Operational Description


Operational Description

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Mode                      Explanation                                                   Transmissions                                        Mode Type
                          Part is in off state with no motion sampling, for transport
                          and storage
                                                                                        No scheduled transmissions                            Factory
Learn                     Forced transmissions                                          Forced transmission when required <5s                 Factory
                          Part enters this mode after service period has expired due
                          to no motion detected
                                                                                        No scheduled transmissions                           Customer
                          Part enters this mode on positive motion sample,
Fast Tx Drive
                          transmissions are at a higher rate than normal drive
                                                                                        3 transmissions every 20s for first 9mins of drive   Customer
                          Part enters this mode from Fast Tx drive if motion is no
Service (Fast Tx Drive)
                          longer detected
                                                                                        No scheduled transmissions                           Customer
                          Part enters this mode after 9mins of Fast Tx drive. This is
Normal Drive
                          the normal drive mode where tx rate returns to normal
                                                                                        3 transmissions every 60s                            Customer
                          Part enters this mode from Normal drive if motion is no
Service (Drive)
                          longer detected
                                                                                        3 transmissions every 60s                            Customer
                          Part enters this mode if a rapid change in pressure is
Delta P
                                                                                        Alarm transmissions as required                      Emergency

Document Created: 2016-11-24 12:50:11
Document Modified: 2016-11-24 12:50:11

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