User manual part II


Users Manual

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      STEPS :
    Under the state of the initial
    picture, press MENU key forlong,
    access the main menu.                             i

7                                                    A
    Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
    SETTING menus, and press MENU key
    for short into next submenu.
*                                                    JA
                                                          END POINT :
7                                                   hi    The most flexible version of travel adjustment
    Press UP/DOWN key select the RND,                     available. It independently adjusts each end
   POINT menus, and press MENU
h. for short into next submenu.
                                               key        of each individual servo‘s travel, rather than
                                                          one setting for the servo that affects both
                          ‘*:*\\‘-y}”                     directions. Ranges fron0% to 120%.
x                                                    ~

    Pross UP/DOWK key to choose the E.POINT sereen,       Press the UP or DOWM key to select the E. POINT
A                                                    .t   screen.
                          %5‘;’5‘_,                       Press "+"or"—" key to adjust the END POINT pos—
    Press "+"or"—" key to adjust th                       ition for that selected channel.
    E. POINT position for that selecced                   Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                          Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
    Press MENU key for short to keep
    result and return last menu,.                         NOTE:Do not use excessive E. POINT values as
    press EXIT key for short to not
    keep and       treurn to last menu.                   it is possible to overdrive the servo‘s maxim—
                                                          um travel.


     STEPS :
    Under the state of the initial
    picture, press MENU key forlong,
    access the main menu.

    Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
    SETTING menus, and press MENU ke Y
    for short into next submenu.
\                                                         THRO HOLD:
                                                          The Throttle hold function is used to practice
    Press UP/DOWN key select the THROJ
                                                          autorotation and is often use as a safety switch
    HOLD menus, and press MENU key                        for electric helicopters, olding the throttle
    for short into next submenu.                          in the off position. When the throttle hold swite
                                                          is activated the throttle hold function holds
x                                                         the throttle servo/ESC in a specific position
                                                          (normally low or off throttle)while all other
    Prass UP/DOWN kay to chaose the THEO HOLDM acreen.J
                                                          servos function normally.

    Press "+"or"—" key to select the
    state(INT or ACT) and change tha
    throttle bold value. .                                Press the UP or DOWM key to select the THRO HOLD
                                                          Press "+"or"—" key to select the state (INT OR ACT)
[Prass MENU key for short to kee]                         and change the throttle hold value..
  result and return last menu.
    press EXIT key for short to not                       Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
    keep and       treurn to last menu
                                                          Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last


   STEPS :
  Under the stute of the initial
  picture, press MENU key forlong,
  access the main manu,.


  Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
  SETTING menus, and press MENU key
  for short into next submenu.

  Pross UP/DOWN key select the FLAPERON]            FLAPERON :
  nenus, and press NMENU key
  for shott into next submenou.                     The FLAPERON mixing function uses one servo on each of
                                                    the two ailerons, and uses them for both sileron and flap
                     uP                             fuction. For flap effect, the ailerons raise/lower simultancously.
  Press the UP or DOWM key to select                Of   course,aileron   function{moving   in   opposite   directions)
  the HELI sereen.                   |              is also performed.

  Press "+"or"—" key to change the
  select value.                                 |

                     e=                             Press the UP or DOWM key to select the
                                                    FLAPERON screen.
[ Press MENU key for short to keep]                 Press the "+"or"—" key to change the select
  resultand return last menu. Pres 8                FLAPERON volue.
  EXIT key to not keep and return
  last menu.                                        Press the MENU key to save and return
                                                    last menu
                                                    Press the EXIT key to not keep and re—
                                                    turn last menu                                     AIRPLANE

   STEPS :
  Under the state of the initial
  picture, presa MENU key forlong,
  access the main menu.


  Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
  SETTING menus, and press MENU ke Y
  for short into next submenu.
                                                    D/R&EXP :
                                                    The Dual Rate and Exponential function allows
                     ~l                             two control rates to be programmed and selected
[ Press UP/DOWN key select the D/R&]                with a switch. Dual rates and expos are available
  EXP   menus, and      pross     MENU    key       on the aileron, elevator and rudder channels.
  for short into next submenu.
                                                    Changing the dual rate value not only affects
                     in.._                          the maximum control authority but also affects
                                                    the overall sensitivity of control. A higher
  Prezs UP/DOWN key to choose the D/R&EIP :creen]
                                                    rate yields a higher overall sensitivity. The
                     <filke                         sensitivity around center can be tailored using
                                                    the Exponential function to precisely adjust
  Press "+"or"—" key to change the
  select value.                                     control feel.

                     ‘flu—’                          Press the UP or DOWM key to select the D/R & EXP
  Press MENU key for short to kee]l                 screen.
  result and return last menu.
  press EXIT key for short to not
                                                    Press "+"or"—" key to change the select D/R & EXP
  keep and treurn to last menu                      volue.
                                                    Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                    Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last



     STEPS :
   Under the state of the initial]
   picture, presq MENU key forlon            gl

   access the main menu.


   Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
   SETTING menus, and press MENU key
   for short into next submenu,
                                                     TRIM :
                                                     The FS—THQX super has digital trims whic are
                      ~ie                            different    from conmventional mechanical     trin
   Prass UP/DOWN key select the TRIH                 slders. Each trim lever is actually a two—direction
    menus, and press MENU key for short
   into next submenu,                                switch. Each time the trim lever is pressed, the
                                       _/            trim is changed a selected amount. When you hold
                                                     the trim lever, the trim speed increases. The
                                                     current trim position is graphically displayed
( Press UP/DOYN key to choose the TRIM screen.       on the start up screen.The trim submenu includes
                                                     two functions that are used to manage the trin
   Press "+"or"—" key to change th]‘
   selected TRIM value.

                                                     Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TRIM screen.
   Press MENU key for short to keep
                                                     Press "+"or"—" key to change the selected trinm
   resultand return last menu. Press                 value.
   EXIT key go not keep and return
   last menu.                                        Press the MENU key    to save and return last menu.
                                                     Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last

     STEPS :
   Under the stateinitialj
                   of the
   picture, press MENU key forlong,
   access the main menu.

   Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
   SETTING menus, and press MENU ke T
   for short into next submenu.
                                                     IDLEDOWN (ACRO only) :
                                                     Lowers the engine idle for:sitting on the runway
                                                     prior to take off, stalls and spins, and landings.
                                                     The normal idle setting is a little higher for
[Press UP/DOWN key select theIDLEDOI
  menus, and       pross         key                 easier starts and safe flights with less risk
  for short into next suhnenu                        of dead sticks.
   Preas UP/DOTN key to choose the IDLEDOIN ureefl

   Preaa "+"or"—" keyto change the
   select value.
                                                     Press the UP or DOWM key to select the IDLEDOWN
                       «B                            screen,
                                                     Press "+"or"—" key to change the select IDLEDOWN
   Press MENU key for short to keep ]
   resultand return last menu. Press                 volue.
   EXIT key go not keep and return                   Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
   last menu.
                                                     Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last



      STEPS :
    Under the state of the initial
    picture, press MENU key forlong,
    access the main menu.


    Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
    SETTING menus, and press MBNU key
    for short into next submenu.

                                                            FAIL SAF:


    Press UP/DOWN key select the FAIL                       Sets responses in case of loss of signal or
    SAF menus, and press MENU key
    for short into next submenu.                            low rx battery (PCM mode only) .

|   PFroas UP/DOUN key to choose the FAIL SAR ncreenj

                                                            Press the UP or DOWM key to select the FAIL SAF
                      &                                     secreen.
    Press "+"or"—" key to change the]                       Press + /— key for short and regulate the parameter
    selected (NOR or F/S).
                                                            (when showing for R/S XXX% for parameter, Press
                     M       M                              MENU key for short and see that reads the output
                                                            of the corresponding passway, regard value read

    Prass MENU key for short to kaej                        as the establishing value)
    result and return last menu.
    press ERXIT key for short to not                        Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
    keep and treurn to last menu.                           Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last


      STEPS :
     Under the state of the initial
     picture, presas MENU key forlong,
    _access the main menu.

                                                            TIMEER :
{ Press UP/DOWN key seloct the FUNC]                        The time—recorder is used calculating comparable
  SETTING menus, and press MENU key
  for short into next submenu.                              bo stipulated time unexpectedly, or the possible
                                                            time of flight under the state that the fuel fill
                      2/                                    it up with, it is very convenient. The pattern of
                                                            the time—recorder is the count—down.Pour time—
    Press UP/DOWN key select the TIHE]'
    menus, and press MENU key for shor t                    recorder from set for time is it is it count to
    into next submenu.                                      change, show surplus time at interface to begin.
                                                            The time—recorder can set forthe settlement time
                     >                                      of 99 minutes and 59 seconds altogether at most.
    Press UP/DOIK key to choose the TIHER sersen,       |   START:Press TRN switch.STOP:Press trn switch
                                                            REST TIMER:Press EXIT key for long time of the
                                                            initial picture.
    Fress "+‘or"—" key to change the                        STANTE: INH forbids this function, ACT lauches
    seloct volue.
                                                            the function.                 2o L    L
                     »..,‘.                                 Warn the sound:After establishing time for less
    Press MENU key for short to keep J                      than 59 seconds,warning sound appears in one
    resulteand return last menu. Preas                      second in every interval[Bil:It sets for time
    EXIT key go not keep and return
    last menu.
                                                            to finish long and loud.
                                                            Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TIMER screen.
                                                            Press "+"or"—" key to change the select TIMER
                                                            Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                            Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.



    STEPS :
[Under the state of the initial ]
 picture, press MENU key forlong,
 access the main menu.
  Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
  SETTING menus, and press MENU key
  for short into next submenu.
                                                   DISPLAY :
                          *                        Display radio‘ s output to channels 1—8.
  Press UP/DOWN key select the DISPLAY             The servo submenu includes two features :
  menus, and press MRNU key for short
  into next submenu.                               Real—tune bar—graph display to demonstrate e—
                                              2    xactly what commands the transmitter is sending
                                                   to the servos. (This can be particularly handy
                                              ~    in setting up models with complicated mixing
| the UP or DOWM key to select              functions, because the results of each stick,
  the TEST (ON or OFFR).
                                                   lever, knob, switch input and delay circuit may
                                                   be immediately seen. )
                    ~@                             Servo cycle function to help locate servo problens
                                                   prior to in—flight failures.
  Ptess MENU or EXII            key return
  last menu.                                       Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TEST(ON or OFF).
                                                   Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                   Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

    STEPS :
[Undar the state of the initial
 picture, presas MENU key forlong,
  access the main menu.
                                                   FLAPTRIM :
  Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
  SETTING menus, and press MENU key                FLAP—TRMassigns    the primary flaperon control
  for short into next submenu.                     to allow trimming in flight of the flap action of
                                                   flaperons . (Note: even if FLAP—TRIM is made active
                                                   with AIL—DIFF, it will not have any effect The ONLY
  Press UP/DOWN key
                  select the FLAPTRI               function that allows control of the ailerons as flaps
     menus, and       press       MENU   ke        in the AIL—DIFF configuration is AIRBRAKE )Most
  for short into next submenu.
                                              J    modelers use AIRBRAKE, or programmable mixes, to move
                                                   the fiaps to a specified position via movement of a
[l‘m: UB/DOTK key to shouse the PLAPTRIN suser]
                                                   FLAP—TRIM may also be used as the primary flap control
                     "@"                           in flight by doing so ,you can assign CH6 to a 3—
[Pteu +"or"—" key to change the                    position switch, with a " spoiler on" ,neutral, and
 select volue.                                      " flaperon " position , and even adjust the percentage
                                                   traveled as flaperon/spoileron by changing the Flap
                                                   Trim travel (Note that there is only one setting not
  Press MENU key for short to keep                 independent settings for up and down travel).
  resultand return last menu.Press
  EXIT key go not keep and return
  last menu.
                                                   Press the UP or DOWM key to select the FLAPTRIM screen.
                                                   Press "+"or"—" key to change the select FLAPTRIM
                                                   Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                   Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.

L      B IEVY


        STEPS :
      Under the state of the initial            ]
      picture, pross MENU key forlong,
      accoss the main menu,

      Press UP/DOWK key select the FUNC
      SETTING menus, and press MENU key
      for short into next submenu.                    AILDIFEF:
                                                      Aileron differential     is   primarily   used   on   3   or
                                                      4—servo wings with one servo(s)operating inboard
      Press UP/DOWN key select the AILD               flap($) on CH6 or CHS & CH6 ,and AIL—DIFF controlling
      DIFF menus, and press MENU key
      for short into next submenu.                    proper aileron operation of 2 aileron               servos
                                                      plugged into CHland CH7.The ailerons can not be
                        q.’e                          moved like flaps when using AIL—DIFF,except if
      Press the UP or DOWM key to select              using AIRBRADE(Note that even if you make FLAP_TRIM active
      the AILDIFF screen.                             while using AIL—DIFF, it will not have any effect , ONLY
                        J                             AIRBRAKE controls the ailerons as flaps in the AIL—DIFF
                         @s                           configuration) .
      Press "+‘or"—" key to change the                NOTE: When changing the polarity of a rate ,
      select volue.
                                                      " change rate dir?" is displayed for a check
                                                      please set up after pressing DIAL for 1 second
                                                      and canceling an alarm display (GLID only).
      Press MENU key for short to keep]               Press the UP or DOWM key to select the AILDIFF screen.
      resultand return last menu. Pres s
      EXIT key go not keep and return                 Press "+"or"—" key to change the select AILDIFF
      last menu.                                      volue.
                                                      Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                      Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

        STEPS :
      Under the state of the initial
      picture, press MENU key forlong,
      sccess the main menu.

      Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC               AIRBRAKE :
      SETTING menus, and press MENU key
      for short into next submenu.                    Like FLAPERON and AILEVATOR, AIRBRAKE is      one
                                                      function that is really made up of a series of
                                                      pre—programmed mixes all done for you within

                                                      the radio AIRBRAKE simultan—eously moves the flap
      Press UP/DOWN key select the AIRB
      RAKE     menus, and press MENU key              (s) (if installed)twin ailerons(if installed)and
      for short i.nto next submenu.                   elevator(5), and is usually used to make steep
                                                      descents or to limit increases in airspeed in dives.
    fPresa UP/DOWK keay to choome the ATRBRAKE nnea
                                                      This function is often used even on models without
                                                      flaps as an casy way to use the flaperons and
                        ‘v.—sl                        FLAP—ELEVATOR mixing together.
      Press "+‘or"—" key to change the
      select volue.

      Press MENU keyfor short to keep
      resultand return last menu.Pre B8
      EXIT key go not keep and return
                                                      Press the UP or DOWM key to select the AIRBRAKE screen.
                                                      Press "+"or"—" key to change the select AIRBRAKE
                                                      Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                      Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.

L      _1 _ d


        STEPS :
    [Under the state of the initial
      picture, press MENU key forlong,
      sccess the main menu.

    [Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC]
      SETTING menus, and press MENU key
      for short into next submenu.
                                                          ELEFLAP :
    [Prens UP/DOWN key select the BLEF
      LAP    menus, and     press     MENU    key
      for short into next submenu.                        ELEV—FLAP mixing is the first pre—programmed
                                                          mix weill cover This mix makes the flaps drop
                         &                                or rise whenever the ELEVATOR STICK is moved ,
      Press the UP or DOWM key to select                  It is most commonly used to make tighter pylon
      the ELEFLAP screen.
                                                          turns or squarer corners in maneuvers In most
                                                          cases the flaps droop (are lowered )when up
                                                          elevator is commanded.
    [Press "+"aor"—" key to change the
      select volue.

                                                          Press the UP or DOWM key to select the BLEFLAP screen.
    [Press MENU key for short to kaep}                    Press "+"or"—" key to change the select ELEFLAP
      resultand return last menu. Press
      EXIT key go not keep and return                     volue.
      last menu.                                     )1
                                                          Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                          Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

        STEPS :
      Under the state of the initial                  ,
      picture, pross MENU key forlong,
      access the mein menu.

      Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
      SETTING menus, and pross MENU key
                                                          ¥Y_TAIL mixing is used with v—tail aircraft so
      for short into next submenu.                        that both elevator and rudder functions are
                                                          combined for the two tail surfaces Both elevator
                         "'EL                             and rudder travel can be adjusted independently
                                                          on each surface.
      Pross UP/DOWN key seloct the V—
      TAIL menus, and press MENU key                      NOTE:If YV—TAIL is active you cannto activate
      for short into next submenu.
                                                          ELEVON or AILEVATOR functions If one of these
                         ~jif'                            functions is active an error message will hbe
                                                          displayed and you must deactivate the last function
    [Press UB/DOFWK key to choose the V—TAIL flcreen.J‘
                                                          prior to activating ELEVON.
    [Press +"or"—" key to change the                Jl    NOTE:Be sure to move the celevator and rudder
      select volue.                                       sticks regularly while checking the servo motions
                                                          If a large value of travel is specified when the
                                                          sticks are moved at the same time the controls
      Press MENU key for short to keep                    may bind or run out of travel Decrease the travel
      resultand return last menu.Press
      EXIT key go not keep and return                     until no binding occurs
      last menu,.                                    h
                                                          Press the UP or DOWM key to select the ¥—TAIL screen.
                                                          Press "+"or"—" key to change the select V—TAIL
                                                          Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                          Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.


    STEPS :
  Under the state of the initial                 J
 picture, press MENU key forlong,                 I
 uccess the main menu.

[Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
  SETIING menus, and press MENU key
  for short into next submenu.      J

                                                         ELEVON :
                                                         Used with delta wings flying wings and other tailless
  Press UP/DOWN key select the ELEY                      aircraft that combine aileron and elevator functions
  ON menus, and press MENU                 key
  for short into next submenu.                           using two servos one on each elevon. The aileron/elevator
                                                         responses of each servo can be adjusted independently ,
                     e                                   This is also popular for ground model use such as tanks
  Press the UP or DOWM key to select ‘                   which drive two motors together for forward and one
  the ELEYON screen.                                     motor forward/one backward for turning.
                                                         Requires use of CHIL and Ch2
  Press "+"or"—" key to change the                       Independently adjustable aileron travel allows
  select volue.                                      ‘
                                                         aileron differential.
                                                         Independently adjustable elevator travel allows

                                                         for differential in up vs down travel.
EPrass ENU key  for short to keapj                       Press the UP or DOWM key to select the ELEYON screen.
  resultand return last menu. Pros 8
  EXIT key go not keep and return                        Press "+"or"—" key to change the select ELEVON
  last menu.
                                                         Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                         Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

    STEPS :
  Under the state of the initial
  picture, press MENU key forlong,
  sccess the main menu.


  Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
                                                         SNOPROLL :
  SETIING menus, and press MENU key                      This function allows you to execute snap rolls
  for short into next submenu.
                                                         by flipping a switch providing the same input
                     ~lil ;Z.
                                                         every time It also removes the need to change
                                                         dual rates on the 3channels prior to performing
[Press UP/DOWN key select the SNOP                   |   a snap as SNAP_ROLL always takes the servos to
  ROLL menus, and press MENU key                         the same position, regardless of dual rates
  for short into next submenu.
                                                         inputs held during the snap etc
                                                         Travel: Adjust the amount of elevator , aileron
  Press UP/DOWK key to chooze the SNOPROLL screen]‘      and rudder travel automatically applied
                                                         Range:—100 to+100on all 3 channels Default is
                                                         100% of range of all 3 channels
  Press "+"or"—" key to change the                   ,
  select volue.                                          Directions :Up to 4 separate snaps may be set
                                                         up one for each of the 4direction choices (UP/
                     ~£1/                                right, down/right, up/left )Each snap is fully
  Press MENU key for short to keep]                      adjustable regarding travels and direction on
  resultand return last menu.Press
  EXIT key go not keep and return
                                                         each of the 3channels
  last menu.
                                                         Press the UP or DOWM key to select the SNOPROLL scereen.
                                                         Press "+"or"—" key to change the select SNOPROLL
                                                         Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                         Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.

L       B PEY


          STEPS :
        Under the state of the initial
        picture, press MENU key forlong,
        access the main menu.

        Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNCJ
        SETTING menus, and press MENU key
        for short into next submenu.

                           ~                             THRNEEDL :

                                                         THROTTLE—NEEDLE is a pre— programmed mix that
        Pross UP/DOWN key select the THRN                automatically moves an in—flight mixture servo
        EEDL menus, and press MENU              key
        for short into next submenu.                     (CH8) in response to the THROTTLE STICK inputs
                                                         for perfect engine tuning at all throttle set—
                           'e,f:‘ -‘.                    tings This function is particularly popular with
        rasa the UP or DOWMkay to select                 contest pilots who fly in a large variety of
                                                         locations needing regular engine tuning adjus—
                                                         tments and requiring perfect engine response

                                                         at all times and in all maneuvers Also popular
        Press "+"or"—" key to change the                 to minimize flooding at idle of inverted engine
        select volue.                                    installations with a high tank position not
                                                         needed for fuel injection engines which do this

        Press MENU key for short to keep
        resultend return last menu. Press                Press the UP or DOWM key to select the THRNEEDL screen.
        EXIT key go not keep and return
        last menu.                                       Press "+"or"—" key to change the select THRNEEDL
                                                         Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                         Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

          STEPS :
        Under the state of the initial
        picture, press MENU key forlong,
        access the main menu

        Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
        SETTING meous, and press MENU key                PROG. MIX :
        for short into next submenu.
                                                         In helicopter mode the FS—TH9X offer three programmable
                                                         mixes that allow stick or switch inputs to control the
                                                         output of two or more servos.This function allows mixing
        Preas UP/DOWN key choose PROG. MIX menu,         any one channel to any other channel or the ability to mix
        press MENU key for short and enter the           a channel to itself.The mix canremain ON at all times, or
        page to establish.
                                                         be switched OFF in flight using a number of different
                                                         switches. (Refer to chart below.)Mix values are adjustable

                                                         from 0 to 100%. Each channel is identified by a four—character
                                                         name (i.e., Aileron—AILE, Elevator—ELEY, etc.). The channel
    [ Press UP/DONN key to choose the PROG. MIX sereen
                                                         appearing first is the master channel.The second channel
                                                         is the slave channel.For example, AILE—ELE¥would indicate
                                                         aileron—to—elevator mixing.Each time the aileron stick
                                                         is moved, the elevator will deflect, and the elevator will
        Press MENU key for short into
                                                         automatically move in the direction and to the position
        next usbmenu.                                    based on the value input in the programmable mix screen.
                                                         Mixing is proportional, so small inputs of the master
                                                         channel will produce small outputs of the slave channel.
                                                         Each programmable mix has a mixing offset. The purpose of
        PressEXIT key to returnlast nenuj
                                                         the mixing offset is to redefine the neutral position of
                                                         the slave channel.
                                                         Press the UP or DOWM key to select the PROG. MIX
                                                         Press the MENU key into next submenu.
                                                         Press the EKXIT key to return last menu.

EL     & BEVW


          STEPS :
     [Under the state of the initial                 J
       picture, press MENU key forlong,
       access the main menu.

     |:Press UP/DOWN key seloct the FUNC}
       SETTING menus, and pross MENU key
       for short into next submenu.

       Pross UF/DOWN key chanse PROG. HIX menu,
       press MBNU key for short and enter the
        age to establish.                                    Mix purpose to accuse of form to get rid   of little
                         «Je                                 mistake of organism, make it is it         can take
       Press UP/DOWN key to choose the MIX1 meay,    ]       the heart conveniently even more to        have not
       preas MENU key for short into next aubneau.
                                                     d       to handle. The very wanton one mixes        accusing
                                                             of among the channel.
       Press UP/DOWN key to choose the                       INH : disable the function.
       MIX1 sereen.
                                                             ACT: enable the function.
                      P                                      MASTER:select intput channel.
     ( Press "+"or"—" key to change the                      SLAVE : select output channel.
       select value.

                                                             SW : NOR/IDL1, IDL2, ON.

       Press MENU key for short to kaepj
       result and return last menu.                          Press the UP or DOWM key to select the MIX1
       press EXIT key for short to not                       screen.
       keep and treurn to lest menu.
                                                             Press "+"or"—" key to change the select volue.
                                                             Press the MENU key to save and return last
                                                             Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last

                                                             ment                                     AIRPLANE

         STEPS :
       Undar the state of the initial
       picture, press MENU key forlong,
       access the main menu.

       Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
       SETTING menus, and press MENU key
       for short into next submenu.

                          &                                  MIX6—7 :
       Press UP/DOWN key choose PROG. HIX menu,              Mix purpose to accuse of form to get rid of little
       press MBENU key for short and enter the
        age to establish.                                    mistake of organism, make it is it can take
                          'u@y-                              the heart conveniently even more to have not
     [ Prass UP/DOWN key to chooas the MIXB menu,
                                                             to handle. The very wanton one mixes accusing
       pross MENU key for short into next aubnenu.           of among the channel.
                          \-xgle_fio.f                        INH : disable the function. ACT : enable the function.
       Press UP/DOWN key to choose the                       MASTER:select intput channel.
       MIX6 screen.                                          SLAVE : select output channel.
                          ~lil                               sW : NOR/IDL1, IDL2, ON.
       Pressa "+"or"—" key to change the             j       CURVE:curves have five adjustable points—low,
       select valus.                                     :
                                                             25%, 50%, 75% and high.
                          ~&                                 Press the UP or DOWM key to select the MIX6 screen.
       Press MENU key for short to keep
       result and return last menu.
       press EXIT key for short to not
                                                             Press "+"or"—" key to change the select volue.
       keep and treurn to last menu,                         Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
                                                             Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu

IF L          PSW

           STEPS :
       [Under the state of the initial
         picture, press MENU key forlong,
         eccess the main menu.

         Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC ]
         SEITING menus, and press MENU key
         for short inta next submenu.

                            _Js,                               VILVATOL :
                                                               Many models use two elevator servos, plugged
         Press UP/DOWN key select the VILV
         ATOL menus, and press MENU                            in separate receiver channels.(Flying wings
         for short into next submenu.
                                                               without a separate aileron control use ELEVON.
                                                               ¥—shaped tail models use V—TAIL, p36.)
                                                               Benefits :
         Press the UP or DOWM key to select ]
         the YILVATOL screen.                                  Ability to adjust each servo‘s center and end
                                                               points for perfectly matched travel.
                             ~Sl                               Ease of assembly, not requiring torque rods for
       [Press +"or"—" key to change the                J
                                                               a single servo to drive 2 surfaces.
         select volue.                                         Elevators acting also as ailerons for extreme
                                                               stuunt flying or more realistic jet flying (optional).
                                                               Redundancy, for example in case of a servo failure
                                                               or mid—air collision.
         Press MENU key for short to keep
         resultand return last menu. Press|                    Press the UP or DOWM key to select the VILVATOL screen.
         EXIT key go not keep and return
         last menu.
                                                               Press "+"or"—" key to change the select VILYVTAOL
                                                               Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                               Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

            STEPS :
         Under the state of the initial
         picture, presa MENU key forlong,
         access the main menu.
                                                               THRDELAY :
         Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
         SETTING menus, and press MENU key
                                                               The THROTTLE DELAY function is used to slow the
         for short into nexrt submenu.                         response of the throttle servo to simulate the
                                                               slow response of a turbine engine A 40% delay
                                                               setting corresponds to about a one—second delay

         Press UP/DOWN key select the THRD
                                                               while a 100% delay takes abort eight seconds
         ELAY menus, and pross MENU key                        to respond For helicopters see DELAYS.
         for short into next submenu.

                                                               This function may also be used to create a "slowed
                                                               servo" on a channel other than throttle this
       [Preas UB/DOWN kay to choose the THRDELAY flr.rsen]J
                                                               is accomplished by plugging the desired servo
                                                               (Ex:gear    doors    )into     CH3(THR)throttle   into    an
                                                               auxiliary channel such as8 and then using some
         Preas "+"or"—" key to change the              J
         select volue.                                     |   creative mixes please see our Frequently Asked
                                                               Questions    area      at    www.        for
                                                               this   specifie     example.
         Press MENU key for short to keep]
         resultand return last menu,. Press|
         EXIT key go not keep and return
         last menu.
                                                               Press the UP or DOWM key to select the THRDELAY screen.
                                                               Press "+"or"—" key to change the select THRDELAY
                                                               Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                               Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.

F L.   L1.3.¢


       Under the state of the initial
       picture, press MENU key forlong,
       access the main menu.

       Press UP/DOWN key select the FDNC
       SETTING nenus, and press MENU key
       for short into next submenu,

                          #                              AUX—CH:
       Press UP/DOWN key select the AUX~
       CH menus, and    press MENU key                   Defines the relationship between the transmi—
       for short into next submenu,                      ttercontrols and the receiver output for cha—
                                                         nnels 5—9.Also, the ch9 servo reverse is used
                                                         to change the ch9 servo direction.
       Pross UP/DOMK key to choose the AMT—CB. sereen.

                                                         Press the UP or DOWM key to select the AUX—CH
       Press "*"or"~" key to select input                screen.
       shannels. .                                       Press "+"or"—" key to select input channels.
                                                         Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
                                                         Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
       Press MENU key for short to keep                  menu
       result and return last menu.
       press EXIT key for short to not
       keep and treurn to last menu.                     Note that the ch9 functions are only visible in the
                                                         AUX—CH screen when PCM modulation is selected.
                                                         The ch9 is not supported in PPM modulation.



10. 1REVERSE                                                                             GLID

                   of the initial
                   BNG key forions,

   Erous 02/200 ker seloct the FDIC
   §2T70G newus,and preve BM key
   for stort into next subsen.
                                       The reverse switch function allows electronic
                                       means of reversing the servo‘s throw . Servo
   innaeTars rew it                    reversing is available for all 9 channels.
   for aort Into nast mibmene.
                                       Press the UP or DOWM key to select the Reverse sereen.
                                       Press "+"or"—" key to reverse the servo direction
                                       for that selected channel.
                                       Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
                                       Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu
           Tor=" key so reverse the
         girection for thet selacted    ATL:         Aileron
                                        BLE:         Blevator
                                        THR:         Thssttle
                                        RUD:         Rudder
         etien"                         GEA:         Retractable landing Gear
         IMH1T key for short to ht      PIT:         Ptich(ch6)
      o and tveuen to last nees.        AUXi:         Auxfllarst
                                        AUX2:         Auxiliary2

L         23 PEVW


          STEPS :
      Under the state of the initial
      picture, press MENU key forlong,                ‘
      access the main menu.


      Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
      SETTING menus, and press MRNU key
      for short into next submenu.

                                                 ~        SUB TRIM :
    [Praaa UP/DOWN key select the SUB                     The SUB—TRIM function allows you to electronically
     TRIM menus, and praess MENU key
      for short into next submenu.                        adjust the centering of each servo.Sub trin is
                                                          individually adjustable for all 8 channels,with a
                                                          range of +or—120%.

    [Prm UB/DON key to chooze the SUB TRIM sereon. ‘      Press the UP or DOWM key to select the SUB TRIM
                                                 _/       screen.
                                                          Press "+"or"—" key to adjust the sub—trim posi—
      Press "+"or"—" key to adjust the saub—trim |
                                                          tion for that selected channel.
      position for that selected channel.             |   Press the MENU key   to save and return last menu

                        ~B                                Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
      Press MENU key for short to keep
      result and return last menu.                        NOTE:Do not use excessive sub—trim values as
      press EXIT key for short to not
      keep and treurn to last menu.                       it is possible to overdrive the servo‘s maximum


          STEPS :
    Ellndar the state of the initial Jl
      picture, press MENU key forlong,
      access the main menu.

                        h. _

      Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
      SETTING menus, and press MENU key
      for short into next submenu.
                                                          END POINT :
                                                 ~        The most flexible version of travel adjustment
      Preas UP/DOWN key select the END.                   available. It independently adjusts cach end
      POINT menus, and press MENU key                     of each individual servo‘ s travel, rather than
      for short into next submenu.
                                                 2:       one setting for the servo that affects both
                                                          directions. Ranges from0% to 120%.

    [Prm UB/DON key to choose the E.POINT screen, |       Press the UP or DOWM key to select the E. POINT
      —                                          A        screen.
                        ~SBl                              Press "+"or"—" key to adjust the END POINT pos—
      Press "+"or"—" key to adjust th?|                   ition for that selected channel.
      E. POINT position for that selected                 Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                          Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last

      Press MENU key for short to keep
      result and return last menu.                        NOTE: Do not use excessive E. POINT values as
      press EXIT key for short to not
      keep and treurn to last menu.                       it is possible to overdrive the servo‘s maxim
                                                          um travel.

     B BC


      STEPS :
 Under the stato of the initial                  J
 picture, press MENU key forlong,
    access the main menu.

                      "’U"_   r

 Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
 SETIING menus, and press MENU key                    D/R&LEXP :
 for short into next submenu.
                                                      The Dual Rate and Exponential function allows
                      in.                             two control rates to be programmed and selected
                                                      with a switch. Dual rates and expos are available
 Press UP/DOWN key select the D/R&
 EXP menus, and press MENU key                        on the aileron, elavator and rudder channels.
 for short into next submenu.                         Changing the dual rate value not only affects
                      B                               the maximum control authority but also affects
                                                      the overall sensitivity of control. A higher
[Preu UP/DOWN key to choosa the D/R&EXIP screen. 1    rate yields a higher overall sensitivity. The
                                                      sensitivity around center can be tailored using
                                                      the Exponential function to precisely adjust
 Press "+"or"—" key to change the                     control feel.
 select value.

                      «[                              Press the UP or DOWM key to select the D/R & EXP
 Press MENU key for short to keep
 result and return last menu.                         Press "+"or"—" key to change the select D/R & EXP
 press EXIT key for short to not
  eep and treurn to last menu.
                                                      Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                      Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last

      STEPS :
 Under the state of the initial
 picture, press MENU key forlong,
    access the main menu.                        24

7                                                N
 Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
 SETIING menus, and press MENU key
 for short into next submenu.
                                                      TRIM :
\                                                t
                      ~[G.                            The FS—TH9QX super has digital trims whic are
7                                    ~                different    from conventional    mechanical trin
 Press UP/DOWN key select the TRIM                    slders. Each trim lever is actually a two—direction
  menus, and press MENU key for short
    into next submenu.                                switch. Each time the trim lever is pressed, the
~                                                $
                                                      trim is changed a selected amount. When you hold
                                                      the trim lever,the trim speed increases. The
7                                                A    current trim position is graphically displayed
 Press UP/DOWN key to choose the TRAIM screen.        on the start up screen.The trim submenu includes
\.                                               JA
                                                      two functions that are used to manage the trinm
                      \.%— »

 Press "+‘or"—" key to change the
    selected TRIM value.

                                                      Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TRIM screen.
 Fress MENU key for short to keep                     Press "+"or"—" key to change the selected trin
 resultand return last menu. Press                    value.
 EXIT key go not keep and return
 last menu.                                           Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                      Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last


      STEPS :
 Under the state of the initial
 picture, press MENU key forlong,
 access the main menu.

‘A                                              \
    Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC                |
 SETTING menus, and press MENU key
 for short into next submenu.
x                                  h
                  ~YB—                                   FAIL SAF:
7                    —                          ~
 Press UP/DOWN key select the FAIL                       Sets responses in case of loss of signal or
 SAF menus, and press MENU key                           low rx battery (PCM mode only)
\for short into next submenu.
7                                               ~

 Praas UP/DOWN key to choose the FAIL SAF acreen.

~                                               «4
                                                         Press the UP or DOWM key to select the FAIL SAF
[Press "+"ar"—" key to change the J                      Press + /— key for short and regulate the parameter
 selected(NOR or F/S).
                                                         (when showing for F/S XXX% for parameter, Press
                  ‘Jq_‘;r                                MENU key for short and see that reads the output
                                                         of the corresponding passway, regard value read
 Pross MENU key for short to keep                        as the establishing value)
 result and return last menu.                            Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
 press EXIT key for short to not
 keap and      treurn to last menu,.                     Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last

       STEPS :
 Under the stato af the initial
 picture, press MENU key forlong,
 Access the main menu.

                                                         TIMER :
 Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC J                     The time—recorder is used calculating comparable
 SETTING menus, and press MENU key                       bo stipulated time unexpectedly, or the possible
 for short into next submenu.
                                                         time of flight under the state that the fuel fill
                                                         it up with, it is very convenient. The pattern of
                                                         the   time—recorder   is   the   count—down. Pour   time—
 Preas UP/DOWN key select the TIMEBR                 |   recorder from set for time is it is it count to
 menus, and press MENU key for short                     change, show surplus time at interface to begin.
    into next submenu.
                                                         The time—recorder can set forthe settlement time
                                                         of 99 minutes and 59 seconds altogether at most.
[Preu UP/DOWN key to choose the TIMER screen.        ‘
                                                         START:Press TRN switch.STOP:Press trn switch
                                                         REST TIMER:;Press EXIT key for long time of the
                    J                                    initial picture.
 Press "+"or"—" key to change the                        STANTE:INH forbids this function, ACT lauches
 select volue.
                                                         the function
                                                           arn the sound After establishing time for less
                                                         than 59 seconds,warning sound appears in one
 Press MENU key for short to keep                        second in every interval[Bil:It sets for time
 resultand return last menu.Press
 EXIT key go not keep and return                         to finish long and loud.
 last menu.
                                                         Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TIMER screen.
                                                         Press "+"or"—" key to change the select TIMER
                                                         Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                         Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.

L          3 BPE VW

8SFLAPTRIM                                                                                                           GLID

            STEPS :
           Under the state of the initial
           picture, presa MENU key forlong,            ]
           access the main menu,.

           Fress UP/DOWN key select the FUNC               FLAPTRIM :
           SETIING menus, and press MENU key
           for short into next submenu.                    FLAP—TRMassigns the primary flaperon controlto allow
                                                           trimming in flight of the flap action of flaperons .
                                                           (Note: even if FLAP—TRIM is made active with AIL—DIFF,
     [Press UP/DORWN key select the FLAPTRI
                                                           it will not have any effect The ONLY function that allows
             menus, and      press     MENU     ke Y       control of the ailerons as flaps in the AIL—DIFF conf—
           for short into next submenu.              J
                                                           iguration is AIRBRAKE )Most modelers use AIRBRAKE,
                                                           or programmable mixes, to move the flaps to a specifiied
                                                           position via movement of a switch.
     { Preas UP/DOWN key to choose the FLAPTRIN lcreen]

                                                           FLAP—TRIM may also be used as the primary flap control
                                                           in flight by doing so , you can assign CHG6 to a 3—position
           Fress "+"or"—" key to changs the
           select volue.
                                                           switch, with a " spoiler on" , neutral, and " flaperon "
                                                           position , and even adjust the percentage traveled as
                                                           flaperon/spoileron by changing the Flap Trim travel
           Press MENU key for short to keep
                                                           (Note that there is only one setting not independent
           resultand return last menu,. Press              settings for up and down travel).
           EXIT key go not keep and return
           last meniL.
                                                           Press the UP or DOWM key to select the FLAPTRIM screen.
                                                           Press "+"or"—" key to change the select FLAPTRIM
                                                           Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                           Press the KEXIT key to not keep and return last menu.

            STEPS :
           Under the state of the initial            J‘
           picture, press MENU key forlong,
           access the main menu.
           Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC ]‘
           SETIING menus, and press MENU key
           for short into next submenu.                    AILDIFEF :
                                                           Aileron differential     is   primarily   used   on   3    or
                           w                               4—servo wings with one servo(s)operating inboard
           Press UP/DOWN key select the AILD               flap($) on CH6 or CHS & CH6 ,and AIL—DIFFR controlling
           DIFF menus,and press MENU
           for short into next submenu,
                                               key         proper aileron operation of 2 aileron                servos
                                                           plugged into CHland CHT.The ailerons can not be
                           "\;‘.;.7'                       moved like flaps when using AIL—DIFF, except if
                                                           using AIRBRADE(Note that even if you make FLAP_TRIM active

           Press the UP or DOWM key to select
           the AILDIFF screen.                             while using AIL—DIFF, it will not have any effect , ONLY
                                                           AIRBRAKE controls the ailerons as flaps in the AIL—DIFF
           Press "+"or"—" key to change the          ]     NOTE: When changing the polarity of a rate ,
           select volue.                                   " change rate dir?" is displayed for a check
                                                           please set up after pressing DIAL for l1 second
                           . M                             and canceling an alarm display (GLID only).

           Press MRNU key for short to keep
                                          ]                Press the UP or DOWM key to select the AILDIFF screen.
           resultand roturn last menu.Pre 58
           EXIT key go not keep and return                 Press "+"or"—" key to change the select AILDIFF
           last menu.                                      volue.
                                                           Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                           Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

L      _1 >d


        STEPS :
     Under the state of the initial
     picture, press MENU key forlong,
     access the main menu.


    [Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
     SETIING menus, and press MENU key
     for short into next submenu.
                          i.l                             ELEFLAP :
     Press UP/DOWN key select the ELEF ]
     LAF menus, and press MENU key
     for short into next submenu,                         ELEV—FLAP nmixing is the first pre—programmed
                                                          mix weill cover This mix makes the flaps drop
                         -‘-'5:&:'                        or rise whenever the ELEVATOR STICK is moved ,
     Press the UP or DOWM key to select                   It is most commonly used to make tighter pylon
     the ELEFLAP screen.                                  turns or squarer corners in maneuvers In most
                         '\;_l‘ l—;‘?"
                                                          cases the flaps droop (are lowered )when up
                                                          elevator is commanded.
     Press "+"or"—" key to change the
     select volue.

                                                          Press the UP or DOWM key to select the ELEFLAP screen.
     Press MENU key for short to keep
     resultand return last menu. Press
                                                          Press "+"or"—" key to change the select ELEFLAP
     EXIT key go not keep and return                      volue.
     last menu.
                                                          Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                          Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

         STEPS :
     Under the state of the initial
     picture, press MENU key forlong,
     access the main menu.

     Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC                    V_TAIL mixing is used with v—tail aircraft so
     SETTING menus, and press MENU key
     for short into next submenu.                         that both elevator and rudder functions are
                                                          combined for the two tail surfaces Both elevator
                          ri:,:&_-                        and rudder travel can be adjusted independently
                                                          on each surface.
     Press UF/DOWN key select the V—                  ]
     TAIL menus, and press MENU key                       NOTE:If YV—TAIL is active you cannto activate
     for short into next submenu,.
                                                          ELEYON or AILEVATOR functions If one of these
                                                          functions is active an error message will be
                                                          displayed and you must deactivate the last function
    I\’reu UP/DOWK key to choose the Y—TAIL screen.
                                                          prior to activating ELEVON.
                                                          NOTE:Be sure to move the elevator and rudder
     Preas "+"or"—" key to change the
     select volue.                                        sticks regularly while checking the servo motions
                                                          If a large value of travel is specified when the
                                                          sticks are moved at the same time the controls
     Press MENU key for short to keep                     may bind or run out of travel Decrease the travel
     resultend return last menu. Press                    until no binding occurs
     EXIT key go not keep and return menu.
                                                          Press the UP or DOWM key to select the V—TAIL screen.
                                                          Press "+"or"—" key to change the select V—TAIL
                                                          Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                          Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu.

EL     B B€ w


         STEPS :
       Under the state of the initial J.
       picture, press MENU key forlong
        access the main menu.
                          if. &

       Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
       SETIING menus, and press MENU ke y                  PROG. MX
        for short into next submenu.
                                                           In hellcopter mode the FS—TH9X offer three programmable
                                                           mixes that allow stick or switch inputs to control the
                          [                                output of two or more servos.This function allows mixing
                                                           any one channel to any other channel or the ability to mix
     [ Fress UP/DOWN key choose PRCG. IX menu, ]
       pross MRMNU key for shart and enter the             a channel to itself.The mix canremain ON at all times, or
       pege to establish.                                  be switched OFF in flight using a number of different
                                                           switches. (Refer to chart below.)Mix values are adjustable
                          ~ge"                             from 0 to 100%. Each channel is identified by a four—character
                                                           nake (i.e., Aileron—AILE, Elevator—ELEV, etc.). The     channel
       Preas UP/DOWX key to choase the PLOG, HIX screen]   appearing first is the master channel. The second channel
                                                           is the slave channel.For example, AILE—EBLE¥would indicate
                          _!: R
                                                           aileron—to—elevator mixing.Each time the aileron stick
                          p"~                              is moved, the elevator will deflect,and the elevator will
       Press MENU key for short into                 ]     automatically move in the direction and to the position
       next usbmenu.                                       based on the value input in the programmable mix screen.
                                                           Mixing is proportional, so small inputs of the master
                           BM                              channel will produce small outputs of the slave channel.
                                                           Each programmable mix has a mixing offset.The purpose of
       PresaBXIT key to returnlast menu J
                                                           the mixing offset is to redefine the neutral position of
                                                           the slave channel.
                                                           Press the UP or DOWM key to select the PROG. MIX
                                                           screen                         .
                                                           Press the MENU key into next submenu.
         STEPS :
       Under the state of the initial                  |
       pictura, press MENU key forlong,
       access the main menu.

       Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC               |
       SETIING menus, snd press MENU key
        for short into noxt submenu.

       Press UP/DOWN key choose PROG. IX menu,
       presas MBNU key for short and enter the             Mix purpose to accuse of form to get rid           of little
        age to establish.
                                                           mistake of organism, make it is it                 can take
                          “’U"/                            the heart conveniently even more to                have not
       Press UP/DOWN key to choose the MIX1 menu,          to handle. The very wanton one mixes                accusing
       press HEXV key for short into next submenu,     ‘   of among the channel.
                           i7                              INH : disable the function.
     E Press UP/DOWN key to choose thaJ]                   ACT: enable the function.
       MIX1 scereen,.                                      MASTER:select intput channel.
                          ~S—                              SLAVE:sclect output channel.
       Press "+"or"—" key to change the ]]                 sw : NOR/IDL1, IDL2, ON.
       select value.
                                                           Press the UP or DOWM key to select the MIX1
     [ Press MENU key for short to keep}
       result and return last menu.                        Press "+"or"—" key to change the select volue.
       press EXIT key for short to not
       keep and treurn to last menu.                       Press the MENU key to save and return last
                                                           Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last

                   ®                                                                            FS—THIX
EL     t BEVW

         STEPS :
     [Under the state of the initial
       picture, press MENU key forlong,
       access the ma1n menu.

      Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNG
      SEITING menus, and press MENU key
      for short into next submenu.

                                                        MIX6—7 :
     [:ress UP/DOWN key choose PROG. MIX meny,
      press MENU key for short and enter the            Mix purpose to accuse of form to get rid of little
        age to establish.                               mistake of organism, make it is it can take
                            ~@—                         the heart conveniently even more to have not
     [Prau UP/DOWN key to choose the MIXG monu,         to handle. The very wanton one mixes accusing
      presa KEKU ky for short into next aubnenu.        of among the channel.
                                                        INH: disable the function. ACT : enable the function.
      Press UP/DOWN key to chooso the                   MASTER:select intput channel.
      MIX6 screen.
                                                        SLAVE : select output channel.
                                                        SW :; NOR/IDL1, IDL2, ON.
      Press "+"or"—" key to change the             )
       elect value.                                 )   CURVE:curves have five adjustable points—lovw,
                            <   »                       25%, 50%, 75% and high.
      Press MENU key for short to keep                  Press the UP or DOWM key to select the MIX6 screen.
       result and return last menu.
       press EXIT key for short to not                  Press "+"‘or"—"* key to change the select volue.
       keep and treurn to last menu,
                                                        Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
                                                        Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu

        STEPS :
      Under the state of the initial
       picture, press MENU key forlong,
       access the main menu.

      Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC ]
       SETTING menus, and press MENU key
       for short into next submeny.

                                                        BUTTERFLY :
     [Press UP/DOWN key select the BUTT
      ERFLY menus, and press MBNU key                   Simultaneously moves the flap, twin ailerons
      for short into next submenu.
                                                        and elevator, and is usually used to make steeyp
                                                        descents or to limit increases in airspeed in
      Press UP/DOWN key to select the                   dives.
      BUTIERFLY screen.

      Press "+"or"—" key to change the             )
       select value.                                )

      Press MENU key for short to keep
      result and return last menu.
       press EXIT key for short to not
       keep and treurn to last menu.
                                                        Press the UP or DOWM key to select the BUTTERFLY screen.
                                                        Press "+"*‘or"—"* key to change the select volue.
                                                        Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
                                                        Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu

H.     E_1 —_df


         STEPS :
     (Undar the state of the initial
       picture, press MENU key forlong,
       access the main menu.

     [ Pross UP/DOWN
                 key select the PUN]
       SETTING menus, and press MENU ke Y
       for short into next submenu,.
                                                      STARTOFS :
                                                      The start function is used to offset the aileron,
       Prass UP/DOFN key choose STARTOFPS menu,       elevator, and flap servos to the position that
       press MENU key for short and enter the
        age to establish,                             provides maximum lift during launch. Normally
                                                      the ailerons and flaps are drooped about 20—30,
                        ~&                            with the flaps drooped slightly more to prevent
     (Press UP/DOWN key to chaoose the                tip—stalling on tow. The elevator can also be
       STARTOFS screen.                               offset in order to trim out any pitch changes
                                                      caused by the flap and aileron presets.
       Press "+"or"—" key to change the J
       select value.

       Press MENU key for short to keep
       result and return lest menu.
       press EXIT key for short to not
                                                      Press the UP or DOWM key to select the STARTOFS screen.
       keep and treurn to last menu.                  Press "+"or"—" key to change the select volue.
                                                      Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
                                                      Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu

        STEPS :
       Under the state of the initial
       picture, press MENU key forlong
       accoss the main menu.

       Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC |
       SETTING menus, and press MBNU key
       for short into next submenu.

                                                      SPEEDOFS :
     [ Press UP/DOWN key select the SPEE]             The speed function is used to offset the aileron,
       DOFS menus, and press MENU          key
       for short into next submenu.               4   elevator, and flap servos for mininum drag in
                                                      cruise and high—speed flight. Normally the ailerons
                                                      and flaps are raised about 3—5%.
       Press UP/DOWN key to select the
       SPEEDOFS screen.                       _b

       Press "+"or"—" key to change the J
       select value.

       Press MENU key for short to keep
       result and return lest menu.
       press EXIT key for short to not
       keep and treurn to last menu.                  Press the UP or DOWM key to seloct the SPEEDOFRS screen.
                                                      Press "+"or"—" key to change the select volue.
                                                      Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
                                                      Press the EBXIT key to not keep and return last menu



      STEPS :

    Under the state of the initial
    picture, press MENU key forlong               >

    arccess the main menu.

    Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
    SETTING menus, and press MENU key
    for short into next submenu,.

                                                      Display radio‘ s output to channels 1—8.

    Press UP/DOWN key select the DISPLAY              The servo submenu includes two features :
    menus, and press MENU key for short               Real—tune bar—graph display to demonstrate e—
    into next submenu,.                           _
                                                      xactly what commands the transmitter is sending
                       in.._sl                        to the servos. (This can be particularly handy
                                                  ~   in setting up models with complicated mixing
    Press the UP or DOWM key to select                functions, because the results of each stick,
    the TRST(ON or OFF).                              lever, knob, switch input and delay circuit may
                                                      be immediately seen. )
                        P                             Servo cyele function to help locate servo problens
                                                  ~   prior to in—flight failures.
    Press MBENU or EXII            key   return
    last menu.
                                                      Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TEST(ON or OFF).
                                                      Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                      Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

     STEPS :
    Under the state of the initial
    picture, press MENU key forlong,
    access the main menu.

    Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
    SETTING menus, and press MENU ke y                TRAINER:
    for short into next submenu.
                                                      For training novice pilots with optional trainer
                                                      cord connecting 2 transmitters. The instructor
                                                      has several levels of controllability.
    Press UP/DOWN key choose TRAINER monu,
    preas MBENU key for short and enter the           NORM : When the trainer switch is ON, the channel
    page to establish.
                                                      set to this mode can be controlled by the student.
                                                      The set channel is controlled according to any
                                                      programming set at the student‘ s transmitter.
    Pross UP/DOWN key to choose the TRAINER meen.]
                                                      FUNC:When the trainer switch is ON, the channde
                                                      set to this mode can be controlled by student,
    Preas "+"or"—" key to change the                  controlled according to any mixing set at the
    select CHANNEL (NORM or FUNC).
                                                      instructor‘s transmitter.

                       —&                             Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TRAINER
    Presa MBNU key for short to keep
    result and return last menu.                      Press "+"or"—" key to change the select channel
    press EXIT key for short to not
    keep and treurn to last menu.
                                                      NORM or FUNC) .
                                                      Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                                                      Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last



        STEPS :

     Under the state of the initial                \
     picture, press MENU key forlong,
     access the main menu.                         j


     Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
     SETIING menus, and press MENU key
     for short into next submenu.


     Press UP/DOWN key select the FLAPBRI]N]           FLAPERON :
     menus, and     press      MENU   key
     for short into next submenu.                      The FLAPERON mixing function uses one servo on each of
    —                  5                               the two ailerons, and uses them for both aileron and flap
                                                       fuction. For flap effect, the ailerons raise/lower simultancously.
     Press the UP or DOWM key to select
                                                       Of   course,aileron   function{moving   in   opposite   directions)
     the HELI screen.                                  is also performed.


     Press "+*"or"—" key to change the
     select value.

                                                       Press the UP or DOWM key to select the
                                                       FLAPERON screen.
                                                       Press the "+"or"—" key to change the select

     Press MENU key for short to keep ]
     resultand return last menu. Press                 FLAPERON volue.
     EXIT key to not keep and return
     last menu.                                    J   Press the MENU key to save and return

                                                       last menu
                                                       Press the EXIT key to not keep and re—
                                                       turn last menu
        STEPS :
     Under the stete of the initial j
     picture, press MENU key forlong,
     access the main menu.


[Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
  SETTING menus, and press MENU key
     for short into next submenu.              ]

                       &                               ELEVON :
                                                       Used with delta wings flying wings and other tailless
     Press UP/DOWN key select the ELEY                 aircraft that combine aileron and elevator functions
     ON   menus, and      press
     for short into next submenu.
                                  MENU   key
                                                       using two servos one on each elevon. The aileron/elevator
                                                       responses of each servo can be adjusted independently ,
                       _,@‘_.                          This is also popular for ground model use such as tanks
     Preas the UP or DOWM key to salec
                                               11      which drive two motors together for forward and one
     the ELEYVON screen.                       1       motor forward/one backward for turning.
                       _z                              Requires use of CH1 and Ch2
     Press "+"or"—" key to change the                  Independently adjustable aileron travel allows
     select volue.
                                                       aileron differential.
                                                       Independently adjustable elevator travel allows
                                                       for differential in up vs down travel.
   MENU key for short to keap
                            J                          Press the UP or DOWM key to select the BELEVON screen.
     resultand return lest menu. Pre 88
     EXIT key go not keep and return                   Press "+"or"—" key to change the select ELEVON
     last menu.
                                                       Press the MENU key to return last menu.
                                                       Press the EXIT key to return last menu.

L      t R€W


        STEPS :
      Under the state of the initial                ]
      picture, press MENU key forlong,
      access the main menu.

      Press UP/DOWN key select the FUNC
      SETTING menus, and press MENU key
      for short into next submenu.

                                                        AUX—CH :
      Fress UP/DOWN key select the AUX—                 Defines the relationship between the transmi—
      CH menus, and   press   MENU            key
      for short into next submenu.                      ttercontrols and the receiver output for cha—
                                                        nnels 5—9.Also, the ch9 servo reverse is used
                         ~&f—                           to change the ch9 servo direction.
    [Presl UP/DOWN key to choose the AUX—CH screen. ]
                                                        Press the UP or DOWM key to select the AUX—CH
      Press "+"or"—" key to select input
                                                        Press "+"or"—" key to select input channels.
                                                        Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
                         We                             Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
    (Prass MENU key for short to kaep}                  menu.
      result and return last menu.
      press BXIT key for short to not
      keep and treurn to last menu.
                                                        Note that the ch9 functions are only visible in the
                                                        AUX—CH screen when PCM modulation is selected.
                                                        The ch9 is not supported in PPM modulation.

Document Created: 2012-05-17 14:02:33
Document Modified: 2012-05-17 14:02:33

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