Manual Part 1


Users Manual

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       Wireless N USB Adapter


(For 802.11n draft, 802.11g & 802.11b Networks)

               User Manual

                                       E4921 / August 2009

       Copyright Information

    No part of this manual, including the products and software described in it,
    may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system,
    or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except
    documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the
    express written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).
    Product warranty or service will not be extended if: (1) the product is repaired,
    modified or altered, unless such repair, modification of alteration is authorized
    in writing by ASUS; or (2) the serial number of the product is defaced or
    Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be
    registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are
    used only for identification or explanation and to the owners’ benefit, without
    intent to infringe.
    Copyright © 2009 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.

                               ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                                             Contact Information

Address                       15 Li-Te Road, Peitou, Taipei, Taiwan 11259

Technical Support
Telephone                     +886228943447
Support Fax                   +886228907698
Software download   *

Address                       800 Corporate Way, Fremont, CA 94539, USA
Telephone                     +15029550883
Fax                           +15029338713
Software download   *

ASUS COMPUTER GmbH (Germany and Austria)
Address                       Harkort Str. 25, D40880 Ratingen, Germany
Fax                           +492102959911
Online contact      

Technical Support
Component Telephone           +49-1805-010923
/Eee/LCD Telephone            +49-1805-010920
Support Fax                   +492102959911
Online support      

* Available on this site is an online Technical Inquiry Form that you can fill out to contact technical

                                    ASUS WLAN Adapter                                                     

    Manufacturer:              ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
                               Tel:    +886-2-2894-3447
                              Address: No. 150, LI-DE RD., PEITOU, TAIPEI
                                       112, TAIWAN
    Authorised representative ASUS Computer GmbH
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    EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur

                             ASUS WLAN Adapter

    Table of Contents

1. Introduction.................................................................................5
    Package contents...................................................................................5


2. Installation..................................................................................6
    System Requirements............................................................................6

    Installation Procedures...........................................................................6

    Installing the WLAN utilities and driver...................................................6
         Reading the WLAN status indicators........................................................7
         WPS Push Button ....................................................................................8
         Configuring with the WLAN utility (Infrastructure).....................................9
         Configuring with the WLAN utility (Ad Hoc).............................................10
3. Software Reference.................................................................11
    ASUS WLAN Control Center................................................................11

    ASUS Wireless Settings Utility.............................................................13
         Status - Status.........................................................................................13
         Status - Connection.................................................................................15
         Status - IP Config....................................................................................16
         Status - Ping............................................................................................16
         Config - Basic..........................................................................................17
         Config - Advanced...................................................................................18
         Config - Encryption..................................................................................19
         Config - Authentication............................................................................22
         Survey - Site Survey................................................................................24
         About - Version Info.................................................................................25
         Link State................................................................................................26
         Exit Wireless Settings..............................................................................26
         Windows® XP Wireless Options..............................................................27
         Windows® Vista Wireless Options...........................................................29
4. Troubleshooting......................................................................30
5. Glossary...................................................................................32
6. Appendix..................................................................................40

                                       ASUS WLAN Adapter                                                                  

                      Chapter 1 - Introduction

                   1. Introduction
  Chapter 1

                   Package contents
                   Check the following items in your ASUS Wireless LAN Adapter package.
                   Contact your retailer if any item is damaged or missing.
                      1 x ASUS Wireless LAN Adapter (USB-N13)
                      1 x Support CD
                      1 x Quick Start Guide
                      1 x Warranty Card

                   High speed networking (11n Draft) for fast download, file transfer, and
                   media streaming			
                   EZ WPS setup: Press button on adapter and router for WiFi setup.
                   Multiple OS support: Windows, Linux

                                            ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                                      Chapter 2 - Installation

2. Installation
System Requirements
To begin using the WLAN Adapter, you must meet the following minimum
   • Windows XP/2000/2003/Vista 32/64bit/7, Linux (for Linux Kernel 		
   • USB 2.0 for personal computer or notebook computer

                                                                                                  Chapter 2
   • 128MB system memory or larger
   • 750MHz processor or higher
 •    ASUS utility cannot run under Windows 7 and Linux.
 •    Install the WLAN Adapter utilities CD before inserting the WLAN Adapt
      er into your computer.

Installation Procedures
Installing the WLAN utilities and driver (for Windows XP)
Follow these instructions to install the WLAN Adapter utilities and driver. Insert
the support CD into your optical drive. If autorun is enabled in your computer,
the CD automatically displays the utility menu. Click Install ASUS WLAN Card
Utilities/Driver. If autorun is disabled, double-click SETUP.EXE in the root
directory of the CD.

1. Select your language and click Install             2. Click Next on the Welcome screen.
   ASUS WLAN Card Utilities/Driver.

3. Click Next to use the default Destination Folder   4. Click Next to create short cut.
   or click Browse to select another folder.

                                    ASUS WLAN Adapter                                        

                       Chapter 2 - Installation

                   5. The installation process takes several     6. When Setup is complete, click Finish to
 Chapter 2

                      seconds.                                      exit the installation wizard and restart the

                    • For Linux user, download the Linux driver source code form CD, and
                       build the driver for the Linux OS you are using.

                   7. Carefully insert the WLAN Adapter into     8. Click OK to disable Windows Zero
                      your computer’s USB slot. Windows will        Configuration and allow ASUS WLAN
                      automatically detect and configure the        utilities to manage your wireless network.
                      WLAN Adapter using the utilities and
                      drivers installed in the previous steps.

                                                   ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                                   Chapter 2 - Installation

Installing the WLAN utilities
and driver (for MAC OS)
1.Double click the installation Icon and then
  click Continue.

                                                                                   Chapter 2
2.Select a destination volume to install the
  USB Wireless Utility. When done, click

3. Click Install to perform a basic installation
   of this software package on the volume.

4. Click Restart to finish installating the

                                  ASUS WLAN Adapter                           

                       Chapter 2 - Installation

                    Installing the WLAN utilities and driver (for Linux)
                    If you want to install the utilities and driver under Linux, please refer to the
                    attached CD for details.

                    Reading the WLAN status indicators
                    The device comes with one LED to indicate the status of the WLAN Adapter,
 Chapter 2

                    and on button for WiFi Protected Setup (WPS).
                    LED                                                              LED
                    ON: Connected to wireless device.
                    Blinking: Transmitting data; the blinking speed
                    indicates the link speed.
                    OFF: Adapter is disabled.


                    WPS Push Button:        Enable WPS Push Button

               10                               ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                          Chapter 2 - Installation

WPS Wizard
WPS Wizard is a utility that allows you to easily set up your wireless network.
To set up WPS wizard:

                                                                                        Chapter 2
Use Pust Button to set up WPS Wizard:
1. Press the WPS button of USB-N13 and then press the WPS button on
   the router.

                           ASUS WLAN Adapter                                      11

                       Chapter 2 - Installation

                    2. Follow the onscreen instructions to continue. When done, click Next.
 Chapter 2

                    Use the PIN code to set up WPS Wizard:
                    1. Select Use the PIN code box, when done, click Next.

               12                            ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                       Chapter 2 - Installation

2. Select the WPS AP you want to connect. When done, click Next.

                                                                                   Chapter 2
3. Key in the following PIN code into AP’s internal registrar (through its
   webpage) or external registrar.

   Key in the PIN number given by AP into the router’s setting page.

   If the SSID status you selected is unconfigured, you must key in the
   AP/router PIN numbers.

                         ASUS WLAN Adapter                                   13

                       Chapter 2 - Installation

                    Key in the router's PIN number in the the WPS Wizard or utility.
 Chapter 2

                    Search for the wireless router.

                    4. Key in the Network Name (SSID). When done, click Next.

                       If the router is used for the first time, the WPS wizard will run this
                       process automatically.

               14                              ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                     Chapter 2 - Installation

5. Follow the onscreen constructions to set up the key. When done, click

                                                                                 Chapter 2
6. When done, click Finish.

                        ASUS WLAN Adapter                                  15

                       Chapter 2 - Installation

                    7. Insert the USB-N13 and select the drive from the list below.
 Chapter 2

                    8. When done, click Finish.

               16                             ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                              Chapter 2 - Installation

Configuring with the WLAN utility (Infrastructure)
Use ASUS WLAN utility to get connected with an existing wireless network.

                                                                                                        Chapter 2
1. Right-click the wireless connection icon   2. Check the Config page to set the SSID
   and select Wireless Settings.                 (network name) to that of your wireless AP.

3. Use Site Survey if you don’t know the      4. Encryption settings must match those
   SSID of your access point(s).                 at the access point. Ask your network
                                                 administrator about settings if necessary.
                                                 Click Apply to activate the settings.

5. Check the Status page to see the
   association state. If connection is
   established, the box shows “Connected -    6. Check the Connection tab to see the
   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”.                           signal strength. Click OK to exit the utility.

                                ASUS WLAN Adapter                                                 17

                        Chapter 2 - Installation

                    Configuring with the WLAN utility (Ad Hoc)
                    The WLAN Adapter supports Ad Hoc mode that allows communication
                    between wireless stations without an AP.
 Chapter 2

                    1. Right-click the wireless connection icon       2. Click the Config button and set the WLAN
                       and select Wireless Settings.                     Adapter to Ad Hoc connection mode.

                    3. Click the Survey button to scan for Ad         4. If the encryption settings of your WLAN
                       Hoc nodes. Select the node you want to            Adapter are different from those of the
                       communicate with and press Connect.               other Ad Hoc nodes, you are prompted
                                                                         to make the encryption of the two nodes
                                                                         identical. Click Apply to activate the

                    5. Check the Status page to see the association
                       state. If connection is established, the box
                       shows “Connected - xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”.
                                                                      6. Check the Connection tab to see the
                                                                         signal strength. Click OK to exit the utility.

               18                                      ASUS WLAN Adapter

                           Chapter 3 - Software Reference

3. Software Reference
ASUS WLAN Control Center
ASUS WLAN Control Center is an application which makes it easier to launch
WLAN applications and activate network location settings. The WLAN Control
Center starts automatically when system boots. When WLAN Control Center is
running, you can see a Control Center icon on the Windows taskbar.

Starting the Control Center
•   Select ASUS WLAN Control Center in Windows Start
    menu, or
•   Double-click the ASUS WLAN Control Center icon on the desktop.
Using the Control Center

                                                                                   Software Reference
The Control Center taskbar icon displays the following information:

                                                                                       Chapter 3
• Link quality of the WLAN Adapter (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Not
• Whether the WLAN Adapter is connected to a network (Blue:
   Connected, Gray: Not Connected)

                         Taskbar Icon and Status
Wireless Status Icons (on the taskbar)
      Excellent link quality and connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Good link quality and connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Fair link quality and connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Poor link quality and connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Not linked but connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Excellent link quality but not connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Good link quality but not connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Fair link quality but not connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Poor link quality but not connected to Internet (Infrastructure)
      Not linked and not connected to Internet (Infrastructure)

                           ASUS WLAN Adapter                                  19

                              Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                          Taskbar icon - Right-click menu
                          Right-click the taskbar icon to show the following menu items:
                          •   Wireless Settings – Click to launch Wireless Settings application.
                          •   Activate Configuration – Click to choose a preset profile.
                          •   WPS – Click to launch Wireless Protected Setup Wizard.
                          •   Preferences – Click to customize the Control Center program. You can
                              create a Control Center shortcut on the desktop and decide whether to
                              start Control Center when system boots.
                          •   About Control Center-Shows the version of Control Center.
                          •   Help – Click to launch the help file.
                          •   Exit – Click to close the Control Center program.
Software Reference

                          Taskbar icon - Left-click menu
    Chapter 3

                          Left-click the taskbar icon to show the following
                          menu items:
                          •   Wireless Radio On – Click to turn the
                              wireless radio ON.
                          •   Wireless Radio Off – Click to turn the
                              wireless radio OFF.                           Taskbar Left-Click Menu
                          •   Search & Connect – Click to view the properties of available access
                          •   Wireless Option (Windows® XP only) – Click to choose Windows®
                              Wireless Zero Configuration (WZC) service or ASUS utilities to configure
                              your WLAN Adapter.

                          Taskbar Icon - Launch Wireless Settings
                          Double-click the taskbar icon to launch the Wireless Settings utility.

                     20                                ASUS WLAN Adapter

                                    Chapter 3 - Software Reference

ASUS Wireless Settings Utility
Wireless Settings is an application for managing the WLAN Adapter. Use Wireless
Settings to view or modify the configuration settings, or to monitor the operational
status of your WLAN Adapter. When Wireless Settings is launched, you can
see the tabbed property sheets which categorize the configuration options into
Starting Wireless Settings
•     Click the Windows Start button, select Programs | ASUS Utility |
      WLAN card | Wireless Settings.
• Right-click the Control Center icon on the Windows taskbar and
   select Wireless Settings.

                                                                                                          Software Reference
    NOTE: If you have more than one ASUS WLAN device installed on your

                                                                                                              Chapter 3
    computer, you may see a device selection window when you launch the
    “Wireless Settings” utility. Select the device you want when such situation

Status - Status
You can view the information about the
WLAN Adapter from the Status menu. The
status fields are blank if the WLAN Adapter
is not installed. You can turn off the WLAN
Adapter by clicking the
“Disable Radio” button.

Association State
Displays the connection status as follows:
    Connected - The adapter is now associated with one wireless LAN device. When operating in
     Infrastructure mode, this field shows the MAC address of the access point with which the WLAN
     Adapter is communicating. When operating in Ad Hoc mode, this field shows the virtual MAC
     address used by computers participating in the Ad Hoc network.

                                   ASUS WLAN Adapter                                                 21

                              Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                            Scanning... : The station is trying to authenticate and associate with an access point or Ad Hoc

                           Disconnected: The WLAN Adapter is installed to the system, but not yet connected to a wireless

                          SSID: Displays the Service Set Identifier (SSID) of the device that the adapter
                          is either associated or intending to join.

                          MAC address: Shows the hardware address of the WLAN Adapter. MAC
                          address is a unique identifier for networking devices (typically written as twelve
                          hexadecimal digits from 0 through 9 and A through F separated by colons, i.e.

                          Current Channel: Displays the radio channel to which the adapter
                          is currently tuned. This number changes as the radio scans the available
Software Reference

    Chapter 3

                          Current Data Rate: Displays the current data rate in megabits per second

                            NOTE: For 802.11n performance, select 40MHz bandwidth in wireless
                            router. Channel option depends on the bandwidth that you select.

                          Radio State: Shows the wireless radio status: ON or OFF.
                          Radio On - When the wireless radio is turned ON, the icon on the right
                          appears in the upper left of the Status page.
                          Radio Off - When the wireless radio is turned OFF, the icon on the right
                          appears in the upper left of the Status page.

                          Rescan – Make the WLAN Adapter rescan all available devices. If the current
                          link quality or signal strength is poor, rescanning can be used to push the radio
                          off a weak access point and search for a better link with another access point.
                          This function usually takes several seconds.
                          Change SSID – Click this button to set the SSID to that of the AP you want to
                          Search & Connect – Click this button to connect to an available wireless AP.

                     22                                     ASUS WLAN Adapter

                               Chapter 3 - Software Reference

Activate Configuration
Auto roaming is enabled by default and makes
the adapter automatically switch to APs with better
signal. You can uncheck it if you want to connect to
a specified AP using a particular profile.

Status - Connection
You can view the current link statistics about the
WLAN Adapter. These statistics are updated
once per second and are valid if the WLAN
Adapter is correctly installed.


                                                                                     Software Reference
Transmitted - The number of frames that
were transmitted.

                                                                                         Chapter 3
Received - The number of frames that were received.

Frame Error
Transmitted - The number of frames that were not successfully transmitted.
Received - The number of frames that were not successfully received.

Connection Quality
Signal Strength/Link Quality - Shows the signal strength/link quaility of the
access point or Ad Hoc node the WLAN Adapter is currently connected to.
Ratings are: Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor.

Overall Connection Quality
The overall connection quality is derived from the current signal strength. A
graphic chart uses percentage to show signal quality.

                              ASUS WLAN Adapter                                 23

                              Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                          Status - IP Config
                          IP Config tab shows all the current host and
                          WLAN Adapter information including host
                          name, DNS servers, IP address, Subnet
                          Mask and Default Gateway.

                          IP Release - If you want to remove the
                          current IP address, click this button to release the IP address from DHCP
                          IP Renew - If you want to obtain a new IP address from DHCP server, click this
                          button to renew the IP address.
                          Ping - Click this button to open “Ping” tab which is used to ping the devices in
Software Reference

                          your network.
    Chapter 3

                           NOTE: The IP Release and IP Renew buttons can only be used on the
                           WLAN Adapter which gets IP address from DHCP server.

                          Status - Ping
                          Click the "Ping" button in Status-IP Config
                          tab to open this page. The Ping tab allows
                          you to verify the accessibility of other
                          computers or network devices. To ping a
                          1. Type the IP address of the device you want to
                             verify in the IP Address field.
                          2. Configure the ping session by assigning the ping packet size and number of packet
                             to send, and the timeout value (in milliseconds).
                          3. Click the “Ping” button.
                          During the ping session, the Ping button Changes into a Stop button. To cancel
                          the ping session, click the “Stop” button.
                          The session field displays information on the verified connection including the
                          roundtrip time (minimum, maximum, and average) and packets sent, received,
                          and lost after a ping session.
                          Click the “Clear” button to clear the session field.

                     24                                ASUS WLAN Adapter

                            Chapter 3 - Software Reference

Config - Basic
This page enables you to change the WLAN
Adapter configurations.

Network Type
Infrastructure – Infrastructure means to
establish a connection with an access point.
Once connected, the access point allows you
to access wireless LAN and wired LAN (Ethernet). The Channel field turns to
Auto if the connection is based on Infrastructure.
Ad Hoc – Ad Hoc means to communicate directly with other wireless clients
without using an access point. An “Ad Hoc” network can be setup quickly
and easily without pre-planning, for example, sharing meeting notes between
attendants in a meeting room.

                                                                                        Software Reference
                                                                                            Chapter 3
Network Name (SSID)
SSID stands for “Service Set Identifier”, which is a string used to identify a
wireless LAN. Use the SSID to connect with a known access point. You can
enter a new SSID or select one from the drop-down list box. If you get connected
by designating the SSID, you are only to connect the AP with the SSID you
assigned. If the AP is removed from the network, your WLAN Adapter does not
roam automatically to other APs. SSIDs must all be printable characters and
having a maximum of 32 case sensitive characters, such as “ Wireless”.

The Channel field is for setting radio channel. Your WLAN Adapter can
automatically select the correct channel to communicate with a wireless device,
and the parameter is fixed to "Auto" in both Infrastructure and Ad Hoc mode.

The available radio channels depend on the regulations in your country. For
the United States (FCC) and Canada (IC), channel 1 to 11 are supported. For
Europe (ETSI), channel 1 to 13 are supported. For Japan (MKK), channel 1 to
14 are supported.

 NOTE: Click Apply to save and activate the new configurations.

                           ASUS WLAN Adapter                                       25

                             Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                          PS Mode
                          Constantly Awake Mode (CAM), also known as Disable Power Saving Mode,
                          is a full powered state that yields the best performance. We recommend this
                          mode for devices running on AC power.
                          Power Saving Polling Mode (PSP Mode), which is also known as Enable
                          Power Saving mode, periodically wakes up the system to check if there is any
                          data being sent. We recommend this mode for devices running on battery

                          Encryption – Click this link to show the "Encryption" tab.
                          Advanced – Click this link to show the "Advanced" tab. In most cases, the
                          default values do not have to be changed.
Software Reference

                          Config - Advanced
    Chapter 3

                          Click Advanced link on Config-Basic page to
                          show this tab. This tab allows you to set up
                          additional parameters for the wireless Adapter.
                          We recommend using the default values for all
                          items in this window.

                          RTS Threshold (0-2347)
                          The RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) function is used to minimize
                          collisions among wireless stations. When RTS/CTS is enabled, the router
                          refrains from sending a data frame until another RTS/CTS handshake is
                          completed. Enable RTS/CTS by setting a specific packet size threshold. The
                          default value (2347) is recommended.

                          Fragmentation Threshold (256-2346)
                          Fragmentation is used to divide 802.11 frames into smaller pieces (fragments)
                          that are sent separately to the destination. Enable fragmentation by setting
                          a specific packet size threshold. If there is an excessive number of collisions
                          on the WLAN, experiment with different fragmentation values to increase the
                          reliability of frame transmissions. The default value (2346) is recommended for
                          normal use.

                          Frame Bursting
                          Frame Bursting technology improves wireless network efficiency and boosts

                     26                               ASUS WLAN Adapter

                            Chapter 3 - Software Reference

Config - Encryption
This page enables you to configure the Wireless LAN Adapter encryption
settings. For data confidentiality in a wireless environment, IEEE 802.11
specifies a Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) algorithm to offer transmission
privacy. The WEP uses keys to encrypt and decrypt data packets. The
encryption process can scramble frame bits to avoid disclosure to others. The
WPA/WPA2 is improved security system for 802.11 which are developed to
overcome the weakness of the WEP protocol.

Network Authentication
Since there is no precise bound in wireless
LANs, the WLAN users need to implement
certain mechanism to provide security solution.
The Authentication policies in this tab provide

                                                                                      Software Reference
protection of different levels such as Open,
Shared, WPA-PSK, WPA, WPA2 and WPA2-

                                                                                          Chapter 3
Open - Select this option to make the network operate on Open System mode,
which use no authentication algorithm. Open stations and APs can authenticate
with each other without checking any WEP Key, even if there is.
Shared - Select this option to make the network operate on Shared key mode.
In a Share Key Authentication system, four-step exchange of frames is required
to validate that the station is using the same WEP Key as the access point.
WPA-PSK/ WPA2-PSK - Select this option to enable WPA Pre-Shared Key
under Infrastructure mode. It enables communication between your client and
APs using WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption mode.
WPA/ WPA2 - The network is operating in IEEE 802.1x authentication mode.
This mode is for environments with RADIUS (Remote Access Dial-in User
Service). In a RADIUS environment, five Extensible Authentication Protocol
(EAP) are supported, including PEAP, TLS/Smart Card, TTLS, LEAP and Md5-

                           ASUS WLAN Adapter                                     27

                             Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                          Data encryption
                          For Open and Shared authentication mode, the configuration options of
                          encryption type are Disabled and WEP. For WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2 and
                          WPA2-PSK authentication mode, Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
                          encryption and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption are supported.
                          Disabled - Disable the encryption function.
                          WEP - WEP Key is used to encrypt your data before it is transmitted over air.
                          You can only connect and communicate with wireless devices that use the
                          same WEP keys.
                          TKIP - TKIP uses an encryption algorithm method that is more stringent than
                          the WEP algorithm. It also uses existing WLAN calculation facilities to perform
                          encryption. TKIP verifies the security configuration after the encryption keys are
Software Reference

                          AES: AES is a symmetric 128-bit block encryption technique that works
                          simultaneously on multiple network layers.
    Chapter 3

                          Wireless Network Key
                          This option is enabled only if you select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK authentication
                          mode. Select “TKIP” or “AES” in the encryption filed as encryption mode to
                          begin the encryption proceed. Note: 8 to 64 characters are required in this field.

                          Wireless Network Key (WEP)
                          This option is configurable only if you enable WEP in Network Authentication
                          field. The WEP Key is a 64 bits (5 byte) or 128 bits (13 byte) Hexadecimal
                          digits which is used to encrypt and decrypt data packets.

                          Key Format
                          You can select to enter Hexadecimal digits (0~9, a~f, and A~F) or ASCII
                          characters to setup keys by defining the Key Format.

                          Key Length
                          For 64 bits encryption, each key contains 10 hex digits or 5 ASCII characters.
                          For 128 bits encryption, each key contains 26 hex digits or 13 ASCII characters.

                          Manual assign WEP keys - When you select this option, the cursor appears
                          in the field for Key 1. For 64-bit encryption, you are required to enter four WEP
                          Keys. Each Key contains exactly 10 hex digits (0~9, a~f, and A~F). For 128-bit
                          encryption, you are required to enter four WEP Keys. Each Key contains
                          exactly 26 hex digits (0~9, a~f, and A~F).

                     28                               ASUS WLAN Adapter

                             Chapter 3 - Software Reference

Select one as your Default Key
The Default Key field allows you specify which of the four encryption keys is to
use for transmitting data over wireless LAN. You can change the default key
by clicking on the downward arrow, selecting the number of the key you want
to use, and clicking the “Apply” button. If the access point or station with which
you are communicating uses the identical key by the same sequence, you can
use any of the keys as the default on your WLAN Adapter.
Click the “Apply” button after you have created the encryption keys, the
Wireless Settings Utility uses asterisks to mask your keys.

64/128bits versus 40/104bits
There are two levels of WEP Encryption: 64 bits and 128 bits.
Firstly, 64 bit WEP and 40 bit WEP are the same encryption method and can

                                                                                           Software Reference
interoperate in the wireless network. This lower level of WEP encryption uses a

                                                                                               Chapter 3
40 bit (10 Hex character) as a “secret key” (set by user), and a 24 bit
“Initialization Vector” (not under user control). This together makes 64 bits (40 +
24). Some vendors refer to this level of WEP as 40 bits and others refer to this
as 64 bits. Our Wireless LAN products use the term 64 bits when referring to
this lower level of encryption.
Secondly, 104 bit WEP and 128 bit WEP are the same encryption method and
can interoperate in the wireless network. This higher level of WEP encryption
uses a 104 bit (26 Hex character) as a “secret key” (set by user), and a 24 bit
“Initialization Vector” (not under user control). This together makes 128 bits
(104 + 24). Some vendors refer to this level of WEP as 104 bits and others
refer to this as 128 bits. Our Wireless LAN products use the term 128 bits when
referring to this higher level of encryption.

                            ASUS WLAN Adapter                                         29

                              Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                          Config - Authentication
                          This tab allows you to set the security settings to match those of your AP. It is
                          configurable only if you have set Network Authentication to WPA or WPA2 in
                          Config-Encryption tab.

                          Authentication Type
                          The authentication type methods include:
                          PEAP: PEAP (Protected Extensible
                          Authentication Protocol) authentication is a
                          version of Extensible Authentication Protocol
                          (EAP). EAP ensures mutual authentication
                          between a wireless client and a server that
                          resides at the network operations center.
Software Reference

                          TLS: TLS (Transport Layer Security) authentication is used to create an
                          encrypted tunnel and achieve server-side authentication in a manner similar
    Chapter 3

                          to Web server authentication using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. This
                          method uses digital certificates to verify the identity of a client and server.
                          TTLS: TTLS authentication uses certificates to authenticate the server, while
                          maintaining similar security properties to TLS such as mutual authentication
                          and a shared confidentiality for session WEP key.

                          Survey - Site Survey
                          Use the Site Survey tab to view statistics on
                          the wireless networks available to the WLAN
                          adapter and their parameters.

                          •   SSID: The SSID of the available
                          •   Channel: The channel used by each

                     30                                ASUS WLAN Adapter

                            Chapter 3 - Software Reference

•   RSSI: The Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) transmitted by each
    network. This information is helpful in determining which network to connect
    to. The value is then normalized to a dBm value.
•   Security: Wireless network encryption information. All devices in
    the network should use the same encryption method to ensure the
•   BSSID: The media access control (MAC) address of the access point or
    the Basic Service Set ID of the Ad Hoc node.

    NOTE: Some access points may disable SSID broadcast and hide
    themselves from “Site Survey” or “Site Monitor”, however, you can
    connect such AP if you know their SSID.


                                                                                        Software Reference
Search – To scan all available wireless networks and show the scan result in
the “Available Network” list.

                                                                                            Chapter 3
Connect – To associate with a network, select the network from the
“Available Network” list and click this button.

About - Version Info
Use the Version Info tab to view program and WLAN Adapter version
information. The program version information field includes the Copyright and
utility version. The version information includes the NDIS version, driver name,
driver version and hardware version.

        This screen is an example only. Your version numbers
        will be different from what are shown here.

                           ASUS WLAN Adapter                                       31

                             Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                          Link State
                          WLAN Adapter “Link State” icon appears on the left side of
                          the WLAN Adapter Settings. Use the icon to view the current
                          signal status.

                                 Excellent Link Quality (Infrastructure)

                                 Good Link Quality (Infrastructure)

                                 Fair Link Quality (Infrastructure)

                                 Poor Link Quality (Infrastructure)

                                 Not linked (Infrastructure)
Software Reference

                          ASUS Mobile Manager
    Chapter 3

                          The Mobile Manager is a convenient
                          tool to set up and manage network
                          location settings. In different places,
                          you have to reconfigure settings for
                          confoming to the connectivity needs
                          of the place.
                          Mobile Manager lets users configure
                          multiple alternative configurations for different locations. You just need to set
                          once, and then easily activate a configuration with a push of a button when
                          you change location. Mobile Manager would determine whether or not the new
                          settings wourld require rebooting Windows to take effect.

                     32                               ASUS WLAN Adapter

                           Chapter 3 - Software Reference

Site Monitor
The Site Monitor can monitor the signal
of wireless.

Exit Wireless Settings
To exit Wireless Settings, you can click OK or Cancel.

                                                                 Software Reference
                                                                     Chapter 3

                           ASUS WLAN Adapter                33

                             Chapter 3 - Software Reference

                          Windows® XP Wireless Options
                          The wireless options window shown below is only available for Windows® XP.
                          It appears when you run the Control Center utility at the first time. Select the
                          utility you want to use for configuring your WLAN Adapter.
                          Only use Windows wireless function
                          – Only use Windows® XP Wireless Zero
                          Configuration service to configure the WLAN
                          Only use our WLAN utilities and disable
                          Windows wireless function
                          – Only use ASUS WLAN utilities to configure the WLAN Adapter.

                          Configuring with Windows® Wireless Zero Configuration service
Software Reference

                          If you want to configure your WLAN Adapter via Windows® Wireless Zero
    Chapter 3

                          Configuration (WZC) service, follow the instruction below to make the settings.

                          1. Double-click the wireless network icon    2. A window prompts out asking you for
                             on the task bar at the right bottom          the key if you have set up encryption
                             corner of the desktop to view available      on your wireless router, input the keys
                             networks.Select the AP and click             and click Connect. The connection is
                             Connect.                                     complete.

                     34                                   ASUS WLAN Adapter

Document Created: 2009-08-10 17:06:57
Document Modified: 2009-08-10 17:06:57

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