Technical Description


Operational Description

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                            Functional Description
                               For Alpine 919
                               GPRS Modem

                                      Enfora, Inc.
                                       661 E. 18th
                                    Plano, TX 75074

                                   Revision History
    Date     Rev   Author          Description
10/15/2000   0.0   CSP             Preliminary

             WARNING: This document contains proprietary information and must
              not be reproduced without the prior written consent of Enfora, Inc.

1.      GPRS BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................ 3

2.      THEORY OF OPERATION .................................................................................................................... 3
     2.1   INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3
     2.2   ABBREVIATION ................................................................................................................................... 4
     2.3   FREQUENCY ALLOCATION (M-ES) ....................................................................................................... 4
       2.3.1    Power control ....................................................................................................................... 5
     2.4   RECEIVER SECTION ............................................................................................................................. 6
       2.4.1    RF Switch. ............................................................................................................................. 6
       2.4.2    LNA and First Conversion.................................................................................................... 6
       2.4.3    First IF Stage......................................................................................................................... 6
       2.4.4. AGC IF, I&Q Demodulation ................................................................................................. 6
       2.4.5. Baseband Amplifier, DC offset compensation................................................................. 6
     2.5   TRANSMIT PATH ................................................................................................................................ 7
       2.5.1    I&Q Modulation, Tx VCO ..................................................................................................... 7
       2.5.2    Loop Filter............................................................................................................................. 7
       2.5.3    PA, Directional Coupler ...................................................................................................... 7
     2.6   DIGITAL BASEBAND ............................................................................................................................ 7
       2.6.1    Memory .................................................................................................................................. 7
       2.6.2    Processor(s)........................................................................................................................... 7
       2.6.3    CODEC .................................................................................................................................... 7
     2.7   BLOCK DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................................ 8


1. GPRS Background


General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) is a packet based wireless communication service that can deliver
variable data rates as a function of assigned timeslots and maintain continuous connection to the Internet
for mobile subscribers on Global System for Mobile (GSM) Network worldwide. Since GPRS is based on
GSM communication, it can be single, dual or triple band depending on the area of the service, it will
complement existing services such as circuit switched cellular phone connections and the Short Message
Service (SMS).
In general, GPRS packet-based service should cost users less than circuit-switched services, since their
communication channels are being used on a shared-use, as-packets-are-needed basis rather than dedicated
only to one user at a time. Once GPRS becomes available, mobile users of a virtual private network (VPN)
will be able to access their private networks continuously rather than through a dial-up connection. GPRS
will also complement Bluetooth, a standard for replacing wired connections between devices with wireless
radio connections. In addition to the Internet Protocol (IP), GPRS supports X.25, a packet-based protocol
that is used mainly in Europe and Asia Pacific. GPRS is an evolutionary step toward Enhanced Data GSM
Environment (EDGE) and Universal Mobile Telephone Service (UMTS).

The key benefit with GPRS is the ability to sustain a permanent data connection allowing a free flow of
information for the mobile user. The data through put in GPRS will be significantly higher due to the
ability of GPRS mobile terminals to transmit and receive more information than standard GSM terminals.

2. Theory of Operation

2.1 Introduction

The GSM communication system, in general, is standardized to operate in multiple bands, primarily, the
900 Mhz band which is assigned PGSM, EGSM, RGSM for short, 1800 Mhz band which is assigned DCS
and the 1900 Mhz band which is assigned PCS. Both the GSM and DCS band are used globally for mobile
voice communication. The PCS 1900 is used in North, Central and South America.

Although the GSM digital voice standard has existed for well over a decade, it wasn’t until recently that the
demand for wireless data capability has increased. GPRS is a protocol within the GSM standard which was
developed to address the need for data only transmission. Although the GSM voice protocol does support
data transmission, it is limited in data rate due to overhead within the voice protocol. What the GRPS
allows is a faster data rate that is adaptive as well as being packet based.

The Enabler transceiver design is based on a proprietary chip set that complements size, cost and power
consumption. Enabler-G919 is a dual band EGSM 900 MHz and PCS 1900 MHz design in a 1.7” x 2.7” x
0.2” housing. It communicates via an RF antenna port and a multiple pin digital connector. The RF and
digital processors are design to operate at 3.8V. The band is selected at the front end via a high power RF
Switch. This signal is then prefiltered to remove large out-of-band signals from compressing the LNA. It is
then filtered again to prevent the down converter from converting unwanted signal into the IF band. An IF
filter is used to set the channel BW to about 200 KHz. This high selectivity IF filter will allow the Enabler
to operate through a high dynamic range. The AGC amplifier in conjunction with the DSP chip will
automatically adjust the gain to maintain a constant baseband signal. The I&Q demodulator converts the
RF signal into 2 baseband signals called Rx I & Q. This prefiltered I&Q signal is sent to the DSP processor
where it is digitized for signal processing.


On the transmit section, the post filtered I &Q baseband signal is connected to the I&Q modulator. Using
an open loop PLL, the dual band transmit VCO is modulated directly using the charge pump from the
modulator section. The advantage of such methodology is an improved carrier and sideband suppression.
The modulated RF signal is injected into the power amplifier where it is amplified to its respective level.
An RF power detector circuit is used to control the RF level at the antenna port.

The primary function of the Enabler SDK is to allow the module to communicate with external peripherals.
It provides pre-voltage regulation, serial interface and mechanical support for the Enabler module. It also
allows probing and monitoring of digital signal traffic in and out of the Enabler module.

2.2 Abbreviation

        GPRS              General Packet Radio Services
        EGSM              Extended Global System for Mobile Communication
        GSM 900           Global System for Mobile Communication
        PCS 1900          Personal Communication System in 1900 Mhz band
        TDMA              Time Division Multiple Access
        BSC               Base Station Control Center
        BTS               Base transceiver station
        MS                Mobile Station
        MXM               Mixed Mode Modulation
        GMSK              Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
        ARFCN             Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
        SMS               Short Message Services
        VPN               Virtual Private Network
        UMTS              Universal Mobile Telephone Service

2.3 Frequency Allocation (M-ES)

The following table shows the standard channel allocation for the EGSM 900 and PCS 1900 band. The
EGSM transmitter transmits at exactly 45 MHz below the receive frequency. The PCS transmitter transmit
at exactly 80 MHz below the its received frequency.

        Channel Number for E-GSM 900      Mobile Station Transmit Frequency   Mobile Station Receive Frequency
                   (0-124)                        = 890 MHz + 0.2(n)           = 890 MHz + 0.2(n) + 45 MHz
                 Channel 0                          890.0MHz                                 935.0MHz
                Channel 31                          896.2 MHz                                941.2 MHz
                Channel 62                          902.4 MHz                                947.4 MHz
                Channel 93                          908.6 MHz                                953.6 MHz
                Channel 124                         914.8 MHz                                959.8 MHz
        Channel Number for E-GSM 900      Mobile Station Transmit Frequency   Mobile Station Receive Frequency
                 (975-1023)                   = 890 MHz + 0.2(n-1024)         = 890 MHz + 0.2(n-1024) + 45 MHz
                Channel 975                         880.2 MHz                                925.2 MHz
                Channel 1000                        885.2 MHz                                930.2 MHz
                Channel 1023                        889.8 MHz                                934.8 MHz

        MS Tx Band
     Ch 955          Ch1023 Ch 0                              Ch 62                                  Ch 124
    876.2 MHz      889.8MHz 890.0 MHz                       902.4 MHz                              914.8 MHz

         MS Rx Band
      Ch 955          Ch 1023 Ch 0                           Ch 62                                  Ch 124
     921.2 MHz      934.8 MHz 935.0 MHz                     947.4 MHz                              959.8 MHz


         Channel Number for PCS 1900      Mobile Station Transmit Frequency     Mobile Station Receive Frequency
                  (512-810)                  = 1850.2MHz + 0.2(n-512)          = 1850.2MHz + 0.2(n-512) + 80 MHz
                 Channel 512                        1850.2 MHz                                1930.2 MHz
                 Channel 587                        1865.2 MHz                                1945.2 MHz
                 Channel 662                        1880.2 MHz                                1960.2 MHz
                 Channel 737                        1895.2 MHz                                1975.2 MHz
                 Channel 810                        1909.8 MHz                                1989.8 MHz

        MS Tx Band
     Ch 512                                      Ch 662                                                 Ch 810
    1850.2 MHz                                  1880.2 MHz                                         1909.8 MHz

        MS Rx Band
     Ch 512                                       Ch 699                                                Ch 885
    1930.2 MHz                                  1960.2 MHz                                         1989.8 MHz

The primary advantage of the GSM standard is that, irregardless of the band of operation, they all share the
same technical features. This specification applies to the GSM voice, voice & data, and data only (GPRS)
transmission. With TDMA, one GSM RF channel can support up to 8 mobile users simultaneously. Each
user is allowed to transmit once every frame period for a duration of 1 timeslot. Because of the TDMA
scheme, timing accuracy in the software and hardware implementation is very critical. The Enabler has the
following common specifications.

                  Key Technical Feature                                       Specification

      Modulation Data Rate                             270.833Kbit/s
      Bit Period                                       3.692 us
      TDMA Timeslot                                    8 timeslot / RF channel
      1 Timeslot Period                                576.9 us
      Bits/timeslot                                    156.25 bits
      Timeslot Composition                             148 (data bits) + 8.25 (guard bits)
      Timeslot Allocation                              0 to 7
      Frame Period                                     4.615 ms (8 timeslot period)
      Channel Spacing                                  200 KHz
      Modulation Scheme                                0.3 GMSK

2.3.1 Power control

The Enabler design has an on-chip, high efficiency LDO voltage regulator that converts the 3.8 V supply to
various isolated 2.8 Vdc. Each of these voltages is used by the digital, transmit and receive sections. This
architecture allows different area of the module to power up and down to reduce power consumption. The
digital section utilizes its own LDO voltage regulator to avoid digital noise from getting into the RF
circuitry. The transmitter and receiver use the same LDO voltage regulator except the power amplifier.
Since the PA operates in high current mode at maximum transmit level, LDO voltage regulators are not
suitable. In this case, bypass capacitors are used to reduce noise from getting onto the transmitter.


2.4 Receiver Section

2.4.1 RF Switch.

The primary function of the RF switch is to pre select the RF signal into its respective band. It is capable of
handling peak signal levels in excess of 2 W in burst mode. The insertion loss on the receive side of the
switch it kept low, less than 2 dB, to improve sensitivity. It is encapsulated in a metal housing to reduce
digital cross talk.

2.4.2 LNA and First Conversion

The pre selected RF signal from the RF switch is coupled into the receive filters designated LB and HB
sawfilter and dielectric filter, respectively. The insertion loss of these filters is kept to a minimum to
maintain frontend noise figure. The RF switch does not provide any form of filtering, thus, this section is
necessary to remove and suppress unwanted signals coming in through the antenna port. Additional
filtering is provided after the LNA to prevent unwanted signals from being downconverted. The LNA
provides about 15 dB of gain and noise figure of 3 dB.

2.4.3 First IF Stage

Once the RF signal is downconverted into the IF, it is immediately filtered. The primarily function of the IF
sawfilter is to provide high channel selectivity and increase receiver dynamic range. The balanced input
and output of this sawfilter provides additional in-phase noise cancellation, and common mode rejection.
This results in better image frequency and LO frequency rejection. The downconversion gain is set at 10
dB to prevent further SNR degradation.

2.4.4. AGC IF, I&Q Demodulation

The filtered IF signal is coupled into the AGC amplifier. This section will maintain a constant level into the
I & Q demodulator, independent of input RF level. The AGC amplifier has 60 dB of control range to
accommodate the RF level change. The AGC signal is filtered prior to the I&Q demodulation to remove
any harmonics due to non-linearity.

2.4.5. Baseband Amplifier, DC offset compensation

Before the I & Q signals are sent to the DSP processor, they are offset with a DC bias. The ADC in the
DSP processor than digitized these signal before they processed through software algorithms. The baseband
amplifier serves two purposes, it provides signal isolation between the A/D converter and the DC bias
circuitry, it also provides the drive capability to interface with the DSP processor.


2.5 Transmit Path

2.5.1 I&Q Modulation, Tx VCO

The transmit I & Q signal connects the baseband processor to the I & Q modulator. The signal is filtered
and a DC bias applied internal to the baseband processor. An open loop modulation is used to modulate the
I & Q in conjunction with the Transmit VCO. The charge pump output modulates the transmit VCO while
maintaining a phase lock condition. To ensure high modulation accuracy, the transmit VCO signal is fed
back into the modulator. This results in superior carrier and sideband suppression for the GMSK RF signal.

2.5.2 Loop Filter

The phase lock loop filter has 3 purposes, mainly, to control the phase noise of the Transmit VCO, to
control the fast loop settling time and reduce frequency overshoot during channel switching. This loop filter
is a 3-pole topology to meet the stringent specification in the GSM standard.

2.5.3 PA, Directional Coupler

The modulated RF signal is coupled into the PA where its AGC provides the necessary RF level to the
antenna load. To achieve level accuracy, the dual-band directional coupler tapped part of the RF signal is
fed back to a power detector circuit. The power detector converts the RF level to an equivalent DC voltage
that in turns, control the PA output level. The detector has 35 db of control range as required by the GSM

2.6 Digital Baseband

The digital/baseband section of the Enabler consists primarily of three sections (analog baseband, digital
baseband, and memory). Together these sections incorporate the ADCs and DACs for transmit and receive,
voltage regulators, SIM interface, DSP and ARM processors, along with volatile and non-volatile memory.

2.6.1 Memory

The enabler has both volatile and non-volatile memory. The non-volatile memory uses FLASH technology
for the executable code storage and EEPROM memory for system parameters and equipment identifiers.
The keys for encryption and ciphering are stored in the SIM card and not the modem. Code is executed out
of both FLASH memory and SRAM. Time critical code is executed out of the SRAM because of the faster
access time.

2.6.2 Processor(s)

The Enabler uses a baseband processor which has both an ARM7 processor and a DSP. The DSP is used
for realtime processing of incoming signals. The ARM is then used to run the upper layers of the protocol
stack and the MMI.

2.6.3 CODEC

The analog signal conditioning is taken care of in the CODEC. This chip contains multiple voltage
regulators that isolate the RF and digital supplies. It also has the SIM card reader in it. The analog-to-digital


converter is within the CODEC that converts the RX I & Q signals into serial digital data that is fed into the
DSP. The digital-to-analog converter do the same thing in reverse for the TX I & Q signals.

2.7 Block Diagram


                                                                                                     Functional Block Diagram
                                                                                                  Alpine 919 Rev. 2 GPRS Modem
                                                                                                          By MM 10/11/01
VCTCX                                           RFout
                                  Dual Band
                ÷2                   PLL
                                  Synthesizer   IFout                                                                                          LB EGSM                  LB EGSM
                                                                         Dual band                                                                            LB EGSM
                                                                                                                                                  RF                       RF
                                                                         Transceiver                            IF BPF                                          LNA
                                                                                                                                                Sawfilter                Sawfilter

               BAND          Baseband Codec     RX_IN
 Uproc & DSP

                                                                                                                                                HB PCS                   HB PCS                     EGSM_RX
                                                                                                                                                              HB PCS
                                                                                                                                                  RF                     Dielectric
                                                                                                                                                Sawfilter                  Filter                   PCS_RX


                                                                                                                                                                                                                          RF Antenna
                                                                                                                         NC                                                           RF            PCS_TX
                                                                                                                                                                    PA RF
                                                                                                                                                                   Detector           Pad

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dual Band
                                                                                                                                                                                                              RF Switch

                                                                                                  ÷R                                                    Pad
                                                TX_IN                                                                                          EGSM

                                                        90°                                                                                    PCS
                                                                                                                                                        Pad                       Dual Band
                                                                                                                               Dual Band VCO
                                                                                                                                                                 Dual Band PA Directional Coupler
                 SIM                             SIM

               D00-D15           SRAM


               D00-D15           FLASH

Document Created: 2001-11-09 10:48:20
Document Modified: 2001-11-09 10:48:20

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