilafao
                        Tested by

                                                               Takahiro Hatakeda
                                                                 EMC Services

                        Approved by :

                                                            This laboratory is accredited by the NVLAP LAB CODE
                                                            200572—0, U.S.A. The tests reported herein have been
                                                            performed in accordance with its terms of accreditation.
                                                            *As for the range of Accreditation in NVLAP, you may
                                                            refer to the WEB address, http://uljapan.co.jp/eme/nvlap.htm
          NVLAP LAB CODE: 200572—0

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383—326 Asama—cho, Ise—shi, Mie—ken 516—0021 JAPAN
Telephone        : +81 596 24 8116                                                                MFO6Ob (18.06.07)
Facsimile        : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                         Test report No.         : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                                         Page                    : 2 of 23
                                                                                                         Issued date             : September 27, 2007
                                                                                                         FCC ID                  : N6C-SX10WAG

CONTENTS                                                                                                                                     PAGE

SECTION 1: Client information ................................................................................................................. 3
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)............................................................................................. 3
SECTION 3: Scope & Report...................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 4: Test specification, procedures & results.............................................................................. 4
SECTION 5: Operation of E.U.T. during testing ...................................................................................... 9
SECTION 6: In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing
Transmission Time ...................................................................................................................................... 16
SECTION 7: In-Service Monitoring for Non-Occupancy Period .......................................................... 19
APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup ................................................................................................. 21
APPENDIX 2: Data of DFS test ................................................................................................................. 22
 Parameter Data for Radar Type 5...................................................................................................................22
APPENDIX 3:Test instruments ................................................................................................................. 23

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                              Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                              Page              : 3 of 23
                                                                              Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                              FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

SECTION 1: Client information
Company Name                       :       silex Technology, Inc.
Address                            :       15-15 Takaida higashiosaka Osaka Japan
Telephone Number                   :       +81-6-6784-3758
Facsimile Number                   :       +81-6-6784-3750
Contact Person                     :       Toshiro Kometani

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1     Identification of E.U.T.

Type of Equipment                  :       MiniPCI Wireless LAN Board
Model No.                          :       SX-10WAG
Serial No.                         :       0080923A9EFD
Rating                             :       DC 3.3V, 0.54A
Country of Manufacture             :       JAPAN
Receipt Date of Sample             :       August 6, 2007
Condition of EUT                   :       Production prototype
                                            (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
Modification of EUT                :       No modification by the test lab.

2.2     Product Description

Model: SX-10WAG (referred to as the EUT in this report) is MiniPCI Wireless LAN Board.

Equipment Type                     :       Transceiver
Clock frequency                    :       40MHz
Method of Frequency Generation     :       Crystal
Operating voltage (inner)          :       DC3.3V +/-10%

                                    IEEE802.11b                  IEEE802.11g                    IEEE802.11a
 Frequency of operation            2412-2462MHz                 2412-2462MHz                   5180-5320MHz
 Type of modulation                  DSSS                         OFDM                             OFDM
                              (CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK)          (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,            (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,
                                                                  BPSK)                            BPSK)
 Channel spacing                       5MHz                        5MHz                           20MHz
 ITU Code                               G1D                         D1D                             D1D
 Antenna type                      Omni-Directional            Omni-Directional                Omni-Directional
 Antenna Gain                          1.5dBi                      1.5dBi                          2.1dBi

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                             Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                             Page              : 4 of 23
                                                                             Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                             FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

SECTION 3: Scope & Report
The EUT has the channels from 5180 to 5320MHz and from 5745 to 5825MHz.
This report only covers DFS requirement subject to 5250-5350MHz bands, as specified by the following referenced

SECTION 4: Test specification, procedures & results

4.1    Test Specification

Test Specification                :        FCC Part15 Subpart E : 2007
Title                             :        FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device
                                           Subpart E Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices
                                           Section 15.407 General technical requirements

Test Specification                :        FCC 06-96 APPENDIX
Title                             :        COMPLIANCE MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES FOR UNLICENSED-
                                           NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE DEVICES
                                           OPERATING IN THE 5250-5350 MHz AND 5470-5725MHz BANDS
                                           INCORPORATING DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION

FCC 15.31 (e)
The stable voltage (DC3.3V) is provided with the EUT from the host device. Therefore, the EUT complies with the

FCC Part 15.203 Antenna requirement
This EUT complies with the requirement of 15.203, because a unique connector (Reverse SMA) is used for this EUT.
Therefore, the EUT complies with the requirement.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                           Test report No.       : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                           Page                  : 5 of 23
                                                                                           Issued date           : September 27, 2007
                                                                                           FCC ID                : N6C-SX10WAG

4.2     Procedures and results

Table 1: Applicability of DFS Requirements

        Requirement               Operating Mode         Test Procedures &           Deviation         Results
                                  Client without         Limits
                                  Radar Detection
        U-NII Detection           Not required           FCC 06-96                   N/A               N/A
        Bandwidth                                        Appendix 7.8.1
        Initial Channel           Not required           FCC15.407 (h)(2)(ii)        N/A               N/A
        Availability Check
                                                         FCC 06-96
        Radar Burst at the        Not required           FCC15.407 (h)(2)(ii)        N/A               N/A
        Beginning of the
        Channel Availability                             FCC 06-96
        Check Time                                       Appendix
        Radar Burst at the        Not required           FCC15.407 (h)(2)(ii)        N/A               N/A
        End of the Channel
        Availability Check                               FCC 06-96
        Time                                             Appendix
        In-Service Monitoring     Yes                    FCC15.407 (h)(2)(iii)       N/A               Complied
        for Channel Move
        Time, Channel
                                                         FCC 06-96
        Closing Transmission
                                                         Appendix 7.8.3
        In-Service Monitoring     Yes *                  FCC15.407 (h)(2)(iv)        N/A               Complied
        for Non-Occupancy
                                                        FCC 06-96
                                                        Appendix 7.8.3
        Statistical               Not required          FCC15.407 (h)(2)            N/A                N/A
        Performance Check                               FCC 06-96
                                                        Appendix 7.8.4
      * Although this test was not required in FCC 06-96, it was performed as additional test.

Table 2: DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices With Radar

        Maximum Transmit Power                                     Value (See Notes 1 and 2)
        ≥ 200 milliwatt                                            -64 dBm
        < 200 milliwatt                                            -62 dBm
        Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
        Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
        transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the test
        signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                         Test report No.      : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                         Page                 : 6 of 23
                                                                                         Issued date          : September 27, 2007
                                                                                         FCC ID               : N6C-SX10WAG

Table 3 DFS Response Requirement Values

      Parameter                                                     Value
      Non-occupancy period                                          Minimum 30 minutes
      Channel Availability Check Time                               60 seconds
      Channel Move Time                                             10 seconds
                                                                    See Note 1
      Channel Closing Transmission Time                             200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60
                                                                    milliseconds over remaining 10 second period.
                                                                    See Notes 1 and 2
      U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                     Minimum 80% of the U-NII 99% transmission
                                                                    power bandwidth
                                                                    See Note 3
      Note 1: The instant that the Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time begins is as
           •    For the Short Pulse Radar Test Signals this instant is the end of the Burst.
           •    For the Frequency Hopping radar Test Signal, this instant is the end of the last radar Burst generated
           •    For the Long Pulse Radar Test Signal this instant is the end of the 12 second period defining the
                Radar Waveform.
      Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning
      of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel
      move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate duration
      of control signal will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
      Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 1 is used and for each frequency
      step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are performed with no data traffic.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.      : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                 Page                 : 7 of 23
                                                                                 Issued date          : September 27, 2007
                                                                                 FCC ID               : N6C-SX10WAG

Table 4 Short Pulse Radar Test Waveform

    Radar Type          Pulse Width           PRI                  Number of Pulses   Minimum                Minimum
                        (µsec)                (µsec)                                  Percentage of          Number of
                                                                                      Successful             Traials
            1                    1                  1428                 18                  60%                     30
            2                   1-5                150-230              23-29                60%                     30
            3                   6-10               200-500              16-18                60%                     30
            4                  11-20               200-500              12-16                60%                     30
    Aggregate (Rader Types 1-4)                                                              80%                     120

Table 5 Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

    Radar Type     Pulse Width    Chip Width       PRI (µsec)      Number of     Number of         Minimum         Minimum
                   (µsec)         (MHz)                            Pulses per    Burst             Percentage      Number of
                                                                   Burst                           of Successful   Trials
          5           50-100           5-20            1000-2000       1-3            8-20             80%              30

Table 6 Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform

    Radar Type     Pulse Width    PRI (µsec)       Pulse per       Hopping       Hopping           Minimum         Minimum
                   (µsec)                          Hop (kHz)       Rate (kHz)    Sequence          Percentage      Number of
                                                                                 Length            of Successful   Trials
                                                                                 (msec)            Detection
          6              1             333                9           0.333          300               70%              30

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                        Test report No.    : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                        Page               : 8 of 23
                                                                                        Issued date        : September 27, 2007
                                                                                        FCC ID             : N6C-SX10WAG

4.3      Test Location

UL Japan, Inc. Head Office EMC Lab. *NVLAP Lab. code: 200572-0
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 596 24 8116           Facsimile : +81 596 24 8124
                        FCC          IC Registration      Width x Depth x         Size of                          Other
                        Registration Number                   Height (m)          reference ground plane (m) /     rooms
                        Number                                                    horizontal conducting plane
 No.1 semi-anechoic     313583       IC4247               19.2 x 11.2 x 7.7m      7.0 x 6.0m                       No.1 Power
 chamber                                                                                                           source room
 No.2 semi-anechoic     655103       IC4247-2             7.5 x 5.8 x 5.2m        4.0 x 4.0m                       -
 No.3 semi-anechoic     148738       IC4247-3             12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9m       6.8 x 5.75m                      No.3
 chamber                                                                                                           Preparation
 No.3 shielded room     -              -                    4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7m      N/A                              -
 No.4 semi-anechoic     134570         IC4247-4             12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9m     6.8 x 5.75m                      No.4
 chamber                                                                                                           Preparation
 No.4 shielded room     -              -                    4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7m      N/A                              -
 No.5 semi-anechoic     -              -                                                                           -
                                                            6.0 x 6.0 x 3.9m      6.0 x 6.0m
 No.6 shielded          -              -                    4.0 x 4.5 x 2.7m      4.75 x 5.4 m                     -
 No.6 measurement       -              -                    4.75 x 5.4 x 3.0m     4.75 x 4.15 m                    -
 No.7 shielded room     -              -                    4.7 x 7.5 x 2.7m      4.7 x 7.5m                       -
 No.8 measurement         -              -                  3.1 x 5.0 x 2.7m        N/A                              -
* Size of vertical conducting plane (for Conducted Emission test) : 2.0 x 2.0m for No.1, No.2, No.3, and No.4 semi-anechoic chambers
and No.3 and No.4 shielded rooms.

4.4    Test set up and Test instruments of DFS

Refer to APPENDIX 1 to 3.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                               Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                               Page              : 9 of 23
                                                                               Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                               FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

SECTION 5: Operation of E.U.T. during testing

5.1     Operating Modes

The EUT, which is a Client Device without Radar detection capability, operates over the 5260-5320MHz ranges.

The highest power level is 14.55dBm EIRP in the 5250-5350MHz band.

Power level(EIRP) of the EUT[dBm]
                           Antenna      5250-5350MHz Band
     Antenna Type         Gain [dBi]       Output Power*1)
   Omni-Directional          2.10              14.55
*1). Refer to 26GE0351-HO-B, FCC Part 15E (FCC 15.407) report for other parts than DFS

The EUT uses one transmitter connected to two 50-ohm coaxial antenna ports via a diversity switch. Both antenna ports
are connected to the test system via a power divider to perform conducted tests.

WLAN traffic is generated by streaming the MPEG Test file “6 ½ Magic Hours” from the Master to the Client in full
motion video mode using the media player with the V2.61 Codec package.

The EUT utilizes the 802.11a architecture, with a nominal channel bandwidth.

The FCC ID for the Master Device used with EUT for DFS testing is LDK102056.

The rated output power of the Master unit is >200mW(23dBm). Therefore the required interference threshold level is –64
dBm. After correction for antenna gain and procedural adjustments, the required conducted threshold at the antenna port
is –64 + 1 + 3.5=-59.5 dBm (threshold level + additional 1dB + antenna gain).
The calibrated conducted DFS detection Threshold level is set to –59.5dBm.

This client device implements Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) but does not implement radar detection. It only
operates under the control of a Master Device when operating in 5.25-5.35 & 5.47-5.725 GHz bands.
Adhoc operation (not under control of a Master Device) is supported in the 2.4GHz & 5.15-5.25 & 5.725-5.850 GHz
bands. This Adhoc capability is limited in hardware via factory programmed EEPROM settings that cannot be accessed or
changed by end users.
The Adhoc supported channels of operation cannot be modified - regardless of which client utility or operating system
control is used.
Operation using 40MHz channels is disabled in this device when operating in 5.25-5.35 GHz bands. This capability is
limited in hardware via factory programmed EEPROM settings that cannot be accessed or changed by end users.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                            Test report No.           : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                            Page                      : 10 of 23
                                                                            Issued date               : September 27, 2007
                                                                            FCC ID                    : N6C-SX10WAG

5.2      Configuration and peripherals

                                                         Conducted         E       5      G
                      1                      B            method

                          D                                                    3                  6
                      2                                  See Page 12
                                                                           F                  H

                                                                               4                  7

                                                                       AC100V/60Hz       AC100V/60Hz
                                                                                                      : Standard Ferrite Core
Description of EUT and Support equipment
 No. Item                    Model number         Serial number             Manufacturer                    Remarks
       MiniPCI Wireless      SX-10WAG             0080923A9EFD              silex Technology,Inc.           EUT
       LAN Board
       MiniPCI Cardbus       -                    -                         silex Technology,Inc.           -
 C     Note PC               PP350N009X31-2       Z2026858J                 TOSHIBA                         -
 D     AC Adapter            PA3241V-1ACA         0210A0010919G             TOSHIBA.                        -
       Wireless LAN access   AIR-AP1242AG-        FTX1045B9L0               Cisco Systems                   FCC ID :
       point (Master Device) A-K9                                                                           LDK102056
 F     AC Adapter            ADP-18PB             PZT0639562214             Cisco Systems                   -
 G     Note PC               T30                  97-99D4L                  IBM                             -
       AC Adapter            02K6750              11S02K6750Z1Z2UP29        IBM                             -
List of cables used
 No. Name                     Length (m)                                   Shield
                                               Cable                        Connector
 1     DC Cable               1.8                      Unshielded                        Unshielded
 2     AC Cable               1.8                      Unshielded                        Unshielded
 3     DC Cable               1.8                      Unshielded                        Unshielded
 4     AC Cable               2.0                      Unshielded                        Unshielded
 5     LAN Cable              1.0                      Unshielded                        Unshielded
 6     DC Cable               1.8                      Unshielded                        Unshielded
 7     AC Cable               1.0                      Unshielded                        Unshielded

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                 Page              : 11 of 23
                                                                                 Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                                 FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

5.3      Test and Measurement System


The measurement system is based on a conducted test method.

The software selects waveform parameters from within the bounds of the signal type on a random basis using uniform
distribution. The short pulse types 2, 3, and 4, the long pulse type 5, and the frequency hopping type 6 parameters are
randomized at run-time.

The signal monitoring equipment consists of a spectrum analyzer with the capacity to display 8192 bins on the horizontal
axis. A time-domain resolution of 2 msec/bin is achievable with a 16 second sweep time, meeting the 10 seconds short
pulse reporting criteria. The aggregate ON time is calculated by multiplying the number of bins above a threshold during
a particular observation period by the dwell time per bin, with the analyzer set to peak detection. A time-domain
resolution of 3 msec/bin is achievable with a 24 second sweep time, meeting the 22 second long pulse reporting criteria
and allowing a minimum of 10 seconds after the end of the long pulse waveform.


The first 100 frequencies are selected out of the hopping sequence of the randomized 475 hop frequencies.
Only a Burst that has the frequency falling within the receiver bandwidth of the tested U-NII device is selected among
those frequencies. (Frequency-domain simulation). The radar waveform generated at the start time of the selected Burst
(Time-domain simulation) is download to the Signal Generator.
If all of the randomly selected 100 frequencies do not fall within the receiver bandwidth of the U-NII device, the radar
waveform is not used for the test.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                   Test report No.           : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                                   Page                      : 12 of 23
                                                                                                   Issued date               : September 27, 2007
                                                                                                   FCC ID                    : N6C-SX10WAG


      To Spectrum Analyzer
      10MHz out

                             Signal Generator             Note PC
                                                                                                                                                    See Page 10
                                                           PowerDivider    Attenuator
                                                                             (10dB)                                                       A
                                                           DC to 26.5GHz                    Splitters/          Attenuator
                                                             (MPD-01)      (MAT-24)
                                                                                           Combiners              (20dB)
                             B      Attenuator
                                    (20dB)                                                 (MPSC-02)            (MAT-40)      (MAT-21)        Master
                                 Power Splitters/
 A:EUT                             Combiners
 (Client)                          (MPSC-04)

                                                                                                                    Spectrum Analyzer
                                                                                    From Signal Generator           (MSA-03)
                                                                                    10MHz in


Lock the signal generator and the spectrum analyzer to the same reference sources as follows: Connect the 10MHz OUT
on the signal generator to the 10MHz IN on the spectrum analyzer and set the spectrum analyzer 10MHz In to On.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                  Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                  Page              : 13 of 23
                                                                                  Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                                  FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG


Step 1: Set the system as shown in Figure 3 of FCC 06-96 7.2.1.

Step 2: Adjust each attenuator to fulfill the following three conditions:
         - WLAN can be communicated, and
         - Rader detection threshold level is bigger than Client Device traffic level on the spectrum analyzer, and
         - Master Device traffic level is not displayed on the spectrum analyzer.

Step 3: Terminate 50 ohm at B and C points, and connect the spectrum analyzer to the point A. (See the figure on page 12)
At the point A, adjust the signal generator and spectrum analyzer to the center frequency of the channel to be measured.
Download the applicable radar waveforms to the signal generator. Select the radar waveform, trigger a burst manually and
measure the amplitude on the spectrum analyzer. Readjust the amplitude of the signal generator as required so that the
peak level of the waveform is at a displayed level equal to the required or desired interference detection threshold.
Separate signal generator amplitude settings are determined as required for each radar type.

Step 4: Without changing any of the instrument settings, restore the system setting to Step 2 and adjust the Reference
Level Offset of the spectrum analyzer to the level at Step 3.

By taking the above steps 1 to 4, the spectrum analyzer displays the level of the signal generator as received at the antenna
ports of the Master Device.

See Clause 5.4 for Plots of Noise, Rader Waveforms, and WLAN signals.

5.4      Plots of Noise, Rader Waveforms, and WLAN signals

Plots of System Noise Floor

It was confirmed that the EUT did not transmit before having received appropriate control signals from a Master Device.

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                      Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                      Page              : 14 of 23
                                                      Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                      FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

Plots of Radar Waveforms

Rader Type 1

Rader Type 5

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                      Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                      Page              : 15 of 23
                                                      Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                      FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

Plots of WLAN Traffic

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.    : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                 Page               : 16 of 23
                                                                                 Issued date        : September 27, 2007
                                                                                 FCC ID             : N6C-SX10WAG

SECTION 6: In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission
6.1      Operating environment

Test place                 : No.6 measurement room ,           No.7 shielded room
Temperature                : 24deg.C.              ,           21deg.C.
Humidity                   : 50%                   ,           55%

6.2      Test Procedure

1).Stream the MPEG test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the test Channel for the entire period of the
The Radar Waveform generator sends a Burst of pulses for one of the Short Pulse Radar Types 1-4 at levels defined ,
on the Operating Channel. An additional 1 dB is added to the radar test signal to ensure it is at or above the DFS Detection
Threshold, accounting for equipment variations/errors.
Observe the transmissions of the EUT at the end of the radar Burst on the Operating Channel for duration greater than
10 seconds.

2). Stream the MPEG test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the test Channel for the entire period of the
Observe the transmissions of the EUT on the Operating Channel for duration greater than 10 seconds after the Master
Device is shut off.

6.3      Test data

1). Radar Type 1
          Test Item             Unit        Measurement Time        Limit      Results
    Channel Move Time *1)       [sec]             0.072            10.000       Pass
       Channel Closing
    Transmission Time *2)      [msec]               0                60         Pass
*1) Channel Move Time is calculated as follows:
    (Channel Move Time) = (End of Transmission) - (End of Burst) = 0.920-0.848
*2). Channel Closing Transmission Time is calculated from (End of Burst + 200msec) to (End of Burst + 10sec )
     (Channel Closing Transmission Time) = (Number of analyzer bins showing transmission)*(dwell time per bin)
                                         = 0*2(msec)

2). Master Device is shut off
          Test Item               Unit      Measurement Time       Limit        Results
    Channel Move Time *1)         [sec]           1.686           10.000         Pass
       Channel Closing
    Transmission Time *2)        [msec]             52               60          Pass
*1) Channel Move Time is calculated as follows:
    (Channel Move Time) = (End of Transmission) - (Master Device is shut off) = 3.286-1.600
*2). Channel Closing Transmission Time is calculated from (Master Device is shut off + 200msec) to
    (Master Device is shut off + 10sec )
    (Channel Closing Transmission Time) = (Number of analyzer bins showing transmission)*(dwell time per bin)
                                         = 26*2(msec)

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                        Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                        Page              : 17 of 23
                                                                        Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                        FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

Radar Type 1


Marker 1 : End of Burst                         : 848 ms
Marker 2 : End of Burst + 200 msec              : 1048 ms
Marker 3 : End of Transmission                  : 920 ms

                        Detailed chart after End of Burst

                            End of Burst

                                           End of Transmission

                  800    900        1000          1100    1200   1300   1400
                                                Time (ms)

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                      Page              : 18 of 23
                                                                      Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                      FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

Radar Type 5

Marker 1 : End of Burst                   : 11540 ms
Marker 2 : End of Transmission            : 2655 ms

Master Device is shut off

Marker 1 : Master Device is shut off      : 1600 ms
Marker 2 : End of Transmission            : 3286 ms

5.4      Test result

Test result: Pass
Date : 08 / 20 / 2007             Test engineer : Takahiro Hatakeda
Date : 09 / 20 / 2007             Test engineer : Takahiro Hatakeda

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.    : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                                 Page               : 19 of 23
                                                                                 Issued date        : September 27, 2007
                                                                                 FCC ID             : N6C-SX10WAG

SECTION 7: In-Service Monitoring for Non-Occupancy Period
7.1      Operating environment

Test place                 : No.7 shielded room       ,        No.7 shielded room
Temperature                : 25deg.C.                 ,        21deg.C.
Humidity                   : 58%                      ,        55%

7.2      Test Procedure

The following two tests are performed:

1).Stream the MPEG test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the test Channel for the entire period of the
The Radar Waveform generator sends a Burst of pulses for one of the Radar Types 1-6 at levels defined
on the Operating Channel. An additional 1 dB is added to the radar test signal to ensure it is at or above the DFS Detection
Threshold, accounting for equipment variations/errors.
Observe the transmissions of the EUT after the Channel Move Time on the Operating Channel for duration greater than
30 minutes.

2). Stream the MPEG test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the test Channel for the entire period of the
Observe the transmissions of the EUT on the Operating Channel for duration greater than 30 minutes after the Master
Device is shut off.

7.3      Test data

1).Radar Type 1

Marker 1 : End of Burst                      : 10930 ms
Marker 2 : End of Burst +10sec               : 20930 ms

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.   : 27KE0242-HO-A
                                                                      Page              : 20 of 23
                                                                      Issued date       : September 27, 2007
                                                                      FCC ID            : N6C-SX10WAG

2).Master Device is shut off

Marker 1 : Master Device is shut off                  : 15810 ms

7.4      Test result

Test result: Pass
Date : 09 / 03 / 2007             Test engineer : Takahiro Hatakeda
Date : 09 / 20 / 2007             Test engineer : Takahiro Hatakeda

UL Japan, Inc.
Head Office EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8116
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

Document Created: 2007-10-02 18:05:45
Document Modified: 2007-10-02 18:05:45

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