RF Exposure Info

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                                                 Appendix A
               SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 100 MHz — 6 GHz and < 50 mm
Approximate SAR Test Exclusion Power Thresholds at Selected Frequencies and Test Separation
Distances are illustrated in the following Table. The equation and threshold in 4.3.1 must be applied to
determine SAR test exclusion.

     MHz               5             10              15             20             25                mm
      150             39             77             116             155            194
      300             27             55             82              110            137
     450              22             45             67              89             112
      835             16             33             149             66             82
      900             16             32             47              63             79
     1500             12             24             37              49             o1              SAR Test
     1900             11             22             33              44             54         Threshold GuW)
     2450             10             19             29              38             48
     3600              8             16             24              32             40
     5200              7             13             20              26             33
     5400              6             13              19             26             32
     5800              6             12              19             25             31

     MHz              30             35             40              45              50               mm
      150            232            271             310            349             387
      300            164            192             219            246             274
     450             134            157             179            201             224
      835             98            115             131            148             164
      900             95            111             126            142             158
     1500             73             86             98             110             122           SAR Test
     1900             65             76              87             98             109        Threshold (mW)
     2450             57             67              77             86              96
     3600            47              55             63              71              79
     5200             39             46             53              59              66
     5400             39             45             52              58              65
     5800             37             44             50              56              62
Note: 10—g Extremity SAR Test Exclusion Power Thresholds are 2.5 times higherthanthe 1—g SAR Test £xclusion
      Thresholds indicated above. These thresholds do not apply, by extrapolation or other means, to occupational
      exposure limits.

                                                                                         FCC ID: N4ZFT1800

Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

         Channel              Output power (dBm)      Output power (mW)                          Result

           Lowest                    15.38                   34.51                 57            PASS

           Middle                    16.77                   47.53                 57            PASS

           Highest                   16.20                   41.69                 57            PASS

1.   Antenna gain=0dBi
2.   The max output power is less than SAR exempt limit, so SAR evaluation is not required.

Document Created: 2019-07-25 02:55:20
Document Modified: 2019-07-25 02:55:20

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