SAR Evaluation FCC Annex C

FCC ID: N5A6847

RF Exposure Info

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             Test report na.: 18—1—0044501T06a—C3   ctr   M"‘
             Issue Date 87112010                          5

                                Annex C
                      Calibration parameters

Dipole Calibration parameters

D2450V2 sN 99s(2017—3—23

DAE Callbration paramaters

DAE4 SN 1233(2017—2—16
DAE4 SN 1233(2018—2—16

Probe Calibration parameters

EX3DVs sN3a50(2018—6—15

Calibration Laboratory of                         «5                              gg. Scbvnieischer Katbeiertinst
Schmid & Partner                                  in<Z                            q Sevice misse détionise
  Engineering AG                                                                      Servido aviers oi orturs
Zoughausatiaese 3,t004 2urchSutzerand                                             $ suis Calbraton Sevice

Accrudtod y h Snizs Accnctaion Sevce (A8)                                         Accrestation No: 5CS 0108
Te Sms    Aceredtaion Sevice is on o thesignteros t he EA
Mubiatat Agreemontfrth ecognito ocalbrtoncolates
Cient     Cetecom GmbH                                                  Ceriteate No: D2450V2—093_Mar17

 Oea                         D2d5oVz — SN:003

Caltraton roces              OA CAL—OSv$
                             Calibration procedure for dipole validation Kits above 700 MHz:

 Caitratonte                 March 23, 2017

 Theaitraioncartfcae dacimont th tnceablt to aalorltandartswtch reaic e tywenl uns of measremens 5)
 Te measramens ans the urceranies wcontdece probaity re gvan on h fotowng pages and e pan t h ceriicate
 Adeatvatons have esn conductoi h lod ortay ty onstonment emporatue (2 2C and huriaty «700
 Castrafon Eapmentuaed (MBTE erteao cattaton)
 on Strdants              __{os                   CalDie Conteate o)                      ScrediadGitrnion          _|
 Foner mateNRP                 sn romve           oe016 t 217czensczzan                   Aar
 Ponersensorvep—291            sn romes           o60015 ie 217.cor00)                    Sotr
 Pover sensoN251               on rosms           o6 A0ere ie 2r7.czz0                    Ker                        |
 Retererce 20 9 Atensator      sn sose oo         os—pets ho 2rr.ozase                    Kor
 Tope mamath continaton        sc corra fossar    osuet6 io 2trenss                       Anear
 elence Pite Eds               sn ra              es e ti.ror0_Dectt)                     Drear
 oaee                        | o cor              oidant? (to OE201.Jantm)                Juere
secanty Standarts              ne                 ‘Creck Oe (ntoune}          C           sereded Cek
 Pover mawr Emss2k             en aasramoros       Groas fntewecteekOct16                 inhouseche: oct i8
 PoversonsohP 2a5tA            on usaraserm..      0rOcms (nhousecieck Oc+ i)             in hausectes oc
 Pouesemor haatra              sn mvitooentr       0r0ct18 (nourecheck Oct16)             in neasschecOct io
 AF gerenaor has suros         sn rooure           18dun gnheasecouck Geete)              inheurecrec: Oceru
 Netwotc Anatre e arsse      | sncussraooses       180001 (ntowectexcOett0)               Intousectecc Oct?
                              Name                          Furcion                       Sgrawe
 Caibated ty                  etonKasta                     esns uhss
 Aovomtby                     rate potove                   Tochica nanagur              /%/(;                       |
                                                                                         Insuet M 24, 2017
 Ts eattraton cortfcnesha no ho repodiced excect n ut wihout weion appron t aborntoy _

Certfeate No: D2450V2.008, Mart?                     Page 1 or

Calibration Laboratory of                                                chweizeischr Katbiersonst
Schmid & Partner                                                         Servce suisse téttonnage
  Engineering AG                                                         Servio vizer oitaratn
Heughausstasse 4,$004 2urichSuitzerand                                   Swiss Catbration Sevice

Accrudtosy hn Sniss Aceredtaton   Sovce (SAG)                         sccrestaion io: SCS 0108
The Smss Accredtation Sanien is one oftha signatoes t he EA
Mubiatat Agreementfrth recognton of cltratoncotiates
TSL                     tissue simulating Iquid
ConvF                   sensitvity in TSL / NORM xy,z
NA                      not applicable or not measured
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
   b) 1EC 62200—1, "Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held
      devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)%
       February 2005
   c) 12C 62200—2, *Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
      communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)®, March 2010
   d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
Additional Documentation:
   ©) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * MeasurementConditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certficate. All figures stated in the certficate are valdd at the frequency indicated.
   * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axis.
   * Feed Point Impedance and Retun Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned under the liquid filed phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
     measurementat the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
     reflected power. No uncertainty required
   + Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
     No uncertainty required.
   * SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
     SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input powerof 1 W at the antenna
   + SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
     nominal SAR result
 The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multipled by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilty of approximately 96%.

Cerifcate No: Dds0V2:003. Mart?                       Pago2 of8

Measurement Conditions
   DASY systom faras not guven on page1
    DASY version                                         basys                               vsens
                                                 Advanced Extrapolation
                                                  ModularFlat Phantom
    Distance Dipole Genter — TS                           10 mm                             with Spacer
    Zoom Scan Resolution                            d dy, dz =5 mm
    Frequency                                       2450 Miiz a 1 itz

Head TSL parameters
   ‘The folowing parameters and calculatons were appled
                                                            Temperature                          Conductiviy
     Nominal Head TSL parameters                              220°0                               180 mhom
     Measured Hoad TSL parameters                           z002C                              187 mhom +6 %
     Head TSL temperature change during test                  <es‘c              —                   —
SAR result with Head TSL

     SA averaged over 1 em"(1 g) of Hoad TSL                 Conditon
     SAR measured                                     250 mW nout power                    134 wig
     SA for nominal Head TSL parameters                normaticedto 1W           sa2 who =17.0 % (ke2)

     SAR averaged over 10 em(10.g)of Head TSL                condition
     SAR measured                                     250 mW inout power                s21 wig
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters               normalized to 1W          2008 Wiky = 165 % (ce2)

Body TSL parameters
   The fallowing parameters and calculatons were appled
                                                            Temporature      Permitivity         Conductiviy
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                               zeo‘c            sez               195 moim
     Measured Body TSL parameters                           @20 02)°C         $3226%__|        203 mboin«6%
     Bod TSL temperature change during tost                   <os‘c                                  —
SAR result with Body TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 em" (1 g) of Body TSL               Conditon
     SAR measured                                     250 mW nput power                120 Wko
     SAR for norminal Body TSL parameters                 normalizes to 1W       51t Wike a 17.0 % (eer)

      SAR averaged over 10 em(10 g) of Body TSL            condition
      SA measured                                     280 mW inout power                so7 Wig
     SAF for nominal Body TSL parameters               normalized to TW          2421 Wikg = 165 % (he2)

Cerifeate No: Dassov2.989. Mart?                   Page 3 ote

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL
      Impedance, tanstormed tofeed point                                      ssan +240
      Retum Loss                                                                —20200
Antenna Parameters with Body TSL
      Iinpedance, transformed tofead point                                   «se0+30i0
      Retum Loss                                                              —202.00
General Antenna Parameters and Design
      Electical Delay (one cirection)                                            1158 ns
Affelong tom use wih 100W raciated power, onl a ight warmingo tcipole near the feedpaintcan be measured
The dpole is made of standard serniigid coaniacable The centerconductor ofthefeeding Ineis diecty connected to the
secand arm oftheciaals. The antenna is thereforeshortuied for DC—signals. On someofthe cipoles, small end caps
are added o he dipale arms in ordertoimprove matching when loaded accorting tothe positon as explainad in the
‘Measurement Conditons® paragraph The SAR data are notaffected by his change. The overalldipole length is si
accorting tothe Standard
No excessive force mustbe appled to the dpole arms, because they might bend orthe soldered connections nearthe
feecpoint may be damaged
Additional EUT Data
      Manutactured by                                                            sreao
      Manstactured on                                                         June 25, 2015
Cerifcate No: 245042003 Marty                       Page 4 ot8

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

Test Laboratory: SPEAG,    Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D24S0V2 — SN:903
Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 2450 MHe
Medium parameters used: [=2450 MHz; = 1.87 $/m;      37.8; p = 1000 kg/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEEAEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)
DASY52 Configuration:
   +   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvB(7.72, 7.72, 7.72); Calibrated: 31.12.2016;
   +   SensorSurfic
   +   Electronics: DAE Sn601; Calibrated: 04.01.2017
   +   Phantom: Flat Phantom5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 100L
   +   DASY5252.8 4(1258); SEMCAD X 14.6.10073 2

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mWd=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, de=Smm
Reference Value = 114.2 V/m; Power Drif          0.06 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 274 W/ke
SARCT g) = 134 Wig: SARIO @)=6.21 We
Maximum value of SAR (measured          2.1 Whe






                  0 dB =22.1 Wikg= 1344 dBWhkg

Cerificate No: Dassov2.989 Martr                   Page s or8

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                    a m 2eir raissies
              sn     a use         aasee   nomee asues m     2 «se.000 no0 mez
         4                                        k

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         &                                            +t

          ce on



         W ePfiA                       iGniccfrenronihsrnifoerccortoc ipecmfnmmant
              nbrrenimafie            «olsn on onstine
            stait 2 2s0.000 co0 ie                                Stee 2 esc ooo wz

Gerticate No: e4s0v2.000. Mart?             PageBof8

DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                   Date: 23.03.2017
Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D2450V2 — SN:993
Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz
Mediumparameters used: (= 2450 MHz;      2.03 S/m; s, = .2; p = 1000 ke/m!
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASYS (EEEAEC/ANSI C63.19—201 1)
DASY52 Configuration:
   +    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvB(7.79, 7.79, 7.79); Calibrated: 31.12.2016;
   *    Sensor—Surfice: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
   +    Electronics: DAE4 $n601; Calibrated: 04.01.2017
   +    Phantom: Hlat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 PSO AA; Serial: 1002
   +    DASY52 52.8 8(1258); SEMCADX 14.6.1007372)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW,d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=3mm, de=Smum
       ence Value = 105.9 V/m; Power Drif
  ak SAR (extrapolated) = 25.5 We
SARCT @) = 13 Wkgs SARCTO g) = 6.07 Wz
Maximumvalue of SAR (measured)        20.3 We






                 0 dB = 20.3 Wike = 13.07 dBWAg

Ceriicate No: Dads02—089_Mart                   Page or8

impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                               is hn aour asiseirs
         Ex sn       aure               anrsee     asmrs maspn                2 «s.000 ooo e


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             Et           ———————4———}——
                           i—            H      on hmd
         5      commf             mrond....oofes rmuifecmenrosmmehccmmntics   ;}7—-1
               Frocmml             inhecech :—ocheco 4o                       EC——1——
         &            4           —              es            {——                    }—
                ———           —                   x                                            4
         o P                o               no o               n               t
                — stt azsnooe aoom                                     Stoe 2 sse.c00 ooe me

Corticate No: Daesov2.989 Mart?                       Pagesors

Calibration Laboratory of                          «>                              g. Sciwelzedacher Kalbtertonst
Schmid & Partner                                %                                      Service suissetétlonnage
  Engineering AG                                 P9e—MR                            & sousmestmemuiiemme
Zeognausstanse43, 6004 2uichSwitzeiand           7'/,,,”"\\“\9‘                    8. swis CattratonSovice

Accitedby ho SuseAccuttatonSerdcn (GA9)                                   Aecredtationti: SCS 0108
Te Suis Accredinion Servic s oneofthignateries ts tEA
Htttimterat greemantfotherecounion of calran cortietes
ciem      Cetecom GmbH                                                    CortfcateNo: DAE4—1283_Fob17

 Opr                         DAE4 — S 000 Do4 BM — SN: tass

| cteatonrcosunt)            OA CAL—O6v20
                             Calibration procedure for the data acquisiton electronics (DAE)

 Caitaton ate                February 16, 2017

 Thcaltratocrifetedacumerts th taceasiy t ntonastadards,utich reals h yauntsof moasranoris (3)
 ‘he messsrementsandth uncrilete uiconfdence pobaiityaruen on th otoming pages ind we par of h cotfena
 Alcatvalors have baonconductd inhcloed atotoy faciy onitorment emperatize(2 9and anity «70%
 CxitratonEqipmentusesETE ottefocatbaton)
 rrinay Sandurde              CB                 CaltiteCeitene o)                         Scvaddad Caitvaten       _
 Kethy Matinter Typo aco1—    e ontorre          ts18 m rooss                              Seur
 Secondary Sndants             e                  Cret Do (ntous}                          sereded Check
 Auo D#E Cataton Un            se uis osa A 1001 Oodin—r inhourecnedg                      Inhouse crecJnt
 CaitaorBorvet                 se uns o0 Ad tote. Osvdn7 Gnthowmecteay                     Inouse chsc Jante

 Cattaeaby                   tm aomes
                             M                               Sn                           jSpuue
 dnie                         rngontor                        Devuty Tecmica Manager         w E{AMW(
                                                                                           hests Fabrony16, 2017
 [Tiscltraion ceifcaashanotherepoduced exest in ul wihouwriten ogrovao the atorto

Gerticat No: DAEt—1200_Febi7                        Page 1 ots

                                                                       i5   Sivenizerische Kateertenet
Schmid4 & Partner
Calibration Laboratory of
                                                                       [    Serviee suisse ttionnage
  Engineering AG                                                            Servico viaero oaaturn
eognusstraase 136084 Zurch, Sntandand                                  S    swias CattratonService
Acsrudtd ty h Saiss AccustatonSevce(BAG)                                Acerestation No: SCS 0108
The SuineAceredtation Sevicei one ofhe signtores t he EA
Mublatrat Agreemntforthecogniton ofcallrationcontcates

DAE                    data acquisition electronics
Connector angle        information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                       coordinate system
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
   * DC Voltage Measurement: Callbration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
     comparison with a calibrated instrument traceable to national standards. The figure given
     corresponds to the full scale range of the voitmeter in the respective range.
   * Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
     mechanically by a tooinserted. Uncertainty is not required.
   * The following parameters as documentedin the Appendix contain technical information as a
     result rom the performancetest and require no uncertainty.
     * DC Vottage Measurement Linearity: Verification of the Linearity at +10%and —10% of
         the nominal calibration voltage. Influence of offset voltage is included in this

       *    Common mode sensitivty: Inluence of a positive or negative common mode voltageon
            the differential measurement
       *    Channel separation: Influence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an
            input voitage.
       *    AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the intermal AD converter
            corresponding to zero input voltage
       *    Input Offset Measurement Output voltage and statistical results over a large number of
            zero voltage measurements.
       * Input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset
            current, not considering the input resistance
       *    Input resistance: Typical valuefor information: DAE input resistance at the connector,
            during intenal auto—zeroing and during measurement.
       + Low Battery Alarm Vollage: Typical value torinformation. Below this voltage, a battery
         alarm signal is generated.
       +    Power consumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

Centicate No: DABA—1283 Feotr                      Page2ots

DC Voltage Measurement
  A/D — Converter Resolition nominal
      High Range           #so        eouy .                      —100...+300 m
      Low Rango            mss »      StmV .                       1.....comy
  DASY measurement parameters: Acto Zero Time: 3 see; Measuring tme: 3 sec
     Caliation Factors              x                        v                       z
     High Range           404.u04 + 0.02% (ke2) 405640 + 0.02% (ke2) 408.025 2 0.02% (x=2)
     Low Range            acer71 1 1.50% (te2) 400730 = 1.50% (ke2)       402451 + 1.50% (e2)

Connector Angle

     Gonnector Angleto be used in DASY system                                     wso*s1"

Centicate No: Dat4—1228_Febt7                    Page Sots

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCSO108)
1. DC Voltage Linearity
    High Range                         Reading (x)          Ditterence (1¥)        Ertor (%)
    Ghannel X      + Input              1oo000.17                1or               oco
    Channel X     + Input               2ooce 1                  136               ao1
    Channel X____— input                —1rouos a7               273               001
    Channel ¥     + inout               1es00s 0+                15e               os0
    Channel Y     _ _ + input           2000120                  oo                oc0
    Channel Y      ___—input            —20001 7                 o7                aco
    Channel 2      _ _+ input           e                        ase               aco
    Channel 2      + input              2000265                  i7                oo1
    ChannelZ      insut                 —2000095                 ose               oc0
    Low Range                          Reaing (i)           _|_Diference G¥)       Eiror (%)
    Channel X        + inout             200002                   on2               aot
    Channel X        + input             zoure                    ase               aze
    Channel X        input               aor«s                    126              s
    Channel Y        + input             190082                   101              s
    Channel Y        _ _ + input         20101                    o25              oi
    Channel¥         _ — input           wsars                    ie                oso
    Channel 2        + insut             19005                    msr              o7
    Channel 2        + input              toor7                   ase              oss
    Channel 2        > input             20011                    136               ose

2. Common modesensitivity
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zoro Time: 3 sec: Measuring tme: 3 seo
                    Common mode                     High Range                  Low Range
                    Input Votage (m¥)          Average Reading (1¥)         Average Reacling (¥)
   Channel x                     2o                     mz                        ase
                                —200                    ser                      1085
    Channel ¥                    200                    1100                      1047
                                —200                   1250                      1200
   Channel2                      2o                     ser                       1558
                                —200                   aser                      891

3. Channel separation
   DASY measurement parameters: Ato Zero Time: 2 see: Measuring tme 3 see
                   Input Voitage (m¥) Channel X ) ChannelY (i¥)                |_ChannelZ (i¥)
   Channel x               200                  —                o2                 24e
   Channel Y               aco                s2s                 —                 ose
    Channel 2              20                 ass                ar                   —

Cernfate No: DAE4—1203.Febtr                         Pago 40t5

4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
   DASY measurement parameters: At Zero Time. 3 sec: Measurng tm3 sec
                                              High Range (LS8)            Low Range (SB)
    Channel X                                       1sre0                       1ease
    Channel ¥                                       tsees                       1e7ee
    Channel 2                                       1eor7                       1rree

5. Input Offset Measurement
   DASY measurement parametars: Ato Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuing tme:   3 sec
   insut tomn
                         Average (1¥)      min. Offset i) max. oftset u4)        5* “@‘v“)"“"‘
    Channeix                    ors            24                oss                 osr
    Ghannel¥                    12             20                oz                  oar
    Channeiz                    ose            25                oas                 oso

6. Input Offset Current
    NominalInput croutry lfset curent on allchannels: «25A

7. Input Resistance (Typical values fointomaiony
                                            Zeroing (kOhm)              Measuring (Moim)
    Channei x                                     200                          zo
    Ghannel‘y                                     z00                          zo
    Ghannelz                                      zo                           200

8. Low Battery Alarm Voltage (Typica valuesfor nformation)
    Typical values                          Alarm Level (VDC)
    Supply (+ ¥ee)                                                «79
    Supply (—Vee)                                                 28

9. Power Consumption (Ipical valves toinfomation)
    Typical values                      Switched o (ma) Stand by (mA)         Transmiting (ma)
    Supply (+ Vee)                            w01            «s                     «1
    Supply (—Vee)                            —oo             a                       a

Cenifcate No: DAEA—1233 Feot7                      Page Sors

Serma atow Engnesteg aG                                   s      p       e       a       g
Imabocsstasse 3,0008 urchSearetind
Prane «11 at 2s a70 , fax s at2ss ue
ntoisesg com, ts hemszeng com

                                  IMPORTANT NOTICE

The DAE unt is a delcate,high precisin insrument and requires careful reatment by the user. There are no
seviceable pars inside the DAE. Specia atentin shall be gven tothe folowing points
Battery Exchange: The battery cover of the DAEE unitisclased using a screw., over tghteninthe screw may
cause te theads nside the DAE to wear out
Shipping of the DAE: Before shpping the DAE to SPEAG for calbration, remove the batteies and pack the
OAE in an antstatic bag. This anttaic bag shall then be packed intoa arger box arcontainer which protects te
DAE from impacts during transportaton. The package shall be marked to incate that a fragle instument is
E—Stop Fallures Touch detection may be malfinctioning due to broken magnets in the Estop. Rough handing
ot t E—stop may lead to damage of thase magnets Touch and calision errors ae ohen caused by dust and drt
accumited in the Estop. To prevent Estop falure, the customer shall always mount the probe to the DAE
carefuly and keep the DAE unt in a non—custy environmentif not used for measurements
Repalr Mior repalrs are performed at no exta cost during the annwal clbration, However, SPEAG reserves
the ightto charge for any repair especialy rough unsrofessinal handing caused the defct
DASY Confiquration Files: Since the exact values of the DAE inout resitances, as measured curing the
caltration procedure of a DAE unt, are not used by the DASY sofware, a nominalvale of 200 MOhm is given
in the corresponding contiguration fie
important Note:
Warranty and calibration is void if the DAE unit is disassembled partly or fully by the

Important Note:
Never attempt to grease or oil the E—stop assembly. Cleaning and readjusting of the E—
Istop assembly is allowed by certified SPEAG personnel only and is part of the annual
lcalibration procedure.

important Note:
To prevent damage of the DAE probe connector pins, use great care when installing the
probe to the DAE. Carefully connect the probe with the connector notch oriented in the
Imating position. Avoid any rotational movement of the probe body versus the DAE
‘white turning the locking nut of the connector. The same care shall be used when
idisconnecting the probe from the DAE.

Schrid & Parner Engineerng

ThBrosostsAD DAEdoe                                                                             11122000

Calibration Laboratory of                                                           Schweizenscher Katbnercionst
Schmid & Partner                                                                    Servcnsuisse iétalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                    Servio avizro dtaratva
Zeognnusstasse 4, 6004 urich, Suitserind             7
                                                     hi                             Suiss Cattraton Senice
Aceredtd b ho Snis AccrestatonSevce (S8)                                Accrestnion No: SCS 0108
Te Suies Accretaton Sevice is onofhasigntoies t he EA
MutortAgreamentforthrecogniton o aliraton ertaton
clem Cetecom GmbH                                                       Ceritca nio. DAE4—1233_Aug18
|CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                            |
 Ovea                         paE4 — SD 000 Dod BM — SN: tass

 Catbaton pocedets            oa CaL—osved
                              Calibration procedure for the data acquisiion electronics (DAE)

 Catoaton te                  August 09, 2018

 Thcltraton cerifcatedocumantstherceabity o natond standart,whch rostes e ptyscal unto meusuremonts (5)
 The measuremansand h urceainieswihcontdarce probabiy are en on h folowing pages and e nar of h certfcne
 Af eaitatonshavebeen ondctin e cosed abontoy acity envrommentanpentee (2 x 3and hamiiy «701
 Cattraton Eaqapment used (MBTEerteaforcattaton)
 Smarstiant                     n«                 cupsscetemenss                       ‘Soneteacettaten .
 romnestRtt                   ~(qnfed              P esn                                wove
seomey tantnts                jo«          chess Oe inton                               soneasetrecs               _|
eeceugone                     ~~IREWEEHOE! enennnmgnt                                   osded en‘
dbmorves                       KiMgontrige nonitininmden;                               nmeman                          |

                               wose                        swues                         Srates
 Sstvain i                     Adtan Geting                pemerremcs                    /{//%

bpsoesty                       Sunkim                      semrmmge                      gid SLurw 1y |
                                                                                         lsw Aupat9,2018
(This cattrton crifcats shl notb amdzedercentn l wiout witen assoiao thiatortoy. _

Conticate No: DAEs—1233_Augte                        Page t ots

Calibration Laboratory of                                                    Setmeizesetor katirrsiest
Schmid & Partner                                                             Servics suiss citalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                             Surviso iz o teaien
Zeograsssvasse t, 6004 Zurich, Snizntond                                     uiss Cattraton tervce
Accrded y te Suiss Acrostaion Sovice (GA)                                 Accredtation : SCS 0108
‘TSmss Aceredtation Sevicei onotthe signtores t he EA
MultlateatAgrooment o terecogntion of catbraioncoricates

Dae                     data acquisiton electronics
Connector angle         information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                        coordinate system
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
   * DC Voltage Measurement: Callbration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
     comparison with a callbrated instrument traceable to national standards. Thefigure given
     corresponds to the full scale range of the voltmeter in the respective range
    * Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
      mechanically by a toolinserted. Uncertainty is not required.
    * The following parameters as documented in the Appendix contain technical information as a
      resultfrom the performance test and require no uncertainty.
        *   DC Votage Measurement Linearity: Verification of the Linearity at +10% and —10% of
            the nominal calibration vollage. Influence of offset voltage is included in this
        * Common mode sensitivity: Influence of a positive or negative common mode voltage on
          the differential measurement.
        * Channe! separation: Influence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an
          input voltage.
        *   AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the internal AD converter
            corresponding to zero input voltage
        * input Offset Measurement; Output voltage and statistical results over a large number of
          zero voltage measurements.
        * Input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset
          current, not considering the input resistance.
        * input resistance: Typical value for information: DAE input resistance at the connector,
          during internal auto—zeroing and during measurement.
        +    Low Battery Alarm Vollage: Typical value for information. Below this voltage, a battery
            alarm signal is generated.
        +    Power consumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

Cenifeate No: DAE4—1233.Augto                      Page 205

DC Voltage Measurement
   A/D — Converter Resolution nominat
      High Range         wse~          smy           fullrange «100. +300 mV
      Low Renge          use=          sinv.         fullrange = 1..... 9m
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measurng tme: 3 sec
     Calibration Factors           x                      v                   z
     High Range          404.902 + 0 09% (ke2)  405.690 + 0.0% (ke2) 406000 + 0.00%(e—2)
     Low Range           3 seaeo + 1.50%% (ke2) 4.0009+ 1.So% (ke2) 4ds1 2 1 50% (ce2)

Connector Angle
     Connector Angle to be used in DASY system                             2eao%1°

Ceriicate No: DaE4—1239Augio                     Pageaots

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)

1. DC Voltage Linearity
     High Range                         Reading (x¥)           Ditference (s¥)               Error (%)
     Channel X      + input              2o00s020                   ose                       aco
     ChannelX       + inout               2ouos 2«                  se                       000
     ChannelX       input                 —2000306                  ase                      o1
     Channel‘¥      + input              200097 30                  as1                      :000
     Channel ¥      + input               2ooo« 68                  ce                       Eo
     Channel ¥      > input               —20005 67                 102                       oor
     Channel 2      + inout              200036 «2                  2s                       .00
     Channel 2      + inout               20008 12                  250                      oo
     Channel 2      ___input              —20007 20                 asr                      oo
     Low Range                             Reading (u)         __|_Difference (a¥)           Eiror (%)
     Channel x       + input                 2oorre                   o2«                     oo1
     Channel X      + input                   20218                   ore                     ase
     ChannelX       input                    97e                      ose                    oas
     Channel Y      + inout                  zon 73                   o2«                     oor
     ChannelY       + input                   zoo                     ass                    se
     Channel ¥       > Input                 —r9901                   s1                      o2s
     Channel2        + input                 2001.0                   e                      oce
     Channel 2      _ _+ input                10077                   mas                    oz
     Channel2       ~Input                   20031                    are                     osr

2. Common mode sensitivity
    DASY measurement paramoters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec: Measurng tme: 3 sec
                       Common mode                    High Range                          Low Range
                       input Voltage (m¥)         Average Reading (i¥)               Average Reading (1¥)
    Channel Xx                      2oo                  1077                               a2e
                                   —200                   200                              toar
    Channel Y                       200                   1250                             1220
                                   200                   are1                              —rree
    Channel2                        2co                  Co                                1600
                                   —200                  1905                              se

3. Channel separation
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zoré Time. 3 sec; Measuring tme: 3 see
                      Input Voltage (m¥)      Ghannel X (4¥)     Channel‘¥ (i¥)          ChannelZ (¥)
    Channel x                 2o                    —                0:                      ars
    Channel ¥                 aco                  757                 —                     1os
    ChannelZ:                 200                  a21                aso                      —

Certfcate No: DAE#—1230 Augta                        Page 4ots

4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
   DASY measurement parameter: Auto Zero Time: 3 see; Measuring tme: 2 sec
                                            High Range (LS8)             Low Range (LSB)
   Channel x                                      isre                        1es0«
    Channel                                       1soue                       1rees
   Channel2                                       1sor4                       1ise

5. Input Offset Measurement
   DASY meascroment parametors: Auto Zero Time: 3 see; Measurig tme: 3 sec
   inour toue.
                          Average ()        min. Offset¥)       max. Offset jat)      5 :’:“I‘;“‘""
    Channel x                 o2«                s«                  22                   oss
    Channel ¥                 048                ase                 100                  os
    Ghannel 2                 oz                 176                 are                  oss

6. Input Offset Current
    NominalInput crcuty offset curent on all channels: «251A

   Input Resistance (Typical valuesfor nformation)
                                          Zeroing (kOhm)                      Measuring (ohm)
    Channelx                                    200                                  200
    Ghannelv                                    2o                                   200
    Channel 2                                   zo                                   2o

8. Low Battery Alarm Voltage (Typicavalues forinfomation)
    Typical values                   Arm Level (VDC)
    Supply (+ Voe)                                                      «7e
    Supply (—Vee)                                                       28

9. Power Consumption (pica! values tinformaton)
    Typical values                      Switchod off (m) Stand by (m)              Transmiting (ma)
    Supply (+ Vee}                           woor             «s                         ae
    Supply (—Vee)                             —oo1             s                          a

        No: page—tza0augre                          Page Sors

      i     Laboratory of                           e                            . Scbveisaiicher Kaitcantont
Schmid & Partner                                                                 ( Servee s stttomage
  Engineering AG                                                                   Servict sveem t oaten
Zeagnanstasse 5. too4 turchSuitarand                                             $   Suivs Caltcaton Sevice

Acemotes b e Suas Acrstaton Sevce GAS)                                           Accredtaton No: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accrostion Servce is one ofhe signatores o heEA
uitAgreementfor h ecognitono catiratoncoriicates
Ciew     Cetecom GmbH                                                    Ceriicu No: EX3—3739_Junt8

Otpe                          EX3DVé — SN:373@

Calbaten pecessel)            QA CAL—O1.19, OA CAL—14v4, OA CAL—2345, OA CAL—25.v6                                      |
                              Calieration procedure for dosimetnc E—field probes

Cattaton t                    June 15, 2018

Ti catrain cerfens damens hn +ncesoy t ateral santaris uhch estc h ysca unof mesnrement (S)
The mesrenens ant me rurintanvahconfdecerctanty e guen oh tstwng pages on e pr f h contco
Adcalraionhavebean conhrnd n h csedatrtry lacity neromnnt tenperaee 2 2 3and hy 700
Calbaton Easpment ies (MATE eitao caluaton)

fmmtoes                     a            —            Emheres             ~|Enmnercamace
rose nevvse                 ecrom                     pronmemnzon
Pore seseNR231              sn on —                   cescn 21700_           K0
Pomer sece ies:asn          s toseis                  onrectn atrazm          wew
Retwerce 2008 Atorstc       on ssrrr Pog              ottects ts 21.0n    _ Aere
Reivencereve essove         su so1                    sopectt n essaouin bere
vee              _          siceeo                    ZGectr e preso0pectri—| Deee
mm                          o                         commm                ~| smmpiGes                              m
 rovet maw teeron          | scommenere               t h0c18 in roow ies 19           inrowmectent Jn          —
 Pover se Ei2X             | snc uio               ~| o6 o1 inroosectes aein           inrame ched 20
 rovesener ceeton         sw oonitzro                 6A16 tn houe cres un th) intouse ctect Jonzo
 it erericewsecs6         sn usoeeroni%s              0th01 (nrecastt seim —| inroune ctest uno
 Hatson reaizerreersse _| sn ussraooses               1E0c01 in rewme crea oain—| ntowsecienons
                              Nane                          ~ Finden                     Sqrowe
 cxtoresty                    bntiipnee                       itooroy Teswican           W/""
Aowort ty                     ratmpoore                      TecvicuMonagee            /%

                                                                                        inses Jure1s. z018
| us extraion centeas soat n bo mratient mcst in it nitecurnen ooo o te acrny

Cerifcate No: Ex3—3730_unt8                         Page tot i1

Calibration Laboratory of                      \&‘,/'/                           Sctwnnriscner Kalticnonst
Schmid & Partner                                                               g Survice iss svilonnage
  Engineering AG                                                               §. Sntienimea onte
Rroghivistaase 38004 2arch, Sntzetana                                             Snies Caltraton Senice

Aesmated 0y eSss AccrusntonServes (A8)                                          Accrestaion No: SCS 0108
The Swis AccredtionSrice i oe ofthesignatones t h EA
Mulaterat Agreement o th ucnpntiono catiratoncerticos
Ts                    Hssue simulatng lquid
NORMcy.z              sensitviy in ree space
Con                   sensitviy in TSL / NORMcyiz
oce                   dde compressin point
or                    erest acto(Tdty_cycl) f the RF sgnal
As.c.0                modlaton dependent Incarization parameters
Polarzatin 0          ©rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8        5 rotation around an ax‘tatis in the plane normalto probe ax‘s (at measurement center),
                      te, t = 0 is normal to probe axis
Comector Angle        information used in DASY system to aign probe sensorX to the robot coortinate system
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a). IEEE Sid 1828—2019, NEEE Recommended Practee for Determining the Poak Spatal—Averaged Specit
       Absorition Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wreless Communicatons Devices: Measurement
       Techniques®, Jine 2013
   ) 120 62200—1, ‘Measurement procedurefor the assessment of Specifc Absorpton Rate (SAR) rom hand«
       held and body—mounted devices usod next ttear(requency range of 300 NHz to 6 Giiz}, Jay 2016
   e). 120 62200—2, "Procedure to detornine the Speciic Absorption Rate (SAR) for wreless communicaton devices
       used in close provinil o the human body (reguency range of 30 Mz to 6 GHz)‘, March 2010
   4). KDB885964, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz®
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   + NORMcgcz: Assessed forE—fld polariation 8 = (f= 200 MHzin TEM—cal; 1> 1800 Miiz: R22 waveguide)
       NORMa.z are ony Intermadiate values, . he uncertainies of NORMxy.z does not affectthe E"—feld
      uncertinty nside TS(soe below Corv)
   * NORM(May.z NORMky.z * hequeney. response (see Frequency Response Chard. This               incarizaton is
      implemented in DASY4 software versons laterthan 4 2. The uncertainty ofthe freauency response i ncluded
      in the stated uncertainty of ConF
   * 0CPry.e: DCP are numerialinearization parameters assessed based on t data of pover sweep wih CW
      stnal tno uncertainty requied). DCP does not depend on frequency nor mecia
   * PAR PAR is the Peak to Average Ratl that is not callrated but detennined based on t signal
   +. Aupe: Bryze:Cop.z:Deyiz; VRky:z: A, 8. C, D are numercal incarizaton parameters assessed based on
      the data of power sweepfor speciic modulation signal The parameters do not depend on freauency nor
      meeia VR is the maximum calbration range expressed in RMS votage across tclode
   + Gorv® and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in fat phantem using E—fld (or Temperature Transter
      Standard fo1 200 MHtz)and insde waveguide using analyieal feldcistrbutions based on power
      measuremantsfo > 800 NKe: The sarme setups are used for assessment of e parameters appled for
      boundary compensation (alpha, deph) o which typical uncertaity values are given, These parameters are
      used in DASY4 software o improve probe aceuracy close to the boundary, The sensitviy in TSL corresponds
      to NORxy.a * ConyE whoreby e uncertainl corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
      Cenv£ is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allous extencing the valdity fom + 50 MHz to : 100
   + Sphericatisotrpy (30 deviaton from isoropy}in a feld of low gradients realizd using fat phantom
      exposed by a patch antemna
   * Sensor Offset.The sensor ffset corrsponds tthe offsat of vitual measurement cente rom the probe tp
      on probe axis No tolrance requred
   * Gomector Angle: The angle is assessed using the infrmation gained by determining the NORK(no
      unceriainty requred)

Gerticate No: E3373918                           Page 2t 11

exsove— suares                                                             June 15. 2018

                     Probe EX3DV4


                                 Manufactured:         February 15, 2010
                                 Repaired:             June 5, 2018
                                 Calibrated:           June 15, 2018

                               Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                   (Note: no—compatile wih DAGY2 system)

Conifcate No: £x3—3730 Junta                   Pagesot 11

exsov— snaree                                                                        Jine15 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3739
Basic Calibration Parameters _
                                   SensorX              Somory            Sumore      weres
Norn (avitvimP                |—     oar _                car              ose_           riors
 56P (mn® _                          nz                  o                 ors
Modulation Calibration Parameters                                  _
 UiD     Communcaton System Name —                  A 1e TeJ s | we 1 UncJ
                                                    ae coviy as  mv     )
ts         ow                                x(     oo "he _| 10|         o | es cas3%
           _                       —         Y |—as          ~a0—|   i0          iset |
                 —                           71—os             oo    o           ar l         ———
 The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multipled by the coveragefactor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilty of approximately 95%.

{ Trecutante t Marm XY2 dontafct eE tid nceriany sds TSL(un Pages S ons 61
   simacatineaaton soamater uncetartyre maured
* Uncwrany s desmines us e m devaton on Inga escaspng recangda Gavestonant s npresd o heseur ct e

Certfcats No: £x9—3730Junte                   Page d of 11

exsove— snarse                                                                                  June 1s, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3739

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
    ton‘                           "fm}"" | comex comey |_comr z Apns® mm_|                          teB
  |_asso            se2       _|     180       12«       12«         12e        oss|      oss      +120%
     2000 _         300              198.      reo       oo|         1eo        osr       oss      r120%
  |_seso |          _sse             an        490       aso |       aso        oso       i8       an31%
     seoo           sss              sor       aat     |_aar         a4r        oso       19       ams1%|
     srso           EB               s2e                 «se         asi_|      oo        io       em1% |

©remsey vaktyahove 00Mot s 10 is onl anpies tDRSY x4 and ho(oe Page2) se treureta o 50 c The
unceany in RSS t n Gorne vncenanty aClmae teruercyand neuncivanty o e vscms recuncy tard Frenncy ancty
Eio 200 im 10 29 20 50 ant 70 it o Gome msnsomanc t 10 6,12, 10 m 220 respecieay Poore 0 e eercy
y sn e anentedtoa 0e
* M mavmncmn onon 3 Git m vly of tw porametas c nd ocanbe mlus t »10% t i cmperenio ornda m acsecto
imeaned SA vals. M tecuences atoe Oe t valty oftorse paanetas e arc o) s resiotn o = 58. The unceranty is v S f
Th Gont urcntarg t niesed sese painmurs
ahriy ns Ban s deamned   svig cmeemton
                19 6t bcsuncastom   3 OeSX   merans%t
                                         and na     at hhcersen
                                                                 tecen 36ueltto emontrce
                                                                                  teuncar atect tconpernnion
                                                                                                    Wrvepmer is
dongerton ts tomny

Cortfeate No: Ex8730_unta                         Page sor 11

exsove— smarso                                                                           June 1s, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3739

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                 Relaive      | Conductyy                                         Dean        Wns
    1quit |_permithity®          (Sim"      ComeX    comey       comtz   Alpho®   (mm)        ten
     24so          ser            198        120      120         rzo     ose      oss      r120%
     2000          sas          _ 2s         sos      sss |       sos     ois      105      r120%
      2so          aso            s3         «se      «50         «se     oso      1so      rn21%
     seoo          «s5            s71__|_aco          aco         «0|    oso       19       en1%
     srso          «s3            so«        «or    | sor    |    aor| os          iso | ara1%

©rtessenr vatany ahor 20 Mot 1 10 c cnt ngpes o DASY vt ns gnar(ee Page2) se t n earcinsto 50 iz The
ncerant sn l f h Gar® uncenartatcatrton beouery and tuncaiaty o h ndatnt remurcyband Prequncyvatty
below 20 it a 1025 4090 and 70 t t Cc asessmanit 3064 19. 190 and 20 t epanaly Aove 5 o hoouony
valdtycan e enende i a 1 itc
  Amnnrces belo 3 Gi. h uty otarmee (on ) can t rlar t# 10% t lconprsatenomua in aogln o
«nsenuns SAuo.A rcuncan tm 3 it m vldt of enons (cand o iravetet 5% Th ce is t RSSo
the Coniurcerany t inicatat y oc printos
"Aaert e ceomned ureg cabeaion SPEAG wranis at h amaring dvaton uet h bonca efctaterconceratonis
whaysles hn 1% o heguancastiow 5 Gtand ow s 25 o unsc btvnn30 Ge o anyciarco gr hohah pobe to
dandertom te bocntay

Cortfcate No: £x3—3730..unt                   Page 6ot 11

exsove~ swarae                                                                June 15 2018

                    Frequency Response of E—Field
                          (TEM—Cellifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

             15       ;                       >                 s


        g                         4
         &                                                            i
        &                                      i
        %4                       Nn rrmandotmmmbnmmmmge

         §09        ~             +
        $& os :9                               .
        $0:          i
           has     _4             4
             ag fccii2cc010 04000044cacE uced uc ud
               0     sco   1000  1soo    200 20 2000

                   Uncertainty ofFrequency Response of E—fild: £ 6:3% (ke2)

CertfateNo:3730u8                        Page 7 of 11

exoove~ snaree                                                                                 June 15, 2018

                             Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                 12600 MHz,TEM                                             (=1800 MHz.R22

          ta«       I+             +f       =f                 ta—           +t       +t           =f

     ©                         |                                                           1
     $ 00 ait cpepphan 4o4 44Pce
         @§fcmmbmmmmed                                  E              i
                 5            io         %              i               i&        k            +
                  s                      «S                          sitth
                           Uncertainty of Axil Isotropy Assessment + 0.5% (ke2)

Crttcate No: 93790 Junte                         Page sot 11

exsove~ smarse                                                                                      June 1s, 2018

                                             Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                        (TEM cell , f.,.= 1900 MHz)


                 § uied
                 8                      i
                 2                                                                        &

                 i1                                 .


                           poean            enagh2               2m 10 20 10       ;
                           o                  103        100
                                                             SA trWeng            10           10

                                             ret conptisates                  3



                                   10          10            3     io      o         10   10
                                                              SA8 (niWemal
                                               rercomcansites              compersaies
                                        Uncertainty of Linearity Assessmont£0.6% (=2)

                     lunte                                       Page 8of 11

exaove— sarse                                                                          une 1s, z01e

                              Conversion Factor Assessment
             1= 24t0 Mz WGLS R22 04comn‘)                     t= 2sso ie ous Raz (M_come)

                         Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                       Error (o, 3), £= 900 MHz

                       0 cos as o« 2 oo or o« os o8 10
                        Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assossmont: + 2.6% (ke2)

Certfeate No: ©G—3730_Junte                    Page toot 11

exaove— smarze                                                  June 1s, z018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3739

Other Probe Parameters
 SensorAvangement .                                              Trangular
 Comector Angle )                                     —               is2
 Mechanical Surface Detecion Node                                  eraved
 Optcal Sirace Detacton Mode                                       disabled
 PFrobe Overal Lengh                                               357 im
 Prote Body Diameter                                                10 mm
 Te lngn ~                                       oo                  Smm
 To Dameter              >                                          25 mm
 Probe    to Sensor X Caliration Pont                                 Tmm
 Probe Tio Senso: YCalivriton Pont                          =         1 mm
Probe Tp to Sensor Z Galtraton Pont         —                         T mm |
| Recommended Measuremont Distance fom Surface              =       14 mm

Corttcare No: ©9—3730_Junt8                  Page t1 t 11

Sthmis & Poner Engnssing AG                                   s      p       e           a    q
Reognacsatse «5 008 rurcy Seiecind
Prona «t en 2s uro0, x »a1 an aes arze
Inotepany com, it tinewepon com                                                          CUsTOM ER

eropucr:                 Ex3DVs
semiac h:                arse                                     in pate:       18.05.2018
lcustonen:               Cetecom GmbH
prose neain
watemin                  work oescrirtion                                                workna
Proxiny Sensor (PEEK) [ixed [0] [echanged[O)                                         [       [rours
lCore repiacoment     lires [0] [achanced]O                                          [       [rous
Diate sensor             [ied 10] [ucransed]G                                                hows
ubstrate                 fired 10] {echansed]O)                                      [       [rours
[components gtotes)      fies [G] (omnengecO]— [ainteme                       [X] [ isofrows
|companonts(caractors) [d [0] {michangod|O] rchamels                         X] |[_100hous
Bonding Rines — supstentfied JO] {erchanseo|O]                                o)             [rows
Probe tp                 s plEmase) E_                                        [X] |—azofrows
Probe comector           Ied JO] {erctengod]O]              [«                   0           hours
Prove tite               fre: [0] poene|o] [                                  (0) [—_s
Modihcaton DS instaled: lres J0] fnsaies          10]      [comm==—>          10             hours
wnatyss                                                                              Zstfous_|
FinalAssomily                                                                            Loofours
Total houre                                                                          [ soofrours

comments:                Te probe was roturmed forapalr due to an obsonved maltorcton. Recaiving
                         inspection found poorrepansand excessivenolso on ll channals. The
                         visualinspection revealed a loose probe tcover No glu at vers waro
                         found on the tp. The probe was watinside, in orderto ro estabsh full robe
                         finctonaltyal componants nside this probe were relaced. The costforts
                         ropalris shovinblow. Thprobe willgot newy calbzated atteths repain

conucten ay.              W '&{ {zzucge                   {seprovenay |IQ PAkmuar
oate:                                                      oare:       05.05.2018
nepam cost:                                             igs                  Sis
        maenicost                         ssace         0
        nesan                            rzace          |0
rora cost:                                                 |avoraon #:
                                  1400.00                                    11376
[approven ay.           /(;C AZ
oare:                 * 05.06.201

asospexatosarso_te0e0r—Cate                                                                           Page 1 o1

Document Created: 2018-11-08 16:44:45
Document Modified: 2018-11-08 16:44:45

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