Test Report


Test Report

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                                    The University of Michigan
                                       Radiation Laboratory
                                       3228 EECS Building
                                    Ann Arbor, MI 48109—2122
                                        Tel: (734) 647—1792

                           Measured Radio Frequency Emissions

          Schrader Remote Tire Pressure Monitoring Transmitter
                                Model: MRXTG224AM02
                                      Report No. 415031—076
                                           March 1, 2001

                                        Copywrite © 2001

                                     Schrader Electronics Ltd.
                                        11 Technology Park
                                            Belfast Road
                                      N. Ireland, BT411l 1QS
                                             PO: R7459

                                        Brendan McDonnell
                                     Tel: 011—44 2894—482078
                                     Fax: 011—44 2894—468440

                                                Tests supervised by:.     ///’('jfl / %fi_fi/g—-
Measurements made by:                           Report approved by
                           Valdis V. Liepa                                Valdis V. Liepa          CV
                                                                          Research Scientist

Tests for compliance with FCC Regulations, subject to Part 15, Subpart C, and with RSS—210 of
Industry Canada were performed on Schrader Remote Tire Pressure Monitoring Transmitter. This
device is subject to Rules and Regulations as a low power (data) transmitter. As a Digital Device it
is exempt, but such measurements we routinely perform to assess the transmitters‘s overall
       The Sensor was tested " in free space", i.e., without a tire and off the rim. In testing
performed between January 10 and February 18, 2001, the device tested in the worst case met the
limits for radiated emissions by 5.3 dB (1735 MHz, 4th harmonic; see p. 6). Besides harmonics
there were no other significant spurious emissions found.
        No conductive emission tests were made, since the transmitter is powered by a 3 V internal
lithium battery.

1. Introduction

Schrader Remote Tire Pressure Monitoring Transmitter, PN: 70503028, was tested for compliance
with FCC Regulations, Part 15, adopted under Docket §$7—389, April 18, 1989, and with Industry
Canada RSS—210, Issue 2, dated February 14, 1998. The tests were performed at the University of
Michigan Radiation Laboratory Willow Run Test Range following the procedures described in ANSI
C€63.4—1992 "Methods of Measurement of Radio—Noise Emissions from Low—Voltage Electrical and
Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz". The Site description and attenuation
characteristics of the Open Site facility are on file with FCC Laboratory, Columbia, Maryland (FCC
Reg. No: 91050) and with Industry Canada, Ottawa, ON (File Ref. No: IC 2057).

2. Test Procedure and Equipment Used

The test equipment commonly used in our facility is listed in Table 2.1 below. The second column
identifies the specific equipment used in these tests. The HP 8593E spectrum analyzer is used for
primary amplitude and frequency reference.

                                     Table 2.1. Test Equipment.

Test Instrument   Equipment Used Manufacturer/Model                  Cal. Date/By
Spectrum Analyzer       X        Hewlett—Packard 8593A               December 2000/UM
  (OkHz—22GHz)                           SN:; 3107A01358
Spectrum Analyzer          X          Hewlett—Packard 8593E          December 2000/HP
  (IkHz—26GHz)                           SN:; 3107A01131
Spectrum Analyzer                     Hewlett—Packard 182T/8558B     December 2000/UM
  (0.1—1500 MHz)                         SN: 1529A¥01114/543592
Preamplifier                          Watkins—Johnson                December 2000/UM

  (5—1000MHz)                            All —1 plus A25—18
Preamplifier                          Avantek                        Oct. 1999/ U of M Rad Lab

  (5—4000 MHz)
Broadband Bicone                      University of Michigan         June 1999/U of M Rad Lab
  (20—200 MHz)
Broadband Bicone                      University of Michigan         June 1999/U of M Rad Lab

  (200—1000 MHz)
Dipole Antenna Set                    University of Michigan         June 2000/UM                   «
  (25—1000 MHz)
Dipole Antenna Set                    EMCO 3121C                     June 2000/UM
  (30—1000 MHz)                         SN: 992
Active Loop Antenna                   EMCO 6502                      December 1999/UM
   (0.090—30MHz)                        SN: 2855
Active Rod                            EMCO.3301B                     December 1999/UM
   (30Hz—50 MHz)                        SN: 3223
Ridge—horn Antenna                    University of Michigan         March 1999/U of M Rad Lab
   (0.5—5 GHz)
LISN Box                              University of Michigan         Dec. 2000/U of M Rad Lab
Signal Generator                      Hewlett—Packard 8657B          January 2000/Uof M Rad Lab
   (0.1—2060 MHz)

3. Configuration and Identification of Device Under Test

The DUT is a 3.5 x 7.0 x 1.5 cm size (including valve stem) potted tire pressure sensor/transmitter
that mounts on a rim inside the tire. When the vehicle is in motion it transmits the tire pressure
information to the receiver in the vehicle. The transmission consists of eight PWM words repeated
typically every 30 seconds. The 434 MHz carrier is generated by a SAW stabilized oscillator. The
coding is performed by an ASIC timed by a 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator.

        The DUT was designed and manufactured by Schrader Electronics Limited, 11 Technology
Park, Belfast Road, Antrim BT41 1QS, Northern Ireland. It is identified as:

                         Schrader Remote Tire Pressure Monitoring Transmitter
                         Model: MRXTG224AMO02
                         SNs: (1) 04001266, (2) 04002244, (3) none
                         FCC ID: MRXTG224AMO02

Three devices were provided. These were: (1) staddard, but with access to control pads; used for CW
and pulsed measurements, (2) standard for outside photographs and (3) unpotted for photographs.

3.1 EMI Relevant Modifications
There were no modifications made to the DUT by this laboratory.

4. Emission Limits

4.1 Radiated Emission Limits
The DUT tested falls under the category of an Intentional Radiators and the Digital Devices. For FCC
it is subject to Subpart C, Section 15.231; Subpart B, Section 15.109; and Subpart A, Section 15.33.
For Industry Canada it is subject to RSS—210, Sections 6.1 and 6.3. The applicable testing
frequencies with corresponding emission limits are given in Tables 4.1 and 4.2 below. As a digital
device, the DUT is considered a Class B device.

       Table 4.1 Radiated Emission Limits (FCC: 15.231(e); IC: RSS—210; 6.1, 6.3, Table 4).
                                       Data transmission.

                                     Fundamental                      Spurious**
             Frequency              Ave. Ejim (3m)                  AVve. Eim (3m)

               (MHz)            (uV/m)         dB (uV/m)        (uV/m)        dB (uV/m)
              260—470         1500—5000*                        150—500
                315              2418             67.7           241.8           47 .7
        *    Linear interpolation, formula: E = —2833.2 + 16.67*f (MHz)
       **   Measure up to tenth harmonic; 120 kHz RBW up to 1 GHz, 1 MHz RBW above 1 GHz

        Table 4.2. Radiated Emission Limits (FCC: 15.33, 15.35, 15.109; IC: RSS—210, 6.2.2(r)).
                                            Digital (Class B).

                  Freq. (MHz)               Eiin (3m) uV/m              Ejim dB(uV/m)
                     30—88                        100                       40.0
                     88—216                       150                       43.5
                    216—960                       200                       46.0
                    960—2000                      500                       54.0
                                Note:    Quasi—Peak readings apply to 1000 MHz (120 kHz RBW)
                                         Average readings apply above 1000 MHz (1 MHz RBW)

4.2 Conductive Emission Limits
The conductive emission limits and tests do not apply here, since the DUT is powered by a 3 V
internal lithium battery.

5. Radiated Emission Tests and Results

5.1 Anechoic Chamber Measurements
To familiarize with the radiated emission behavior of the DUT, the DUT was first studied and
measured in a semi—shielded anechoic chamber. In the chamber there is a set—up similar to that of an
outdoor 3—meter site, with a turntable, an antenna mast, and a ground plane. Instrumentation includes
spectrum analyzers and other equipment as needed.
        In the chamber we studied and recorded all the emissions using a ridged horn antenna up to
4.5 GHz. The measurements made in the chamber below 1 GHz are used for pre—test evaluation only.
The measurements made above 1 GHz are also used in pre—test evaluation and in final compliance
assessment. We note that for the horm antenna, the antenna pattern is more directive and hence the
measurement is essentially that of free space (no ground reflection). In the chamber we also
recorded the spectrum and modulation characteristics of the carrier. These data are presented in
subsequent sections. We also note that in scanning from 30 MHz to 4.5 GHz, there were no other
significant spurious emissions observed.

5.2 Outdoor Measurements                                                                          —
After the chamber measurements, the emissions were re—measured on the outdoor 3—meter site at 434
and 868 MHz using tuned dipoles and/or the high frequency bicone.
        Appendix shows the DUT on the open—site table.

5.3 Computations and Results              .
To convert the dBm measured on the spectrum analyzer to dB(uV/m), we use expression

                         E3(dBuV/m) = 107 + Pr + Ka — Kg + Kg

where        Pr =     power recorded on spectrum analyzer, dB, measured at 3m
             Ka =     antenna factor, dB/m
             Kg =     pre—amplifier gain, including cable loss, dB
             Kg =     pulse operation correction factor, dB (see 6.1)
        When presenting the data, at each frequency the highest measured emission under all of the
possible orientations is given. Computations and results are given in Table 5.1. There we see that the
DUT meets the limits by 8.7 dB at fundamental and by 5.3 dB at harmonics.

6. Other Measurements and Computations
6.1 Correction For Pulse Operation
The transmitter is activated by rotation of the wheel and transmits once every 33 seconds. The
transmission consists of eight repeated words of (minimum) 105 ms period. In a word there are two
477.5us timing pulses and 50 Manchester format encoded data pulses 110us wide. Note, Manchester
encoding uses low— high, high—low transition logic and when the highs are back—to—back, that appears
as a wide pulse that actually are two pulses. See Figure 6.1. In this case, the averaging factor is

       Kg = (2 x 4775 + 50 x 0.110) ms / 100 ms = 0.0644or —23.8 dB       (Use —20.0 dB)

6.2 Emission Spectrum
Using the ridge—horn antenna and DUT placed in its aperture, emission spectrum was recorded and is
shown in Figure 6.2.

6.3 Bandwidth of the Emission Spectrum
The measured spectrum of the signal is shown in Figure 6.3. The allowed (—20 dB) bandwidth is
0.25% of 434.0 MHz, or 1085 kHz, and from the plot we see that the —20 dB bandwidth is 53.0 kHz
(actually this represents the RBW of the spectrum analyzer), and the center frequency is 433.935

6.4 Effect of Supply Voltage Variation
The DUT has been designed to be powered by a single 3 V battery. For this test, the battery was
paralelled by a laboratory variable power supply and relative power radiated was measured at the
fundamental as the voltage was varied from 2.75 to 3.5 volts. The emission variation is shown in
Figure 6.4.

6.5 Input Voltage and Current at Battery Terminals
                                         V     _=   3.0 V
                                         I    = 30.0 mA (CW)

                                   The University of Michigan
                                      Radiation Laboratory
                                      3228 EECS Building
                                Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109—2122
                                             (734) 647—1792

                                          Table 5.1 Highest Emissions Measured
                                           Radiated Emission — RF                    Schrader/Brendan TX 434 MHz, FCC/IC
       Freq.    Ant.    Ant.|     Pr       Det     Ka      Kg        E3*     E3lim Pass                                      ~
#      MHz      Used    Pol.    dBm       Used    dB/m     dB     |dBuV/m|[dBuV/m       _dB                  Comments
  1|    433.9   Dip      H      —23.6      Pk     21.8    21.1       64.1     72.8       8.7   |flat
 2|     433.9   Dip      V      —25.7      Pk     21.8    21.1       62.0     72.8      10.8   |end
 3|     867.8   Dip      H      —51.2      Pk     28.1    17.4      46.5      52.8       6.3   |flat
 4|     867.8   Dip      V      —50.6      Pk     28.1    17.4       47.1     52.8       5.7 |end
 5|    1301.7   Hom      H      —41l.6     Pk     21.0    28.1       38.3     54.0      15.7   |side
 7|    1735.6   Hom      H      —32.1      Pk     21.8    28.0       48.7     54.0       5.3   |side *worst case
 8|    2169.5   Hom      H      —44.3      Pk     22.6    27.0       38.3     54.0      15.7   |flat
  9|   2603.4   Horm     H      —48.1      Pk     24.1    26.1       36.9     54.0     17.1 |flat
10|    3037.3   Hom      H      —45.7      Pk     25.5    25.0       41.8     54.0     12.2 |end
11|    3471.2   Hom      H      —56.7      Pk     26.8    24.6       32.5     54.0     21.5 |end
12|    3905.1   Hom      H      —47.9      Pk     28.2    23.5       43.8     54.0      10.2 |flat
13|    4339.0   Hom      H      —60.2      Pk     29.5    19.0       37.3     54.0      16.7   |side
18                     *includes —20.0 dB duty factor

                                          Digital Emissions
       Freq.    Ant.    Ant.      Pr       Det.    Ka      Kg        E3*     E3lim     Pass
#      MHz      Used    Pol.     dBm      Used    dB/m     dB_    __|dBuV/m|dBuV/m      _dB                  Comments
3                      Digitzil emissi(ins are rlnore thaln 20 dB bIelow FCC| Class Bllimit

                                             Conducted Emissions
       Freq.    Line    Det.    Vtest     Vlim    Pass
       MHz      Side   |Used|   dBuV |dBuV|       dB                        Comments

                       Not      licable

                                                                                                       Meas. 01/10/01; U of Mich.

       17i81142             18   FEB       2001                                                                        —
                                                                                      MKR        a       1805.00      msec
      REF    .0   dBm                      AT       19   dB                                                      ~«.14   4B
      PEAK                           —          —         —             —                                ~        <
                        1            ToP        EJ                      B
              B nelpeey. nefecaff i eccoff en becafles bevreree D reveken es feee .k .........
      dB /      .        :        .           .        :        N L          N      .

                      985 MHz                                                                                SPAN A Hz
                    BW 1.0 MHz                                vBU 300 kHz                   #SWP              2.090  sec

      17:}35 :50            i8 FEB 2001                                           f          *
  REF .98 dBnm                             AT 10
  PEAK         —                 —           —

  CENTER 489 .985 MHz                                                                                        SPAN A Hz
      #RES BW 1.0 MHz                                         VBH   300     kHz             #SWP              15.0 msec

      17139109              i8 FEB         2001
  a                                                                                   MKR    a       477 .50          pseec
   REF .@ dBnm                             AT 19         dB                                                   —i7 .78 qB
   PEAK        T                 ~           T            T         —        T         ~             T           T


   CENTER 438.9985 MHz                                                                            sPAN a Hz
       #RES BW 1.0 MHz                                        VBW       300 kHz             #SWHWP 1.090 msec

Figure 6.1. Transmissions modulation characteristics: (top) transmission repetition,
                  (center) transmission pulses, (bottom) pulse width.


 18:i1159 i8 FEB 2001
REF —10.0 dBnm   #at 9 ag
PEAK      —    —    —     —
dB /


START & Hz                                                                                    STaP
    #RES BW 1.0                      MHz                    VEBW 300 kHz                        SWHP

   Figure 6.2. Emission spectrum of the DUT in free space (CW emission).
               The amplitudes are only indicative (not calibrated).

 1719126                  i8   FEB      2001
zx                                                                                                 MKR       a    58 kHz
REF .0 dBa                              AT       i0   dB                                                         —~.59 dB
PEAK                  —          —           —          :                      —          "           —           —
   a                   :   :  :        :   6     :      :       :      :
            0 | <—}eec cce ced ecereen Pss {ece~ fegces becveen Lecees besee
dB./                  —          —           —          —           .          &          &           —           —

va sR                 —                                                                                           ; Een_
$C FCL.... Wikev i erreivrrrrarre lecragev ds Derrrrvere Drav eb e e se Dererrreee Dedvree e e e Derrkaa k e e Derk e es ens
  CORR                :

CENTER 4838.985                  MHz                                                          SFPAN 1.000 MHz
    #RES BH 10                   ksz                        VBHW    10     kHz                   SWP 30.0 msec

   Figure 6.3. Measured bandwidth of the DUT (repated pulsed emission).





    &    107

         —11         T    T      T    T    T    T    T    T    T
               2.6       2.8         3.0       3.2       3.4       3.6
                               Supply Voltage, VDC

Figure 6.4. Relative emission at 434 MHz vs. supply voltage. (CW emission)

Document Created: 2001-03-09 11:44:05
Document Modified: 2001-03-09 11:44:05

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