Test Report

FCC ID: MTD-0007

Test Report

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                   Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Report
                            Tests Performed on a TimeKeeping Systems

                                 2.4 GHz Transceiver, Model DD-007

                                 Radiometrics Document RP-9140

Product Detail:
FCC ID: MTD-0007
IC: 12375A-0007
Equipment type: DTC transmitter

Test Standards:
US CFR Title 47, Chapter I, FCC Part 15 Subpart C
FCC Part 15 CFR Title 47: 2017
Canada ISED; RSS-247, Issue 2
IC RSS-GEN Issue 5: 2018

This report concerns: Original Grant for Certification
FCC Part 15.247

Tests Performed For:                                     Test Facility:
TimeKeeping Systems, Inc.                                Radiometrics Midwest Corporation
30100 Bainbridge Road, Suite H                           12 Devonwood Avenue
Solon, Ohio 44139                                        Romeoville, IL 60446-1349
                                                         (815) 293-0772
Test Date(s): (Month-Day-Year)
August 7 to 21, 2019
Document RP-9140 Revisions:
Rev.  Issue Date            Affected Sections                             Revised By
0     September 6, 2019
1     September 17, 2019    2.0, 11.1                                     Joseph Strzelecki

         Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

                                                            Table of Contents

1.0 ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ............................................................................................................... 3
2.0 TEST SUMMARY AND RESULTS ................................................................................................. 3
  2.1 RF Exposure Compliance Requirements .................................................................................... 4
3.0 EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) DETAILS ................................................................................ 4
  3.1 EUT Description .......................................................................................................................... 4
    3.1.1 FCC Section 15.203 & RSS-GEN Antenna Requirements .................................................... 4
4.0 TESTED SYSTEM DETAILS .......................................................................................................... 4
  4.1 Tested System Configuration ...................................................................................................... 4
  4.2 EUT Operating Modes ................................................................................................................ 4
  4.3 Special Accessories .................................................................................................................... 4
  4.4 Equipment Modifications ............................................................................................................. 5
5.0 TEST SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 5
6.0 TEST PROCEDURE DOCUMENTS............................................................................................... 5
7.0 RADIOMETRICS’ TEST FACILITIES ............................................................................................. 5
8.0 DEVIATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM THE TEST SPECIFICATIONS...................................... 6
9.0 CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................ 6
10.0 TEST EQUIPMENT TABLE .......................................................................................................... 6
11.0 TEST SECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 7
  11.1 Occupied Bandwidth ................................................................................................................. 7
  11.2 Peak Output Power ................................................................................................................. 12
  11.3 Power Spectral Density ........................................................................................................... 16
  11.4 Band-edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions .............................................................. 17
  11.5 Spurious RF Conducted Emissions at Antenna Port ............................................................... 21
  11.6 Spurious Radiated Emissions (Restricted Band) ..................................................................... 25
    11.6.1 Radiated Emissions Field Strength Sample Calculation.................................................... 26
    11.6.2 Spurious Radiated Emissions Test Results (Restricted Band) .......................................... 27
  11.7 Duty Cycle .............................................................................................................................. 31
    11.7.1 Measurement Instrumentation Uncertainty ....................................................................... 34

Notice: This report must not be reproduced (except in full) without the written approval of
        Radiometrics Midwest Corporation.

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        Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver


  Equipment Under Test:
  A TimeKeeping Systems, 2.4 GHz Transceiver
  Model: DD-007 Serial Number: SMP1
  This will be referred to as the EUT in this Report
  Date EUT Received at Radiometrics: (Month-Day-Year)        Test Date(s): (Month-Day-Year)
  August 6, 2019                                             August 7 to 21, 2019
  Test Report Written and Authorized By:                     Test Witnessed By:
  Joseph Strzelecki                                          The tests were not witnessed by personnel from
  Senior EMC Engineer                                        TimeKeeping Systems, Inc.

  Radiometrics’ Personnel Responsible for Test:              EUT Checked By:

                                                             Joseph Strzelecki
                                                             Richard Tichgelaar
                                                             Dave Jarvis
                                                   Date      Radiometrics
  Joseph Strzelecki
  Senior EMC Engineer
  NARTE EMC-000877-NE

  Richard L. Tichgelaar
  EMC Technician


The EUT (Equipment Under Test) is a 2.4 GHz Transceiver, Model DD-007, manufactured by TimeKeeping
Systems, Inc. The detailed test results are presented in a separate section. The following is a summary of
the test results.

                              Spread Spectrum Transmitter Requirements
       Environmental Phenomena          Frequency Range  FCC Section   RSS- Section               Test Result
 6 dB Bandwidth Test                  2400 to 2483 MHz   15.247 a    RSS-247 (5.2)                Pass
 Peak Output Power                    2400 to 2483 MHz   15.247 b    RSS-247 (5.4d)               Pass
 Spurious Radiated Emissions          30 MHz to 25 GHz   15.247 d    RSS-247 (3.3)                Pass
 Antenna Port Conducted Unwanted 30 MHz to 25 GHz        15.247 d    RSS-247 (5.5)                Pass
 Power Spectral Density               2400 to 2483 MHz   15.247 e    RSS-247 (5.2b)               Pass

RF AC Mains Conducted Emissions is not required since the EUT is battery powered.

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       Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

2.1 RF Exposure Compliance Requirements

The EUT meets the FCC requirement for RF exposure and it is exempt from RSS-102 SAR and RF
exposure evaluations. There are no power level adjustments available to the end user. The antenna is
permanently attached. The detailed calculations for RF Exposure are presented in a separate document.


3.1 EUT Description

The EUT is a 2.4 GHz Transceiver, Model DD-007, manufactured by TimeKeeping Systems. The EUT was
in good working condition during the tests, with no known defects. The EUT broadcasts a location ping
periodically in order to facilitate tracking of staff within a facility equipped with one or more tracking

3.1.1 FCC Section 15.203 & RSS-GEN Antenna Requirements

The antenna is permanently attached to the printed circuit board. The antenna is internal to the EUT and it
is not readily available to be modified by the end user. Therefore, it meets the 15.203 Requirements.

Since the measurements at the antenna port are used to determine the RF output power, RSS-GEN section
6.8 requires that the effective gain of the products antenna be stated. The Antenna max gain is 3.3 dBi,
based on the antenna’s manufacturer.


4.1 Tested System Configuration

The system was configured for testing in a typical fashion. The EUT was placed on an 80-cm or 150 cm
high, nonconductive test stand. The testing was performed in conditions as close as possible to installed
conditions. The EUT was tested as a stand-alone device. Power was supplied with a new battery.

                                           Tested System Configuration List
   Item Description                  Type*          Manufacturer          Model Number    Serial Number
     1      2.4 GHz Transceiver         E TimeKeeping Systems               DD-007           SMP1
* Type: E = EUT, P = Peripheral, S = Support Equipment; H = Host Computer

4.2 EUT Operating Modes

The transmit mode for all tests was continuous. The EUT was in its normal GFSK modulation during the
tests. It was tested as a stand-alone, battery powered device, since that is the configuration in the final

4.3 Special Accessories

No special accessories were used during the tests in order to achieve compliance.

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       Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

4.4 Equipment Modifications

No modifications were made to the EUT at Radiometrics' test facility in order to comply with the standards
listed in this report.


 Document           Date      Title
 FCC                2018      Code of Federal Regulations Title 47, Chapter 1, Federal
 CFR Title 47                 Communications Commission, Part 15 - Radio Frequency Devices
 IC RSS-247         2017      Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems
 Issue 2                      (FHSs) and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices
 IC RSS-Gen         2019      General Requirements and Information for the Certification of
 Issue 5                      Radiocommunication Equipment (RSS-Gen)


The tests were performed using the procedures from the following specifications:
 Document          Date    Title
 ANSI               2014      Methods of Measurement of Radio Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage
 C63.4-2014                   Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
 ANSI               2013      American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices
 FCC KDB            2019      Guidance For Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission
 558074 D01                   System, Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum System, And Hybrid
                              System Devices Operating Under § 15.247 Of The FCC Rules; v05r02


The results of these tests were obtained at Radiometrics Midwest Corp. in Romeoville, Illinois, USA.
Radiometrics is accredited by A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation) to conform to
ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 "General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories".
Radiometrics’ Lab Code is 121191 and Certification Number is 1495.01. Radiometrics’ scope of
accreditation includes all of the test methods listed herein. A copy of the accreditation can be accessed on
our web site (www.radiomet.com). Radiometrics accreditation status can be verified at A2LA’s web site

The following is a list of shielded enclosures located in Romeoville, Illinois used during the tests:

Chamber E: Is a custom made anechoic chamber that measures 52’ L X 30’ W X 18’ H. The walls and
           ceiling are fully lined with RF absorber. Pro-shield of Collinsville, Oklahoma manufactured the
           chamber. The floor has a 9’ x 9’ section of microwave absorber for testing above 1 GHz.

Test Station F: Is an area that measures 10’ D X 12’ W X 10’ H. The floor and back wall are metal shielded.
             This area is used for conducted emissions measurements.

A separate ten-foot long, brass plated, steel ground rod attached via a 6-inch copper braid grounds each of
the above chambers. Each enclosure is also equipped with low-pass power line filters.

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         Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

The FCC has accepted these sites as test site number US1065. The FCC test site Registration Number is
732175. Details of the site characteristics are on file with the Industry Canada as site number IC 3124A-1.

A complete list of the test equipment is provided herein. The calibration due dates are indicated on the
equipment list. The equipment is calibrated in accordance to ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 with traceability to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


There were no deviations or exclusions from the test specifications.


Radiometrics Midwest Corporation certifies that the data contained herein was taken under conditions that
meet or exceed the requirements of the test specification and the data contained herein was taken with
calibrated test equipment. The results relate only to the EUT listed herein.


                                                                                      Frequency        Cal
RMC ID      Manufacturer    Description             Model No.       Serial No.        Range            Period   Cal Date
AMP-05      RMC/Celeritek   Pre-amplifier           MW110G          1001              1.0-12GHz        12 Mo.   01/10/19
AMP-20      Avantek         Pre-amplifier           SF8-0652        15221             8-18GHz          12 Mo    04/22/19
AMP-59      Amplitech       Pre-amplifier           APTMP44         AMP-59            18-26 GHz        12 Mo.   01/10/19
ANT-66      ETS-Lindgren    Horn Antenna            3115            62580             1.0-18GHz        24 Mo.   03/05/19
ANT-68      EMCO            Log-Periodic Ant.       93146           9604-4456         200-1000MHz      24 Mo.   12/05/17
ANT-80      AH Systems      Bicon Antenna           SAS-540         294               20-330MHz        24 Mo.   12/14/18
CAB-044A    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             044A              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/15/18
CAB-090C    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             090C              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/15/18
CAB-114F    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             114F              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/15/18
CAB-114G    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             114G              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/15/18
CAB-142G    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             142G              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/09/18
CAB-144F    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             142G              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/15/18
CAB-160B    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             160B              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/09/18
CAB-210A    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             210A              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/09/18
CAB-210B    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             210B              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/09/18
CAB-1090    Teledyne        Coaxial Cable           N/A             1090              DC-18 GHz        24 Mo.   05/16/18
HPF-06      Mini-Circuits   High Pass Filter        VHF-3800+       31035             3-11 GHz         24 Mo.   04/04/18
REC-20      HP / Agilent    Spectrum Analyzer       85460A/84562A   3410A00178        30Hz-6GHz        24 Mo.   08/14/19
REC-21      Agilent         Spectrum Analyzer       E7405A          MY45118341        9Hz-26.5 GHz     24 Mo.   01/06/18
REC-22      Schwarz         Spectrum Analyzer ESIB 26               100145            26.5 GHz         24 Mo    08/29/17
REC-43      Adventest       Spectrum Analyzer U3772                 150800305         9Hz-43GHz        24 Mo.   06/24/19
THM-03      Fluke           Temp/Humid Meter 971                    95850465          N/A              12 Mo.   04/30/18

Note: All calibrated equipment is subject to periodic checks.

Software Company      Test Software Name        Version     Applicable Tests
Radiometrics          REREC11D                  04.19.17    RF Radiated Emissions (FCC Part 15 & EN 55032)
Agilent               PSA/ESA-E/L/EMC     Bandwidth and screen shots

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver


11.1 Occupied Bandwidth

The test procedures were in accordance to FCC DTS Measurement Guideline 558074 D01, Section 8.1.

The spectrum analyzer was set to the MAX HOLD mode to record the worst case of the modulation. The
EUT was transmitting at its maximum data rate. The trace was allowed to stabilize.
The marker-to-peak function was set to the peak of the emission. Then the marker-delta function was used
to measure 6 or 20 dB down one side of the emission. The marker-delta function was reset and then
moved to the other side of the emission, until it is (as close as possible to) even with the reference marker
level. The marker-delta reading at this point is the bandwidth of the emission.

Tested by: Joseph Strzelecki/ Richard Tichgelaar
Test Date: 08/12/2019

Occupied Bandwidth at EUT Low Power mode

            6 dB EBW          99% EBW            Minimum
 Channel       kHz               kHz               kHz
  2402         706              1040               500
  2426         724              1076               500
The 6 dB bandwidth is greater than 500 kHz
Judgement: Pass

Occupied Bandwidth at EUT High Power mode

             6 dB EBW          99% EBW           Minimum
Channel         kHz              kHz               kHz
 2402           724              1048              500
 2426           718              1076              500

The 6 dB bandwidth is greater than 500 kHz
Judgement: Pass

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     Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

Low power Mode; 6 dB Bandwidth

Low power Mode; 6 dB Bandwidth

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     Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

High power Mode; 6 dB Bandwidth

High power Mode; 6 dB Bandwidth

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

11.2 Peak Output Power

The power output test method from ANSI C63.10 section was used for this test. The spectrum
analyzer was set to the following settings:

Span = 10 MHz
RBW = 3 MHz
VBW = 10 MHz
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold

The trace was allowed to stabilize. The indicated level is the peak output power. Since the gain of the
antenna is always less than 6 dB, the limit is not reduced. The EUT antenna port was connected to the
Spectrum analyzer Via a low loss coaxial cable.

Tested by: Joseph Strzelecki/Richard Tichgelaar
Test Date: 08/13/2019
Since the gain of the antenna is always less than 6 dB, the limit is not reduced. The antenna gain is 3.3

 Frequency      EUT Power      Reading      Cable Loss      Total Power (dBm)
   (MHz)          Mode          (dBm)          (dB)         dBm       milliwatts     Limit (dBm)
    2402          High          12.24         0.25          12.49       17.74             30
    2426          High          11.91         0.25          12.16       16.44             30
    2402           Mid            2.19        0.25           2.44        1.75             30
    2426           Mid            2.19        0.25           2.44        1.75             30
    2402          Low            -2.09        0.25          -1.84        0.65             30
    2426          Low            -2.09        0.25          -1.84        0.65             30

Judgment: Passed by 12.26 dB

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\                                                               Radiometrics Midwest Corporation
          Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD—007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

                               Marker     1   [Tl]                    RBW       3   NSz    RF Att        20   dB

       Ref Lyl                                    2.19   dBm          vBw      10   MSz

         10   dBm                       2.40207014       GHz          SwT      20   ms     Unit               dBm
          14.7 s offskt                                                          Yil czi                 219 am
                                                                h                                    1              ES
                                                     _¥ ___|                                2. 40207014 crz


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        Center      2.402    GHz                           1   MHz/                               Span   10   MHz

Titie:              Conducted Peak Power: CH 37 ; 2402 MHz : Power Level setto 4.0 dBm
Date:            13.AUG.2019          07:56:09

                               Marker     1   [Tl]                    RBW       3   NSz    RF Att        20   dB

       Ref Lyl                                  —2.03    dBm          vBw      10   MSz

         10   dBm                       2.40198998       CHz          SwT      20   ms     Unit               dBm
          14.7 s offskt                                                          Yil czi            —3.09 GBrl
                                                                                            2.40190998        GHz
                                         /                                  \“‘\

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        Center      2.402    GHz                           1   MHz/                               Span   10   MHz

Titie:           Conducted Peak Power : CH 37 ; 2402 MHz : Power Level setto 0 dBm.
Date:            13.AUG.2019          07:36:28

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 \                                                              Radiometrics Midwest Corporation
          Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD—007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

                               Marker     1   [Tl]                    RBW        3   NSz   RF Att        30   ds

        Ref Lyl                                 12.24    dBm          vBw      10    MSz

         20.7   dBm                     2.40203006       GHz          SwT        5   ms    Unit               dBm
          14.7 e orfske                                                          1/ zuj             13 .24. GBrl py

                                                     |L_——¥—__                              2. 40203006 mz


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        Center      2.402   GHz                           1    MHz/                               Span   10   MHz

ritie:        Conducted Peak Power Ch 37: 2402 MHz: Power Level setto 12.5 dBm
Date:             13.AUG.2019         O7:02:16

                               Marker     1   [Tl]                    RBW        3   NSz   RF Att        20   dB

        Ref Lyl                                  2.19    dBm          vBw      10    MSz

         10   dBm                       2.42607014       GHz          SwT      20    ms    Unit               dBm
          14.7 s offskt                                                          Yil czi                 219 am
                                                                h                                    1              ES
                                                     _¥ _                                   2.42607014 mz



        iview                                                                                                       un








        Center      2.426   CHz                           1    MHz/                               Span   10   MHz

Titie:              Conducted Peak Power : CH 38 : 2426 MHz : PowerLevel setto 40 dBim
Date:            13.AUG.2019          08:03:07

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 \                                                               Radiometrics Midwest Corporation
           Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD—007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

                             Marker     1   [Tl]                     RBW       3   NSz   RF Att        20   dB

        Refo Dvl                            —2.03 dBm                vew      10 sz
          10 dBm                       2.42e13026 cz                 swp      20 ms      Unit               dBm
          14.7 bs offskt                                                       Yil zi             —4.00 as
                                                                                          2.42613026 GHz
    o                                                            1



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        Center     2.426   CHz                           1   MHz/                               Span   10   MHz

Titie:           Conducted Peak Power CH 38; 2426 MHz: Power Level Setto 0 dBim.
Date:             13.AUG.2019        O7:26:15

                             Marker     1   [Tl]                     RBW       3   NSz   RF Att        30   ds

        Ref Lyl                                11.91   dBm           vBw      10   MSz

         20.7   dBm                    2.42592906      CHz           SwT       5   ms    Unit               dBm
          14.7 e orfske                                                        1/ zuj             11.91 as
                                                             i                            2.42s0dse6 m En
   20                                                                                       —                 *


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        Center     2.426   CHz                           1   MHz/                               Span   10   MHz

Titie:            Conducted Peak Power Ch 38: 2426 MHz: Power Level set to 12.5 dBm
Date:            13.AUG.2019         O7:13:25

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

11.3 Power Spectral Density

The PSD test method from ANSI C63.10 section 11.10.2 and FCC DTS Measurement Guideline 558074
D01, Section 10.2. The spectrum analyzer was set to the following settings:

Span = 3 MHz; RBW = 10 kHz; VBW = 30 kHz

Tested by: Richard Tichgelaar
Test Date: 08/07/2019

               Frequency        Reading   Cable Loss   3 kHz Spectral
Power Mode       (MHz)           dBm         (dB)      Density (dBm)    Limit (dBm)
   High           2402           4.23       0.25           4.48             8.0
   High           2426           4.04       0.25           4.29             8.0

Judgment: Passed by 3.52 dB

The lower power modes were not tested since the peak levels of the lower power modes are lower than the
PSD of the high-power mode. See section 11.3 herein for the peak power data.

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

11.4 Band-edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions

The spectrum analyzer was set to the MAX HOLD mode to record the worst case of the modulation at the
band-edge, with the EUT set to the lowest or highest frequency. The trace was allowed to stabilize.

Tested by: Richard Tichgelaar
Test Date: 08/12/2019

                                EUT Power            Reading at Band Edge           Minimum Allowed
        Channel                   Mode              Freq. (MHz)        Delta (dB)         dB
  2402 Lower Band edge          High Power             2390               58.7            20
  2402 Lower Band edge          High Power             2400               51.2            20
  2402 Lower Band edge          Low Power              2390               57.0            20
  2402 Lower Band edge          Low Power              2400               49.1            20
  2426 Upper Band edge          High Power            2483.5              57.8            20
  2426 Upper Band edge          Low Power             2483.5              56.2            20

Judgment: Passed by at least 20 dB

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    Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

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    Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

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    Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

11.5 Spurious RF Conducted Emissions at Antenna Port

The spectrum analyzer was set to the MAX HOLD mode to record all spurious emissions from the lowest
frequency generated in the EUT up through the 10th harmonic. The trace was allowed to stabilize. The first
two plots were made while stepping through three frequencies (Low middle and high). Each frequency was
on for at least 30 seconds.

Tested by: Joseph Strzelecki/ Richard Tichgelaar
Test Date: 08/12/2019

Judgement: Pass by at least 10 dB

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    Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

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    Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

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    Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

11.6 Spurious Radiated Emissions (Restricted Band)

The procedures were in accordance to FCC DTS Measurement Guideline 558074 D01, Section 12.1 and
ANSI C63.10.

Radiated emission measurements were performed with linearly polarized broadband antennas. The results
obtained with these antennas can be correlated with results obtained with a tuned dipole antenna. The
radiated emission measurements were performed with a spectrum analyzer. The bandwidth used from 150
kHz to 30 MHz is 9 or 10 kHz and the bandwidth from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz is 100 or 120 kHz. Above 1
GHz, a 1 MHz bandwidth is used. A 10 dB linearity check is performed prior to start of testing in order to
determine if an overload condition exists. Figure 4 herein lists the details of the test equipment used during
radiated emissions tests.

For tests from 1 to 10 GHz, a high pass filter was used to reduce the fundamental emission. High pass
filters were not needed above 10 GHz, since the preamplifiers attenuated the fundamental emission. Figure
4 herein lists the details of the test equipment used during radiated emissions tests. The was device was
rotated through three orthogonal axes as per ANSI C63.10 during the radiated tests.

Final radiated emissions measurements were performed inside of an anechoic chamber at a test distance of
3 meters. The anechoic chamber is designated as Chamber E. This Chamber meets the Site Attenuation
requirements of ANSI C63.4. Chamber E is located at 12 East Devonwood Ave. Romeoville, Illinois EMI
test lab.

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

The entire frequency range from 30 to 25,000 MHz was slowly scanned with particular attention paid to
those frequency ranges which appeared high. Measurements were performed using two antenna
polarizations, (vertical and horizontal). The worst case emissions were recorded. All measurements may be
performed using either the peak, average or quasi-peak detector functions. If the peak detector data
exceeds or is marginally close to the limits, the measurements are repeated using a quasi-peak detector or
average function as required by the specification for final determination of compliance.

The detected emission levels were maximized by rotating the EUT, adjusting the positions of all cables, and
by scanning the measurement antenna from 1 to 4 meters above the ground.

                               Radiated Emissions Field Strength Limits
                 Frequency       Test Distance               Class B Limits
                Range (MHz)         (meters)         uV/m               dB(uV/m)
                   30 - 88             3              100                  40.0
                  88 - 216             3              150                  43.5
                 216 - 960             3              200                  46.0
                 Above 960             3              500                  54.0

11.6.1 Radiated Emissions Field Strength Sample Calculation

The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Loss, and by subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the measured reading. The basic equation is as follows:

     FS = RA + AF + CF - AG
Where: FS = Field Strength
     RA = Receiver Amplitude
     AF = Antenna Factor
     CF = Cable Attenuation Factor
     AG = Amplifier Gain
     HPF = High pass Filter Loss
     PKA = Peak to Average Factor (This is zero for non-average measurements)
The Peak to average factor is used when average measurements are required. It is calculated by the
highest duty cycle in percent over any 100mS transmission. The factor in dB is 20 * Log(Duty cycle/100).

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

                                Figure 1. Drawing of Radiated Emissions Setup

                                                                                 1x1.5m surface above Flush-
                                                                                 mount Turntable
                                                                                 The surface is 80cm high below 1
                                                                                 GHz and 1.5 meters high for test
                                                                                 frequencies above 1 GHz.

 • AC outlet with low-pass filter at the base of
   the turntable
 • Antenna height varied from 1 to 4 meters
 • Distance from antenna to tested system is
   3 meters
 • Not to Scale

                                                                  For Radiated

                                                                       Preamp               Analyzer

11.6.2 Spurious Radiated Emissions Test Results (Restricted Band)

The following spectrum analyzer settings were used.

Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured
RBW = 1 MHz for f  1 GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold
A Video Bandwidth of 10 Hz was used for Average measurements above 1 GHz.

The EUT was in the highest power mode and the highest duty cycle for this test.

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

 Manufacturer     TimeKeeping Systems           Specification     FCC Part 15 Subpart C & RSS-210
 Model            DD-007                        Test Date         08/13/2019
 Serial Number    SMP1                          Test Distance     3 Meters
 Abbreviations    Pol = Antenna Polarization; V = Vertical; H = Horizontal; BC = Biconical (ANT-3);
                  LP = Log-Periodic (ANT-6); HN = Horn (ANT-13) P = peak; Q = QP
 Notes            Corr. Factors = Cable Loss – Preamp Gain + HP Filter Loss

This table includes all emissions except Fundamental, Band edge, and harmonics emissions.
This table includes Non-Restricted band emissions.
           Meter                              Cable &   Dist                      Margin
 Freq.    Reading            Ant.    Ant       amp      Fact    EUT      Limit    Under
 MHz       dBuV      Dect.   Pol.   Factor    Factors    dB    dBuV/m   dBuV/m   Limit dB    Note
 30.0       8.9       P       H      13.8       0.4     0.0     23.0     40.0      17.0
 32.2      13.9       P       H      13.1       0.4     0.0     27.4     40.0      12.6
 51.0       7.2       P       H       9.4       0.5     0.0     17.1     40.0      22.9
210.1      10.9       P       H      14.7       1.1     0.0     26.7     43.5      16.8
249.5       8.1       P       H      11.9       1.2     0.0     21.2     46.0      24.8
251.0       9.8       P       H      15.5       1.2     0.0     26.5     46.0      19.5
289.2       9.9       P       H      13.4       1.3     0.0     24.6     46.0      21.4
338.3      10.2       P       H      13.9       1.4     0.0     25.6     46.0      20.4
417.7      11.4       P       H      15.8       1.6     0.0     28.8     46.0      17.2
434.7      11.5       P       H      16.1       1.7     0.0     29.2     46.0      16.8
473.1      10.1       P       H      16.8       1.7     0.0     28.7     46.0      17.3
555.0       9.6       P       H      18.3       1.9     0.0     29.8     46.0      16.2
670.0       9.5       P       H      20.2       2.1     0.0     31.9     46.0      14.1
781.3       9.9       P       H      21.6       2.3     0.0     33.8     46.0      12.2
981.3       8.6       P       H      22.5       2.6     0.0     33.8     54.0      20.2
1000.0     42.1       P       H      23.9      -33.9    0.0     32.1     54.0      21.9
1055.0     43.6       P       H      24.4      -34.2    0.0     33.8     74.0      40.2
1422.5     42.6       P       H      25.1      -34.3    0.0     33.5     74.0      40.5
2362.5     47.8       P       H      28.2      -33.7    0.0     42.3     74.0      31.7       1
3322.5     41.5       P       H      31.1      -32.5    0.0     40.0     74.0      34.0       1
3675.0     42.2       P       H      31.8      -32.3    0.0     41.7     74.0      32.3       1
4077.5     42.5       P       H      32.5      -31.7    0.0     43.3     74.0      30.7       1
4322.5     42.6       P       H      32.2      -31.6    0.0     43.2     74.0      30.8       1
4687.5     40.9       P       H      32.8      -31.0    0.0     42.7     74.0      31.3       1
4982.5     38.8       P       H      33.2      -30.6    0.0     41.4     74.0      32.6       1
 30.0       7.9       P       V      13.8       0.4     0.0     22.1     40.0      17.9
 36.6      15.2       P       V      11.9       0.4     0.0     27.5     40.0      12.5
 64.3       9.9       P       V       9.3       0.6     0.0     19.7     40.0      20.3
152.7       9.9       P       V      12.8       0.9     0.0     23.6     43.5      19.9
251.0       9.6       P       V      15.5       1.2     0.0     26.3     46.0      19.7
276.6      10.3       P       V      13.1       1.3     0.0     24.7     46.0      21.3
342.1      10.0       P       V      13.9       1.5     0.0     25.4     46.0      20.6
393.8      11.0       P       V      15.0       1.6     0.0     27.5     46.0      18.5
462.4      10.1       P       V      16.6       1.7     0.0     28.4     46.0      17.6
501.5       9.6       P       V      17.6       1.8     0.0     29.0     46.0      17.0
508.8       8.0       P       V      17.9       1.8     0.0     27.8     46.0      18.2
635.0       9.2       P       V      19.6       2.0     0.0     30.9     46.0      15.1
727.5      10.4       P       V      20.2       2.2     0.0     32.8     46.0      13.2
855.0      10.2       P       V      22.5       2.4     0.0     35.2     46.0      10.8
1000.0     38.9       P       V      23.9      -33.9    0.0     28.8     54.0      25.2       1
1150.0     42.6       P       V      24.5      -34.3    0.0     32.8     74.0      41.2       1
1542.5     41.5       P       V      25.2      -34.2    0.0     32.5     74.0      41.5       1
2362.5     50.0       P       V      28.2      -33.7    0.0     44.5     74.0      29.5       1
2490.0     46.1       P       V      28.4      -33.6    0.0     40.8     74.0      33.2       1

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         Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

                Meter                             Cable &   Dist                          Margin
 Freq.         Reading           Ant.    Ant       amp      Fact     EUT        Limit     Under
 MHz            dBuV     Dect.   Pol.   Factor    Factors    dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m    Limit dB      Note
3605.0          39.1      P       V      31.5      -32.4    0.0      38.1       74.0       35.9         1
3815.0          39.3      P       V      32.8      -32.0    0.0      40.1       74.0       33.9         1
3945.0          38.8      P       V      32.8      -32.1    0.0      39.5       74.0       34.5         1
4000.0          38.5      P       V      32.7      -32.0    0.0      39.2       74.0       34.8         1
4020.0          37.9      P       V      32.7      -31.9    0.0      38.7       74.0       35.3         1
4477.5          39.0      P       V      32.5      -31.4    0.0      40.1       74.0       33.9         1
4727.5          38.2      P       V      32.9      -30.9    0.0      40.2       74.0       33.8         1
4930.0          37.8      P       V      33.2      -30.6    0.0      40.3       74.0       33.7         1
Note 1: The Peak data is under the Average limit, therefore Average measurement not performed.

Intentional Radiator emissions (Fundamental, Band edge and Harmonics)

Fundamental, Harmonic and Band edge emissions
       Tx                Spectrum Analyzer Readings dBuV                    EUT      Peak Ave Peak Ave          Margin
 harm Freq            Peak             Ave         Peak           Ave Corr. Emission    Tot. FS    Limit        Under
                   Vertical Polarization      Horizontal Polarization Fact Freq                                 Limit
 #       MHz    X     Y      Z     Max       X      Y      Z Max      dB    MHz         dBuV/m   dBuV/m         dB
   1     2402   104.4 112.7 105.8 96.3 107.9 113.9 105.5 97.5 -5.3 2402.0 108.6 92.2 125 125                     16.4
  BE     2402    45.7 54.0 47.1 37.6 49.2 55.2 46.8 38.8 -5.3 2400.0 49.9 33.5 74                      54        20.5
   2     2402    46.2 49.0 47.8 32.6 54.1 48.0 48.4 37.7 3.0 4804.0 57.1 40.7 74                       54        13.3
   3     2402    40.7 41.9 40.7 25.5 41.1 41.8 43.9 27.5 7.4 7206.0 51.3 34.9 74                       54        19.1
   4     2402    40.9 38.9 38.9 24.5 39.2 38.6 39.5 23.1 12.4 9608.0 53.3 36.9 74                      54        17.1
   1     2426   103.9 112.0 106.2 95.6 113.7 107.3 104.9 97.3 -5.2 2426.0 108.5 92.1 125 125                     16.5
   2     2426    46.9 49.4 48.0 33.0 49.4 48.2 53.7 37.3 3.1 4852.0 56.8 40.4 74                       54        13.6
   3     2426    39.0 42.1 40.1 25.7 39.0 39.9 42.1 25.7 7.8 7278.0 49.9 33.5 74                       54        20.5
   4     2426    38.3 41.5 38.1 25.1 38.3 38.0 38.0 21.9 12.1 9704.0 53.6 37.2 74                      54        16.8
                                        Column numbers (see below for explanations)
     1     2      3      4      5       6      7    8       9      10  11      12      13     14 15    16        17

 Column #1. harm = Harmonic; BE = Band Edge emissions
 Column #2. Frequency of Transmitter.
 Column #3. Uncorrected readings from the spectrum analyzer with First Axis Rotation.
 Column #4. Uncorrected readings from the spectrum analyzer with Second Axis Rotation.
 Column #5. Uncorrected readings from the spectrum analyzer with Third Axis Rotation.
 Column #6. Average Reading based on peak reading reduced by the Duty cycle correction
 Column #7. Uncorrected readings from the spectrum analyzer with First Axis Rotation.
 Column #8. Uncorrected readings from the spectrum analyzer with Second Axis Rotation.
 Column #9. Uncorrected readings from the spectrum analyzer with Third Axis Rotation.
 Column #10. Average Reading based on peak reading reduced by the Duty cycle correction
 Column #11. Corr. Factors = Cable Loss – Preamp Gain + Antenna Factor
 Column #12. Frequency of Tested Emission
 Column #13. Highest peak field strength at listed frequency.
 Column #14. Highest Average field strength at listed frequency.
 Column #15. Peak Limit.
 Column #16. Average Limit.
 Column #17. The margin (last column) is the worst-case margin under the peak or average limits for that row.

Overall Judgment: Passed by at least 10 dB
No other Emissions were detected from 30 to 25,000 MHz within 10 dB of the limits.

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

Radiated emissions in a graphical format. The above charts are the same data as the previous table.

11.7 Duty Cycle

The averave value of the pulsed emissions were measured as per section 7.5, formula (10) of of ANSI

a) The EUT was set to the “worst-case” pulse ON time.
b) The RF output was Coupled to the input of a spectrum analyzer by a “near-field” coupling method. The
signal received shall be of sufficient level to trigger adequately the spectrum analyzer sweep display.
c) The center frequency of the spectrum analyzer was set to the center of the RF signal.
d) The spectrum analyzer was set for ZERO SPAN.
e) The sweep time was of the analyzer was set to 100 ms and other times to show the duty cycle.
f) Since the pulse train has a period that exceeds 100 ms, or as an alternative to step f), then:
     1) The trigger on the spectrum analyzer was set to capture the greatest amount of pulse “ON time” over
     100 ms.
     2) The 100 ms period that contains the maximum “on time” was found.
     3) The duty cycle was determined by dividing the total maximum “ON time” by 100 ms (tON/100 ms).
h) The duty cycle correction factor was used applying Equation (10) of ANSI C63.10 to the duty cycle
determined in the preceding steps.

The Peak to average factor is calculated by the highest duty cycle in percent over any 100mS transmission.
The factor in dB is 20 * Log(Duty cycle/100).

Tested by: Joseph Strzelecki/Richard Tichgelaar
Test Date: 08/12/2019

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    Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

                         Number of      Max on
EUT Power     Pulse       pulses in    Time per      Duty Cycle
  Mode      Width (mS)    100 mS       100 mS            %
  Low         0.421          36         15.16          15.16
   Mid        0.421          21          8.84           8.84
  High        0.421           7          2.95           2.95

                                  Figure 2. Duty Cycle Plots

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      Testing of: TimeKeeping Systems, Model DD-007, 2.4 GHz Transceiver

11.7.1 Measurement Instrumentation Uncertainty

                            Measurement                                   Uncertainty
Radiated Emissions, E-field, 3 meters, 30 to 200 MHz                         3.3 dB
Radiated Emissions, E-field, 3 meters, 200 to 1000 MHz                       4.9 dB
Radiated Emissions, E-field, 3 meters, 1 to 18 GHz                           4.8 dB
Radiated Emissions, E-field, 3 meters, 18 to 26 GHz                          5.3 dB
Bandwidth using marker delta method at a span of 10 MHz                      4 kHz
Bandwidth using marker delta method at a span of 50 kHz                     470 Hz
99% Occupied Bandwidth using REC-43                                     1% of frequency
Amplitude measurement 1-25000 MHz                                            2.5 dB
Temperature THM-02                                                         0.6 Deg C
The uncertainties represent expanded uncertainties expressed at approximately the 95% confidence level
using a coverage factor of k=2 in accordance with CISPR 16-4-2.

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Document Created: 2019-09-26 16:15:26
Document Modified: 2019-09-26 16:15:26

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