User Manual


Users Manual

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                   Telular Corporation

                 Requirements Document

                       SX7M / SX7T
             Fixed Wireless Modem / Terminal


                                     Part Number: TBD

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America. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
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                                            1 of 25

Table of Contents
1     INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 5

2     PRODUCT VARIANTS....................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1       CELLULAR VARIANTS ..................................................................................................................... 5
    2.2       SX7T VS. SX7M ............................................................................................................................. 5
    2.3       WIFI ................................................................................................................................................ 5
    2.4       SKUS .............................................................................................................................................. 5
3     ENCLOSURE ....................................................................................................................................... 7

4     CONNECTORS.................................................................................................................................... 7

5     POWER SWITCH................................................................................................................................ 8

6     CONFIGURATION RESET SWITCH .............................................................................................. 9

7     EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY ......................................................................................................... 9

8     BATTERY PACK AND BATTERY OPERATION........................................................................ 10

9     WAN REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................... 10
    9.1       INTERNET ACCESS OVER CELLULAR ............................................................................................. 10
    9.2       IP MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 10
    9.3       REMOTE DEVICE MANAGEMENT (RDM) ...................................................................................... 12
10         LAN REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................ 13
    10.1      LAN - WIRED CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................ 13
    10.2      LAN UTILITIES ............................................................................................................................. 13
    10.3      LOCAL DEVICE MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 14
    10.4      WIFI 802.11B/G ............................................................................................................................. 15
11         ETHERNET PORT........................................................................................................................ 15

12         GPS .................................................................................................................................................. 15

13         USB DEVICE PORT...................................................................................................................... 15

14         SIMULATED PSTN....................................................................................................................... 16
    14.1      VOICE SERVICE ............................................................................................................................. 16
    14.2      ANALOG FAX (G3) SERVICE.......................................................................................................... 17
    14.3      ANALOG MODEM SERVICE ............................................................................................................ 17
    14.4      RJ-11 JACK PROGRAMMABILITY AND MODES ............................................................................... 17
    14.5      POTS PROGRAMMING ................................................................................................................... 19
15         IP MODEMS................................................................................................................................... 20

16         USB HOST ...................................................................................................................................... 20
    16.1      THE USB HOST PORT SHALL SUPPORT USB 2.0 – FULL SPEED (12 MBITS/SECOND) .................... 20
    16.2      THE USB HOST PORT SHALL SUPPLY A NOMINAL 5 VOLTS AT 100 MILLIAMPS ............................. 20
    16.3      TARGETED USB DEVICES .............................................................................................................. 20

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                                                                         2 of 25

17       LED INDICATORS ....................................................................................................................... 21
  17.1      LED DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 21
  17.2      PROGRAMMING MODE .................................................................................................................. 21
  17.3      PSTN ERROR ................................................................................................................................ 22
  17.4      UN-PROVISIONED CDMA.............................................................................................................. 22
18       DEVICE MANAGEMENT AND CONFIGURATION .............................................................. 22

19       RUIM/USIM ................................................................................................................................... 22

20       SUPPORTING SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................ 23
  20.1      END USER SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................... 23
  20.2      SUPPLY CHAIN SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................ 24
21       SUPPORTING SERVICES ........................................................................................................... 24
  21.1      FAX GATEWAY SERVICE - FOIP (IWF) ......................................................................................... 24
  21.2      MOIP IWF ................................................................................................................................... 24
  21.3      DDNS WEB SERVER ..................................................................................................................... 24
  22.1      REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 25
  22.2      ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 25

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                                                                   3 of 25

                                  Revision History
    Date       Revisio                      Summary                         ECO    By/Approved
 11/27/2006     0.0      Created                                            ---    Gerard Knight
 12/03/2006     0.1      Bulk changes resulting from meeting with                  Gerard Knight
 12/06/2006              List of additions resulting from Meeting with             Gerard Knight
                         User option for any voice call to suspend on
                         ongoing packet data

                         “Copy protection” of billable software upgrades

                         Control of what users can and cannot download
                         based on carrier (block of ESNs)

                         Added USB Host to supply 5 Volts @ 100mA
                         Added requirement for 12V Automotive power
                         Added Environmental requirements
                         Added RoHS requirement
 12/08/2006      0.2     List of changes resulting from meeting with
                         Added UL listed, CSA, CE for external power
                         Replaced LED definitions with update from Josh
                         Added cellular variant for 1xEVD-O Rel 0
                         Added section depicting SKUs
                         Added new POTS cmds from Edward S.
                         Replaced CLI with M2M interface
  12/22/06       0.3     Labeling changes 3.1.7 to 3.1.10 (Frank Collias)          Gerard Knight
                         Added Product Matrix from Josh Hughes
                         Updated Cellular Variants to not conflict with
                         product Matrix
                         Added Setup Wizard section from Josh Hughes
                         Added FOIP and MOIP modem details from Josh
                         Added requirement to support Verizon Access
                         Manager Program
                         Filled in several TBDs
  3/8/2007               Updated RJ-11 Jack logic                                 Gerard Knight
                         Updated LED definitions (Bruce Urban)
                         Updated Product SKU table (Bruce Urban)
                         Various other changes
 5/16/2007               Replaced SKU table with update from Darin H              Gerard Knight
                         Added Super G3 33.6K fax modem

Copyright © 2007 by Telular Corporation. All Rights
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the prior written consent of Telular Corporation.

                                             4 of 25

1 Introduction
This document details the requirements for the Telular SX7T/M Series of Fixed Cellular Terminals. These
families of products offer CSD, SMS, and Internet services over various broadband cellular technologies.

The requirements set forth here are subject to a staged release plan. The release plan contemplates 3
releases before all the requirements are met.

2 Product Variants
2.1     Cellular Variants

2.1.1     HSDPA
      The SX7T HSDPA products shall use the Sierra Wireless MC8775V Radio Module which has the
      following features.
           a) HSDPA/UMTS frequency bands (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)
           b) EDGE/GPRS/GSM bands (850, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz)
           c) HR/FR/EFR/AMR Vocoders

2.1.2     1xEVD0 Rev A
      The SX7T 1xEVDO Rev A products shall use the Sierra Wireless MC5725V Radio Module which has
      the following features.
           a) 1xEVDO Rev. A service
           b) Dual-Band 800/1900 MHz
           c) EVRC and 13KQCELP Vocoders
           d) GPS

2.2     SX7T vs. SX7M

2.2.1     The SX7M and SX7T shall both support Ethernet, USB device and USB host

2.2.2     The SX7T shall support a simulated PSTN port, supporting POTS phones,
          analog modems, analog fax machines, caller ID boxes, and telephone answering

2.3     WiFi

2.3.1     The WiFi product variants shall provide 802.11b/g Access Point (AP) LAN
          functionality for internet access over the cellular WAN.

2.4     SKUs
        The table below shows the SKUs known at this time, along with their key attributes, customer
        applications, and target regions.

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                                                5 of 25

 Base Model Numbers                           Key Attribute                      Customer

 SX7T-605C                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Generic-US
 SX7T-615C                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Sprint
 SX7T-625C                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Alltel
 SX7T-635C                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Verizon Wireless
 SX7T-645C                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Telus Mobility
 SX7M-400C                       HiSpeed Data Modem Only                    Generic
 SX7M-415C                       HiSpeed Data Modem Only                    Sprint
 SX7M-425C                       HiSpeed Data Modem Only                    Alltel
 SX7M-435C                       HiSpeed Data Modem Only                    Verizon Wireless
 SX7M-445C                       HiSpeed Data Modem Only                    Telus Mobility

 SX7T-605G                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Generic EU
 SX7T-605G                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Generic UK
 SX7T-605G                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Generic AU
 SX7T-605G                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Generic US
 SX7T-655G                       Voice/SMS/Hi-Speed Data/Fax/GPS            Cingular
 SX7M-400G                       HiSpeed Data Modem Only                    Generic
 SX7M-455G                       HiSpeed Data Modem Only                    Cingular

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                                            6 of 25

3 Enclosure
3.1.1   The enclosure shall be smaller in size than the current SX5T, 5”x6”x1”

3.1.2   The enclosure shall be made of CE-rated plastic

3.1.3   The enclosure shall be shall be Pantone (TBD) (“Dell Black”) in color, with a
        Telular logo.

3.1.4   The enclosure shall have mounting holes to allow for wall mounting

3.1.5   The enclosure shall provide end user SIM/RUIM access

3.1.6   The enclosure shall allow for end user battery pack access

3.1.7   All labeling shall be screen printed. Ink color shall be white.

3.1.8   LEDs shall be labeled both on the top and on the side of the top cover, below
        LEDs, to facilitate easy viewing in either a single or stacked installation.

3.1.9   Each connector on the back side shall be labeled.

3.1.10 Standard size Telular logo shall be located on the top cover at the top left corner.
       A smaller Telular logo shall be located on the front side at the lower right corner

4 Connectors
    The following connectors shall be included:

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                                              7 of 25

4.1.1    An RJ-45 connector with a yellow ring shall be provided for the Ethernet Port

4.1.2   A USB Type B connector with a purple ring shall be provided for the USB Device

4.1.3   A USB Type A connector shall be provided for the USB Host port.

4.1.4   One or two TNC Antenna connectors shall be provided depending on whether
        the radio uses antenna diversity or not.

4.1.5   A Standard 12 VDC barrel connector shall be used for power entry.

4.1.6   A user detachable battery connector shall be provided.

4.1.7   A green grounding screw shall be provided.

4.1.8   The option for a RUIM/USIM socket shall be provided. (GSM or RUIM variants

4.1.9   Two RJ-11 Jacks shall be provided for the Simulated PSTN function. (SX7T
        family only)

5 Power Switch
    There shall be a slide power switch capable of turning the unit on or off. The following table defines
    the operation of the power switch.

                          AC      Battery
              Switch     Valid     Valid                  State of Operation
               On         Y         X          Normal Operation on AC, Charging if required
               On         N         Y                 Normal Operation on battery
               On         N         N                          Totally off
               Off        Y         X                  Charging Only, if required
               Off        N         X                          Totally off

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                                                8 of 25

6 Configuration Reset Switch
6.1.1   A push button switch is required to restore the local default settings for
        Ethernet/USB connectivity. This is required because the unit could be configured
        such that it could no longer be locally accessed.

6.1.2   This reset function shall reset the password for local device management.

6.1.3   The local defaults will only be restored for a switch depression of 10 seconds or

7 External Power Supply
7.1.1   The power supply shall be a desktop type

7.1.2   The power supply shall operate over 90-264 VAC input

7.1.3   The power supply shall have a 12 VDC output

7.1.4   The power supply shall have a 3 wire detachable IEC input power cord

7.1.5   The power supply shall be UL listed, CSA, and CE approved
An automotive power cord for 12VDC operation shall be provided. Connector shall accommodate both
U.S. and European connector configuration standards.

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                                            9 of 25

8 Battery Pack and Battery Operation
8.1.1    All units will be shipped with a NiMH battery pack.

8.1.2    End users are required to operate units with a battery pack installed. This insures
         detachment from the network during AC failures, and provides extra protection of
         non-volatile memory in harsh power grid environments.

8.1.3    The unit shall operate without a battery pack installed because manufacturing
         builds and tests units without a battery installed.

8.1.4    The battery shall provide 8 hours standby time

8.1.5    The battery shall provide 1 hour talk time

8.1.6    A discharged battery shall take less than 4 hours to charge to 90% of capacity.

8.1.7    When in an “off” state and no external DC voltage supplied, total battery drain
         shall be less than 100 uA.

9 WAN Requirements
9.1     Internet Access over Cellular

9.1.1    The WAN interface shall provide Internet access over cellular

9.2     IP Management

9.2.1    DDNS Client
         A DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) client works with a DDNS server to allow mobile
         terminated access to a terminal despite it possibly having an unknown dynamic IP address. The
         DDNS server enables access to SX7s via the Internet using a programmable symbolic name, rather
         than an IP address.

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                                             10 of 25    A DDNS client shall be provided.    The DDNS client shall support the Mint DDNS standard.    The DDNS client shall be interoperable with Telular’s, and commercially available
           DDNS servers.

9.2.2     Auto Connect    A mode for automatically connecting to the Internet upon power-on, loss of connection,
           or after termination of a circuit switched call, shall be provided.    A mode for automatically connecting to the Internet on LAN activity shall be provided.    The auto connect mechanism shall be user programmable to select mode and enable or

9.2.3     Internet Connection Keep Alive
          Prevents the closing of the Internet connection by the cellular network during extended periods
          with no data being transferred.    Keep Alive may use Ping to keep the Internet connection open.    Keep Alive shall be user configurable to enable and disable    The duration of inactivity before a Keep Alive action is taken shall be user

9.2.4     SMS Triggered Connect-Back (“Phone-Home”)
          This method can be used by a remote entity to establish a connection with an SX7 terminal that
          has an unknown IP address, and/or is behind a firewall. The remote entity will send a secure SMS
          to the terminal. The terminal will respond by initiating a connection to the remote entity.

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                                                11 of 25     SMS Triggered Connect-Back shall be provided

9.3     Remote Device Management (RDM)

9.3.1     RDM shall be done Over-The-Air (OTA)

9.3.2     RDM Security     Unauthorized access to the terminal maintenance and configuration shall be prohibited
            using authentication and encryption.     Provisions for RDM access by customers to said customer’s terminals shall be
            provided.     In such cases where customers are given access rights to their terminals, access by
            Telular shall be revocable.

9.3.3     All configuration settings shall be remotely readable and writable

9.3.4     FOTA (Firmware Over The Air)     Application Processor Firmware      The Application Processor Firmware shall be upgradeable in segments to minimize
               cost of data transmission      The following application firmware segments shall be individually upgradeable:
          a)   Sticky Points (code patches)
          b)   Arbitrary Files in the File System
          c)   PSTN Simulator DSP code
          d)   RTPs
          e)   Downloadable Kernel Modules (DKM)
          f)   Shared Libraries
          g)   VxWorks OS     Radio Module Firmware      The radio module software shall be upgradeable.

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                                             12 of 25

9.3.5     Sensor Points    Wind River Sensor Point remote diagnostic technology shall be supported

10 LAN Requirements
10.1 LAN - Wired Connections

10.1.1 Ethernet The LAN shall provide Internet connectivity via the Ethernet port. The Ethernet port shall support connection to an external hub or switch. There shall be a version of product with a built in two or four Port Ethernet switch.

10.1.2 USB The LAN shall provide Internet connectivity via the USB Device port The USB device port shall support DUN (dial-up networking).

10.2 LAN Utilities

10.2.1 DHCP Server A DHCP server shall be provided for automatic assignment of IP addresses of any
         device connected to the LAN. The DHCP server shall be user configurable to on or off. Default shall be on. Local IP addresses shall also be statically configurable.

10.2.2 NAPT A Network Address Port Translation function shall be provided for sharing the single
         WAN IP address amongst multiple local IP addresses on the LAN.

10.2.3 Firewall A firewall function shall be provided.

10.2.4 ATE Support shall be provided as required (Automatic Test Equipment)

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                                           13 of 25

10.2.5 SMS Services SMS POP3 Adaptation: needs more definition

10.3 Local Device Management

10.3.1 Local device management shall be done using the Ethernet port

10.3.2 Internal Website
        An internal website for maintenance and configuration shall be provided. This website is
        accessible over the LAN. The following sections describe the website’s capabilities. System Settings
    •   Password Change
    •   Host Name Change
    •   Restore Factory Defaults Factory defaults(hidden)/ Carrier defaults
    •   System Reset
    •   Software Upgrade (Pull) WAN Configuration
    •   PPP Setup
    •   Physical Address Setting
    •   GPS Reporting Configuration LAN Configuration
    •   IP Address /Subnet Address Setting
    •   DHCP Setup
    •   GPS Applications Configuration Firewall Configuration Simulated PSTN Configuration
        The following list of PSTN configuration items shall be manageable using the internal web site:

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                                              14 of 25

10.3.3 M2M Interface An interface suitable for M2M shall be provided for reading and writing of all device
         configuration items The M2M interface shall be password protected The M2M interface shall be protected from hacking over the WAN

10.4 WiFi 802.11b/g

10.4.1 The WiFi product variants shall provide 802.11b/g Access Point (AP) LAN
       functionality for internet access over the cellular WAN.

11 Ethernet Port
11.1.1 The Ethernet port shall be 10/100 Base T with auto detect.

11.1.2 The Ethernet port shall support Local Device Management

12 GPS
12.1.1 Units shall be configurable to report GPS location over the WAN or LAN in
       response to the following triggers:
     a)    Time Interval
     b)    Change Magnitude
     c)    Remote query
     d)    Local query

12.1.2 Mobility restriction shall be supported

13   USB Device Port
13.1.1 The USB Device Port shall support USB 2.0 – Full Speed (12 Mbits/second)

13.1.2 The USB Device Port shall provide Internet access over cellular using DUN (Dial-
       Up Networking)
          In general terms, the USB device supports PPP over USB for Internet access. DUN, Dial UP
          Networking, is a specific term for PPP over USB on a PC running Windows.

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                                                15 of 25

13.1.3 The USB Device Port shall support PC Fax

13.1.4 The USB Device Port shall support PC CSD

14 Simulated PSTN
14.1 Voice Service

14.1.1 Voice service shall be supported on the Simulated PSTN

14.1.2 Voice service shall be supported during an active data session on the WAN,
       when simultaneous voice and data is supported by the radio and the serving

14.1.3 Dialing an emergency number shall terminate or suspend any existing network
       connection as required to make an emergency call.

14.1.4 User option for any voice call to suspend on ongoing packet data (voice priority).

14.1.5 POTS programming will function within voice service

14.1.6 TTY/TDD shall be supported during voice service

14.1.7 Type 1 (On Hook) Caller ID shall be supported during Voice Service.

14.1.8 Type 2 (Off Hook) Caller ID shall be supported during Voice Service.

14.1.9 A set of vertical services (i.e. *69, *70 etc.) shall be supported. The set is defined
       by the least common denominator of services that can be reasonably supported
       in CDMA and GSM systems. (TBD)

14.1.10       The glare behavior shall be user selectable to reject an incoming call
       during dialing, or to provide a call waiting tone during dialing.

14.1.11         The GSM Standard MMI shall not be supported.

14.1.12         Support of Supplementary Services and USSD

14.1.13         DTMF correction shall be supported
      Correction for distortion of down link DTMF by Vocoder. Purpose is to ensure reliable operation
      with premises equipment (PBX, telemetry equipment). If necessary, can add programmability for
      user to select ON/OFF of dtmf compensation mode, or adjustment of sensitivity.

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                                             16 of 25

14.2 Analog Fax (G3) Service

14.2.1 Analog Fax over CSD Bearer
         Analog fax shall be supported over a CSD bearer only when the serving network supports it.

14.2.2 Analog Fax over TCP/IP Bearer – FOIP
         FOIP shall be supported using the T.38 Protocol

14.2.3 G3 Modems Supported
         •   ITU V.17 - 7200, 9600, 12,000 and 14,400 bps
         •   ITU V.29 - 7200 and 9600 bps
         •   ITU V.27ter - 2400 and 4800 bps
         •   ITU V.21 Channel 2 - 300 bps FSK
         •   ITU T.30 Fax Protocol
         •   ITU T.4, MH and MR Image Format Conversion
         •   ITU T.4 Copy Quality Checking/CorrectionSuper G3 Modem 33.6KBPS

14.3 Analog Modem Service

14.3.1 The following analog modems shall be supported:
    a)   ITU V.34 - 2400 to 33,600 bps
    b)   ITU V.32/V.32bis - 4800 to 14,400 bps
    c)   ITU V.23 - 75/1200 bps
    d)   Bell 202 - 75/1200 bps
    e)   ITU V.22bis - 1200 and 2400 bps
    f)   ITU V.22 - 1200 bps
    g)   Bell 212 - 1200 bps
    h)   Compatible with 212A? (TBD)
    i)   ITU V.21 - 300 bps
    j)   Bell 103 - 300 bps
    k)   ITU V.42 - LAPM Error Correction, Detection
    l)   ITU V.42bis - Lempel-Ziv Data Compression
    m)   V.90 Server Modem (56K)

14.3.2 The analog modem shall be able to negotiate from 33.6K and higher down to
       lower speeds? (TBD)

14.3.3 The analog modem shall support V.8?

14.4 RJ-11 Jack Programmability and Modes
      In this section the RJ11 Jacks are referred to as J1 and J2. These jacks can be user configured using
      the local device management to support voice and data capabilities without the need for prefix
      dialing or POTS commands.

      Normally, the two RJ11 jacks in the SX7t operate as extension jacks; if both jacks are off hook, they
      will both have the same signal on tip/ring. There are two modes of operation for the RJ11 jacks,
      Voice Only Mod (VOM) and Voice and Analog Mode (VAMM). These modes are configurable by
      POTS commands and/or the configuration web page.

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                                              17 of 25

14.4.1 Voice Only Mode (VOM)

This operating mode sets both jacks to handle only voice calls by default. This operating mode can be
overridden on either jack by using a dialing prefix. The dialing prefix in this mode indicates to the system
that a fax/data call is to be launched on the jack that is issuing the dialing prefix. The dialing prefix
override is for the next call only. After the call terminates, the default VOM operation returns.

14.4.2 Voice and Analog Modem Mode (VAMM)

This operating mode sets jack 1 (J1 to be the voice jack and jack 2 (J2) to be the fax/data jack. Like VOM,
this mode’s operation can be overridden by using a dialing prefix. If J1 has a dialing prefix pre-pended to
the dial string, a fax/data call will be launched. If J2 has a dialing prefix pre-pended to the dial string, a
voice call will be launched. The dialing prefix overrides are for the next call only. After the call terminates,
the default VAMM operation returns.

14.4.3 MO Call Routing
The following table assumes that the system is idle before either of the jacks seize the line, i.e. no calls are
active, and the cellular service allows simultaneous voice and data calling.

J1                J2                 Mode               Tone                 Comments
On                On                 X
Off               On                 VOM                Dial Tone            Launch voice call
On                Off                VOM                Dial tone            Launch voice call
Off               On                 VAMM               Dial tone            Launch voice call
On                Off                VAMM               Dial tone            Launch fax/data call
On                On                 X
Override          On                 VOM                Dial tone            Launch fax/data call
On                Override           VOM                Dial tone            Launch fax/data call
Override          On                 VAMM               Dial tone            Launch fax/data call
On                Override           VAMM               Dial tone            Launch voice call
 Override = Dialing prefix to override the current jack mode.

14.4.4 MT Call Routing
Mobile terminated calls are also affected by jack mode setting.

Mode                   Fax/data               Voice                  Comments
VAMM                   J2                     J1                     Fax/data on J2. Only J2 will receive alert signal by
                                                                     disabling J1. J1 will be re-enabled after line J2 line
                                                                     seizure or alert end. Voice on J1. J2 will be
                                                                     disabled during an MT voice call alert so only J1
                                                                     will ring. J2 reenabled after J1 line seizure or alert
VOM                    X                      J1 & J2                Fax/data MT calls are rejected. Voice calls are
                                                                     rung through.

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                                                 18 of 25

14.4.5 Voice Channel Access Rules via Voice Priority

This section describes the system Voice Priority setting. The SX7t can be set so that voice calls take
priority over any other connection activity in the system. This applies only to mobile originated calls.

     Voice Priority              WAN              Dial tone                        Comments
Enabled (default)                  X            Normal            Pause WAN if necessary (EVDO).
Disabled                          Yes           E911              E911 call will be launched. System will
                                                                  halt any connectivity activity necessary to
                                                                  accomplish this
Disabled                           No           Normal            Voice calls launched as normal.

14.4.6 Limitations

Due to hardware limitations, there is an RJ11 jack priority built into the system. The priority is to J2 in the
system. For J1 to be able to detect off hook or on hook, J2 must already be on hook. In other words, for
any jack activity to be detected on J1 (on hook, off hook or hook flash), J2 must be idle (on hook). If J2
goes off hook, any changes in J1 hook state cannot be detected by S/W.

14.4.7 Prefix Dialing Prefix Dialing shall be provided to override the current mode of an off-hook RJ-11 jack. There shall be user programmable prefixes that allow numeric and non-numeric entries. User programmable dialing prefixes shall not invalidate the standard prefixes. Prefix dialing shall apply to voice and data modes

14.5 POTS Programming
POTS programming uses a Plain Old Telephone Set to program internal settings by dialing special

14.5.1 POTS Programming shall support the following:
    a)     Entering programming/configuration mode
    b)     Activating CDMAs units by manual entry of MDN/MIN mobile numbers
    c)     Setting independent functions (voice, fax, CSD, FoIP/MoIP) of RJ-11 jacks
    d)     Pre-fix dialing (#*1#, #*2#, ext) for fax and CSD functions, one time and always modes
    e)     Reset user defaults (ex:#*107*1#)
    f)     Setting USB for CSD?
    g)     Setting USB or RJ-45 for packet data?
    h)     Properties (username and password) for “Always On” packet data?
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                                                 19 of 25

    i)   ROH Continuous/Non-Continuous
    j)   Automatic End-Of-Dialing
    k)   Polarity Reversal – MO
    l)   Polarity Reversal – MT
    m)   Self-Test Interval
    n)   Dial Tone Type
    o)   Restore User Settings to PRI Values
    p)   On-Hook Voltage Level
    q)   Disconnect Tone

15 IP Modems
    These “modems” work in conjunction with the analog modems as defined in the Simulated PSTN
    section. IP modems packetize data from the analog modem and transmit the packets over the Internet.
    Likewise, IP modems de-packetize data from the Internet and transmit the data to the analog modem.

    For communicating with remote analog modems, IP modems will require some form of an IWF to
    translate IP back to analog. In some cases the far end might be satisfied with IP data, and no IWF
    would be needed. With an SX7T at the far end, analog to analog communication could be supported
    without an IWF.

     The following types of IP modems shall be supported.
        • FOIP - Analog Fax over IP / Telular or 3rd Party Fax Gateway (IWF)
        • MOIP - Analog Modem Over IP / Telular IWF
        • FOIP - Analog Fax over IP / Point to Point
        • MOIP - Analog Modem Over IP / Point to Point

16 USB Host
16.1 The USB Host Port shall support USB 2.0 – Full Speed (12

16.2 The USB Host Port shall supply a nominal 5 Volts at 100 milliamps

16.3 Targeted USB devices
      For revenue protection, the ability to push new device drivers OTA would obviate the need for
      support and management of user licenses.
      The following devices may be supported:
        a) WiFi
        b) Bluetooth
        c) IP Video Camera
        d) Hard Disk Drive
        e) USB Memory Stick

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                                               20 of 25

17 LED Indicators
17.1 LED definitions
  LED        1               2                 3                         4                     5          6           7
          Power           MSG                PSTN                  Service / SIM            RSSI         RSSI        RSSI
   Off                  No Msgs         On Hook - No Wan                                 No GPS,Sig
  Solid AC/Normal      VM  / POTS         On hk / Wan               Service / 2G         1 Bar + GPS     2 bars      3 bars
  Slow   DC only      SMS / Flash                                  Service / 2.5G           1 Bar        1 bar       2 bar
  Fast                Both  / FOTA       On Hk / Wan Tx             Service / 3G
  Solid  AC/chrg    Norm / Prog mode      Off hk / Wan            Roam Srvc / 2G
  Slow   Low DC                          Off hk / No Wan         Roam Srvc / 2.5G
  Fast                                   Off Hk / Wan Tx          Roam Srvc / 3G             Off          Off         Off     none
  Solid  Batt fault                       ROH / Wan                 No Service               On           Off         Off     Lowest
  Slow    DC crit                        ROH / No Wan               PIN Locked               On          Slow         Off     Poor
  Fast                                   ROH / Wan Tx         SimErr/NoSim/NetReject         On           On          Off     Fair
                                                                                             On           On         Slow     Good
                                        Programming Mode        Unprovisioned CDMA           On           On          On      Best
                                         Alternate Red/Grn           Fast Red

                                           PSTN Error     ROH will be cleared by going on hook. PSTN error will no
                            Solid        PSTN Err / Wan
                            Slow        PSTN Err / No Wan
                            Fast        PSTN Err / Wan Tx

17.2 Programming Mode

17.2.1 LED number 3 shall alternate between Red and green in the programming mode.

17.2.2 LED number 2 shall indicate the type of programming mode.

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                                            21 of 25

17.3 PSTN Error

17.3.1 Indicated by LED number 3 being red and it shall not clear by placing receiver on
       hook. Solid = PSTN Error/WAN Slow = PSTN Error/ No Wan Fast = PSTN Error/ Wan TX

17.4 Un-provisioned CDMA
Indicated by fast flashing red LED number 4.

18 Device Management and Configuration
18.1.1 Local device management and configuration shall be supported.
          See Local Device Management in LAN section and POTS Programming in the Simulated PSTN

18.1.2 The device shall support remote management and configuration
          See Remote Device Management in WAN section

19.1.1 3V/1.8V RUIM/USIMs shall be supported
     Need to check what Mfg/Sizes/types are supported (TBD)

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                                             22 of 25

20 Supporting Software
20.1 End User Software

20.1.1 Standard Web Browser Define web browsers tested with (Iexp, Mozzilla)

20.1.2 USB Driver Installation Wizard

20.1.3 Full Setup Wizard

20.1.4 Firmware Upgrader. Revenue protection (send enable software key) media alone
       does not work

20.1.5 SMS POP3 Adapter and Install Wizard

20.1.6 Carrier Specific Software Verizon Access Manager Program shall be supported

20.1.7 “Copy protection” of billable software upgrades

20.1.8 Control of what users can and cannot download based on carrier (block of ESNs)
      Are there special connection managers, utilities, etc. required by each targeted carrier?

20.1.9 SX7 User Setup/Installation Wizard on CD
The purpose for the user “Setup Wizard” would be to allow a software interface
between an End User computer and the SX7 to initially configure everything from
the mobile number (CDMA), RJ-11 functionality, USB, and internet packet data.
Therefore, replacing the need for POTS programming or prefix dialing. This
would be an exe file on a CD or internet download compatible with Windows
2000 and higher. It should also allow a “configuration” file (user defaults) to be
saved to facility setting up multiple units (minus the mobile number). Should
follow the process of asking questions relevant to the Model selected by the End
User, boxes being “checked” or “filled out” before allowing the user to select “next
page”. A review page will be shown at the end to confirm settings before saving
to NV memory.

Action Items to be completed by the Wizard:
   • MDN & MIN for CDMA
   • J1 & J2 functionality (voice, CSD, MoIP/FoIP) that will detect MO/MT calls
       and handles them appropriately as stated in the product spec.
   • Internet packet data

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                                               23 of 25

            o Set up dialup session with Windows and SX7,
               username/password/dialing number
            o Select USB B Host, local PC
            o Select Ethernet, local PC or LAN
            o “Always ON” connectivity
    •    CSD modem settings (baud rate, timing, ect.) for Telemetry applications
    •    Advance feature settings, ex: DTMF correction ON or OFF
    •    Possible future USB Host & Device driver installation
    •    Possible future functionality for setting up Bluetooth connectivity
            o Cellular handset to SX7T RJ-11 jack output for premise POTS
            o Handsfree kits for voice calls
            o Device to SX7 T for CSD transmission
            o Device to SX7T for Packet Data transmission

20.2 Supply Chain Software

20.2.1 First Flasher

20.2.2 Re-Flasher

20.2.3 Diagnostics

20.2.4 PST

21 Supporting Services
21.1 Fax Gateway Service - FOIP (IWF)
        This is an Internet service for converting between FOIP data and analog fax signals on the PSTN.
        Users can use this service to send analog faxes between an SX7T and any analog fax machine on the
        real PSTN, without the need for 2G network fax service.

21.1.1 Telular shall provide a fax gateway service.

        This is an Internet service for converting between MOIP data and analog modem signals on the
        PSTN. Users can use this service to send analog modem data between an SX7T and any supported
        analog modem on the real PSTN, without the need for 2G network fax services.

21.2.1 Telular shall provide a MOIP IWF service.

21.3 DDNS Web Server
        See WAN requirements section for detail on DDNS.

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                                              24 of 25

21.3.1 A DDNS Web Server shall be provided by Telular.

22 Environmental Specifications and Regulatory
22.1 Regulatory Requirements

22.1.1 All Product Variants FCC Part 15 certification is required FCC Part 22/24 certification is required RoHS Compliance is required

22.1.2 SX7T-605G (HSDPA)
The following approvals are required for all HSDPA product versions only: PTCRB Cingular Wireless Network Approval CE

22.1.3 SX7T-605C EVDO)
        The following approvals are required for all EVDO product versions only: CTIA Verizon Wireless Network approval

22.2 Environmental Requirements

22.2.1 Operating Temperature −10º C (14º F) to +50º C (122º F)

22.2.2 Up to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)

22.2.3 Storage Temperature −40º C (-40º F) to +60º C (140º F)

22.2.4 Up to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing)

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                                             25 of 25

Document Created: 2007-05-25 09:23:25
Document Modified: 2007-05-25 09:23:25

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