User Manual


Users Manual

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                       Wireless-AC2900 Dual band
                             Gigabit Router

                                   Quick Start Guide

                                              US12549 / First Edition / March 2017

US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 1                                      2017/3/31 10:52:18

     Table of contents
     Package contents........................................................................ 3
     A quick look at your router...................................................... 3
     Preparing your modem............................................................. 4
     Setting up your router............................................................... 5
         A. Wired connection..............................................................................5
         B. Wireless connection .........................................................................6
     Remembering your wireless router settings .................... 7
     FAQ................................................................................................... 7
     Networks Global Hotline Information...............................23

     This QSG contains these languages:

US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 2                                                                           2017/3/31 10:52:18

     Package contents
            RT-AC86U Wireless Router                   3 * wireless antennas
            AC adapter                                 Network cable (RJ-45)
            Quick Start Guide

              NOTE: If any of the items is damaged or missing, contact your retailer.

     A quick look at your router

      1.   LAN LED                               8.    Power (DC-IN) port
      2.   WAN (Internet) LED                    9.    USB 2.0 port
      3.   2.4GHz / 5GHz Wi-Fi LED               10.   USB 3.0 port
      4.   Power LED                             11.   WAN (Internet) port
      5.   WPS button                            12.   LED On/Off button
      6.   Wi-Fi On/Off button                   13.   LAN ports
      7.   Power button                          14.   Reset button


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          Preparing your modem
          1.   Unplug the power cable/DSL modem. If it has a battery
               backup, remove the battery.

                  NOTE:      If you are using DSL for Internet, you

                  will need your username/password from your In-
                  ternet Service Provider (ISP) to properly configure   Unplug
                  the router.

          2.   Connect your modem to the router with the bundled
               network cable.

          3.   Power on your cable/DSL modem.
          4.   Check your cable/DSL modem LED lights to ensure the
               connection is active.


  US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 4                                          2017/3/31 10:52:20

     Setting up your router
     You can set up your router via wired or wireless connection.

     A. Wired connection

     1.   Plug your router into a power
          outlet and power it on. Connect the
          network cable from your computer
          to a LAN port on your router.

                                                            4           WAN   LAN



                                                                        3              Laptop


     2.   The web GUI launches automatically when you open a web browser. If it does not
          auto-launch, enter
     3.   Set up a password for your router to prevent unauthorized access.


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          B. Wireless connection
          1.   Plug your router into a power
               outlet and power it on.

                                                                                                Smart phone

                                                                 3           WAN


          2.   Connect to the network name(SSID) shown on the product label on the back side
               of the router. For better network security, change to a unique SSID and assign a

                                                     2.4G Wi-Fi Name (SSID): ASUS_XX_2G
                      ASUS router
                                                     5G Wi-Fi Name (SSID):         ASUS_XX_5G

                                                 *     XX refers to the last two digits of 2.4GHz MAC
                                                       address. You can find it on the label on the
                                                       back of your router.


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     3.   Once connected, the web GUI launches automatically when you open a web
          browser. If it does not auto-launch, enter
     4.   Set up a password for your router to prevent unauthorized access.

     Remembering your wireless router settings
     •    Remember your wireless settings as you complete the router setup.

            Router Name:                        Password:

            2.4 GHz network SSID:               Password:

            5GHz network SSID:                  Password:

     1.	Where can I find more information about the wireless router?
         • Online FAQ site:
         • Technical support site:
         • Customer hotline: refer to the Support Hotline section in this Quick Start Guide


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 7                                                          2017/3/31 10:52:21

           Contenu de la boîte
                Routeur Wi-Fi RT-AC86U                        3 * Antennes Wi-Fi
                Adaptateur secteur                            Câble réseau (RJ-45)

                Guide de démarrage rapide

                  REMARQUE : Si l'un des éléments est endommagé ou manquant, veuillez contacter
                  votre revendeur.

           Aperçu rapide de votre routeur

           1.   Voyant réseau local (LAN)               8.    Prise d'alimentation (CC)
           2.   Voyant réseau étendu (WAN) (Internet)   9.    Port USB 2.0
           3.   Voyant Wi-Fi de bande 2,4 GHz / 5 GHz   10.   Port USB 3.0
           4.   Voyant d'alimentation                   11.   Port réseau étendu (WAN) (Internet)
           5.   Bouton WPS                              12.   Bouton voyant allumé/éteint
           6.   Bouton Wi-Fi activé/désactivé           13.   Ports réseau local (LAN)
           7.   Bouton d'alimentation                   14.   Bouton de réinitialisation


 US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 8                                                        2017/3/31 10:52:22

     Préparer votre modem
     1.   Débranchez le câble d'alimentation / le modem DSL. Si
          votre modem possède une batterie de secours, retirez-la.

              REMARQUE : Si vous utilisez le DSL pour accéder à Inter-

              net, vous aurez besoin du nom d'utilisateur et du mot de
              passe fournis par votre fournisseur d'accès internet pour   Débranchez
              configurer votre routeur.

     2.   Raccordez votre modem au routeur à l'aide du câble
          réseau fourni.

     3.   Allumez votre modem câble/DSL.
     4.   Vérifiez les voyants lumineux de votre modem câble/DSL
          pour vous assurer que la connexion est établie.


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           Configurer votre routeur
           Vous pouvez configurer votre routeur via une connexion filaire ou Wi-Fi.
           A. Connexion filaire

           1.   Branchez le routeur sur une prise électrique, puis allumez-le. Utilisez le câble réseau
                pour relier votre ordinateur au port
                réseau local (LAN) du routeur.

                                                                     4           WAN   LAN



                                                                                 3              Laptop


           2.   L'interface de gestion du routeur s'affiche automatiquement lors de l'ouverture de
                votre navigateur internet. Si ce n'est pas le cas, entrez dans la
                barre d'adresse.
           3.   Définissez un mot de passe afin d'éviter les accès non autorisés au routeur.


 US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 10                                                             2017/3/31 10:52:22

     B. Connexion Wi-Fi
     1.   Branchez le routeur sur une prise
          électrique, puis allumez-le.

                                                                                                Smart phone

                                                              3           WAN


     2.   Connectez-vous au réseau dont le nom (SSID) est affiché sur l'étiquette du produit
          située à l'arrière du routeur. Pour garantir une plus grande sécurité, modifiez le nom
          du réseau et le mot de passe.

                                                  Nom du réseau Wi-Fi de        ASUS_XX_2G
                   ASUS router                    2,4 G (SSID) :
                                                  Nom du réseau Wi-Fi de        ASUS_XX_5G
                                                  5 G (SSID) :
                                              *     XX correspond aux deux derniers chiffres de l'adresse
                                                    MAC 2,4 GHz. Vous pouvez les trouver sur l'étiquette
                                                    située à l'arrière de votre routeur.


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           3.   Une fois connecté, l'interface de gestion du routeur s'affiche automatiquement
                lors de l'ouverture de votre navigateur internet. Si ce n'est pas le cas, entrez http://
       dans la barre d'adresse.
           4.   Définissez un mot de passe afin d'éviter les accès non autorisés au routeur.

           Se rappeler des paramètres de votre routeur Wi-Fi
           •    Notez les paramètres Wi-Fi choisis lors de la configuration de votre routeur.

                 Nom du routeur :                    Mot de passe :

                 Nom du réseau de 2,4 GHz (SSID) : Mot de passe :

                 Nom du réseau de 5 GHz (SSID) :     Mot de passe :


 US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 12                                                           2017/3/31 10:52:23

     Conteúdo da embalagem
            RT-AC86U                                 3 x antenas sem fios
            Transformador                            Cabo de rede (RJ-45)

            Guia de consulta rápida

              NOTA: Caso algum item esteja danificado ou em falta, contacte o seu

     Visão geral do seu router

      1.   LED da LAN                          8.  Porta de alimentação (Entrada DC)
      2.   Portas WAN (Internet)               9.  Portas USB 2.0
      3.   LED 2.4GHz / 5GHz                   10. Portas USB 3.0
      4.   LED de Alimentação                  11. Portas WAN (Internet)
      5.   Botão WPS                           12. Botão Ligar/Desligar LED
      6.   Botão Ligar/Desligar Wi-Fi          13.   Portas da LAN
      7.   Botão Alimentação                   14.   Vypínaè


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            Preparar o modem
            1.   Desligue o modem por cabo/DSL. Se o mesmo tiver
                 uma bateria de reserva, remova-a.

                    NOTE:      Se estiver a utilizar uma ligação DSL para
                    aceder à Internet, precisará dos dados de nome de
                    utilizador/palavra-passe fornecidos pelo seu fornecedor   Unplug
                    de serviços de Internet (ISP) para configurar correta-
                    mente o seu router.

            2.   Ligue o seu modem ao router com o cabo de rede

            3.   Ligue o seu modem por cabo/DSL.
            4.   Verifique as luzes LED do modem por cabo/DSL para se
                 certificar que a ligação está ativa.


  US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 14                                               2017/3/31 10:52:24

     Configurar o router
     É possível configurar o router através de uma ligação com ou sem fios.

     A. Ligação com fios
     1.   Ligue o router a uma tomada elétrica
          e prima o botão de energia. Ligue o
          cabo de rede do computador a uma
          porta LAN do router.

                                                            4           WAN   LAN



                                                                        3              Laptop


     2.   A interface web abre automaticamente quando abrir um navegador web. Se não
          abrir automaticamente, introduza
     3.   Configure uma palavra-passe para o seu router para impedir o acesso não


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 15                                                   2017/3/31 10:52:25

            B. Ligação sem fios
            1.   Ligue o router a uma tomada
                 elétrica e prima o botão de

                                                                                                 Smart phone

                                                                   3           WAN


            2.   Connect to the network name(SSID) shown on the product label on the back side
                 of the router. For better network security, change to a unique SSID and assign a

                        ASUS router
                                                       Nome da rede Wi-Fi 2,4G             ASUS_XX_2G
                                                       Nome da rede Wi-Fi 5G (SSID):       ASUS_XX_5G

                                                   *     XX refere-se aos dois últimos dígitos do
                                                         endereço MAC 2,4GHz. Pode encontrar esse
                                                         endereço na etiqueta na traseira do router.


  US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 16                                                         2017/3/31 10:52:25

     3.   Após a ligação, a interface web irá abrir automaticamente quando abrir um
          navegador web. Se não abrir automaticamente, introduza
     4.   Configure uma palavra-passe para o seu router para impedir o acesso não

     Memorizar as definições do seu router sem fios
     •    Memorize as suas definições de ligação sem fios quando terminar a configuração
          do router.
            Nome do router::                  palavra-passe:

            SSID da rede 2,4 GHz:             palavra-passe:

            SSID da rede 5GHz:                palavra-passe:

     Perguntas Frequentes
     1.	Onde posso encontrar mais informações acerca do router sem fios?
        • Site de Perguntas Frequentes Online:
         • Site de Apoio Técnico:
        • L inha de Apoio ao Cliente: Consulte a Linha de Apoio ao Cliente no Guia suplementar


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 17                                                     2017/3/31 10:52:25

          Contenido del paquete
               RT-AC86U                                     3*antenas inalámbricas
               AC adapter                                   Cable de red

               Guía de inicio rápido

                 NOTA: Si alguno de los artículos falta o se encuentra dañado, póngase en contacto
                 con su distribuidor.

          Un vistazo rápido a su RT-AC86U

          1.   LED LAN                                8.    Puerto de alimentación (DC-IN)
          2.   WAN LED (Internet)                     9.    USB 2.0 Puerto
          3.   LED de 2.4 GHz / 5GHz                  10.   USB 3.0 Puerto
          4.   LED de alimentación                    11.   WAN (Internet) puerto
          5.   Botón WPS                              12.   Botón Activar/Desactivar LED
          6.   Botón Activar/Desactivar Wi-Fi         13.   LAN puertos
          7.   Vypínaè                                14.   Botón Restablecer


  US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 18                                                   2017/3/31 10:52:25

     Preparar el módem
     1.   Desenchufe la alimentación del módem de cable
          o DSL. Si tiene una batería de reserva, quítela.

              NOTA: Si utiliza DSL para Internet, necesitará
              el nombre de usuario y la contraseña de su          Unplug
              proveedor de servicio de Internet (ISP) para con-
              figurar adecuadamente el router.

     2.   Conecte el módem al router con el cable de red

     3.   Encienda su módem de cable o DSL.
     4.   Compruebe las luces de los LED del módem de cable o
          DLS para asegurarse de que la conexión está activa.


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          Configurar el router
          Puede configurar el router a través de la conexión cableada o inalámbrica.

          A. Conexión cableada

          1.   Enchufe el router a una toma de
               corriente eléctrica y enciéndalo.
               Conecte el cable de red desde el
               equipo a un puerto LAN del router.

                                                                  4           WAN   LAN



                                                                              3              Laptop


          2.   La GUI Web se inicia automáticamente cuando abre un explorador Web. Si no se inicia
               automáticamente, escriba
          3.   Configure una contraseña para el router para evitar el acceso no autorizado.


  US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 20                                                         2017/3/31 10:52:26

     B. Conexión inalámbrica
     1.   Enchufe el router a una toma de
          corriente eléctrica y enciéndalo.

                                                                                            Smart phone

                                                              3           WAN


     2.   Conéctese al nombre de red (SSID) mostrado en la etiqueta del producto que se
          encuentra en la parte posterior del router. Para mejorar la seguridad de la red,
          cambie a un SSID único y asigne una contraseña.

                                                  Nombre Wi-Fi 2,4 GHz (SSID): ASUS_XX_2G
                   ASUS router
                                                  Nombre Wi-Fi 5GHz (SSID):         ASUS_XX_5G

                                              *     XX y hace referencia a los dos últimos dígitos
                                                    de la dirección MAC de 2,4 GHz. Puede
                                                    encontrarlo en la etiqueta situada en la parte
                                                    posterior del router.


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 21                                                      2017/3/31 10:52:27

          3.   La GUI Web se inicia automáticamente cuando abre un explorador Web. Si no se
               inicia automáticamente, escriba
          4.   Configure una contraseña para el router para evitar el acceso no autorizado.

          Recordar la configuración del router inalámbrico
          •    Recuerde la configuración inalámbrica cuando complete la configuración del

                Nombre del router:                  Contraseña:

                SSID de red de 2,4 GHz:             Contraseña:

                SSID de red de 5 GHz:               Contraseña:

          1. ¿De qué otros recursos dispongo para obtener más información acerca del router inalámbrico?
          • El sitio web de preguntas más frecuentes:
          • El sitio web de soporte técnico:
          • Línea Directa: Consulte el número de la línea telefónica de soporte técnico en esta Guía
              de inicio rápido.


  US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 22                                                        2017/3/31 10:52:27

     Networks Global Hotline Information
        Region           Country             Hotline Number             Service Hours
                                                                   09:00-13:00 ;
                 Cyprus                  800-92491                 14:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 France                  0033-170949400            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                                         0049-1805010923           09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                                         (component support )      10:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                                         0049-2102959911 ( Fax )
                 Hungary                 0036-15054561             09:00-17:30 Mon-Fri
                                                                   09:00-13:00 ;
                 Italy                   199-400089                14:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                                                                   09:00-13:00 ;
                 Greece                  00800-44142044            14:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Austria                 0043-820240513            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Netherlands/            0031-591570290            09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                 Belgium                 0032-78150231             09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
       Europe    Norway                  0047-2316-2682            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Sweden                  +46-858769407             09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Finland                 00358-969379690           10:00-19:00 Mon-Fri
                 Denmark                 0045-38322943             09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Poland                  0048-225718040            08:30-17:30 Mon-Fri
                 Spain                   0034-902889688            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Portugal                00351-707500310           09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Slovak Republic         00421-232162621           08:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                 Czech Republic          00420-596766888           08:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                 Switzerland-German      0041-848111010            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Switzerland-French      0041-848111014            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Switzerland-Italian     0041-848111012            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 United Kingdom          0044-1442265548           09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                 Ireland                 0035-31890719918          09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                 Russia and CIS          008-800-100-ASUS          09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                 Ukraine                 0038-0445457727           09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 23                                                   2017/3/31 10:52:27

          Region          Country          Hotline Numbers           Service Hours
                      Australia          1300-278788            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                      New Zealand        0800-278788            09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                                                                09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                                                                09:00-17:00 Sat-Sun
                                         0081-570783886         09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                                         (Non-Toll Free)        09:00-17:00 Sat-Sun
                      Korea              0082-215666868         09:30-17:00 Mon-Fri
                      Thailand           0066-24011717          09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                                         0065-64157917          11:00-19:00 Mon-Fri
       Asia-Pacific   Singapore          0065-67203835          11:00-19:00 Mon-Fri
                                         (Repair Status Only)   11:00-13:00 Sat
                      Malaysia           0060-320535077         10:00-19:00 Mon-Fri
                      Philippine         1800-18550163          09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                      India                                     09:00-18:00 Mon-Sat
                      India(WL/NW)                              09:00-21:00 Mon-Sun
                      Indonesia          0062-2129495000        09:30-17:00 Mon-Fri
                                         500128 (Local Only)    9:30 – 12:00 Sat
                      Vietnam            1900-555581            13:30-17:30 Mon-Sat
                      Hong Kong          00852-35824770         10:00-19:00 Mon-Sat
                      USA                                       8:30-12:00 EST Mon-Fri
       Americas       Canada                                    9:00-18:00 EST Sat-Sun
                      Mexico             001-8008367847         08:00-20:00 CST Mon-Fri
                                                                08:00-15:00 CST Sat


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 24                                                    2017/3/31 10:52:27

            Region           Country            Hotline Numbers         Service Hours
                         Egypt               800-2787349            09:00-18:00 Sun-Thu
                         Saudi Arabia        800-1212787            09:00-18:00 Sat-Wed
                         UAE                 00971-42958941         09:00-18:00 Sun-Thu
         Middle East +
         Africa          Turkey              0090-2165243000        09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                         South Africa        0861-278772            08:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                                             *6557/00972-39142800   08:00-17:00 Sun-Thu
                                             *9770/00972-35598555   08:30-17:30 Sun-Thu
                         Romania             0040-213301786         09:00-18:30 Mon-Fri
                         Bosnia              00387-33773163         09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                         Bulgaria            00359-70014411         09:30-18:30 Mon-Fri
         Balkan Coun-                        00359-29889170         09:30-18:00 Mon-Fri
         tries           Croatia             00385-16401111         09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                         Montenegro          00382-20608251         09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                         Serbia              00381-112070677        09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri
                         Slovenia            00368-59045400
                                                                    08:00-16:00 Mon-Fri
                         Estonia             00372-6671796          09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
         Baltic          Latvia              00371-67408838         09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
         Countries       Lithuania-Kaunas    00370-37329000         09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri
                         Lithuania-Vilnius   00370-522101160        09:00-18:00 Mon-Fri

     •     UK support e-mail:
     •     For more information, visit the ASUS support site at:


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 25                                                    2017/3/31 10:52:27

     ASUS Recycling/Takeback Services
     ASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the highest stan-
     dards for protecting our environment. We believe in providing solutions for you to be able
     to responsibly recycle our products, batteries, other components, as well as the packaging
     materials. Please go to for the detailed recycling
     information in different regions.

     Complying with the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of
     Chemicals) regulatory framework, we published the chemical substances in our products at
     ASUS REACH website at

     Federal Communications Commission Statement
     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
     • This device may not cause harmful interference.
     • This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
         undesired operation.
     This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital
     device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
     protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
     This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
     installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
     to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
     in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
     television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
     is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
     • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
     • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
         receiver is connected.
     • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

              WARNING! Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
              responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 26                                                    2017/3/31 10:52:27

     Prohibition of Co-location
     This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any
     other antenna or transmitter.
     Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure
     limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific oper-
     ating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. To maintain compliance with FCC
     exposure compliance requirement, please follow operation instruction as documented in
     this manual. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm
     between the radiator and your body.
     Declaration of Conformity for R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC
     Essential requirements – Article 3
     Protection requirements for health and safety – Article 3.1a
     Testing for electric safety according to EN 60950-1 has been conducted. These are consid-
     ered relevant and sufficient.
     Protection requirements for electromagnetic compatibility – Article 3.1b
     Testing for electromagnetic compatibility according to EN 301 489-1 and EN 301 489-17 has
     been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufficient.
     Effective use of the radio spectrum – Article 3.2
     Testing for radio test suites according to EN 300 328- 2 has been conducted. These are con-
     sidered relevant and sufficient.

     Declaration of Conformity for Ecodesign directive 2009/125/EC
     Testing for eco-design requirements according to (EC) No 1275/2008 and (EU) No 801/2013
     has been conducted. When the device is in Networked Standby Mode, its I/O and network
     interface are in sleep mode and may not work properly. To wake up the device, press the Wi-
     Fi on/off, LED on/off, reset, or WPS button.

     CE Mark Warning
     This is a Class B product, in a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interfer-
     ence, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.Operation Chan-
     nels: CH1~11 for N. America; Ch1~13 for Japan; CH1~13 for Europe (ETSI)
     This equipment may be operated in AT, BE, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, DE, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MT, NL,
     PL, PT, SK, SL, ES, SE, GB, IS, LI, NO, CH, BG, RO, RT.

     Canada, Industry Canada (IC) Notices
     This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210.
     Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interfer-
     ence, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
     undesired operation of the device.


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     Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information
     The radiated output power of the ASUS Wireless Device is below the Industry Canada (IC)
     radio frequency exposure limits. The ASUS Wireless Device should be used in such a manner
     such that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.

     This device has been evaluated for and shown compliant with the IC Specific Absorption
     Rate (“SAR”) limits when installed in specific host products operated in portable exposure
     conditions (antennas are less than 20 centimeters of a person’s body).

     This device has been certified for use in Canada. Status of the listing in the Industry Canada’s
     REL (Radio Equipment List) can be found at the following web address:

     Additional Canadian information on RF exposure also can be found at the following web:

     Canada, avis d’Industry Canada (IC)
     Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme aux normes canadiennes ICES-003 et RSS-

     Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas
     causer d’interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les
     interférences qui peuvent a ecter son fonctionnement.

     Informations concernant l’exposition aux fréquences radio (RF)
     La puissance de sortie émise par l’appareil de sans l ASUS est inférieure à la limite d’exposition
     aux fréquences radio d’Industry Canada (IC). Utilisez l’appareil de sans l ASUS de façon à
     minimiser les contacts humains lors du fonctionnement normal.

     Ce périphérique a été évalué et démontré conforme aux limites SAR (Speci c Absorption Rate
     – Taux d’absorption spéci que) d’IC lorsqu’il est installé dans des produits hôtes particuliers
     qui fonctionnent dans des conditions d’exposition à des appareils portables (les antennes se
     situent à moins de 20 centimètres du corps d’une personne).

     Ce périphérique est homologué pour l’utilisation au Canada. Pour consulter l’entrée
     correspondant à l’appareil dans la liste d’équipement radio (REL - Radio Equipment List)
     d’Industry Canada rendez-vous sur:

     Pour des informations supplémentaires concernant l’exposition aux RF au Canada
     rendezvous sur :


US12549_RT-AC86U_QSG_172x144mm.indb 28                                                        2017/3/31 10:52:27

     NCC 警語


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Document Created: 2017-04-20 19:05:49
Document Modified: 2017-04-20 19:05:49

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