E-Label Information


ID Label/Location Info

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                             4F, No. 150, Li—Te Rd., Peitou, Taipei, Tarwan 112

    Access to the required information on the e—label
    Users must be able to access the information in no more than three steps in a device‘s menu. The actual

    steps are:

    The information is stored on the device, no special accessories or supplemental plug—ins
    (e.g., a SIM/USIM card) are required to access the information.

    Users are provided specific instructions on how to access the information.

    The equipment authorization application for the device must clearly include the instructions for accessing
    information as part of the exhibit showing the label information.

    Labeling for Importation and Purchasing
    Products utilizing e—labels are required to have a physical label on the product at the time of importation,
    marketing and sales. For devices imported in bulk and not packaged individually, a removable adhesive
    label or, for devices in protective bags, a label on the bags is acceptable for this purpose. Any removable
    label shall be of a type intended to survive normal shipping and handling and must only be removed by
    the customer after purchase. For devices imported already in individual packages ready for sale, the
    information may alternatively be provided on the package. It shall contain:
    a.   The FCC ID and/or the DoC logo (if applicable); and
    b.   Any other information required by specific rule to be provided on the surface of the product unless
         such information is permitted to be included in the User‘s manual or other packaging inserts.

    Other considerations
    The above information must be programmed by the responsible party and the information must be secured
    in such a manner that third—parties cannot modify it.

    All the applicable regulatory information required on the packaging or user instructions must be provided
    according to the rules even if it is displayed electronically. For example, hearing aid compatibility (HAC)
    ratings for the phones as specified in 47 C.F.R. § 20.19.

    E—label displays may include regulatory information required to be placed in the User‘s Manual or on the
    packaging as required by the rules. The following considerations must be taken into account for such
    information distribution.
    a. If the primary user manual or user guide is provided by other electronic media (e.g.,CD, or online access)
         then as an option this information can also be provided as part of the e—label
    b.   The e—label format must clearly differentiate between the information required to be on the surface of the
         product and the information required for the User‘s Manual or on the packaging.

                            4F, No. 150, Li—Te Rd., Peitou, Taipei, Taiwan 112

4.   Products subject to both certification and Declaration of Conformity or certification and Verification can use
     the e—label guidance by displaying both the FCC ID and an image of the FCC DoC Logo, or FCC ID and
     product identification as required by the rules.

     Sincerely yours,

     Fax: +886—2—28987364
     E—mail: jacksonyen@asus.com

Document Created: 2018-05-16 14:48:52
Document Modified: 2018-05-16 14:48:52

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