User Manual


Users Manual

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            _ TuUurRnley


Thank you for purchasing our product, an ideal radio system for beginners or experienced users alike.

Read this manual carefully before operation in order to ensure your safety, and the safety of others or the

safe operation of your system.

If you encounter any problem during use, refer to this manual first. If the problem persists, contact your

local dealer or visit our service and support website for help:

1. Safety
1.1 Safety Symbols
Pay close attention to the following symbols and their meanings. Failure to follow these warnings could
cause damage, injury or death.

A Danger        +      Not following these instructions may lead to serious injuries or death.

A Warning       +      Not following these instructions may lead to major injuries.

A Attention _          Not following these instructions may lead to minor injuries.

1.2 Safety Guide

                      (@) Pronibited                       @ Mandatory
                «_     Do not use the product at night or in bad weather like rain or thunderstorm. It
                       can cause erratic operation or loss of control.
                «_     Do not use the product when visibility is limited.
                «_     Do not use the product on rain or snow days. Any exposure to moisture (water
                       or snow) may cause erratic operation or loss of control.
                «_     Interference may cause loss of control. To ensure the safety of you and others,
                       do not operate in the following places:
                       +   Near any site where other radio control activity may occur
                       +   Near power lines or communication broadcasting antennas
                       e   Near people or roads
                       e   On any pond when passenger boats are present
                «_     Do not use this product when you are tired, uncomfortable, or under the
                       influence of alcohol or drugs. Doing so may cause serious injury to yourself or
                «_     The 2.4GHz radio band is limited to line of sight. Always keep your model in
                       sight as a large object can block the RF signal and lead to loss of control.
                «_     Never grip the transmitter antenna during operation. It significantly degrades
                       signal quality and strength and may cause loss of control.
                «_     Do not touch any part of the model that may generate heat during operation, or
                       immediately after use. The engine, motor or speed control, may be very hot and
                       can cause serious burns.

                 «_    Misuse of this product may lead to serious injury or death. To ensure the safety
                       of you and your equipment, read this manual and follow the instructions.
                 «_    Make sure the product is properly installed in your model. Failure to do so may
                       result in serious injury.
                 «_    Make sure to disconnect the receiver battery before turning off the transmitter.
                       Failure to do so may lead to unintended operation and cause an accident.
                 +«    Ensure that all motors operate in the correct direction. If not, adjust the
                       direction first.
                 «_    Make sure the model flies within a certain distance. Otherwise, it would cause
                       loss of control.

2. Introduction
The Evolution transmitter and TGY—iA6C receiver constitutes a 2.4GHz AFHDS 2A digital proportional
computerized R/C system. This system supports quadcopters.

2.1 System Features
The AFHDS 2A (Automatic Frequency Hopping Digital System Second Generation) is specially developed
for all radio control models. Offering superior protection against interference while maintaining lower
power consumption and high reliable receiver sensitivity, the AFHDS technology is considered to be one
of the leaders in the RC market today.

                   Bidirectional Communication
                   Capable of sending and receiving data, each transmitteris capable of receiving data
                   from temperature, altitude and many other types of sensors, servo calibration and i—BUS /
                   S—BUS Support.

                   Multi—channel Hopping Frequency
   fho   0f "“.\   This systems bandwidth ranges from 2.408GHz to 2475GHz. This band is divided in
                   135 channels. Each transmitter hops between 16 channels (32 for Japanese and Korean
                   versions) in order to reduce interference from othertransmitters.

                   Omni—directional Gain Antenna
                   The high efficiency Omni—directional high gain antenna cuts down on interference, while
                   using less power and maintaining a strong reliable connection.

                   Unique ID Recognition System
                   Each transmitter and receiver hasit‘s own unique ID. Once the transmitter and receiver
                   have been paired, they will only communicate with each other, preventing other systems
                   accidentally connecting to or interfering with the systems operation.

                   Low Power Consumption
                   The system is built using highly sensitive low power consumption components,
                   maintaining high receiver sensitivity, while consuming aslittle as one tenth the power of a
                   standard FM system, dramatically extending batterylife.

                                                                                       TURNIGYs       power systems

2.2 Transmitter Overview

                           _ TurRmey

2.2.1 Transmitter Antenna
+     For best signal quality, make sure that the antennais at about a 90 degree angle to the model. Do not
      point the antenna directly at the receiver.
*     Never grip the transmitter antenna during operation. It significantly degrades the RF signalquality
      and strength and may cause loss of control.

2.3 Receiver Overview

                                            Status Indicator   Update Indicator

                                                       C j      l Mess
                                                   Euki8A6TA                                 SpUsieus
    Antenna                                                                                  \é%und
                                                   PP                    T                   Alt Power Input
                                                   o4                                         (0—2w)

2.3.1 Receiver Antenna
                    *   For best signal quality, ensure that the receiver is mounted away from motors
A Attention             or metalparts.

2.3.2 Status Indicator
The status indicator is used to indicate the power and working status of the receiver.
*     Off: the power is not connected.
*     Lit in red: the receiver is on and working.
*     Flashing quickly: the receiver is binding.
*     Flashing slowly: the bound transmitter is off or signal is lost.

2.3.3 Connectors
The connectors are used to connectthe parts of model and the receiver.
*     PPM; Channel output
*     GND/VCC: Power Input
*     S.BUS: S.BUS and i.Bus Interface
*     B—DET: Alternative port for powering receiver.


2.4 USB Simulator Mode
The system may be used as a HID controller when connected to a computervia USB. When connected
to a computer the function is activated automatically and will be recognized by windows as a game

To calibrate or test the system in windows:
*   1. Type *RUN® into the search bar and select the program.
*   2. Type "Joy.exe" into the "Open:" box and press enter.
*   3. Select the system and open properties within the game controller menu.

+ any changes made to trims within the system will take effect in the USB mode. If the system is
    not responding as expected, reset to factory settings in the system menu.

3. Getting Started
Before operation, install the battery and connect the system as instructed below.

3.1 Transmitter Battery
The transmitter has an internal battery, to charge connect the system to a suitable USB charger or

A Danger +         Only use specified battery.

A Danger +         Do not open, disassemble, or attempt to repair the battery.

A Danger /+        Do not crush/puncture the battery, or short the external contacts.

A Danger +         Do not expose to excessive heat orliquids.

A Danger +         Do not drop the battery or expose to strong shocks or vibrations.

A Danger +         Always store the battery in a cool, dry place.

A Danger +         Do not use the battery if damaged.

4. Operation Instructions
After setting up, follow the instructions below to operate the system.

4.1 Power On
Follow the steps below to turn on the system:
1.   Check the system and make sure that:
     * The batteries are fully charged. (Charge the system via USB cable)
     * The receiver is off and correctly installed.
2.   Hold the power buttons until screenlights up.
3.   Connectthe receiver power supply to the VCC and GND port on the receiver.

The system is now powerd on. Operate with caution, or serious injury could result.

4.2 Binding
The transmitter and receiver have been pre—bound before delivery. If you are using another transmitter or
receiver, follow the steps below to bind the transmitter and receiver:

1.   Turn the transmitter on, press . and scroll down and then select [RX bind].
2. On the receiver, connect the power cable to the VCC and GND, When the receiveris powered on it
   will remain in bind mode for 3 seconds. The system should now bind, once the LED on the transmitter
     has stopped flashing the process is complete.

4.3 Pre—use Check
Before aperation, perform the following steps to check the system:
1.   Check to make sure thatall servos and motors are working as expected.
2.   Check operating distance: one operator holds the transmitter, and another one moves the model
     away from the transmitter. Check the model and mark the distance from where the model starts to
     lose cantrol,

A Danger             +   Stop operation if any abnormal activity is observed.

A Danger             +   Make sure the model does not go out of range.

A Attention +            Sources of interference may affect signal quality.

4.4 Power Off
Follow the steps below to tur off the system:
1.   Disconnect the receiver power.
2.   Hold the transmitter‘s power buttons to turn off the transmitter.

A Danger             *   Make sure to disconnect the receiver power before turning off the transmitter.
     9                   Failure to do so may lead to damage or serious injury.


5. Home Screen
The home screen diplays useful information about your model, including timers and TX/RX status.
                                                   Start Page
                                                                                    TX/RX Battery Status +
                                TUHHIEYB                          ;i E              Battery Setup Menu

               Main Menu
                                                        Ti: 000000
                                                        12. EDEEEE                  Timers + Timer Menu

                                                 Display Servos

     Press and hold the screen to preform         Chi           CIL—_OOIT~O****++141
     a servo test.                                Ch@ C—C———t———3
     Note: Make sure that the the engines are     Efig           C—IT—4————19
     tumed off/disconected during this test.
     Failure to do so could lead to harm to       C:hE          T
     yourself or others.                          C ]"I 6       T

The system‘s navigation is designed to be easy and quick.
*    To change homescreen page, use your finger to swipe from left to right to view the the channels
*    To enter the main menu, press the          icon, Then use yourfinger to swipe up or down on the screen
     to scroll.
*    To enter a function, touchits name.
*    To navigate function menu, swipe up or down to scroll and press an item on the list to enterit.
+    To go back to a previous meny,press the            icon.

5.1 Timers
To enter the timer function touch TL/T2 on the main screen. The system has 2 timers available, both can
be assigned to a switch and have 3 different settings.
1.   Select a mode.
     +   Up: The up timer starts from zero and counts up.
     +   Down: The down timer starts from a pre selected time and counts down.
     *    D/U(Down then up): The D/U timer starts from the set time, and counts down to 0, then counts
          back up.
2.   If nessesary set up the pre defined time by selecting the "Setup" option. Select the correct decimal
     and use the onscreen arrow keys to change the value.

6. Function Settings
6.1 Reverse
The reverse function changes a channels direction of movement                                          REUERSE
in relation to its input. For example, if the blades are spinning in
                 frecti                  i                     ;                    f          Ch1   |[Nor|Ch2   (Nor
the wrong
            o   direction,
                             orion   pushing
                                               car   the model into the
of taking off, this function can be used to correct this.                 n   ground instead
                                                                                               Ch3 [Rev|
                                                                                               ChS (Nor|Ch4
                                                                                                         Ch6 [Nor

Setup:                                                                                         Ch7   |Revl|Ch8   (Nor
To change between normal and reverse touch the box to the
right side of the desired channel.
Nor = Normal, Rev = Reverse.
Select the     icon to save and return to the previous menu.

6.2 End Points
The end point function changes the range of movement available to a channel. This can be used to limit
thetilt of the model, so that it is easier to control.
The left box is the low end point, the right boxis the high end point, marked below as low being blue and
red being high.

1. Touch the low or high end point box.
2. Touch the desired decimal to change then use the onscreen Chi 1                                   1 @@%    1GO%
   up and down arrows to change the value.                   Ch2@                                    |190x    100x
                        e                                    Ch3                                     |100x    100x
                                          +HSH                                                 ch4   [100x]   100x
                                                 Z I %                                         2LE   1 MAz    1 Miesz
3.   Press the / or x to confirm or cancel changes.

4. Select the                icon to save and return to the previous

6.3 Aux. Channels
The auxiliary channels can be used to control additionalpart of a model such as landing gear or lights.
1.   Select channels using the left or right arrow keys on the screen on either side of the channel name.
                                                                   4                      P
2.   The left box below the channel name allows the user to pick the type of control for that channel, Nul,
     VRx, Stx and SWsx.

3. Select the                icon to save and return to the previous menu.

                                                                                                           power systems

6.4 Subtrim
Subtrim changes the center point of the channel. For example, if a model is always drifting to one side,
the sub trim can be used to fix this.
To set the subtrim function:
To change the subtrim:
1. Touch the box to the right of the desired channel.
2.    Select the correct decimal and use the up and down arrow keys.
                                               *,)"0Z )7
                                               w Hf _ ul
3.    Press the~/ or‘x to confirm or cancel changes.
4. Selectthe           icon to save and return to the previous menu.

6.5 Failsafe
The failsafe function enables you to pre—set channel positions for the receiverin case of signal loss.
1. To setup a failsafe position on a channel, select the channel from the          Chi         OrF
list, to select the channel touch the box to the right of the channel              g]l:g       g;g
name.                                                                              Ch4         OFF
2. The box next to the channel name should display "On®, to activate the
failsafe touch the box. The box should now display "Off".                          gns             CorF
3. Move and hold the channelat the desired position, then while keeping            —gox
the channel at the desired value touch the setup box.

Set all:
It is possible to set all the channels at the same time, to do so first turn
all the channels on as stated above, hold all the channels in the desired           set        all
position and select "Set all" at the bottom of the list. The system will           Reset          all
prompt for a comfirmation, select "V" for yes.
To Reset all channels, select the *Reset all" option.

Select the         icon to save and return to the previous menu.

6.6 Bri./Sound
This function controlls screen brightness and volume for the                       BR I . / SOUND
                                                                        @                 so
system.                                                                        o                         100

To make changes to brightness or volume touch and drag                  @
the black box located within the relavent slider. Then select
the          icon to save and return to the previous menu.

6.7 LED Setup
This function controls the LED‘s located inside the gimbal. When Idle color modeis off, the system will
change colour depending on vertical stick position. When Idle color mode is active the system will
maintain a single colour, touch the RGB sliders to change the color.
Then select theZNJlicon to save and return to the previous menu, select °V‘ when prompted.

6.8 Output Mode
The system has four output modes, PWM ,       PPM, i—BUS and S—BUS compatible.
To change between the modes touch the desired mode, the currently selected mode will have a black dot
within the circle beside it.

                                            OUTPUT MODE
                                  Output              Zerial
                                  * PWUM              * i—BUZ
                                  © PPM               © & . BUZ

Select the      icon to save and return to the previous menu.

6.9 Stick Mode
The system has4 stick modes to change from, to change the mode touch M1, 2, 3 or 4 on the right hand
side of the screen, The currently selected modeis highlighted in black.

Mode 1                                                Mode 2
                                                                       Throttle              Elevator

Mode 3                                                Mode 4


6.10 Select Model
The system stores up to 5 different model presets which can be recalled, quickly and easily.
To select a model:
1.   Touch the model number displayed in a black box.
2.   The system will now display the ID menu, use the on—screen up and down arrow keys to navigate to
     the desired model.
3.   Press the / to confirm or X to cancel.

                                              SEL . MODEL
                                     Current              model
                                                   ID     is
                                                   NO .    1

6.11 Model Reset
To reset the current model select model reset from the settings menu and select "Y" for yes. To cancel
press "N° .

6.12 Factory Reset
This function resets all settings back to default. To reset the system touch "Factory Reset" in the main
menu then when prompted touch "V" for yes.
Note: Once reset all user settings will be lost.

6.13 Firmware Update
To update the systemsfirmware:
1.   Download the latest firmware from
2. Open the firmware update on a computer and connect the system via usb cable.
3. Select *Firmware Update" from the systemsfunction menu. The system will show a prompt, "This will
   enter firmware update mode and halt other functions" with an option to continue, select "Y*. When in
   update mode the screen will turn off.
4. Once the system has been recognised by the computer select the update button at the bottom of the
   firmware update software.
Once the system has been updated it will restart. Once the system has restarted it is safe to remove the
USB cable.

6.14 About Evolution
This menu shows the product name, firmware version, firmware release date.

8. Package Contents
Product           Quantity
Evolution         1          ~rummiew

|TGY—iA6C         1

Micro USB Cable   1

User Manual       1

The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm
from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

       power systems

£FECEN678 K ...

Document Created: 2016-12-21 09:21:12
Document Modified: 2016-12-21 09:21:12

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