manual part 1


Users Manual

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                                 2CH Gun Radio    Fs     GTZ


siuuo   #Tll:rfl:Jllililfifl

    Digital propotional radio control system
 Http://www. flysky—cn. com
 Copy right 2008@flysky co. , Itd

5.2.4GHz system............................4

13.Failsafe function........................ 13

                                                                                     MODELS : FS—6GT2


    Thank you for choosing 2.4 G ratio remote control digital products, if you are the first time
    to use this type of products, please read this statement carefully and strictly in accordance
    with the requirements of operation. You could refer to the manual if you meet any problems
    during the operation . Please well keep the manual after use because you might have to
    use it again next time.   Once again, thanks for buying our products.
    l&nH. BEKRRBEE me iF"" d . #%%’Efié%féfi%fléfi%%aflnfl


    If you find any problems during the operation process, please refer to the manual. If the
    problem still exist, you could contact our dealers to find out the way to solve. And you could
    also log on to our website service center:

                                                 HTTP : WWW. FLYSKY—CN. COM
        in R ts 76 {€ B xt 35 / is . 6 in L. io k 35 — N io 5c 6 + $0 B. in & i) BOA A it
    Jn ts tes oJ BR BRho & ho fo Bc# At oh. 1e th n BBE t Pedl) ho BR & 4> M t c

                                                 HTTP : WWW. FLYSKY—CN. COM

2                               Http://www. flysky—en. com

                                 ®                                                MODELS : FS—G@T2
                                              Digital propotional radio control system

FLY¥Y SR NY                               C

h                                                  3.THE SPECIGL SYTTIBHOLS
 Please pay attention to the following symbols when it appears on the manual,and read
 ie i BB B ch 5 dn TA S ho tb e ie al e .. 3f fr in id# .

                      If the operator does not operate by following the instructions,the operator
& Danger:             may lead to serious injuries, even mortal danger.
                      nRRfternkr#ittontkikit, HiSKiMt#4®E=%G., HE2%A6K!
              &        If the operator does not operate by following the instructions,the operator
& Warmng: may lead to serious injuries, even mortal danger.
                       mRRMEEARoaCHikiE)thikie, oiteRRtrRTEAts, EnseBid !

                       If the operator does not operate by following the instructions,the operator
                       may lead to minor injuries, but generally it will not cause serious injuries
A Attention: to the operator.
             %éfiffi%*&Efi&?fifi&fim Hht4&4AHRrHit 11—BRArNAXtietrie

                          *L                         O "Igg
                      Prohibition                             Mandatory

                                                                        44.S5AFTY GLIIDOECES
  E    Don‘t fly in night ,bad weather such as rainy or thundering days .It will interfere the
       transmitter signal.Thereby it will create out of control and unexpected accident.

       Before you fly, please make sure the movement of server correspond with the
       direction of joysticks. If inconsistent, please adjust before fly.
       E%g% hk4ciatdRRBE Y4SishhRsXMRAY i1 —&%, mRLD—E, d
        H         .

       You need to turn the throttle channel(ch2) and inching switch to the lowest before
       You use. Then switch on the transmitter power ,finally connect the receiver.
       ££. HBonBRok#Lhlf.
       The sequence to shutdown is that tum off the receiver power first, and then the
       transmitter power.
       If the above operations are reverse, it might lead to uncontrolled and cause
       fa1BEEd pihiNesS3t mBatobL seueAeIG MenDL ceJB .
       U—H#EnREI, TiERRXE, Mmr"4tRAN

                               Http://www. flysky—en. com                                             3

                                              ®                                                                                MOoDELS : FS—GT2
                                                                Digital propotional radio control system
FL¥Y SRE Y                                                  (

                                                                                                                   5.2. 4GHZI S5YSTAM

                                                                            AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY
                                                                           HOPPING DIGITAL SYSTEM

          t & hJ . '&‘Efififififlfiigfiflfitflfi?%fififi&Wi&fiflfiflifllfi%flt&fiE‘JE
          K & §# B . EBB t io _ x i#f i) #&% 22— . it&A EAM & A 5 th im f" t# Ao
          AFHDS {automatic frequency hopping digital system), is developed by FLYSKY for all the Radio Control model
          lovers and is patented by FLYSKY at home. The system is specially developed for all the Radio control models,
          that offers super active and passive anti—jamming capabilities, very low power consumption and high receiver
          sensitivity. With extreme rigoroustesting by engineers and studying the markets for years, FLYSKY AFHDS is
          now considered to be the one of the best systems available in the market.

         & KiX MA :                              Specifications :
           MAENSEM: 2. 40—2. 4835GHz;                  RF range: 2. 40—2. 48356Hz:
           RBKB: 500Hz;                                Bandwidth: 500Hz;
           RBT®K: 1604;                                Band sum: 160;
           #®UE: FAF20DBm:                             RF power: less than 20DBm;
           1468X: BPRAKTAZ:                            2. 40 system: AFHDS:
           RMJ z: GFSK:                                Code type: GFSK;
           XRKE: 208 %;                                ANT length: 26mm;
           KKR&E: —105DBm;                             RX Sensitivity: ~105DBm;

aA t¥ t fiE :
                      %g EEE&M 400Hz8)2, 48350Hz, 21604 Kua . 51AE M R ob KE h164 Mua T fF 31 eofltmfim&
I 'I 'l       ("i |   %Eiflg;flflflflflTH&EKfifl*Tfifififilfi)fiTfi R inA nJ 66( 08 M t o 2 19 /N# io 6. Mn E0T S
                      The system works in between 2.4006Hz to 2.4835GHz frequences that have been divided into 160 frequency points. Each system uses 16
                      frequencies points and 160 hopping frequency. By using varlous switchIng—on time, frequency hopping and different frequency points, the
                      s¥s|em can passively avold frequency Jamming.

     &                R&KE. MUMARARMRE®K® FmaroRkzaiTHiET.
                      The system uses a linear spread of fine paragraph by excess antenna, which covers the ontire band width of the antenna bundwidth range;
                      greatly enhances the efficiency of the system launch and receiving sensitivity. It greatly improves system stability, and strongthen the passive
                      anti—jamming capubility of the system.
                                in gl
                                             ken — ht t —AR S 1 one ,              3 5 telobl y whng o it | on e k t BA T(E
                      ggg“fiflfltmflfifimfi AriLf sfirerlit. LnamkRA® snrRRELA, MnksRR
                      Each transmitter has its own unique ID. When the transmitter communicates with the receiver, the ID will be transmiiter and saved In the
                      receiver. The System works only when the ID is matched when the recelver powers on. This dramatically Increases the ubility of passiveantl—
                      Jamming and enhances the total stubility of the system.
                      th 3 #h 7e 2 38 Th i fit th +5 9 14 . 6 oc m in o wl Ah iB io o . TCERER o e Ki ) st.. m MAE T RAH h
                      % ) 36A i Ne PA C(E To) . ie &# ie m on en 15 T N mir MR +A +—.
                      The system uses low power consumption components, and the receiver chip is extremely sensitive; the system uses intervalsignal
                      transmission, thereby reducing the transmission power, and incroasing the operating. Compuratively this system consumes only one tenth
                      of the normal FM systom.

                                          Http : //www. flysky—cn. com

Document Created: 2012-05-17 10:33:36
Document Modified: 2012-05-17 10:33:36

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