Users Manual

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                                                User Mamual

             Touching Infinity
_L      Copyright ©2019 Flysky Technology co., Itd

 Awanune:                                  2.4GHH—H

1.1 Safety Icons
Pay attention to the following icons and their meanings. Failure to follow these guidelines can result in equipment
damage or personal injury.

A WARNING             |+«     Not following these instructions may lead to minor injuries.

A CAUTION             «_      Not following these instructions may lead to major injuries.

A DANGER              «_      Not following these instructions may lead to serious injuries or death.

1.2 Safety Guide

                             () Prohibited                              a Mandatory
                 «_         Do not fly at night or in bad weather like rain or thunderstorm. It can cause erratic
                            operation or loss of control.
                 +          Do not use the product when the visibility is limited.
                 «_         Do not use the product on rainy or snowy days. Should any type of moisture (water or
                            snow) enter any component of the system, erratic operation and loss of control may
                 «_         Interference could cause loss of control. To ensure the safety of you and others, do not
                            operate in the following places:
                            «_  Near any site where other radio control activity may occur
                            «_  Near high voltage power lines or communication broadcasting antennas
                            «_  Near water with passenger boats nearby.
                            «_  Near high voltage wires or communication/broadcast antennas.
                 «_         Do not use this product if you are tired, uncomfortable or when using substances that
                            may impair your ability to use the product safely.
                 «_         The 2.4GHz frequency band requires line of sight from the transmitter to receiver at all
                            times. Avoid large obstacles that could block or interfere with the signal.

                 +«         In order to ensure good signal quality, do not hold the transmitters antenna during use.

                 +          Parts of the model, such as motors or ESC‘ s may remain hot for a period of time after
                            use and can cause severe burns.

                 +«         Improper use of this product may lead to serious injury or death to the user and others.
                            To ensure the safety of yourself and others read and follow the instructions set out in
                            the user manual.
                 «_         To avoid damage to the model, make sure that the product and model are installed
                            correctly before use.
                 _          Always power off the receiver before the transmitter. Powering off the receiver before
                            the transmitter could lead to loss of control.

                 «_         Before use make sure that all the servos and motors are moving in the correct direction.

                 «_         Make sure to remain within range to prevent loss of control.


2.Battery Safety Instructions

A Danger
     This products battery is rechargeable                      Do not charge batteries that show
     and non—removable. Do not remove                           any evidence of damage, aging,
     the battery from the product.                              leakage or exposure to liquids.

® Do not expose the battery to liquids.                        Do not touch the positive and
                                                               negative terminals of the battery
      l Do not use a damp battery, Keep your hands             together.
     try during use and do not leave batteries in areas
     with lots of moisture.

     Do not solder, repair, modify or                     ® Do not throw the battery into a fire.
     disassemble the battery.

     Do not charge the battery in direct                  ® Do not charge without ventilation.
     sunlight, in a hot car or near
     anything hot such as cookers etc.

    Do not use near flammable liquids or                  “ Charge before use.
                                                                El Failure to charge the battery before use may
                                                               lead to a crash.

A warNning

     Do not touch the charger or battery                  ® Do not throw or impact the battery
     during charging.

      M May cause burns                                         M may causefire or an explosion.

     Keep the battery away from any                            Put some tape on the battery‘ s
     heat sourceif it is leaking or causing                    terminals before recycling
     strange smells .
                                                                B If the short circuit causes fire, heat, rupture,
     El May catchfire or explode,                              etc.

     Do not store the battery in dusty or                       Do not charger the battery when
     humid environments.                                        exposed to extreme heat or cold

     I] Removedust from the power connector before              B may lead to a drop in battery performance.
     plugging in,                                              To ensure maximum performance always charge
                                                               the battery within the temperature range of 10°C—


3.Product Description

    The PL18 transmitter and FTr1Q receiver are an 18 channel 2.4GHz AFHDS 3 (Third generation automatic
frequency hopping d      I system) system compatible with fixed—wing, glider, helicopter, quadcopter and
various other vehicles.

3.1 System Features
AFHDS3 (third—generation automatic frequency hopping digital system) is a newly developed digital wireless
system. It is compatible with single antenna bidirectional real—time data packet transmission and data stream
transmission. With the advantages that come with the WS2A wireless system and the new 2.4GHz chip, the system
can dynamically set: number of channels, channel resolution, range, anti—interference requirements and latency to
meet the needs of different users.

  Single Antenna              a           .                        h                   .            .
    Bidirectional    |The [¢ceivercan receive data from the transmitter and the transmitter can receive data from the
   Real—time Data    receiver, this includes data from sensors, such as temperature and speed and support the —BUS.
                     [This gives more control over the aircraft and constant information on its current status.

                 [The independent uncorrected data transmission madule is built into RF system;it can send
 u'_'fi::::;:l::n many different types of data including flight control data.

   Intelligent re    |Depending onhardware, certification, the amount of data to be transmitted, anti—interference,
   confi fintion      latency and distance requirements, the system intelligently adapts the corresponding RF
        ®            configuration to meet the requirements ofthe user.

   Multi—channel     |This systems bandwidth ranges from 2.402GHz to 2.480GHz. This band is divided in 140
     Frequency       Ichannels. Each transmitter hops between 16 channels (32 for Japanese and Korean versions} in
      Hopping        lorder to reduce interference from other transmitters.

     Unique ID       Each transmitter and receiver has it‘s own unique ID. Once the transmitter and receiver have
    Recognition      been paired, they will only communicate with each other, preventing other systems accidentally
      System         lconnecting to or interfering with the systems operation.

    Low Power        [The system is built using highly sensitive low power consumption components, maintaining
   Consumption       [high receiver sensitivity, while consuming as litle as one tenth the power of a standard FM
                     Isystem, dramatically extending battery life.

3.2 Transmitter Overview

  Front View:

   [2]    em——————                           <                                      [17]
   [3]                                                                              [18]
   [4]                                                                              [19]
   [s]                                                              a               [20]
   (6]                            i                  .              =               [21]
   [7]                                 mmmner                                       [22]
   [8]                       1                                                      [%Z]

   $ =<l{                              "                                        =[

                                             2                                  _

   E%] m  wout          N¥            pei sB                   27               mm [27)
   [13]                     E_ w                 m          t                   =m [28]
   (14] m                         0 0 C                                         mm [29]
   (15] m               J                    6                                  mm [30]

  [1]     Antenna                     [13]       TR7 Trim

  [2]     320*480px Screen            [14]       VRA Knob

  [3]     SWF 2 Position Switch       [15]       VRB Knob
  [4]     SWE 3 position switch       [16]       Power Button
  [5]     SWB 3 Position Switch       [17]       SWD 3 Position Switch
  [6]     VRD Knob                    [18]       SWH 2 Position Switch with Self—return
  [7]     TRL Button                  [19]       SWG 2 Position Switch
  [8]     SWA Button                  [20]       VRE Knob
  [9]     Left Gimbal                 [21]       TR2 Button
  [10]    Button                      [22]       SWC Button
  [11]    TR5 Trim                    [23]       Transmitter Status Indicator

  [12]    Speaker                     [24]       Lanyard Eye


Back View:


[31]                                                                [38]
[32]                                                                [39]

[34]                                                                [41]

[25]   Right Gimbal                [35]   Grip
[26]   TR4 Button                  [36]   Micro USB Port

[27]   TRG Trim                    [37]   Trainer Port
[28]   TR8 Trim                    [38]   Grip
[29]   VRC Knob                    [39]   FRM301 Press to release FRM301
[30]   Power Button                [40]   FRM30L RF Module
[31]   Bluetooth Module Port       [41]   Gimbal Tension Adjustment
[32]   FRM301 Status Indicator     [42]   Grip
[33]   FRM301 Button               [43]   RF Module Port

[34]   Gimble Tension Adjustment   [44]   Wireless Charging Area


 3.2.1 Transmitter Antenna

The PL18 has a built in antenna with no need for manual adjustment.

     A Note           *       To ensure a good signal do not cover or block the antenna.

3.2.2 Stick/Knob/Switch/Button

The PL18 has 2 sticks, 6 switches, 5 knobs and 2 buttons.
*       Gimbakused to control the aileron {also known as roll), lift (also known as pitch), throttle and rudder.
+       Switch:Used to control the auxiliary channels or to switch control states.
*       Knob: Used to control the auxiliary channels.
*       Button: Used to control the auxiliary channels or to switch control states.

3.2.3 Status Indicator

The status indicator is used to indicate the power and status of the transmitter.
«_      Off: The transmitter power is off.
«_      Color (blue, yellow, pink, green): The transmitter poweris on and is in normal working condition.
+       Flashing red: Low voltage alarm.

3.2.4 Trim Switch

The transmitter has a total of 8 sets of trim switches that can be used to adjust the center point of each channel.
You can set how much the trim changes the center point per press, the default is 5 units. If you press and hold the
trim button down it will cause rapid changes to the value.
3.2.5 Gimbal Mode

This system supports four control modes, which assigns which stick and direction controls throttle, rudderetc.
Select [Mode 1], [Mode 2}, [Mode 3] or [Mode 4] as desired. The green icon indicates the currently selected mode
{system default [Mode 2]), then adjust the gimbals as needed to match the mode.                  m

Mode Selection:
[Touch the main interface icon & ——[System
Settings] —— [Stick Mode]——then select a mode
from those presented (as shown on the right).Touch
the back icon IM to save and exit.

Function Settings:
By adjusting the tension screws on the back of the radio, gimbal stick can be either self—centering or non self—centering, as well as changing
btick tension preference.
Available options:         |®—® |left &right side gimbalsticks automaticself centering |@.@®           Efisifl{,;ight side gimbal stick vertical
                           (@ . ® |left & right side gimbalstick horizontal tension          (@ . ®    |throttle stick vertical friction
Left gimbalas example:
Non Self—returning 1.        Use a Phillips screwdriver to adjust the screw ® counterclockwise untll the gimbal reachesits center point.
                   2.        Adjust screw @ counterclockwise to adjust the Frictional strength.
                   3.        Ifyou need to adjust the strength of the return, adjust screw © to the middle, and strengthen the clockwise force,
                              and vice versa as needed.

Self—return and       1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to adjust the screw ® clockwise so thatthe gimbal is no longer at its center point.
     Non self—retum   5,     adjust the screw @ clockwise to strengthen or reduce the Frictional strength..
                      3. If you need to adjust the strength of the return, adjust screw ® to the middle, and strengthen the clockwise force,
                           andvice versa as needed.


>    When the counterclockwise adjustment is made, entire range of movement of the screw is about 3mm. Be
     cautious not to adjust it too far or the screw will fall out.

                                     e   e             ©

         &                                                                 ©
         @                                     S                                                                                             8
                                                           I               ©
         ®                           N

                                 I                             1

         ®                       I                             1

                                         Gimble Front View

3.2.6 Throttle Mode

You can select [Non Self—returning] or [Self—return and Non self—return], the system defaults [Non Self—returning]
then adjust the gimbals as needed to match the mode.

                                                                                                        1:FlySkyOt   RX   TX mm                  <

                                                                                                     Non self centering
Mode Selection:                                                                                       SeLF centen                        @
[Touch the main interface icon & ——[System                                                             20 CE
Settin%s] —— [Throttle Mode]——then select a
mode from those presented (as shown on the right).
72 Touch the back icon M to save and exit.

Function Settings:
By adjusting the tension screws on the back of the radio, gimbal stick can be either self—centering or non self—centering, as well as changing,
stick tension preference.

Available options: |®.®          |left & right side gimbal sticks automatic self centering |@. ®      {gm:‘tsfarqight side gimbal stick vertical
                      ®.®        |left & right side gimbal stick horizontal tension        @.         throttle stick vertical friction
Left gimbal as example:
Non Self—returning. 1, se a Phillips screwdriver to adjust the screw @ counterclockwise until the gimbal reachesits center point.
                     2.     Adjust screw @ counterclockwise to adjust the Frictional strength.
                     3.     If you need to adjust the strength of the return, adjust screw @ to the middle, and strengthen the clockwise force,
                             and vice versa as needed.
Self—return and      1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to adjust the screw ® clockwise so that the gimbal is no longer atits center point.
Non self—return             Adjust the screw @® clockwise to strengthen or reduce the Frictional strength..

                     3. If you need to adjust the strength of the return, adjust screw © to the middle, and strengthen the clockwise force,
                          and vice versa as needed.

e    When the counterclockwise adjustment is made, entire range of movement of the screw is about 3mm. Be
     cautious not to adjust it too far or the screw will fall out.


3,2.7 Power Buttons

To prevent the system from being powered on or off by mistake the PL18 uses a dual power button system. Press
and hold both power buttons to power on the transmitter.

3.3 Receiver Overview

                                                                       CHI —CHT

                                                                                          Serial Port


3.3.1 Receiver Antenna

The FTr1Q uses AFHDS 3 (3rd Generation Automatic Frequency Hopping Digital System) with dual antenna bidirectional

A cavmion             Do not pull, bend ortie the receivers antenna or connect it to a servo.

                  +   Keep the receivers antenna away from conductive materials such as carbon or metal.
A CAUTION             To ensure normal function make sure there is a gap of at least 1cm between the
                      antenna and the conductive material.

A caurion             Ensure that the two antennas are mounted at 90 degrees to each other, as shown

3.3.2 Status Indicator
Thestatus indicator is used to indicate the power and operating status of the receiver.
*   Off: The receiver poweris not connected.
*   Steady red: The receiver is connected to the power supply and is working properly.
+   Fastflashing: The receiveris in bind mode.
+   Slow flashing: The paired transmitter is powered off or signal is lost.

3.3.3 Ports

These ports are used to connect thereceiver to thevarious components of the model.
«_  PPM/CH1: Can be connected to a servo or output PPM signal.
+   CH1—CH 10:CH 1— CH 10: Can be connected to servos or act as a powersupply orfor other components.
*   B/VCC: Used to connectthe bind cable when activating bind mode and connect the power during normal
+   i—BUS sensor interface (SENS): used to connect compatible sensors.
*   SENVO: expands the numberof channels and outputs for |—BUS or S—BUS signals.


4.Preflight Setup
      Follow the instructions and guidelines in this chapter before use.

4.1 Receiver and Servo Installation

Make sure that the receiver is mounted in an appropriate location within the model, to ensure a stable signal,
maximum range and to mitigate external interference, follow these guidelines:

Pay attention to the following when Installing the recelver:
11. Make sure the receiver is not installed near ESCs or other sources of electrical noise.
2.   Keep the receivers antenna away from conductive materials such as carbon or metal. To ensure normal function
L    make sure there is a gap of at least 1cm between the antenna and the conductive material,
3.   Ensure that the two antennas are mounted at 90 degrees to each other, as shown below.

A Note           |+   To prevent damage do not power on the receiverduring installation.

5.O0peration Guidelines

     Once the modelis set up follow these guidelines to set up the transmitter and receiver.

5.1 Power On

Follow the steps below to power on:

L.   Check to make sure the receiveris installed correctly and that the receiver is powered off.
2.   Press and hold both power buttons until the screen lights up.
B.   Poweron the receiver.

A Note              +   The system is now active, be cautious to not cause damage or personal injury.

A Note             +«   For your safety, all switches must be set to their highest position, and the throttle to its
                        lowest position before the transmitter will power on.

5.2 Binding
The transmitter and receiver have been pre—bound at the factory.
If you need to rebind or bind a new receiver follow the steps below:

L.Power on the transmitter, touch the function menu icon then
enter the RX setup menu.
[2.If required, the RF standard can be changed from AFHDS 2—way
and AFHDS 1—way. To do this select RF standard located in the RF
setup menu, then select 1—way or 2—way as needed. Touch the back
icon to save and exit.
[3.Touch [Bind with a receiver], then touch [yes] when prompted, to                    1:FlySkyO1   RX    TX mm    <
enter bind mode.
4.Insert the bind cable into the receivers BIND port.
5. Power on the receiver, The receiver‘ s status indicator will start                                Binding. ..
flashing to indicate that it has entered bind mode.
6. When the receiver‘ s status indicator stops flashing then
binding has been successful. Power of the receiver then remove
the bind cable and powerit back on again.

     «_   If [AFHDS3 2—way) is selected, the transmitter automatically
          exits the code interface once the binding process is
     +    If [AFHDS3 1—way) is selected, manually touch the back icon
          to exit bind mode.

[7.Check that the transmitter, receiver and model are all working as
expected. If there are any abnormal movements, repeat the steps


5.3 Preflight Checks

Always perform the following steps before each flight:

L. Inspect the entire system to make sure that everything is working as expected.
2. Perform a range test as outlined in the [13.3 Range Test] section of the user manual.

A DANGER          |«   Do not use the modelif there are any abnormal behaviors during the test.

A vancser              Do not exceed the maximum rated range during use.

A CAUTION         |+   Ambient interference caused by othersignal sources may cause interference.

5.4 Model Settings

This system supports five types of models: fixed wing/glider, helicopter, quad and excavator. Follow the steps
below to set up the system for each model type:
1. Select model type: Touch the function menu icon 3 ——enter the [Models] menu—touch [select model
typel,Select the desired model type from thelist shown on screen.
    *   Once a model type is selected the system will automatically go to that model types [Model structure] page.
    +   Fixed wing/gliders are both the same option.
2. Setting up the model structure:
For information on setting up Fixed—wing/glider refer to section 8.3 of this user manual.
For information on setting up Helicopters refer to section 9 of this user manual.
For drone setup select newbie or expert according to your level of expertise.

    *   Once the model setup has been completed the system will assign channels to each function. Use the onscreen
        diagram to help set up your model or select [Channels assign] to manually assign each function to a channel.

A DANGER          |*   When connecting the receiver to the model make sure that each channel is in a safe
                       position in order to avoid damage to the aircraft.

5.5 Power Off

Follow these steps to poweroff the system.

L. Power off the receiver.
2. Press and hold both of the transmitters power buttons until the screen powers off.

A panger          |*   To avoid any risk of loosing control of the model, always power off the receiver
                       before powering off the transmitter.


6. UI

    This is an interdiction to the transmitter‘ s UI

6.1 UI Overview
The main interface displays information related to the model such as sensorinformation and function status.

   Model nam                                                                                     Receiver power status
                                                                                                 Transmitter power
 Signal strength            Mkbaee sn
                                                                    Lhet tC _i E—Funcflon menu icon
            Sensot                                                     Model timer
    information               TX voltage 1:4. 067                                                Timer
                                                                        an:on: on
                                                                        uc ou‘t uu
                            F RX voltage 1:5. 16¥                                          P
         Status Ba                                                    Engine timer

                                                                        0+ OJ * D

  Leftstick tri                                                     Multi.     timer 1           Right stick trim
  posm%r:)&J’I\z                                                                                 position (UP/DOWN)

                                                                    Multi.     timer 2
     Model type————Bj
                                                                         on:on n
                                                                         Ou O , 10
  Leftstick trim

        RIGH                                                                                     Rightstick trim
    Lock scree                                                                                   position (LEFT/RIGHT)

6.1.1 Status Bar (Top)

     7                                                                     Function menu icon: Touch this icon to
"llhAncicatd                                                               enter the function menu.

                                                            —               Battery Full

                                                            — ES] Receiver battery full

                                                            — es

                     [Signal strength(This baris not displayed if a receiver is not connected)

6.1.2 Quick Access

ulll 1 :F1ySkyO1                         GOfje                        Touch this area to access the [Sensor selection menu]
                                                                      Up to 4 sensors can be displayed.
            Sensors                         Model timer               For more information refer to section [7.17] of this
  TX voltage 1:4. O6Y
                                             mimemit i imin               manual.
                                             LCOR+ _E + L_ML_I
  RX voltage 1:5. 16¥
  Signal strength 1:100                    Engine timer
                                                                      Touch this area to access the [Timer] settings menu.
  RSSI 1:—43dBn
                                                                      For more information refer to section [7.11] of this
                                          Kulti.         timer 1      \____manual.

                                                Sn — WH
                                                L0 + L8 ,

                                          Multi.         timer 2
                                                                      Touch this are to access the [Aircraft Structure] menu.

                                                LUrLc * L_MLC .       For more information refer to section [7.16] of this
6.2 Menu UI

This section is a quick introduction on how to use the UI.

6.2.1 Function Icons
                      0|@) 0| ©

                                                                       0) @)0)©

                                  Screen Lock                                     Screen unlocked

                                  Function Disabled                               Function active

                                  Restore to default                              Function select

                                  Assign switches                                 Set curve type

6.3 Gimbal, Knob and Switch Assignment

    +    The system has both 2—way and 3—way switches,
                                                                                                    Ei      LSW
         when at bottom/middle position the switch is
    +    Thesticks are by default assigned to aileron,
         elevator and throttle.
    +    Knobs (VrA—VrE) can be assigned to control some                                    RUDD
         function parameters in real time.                                                  THRO

    +    Switches can also be assigned to logic switches to
         control conditions.


7.General Function Settings
    This chapter introduces the main system functions.

7.1 Reverse Function

This function reverses the direction of motion for each channel.

 Function Settings:
 This function can reverse the direction of travel for all
 18 channels.
 [Normal]: indicates that this channel output is the
                                                                                   1:FlySkyO1       TX mm                <
 default direction;
                                                                                CHL      (ATLE)     :Nornal    C]
 [Reverse]: indicates that the channel‘ s direction of
 travel has been reversed.                                                      CH2      (BLEY)     ‘Reverse

     «_   If a new model is connected make sure that all                        cHs     (THRo)      :Nornal    D

          the servos are moving in the right direction.                         CH4     (RUDD)      :Nornal    C]
     «_   Move each stick to make sure that the control
          surfaces are moving in the correct directions.                        CHS     (ATLEZ)     :Nornal    C]        O

 Touch the box to the right of the channel name to
 toggle reverse for that channel. If there is a tick in the
 box it means that the channel is reversed.

7.2 End Points

This function changes the max range of movement for each channel.
Every model is different, as such many have different requirements when it comes to how far a control surface
should move,if a control surface moves too far it may damage the model. The End points function limits the range
of movement for each channel to prevent this.

Note: If the channels center point is not in the right position it will be impossible to set the outer limits of the
channel movement properly. If this is an issue use the Subtrim function to move the center point first.

 Function Settings:
 This function adjusts the maximum range of movement
 for the channels up and down sides independently by
                                                                                    Bakc s        uxm
 between 0 and 120%.
                                                                                 on     (ATLE)
 [Up side]: range of movement above the channel center
 point.                                                                          cit2   (BLEY)

 [Down side]: range of movement below the channel
                                                                                         ut sU

                                                                                 CH3 Domn side
 center point.
 The currently selected side will be highlighted in light
 The green bar is the current position of the channel.                                   _        cm Em.a}
 1. Select a channel.                                                                   w            s              mm
 2. Select the Up or Down side as needed.
 3. Use the + and — keys to change the end point position.
 4. Repeat with other side as needed.
 5. Touch the back icon to save and exit.


7.3 Subtrim

This function is used to adjust the center point of each channel.
Due to the structure of some models the servos center point may need to be adjusted so that when at rest all the
control surfaces line up properly.
When using this function make sure that the stick, knobetc. is at its center position.
Function Settings:
[This function adjusts the Subtirm of all 18 channels
  ithin a range of —120% to 120%.

L. Select a channel.                                                 m              mt t
2. Use the + and — icons to adjust the channels center               _ ‘il:m
                                                                       i— +

74 Trims

The trims function adjusts throttle, pitch, roll and rudder channel‘ s center points using the built in trim buttons
on the PL18.
During use a models control surfaces may move out of alignment because of the stresses they are experiencing
and as such will needto be adjusted during flight,
This function should not be used to fix issues with control surface alignment except as a last resort. When possible
make changes to the model to fix these errors before flight.
 Function Settings:
 This function can bet set to a max of 120 and a minimum
 of —120, The amount that the function steps with each
 button press can be customnized between 1 and 10, the                pmememreey7
 default step size is 5.                                            Condition 15 orma
 1. This function is always active, however when a trim              trim s (mo)      :o
 switch is used the current value will be displayed in the
                                                                    Tas o(@iipremnbeant7
 center of the screenfora few seconds.                                           Manempmane     m
 2. To adjust the trim of a channel move it‘ s                      mepam
 corresponding trim switch up to increase and down
 :o decrease. If you toggle and h(f);d the trim switch the          Trix o tms
  unction will move through steps faster.
     + This function should only be used during                                     =
          flight and is not a long term fix for alignment
          problems.                                                                                       ®)

7.5 EXP (Exponential Function)

This function changes the relationship between input and output.
An example of this would be for every 1 step the input moves, the channel will move 2 steps. This can also be set
in a certain range, so for example if it is required that the aileron be more responsive towards the middle of the
stick" s range of movement, but less responsive on the outer limits of stick s movement.


Function Settings:

[Ratio): Clamps the maximum and minimum value and as a result reduces the steepness of the curve.
[EXP]: How much curve is added to the line. It can be adjusted between —100% and +100%.
The box highlighted in light green is the currently selected setting.
The horizontal axis on the graph is the stick/knob/input‘ s true position.
The vertical axis on the graph is the adjusted output.
The red line is the current relationship between input and output.
1. Select a channel and touch the [] icon to activate the function.
2. Touch [Rate) or [EXP] as needed.
3. Use the + and — keys to change the setting‘ svalue.
       IEptroomdeEt:                    h                                  EprooeeEt—]                                     K
     AILE stick                  :Off                                 Condition 1: Normal

                                                                      I                          [                Rate 1
     BLEY stick                  :ofe                                                            |                 Nor)
     THRO stick                  :ofe
     RUDD stick                  :ofe                                                            I
                                                                      so                         :
                                                                      s                          .
     Knob YRA                    :ofe   O
                                        8                             1co Eusn on
                                                                                i smm                                      O

       PHabcs       RX       iC         <                                  1:FlySkyO1       RX       iC                    <

     On switch           :None                                                    EB
     Dual. switch        :None                                                     ;                          3
     Rate knob           :None                                                          ©             .       )
     Exp. knob           :None                                                              t             I
                                                                                                 o o o
Switches, knobs etc. can be assigned to control the function by touching the @ icon.

[On switch]: Toggle the function on and off using a switch or logic switch.
a. Touch the @) icon to enable. Then select a switch from the chart.
b. Select the desired on position from the options for that switch or move the switch to that position.
c.. Press the back icon twice to return to the main function menu. The function can now be toggled on and off using
the assigned switch.
     +   When a switch is assigned to [On switch] the function can no longer be toggled on and off by touching
         the @ or @@® icon.
[Dual switch]: A switch can or logic switch can be used to switch between 2 different stored settings for Rate and EXP.
a. Touch the @ icon to enable. Then select a switch and switch position.
b. Use the back icon to go back to the functions Rate and EXP menu and set the parameters as needed.
c. Toggle the assigned switch, then set up the second set of parameters as needed.
d. Now when the switch is toggled the function will jump between the 2 saved presets.
[Rate knob] Assign a knob to control the Rate parameter.
a. Selecta knob from the chart.
b. Use the B icon to go back to the rate and exp menu and turn the selected knob to make sure it is functioning as
    «_   When a knob is selected the + and — icons will no longer be able to change the rate value.
[EXP knob]: Follow the same steps as for [Rate knob].


7.6 Throttle Curve

This function changes the output curve for the throttle channel. A curve can be created using 3 — 11 different points
so that the user has much better control of the aircraft‘ sengine.
A curve can also be set in the EXP function.

  Function settings:
  This function supports two different types of curve, a /
  curve and a V curve. Each curve type can be set to have                1:FlySkyO1     RX     TX mm                 <
  between 3 and 11 points.                                             Condition 1: Normal
  The horizontal axis represents the input value of the
  throttle stick;
  The vertical axis represents the output value of the
  throttle after adjustment;
  The red line is the linear relationship between the input
  value and the output value;
  The "L" icon below the coordinates indicates the first
  point on the curve;
  The box highlighted in light green is the currently                    1:FlySkyO1      RX    TX mm                 <
  selected setting.

                                                                       3 points, / type

  1. Touch the @ icon to enter the curve selection                     3 points, V type

      «_  Every time the curve type is changed the                     5 points,      / type

          previous curve settings will be lost. The system
                                                                       5 points, V type
         will ask for conformation before changing the
            curve type.                                                7 points,      / type

  2. Choose a curve type from the list. Once a curve is
  selected the system will automatically return to the
  curve chart.
  3. Touch a point to select it, then use the + and — icons
  to change the points value. Repeat with other points as

7.7 Throttle Down
This function has allows the throttle channel to hold
2 different positions, one to cut the engine and one to
keep the engine idling.
                                                                         1:FlySkyO1     RX     TX mm
[Idle up]: Keeps the throttle from dropping below a                    Condition 1: Normal
minimum set value to stop the engine from stalling.                    Tdle up (None)                    10%

[Throttle cut]: Reduces the throttle to 0 in order to turn                               CHS   (THRO

off the engine. Once this function is active the throttle              iss ns               u                  mmz
                                                                                     Tdle up: Off
will can no longer be controlled by the stick. For safety                       Throttle cut: Off
reasons this function will not activate unless the
throttle channel is below 30 percent. If the throttle is
above 30 percent when this function is activated, then it
will take effect as soon as the throttle drops below that


 Function Settings:
 Idle up can bet set to a value between 0 and 100%.
 [Idle up {none)]: means that no switch is assigned to the
 Idle up function and as such is not active. When a switch
 is assigned to it will be shown in the brackets, for example
 [Idle up (SwA)J: The percentage to the right of the switch
                                                                                1:FlySkyO1    RX       TX mm              <
 notification indicates the channel position when the
 function is active.                                                         Tdle up               : Swa(Up)
 [Off]: located below the channel bar, indicates which
                                                                             Throttle cut          _: None
 function is active and inactive.
 [On]: indicates which function is active.
 1. Touch the @ icon to enter the switch selection menu.
 2. Touch Idle up or Throttle cut, then select a switch and
 switch position from the chart. The switch position can
 also be selected by moving the desired switch to the                                                                     (@)
 desired position.
 3. Use the @icon to return to the functions main menu
 and toggle the switch to test.

7.8 Channel offset
                                                                                Rakc s       l

                                                                             oi .   (ATLe)
This function will offset the channel to one side or the
                                                                             cne    (BLBy)
other, this can be used to fix issues with an aircrafts
control surfaces not lining up correctly, however, the                       cis (rmo) esnstd                                    m
channel will also lose some range on one side or the                         on (ann Epnattion 13 Nereat
other, and as such should only be used as a last resort.                      idns
                                                                             cils   (AlLE
 Function Settings                                                                                             on (arle
                                                                                             t o                   s       s m
 This function can be used for all 18 channels and has a
 range of + and — 50%. s                                                                            =                            (a
 1. Select a channel.                                                                                                            it
 2. Use the+ and — icons to adjust the offset.

7.9 Conditions
Conditions can store settings for many different functions at the same time. If different setups are needed for
different situations, like take off, flight and landing, conditions can, at the flick of a switch, change settings across
several supported functions at the same time.

    +   Example: If for takeoff the user requires a different throttle curve and a mix which is more sensitive for rudder
        and pitch but not for roll, then once the aircraft is in the air needs a completely different set of curves for those
    +   Notall functions can be used with conditions however, any function that can be used will have [Condition x:
        name], where x is the condition number and name is the currently active conditions name.
    +   Conditions have different priorities, condition 5 being the highest and condition 1 being the lowest. This
        means that if conditions 1, 2 and 3 are all toggled on at the same time, only condition 3 will be active. If all
        conditions are toggled off then the default condition, condition 1, will be active.


                                                                                   1:FlySkyO1      _RX       TX uk                   <
 FunCtlon_ s_ettmgS: —                             —                             Condition 1: Normal (Default)
 The conditions function can hold up to 5 different data sets,
 each of which can be copied, pasted and renamed. In order to                    Condition 2: Take off(Off)
 activate a condition it must be assigned to a switch.
                                                                                 Condition 3: High speed(Off)
      *    The currently selected condition can be see at the
              home screen. See [6.1] for more details.                           Condition 4: 3D flight (Off)
 1. Select a condition.
 [Name]: Displays the conditions name.                                           Condition 5: Landing (Off)                          @
 [Copy]: Copies the conditions settings to another condition.
 2. Touch [Name] and use the on—screen keyboard to enter a                         EBscs s          _                                F€
 new name. When Pnished touch the &¥ icon to save and exit.                      Condi tion 2 Take of£
 3. Touch [Copy], then select a condition to overwrite from the                                 The will copy
 list.                                                                           Condi tion         cond. 1(Normal)
 4. Touch the @ icon to enter the switch assign menu, select a                         =———|    to cond. 2(Take off}.
 switch and position from the diagram or move a switch to the                    Condition|              &re you sure?
 desired position. Press the [¥ icon to save and exit.                           canuu,              M           W
         *    The Prst condition is the default condition and as such
              cannot have a switch assigned to it.

7.10 Logic switches

A logic switch is a virtual switch connected to 2 physical switches which activates or deactivates according to a
mathematical relationship between the two.
Example: Logic switch, "and" gate. If only switch one or switch 2 is active, the logic switch will remain off,
howeverif switches 1 and 2 are active at the same time, then the lotic switch will activate.
A logic switch can be used in any function that can assign switches.
Function Settings
There are 3 logic switches.
 [Select Sw): Touch here to select a switch from the switch selection menu.
AND: If switches 1 and 2 are active, then the logic switch will be on.
 OR: If switches 1 or 2 are active, or switches 1 and 2 are both on, the logic switch will be on.
XOR: If switches 1 or 2 are active, then the logic switch will be on, but if switches 1 and 2 are both active the logic
switch will be off.
[Switch1]: Displays the status of switch 1.
[Switch2]:Displays the status of switch 2.
[Logic switch1]:Shows the status of logic switch.
L. Select a logic switch.                                      (             en                                                  K
2. Touch the top Select Sw., then select a switch and
position.       P
3. Touch the bottom Select Sw., then select a switch
and position.                                                                     wl           “                           hi
     +  The logic switch will not function without 2
        physical switches assigned.                                                            Switch1: oPF
4. Select a logic gate, AND, OR or XOR as needed                                               Switch2: ofF
     +       Refer to the table below for more information                          Logic switch1: OPF                           Q
             on logic gates and their function.
5. Toggle the switches to make sure everything is
                                                                    Switch 1 Switch 2     AND                               OR
working as expected.
                                                                   off       off      off                            off         off
                                                                   off       on       off
                                                                   on        off      off
                                                                   on       on                                                   off


7.11 Timer

Select from a variety of timers to keep tracking of things such as, flight time, lap time etc.

[Model/Engine timer]: Used to keep track of flight time.

 Function Settings:                                                              Te s s O   s       Ts im

 1. Touch Model or Engine timer, then touch the [J icon
 to activate the timer.                                                               it mm mm
 2. For the engine timer, use the + and — keys to set the                             Jnn Sonont 1 JonCant
 trigger point on the throttle channel. This trigger point
 will start and stop the timer.

 [Model Timer]: shows the cumulative time that the
 throttle exceeds the alarm value, in hours, to the nearest

 [Engine Timer]: shows the cumulative time that the                                &    &
 throttle exceeds the alarm value, in minutes, to the                           EE & BE & Efl                bomk
 nearest second;
                                                                                            THRO: 10. O%
 [Reset]: Resets the timers to 0.                                                     Ti

 Note: The engine timer will not work unless the
 transmitter is connected to a receiver.

[Multipurpose timer]: The system has 2 multipurpose timers. Both of these timers are identical.

 Function Settings:
                                                                                       1:FlySkyO1    RX     TX mm
 1. Select [Multipurpose Timer 1/2].

                                                                                                                    {6 E@@@
 2. Select the timer type.                                                           Up timer
 3. If you select [down timing] or [down then up], you
                                                                                     Down timer
 need to use the "+"         "—"_ to set the timer, the system
 defaults to 5 minutes; if you select [up timing], you can                           Down then up
 omit this step;
 4. Touch [Start] to start the timer.

 Touch [Stop], to pause the timer.




 Touch [Reset] to reset the timer.

 Touch the @ icon to assign a switch to control the timer.

[Voice prompts]
This function can be selected according to the needs of the voice prompt [multipurpose timer 1] or [multipurpose
timer 2].

7.12 Trainer Mode

This function is used so that a coach may teach a student but remain in control when needed.
In the PL18 coaching system, you can select the channel that the coach transmitter is used for guidance and the
channel data input by the student machine for [Joystick or Knob], [Basic Function], [Output Channel]. Take full
control of the student‘s actions and complete the coaching settings you want according to your habits.
This system supports any transmitter that uses standard PPM signals as the output.


                                                                        L:F Iriler01

 Function Settings:                                               CH1                   :CH1

 This function can be use for channels 1 to 8.                    Cit2                  :CH2

 1. Touch the @@ icon to activate the function then select        CitB                  :CH3

 a channel.                                                                                          Stick or knob
                                                                  CH4                   :CH4   (R
 2. Select [Sick or Knob], [Basic Function], [Output
 Channel] or [None] in the list;                                  cils                  :0l5   (A1
                                                                                                     Besic function

 [Joystick/Knob] means that the channel signal output                                                Output Channel            ®
 from the student‘ s radio will be processed by all
 functions of the trainers radio. Sticks, knobs, VrA—VrG (PIC.
                                                                   Euse sc
 a) can be selected.
 [Basic function] means that the signal output from the          MLB stick

 student‘ s radio will be processed by the trainer‘ s            BLEV stick
 radio. Basic functions such as optional aileron, lift,
 throttle, and direction, such as function delay (PIC.b).        THRO stick

 [Output channel] means that the signal output from the          RUDD stick                            atc d          Ls

 student‘ /s radio will only be processed by the output                                              AuLE                      ®)
 of the transmitter, such as linear mixing. Choice of 1—18       Knob YRA
 channels (PIC.C).                                                             PIC.a                 *
 [None] means that after entering the coaching function,                                             Tiko
 this channel is not controlled by the student‘ s radio.

                                                                   Pss Sm
                                                                 om        (aTLe)                           .‘
 1. Power on the trainer‘s radio and enter [Trainer              cit2      (BLey)
 2. Power on the student‘ s radio.                               cis       (Tiko)
 3. Connect the two radios using the training wire. If           cu4       (Rupd)
 the student‘ /s radio is not a PL18 make sure that the
 connector is compatible, if not it may be possible to           Cii5      (RILEZ)

 purchase an adapter.                                                                          PIC.C
 4. To give the student control hold down the SwH switch
 or touch the [J icon to assign a new switch.

7.13 Aux. Channels
This function enables control of channels out side of the default channels assigned to the model.
Depending on the model type and aircraft structure, more or less channels will be available. Examples of channels
that will be in use could be, aileron, throttle etc. The default channels can be changed in the [Channels assign]
    +«   An example of an aux channel would be using aux 5 to control landing gear.

                                                                           1:FlySkyO1     RX        TX mm                  <
 [Channel 5 (Auxiliary Channel 5}]: [SwF (up)] indicates                cH11 (aUK. 11)                   : SWH (Up)
 that the 5th channel is named [Auxiliary Channel 5],
 controlled by SwF. When SwF is up, the channel value is                CHI2 (AUX. 12)                   :None
 2000, SwF is downward, and the channel value is 1000. ;
                                                                        CHI3 (AUX.
 [Channel 6 (Auxiliary Channel 6)] indicates that the
 default name of the 6th channel is [Channel 6 (Auxiliary               CH14 (AUX.
 Channel 6)]: None, and there is no control.
 1. Select a channel.                                                   CHIS (AUX.
 2. Touch [name] and use the on screen keyboard to
 name the channel. Touch the back icon to save and exit.
 3. Touch control and select an element to control the
 channel. If using a logic switch physical switches will
 need to be assigned in the logic switch menu.


Document Created: 2019-07-15 15:53:45
Document Modified: 2019-07-15 15:53:45

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