Technical Description


Operational Description

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    Technology Center

          Technical Description

     SX5 GSM 850/1900 RADIO

                                                                                                   August 1, 2003

               This document details the functional description of the GSM 850/1900 Mobile Stations (MS).
               This assembly consists of two major sub-systems:

               The RF/IF processor
               The GSM processor and Baseband codec

               The RF/IF processor is based on the Analog Devices “Othello” radio and the baseband
               platform is comprised of the Analog Devices “430” chip set . The chip set contains four ICs,
               The AD6523 Transceiver, the AD 6524 Frequency Synthesizer, the AD6522 GSM processor
               and the AD6521 baseband codec. A functional block diagram of the Radio is depicted in
               figure 1.

               This is a GSM Phase 2 compliant MS, that provides voice and data/fax capability. The RF
               part of the assembly operates in the GSM 850 frequency band (uplink 824 - 849 MHz,
               downlink 869 - 894 MHz) and forms a Class 1 MS, capable of delivering 2 Watts at the RF
               connector. It also operates in the GSM1900 frequency band (uplink 1850-1910 MHz,
               downlink 1930-1990 MHz) and forms a Class 1 MS, capable of delivering 1 Watts at the RF

                                         Figure 1. GSM Radio architecture

                                  GSM Mobile Terminal Block Diagram
       GPIO 5
     GSM Clock
       Out                              GSM Processor            VBC                       AUDIO                      Audio
     Reset                                AD6522                AD6521                                               Signals

                                                                                             RF Section
AT Interface                            Serial
                                        Port 2                                      ramp              Power
 Power                    Power
    External               SIM                                                                             PA
                                        Serial                                      VCO
  SIM Interface           Logic         Port 1

                                                                                    RF/IF Processor                  RF Antenna
                                                                               IQ                           T/R       Interface
      Radio                             Serial                                       AD6523ARU
                                        Port 3                                         "Othello"
     Flash                                                                                   VCO      Rx Filter
    Loader                                                                                             & LNA
                        EE                                                          Synthesizer
                       PROM                                                         AD6524ARU

                                                                                    13 MHz
                      FLASH                                              AFC         FREQ
                       ROM                                                            REF


                                                                                                      SX5 techdesc

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                                                                                              August 1, 2003

  1. Local Oscillator

  The entire radio module uses a single frequency reference of 13.000 MHz. A Voltage
  Controlled Variable Crystal Oscillator (TCVCXO) with AFC capability is employed to utilize
  the frequency stability of the GSM link. The baseband processor chip supplies the AFC
  control voltage. All frequency sources are derived coherently from this crystal reference.

  Common to the transmitter and receiver is a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) controlled Local
  Oscillator that operates at exactly 3/4ths of the current transmit or receive channel center
  frequency in the 1900 band. The channel frequency is set by programming counters within
  the Synthesizer IC via a digital word from the baseband processor.

  2. Transmitter

  The transmit path of the system consists of a burst store, a GMSK modulator and two high-
  speed DACs with output spectrum shaping FIR filters. These filters provide the 0.3 GMSK
  waveform required for the GSM system.

  The RF chip contains a vector modulator, a phase detector, down-converter mixer and two
  dividers. The Vector Modulator is used as a reverse-modulator in a translation loop, which in
  turn modulates the transmit VCO.

  This architecture is illustrated in figures 2a and 2b.

                             Figure 2a. RF Transmitter architecture – GSM 1900

                     1387.65 – 1432.35                                           13 MHz
                     MHz VCO                                                     TCVCXO
1850 –1910 MHz                                                                                           Chan

SWITCH /                                       Divide                462.55 to
LOW PASS                                       by 6                  477.45


                                                               231.275 to
                 Pwr Cntrl
                                         1850-1910 MHz         238.725 MHz
                                                                                  462.55 to
                                         VCO                                      477.45
                                                                 Divide                                         I
                                                                 by 2                            MOD

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                                                                                             August 1, 2003

                              Figure 2b. RF Transmitter architecture – GSM 850

                    1236.30 – 1273.20                                           13 MHz
                    MHz VCO                                                     TCVCXO
824 – 869 MHz                                                                                           Chan

SWITCH /                                      Divide                412.10 to
LOW PASS                                      by 6                  424.40


                                                              206.05 to
                Pwr Cntrl
                                        824 - 849 MHz         212.20 MHz
                                                                                 412.10 to
                                        VCO                                      424.40
                                                                Divide                                         I
                                                                by 2                            MOD

  The Vector Modulators Carrier input is fed with a down converted version of the transmitter
  output (called the TXIF) containing the full GMSK modulation index. The I and Q baseband
  GMSK transmit modulation signals from the D/A converter are applied to the Vector
  Modulator. The resulting output from the Vector Modulator is a carrier at exactly 1/4th the
  AFRCN carrier frequency, with some residual error signal.

  (The loop drives the output from the Vector Modulator to as pure a carrier signal as possible,
  in the process impresses an exact copy of the I-Q transmit waveform onto the main Transmit

  This resulting carrier plus residual error signal is divided by two and then applied to a
  phase/frequency detector which uses a pure carrier signal counted down from the Local
  Oscillator as it’s reference.

  The Phase Frequency Detector drives a Charge Pump and Loop Filter. The error voltage is
  then used to tune the transmit VCO to the exact ARFCN channel frequency.

  (It should be noted that the TXIF is always exactly one fourth the transmit frequency.)

  The output of the transmit VCO carries the original GMSK information and is fed to RF power

  The peak output power and the profile of the transmitted burst are controlled by means of a
  closed feedback loop, which is directed by the baseband processor.

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                                                                                  August 1, 2003

The final RF output passes to the antenna connector through an integrated TX/RX switch and
lowpass filter to attenuate the harmonics generated by the power amplifier.

3. Receiver

The receiver subsystem is a direct conversion receiver to baseband. The pictorial
presentation is illustrated in figures 3a and 3b below.

The RF signal enters the receiver through the TX/RX switch. This is followed by a 881.5 MHz
or 1960 MHz SAW bandpass filter and a low–noise amplifier. The signal passes via a BALUN
transformer to the receive down-converter.

The receiver Local Oscillator, operating at exactly 3/2 (or 3/4th for PCS Band) of the channel
frequency is converted to 0 and –90 degree oscillator signals needed by the Down-
Converter, exactly on channel via a regenerative divider internal to the Receiver IC. Use of
this internal regenerative divider solves the problems of local oscillator leakage paths
upsetting the balance of the following mixers.

The mixer multiplies the RF frequency with the 1st LO, and produces I & Q baseband signals.
DC offsets within the mixer are calibrated out.

The Baseband outputs are then filtered and pass to the dual AGC amplifiers. A succession
of L/C and digital filters internal to the receiver IC limit the bandwidth of the baseband signal
as it is amplified by the AGC amplifier.

Gain of the AGC amplifier is set by a digital word supplied by the baseband processor chip.
The usable control range is in excess of 80 dB.

The I and Q information is then applied to the A/D converters. The FIR filters internal to the
baseband chip perform the remaining channel filtering. The information is then converted into
voice by the baseband codec and applied to the audio interface circuitry.

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                                                                        August 1, 2003

                     Figure 3a. RF Receiver architecture – GSM 1900

                                                           1 MHz      100 KHz

                                               I& Q

                       Regenerative                                                        Q
    1930-1990 MHz      4/3 Divider


SWITCH                                                                               Channel
                             VCO                                                         AFC

                      1447.65 - 1492.35 MHz      13 MHz

                     Figure 3b. RF Receiver architecture – GSM 850

                                                            1 MHz      100 KHz

                                                I& Q

                         Regenerative                                                          Q
     869 - 894 MHz       2/3 Divider


 SWITCH                                                                                  Channel
                               VCO                                                        AFC

                       1303.80 - 1340.70 MHz      13 MHz
     z Page 6

Document Created: 2003-08-01 15:26:37
Document Modified: 2003-08-01 15:26:37

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