user manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                               T18/19 Series
QUICK START GUIDE                                                                      CALL ALERT                                                                             NOAA WEATHER RADIO
                                                                                       Your radio can transmit a call alert. To send a call alert, press the                  Your radio has a NOAA WEATHER RADIO function to enable the user to receive
1. Install 3 AAA Batteries                                                             UP/CALL button for 3 seconds. The TX icon will appear while transmitting a call        weather reports from designated NOAA stations. To turn the NOAA WEATHER
2. To turn the radio on, press and hold the MENU/POWER                                 alert and a tone can be heard on the speaker for confirmation.                         RADIO on, press and hold the DOWN/LOCK and the UP/CALL buttons for 3
   Button for 3 seconds                                                                                                                                                       seconds while in FRS mode. The radio will go to the Weather Band mode. To set
3. To select a channel, press and release the MENU button                              KEYPAD LOCK                                                                            the channel in Weather Mode, press the MENU button, the display will show the
                                                                                       To avoid accidentally changing the radio setting, press the DOWN/LOCK button for       current WX Band channel. While in WX Band mode press the UP/CALL or DOWN/
   once, then press the                                                                3 seconds. The icon will appear on the display. The TALK and CALL buttons will         LOCK buttons to select one of the 10 NOAA WEATHER (WX) BAND channels.
   UP/CALL or DOWN/LOCK buttons to select 1 of the 22                                  still be active. Repeat the same procedure to unlock the keypad.                       To confirm, press the TALK button or press the MENU button to move to the next
   FRS channels                                                                                                                                                               feature setting. To turn the NOAA WEATHER RADIO off, press the TALK button.
    * Press the TALK button to exit the MENU                                           SCAN                                                                                   The current FRS radio setting will be displayed and the Weather icon will go off,
                                                                                       Your radio can scan all 22 channels for activity. To enter scan mode press and         unless alert is set.
4. Press and hold the TALK button to talk
                                                                                       release the MONITOR/SCAN button. Repeat the same procedure to exit. Your ra-
                                                                                       dio will rapidly scan each of the 22 channels and stop on any active channel for 6     NOAA WEATHER ALERT
                                                                                       seconds before resuming scan. When you press the PTT button to transmit on an          Your radio has a NOAA WEATHER ALERT function, to enable you to automati-
                                                                                       active channel, the scanning function will stop and remain on the active channel.      cally receive weather alerts from designated NOAA stations. To turn the NOAA
  LCD Display                          1. CHANNEL NUMBER – Changes from
                                          1~22 on FRS band (1~10 on Weather
                                                                                       To resume scanning, press and release the MONITOR/SCAN button.
                                                                                          * If the UP/CALL button or the DOWN/LOCK button are pressed while the radio
                                                                                                                                                                              WEATHER (WX) ALERT on while in Weather Radio mode, press the MENU button
                                                                                                                                                                              twice while in Weather Radio mode. The display shows “AL,” while on the right
                                          Band).                                            is scanning, the scan direction will change to increasing or decreasing           an “oF” icon appears blinking. Select “on” by pressing the UP/CALL or DOWN/
          3           4      5         2. TRANSMIT (TX) ICON – Indicates radio              depending on which button was pressed.                                            LOCK buttons. To confirm, press the TALK button or press MENU button. The
                                          is transmitting a signal.                                                                                                           radio will return to Weather Radio mode and the icon will continue blinking. If the
                                       3. BATTERY METER – Indicates the battery                                                                                               radio receives a WX ALERT signal from a designated NOAA station while in FRS
                                          level.                                       T18/19 SERIES MENU Quick Reference Chart                                               Radio mode, the radio will beep for 20 seconds while the display will automatically
                                       4. NOAA WEATHER (WX) BAND ICON –                                                                                                       switch to Weather Radio mode. To turn the NOAA WEATHER (WX) ALERT off,
                                  6       Indicates when the radio is in Weather                                                                                              press the MENU button twice while in Weather Radio mode. The display shows
  2              TX       RX
                                          Band mode.                                                                                                                          “AL,” while on the right an “on” icon appears blinking. Select “oF” by pressing the
                                                                                             MENU       Channel      Roger Beep     Silent Operation                          UP/CALL or DOWN/LOCK buttons. To confirm, press the TALK button or press the
  1                               7    5. KEY LOCK ICON – Indicates KEY LOCK
                                                                                                                                                                              MENU button.
                                          mode is on.
                                       6. RECEIVE (RX) ICON – Indicates radio is                         1-22
                                          receiving a transmission.                                                                                                           BATTERY LEVEL INDICATOR
                                       7. SCAN ICON - Indicates the radio is in                                                                                               Your radio has a BATTERY LEVEL METER that shows the battery power level.
                                          scan mode                                                                                                                           The greater the number of bars visible, the stronger the battery level. When the
                                                                                                                       WX Channel      WX Alert                               battery level is low, the Battery Shell icon will flash in the display indicating your
                                       8. MIC – Built-in microphone.
            8                    15    9. MENU/Power Button – Press to enter                                                                                                  batteries should be replaced.
                                          the Menu mode. Press and hold to turn
                                                                                                                                                                                           o 3 Bars = Full Ba�ery
                                          the radio on/off.
                                      10. TALK Button – Press and hold to
                                          transmit                                                                                                                                         o 2 Bars = 2/3 Ba�ery
                                          voice communication.
 9        MENU            SCAN
                                 14   11. DOWN/LOCK Button – Press to adjust           CHANNEL SELECTION (FRS BAND)
                                          the volume, or to scroll through the menu.   Press the MENU button once, and then press the UP/CALL or                                           o 1 Bar = 1/3 Ba�ery
 11               TALK
                                 13       Press and hold to lock the keypad            DOWN/LOCK buttons to select one of the 22 FRS channels. To confirm the
                                      12. SPEAKER – Built-in speaker.                  selection, press the TALK button or press the MENU button again to move to the
 10                                   13. UP/CALL Button – Press to adjust the         next feature setting.                                                                               o No bar = ba�ery low

                                          volume, or to scroll through the menu.                                                                                                                                                            (Flashing)
                                 12       Press and hold to send a call tone           ROGER BEEP (end of transmission) TONE
                                      14. MONITOR/SCAN Button – Press to               When the PTT button is released, the radio will beep to confirm to other users that    POWER ON/OFF AND VOLUME
                                          enter SCAN mode. Press and hold to           your transmission has finished. To set the ROGER BEEP tone, press the MENU             Press the POWER/MENU button for at least 3 seconds to turn the radio on/off.
                                          enter MONITOR mode.                          button until the display shows an “rb” icon. Select “on” or “oF” by pressing the UP/   During Power On, the radio will beep once, the LCD will display all icons for 1
                                      15. ANTENNA                                      CALL or DOWN/LOCK buttons. Push the TALK key to exit, or press the MENU                second and then the LCD display will indicate the last channel selected.
                                                                                       button to move to the next feature setting.                                            To increase/decrease the volume level, press the up or down arrow buttons during
                                                                                                                                                                              RX or STANDBY mode
ABOUT RANGE                                                                            SILENT OPERATION
Your radios are designed to give you maximum range under optimum                       Your radio has a SILENT OPERATION mode. In this mode, all “beeps” and “tones”          RESTORING YOUR RADIO TO THE ORIGINAL SETTING
conditions.                                                                            are disabled. To set SILENT OPERATION, press the MENU button until the                 To reset your radio to the original (default) setting, turn on the radio while pressing
                                                                                       display shows a “bP” icon. Select “on” or “oF” by pressing the UP/CALL or DOWN/        and holding the TALK button. The LCD display will reset to standby mode on chan-
                                                                                       LOCK buttons. Push the TALK key to exit, or press the MENU button to move to           nel 1 with no Privacy Code, VOX Off, Roger Beep On, and Key Beep On.
                                                                                       the next feature setting.
                                                                                                                                                                              TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING A CALL
                                                                                                                                                                              To communicate, all radios in your group must be set to the same channel.
                                                                                                                                                                                1. For maximum clarity, hold the radio at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) from your mouth.
                                                                                                                                                                                2. Press and hold the TALK button and speak in a normal voice into the
Optimum Conditions are:                                                                                                                                                            microphone. The TX icon will appear continuously on the LCD display while
  * Over water                                                                                                                                                                     transmitting.
  * Open rural areas without obstructions                                                                                                                                       3. To receive a call, release the TALK button. The RX icon will appear on the
  * Flat areas where you can see the other person                                                                                                                                  display when your radio is receiving a transmission.
To ensure you get maximum range:
  * Be sure to use fresh batteries - low batteries will cause reduced range.
                                                                                                                                                                              This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
MONITOR                                                                                                                                                                       following two conditions: (1) this device does not cause harmful interference, and
Pressing and holding the MONITOR/SCAN button for 3 seconds will let you hear                                                                                                  (2) this radio must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
noise so you can adjust the volume level of the radio when not receiving a signal.                                                                                            To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, for body-worn
This could also be used to check any activity on your current channel before                                                                                                  operation, this radio has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines
transmitting. Press and hold the MONITOR/SCAN button for 3 seconds again to                                                                                                   when used with Midland Radio Corp. accessories supplied or designated for
get out of MONITOR mode.                                                                                                                                                      this product. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF
                                                                                                                                                                              exposure guidelines.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             T18/19 Series
FEATURES                                                                                                                                                                          LIMITED WARRANTY (United States and Canada)
                                                                                                                                                                                  Subject to the exclusions set forth below, Midland Radio Corporation will repair or replace, at its
-   22 FRS Channels
                                                                                                                                                                                  option without charge, any Midland FRS transceiver which fails due to a defect in material or work-
-   Call Alert                                                                           INSTALLING THE BELT CLIP                                                                 manship within One Year following the initial consumer purchase. This warranty does not apply to
-   NOAA Weather Radio                                                                   To install the BELT CLIP, slide the clip down into the slot on the back of the radio     water damage, battery leak, abuse or misuse of unauthorized accessories, unauthorized service
-   NOAA Weather Alert                                                                   until the BELT CLIP LATCH clicks. To remove the BELT CLIP, pull the LOCK TAB             or modification or altered products. Accessories have a 90 day warranty from date of purchase,
-   Scan Function                                                                        away from the radio, then gently pull the belt clip up toward the top of the radio.      including any chargers, microphones, and cables. This warranty does not include the cost of labor
-   Monitor Function                                                                                                                                                              for removal or re-installation of the product in a vehicle or other mounting.
-   Roger Beep Tone
-   Silent Operation                                                                                                                                                              ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
-   Key Pad Lock                                                                                                                                                                  MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED AS SET FORTH
                                                                                                                                                                                  HEREIN AND TO THE DURATION OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY, OTHERWISE THE REPAIR OR RE-
-   Battery Meter / Battery Low Indicator
                                                                                                                                                                                  PLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY
Exposure To Radio Frequency Energy                                                       TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE                                                                    OF THE CONSUMER AND IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.
                                                                                                                                                                                  IN NO EVENT SHALL MIDLAND BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT (INCLUDING BUT NOT
Your Midland radio is designed to comply with the following national and                                                                                                          LIMITED TO NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, BODILY INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND DEATH)
international standards and guidelines regarding exposure of human beings to             PROBLEM                                                                                  FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR ACCESSORY, OR FOR
radio frequency electromagnetic energy:                                                  1. NO POWER - Check battery installation and/or replace batteries                        ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR LOSS OF
- United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Federal                                                                                                                REVENUE OR PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA OR OTHER
                                                                                                                                                                                  FINANCIAL LOSS ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABILITY OR INABILITY TO USE
Regulations: 47 CFR part 2 sub-part J                                                    PROBLEM                                                                                  THE PRODUCTS OR ACCESSORIES TO THE FULL EXTENT THESE DAMAGES MAY BE DISCLAIMED
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical & Electronic      CANNOT RECEIVE MESSAGES                                                                  BY LAW.
Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992                                                              - Confirm the radios have the same channel settings
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1999 Edition
- National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) of the
                                                                                          - Make sure that you are withing range of the other radios
                                                                                          - Buildings and other structures may interfere with your communicatoin
                                                                                                                                                                                  For Product Purchased in the USA:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Performance of any obligation under this warranty may be obtained by returning the warranted
United States, Report 86, 1986                                                                                                                                                    product, prepaid freight, along with proof of purchase to:
- International Commission on Non-lonizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998            PROBLEM		
To control your exposure and ensure compliance with the general population or            RADIO IS NOT RESPONDING TO BUTTON PRESSES                                                Midland Radio Corporation
uncontrolled environment exposure limits, transmit no more than 50% of the time.          -Make sure key lock is not on                                                           Warranty Service Department
The radio generates measurable RF energy exposure only when transmitting.                 -Radio may need to be reset. Turn radio off. Turn the radio on while pressing           5900 Parretta Drive
                                                                                           the TALK button                                                                        Kansas City, MO 64120
Body-Worn Operation
If you wear the radio on your body when transmitting always use Midland                  PROBLEM                                                                                  This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from
supplied or approved belt clip, holster, case, or body harness for this product. Use     Display is dim - Replace the batteries.                                                  state to state.
of any accessories not supplied or approved by Midland may exceed FCC/Health                                                                                                      Note: The above warranty applies only to merchandise purchased in the United States of America
Canada RF exposure guidelines. If you do not use any accessories supplied or                                                                                                      or any of the territories or possessions thereof, or from a U.S.Military exchange.
approved by Midland, ensure the radio and its antenna are at least 1 inch                USE AND CARE                                                                             For Product Purchased in Canada:
(2.5cm) from your body when transmitting.                                                1. Use a soft damp cloth to clean the radio.                                             Performance of any obligation under this warranty may be obtained by returning the warranted
                                                                                         2. Do not use alcohol or cleaning solutions to clean the radio.
BATTERY INSTALLATION                                                                     3. Do not immerse the radio in water.                                                    product, along with proof of purchase, to your place of purchase in Canada. This warranty gives
Your radio operates with 3 AAA alkaline batteries. Some models operate on an                                                                                                      you specified legal rights. Additional warranty rights may be provided by law in some areas within
                                                                                         4. Dry the radio with a dry lint-free cloth should it get wet.
included rechargable NiMH batteries. The belt clip should be removed (see below)                                                                                                  Canada.
                                                                                         5. Turn off the radio and remove the batteries during long-term
to ease installation or removal of the batteries.                                           storage.                                                                              IMPORTANT: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by
To install the batteries:                                                                                                                                                         MIDLAND RADIO CORP. could void your right to operate this unit. Your radio is
   1. With the back of the radio facing you, remove the belt clip (see diagram                                                                                                    set up to transmit a regulated signal on an assigned frequency. It is against the
      below) then remove the Battery Cover by pressing down on the top center            SPECIFICATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                  law to alter or adjust the settings inside the COMMUNICATOR to exceed those
      and sliding it down from the radio.                                                Channels 		                     22 FRS Channels for FCC, 14 channels for IC              limitations. Any adjustment to your radio must be made by qualified technicians.
   2. Insert 3 AAA batteries observing the polarity as shown.                                                            10 NOAA Weather (WX) Band Channels
      Installing the batteries incorrectly will prevent the unit from operating or may
                                                                                         Operating Frequency             UHF 462.5500 ~ 467.7125 MHz                              RF Exposure Information:
      damage the unit.                                                                                                                                                            This product is compliance to FCC RF Exposure requirements and refers to FCC website
                                                                                         Power Source                    3 AAA Alkaline batteries
                                                                                                                                                                                  oetcf/eas/reports/GenericSearch.cfm search for FCC ID: MMAT18 to gain further information include SAR
                                                                                                                                                                                  This device was tested for typical body-worn operations with the back/front of the phone kept 0cm from the
                                                                                           FRS FREQUENCY CHART (MHz)                                                              body, 2.5cm from the head.
                                  MENU           SCAN
                                                                                            CH. No           CH. Freq.       CH. No     CH. Freq.
                                                                                                1            462.5625           13      467.6875                                  IMPORTANT: This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS
                                         TALK                                                   2            462.5875           14      467.7125                                  standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device
                                                                                                3            462.6125           15      462.5500                                  may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference,
                                                                                                4            462.6375           16      462.5750                                  including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
                                                                                                5            462.6625           17      462.6000
                                                                                                6            462.6875           18      462.6250
                                                                                                                                                                                    If you have a problem which you believe requires service, please
                                                                                                7            462.7125           19      462.6500
                                                                                                                                                                                    call first and speak with a service technician at 816-241-8500. Many
                                                                                                8            467.5625           20      462.6750
                                         Front           Side                                                                                                                       problems can be remedied over the phone without returning the unit
                                                                                                9            467.5875           21      462.7000                                    for service.
CHARGING THE BATTERY PACK (T19 ONLY)                                                           10            467.6125           22      462.7250
Your radios are equpped for using a rechargable NiMH batteries which can be re-                 11           467.6375
                                                                                                                                                                                  IMPORTANT: Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
charged usinga USB charger. The battery meter will flash during charge and quit                 12           467.6625                                                             applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée
flashing when complete. For longest battery life, recharge when low battery icon           * Channels 8~14 are low-power FRS channels                                             aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
comes on and remove radios when charging is complete. Charge with units OFF                                                                                                       (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi même
                                                                                           NOAA WEATHER (WX) RADIO FREQUENCY CHART (MHz)
To charge using the included charger                                                                                                                                              si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
                                                                                             CH. No            CH. Freq.         CH. No         CH. Freq.
1. Place battery packs in the radio and plug in charging cable
                                                                                                 1              162.550             6            162.500
2. Plug into a USB style charger
                                                                                                 2              162.400             7            162.525                             For a PDF of the T18/19 Series Manual visit
WARNING!                                                                                         3              162.475             8            161.650                             
1. Only use the Midland NiMH batteries with charger                                              4              162.425             9            161.775
2. Do not attempt to charge alkaline batteries or any other batteries other than the             5                                 10
                                                                                                                162.450                          163.275
Midland NiMH batteries
3. For long term storage of the radio turn radio OFF and remove batteries.                 * Channels 8, 9 and 10 are designated Canadian Marine Frequencies
                                                                                           PRIVACY CODES FREQUENCY CHART (Hz)
                                                                                             Code    Freq.     Code      Freq.   Code   Freq.       Code   Freq.   Code   Freq.
                                                                                             1       67.0      9         91.5    17     118.8       25     156.7   33     210.7

  Radio Frequency Exposure Statement for IC
  The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirements. The device can be used in mobile exposure conditions.
  The min separation distance is 25mm.

  Déclaration d'exposition aux radiofréquences pour IC
  L’appareil a été utilisé pour répondre aux exigences générales en matière d’exposition aux radiofréquences.



Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Document Created: 2019-08-07 18:19:22
Document Modified: 2019-08-07 18:19:22

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