Test Report


Test Report

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                                                    210 C o ug a r C o urt
                                              Hillsb o ro ug h, NJ 08844
Adva nc e d                                         Te l: (908) 927 9288
Complia nc e La bora tory                          Fa x: (908) 927 0728


                   TEST REPORT


            Vehicle Asset Communicator

Model Number: VAC4-Wi-Fi-MultiProx, VAC4-MultiProx,
             VAC4-Wi-Fi-IDS Prox, VAC4-IDS Prox,
              VAC4-Wi-Fi-iButton, VAC4-iButton,
              VAC4-Wi-Fi-Keypad, VAC4-Keypad

                 FCC ID: N5VVAC4A
                  IC: 3802A-VAC4A

          Report Number: 0048-160125-01

                     Prepared for
               I.D. Systems, Inc.
         123 Tice Boulevard, Suite 101
              Woodcliff, NJ 07677

                   Prepared by
       Advanced Compliance Laboratory, Inc.
                 6 Randolph Way
             Hillsborough, NJ 08844
               Tel: (908) 927 9288
               Fax: (908) 927 0728

                    Date: 02/04/2016

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                                                Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                                           FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

                                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

 1.     TEST RESULT CERTIFICATION.......................................................................................... 3

 2.     EUT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 4

 3.     TEST METHODOLOGY......................................................................................................... 5

 4.     FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION................................................................................... 5

 5.     CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY.................................................................................. 6
      5.1.     MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION...................................................................... 6
      5.2.     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY....................................................................................... 6
      5.3.     TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT......................................................................... 7

 6.     SETUP OF EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST................................................................................ 8

 7.     APPLICABLE LIMITS AND TEST RESULTS ..................................................................... 9
      7.1.     6 dB&99% BANDWIDTH................................................................................................... 9
      7.2.     PEAK OUTPUT POWER.................................................................................................. 13
      7.3.     MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE............................................................................ 16
      7.4.     AVERAGE POWER ..........................................................................................................19
      7.5.     PEAK POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY ................................................................................20

      7.6.     CONDUCTED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ............................................................................23
      7.7.    RADIATED EMISSIONS…...............................................................................................29
        7.7.1. TRANSMITTER RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS .............................................. 29
        7.7.2. TRANSMITTER RADIATED EMISSIONS DATA................ ........... ......... ...................... 31
 8.     SETUP PHOTOS ................................................................................................................... 33
 9.     APENDEX …..….....................................................................................................................36

                                            Page 2 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                                Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                           FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

 COMPANY NAME:                    I.D. Systems, Inc.
                                  123 Tice Boulevard, Suite 101
                                  Woodcliff, NJ 07677, USA

 EUT DESCRIPTION:                 Vehicle Asset Communicator

 MODEL:                          VAC4-Wi-Fi-MultiProx/ VAC4-Wi-Fi-IDS Prox/

 DATE TESTED:                     January 25, 2016 to February 4, 2016

                                                               APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                     STANDARD                                              TEST RESULTS
              FCC Part 15.247 & IC RSS-247 (May 2015)                     NO NON-COMPLIANCE NOTED

 Advanced Compliance Laboratory, Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set
 forth in the above standards. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
 demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

 Note : This document reports conditions under which testing was conducted and results of tests
 performed. This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by Advanced
 Compliance Laboratory, Inc. (ACL) and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any
 alteration of this document not carried out by A C L , A d v a n c e d C o m p l i a n c e L a b o r a t o r y ,
 I n c . will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document.

 Approved & Released For ACL By:                                  Tested By:

 Wei Li                                                               Edward Lee

 Manager                                                              EMC Engineer
 Advanced Compliance Laboratory, Inc.

                                           Page 3 of 53
 Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                            Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                       FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

 The EUT for this certification is a low power transmitter, using digital modulation & operating in the
 902-928 MHz band.

 The transmitter has a maximum peak conducted output power as follows:

   Frequency           Rated Power         Tested Average         Tested Peak
     Range              Selection               Power                Power
     (MHz)                                    (dBm/W)              (dBm/W)

   902.6-927.2                               13.47 /0.022         13.85/0.024

The EUT uses a 1dBi gain, Low Profile and High Efficiency 915 MHz ISM Band Loop Antenna by
Taoglas, Part # ILA.01.

There are eight different models for the VAC4. The differentiation is based on which access
method is used in the system. From the TX perspective they all have the same 900MHz Band
radio, which is for this certification.

Optional Wi-Fi module, iW-SMG2N1 is certified under FCC ID:XM5-SMG2N1, IC:
8516A-SMG2N1 with Tyco Part #1513349-1, 0dBi gain antenna. 2.4GHz Wi-Fi transmitter and
900MHz transmitter will not operate at the same time.

Below is the different models for VAC4 and its key differences:

    1. VAC4-Wi-Fi-MultiProx
         a. The Access reader is the multi-frequency reader, which only receives with cards
            that work on 125 KHz as well as the 13.56 MHz cards. The unit has Wi-Fi Module

    2. VAC4-MultiProx
         a. The Access reader is the multi-frequency reader, which only receive with cards
            that work on 125 KHz as well as the 13.56 MHz cards.

    3.   VAC4-Wi-Fi-IDS Prox
           a. The Access reader only receive at 125 KHz. The unit has Wi-Fi Module

    4. VAC4- IDS Prox
         a. The Access reader only receive at 125 KHz.

    5.   VAC4-Wi-Fi-iButton
           a. The iButton is one wire interface device to provide access control. The unit has
              Wi-Fi Module

    6. VAC4-iButton
                                           Page 4 of 53
 Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                        Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                   FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

           a. The iButton is one wire interface device to provide access control.

   7. VAC4-Wi-Fi-Keypad
        a. In this model, there is no additional access reader. The keypad is used to login into
           the VAC and acts an access control element. The unit has Wi-Fi Module

   8. VAC4-Keypad
        a. In this model, there is no additional access reader. The keypad is used to login into
           the VAC and acts an access control element

                                           Page 5 of 53
 Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                            Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                       FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

 The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.4/C63.10, FCC CFR 47
 Part 2 & 15 and IC RSS-247. Test procedure described in FCC “KDB 558074 D01 DTS Measurement
 Guidance” is used in this report.

 The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at Hillsborough, New Jersey,
 USA The sites are constructed in conformance with the requirements of ANSI C63.4, ANSI C63.7 and
 CISPR Publication 22. All receiving equipment conforms to CISPR Publication 16-1,
 “Radio Interference Measuring Apparatus and Measurement Methods.”

 ACL is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200101-0. The full accreditation can be viewed at

 No part of this report may be used to claim or imply product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the
 US Government.

                                           Page 6 of 53
 Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

 EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                             Report No: 0048-160125-01
 Model: VAC4                                                        FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A


  The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in
  accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.


 The estimated uncertainty of the test result is given as following. The method of uncertainty calculation is
 provided in Advanced Compliance Lab. Doc. No. 0048-01-01.

                                    Prob. Dist.   Uncertainty(dB)     Uncertainty(dB)     Uncertainty(dB)
                                                   30-1000MHz           1-6.5GHz            Conducted
Combined Std. Uncertainty uc         norm.           ±2.36               ±2.99                ±1.83

                                            Page 7 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                            Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                       FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A


 The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this report:

Manufacturer      Model       Serial No.      Description                             Last Cal    Cal Due
                                                                                      mm/dd/y     Mm/dd/
                                                                                      y           yy
Agilent           E4440A     US40420700       3Hz-26.5GHz Spec. Analyzer              6/06/15     6/06/16
R &S              ESPI       100018           9KHz-7GHz EMI Receiver                  8/25/15     8/25/16
HP                HP8546A    3448A00290       9kHz to 6.5GHz EMI Receiver             10/16/15    10/16/16
EMCO              3104C      9307-4396        20-300MHz Biconical Antenna             10/19/15    10/19/16
                                              200-1000MHz Log-Periodic
EMCO              3146       9008-2860                                                10/19/15    10/19/16
Electro-Meteric   ALR-25M/                    10KHz-30MHz Active Loop
                           289                                                        8/28/15     8/28/16
s                 30                          Antenna
EMCO              3115     4945               Double Ridge Guide Horn Antenna         10/17/15    10/17/16
R&S               SMH      8942280/010        Signal Generator
RES-NET                    0108               30dB in-line Power Attenuator

All Test Equipment Used are Calibrated Traceable to NIST Standards.

                                            Page 8 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                           Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                      FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A





Testing Frequency/Channel/Port Selection:

         L(owest), M(iddle), H(ighest) Channels of 900MHz Band.
         Measured at EUT’s antenna connector on PCB for conducted measurements
         1.0dBi gain antenna is used for radiated emission test.
         Channel Selection: Low Channel=902.6MHz; Middle Channel=915.2MHz; High
         For intentional radiator measurements, only 900MHz Band transmitter was activated. The rest
          circuitry was set as Standby/ Receiving mode during the test. Based on pre-scan results, the
          configuration, VAC4-Wi-Fi-MultiProx, was chosen as the worst case for final data collection.

                                            Page 9 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

    7.1.        6dB &99% BANDWIDTH


§15.247 (a) (2) & RSS-247 5.2(1): Min. 6dB bandwidth should be no less than 500KHz.

 TEST PROCEDURE per FCC KDB 558074D01v03r02

  Measurement Procedure for Emission Bandwidth (DTS              Applicable to this EUT
  8.1 DTS BW Measurement Procedure: Option 1
  8.2 DTS BW Measurement Procedure: Option 2


 No non-compliance noted.

    Channel        Frequency        6dB Bandwidth          99% Bandwidth
                     (MHz)              (KHz)                  (KHz)
      Low             902.6              596.366                705.8766
     Middle           915.2              599.099                707.4586
      High            927.2             601.572                707.1922

                                           Page 10 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A


           Plot Name:                             6dB &99% Bandwidth, Low CH

           Plot Name:                             6dB &99% Bandwidth, Mid CH

                                           Page 11 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

            Plot Name:                              6dB & 99% Bandwidth High CH

                                           Page 12 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                                Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                           FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A



§15.247 (b)(3) & RSS-247 5.4(4)

The maximum peak conducted output power of the intentional radiator shall not exceed the following:
For systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 MHz band: 1 Watt.

The conducted output power limit specified in paragraph (b) of this section is based on the use of
antennas with directional gains that do not exceed 6 dBi.

b(4) The conducted output power limit specified in paragraph (b) of this section is based on the use of
antennas with directional gains that do not exceed 6 dBi. Except as shown in paragraph (c) of this section, if
transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used, the conducted output power from the
intentional radiator shall be reduced below the stated values in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this
section, as appropriate, by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

Therefore, the applicable output power limit shall be calculated as follows:

 Pout = 30 -(Gtx-6) for antenna gain ≤6dBi or
 Pout = 30 -Floor[(Gtx-6)/3]
 GTx = the maximum transmitting antenna directional gain in dBi.
 TEST PROCEDURE per FCC KDB 558074D01v03r02

  Measurement Procedure for Fundamental Emission Output Applicable to this EUT
  9.1.1 Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power Level                            preferred
  Measurement Procedure Option 1 (RBW≥DTS BW)
  9.1.2 Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power Level
  Measurement Procedure Option 2 (RBW<DTS BW)
  9.1.3 Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power Level
  Measurement Procedure Option 3 (Peak Power Meter Method)
  9.2.2 Maximum Conducted (average) Output Power Level *
  Measurement Procedure Option 1 (Measurement using a
  spectrum analyzer (SA))
  9.2.3 Maximum Conducted (average) Output Power Level *
  Measurement Procedure Option 2 (using a power meter(PM))
* Alternative method. EUT shall be configured to transmit continuously (min. 98% duty cycle at full power). The
spectrum analyzer shall be set for bin-to-bin spacing ≤RBW/2.


 No non-compliance noted.

                                           Page 13 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A


Summary of Peak Power Testing Data.

   Channel     Frequency          Peak Power        Limit       Margin
                 (MHz)              (dBm)           (dBm)         (dBm)
    Low           902 .6             13.42            30        -16.58
   Middle         915.2               13.65           30        -16.35
    High          927.2               13.85           30        -16.15

Therefore, the max. measured peak power is +13.85 dBm , which is under FCC allowed power limit.

                                           Page 14 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

                   Plot Name:                  Output Peak Power @ Low CH

                    Plot Name:                   Output Peak Power @ Mid CH

                                           Page 15 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

                    Plot Name:                  Output Peak Power @ High CH

                                           Page 16 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                                 Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                            FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A



 FCC §1.1310 The criteria listed in Table 1 shall be used to evaluate the environmental impact of human
 exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation as specified in §1.1307(b), except in the case of portable
 devices which shall be evaluated according to the provisions of §2.1093 of this chapter.

IC RSS 102, Sec. 2.5.2 Exemption Limits for Routine Evaluation – RF Exposure Evaluation
RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and/or bystander and the device’s
radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:
--- at or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source-based, time-averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal
to or less than 1.31 x 10-2 ƒ0.6834 W (adjusted for tune-up tolerance), where ƒ is in MHz

                                           Page 17 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                            Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                       FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

 CALCULATIONS per FCC requirements

         E =  (30 * P * G) / d
         S = E ^ 2 / 3770
         E = Field Strength in Volts/meter
         P = Power in Watts
         G = Numeric antenna gain
         d = Distance in meters
         S = Power Density in milliwatts/square centimeter

 Combining equations and rearranging the terms to express the distance as a function of the remaining
 variables yields:
          d =  ((30 * P * G) / (3770 * S))

 Changing to units of Power to mW and Distance to cm, using: P
        (mW) = P (W) / 1000 and
        d (cm) =100 * d (m)
        d = 100 *  ((30 * (P / 1000) * G) / (3770 * S))
        d = 0.282 *  (P * G / S)
        d = distance in cm
        P = Power in mW
        G = Numeric antenna gain
        S = Power Density in mW/cm^2

 Substituting the logarithmic form of power and gain using: P
          (mW) = 10 ^ (P (dBm) / 10) and
          G (numeric) = 10 ^ (G (dBi) / 10)
          d = 0.282 * 10 ^ ((P + G) / 20) /  S                    Equation (1)

         S = 0.0795 * 10 ^ ((P + G)/10)/ d^2                       Equation (2)
         d = MPE distance in cm
         P = Power in dBm
         G = Antenna Gain in dBi
         S = Power Density Limit in mW/cm^2

                                           Page 18 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                            Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                       FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

 Equation (1) and the measured peak power is used to calculate the MPE distance.
 Equation (2) and the measured peak power is used to calculate the Power density.

 From §1.1310 Table 1 (B),
 for Public S = 1.0 mW/cm2
 for Professional, S = 5.0 mW/cm2

 For this EUT, P= 13.85 dBm, Max G= 1.0 dBi, and d=20cm

 Plug all three items into equation (2), and yields,

  Power Density          Output          Antenna        Power
     Limit               Power            Gain          Density
    (mW/cm2)              (dBm)            (dBi)       (mW/cm2)
       1.0/5.0             13.85           1.0          0.006
 NOTE: For mobile or fixed location transmitters, the minimum separation distance is 20 cm, even if
 calculations indicate that the MPE distance would be less.

 CALCULATIONS per IC requirements

From IC RSS 102, Sec. 2.5.2

For this EUT, the applied tight limit is 1.371W at f=902.6MHz. EUT has max e.i.r.p value,
13.85+1=14.85dBm, i.e. 0.031W, which is far under the limit. Therefor this EUT is exempt from RF
exposure evaluation.


 No non-compliance noted:

                                           Page 19 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                                Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                           FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

     7.4.         AVERAGE POWER

 None; for reporting purposes only.

 TEST PROCEDURE per FCC KDB 558074D01v03r02

  Measurement Procedure for Fundamental Emission Output Applicable to this EUT
  9.2.2 Maximum Conducted (average) Output Power Level *
  Measurement Procedure Option 1 (Measurement using a
  spectrum analyzer (SA))
  9.2.3 Maximum Conducted (average) Output Power Level *
  Measurement Procedure Option 2 (using a power meter(PM))
* Alternative method. EUT shall be configured to transmit continuously (min. 98% duty cycle at full power). The
spectrum analyzer shall be set for bin-to-bin spacing ≤RBW/2.

 The transmitter output is connected to a RF broadband power meter.


 No non-compliance noted:

   Channel       Frequency        Average Power
                   (MHz)              (dBm)
     Low            902.6            12.96
    Middle          915.2            13.25
    High            927.2            13.47

                                           Page 20 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                              Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                         FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A


 §15.247 (e) & RSS-247 5.2(2)
  For direct sequence systems, the peak power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator to the
 antenna shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time interval of continuous

 TEST PROCEDURE per FCC KDB 558074D01v03r02

  Measurement Procedure for Maximum Power Spectral Density                Applicable to this EUT
  in the Fundamental Emission*
  10.2 Measurement Procedure Option 1 for Peak PSD (PKPSD)                  preferred
  10.3-10.8 Measurement Procedure Option 2 for Average PSD** (6
  methods: AVGPSD-1 & Alt, AVGPSD-2 & Alt, AVGPSD-3 & Alt)

  * same method as used to determine fundamental power.
** EUT shall be configured to transmit continuously (min. 98% duty cycle at full power) or use video
trigging/signal gating. The spectrum analyzer shall be set for bin-to-bin spacing ≤RBW/2.


 No non-compliance noted:

Summary of PPSD Testing Data:

   Channel      Frequency         PPSD           Limit       Margin
                (MHz)          (dBm/3KHz) (dBm/3KHz)             (dB)
     Low            902.6            7.36          8        -0.64
     Middle         915.2            7.60          8        -0.4
     High           927.2            7.82          8        -0.18

                                           Page 21 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A


              Plot Name:                                        PPSD @Low CH

                                           Page 22 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

            Plot Name:                                         PPSD @ Mid CH

                                           Page 23 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

             Plot Name:                                       PPSD @ High CH

                                           Page 24 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A



§15.247 (d) & RSS- 210 5.5
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated
intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall
be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the
desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter
demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the
conducted power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under
paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20
dB. Attenuation below the general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated
emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205 (a), must also comply with the radiated
emission limits specified in §15.209(a) (see §15.205(c)).

 TEST PROCEDURE per FCC KDB 558074D01v03r02
      (Report the three highest emissions relative to the limit)
  Conducted Measurement Procedure for                    Applicable to this EUT
  Maximum Unwanted Emissions into                        Peak Power limit:     Average Power
  Non-Restricted Frequency Bands                         (-20dB)               Limit: (-30dB)
  11.1-11.2 Measurement Procedure-Reference
  Level (RBW=100KHz, VBW=300KHz)
  11.3 Measurement Procedure-Unwanted                       preferred
* Different attenuation limit shall be used based on the measurement method of fundamental emission
power and PSD.
  Antenna-Port Conducted Measurement Procedure for Maximum                      Applicable to
  Unwanted Emissions into Restricted Frequency Bands**                          this EUT
  12.2.3 CISPR Quasi-Peak Measurement (CISPR 16)
  12.2.4 Peak Power Measurement (Table 1 for RBW setting)
  12.2.5 Average Power Measurement (three options)***
  13.2 Band-Edge Marker-Delta Method (ANSI C63.10) (within 2MHz)
  13.3 Band-Edge Integration Method (peak / average) (within 2MHz)
** To use this conducted testing method, per 12.2.2-12.2.6, the followings shall be taken as consideration:
      1. Proper RBW and detector, per 15.35 a/b, shall be chosen in different frequency ranges;
      2. Maximum transmitter antenna gain ( no less than 2dBi), G, shall be added to the measured power level to
           determine the EIRP;
      3. Appropriate factor, A, shall be added to model worst case ground reflections: 6.0dB (f≤30MHz ) and 4.7dB ( f≤30 to
      4. Electric field strength can be obtained from the equation: E= EIRP-20log(d)+104.8+G (or 2.0) +A; Then compare to
           applicable limit;
      5. Unwanted emissions from EUT cabinet or casing shall be measured via radiated emission test method per C63.10 ( in this
           case, the antenna port may be terminated properly).
      6. Absolute peak power limit of -21.2dBm within the unwanted emission bandwidth shall be used for meeting 15.35(b)
      7. Per 15.35(c), for pulse operation, Duty Cycle factor reduction can be applied for unwanted emissions that have the same
           pulse characteristics as does the fundamental emissions ( such as harmonics) pulse operation
*** EUT shall be configured to transmit continuously (min. 98% duty cycle at full power). The spectrum analyzer shall be set for
bin-to-bin spacing ≤RBW/2.


 No non-compliance noted.

                                           Page 25 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A


         Plot Name:                                     Spurious @ Low CH

                  Plot Name:                            Spurious @ Mid CH

                                           Page 26 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

                  Plot Name:                           Spurious @ High CH

                                           Page 27 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

                    Plot Name:                   Spurious @ Lower Band-edge

                   Plot Name:                    Spurious @ Upper Band-edge

                                           Page 28 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                            Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                       FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A



 §15.205 (a) RSS-102 Except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are permitted
 in any of the frequency bands listed below:

             MHz                       MHz                       MHz                        GHz
        0.090 - 0.110            16.42 - 16.423               399.9 - 410                 4.5 - 5.15
        0.495 - 0.505         16.69475 - 16.69525              608 - 614                 5.35 - 5.46
      2.1735 - 2.1905         16.80425 - 16.80475              960 - 1240                7.25 - 7.75
        4.125 - 4.128              25.5 - 25.67               1300 - 1427                8.025 - 8.5
     4.17725 - 4.17775             37.5 - 38.25              1435 - 1626.5                9.0 - 9.2
     4.20725 - 4.20775              73 - 74.6               1645.5 - 1646.5               9.3 - 9.5
        6.215 - 6.218              74.8 - 75.2                1660 - 1710                10.6 - 12.7
     6.26775 - 6.26825            108 - 121.94              1718.8 - 1722.2              13.25 - 13.4
     6.31175 - 6.31225              123 - 138                 2200 - 2300                14.47 - 14.5
        8.291 - 8.294            149.9 - 150.05               2310 - 2390                15.35 - 16.2
        8.362 - 8.366        156.52475 - 156.52525           2483.5 - 2500               17.7 - 21.4
     8.37625 - 8.38675            156.7 - 156.9               2655 - 2900               22.01 - 23.12
     8.41425 - 8.41475         162.0125 - 167.17              3260 - 3267                23.6 - 24.0
       12.29 - 12.293            167.72 - 173.2               3332 - 3339                31.2 - 31.8
    12.51975 - 12.52025             240 - 285                3345.8 - 3358               36.43 - 36.5
    12.57675 - 12.57725            322 - 335.4                3600 - 4400                     (2)
        13.36 - 13.41

                                           Page 29 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                               Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                          FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

             Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510 MHz.
             Above 38.6

 §15.205 (b) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e), the field strength of emissions appearing within
 these frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in Section 15.209. At frequencies equal to or less
 than 1000 MHz, compliance with the limits in Section 15.209 shall be demonstrated using measurement
 instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector. Above 1000 MHz, compliance with the emission
 limits in Section 15.209 shall be demonstrated based on the average value of the measured emissions. The
 provisions in Section 15.35 apply to these measurements.

 §15.209 (a) Except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator shall not
 exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

 Frequency         Field Strength     Measurement Distance
 (MHz)             (microvolts/meter) (meters)
 30 - 88           100 **                     3
 88 - 216          150 **                     3
 216 - 960         200 **                     3
 Above 960         500                        3

 §15.209 (b) In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.


 The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 80 cm above the ground plane. The antenna to EUT distance is
 3 meters. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.4. The EUT is set to transmit in a continuous
 mode. Established procedures in C63.10 for performing radiated measurements shall be used. For cabinet
 emission measurements, the EUT transmit antenna may be replaced with a termination matching the
 nominal impedance of the antenna. For portable devices, the EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes.

 For measurements below 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 100 kHz for peak detection
 measurements or 120 kHz for quasi-peak detection measurements. Peak detection is used unless otherwise
 noted as quasi-peak. For measurements above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz, and then the
 video bandwidth is set to 1 MHz for peak measurements and 10 Hz for average measurements.

 The radio spectrum was investigated from the lowest frequency generated within the device (without going
 below 9 kHz) up to the 10th harmonic of the rated transmitted emission. The emissions are investigated with
 the transmitter set to the lowest, middle, and highest channels.

 The emissions are investigated with the transmitter set to the lowest, middle, and highest channels, if
 applicable. The frequency range of interest is monitored at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth. The
 EUT is rotated through 360 degrees to maximize emissions received. The antenna is scanned from 1 to 4
 meters above the ground plane to further maximize the emission. Measurements are made with the antenna
 polarized in both the vertical and the horizontal positions.


 No non-compliance noted:

                                           Page 30 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

EUT: Vehicle Asset Communicator                                         Report No: 0048-160125-01
Model: VAC4                                                    FCC ID:N5VVAC4A IC: 3802A-VAC4A

             (HARMONICS & SPURIOUS falling in the restricted bands listed in Sec.15.205)

                      Low Channel(902MHz) Harmonics/Spurious
                                                PK QP /Avg.           QP
 Freq.    Worst Dist. D Corr Peak@3m QP/Avg
                                       @3m     Lim   Lim    PK Mar /Avg.Mar
 (MHz)     H/V   (m) (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBu (dBuV/m               .
                                                              m) (dBuV/m)
                                              V/m)     )
  1100      H     3            51.3    42.4     74    54    -22.7 -11.6
  1100      V     3            57.8    47.5     74    54    -16.2 -6.5
  2708      H     3            55.0    43.2     74    54         -19    -10.8
  2708      V     3            59.8    48.4     74    54       -14.2     -5.6

                    Middle Channel(915MHz) Harmonics/Spurious
                                                PK /Avg.             QP
 Freq.    Worst Dist. D Corr Peak@3m    @3m    Lim  Lim   PK Mar /Avg.Mar
 (MHz)     H/V   (m) (dB) (dBuV/m)            (dBu       (dBuV/m)     .
                                     (dBuV/m) V/m) (dBuV          (dBuV/m)
  1100      H     3           52.0     43.1    74   54     -22     -10.9
  1110      V     3           58.3     48.0    74   54    -15.7      -6
  2745      H     3           54.8     43.3    74   54    -19.2    -10.7
  2745      V     3           60.9     51.0    74   54    -13.1      -3

                     High Channel(927MHz) Harmonics/Spurious
                                                PK /Avg.             QP
 Freq.    Worst Dist. D Corr Peak@3m    @3m    Lim       PK  Mar /Avg.Mar
 (MHz)     H/V   (m) (dB) (dBuV/m)            (dBu Lim (dBuV/m)       .
                                     (dBuV/m) V/m) (dBuV         (dBuV/m)
  1100      H     3           51.8     43.0    74   54    -22.2     -11
  1110      V     3           58.0     47.8    74   54     -16     -6.2
  2782      H     3           55.0     43.5    74   54     -19    -10.5
  2782      V     3           61.1     50.6    74   54    -12.9    -3.4

   No other harmonics or spurious emissions were detected in the rest
  restricted band above system floor, noise above -20dB to the limit.
 The worst case: EUT tested with highest gain antenna with rated output
                               power level.

                                           Page 31 of 53
  Advanced Compliance Laborat ory, Inc. 6 Randolph Way, Hillsborough, NJ 08844, t el: (908) 927 9288

Document Created: 2017-12-03 10:32:24
Document Modified: 2017-12-03 10:32:24

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