Operational Description


Operational Description

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                                         1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
    The purpose of this specification, is to relay the main characteristics of the Schrader-
    Bridgeport International Incorporated (SBII) RTPMS transmitter. This information is
    important for the design of either a stand-alone receiver or integration with the vehicle’s
    Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) receiver.

1.2 Scope
    This document applies to all customers who will be designing the RTPMS into part of their
    vehicular monitoring system. Schrader Bridgeport will supply the tyre pressure transmitters.
    The receiver may also be supplied by SBII to form a complete “stand alone” system, or the
    vehicle manufacturer may decide on integration with the vehicle’s RKE receiver. This
    document does not intend to restrict or specify any hardware or software. The intent is only to
    relay the transmission format of the tyre pressure monitoring data, the data protocol, the
    functionality and the key points of the RTPMS transmitter.

1.3 Overview
    The system has been developed to monitor a vehicle's tyre pressures whilst driving or
    stationary. An electronic unit inside each tyre, (referred to as the RTPMS transmitter) mounted
    to the valve stem, periodically measures actual tyre pressure. By means of RF communication,
    this pressure information is transmitted to a receiver/decoder. The receiver is used to decode
    the incoming radio frequency signals, format the data, and transfer the data to the proper
    display locations within the vehicle as required by the customer/supplier.

1.4 Definition
   ASIC- Application Specific Integrated Circuit. Generally, a custom designed integrated circuit
   (IC) manufactured for a unique application for a specific customer.
   Bit- Acronym for binary digit. A unit of information that can be represented by either logic
   zero (0) or a logic one (1).
   Bit width- The time set for one unit of information (bit).
   Block- In this document, a block is referred to as a group of eight transmitted words or
   Check sum- Usually several bits of a word that signify the authenticity or correctness of the
   information (data) being sent. The check sum is usually compared against a calculated value in
   binary form.
   Customer- The person or persons, who pay for the product and usually (but not necessarily)
   decide the requirements.
   Data Rate-The speed with which the data is transmitted or sent, usually in bits per second.

Frame- One complete transmission of information. In this document, frame and word are used
interchangeably and refer to the same thing. For this message, each frame contains one and
only one message. A frame is delineated by the start of frame (SOF) mark.
LF- Low Frequency 125 kHz.
Low Battery Fault- A fault associated with a wheel transmitter, which indicates that a low
battery function code has been sent.
Low Pressure Threshold- Pressure level below which a low pressure alarm shall be generated
by the receiver.
Protocol- A set of conventions that govern the interaction of processes, devices, and other
components within a system.
Receiver- Device, supplied by the customer, which decodes the RTPMS data and then
converts the data into information that can be used by the vehicular system.
       RF- Radio Frequency
RTPMS- Remote Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Supplier- The person, or persons, who produce a product for a customer.
Start of Frame- The start of frame (SOF) mark is used to uniquely identify the start of a
Transmitter- The device that is mounted in the tyre that senses the tyre pressure and then
sends the information via RF to the vehicle receiver.
UHF- Ultra High Frequency ( 433.92 MHz )
Vehicle Trip- The period during which the roll switch is closed
Word- A sequence of bits or characters that is stored, addressed, transmitted, and operated on
as a unit within a given computer or processor. A sequence of bits or characters that has
meaning and is considered an entity. Within this document, word and frame are used

                                 2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

       2.1.1 System Interface
       The RTPMS transmitter is one part of the RTPM System. The RTPMS requires an
       interface decoder (receiver).

       2.1.2 Block Diagram
       See Appendix A “RTPMS Transmitter Block Diagram”

2.2 Product Functions

       2.2.1 Major Functions
       The main functions, which the RTPMS transmitter has to perform, are:
       • Monitor and transmit tyre pressure.
       • Determination of a temperature compensated pressure value.
       • Inform the receiver of any low battery condition.
       • Determine if there are abnormal pressure variations in the wheel.

2.3 Constraints

       2.3.1 ETSI 300/220
       The 433.92 MHz version meets the requirements of the European Telecommunications
       Standard Institute 300/220 regulations. Individual country approvals need to be applied for.
       Division of cost to be negotiated.

       2.3.2 FCC Regulations
       The 433.92 MHz version meets the requirements of the Federal Communications
       Commission regulations Part 15.
       The environmental conditions, including ESD (electrostatic discharge), EMC
       (electromagnetic compatibility), temperature, vibration etc. that the transmitter must be
       able to withstand are described in the “Schrader-Bridgeport RTPM Generic Validation
       Specification” document.

2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies

       2.4.1 AM versus FM
       The standard Schrader Bridgeport RTPMS transmitter transmits using amplitude
       modulation (AM). An FM version can also be supplied.

2.4.2 Carrier Frequency
In the USA, the transmission frequency is 433.92 MHz.

                3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functions

      3.1.1 Operational Description
      The function of the receiver is to decode the information sent by the RTPMS transmitter
      and indicate the pressure to the end user. It is the responsibility of the customer to
      determine how the information is displayed to the end-user and what levels of warnings are
      given. SBII can however offer advice in this area. The display can be in the form of a
      display, bulbs, buzzer, or even voice synthesis to warn the driver of the abnormal
      pressures. Dependent on the state of the vehicle, the RTPMS transmitter will sense the
      actual tyre pressure and transmit the information in a specified format to the receiver. (See
      Appendix B Schrader RTPMS Protocol). The RTPMS transmitter is a transmit only device
      and cannot accept information or other stimuli other than for the “Learn” or “Roll” inputs.
      The RTPMS transmitter will always transmit the tyre pressure, but in addition, it will
      transmit the function of the particular word and transmitter identification. The functions
      are: Stationary, Wake, Drive, Low battery, Learn, Re-measure, Normal, Sleep and Off (See
      next section).

3.2 Transmitter System Modes

      3.2.1 Stationary Mode
      The RTPMS transmitter may transmit over a regular interval while the vehicle is parked;
      this option is set at the Schrader factory. The block of data will use the normal pressure
      function code. The transmission rate while stationary is given in Section 3.3 (see also
      Appendix D Transmitter Functional Timing). This stationary mode is exited by a roll
      switch input to the custom ASIC. The RTPMS transmitter is considered to be in stationary
      mode if the roll switch has de-activated the ASIC input (open roll switch) for at least the
      duration of the Service Period (See Section 3.3) and has recognised at least one wake mode
      since system activation.

      3.2.2 Wake Mode
      Once the vehicle has begun movement, a roll switch activates (closed roll switch) an ASIC
      input to activate the transmitter. The roll switch closes with a centrifugal acceleration of
      between 2 and 17 G. The speed at which the roll switch closes varies with each vehicle’s
      wheel running diameter. As a guideline this will typically be between 11 and 32 km/h (7
      and 20 mph). For the first transmission after the ASIC receives the signal, the data block
      will contain the function code for “Wake” mode (see Appendix B 4.2.6 Function Codes).
      All the other data will remain consistent within the format (start, ID, check sum). This will
      only be transmitted once, after the RTPMS transmitter has been in stationary mode and
      then “awakened”. This is an extra transmission.

3.2.3 Drive Mode
The RTPMS transmitter increases its rate of pressure sampling and transmission when the
vehicle is moving (roll switch closed), down to a minimum sample interval of 10 Seconds.
See Section 3.3 for exact values. The transmitter will remain in drive mode for a period of
time known as the Service Period after the vehicle comes to rest (roll switch open). After
the Service Period time has elapsed the transmitter returns to Stationary Mode.

3.2.4 Low Battery Mode
Battery life is designed to be 10 years or 160,000 km (100,000 miles), whichever Comes
The circuit within the RTPMS transmitter monitors the battery every time a pressure
measurement is taken. A “Low Battery” function code will be sent when the battery
voltage within the transmitter is below a pre-selected level. Under typical conditions, the
transmitter will remain active for at least 3 months after the first Low Battery transmission.
During the 3 month period neither the RF power output nor the pressure measurement
accuracy degrade in any way.

Note that battery voltage is a function of temperature. When approaching the end of the
battery life, a Low Battery transmission may occur because of low ambient temperatures at
the start of a trip. However, once the tyre starts rolling, the internal temperature rises and
the battery voltage rises above the function code threshold.

3.2.5 Learn Mode
The receiver/decoder shall be able to distinguish this learn code and store the transmitter
ID within its memory for future identification purposes. The memorisation or “learning” of
the ID codes of the transmitters on the vehicles means that the receiver is capable of
filtering out information coming from transmitters on adjacent vehicles.
There are two types of Learn Mode response, depending on ASIC type.

Magnetic Learn Activation Selected: When the learn input on the transmitter ASIC is
activated the next UHF transmission which follows 5 s after input activation will contain
the function code for the “Learn” mode. While in this mode, the RTPMS transmitter will
transmit five data blocks, 40 frames. When the transmission is complete, the RTPMS
transmitter returns to the stationary mode.
When the roll switch closes (i.e. the vehicle is moving) after the learn mode is complete,
the transmitter goes into wake mode.

Note, the learn mode input is ignored until after a transmission or measurement if they are
coincident. Once in the learn mode, the roll switch input is ignored.
(see Appendix F)

Transponder Learn Activation Selected: When the learn input on the transmitter ASIC
is activated the next transmission will consist of a 4 s LF frame burst, followed by a 5 s
UHF transmission as described in Appendix F.

3.2.6 Re-measure Mode
This mode only occurs if the pressure is changing. The pressure in the tyre is periodically
measured and transmitted at a pre-set interval (See Section 3.3 for values) If, during any
measurement period, the current pressure sample is different by +/- 1.5 PSI from the last
transmitted pressure value, a re-measure will occur immediately. This re-measure is done

to verify the change in pressure. If the pressure has indeed changed, an additional
transmission (∆P) will be sent with the re-measure function code (see Appendix H). If the
re-measure cycle occurs coincident with a regular transmission, the re-measure takes
precedence and the regular transmission will be replaced by the re-measure transmission.

3.2.7 Normal Pressure
Normal mode is considered a supervisory mode. During normal rolling and stationary
operation, the transmitters will send out regularly scheduled pressure data ( down to a
minimum pressure sample interval of 10 Seconds ), associated with each wheel as a “state
of health” of the system.
Unless in Wake, Low Battery, Learn, or Re-measure mode, all block data transmissions
will contain the function code for Normal Pressure. Note, the transmitter does not make
the decision of low pressure.

3.2.8 Sleep Mode
Sleep mode is a low power mode during transmitter activation. It occurs in the time period
between transmissions and measurements.

3.2.9 Off Mode
This is a minimum power mode, mainly used for shipment and storage of the RTPMS
transmitter units. Not all units will be shipped in this mode.

During the Off mode, all internal circuitry is disabled.

To exit the Off mode, activate the learn or roll switch continuously for four seconds
(putting the transmitter into learn mode).

If the Off mode is inadvertently entered, the transmitter will send a one-second block of
eight frames of Off code and then the transmitter will go off completely. Schrader
Bridgeport personnel should only enter this mode.

Document Created: 2001-03-01 15:01:54
Document Modified: 2001-03-01 15:01:54

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