User Manual


Users Manual

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_________Pigitnl popotional rdi
                               o contolsysten FG — §
    15. Main menu                      E3Ld

    The main menu is separated into two main sections,             +RASAMHEC , ANREMbAIER. MDHLL
    system satup and functions setup.The system menu
    allows you to set up the transmitter and manage the         )\Rivieimiireetaniezomiinl, Ihéeretichn)
    20 models. The function menu is used to set up each         ©B9EeN€clauthe.
    model separately.To enter the main menu, long press
    the "OK" key. Use the "Up" and "Down" Key to select            Kif "OK" ©it—ESEE , i "Up" MJ "Down" S#X
    the desired section and press "OK". Then, use the"Up"       PHBSSTHAE , ol "Ol@NAA. Allai "Up" Ri‘Down"
    and"Down" Key to select the desired submenu and
    press again®OK". Most of the following screen work          RekEGEMTEER , A¥dai® ‘OX @TtM.
    according to this simple scheme:                            HemSicktieTitfioBAPSE :
     1. Use the"OK"key to select the parameter to modify.
     2. Use the"Up" and *Down"key to modify the                    1. 18kt ‘olSnbmssn it#.
       value of the selected parameter.                            2. # "Up* #1 "Down #ei@iedic@iiAid(E
     8. Long press the "Cancel" key to exit and save the new
        parameters .
                                                                   3. Ki# "Cance!" #BBHIJHRIINIDEK,
     4.Short press the"Cance!" ke toyexit without savin thge       4. 8B "Cancel" ©NRHANRArINIORR.
       new parameters.
    To return to the previous screen, press the "Cancel" key.
                                                                & "‘Cancel" ©iKB.t—@%®. RPSTIEEENAE
    You can repeat that operation until the main screen.        EzE3Zz%4.

    16. System settings                           ROtignt

    16.01. Model select

    Usethis function to select the active model among the          Tohhmieeue ooidnsoc—niOET /
    20 available models. Doing so, you can set up and save
    all required paramefers to fly 20 different models and
                                                                PSLumemeismeeaitr?oarndelittue . A"~
    switch instantly between them.                              SDxBRRNmIEdE:

                                         Http : //www. flysky—cn. com                                     E)

t i.     L1.5.¢

   16.02. Model name                                   #B€R


   Use this function to change the name associated with                       ib Borintei Ariderbiaaie n i "OX" tik
   the currently selected model. Press "OK" to select
   the letterofthe name to change then use the "UP"                       RemBWEk(E® , it "Up" ‘DOWnN RiieReReKriRdLIt
   "*DOWN" key to change the selected letter.                             ##8.

   16.03. Type select                                 p3bt

                                                ESESTH                    Culo

   g‘se this furtmiozt? Isaloct :haI I(Iypa ?I"hairc;afl ot: helico;;(er       SinbBionkisensmiteee : UEa
    e current model is controlling. The *Functions setup"
   menu will be filled accordingly. 'Ighe tranamitter uupponz              Reitohibsaittbecdainibiit.   RRCRAMICEUR
   airplanes (including Vtail configuration), fixed and                    (CmvaleMels . epmndewemErHLLRCCPM
   variable pitch helicopters and SwashAFR (Collective
   and Cyclic Pltch Mixing) 80%, 120° and 140°.                            Ce7HUmiERi®En o0®, 120° 4 140°.

   16.04. Model copy                                 HEsn

                    _E_/(                       [EX                                 4HHBH1/             F848
          L 3B                                           — aur              «e —                   o

                  EL                  P                                           LB

   Use this function to copy one model seitings to another.                   Ithiimoanepurifeiemtia onl . bix
   The target model settings will be deleted and replaced                 dnoovenrameraickuie , 3+50 B omtorengut
   by the source model settings. Since this command is                                             k          >
   destructive, a confirmation will be asked. Press ‘OK"                  ut . E%J?EQ:E%FEHEQ@L Fll&n—ilete.
   to execute the copy, select "Yes" with "UP" *DOWN®                     EXMARERERINE. & ‘O0 hikie® , it
   key then prass "OK" again to confirm.                                   "UP" "DOWN" @HiHE "Ves" BX "OK" ©hbWWiRife.

    1 5                                        Http://www. flysky—cn. com

_ Ipimlpmoporionladocm
                                                                                      wisysen 5§ — §
  16.05. Model reset                                      MHRH
                    Pts_/(                    xl                             Pt_[(              [ESU

  This function will resetthe currently selected model to                 NWBsR=AIMMARRRREceNeSE . RIak
  can  beuseful whenasetupis
  its default. The oth dels will
                                                   and.ReCemsese RRHANTERTOARREHR
                                         affected. Thi

  needs a fresh start. Since this function is destructive,           4&R EAIMAHREIRMIAREANILDCAIIR , FEScHAI
  a confirmation will be asked.                                      £. AICE—tWhitz. AXmABSAmAIRAE

  16.06. Trainer mode                                       SS
                                             -.fl"l/f                        CRG

                                                          *Sndten S66,

                                              Lo                    Coocte

  Thimtonioninbomsdstumingci‘                                             engeneisesenehinnom.
        is the Instructor   (the   t      d the   other

  selected trainer switch will sat up the remoto as the
                                                          is thi     —
                                                                         ARtLAEIEH , ——ARMNAYRIEH. ——aore
                                                                     AIChEH , CFTOATFTRN , ienss oldb it
  instructor and use the trainer transmitter to control the
  model. As soonas the trainer switchis turned off, the              E. HHGLTAXEN . *RICERNINR,
  student transmitter regeins control. To be affactive, the 2
  transmitters have to use the same radio mode {see below).

  16.07. Student mode                                        #R#X

                    ‘.-fxl'flfi-‘               xl                             ‘..-',’Il.‘/fi'   . rs EJ

  position is sent directly !% the Insyti:uctar'slranamlltsr. At
                                                                                  o sen
                                                                     J:Ffififififi!m RoHORRERtHNEINESZ. m
  that timg. the student (rlnsrpiner must not contrg)l any           B4umRn—eniiadenieeiie , Eoeeticent
  model directly and any receiver bound to the trainer
  transmitter must be turned off. Bypassing all student              flsEREDReRHLEROCE . Sm—mmbiemiidetenk
  between the student and Its Instructor.
                                                                     C   . AENMRMSbeiervominienhibeier
                                                                     BCTTT NNNAERNLRENTI.

t i.          L1.5.¢

   16.08. Sticks mode                                #BSLETic

                                              ESESTH                   Cul

   With this function, youcan choose among 4 different                   SohBbeMiRUARMRINEITRSTICHE. —EfEHT
   selectedsticks according toyour fiyinghabits (leftor .ECETEHatiik, Arciniecesike
       tick      das. The 4 first chi    I               d to   th                  m   ioiz           —

   right handed for example}.                                          FrinEeDiiesmalIsarnrm .

   16.09             Rxsetup                         EVes
   16.09.01 AFHOS 2                                  SXHRH


                                              ESESTH                   Pale

   This function is used to set one—way or two—way                        dotbtemcrsunmio=tuein(s

   16.09.02                 RX Battery                          KKoVB@EE

                                              ESH                      Cl

   Low voltage: sat the minimum voltagevalue. The battery is           WtbFe ieiosemireBcbials:
   empty when the actual battery voltage value is lower than this              .                      y    —
   filue' in           theal          mlege. An audiote atrm  n         amgl?gégfififi . HENREENETHedian . mas
     larm voltage: set the alarm voltage. An audible alarm rings                  .                w
   and the receiver battery icon in the top tray blinks when the         Shmae : suinein . (oorloeoLumiinete
   actualbattery valtage value is lower than this value.               PEmt75ficiteFraiAlnh
   High voltage: set the maximum voltagevalue. The battery is            ToE : COIPREEE , tdE RTeERIEN , Sn
    i'?full fhargs state when the actual battery voltage is equal to   RERRSNTEW
   this value.

   Oigital tion
              radio alsysten F§ — (G
   16.09.03 Fail Safe                                           KigGn

                                                Loo                       P

   This function is used for sotting the data offallsafe. Once the             iiohteRCrENNSceRdmaE . D—Rikdadene .
   algnal of recalver is lost, the one or more servoswl backto pro—
   set position. "turn offmeans the relevant servos will keap the last     #olonimeit—hakdsMoialmdasentitit.             "3F"
   position when the signal is lost. Setting methods:                      D—RlKGSSIES , iHSOpIbIUEEcekn
   Short pross "OK",choose one channel to set fallsate function, If        foGaR.       aibhik :
   the channel is in the needed position, and keep it, short press                  *          *
   "OK, than the position of servo will besaved. "ALL Channels"is          Kal "OlC itA—NEERBECIECETIbEE , im
   afterfintshingallsattingtosavethefailsate gala._                        CMERHBIREMNEE , MRurine . fatk "ol0 Seiot
      df      it      Ilactivated chi   is   at time. P    ‘C        i°                                           "ox*

   o                                                                       ROIRRRE—           "ALL Channels ReRRT—AREESHIER
                                                                           BHOERORNH , SHiGoRRNBICH: "Cancel"DUNik , iz

   16.09.04                  Sensors list                       (ERksak

                                                 LCOE                     P

   it showsall sehsors‘type, code and value, it can connect 15             Bmfrote®Emmaueesl. ENE , A€artes
   sonsors at most.                                                        15 NGRE

   16.09.05                  Choose Sensors                               WeinCts

                                                 ECEtH                    oo mm is anime

   Maln screen can show 3 sensors‘ value, this function can sloct            ommBHB®ul..mmeifertentoti® , ithiier
   ::::,o(;\:':::‘g:ie:n: show, if you don‘t select sensor, it will        Rimartiel , toke , Neratiesss.

t i.     L1.5.¢

   16.09.06 Speed—distance                                              utcfef:


   Spood sons                                                            Confembat
   Select the rotation spaed sensor to use. If noneis selacted, this     Wtl(ieArceewthtieo.
   function is disabled.                                                 EmME
   Sot rotation length:                       .              .           i0—hithonwiPEo4Hitetmme
   Set the vehicle travel distance corresponding to one rotation speed   siodeMieeimn micoiireis ( 0 c aok ) .
   sensor. This distanceis used to control the virtual speed and odo—    BESH®
   ;mars sonmort.                                                          EtBaki‘ d ‘eleske . orTMERE
    sat ?dom.tlv.          k2                    .                    RSrtoies.
   Touch "Reset odomater 1" or *Reset odometer 2" to resat the corres BBsL: fthmx®es , ooexirmrtikereint
   ponding odometer.                                                     se
   Odometer 1: itis used for recording the distance traveled by the
               vehlcle one time                                          Bekz: affhBEEX . RiNo@frhme®.
   Odometer 2: Itls used for recording total distance traveled by the

   16.09.07                i—BUS Setup                           i i—Bus

                                                  Etd                   Pct

   This function is used to axpand data channal                          IobRERTRtdeome

   16.09.08                Serves Freq                           Leatskd


   This function is used to set srvo‘s frequency                         WbBeFRenEELi


popntionatadiocontlsyten F§ — j

  Adjust the screen contrast according to the surrounding
  light environment.                                             wereBlowlttmteudimesTeoeflninhmsei.

   16.11.      Firmware version                             Eitthid


  This screen displays the firmware version and date.               whrmnmtmhntNicsm B , RfERN
  This allows you to know if a newerversion !s available
  for update (see below).                                       ~EHMEUmalmertsnhickTOE

   16.12.       Firmware update                        HFHER

                 CB[                     xd                             2B_[          rs 0
                                                                 «m —
                       This will entg: n MB                              This will ent

  Prior activating this function, connect the USB cable            Soaahlohtt , Atemusetiekeniietien5s
  between the back Interface of the transmitter and a PC
  computer. A confirmation will be asked since all              Mi#. mhuiiLzE, tf—tamiim. RWE
  functions will be halted. Turn off any receiver before        eBmaiife. HEAicGistal , mncmimeiiin. iumg
  entering this mode. To exitthis mode, simply turn off
  then back on the transmitter.                                 Wiibct , HHERRIREHL

                                       Http : //www. flysky—cn. com                                20

t i.    L1.5.¢

   16.13.        Factory reset                       WK®I2B

                _ TL mBH/                    D                  )7 ts_L                  FS—16
         _ 3B                                    a              C in

                                 snnz n                                            P

   This function will restore the whole transmitter settings      WothBtBitenc eBAE . Rrsttnk
   to their factory default. All system and modes settings
   will be lost. Since this function is destructive, a         $nomain fhemdeiimiiculii® . HErciik® .
   confirmation will be asked.                                 ket—thbin , BXAVESREAIRE

   17. Functions settings                             ThRBNER

                                 L      TB


   17.01. Reverse                      1Ei0H%


                                             Etd               Lt

   This function allows you to reversea channel. Sat all          mrmeneisiooeaeiinm® , #9)_—rreien@tsieer
   channels according to your model mechanics.                 DCUBnNiCRigets,

   21                                   Http://www. flysky—cn. com

_ Ipimlpmoporionladocm
                      wisysen 5§ — §
   17.02. End points                        ENEXtE


   This function sets the lower and upper extents of all           UnthRiaCSEArENmErERmIIAI. #& "OK"
   channels. Select the channel number with the "OK"
   key and the lower or upper        extenby moving the         Wimnl AAEREADDARIIEIIRINNRIIRRIITA
   corresponding stick or variator to the desired direction.    rtdrietmiBiets—NEHROMENEAREAXL.
   Select each extent value according to your model

   17.03. Display                      Nx

   This screen displays the status of all the 6 channels           [2d2.4ebonetCaopescb.PacpBscteeen20)
   like they are transmitted to the model. It‘s includes
   all the mode settings and algorithms if the student          wem. SGRcUtERIRIIIRT . IHbnrttRat
   mode is not activated.                                       Pnbieno®tk.

   17.04. Auxillary channels                                   SARDIN

                                                 $§BAPSE ‘ufa
                                                     ha         1 6
                                                   gou:g: UrB

   This function let you choose the source of the channels         HOhdicnaSts. Soomitinsem. Stue—

   issolecied, ;an off suttonwill tansmittnelowerexaont SmteiiteTSA   Ininiricint®e . rck
                                                        FomdCESCceAELE . FHHTTAHERHESTR
   of the channel and an on switch the upper extent.                                              2.
   If a varlable pitch hellcopter is in use, the channel 6      WiOHrIn. inmiknienrn@eiterh . s7imd
   is unavallable. Ifa hellcopter gyroscope is activated,       RFMRN. MRAEARRRNETH, mmmam
   the channe! 5 Is unavallable.                                FFeRGEFARY.

t i.    L1.5.¢

   17.05. Sub—trim                      #@


                                            ETsd                Cc

   This function allows you to adjust the middle point of          Aihetmne nsmNNRdENENE BR
   each servo. This is especially useful when this middle
   polnt cannot be mechanically fine adjusted.                  $C.EICHeWIER, IMbRHERREL

   17.06. Dual rate / exponentlal                                 REtt®E/8E

                                            ESH                 P

   This function lets you set up the transfer function of the      dotbRtendine— ..s roincteiistiss
   channel 1, 2 and 4 in both normal and sport mode. Use
   the fly mode switch to change mode. The rate selocts         MEXEYRMhHR, iMhlUfrBiUTAEcECREC , SR
   the desired slope coefficient and the exponential the
   Ilnearltylofthe curve. Thllslls very uselulxta declrease     gapr15ho enedn hAgh tdEMEwlatk
   the senaitivity near the middle point.                       esdinBREEIENESFR.

   17.07. Throttle curve                             ShTJBISR

                                            ESESTH              Culcs

   This function sets up the transfer curve of the throttle       hoben1cb=—aeohShitanaeiek
   (channel 3) in both normal and idle up modes. Use the                                   y
   idle mode switch to change made. 5 key points can be         x. (Mrmiertdctbinstren. o LLestdit Ei5
   adjusted. For example, a beginner may set them to 0%,        ©IR(E, BM : MSHRIORRRIINO%. 5%. 10%.
   :;‘%& ;22{; i:flsz(;‘::;iit";?% to decreasethe throttle sensitlvity 15% M20G0DNNN EtEmAE

_ Ipimlpmoporionladocm
                                                                               wisysen 5§ — §
  17.08. Pitch curve [variable pitch helicopter only)
                                         _Pss/                     FS—16


  This function is similar to the "Throftle curve" and sets   ICHISAT MDRET Ihébet . Armicessietts.
  up the transfer curve of the pitch.

  17.09. Swash AFR [varlable pitch with Swash AFR helicopter only)
               WFHLOGEimieSie (GUB6WeneCCP MIRFHI)

                                        LTSto                 o

  This function sets the proportion of aileron, elevator         Wototemcmnmint. Feeemimiecobobl. ds(
  and pitch in the SwashAFR. To invertone of them, a          shiOERN—, ons se toidie.
  negative value must be selected.

  17.10. Mix               it

                                        ESH                   P

  This function allows you to program up to 3 custom             mMoinie o oftition®®s—emtvidide.
  channel mixes. The master channel will alter the slave      MaSterRIRCEOMIRESRGESIaveRRO®AEIHL RiGWHE
  channel. The positive and negative mix set the amount       (OTESUERHERETEE mLRA Slave EMEA
  of alteration above and below the middle point. The         imemeibeiance.
  offeet shifts the slave channel by a certain amount.

                                        Hittp : //www. flysky—cn. com                            24

t i.    L1.5.¢

   17.11. Elevon [Airplane only)                                   AEMRBECtNER)

                                           EJEo                 Poectun

   For the modelwithout tail and the delta wing, you can            SOmRPHere—Bmbhern—iethomead ,
   set mix control rates ofAileron (CH1} and Elevator            iePiiethitNRCE—EnErrrHed Ca—antd o
   (CH2) by this function.                                       RitKOI

   17.12. V tail [Airplane only)=,                             vEMRCEELER)

                                           EJ Eo

   For the model without the V—tall, you can set mix control        JomRDMtcAN—Robevalemeteitiees . sTk
   rates of Elevator (CH2) and Rudder (CH4) by this function.    FHThREICATHRMEGA—intb/es Gabtime) ctomdt

   17.13. Gyroscope (helicopter only)                                    RMGi#RCG®7HUE®)

                                            _o._/T                    FS—16

                                           Etd                  Lt

   This function allows you to activate the gyrescope on            FePorenlethAe d mmb neie ,ns
   the channel 5 and to set up its value for both normal and
   idle up modes.                                                #xtmiedistictioRdE.

   25                                     Http://www. flysky—cn. com

_ Ipimlpmoporionladocm
                                                                              wisysen 5§ — §
  17.14. Switches assign                            FXS®E

                                          _ Poe.__/N


  This function lets you assign a switch to control the fly        IohitafekainxoniOneshiket ,kc
  mode, idle mode and throttle hold functions.                 mingtens.

  17.15. Throttle hold                         79@

                                                 _Td                  FS—16


  This function allows you to activate the throttle hold and       SicabAirerELidnernk 1hihiiscc1etii. —
  to choose ts value. Once engaged, the throttle stick is      EBJZJ8 , MNRFPICMIE. AOHUANAIHAEOYE
  ignored and only the selected value is transmifted.          sedbied® .

                                       Hittp : //www. flysky—cn. com                               26

tee _    as BE

    18. Packaging content                              C&RH
               NO:                            Model                             Sum                Remarks

                        6 channel 2.4G
                1       transmitter (FS—16)

                        6 channel 2.4G
                2       receiver (FS—1A6)                                          1

                        User manual
                j       qonet                                  whh

                a       Simulator cable                                            1              Optional
                        Wt                                                                        FNaho

                5       Serva (FS—S009)                                           2               Optional
                        MIRRE                                                                     STEkRY

                6       Trainer cable                                              1              Optional
                        K#                                                                        TEaY

    19. FCC          Statement                   FH

    FCC Statement
    This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to part 15 of the
    FCCrules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful Interference in a residentlal
    installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
    accordance with the Instructions, may cause harmful Interference to radlo communications. However, there is no guarantee
    that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
    televison reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user Is encouraged to try to correct
    the interference by one or more of the following measures:
    —Reorlant or relocate the recelving antenna.
    — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
    ~Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
    — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
    To assure continued compliance, any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
    compliance could vald the user‘s authority to operate this equipment. (Example use only shlelded Interface cables when
    connecting to computer or peripheral devices).
    This equipment complles with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
    (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
    (2) This device must accept any Interference recelved, Including Interference that may cause undesired operation.

    The manufacturer Is not responsible for any radlo or TV Interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this
    equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the equipment.

Copyright ©2013—2017 Flysky co., Itd

Document Created: 2014-07-07 16:56:47
Document Modified: 2014-07-07 16:56:47

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC