Exhibit 7B Installation Manual


Users Manual

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                                                  EXHIBIT 7B

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                                     NOMAD MXU Installation Manual
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      WHICH IS NONMANDATORY              REV                  DESCRIPTION                       DATE        APPROVED
       FOR INFORMATION ONLY               XA     Engineering Red Line Control               3 Feb 99      KHS
            *APPLICATION                  XB
 NEXT ASSY            USED ON

   PROJ. NO.    DWN BY                                         INTERPRET DRAWING IN ACCORDANCE
     14114      Ken Schmidt                                   WITH STANDARDS LISTED IN DOD-STD-100.
 OTHERWISE                                                                                       SCOTTS DALE, AZ
 SPECIFIED:                                                                                        85252- 1417
                                                       Space and Systems Technology Group

                 DSGN CHK BY
    PROD.                                          NOMAD MXU INSTALLATION MANUAL
DEC ±   N/A      MATL APVD

3 PLACE          MFG APVD
DEC ±   N/A                               SIZE      CAGE CODE                               DRAWING NO.
                 ENGRG APVD                 A                      94990

ANGLE ± N/A      NA                       SCALE         NONE                          WT. NA           SHEET 1 OF

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Refer to Appendix “A” for the “NOMAD MXU Pre-Installation
Checklist”. The checklist should have been completed before the
NOMAD MXU was ordered, or at least before the MXU shipment
arrived on site. The intent of the checklist is to prevent problems during
the installation stages defined in this document.

                        SERVICE INFORMATION
Contact the Gateway for questions concerning the installation,
initialization and operation of the NOMAD MXU System

                      MANUAL REVISION HISTORY
Version      Date       Name                   Reason
Version   Date        name     Change
XA        3/Feb/99    KHS      Initial draft copy, engineering release, Note: Copy sent to FCC

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                                                    NOMAD MXU Installation Manual
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                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

1    Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.1     How To Install The NOMAD MXU System. ................................................................................. 4
  1.2     How To Use This Manual ............................................................................................................... 5
  1.3     Acronyms and Definitions .............................................................................................................. 6
2    Safety...................................................................................................................................................... 7
  2.1     Safety Procedures and Precautions ................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
     2.1.1      General Hazard Areas. ............................................................................................................ 7
3    Description of Material Received ........................................................................................................ 9
  3.1     User Site, Material Received........................................................................................................... 9
     3.1.1      Console and Mounting Kit ...................................................................................................... 9
     3.1.2      Antenna Assembly and Mounting Kit..................................................................................... 9
     3.1.3      Interconnecting Cable Kits.................................................................................................... 10
     3.1.4      Manual and Monitor CD, Users Location ............................................................................. 10
  3.2     Administrative Site, Material Received ........................................................................................ 10
     3.2.1      Manuals and Administrative CD, Gateway Location............................................................ 10
4    Installation........................................................................................................................................... 11
  4.1     Console Installation....................................................................................................................... 11
  4.2     Antenna Installation ...................................................................................................................... 12
     4.2.1      Placement.............................................................................................................................. 12
     4.2.2      Installation............................................................................................................................. 13
  4.3     System Interconnections ............................................................................................................... 15
     4.3.1      Building Ground ................................................................................................................... 15
     4.3.2      Antenna Interconnections...................................................................................................... 15
     4.3.3      Power Connection ................................................................................................................. 18
     4.3.4      PSTN to MXU Inter-Connections......................................................................................... 18
5    Checkout .............................................................................................................................................. 19
  5.1     Initial Power Up Checks ............................................................................................................... 19
  5.2     PSTN Check.................................................................................................................................. 20
  5.3     Monitor Station Check (Optional) ................................................................................................ 21
  5.4     Satellite Link Checks (Optional)................................................................................................... 21
  5.5     Request Initialization .................................................................................................................... 22
6    Trouble Shooting Guidelines.............................................................................................................. 23
  6.1     Power Problems ............................................................................................................................ 23
  6.2     Telephone Line Problems ............................................................................................................. 23
  6.3     Antenna Line Problems................................................................................................................. 24
APPENDIX “A” –User Site, Pre Installation Check List........................................................................ 25
APPENDIX “B” – Coax Cable Options .................................................................................................... 27

                                              TABLE OF FIGURES
Figure 4.1-1: Console Mounting................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4.2.2-1: Antenna / Mast Mounting ................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4.3-1: MXU Console Interconnections.............................................................................................. 15
Figure 4.3.2-2: NOMAD MXU Coax Connections ...................................................................................... 17
Figure 4.3.4-1: MXU PSTN Interconnections .............................................................................................. 18
Figure 5.2-1: PSTN Test Setup .................................................................................................................... 20

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1 Introduction

1.1 How To Install The NOMAD MXU System.

The administration and installation manuals are intended to identify and clearly describe the procedures for
a successful installation and configuration of the NOMAD MXU. Before proceeding, the local installer
and gateway personnel are highly encouraged to read both manuals and completely understand the
responsibilities of all parties.

The installation of the NOMAD MXU, Control Station and Monitor Station (optional) can proceed
simultaneously as illustrated in Figure 1.1-1.

    Gateway Site Activites
                                                                     User Site Activites
    Pre-Installation Check List                                      Complete
                                                                     Pre-Installation Check List
    Receive Shipment
    Read the Administration Manual                                   Receive Shipment

                                                             Read the                    Read the
                                                        Installation Manual        Administration Manual

    Install                                           Install MXU
                                                                              Install Monitor PC
   Administration PC                                  Console, Antennas, etc.
                                                                              (Use Admin Manual)
   (Use Administration Manual)                        (Use Instal Manual)

                                                      Prelim Checkout
                                                      1. MXU Power Up
                                                      2. Telephone Links
                                                      3. Antenna Links
                                                      (Use Install Manual)
                                          Call            Request Initialization

    Initalization and                                    MXU OPERATON                  MXU Monitor
    Administration                      MODEM            (Admin Manual)                (Admin Manual)
    (Admin Manual)                     Connection

Figure 1.1-1: Installation Overview

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1.2 How To Use This Manual

An overview, of the NOMAD MXU’s console, antenna, monitor and interconnections, is illustrated in
Figure 1.2-1. The installer should follow the instructions in this manual in the order they are presented.

Section 2.0 Review the Safety Procedures and Precautions
Section 3.0: Inventory the material received
Section 4.1: Install the MXU Console
Section 4.2: Assemble, locate and install the antenna
Section 4.3: System interconnections
Section 5.0: Checkout
Section 5.4 Request Initialization

Refer to the detailed instructions in this manual before connecting or assembling the components.

                Antenna and Mast, Location,Assembly and Installation
                Installation Manual, Section 4.2

                                          InstallationManual, Section 4.3

                                   MXU Console Inatallation
                                   Installation Manual, Section 4,1
  Monitor Station
  Refer to the Adminisration Manual

        Auxiliary Control PC                                         Line 1
                                                                     Line 2
                                                                                      Channel 1
                                                                                      Channel 2


  (Optional, Customer Furnished)               Control Interfac e
                                                                     Line 3
                                                                     Line 4
                                                                                      Channel 3
                                                                                        Channel 1
                                                                              Ready                 Sequence

                                     Null Modem cable
                                      (User Supplied)
                                                                                                                Power Cord
                                                                                                                                  50/60 HZ

Figure 1.2-1: User Site, NOMAD MXU Console Installation Overview

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1.3 Acronyms and Definitions

CDR         Call Detail Record
CD ROM      Compact Disk Read Only Memory
CFB         Call Forward on subscriber Busy
DTMF        Dual tone Multi-Frequency
ISDN        Integrated Service Digital Network
ISU         Iridium Subscriber Unit, i.e. an Iridium phone
LBT         L Band Transceiver
LEO         Low Earth Orbit
MCM         MXU Configuration Management
MSISDN      Mobile Service Integrated Service Digital Network
MXU         MultiExchange Unit
NOMAD       An Iridium program utilizing commercial MXUs and ISUs with modified features
NOMAD MXU   A Standard MXU modified with special features specific to the NOMAD program
NOMAD ISU   A standard ISU modified with special features specific to the NOMAD program
PBX         Public Branch Exchange
PC          Personal Computer
PSTN        Public Switched Telephone Network
SIM         Subscriber Identity Module

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2 Safety

2.1 General Hazard Areas.
Those safety issues that could pose a concern are discussed within this document
and listed below:

•   AC power is not removed internal to the NOMAD MXU console by pushing the front panel

•   Do not open the unit. There are no serviceable components within the system. Contact the Iridium
    gateway for service instructions.

•   RF energy emitted by the antennae is of a very low level but as a precaution, it is recommended to
    maintain a physical distance of 30 cm while the unit is operating.

2.2 Specific Hazard Areas

The specific areas of concern are detailed as follows:

The precautions stated below must be observed to prevent personal injury, death or equipment damage:

•   When possible, the power supply in the unit should be shut off before beginning work on the
    equipment. Note: Power can only be removed from the unit by disconnecting the AC power cable
    from the building mains power .

•   The telephone lines have hazardous DC voltages and currents associated with the ringing system.

•   The main power (i.e. 50/60 Hertz, 115/240 VAC) supplies hazardous AC voltage and current to the
        unit via the power cable.

•   The antenna array is exposed to lighting hazards. Installation of lightning arrestors and proper
        connection to the building ground is necessary to avoid personal injury or death. Note: The
        attached ground wire may burn or vaporize during electrical storms.
•   Outside communications wiring connected to the equipment should be handled with caution because of
        possible lightning voltages or ring voltages/currents that could be present and hazardous while in a
        disconnected condition.
•   AC mains power can ONLY be removed from this equipment by disconnecting the AC power cable
       from the building mains power. Always disconnect the cable by handling the connector, not the
       cable itself.
•   The AC power cable supplied has been selected to comply with the units power requirements and all
        applicable safety standards. Do not use another cable or otherwise modify it without contacting
        the Iridium Gateway for instructions.

2.3 Labels

The following labels either warn or caution service and operator personnel of safety hazards that could be
associated with the MXU. They are located within this document as well as on the unit itself.

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                           Improper AC Mains Grounding Hazard
  Ensure the AC mains power is properly gounded before connecting the equipment. Failure to
           observe this warning can result in serious injury or death by electrocution.

                         Improper Lightning Rod Grounding Hazard
   Ensure the lightening rod is properly grounded before connecting the equipment. Failure to
           observe this warning can result in serious injury or death by electrocution.

                                   Electrical Storm Hazard
Electrical storms can cause the antennae to be charged to high voltages. Do not touch outside of
equipment, or grounding wires and rods during electrical storms. Failure to observe this warning
can cause serious injury or death.

                                 Antenna Radiation Emission
       As a precaution, maintain a minimum distance of 30 centimeters (12 inches) from the
antenna array while in operation.

                                     Replaceable Battery
                     Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
       Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
            Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

                                    Digital Telephone Line
Ensure the telephone lines are capable of accepting analog signals. DO NOT attempt to connect
to a digital telephone line – equipment damage will result.

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3 Description of Material Received

3.1 User Site, Material Received

This section contains lists of material received at the user and gateway installation sites, Figure 3.1-1
illustrates the assembly and location of the various line items.

  NOTE: Line Item numbers refer to                                                        Line Item 11, Lighting Rod
  the parts lists in section 3.0
                                                                                 Line Item 4, Antenna (2 or 4)

                                        Line Item 25, Antenna Lead In Coax (2 or 4)

                                                                   Line Items 6 - 21, Antenna Mast Kit

                                                                   Line Item 23, Ouside Coax (2 or 4)
                                                                    Line Item 26, Surge Suppressors (2 or 4)

                                                                     Line Item 24, Inside Coax (2 or4)

               Line Item 1, NOMAD Console

         Auxiliary Control PC                                           Line 1

                                                                        Line 2
                                                                                          Channel 1

                                                                                          Channel 2

                                                                                                         Pow er

   (Optional, Customer Furnished)             C ontrol Interface
                                                                        Line 3
                                                                        Line 4
                                                                                          Channel 3
                                                                                            C hannel 1
                                                                                                           D own
                                                                                 R eady                  Sequence

                                            Line Item 27, Telephone Cables (4)

                                    RS232, Null Modem Cable (Customer Furnished)

                                                                   Line Item 28, Power Cord
                                                                                                                               Power Cord
                                                                                                                                               50/60 HZ

Figure 3.1-1: User Site, NOMAD Equipment Assembly

3.1.1       Console and Mounting Kit

             NOMAD MXU CONSOLE
 1                  Console                                                                                          ???????????              1

3.1.2       Antenna Assembly and Mounting Kit

01-P43455F001 ANTENNA KIT
 2            CROSSBAR                                                                                               07-P43411F001          1 or 2
 3     CABLE MOUNTING BRACKET                                                                                        07-P43412F001          2 or 4
 4             ANTENNA                                                                                               85-P43415F001          2 or 4
 5             ENDCAP                                                                                                    FCR-16             2 or 4

 6         UNIVERSAL TRIPOD                                                                                           RONNIE 5                1
 7              TARPADS                                                                                                   78                  1
 8             LAG BOLTS                                                                                              91478A546              14

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  9        LAG SCREW ANCHORS               97039A029             14
 10            WASHER, FLAT                90108A029             14
 11            LIGHTNING ROD              585CCAT-2/0             1
 12       LIGHTNING ROD MOUNT            07-P43416F001            1
 13             3 WAY FITTING            07-P43417F001           1
 14                UBOLTS                   3043T78               2
 15            WASHER, LOCK                91102A031              4
 16               TIE WRAPS                 7130K56              25
 17     SURGE SUPPRESSOR MOUNT           07-P43418F001           1
 18         CABLE, GROUNDING                 1/0-19           7620 MM
 19       LUG, TERMINAL, OFFSET              GEOL4                1
 20                  BOLT               HHCS008M0025Z             1
 21             NUT, LOCKING              NFL008MJISZ             1
 22         5/32 ALLEN WRENCH               7122A21               1

3.1.3    Interconnecting Cable Kits

 23      CABLE, ASSEMBLY W1           AE50738                  2 or 4
 24      CABLE, ASSEMBLY W2           AE50739                  2 or 4
 25      CABLE, ASSEMBLY W3           AE50774                  2 or 4
 26       SURGE SUPPRESSOR          IS-CLF50LN                 2 or 4

 27       CABLES TELEPHONE                   LC14S               4

01????????? Power Cord
 28          Power Cord                    ??????????            1

3.1.4    Manual and Monitor CD, Users Location

       User Manuals and Monitor CD
 29          Administration Manual          ???????//            1
 30           Installation Manual         ???????????            1
 31               Monitor CD               ?????????             1

3.2 Administrative Site, Material Received

3.2.1    Manuals and Administrative CD, Gateway Location

      Gateway Manual and Monitor CD
 32          Administration Manual        ???????????            1
 34            Administrative CD           ?????????             1

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4 Installation

4.1 Console Installation
                                                                                                                               Low Loss Coax
                                                                                                                               from the Surge

                                                                                 Line Item 26, Four
                                                                                                                                 Low Loss Coax
                                                                                 Surge Protectors
                                                                                 Miunted on the Wall
                              Li ne 1           Ch an nel 1
                                                                                                                                (Users Supplied)
                              Li ne 2           Ch an nel 2

                              Li ne 3                           Power
                                                Ch an nel 3
                              Li ne 4                             In itiate
       Con trol In ter face                       Ch an nel 1     Power
                                        Ready                   Seq uence

                                                                              Strain Reliefs                                  Line Item 25,
                                                                              (User Provided)                                 Four W3 Cable
                                                                              Required to                                     Assemblies.
                                                                              protect the MXU                                 Required for
                                                                              Antenna COnnectors                              MXU connector
                                                                                                                              strain relief.
                                                                                    Line Item 25,
      Front View                                                                    Four W3 Cable           Back View                                   Back View
     19 inch Rack                                                                   Assemblies.           19 inch Rack                                19 inch Rack
                                                                                                       Less than 1.5 meters                        More than 1.5 meters
                                                                                                         from the Surge                              from the Surge
                                                                                                          Suppressors                                  Suppressor

Figure 4.1-1: Console Mounting

The NOMAD MXU is designed to be mounted in a standard 19 inch rack as illustrated in left
front view of figure 4.1-1. Slides, shelves or supports to mount the MXU in a rack are not
included in the MXU package.

Interconnection of the antenna to the NOMAD MXU is covered in section 4.3.2; however,
the location of the MXU console is directly related to the length of the cables supplied with
the NOMAD MXU. If the back of the NOMAD MXU is mounted less than 1.5 meters from
the surge protectors (Line Item 26), the standard W3 cables (line item 25) supplied with the
MXU will work as illustrated in the center view of Figure 4.1-1. If the back of the NOMAD
MXU is mounted more than 1.5 meters of the surge protectors, the user will have to procure
custom cables as defined in Appendix “B” of this document and illustrated in the right view
in Figure 4.1-1.

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4.2 Antenna Installation

                                         Electrical Storm Hazard
Electrical storms can cause the antennae to be charged to high voltages. Do not touch outside of
equipment, or grounding wires and rods during electrical storms. Failure to observe this warning
can cause serious injury or death.

4.2.1    Placement

                                                                   Maximun 8 degrees           Maximun 8 degrees
                                                                     above horizon               above horizon

           Case 1: NO                      Case 2: MAYBE                        Case 3: YES

Figure 4.2.1-1: Antenna Location, Un-obstructed Sky

The NOMAD MXU system relays telephone conversations via satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) around
the world. Only one satellite at a time is in contact with the MXU console. Because of the rotation of the
earth, the satellite may be moving, in a south/north direction across any part of the sky, while it maintaining
contact with the MXU console. Before the satellite departs over the north horizon, it will hand off the
telephone conversation to the next satellite arriving on the south side of the horizon. If the antennas are not
correctly located, the satellites will not have a “line of sight” with the antennas and the service will be

The antennas must be located to provide a clear view of the sky, from horizon to horizon. Figure 4.2.1-1
illustrates three possible cases.
• Case 1 The NOMAD MXU system will work intermittently because half of the sky is blocked by a
     large building. This will result in some passing satellites not having a clear “line of sight” to the
• Case 2: This NOMAD MXU will probably work better than in case 1; however, depending on the size
     of the tree, intermittent operation of the NOMAD MXU is probable because of the addition attenuation
     and the periodic blockage of the signal between the antenna and satellites.
• Case 3: This will give the best operation of the NOMAD MXU system because there is direct “line of
     sight” to the satellite regardless of its location in the sky.

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4.2.2    Installation

     Item 11, Lighting Rod
                                                                            Item 13, Three Way Fittings

     Item 2, Crossbar
                                                                              Item 4, Antenna

                                                                              Item 3, Cable Mounting Bracket

        Item 12, Lighting Rod Mount

                   Item 14, U Bolts
                                                                              Item 5, End Cap
              Item 15, Washer Lock

     Item 6, Universal Tripod
                                                                              Item 7, Tar Pads

                                                                              Item 8, Lag Bolts

                                                                              Item 9, Lag Screw Anchors

                                                                              Item 10, Washer Flat

Figure 4.2.2-1: Antenna / Mast Mounting

Figure 4.2.2-1 depicts the Nomad Antenna Assembly Kit (01-P43410F) as it would be configured for a
quad antenna system and mounted on a flat surface. None of the cabling is depicted above.

Step 1: Mast Assembly: The Antenna Mast kit 01-P43460F001 should be assembled first.

Step 2: Install Mast: The mast must be located in the position determined in section 4.2.1. The mast
assembly may be mounted on a flat or pitched (slanted) surface. It will be configured as a two or four
antenna system in step 5 below. Lag bolts, item 8 (9178546), are provided to attach the universal tripod
item 6 (Ronnie 5) to any surface material that will accept the lag bolt. Flat washers, item 10 (90108A029),
are to be installed on the lag bolts prior to installation on the tripod foot. Tarpads, item 7 (78), are to be
installed between the foot of the tripod and the mounting surface to waterproof the attachment point. All of
the lag bolts, except 2 that will be used later for installation of the surge suppressor mounting bracket,
should be used for mounting the mast assembly. If the surface is concrete or some other material that will
not readily accept the lag bolt, lag bolt anchors, item 9 (97039A029), have been included in the kit.

Step 3: Lighting Rod: Install the 3-way fitting, item 13 (07-P43417F001), over the circular portion of the
lightning rod mount, item 12 (07-P43416F001), and secure the set screws using the 5/32 allen wrench, item
22 (7122A21), included in the kit. Prior to tightening the set-screws, the 3-way fitting should be located as
far onto the lightening rod mount as possible. Secure the lightning rod mount to allow installation of the
lightning rod, item 11(585CCAT-2/0). Prepare the lightning rod for installation by removing all of the

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fasteners from the threaded end. Re-install one each of the nut, lock washer, and flat washer. Thread the
lightning rod into the mount and secure the jam nut.

The lightning rod mount shall be secured to the top of the mast by engaging the circular cut out portion of
the mount to the top of the mast and installing the u-bolts, item14 (3043T78), and lock washers, item 15

Step 4: Grounding Cable: The lightning rod that extends from the top of the array has a grounding cable
(not shown above) attached and should be attached to the building ground in accordance with the
instructions in Section 4.3, step 5, below.

Step 5: Antennas: The Antenna kit 01-P43455F001 is now required to continue the assembly. The cross
bar(s), item 2 (07-P43411F001), slip through the 3-way fitting and should extend from the fitting an equal
distance on each side. Tighten the set-screws with the enclosed allen wrench to secure the cross bars.

The metal plate that the antenna, item 4 (07-P43412F001), is supplied with, is to be replaced by the cable-
mounting bracket, item 3 (07-P43415F001), included in the kit. If necessary, reorient the u-bolts to allow
the antenna, when installed on to the cross bar, to have the cone shape perpendicular to the cross bar. Install
the antenna onto the cross bar so that the antenna and it’s clamps are resting on the tape on the end of the
cross bar, and the cone is inverted above the cross bar as shown. The plastic end caps, item 5 (FCR-16),
that have been supplied shall be installed on the end of the cross bars.

Installation of the surge suppressors and coax cables are described in the following section.

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4.3 System Interconnections

                                                                 View "B"                                                                                                                     Lighting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                View "C"


             View "A"
                                                                                                              6.                             7.
                                                                          W3                                                                      W1
                 Type N                                                                                                              6.      W3                                                   Bare   5.
 6.       Plug
                 Jack (Bulk Head)                                                                                                                                                             Copper Cable
                                                                                                                                                                                               to Building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       View "D"

                            Coax                                                                                                                                     View "E"
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Secure the Coaxs (4) and
  Cable                                                                                                                                                                                                   bare #10 Copper Wire.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          1. Use Tie Wraps of Mast
                                                    Building Ceiling, Walls,
                                                                                                                                                         9. 3.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          2. Cable Fasteners for
                                                          Floors, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                      7.                  building.

                                                                                                                                                       W2                                 Coax
                                                                                                                                                       Coax                               Cable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         View "F"
                                                                                                                                                       Cable       #10 bare
                                                                                                                                                                  Copper wire
      W1                                                                                                                                                    to the Building Ground

                                                                                                                      Surge Protector                                                                         Three
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     White Wire

                                                                                                                                        W1                                                                    Prong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9.             To AC Low

                                                    NOMAD                                                                  9.                                                                                 Plug
                                       Anten na 1

                                                    Antenna 2

                                                                SIM Access Cover
                                                                                   An tenna 3

                                                                                                        Antenna 4

                                                                                     Line 1 Line 2Line 3 Line 4

                                                                                                                50/60 HZ
                                                                                                                                W2   3.                                                                                              Black Wire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     To AC High
                                                                                                                                   9.                  7.                                                      AC Power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Socket       Green Wire

                                                                                                                                 10.                               #10 Copper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to the Building Ground


                                                                                                                                                                   Grounding Rod,            Ground
                                                                                                                                                                  8 feet into the earth       Rod

                                                                                                                                                                            Building Ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                              View "G"

Figure 4.3-1: MXU Console Interconnections

Interconnections between the antennas, power and the MXU console are illustrated in Figure 5.4-1. Each
step numbered in Figure 5.4-1 is discussed below in the following paragraphs.

4.3.1             Building Ground

Step 1. Locate the “Building Ground”. It is extremely important to ground the antenna assembly, surge
        protectors, and power outlet to the central building ground. If not properly grounded, a nearby
        lighting strike can easily damage the MXU system and can cause personal injury or death. In figure
        4.3-1 the building ground is illustrated, in view G, as a ground rod. If any doubt exists as to the
        location of the building ground consult with a local certified electrician.

Step 2. Verify the MXU power outlet, view “F” will accept the three prong electrical pug (Line Item 28)
        supplied with the MXU shipment. Consult with a certified electrician to verify the power outlet is
        properly wired and verify ground is properly connected to the building ground. If the power cord
        does not match the power outlet, the user is responsible for securing the correct power cord. Refer
        to Pre-Installation Checklist, Check 10, Appendix “A”.

4.3.2             Antenna Interconnections

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Step 3. Install the four surge suppressors (Line Items 26) just inside the building were the coax cables W1
       (Line Item 23) enter the building as illustrated in view “E” of Figure 5.4-1. The surge suppressors,
       are mounted to the surge suppressor bracket, Line Item 17), which has been mounted with the 2
       remaining lag bolts, and lag bolt anchors (if required).

Step 4. The surge suppressor bracket needs to be attached to the same building ground, view E, that the
         antenna mast and power outlet are grounded to. The enclosed ground wire, (Line Item 18), lug,
         (Line Item 19) nut and bolt, (Line Items 20 and 21) will allow the attachment of the ground wire
         to the surge suppressor bracket

Step 5: Connect the bare cable from the lighting rod to the building ground as illustrated in view “C” and
         view “G”.

                                            Improper Lightning Rod Grounding Hazard
   Ensure the lightening rod is properly grounded before connecting the equipment. Failure to
           observe this warning can result in serious injury or death by electrocution.

Step 6. Connect the short (1ft) coax wire W3 from one of the antennas (View “B”) to coax W1 (View “A”)
         and secure to the antenna’s crossbars. Repeat for the other 3 antennas.

Step 7. Connect the long coax W1 (30 feet) from the cross bar to one of the lighting arrestors (View “E”).
         Repeat for the other 3 long pieces of coaxs

Step 8. Tie wrap the four coax cables and ground wire to the mast.

Step 9. Connect the 6 feet coax W2 to the lighting arrestor.

            THE CONNECTOR. REFER TO FIGURE 4.3.2-1


                    W3                                 W1               SURGE                      W2

                                                                                  Earth for
                                                                             Lighting Protection

    Verify all the coax cables are connected, from the antenna to the last
    connector on W3 as shown. NOTE: There are 2 or 4 sets of these
    coax cable strings to verified, i.e. no shorts exist.

                                                                                                        Verify Infinite
                                                                                                        Resistance between the
                                                                                                        center conductor and the
                                                                                                        outer shell

Figure 4.3.2-1: Verify Coax Cables, No Shorts

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                 Connect the other end of the W2 coax to the antenna connection on the back of the MXU console
                 as illustrated in Figure 4.3.2-2. Repeat for the other W2 coax. If the W2 coax is not of sufficient
                 length, refer to Appendix “B”.

     Antenna 1    Antenna 2                      Antenna 3             Antenna 4

                                                   Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

        Fan                                                      Power
                              SIM Access Cover                   Supply
                                                                                   SUPPRESSORS (4)

                                                                                                      Coax to

                                                                                                        Bare Copper W ire
                                                                                                           to EARTH

Figure 4.3.2-2: NOMAD MXU Coax Connections

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4.3.3   Power Connection

                                                                                     Improper AC Mains Grounding Hazard
 Ensure the AC mains power is properly grounded before connecting the equipment. Failure to
           observe this warning can result in serious injury or death by electrocution.

Step 10. Using the correct power cord, connect the local power (??????110 VAC, 60 HZ or 230 VAC 50
         HZ) to the MXU’s back panel’s power outlet. If the local power wall socket is not the correct
         configuration for the supplied power cord, Go back to Section 4.3.2, step 2.

4.3.4   PSTN to MXU Inter-Connections

        Antenna 1   Antenna 2                      Antenna 3             Antenna 4

                                                     Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

           Fan                                                     Power
                                SIM Access Cover                   Supply

                                                                                            Connect to

Figure 4.3.4-1: MXU PSTN Interconnections

                                                                                            Digital Telephone Line
Ensure the telephone lines are capable of accepting analog signals. DO NOT attempt to connect
to a digital telephone line – equipment damage will result.

Using the four supplied telephone lines, connect the local PSTN to MXU back panel connectors Lines 1,2,3
and 4. NOTE: If the PSTN socket is not a RJ-11 type, refer to the “Pre-Installation Check List”,
Appendix “A”, Check 5.

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5 Checkout

                                   Antenna Radiation Emission
As a precaution maintain a minimum distance of 30 centimeters (12 inches) from the antenna
array while in operation.

5.1 Initial Power Up Checks

You are now ready to power on the MXU and start the checkout sequence.

Power on the NOMAD MXU Console by pushing the”ON” push button.
In less than 2 seconds, the “Power LED” should light.
          If the “Power Up “ LED does not light
                   STOP: Go to section 6.1 “Power Problems” section of this document.

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5.2 PSTN Check

                                   Phone Lines
                                     Line #1
                                     Line #2
                                     Line #3
                      Local                                                 MXU
     Test             PSTN           Line #4


                                                                                   50/60 Hz.
                                                               Optional, Local
                                                              Admin or Monitor
Figure 5.2-1: PSTN Test Setup

Three to five minutes after the Power LED lite, the Ready LED should light.
The Power LED = ON and Ready LED = ON, indicates the MXU has successfully completed its internal
self testing and at least one channel is capable of passing traffic between the PSTN and the Iridium System.
NOTE: This does not insure all four channels are capable of passing traffic. Continue on with the checkout

Figure 5.2-1 illustrates the setup to initially test and determine if the PSTN is correctly connected to the
NOMAD MXU console. Using the test telephone attached to the PSTN complete the following steps.:

Line # 1 Telephone connection check:
    Dial the phone number for MXU line #1 and verify the following:
           1. Listen on the test phone and verify the MXU picks up the phone.
           2. Observe the MXU front panel and verify the “Line 1” LED” lights.
           3. Listen on the test phone and verify the modem tone occurs, (may take up to 1 minute).
           4. Hang up the test phone, the MXU front panel “Line 1” LED should go out.
    If steps 1,2,3 and 4 happened, the connection is valid.
          Go to “Line # 2 Telephone connection check”
    If steps 1,2,3 and 4 are not correct the telephone line may be at fault”
          Go to section 6.2 “Telephone Problems”

Line # 2 Telephone connection check:
    Dial the phone number for MXU line #2 and verify the following:
           1. Listen on the test phone and verify the MXU picks up the phone.
           2. Observe the MXU front panel and verify the “Line 2” LED” lights.
           3. Listen on the test phone and verify the modem tone occurs, (may take up to 1 minute).
           4. Hang up the test phone, the MXU front panel “Line 2” LED should go out.
    If steps 1,2,3 and 4 happened, the connection is valid.
          Go to “Line # 3 Telephone connection check”

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     If steps 1,2,3 and 4 are not correct the telephone line may be at fault”
           Go to section 6.2 “Telephone Problems”

Line # 3 Telephone connection check:
    Dial the phone number for MXU line #3 and verify the following:
           1. Listen on the test phone and verify the MXU picks up the phone.
           2. Observe the MXU front panel and verify the “Line 3” LED” lights.
           3. Listen on the test phone and verify the modem tone occurs, (may take up to 1 minute).
           4. Hang up the test phone, the MXU front panel “Line 3” LED should go out.
    If steps 1,2,3 and 4 happened, the connection is valid.
          Go to “Line # 4 Telephone connection check”
    If steps 1,2,3 and 4 are not correct the telephone line may be at fault”
          Go to section 6.2 “Telephone Problems”

Line # 4 Telephone connection check:
    Dial the phone number for MXU line #4 and verify the following:
           1. Listen on the test phone and verify the MXU picks up the phone.
           2. Observe the MXU front panel and verify the “Line 4” LED” lights.
           3. Listen on the test phone and verify the modem tone occurs, (may take up to 1 minute).
           4. Hang up the test phone, the MXU front panel “Line 4” LED should go out.
    If steps 1,2,3 and 4 happened, the connection is valid.
          Go to “Section 5.3, Monitor Station Checkout”
    If steps 1,2,3 and 4 are not correct the telephone line may be at fault”
          Go to section 6.2 “Telephone Problems”

5.3 Monitor Station Check (Optional)

It is possible to configure a user supplied personal computer (PC) to interface with the NOMAD MXU
console through the RS232 connector on the front panel, This will enable the user to monitor MXU
activities and retrieve diagnostic logs from the MXU. For details on setup and operation of the monitor
station refer to the administrative manual.

5.4 Satellite Link Checks (Optional)

If the “Ready Light came on during the power up sequence described in section 5.1, at least one channel
exists between the NOMAD MXU console and the Iridium satellites. There are several ways to determine
if all RF channels, antenna, coax cables, and the RF side of the MXU console are operating correctly.
Methods 1 and 2 are preferred for verification but method three can be used for verification or isolation of
the problem to either the antenna and coax, or to the RF portion of the MU console.

1.   If the user setup the monitor station, described in section 5.3, the diagnostic logs can be retrieved and
     the signal strength between the satellites and the MXU can be verified. Refer to the Administration
     Manual for details.
2.   If the user did not setup the monitor station, the Gateway can retrieve the diagnostic logs, over the
     PSTN modem connection, and inform the user of the status of the Iridium channels. Refer to the
     Administration Manual for details. If one of the channels is not present or has a weak signal refer to
     section 6.3.
3.   If the Ready LED on the MXU’s front panel came on, all four RF channels can be verified without a
     diagnostic log as follows.

First Step: We need to determine the good and bad RF channels as follows:
     a. Power Down the MXU
     b. Disconnect all the antenna cables but one, from the back of the MXU.

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    c. Power on the NOMAD MXU.
    d. If the Ready LED comes on within 3 to 5 minutes mark the Coax cable and MXU connector as
          good. Else mark both “questionable”.
    e. Repeat steps a,b,c & d for each of the three remaining channels.

Second Step: We need to determine which “Questionable” cables are bad.
    a. Power Down the MXU
    b. Disconnect all the antenna cables from the back of the MXU.
    c. Connect the questionable coax from a bad channel to a good MXU channel.
    d. Power on the NOMAD MXU.
    e. If the Ready LED comes on within 3 to 5 minutes mark the questionable Coax cable good. Else
          mark the cable bad.
    f. Repeat steps a,b,c d & e for each of the three remaining “questionable” cables.


Third Step: We need to determine which “Questionable” MXU RF channels are bad.
    a. Power Down the MXU
    b. Disconnect all the antenna cables from the back of the MXU.
    c. Connect a “good” coax to a “questionable MXU channel.
    d. Power on the NOMAD MXU.
    e. If the Ready LED comes on within 3 to 5 minutes mark the questionable MXU Channel “good”.
          Else mark the RF Channel “bad”.
    f. Repeat steps a,b,c d & e for any remaining “questionable” MXU RF channels.


5.5 Request Initialization

When all the initial checks are OK, call gateway and request initialization

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6 Trouble Shooting Guidelines

                                     Replaceable Battery
                     Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
       Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
            Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6.1 Power Problems


Problem(s)                Possible Cause(s)                    Solution(s)
Power Up LED does         Verify MXU power cord is             Insert plug into outlet. If the plug does
not Light.                connected to the building power      not fit the outlet, refer to Section 4.3.3,
                          outlet.                              Step 10, or section 4.3.1, Step 2, or
                                                               Appendix “A” Pre-Installation Checklist,
                                                               Check 10.
                          No power at the building outlet      Verify power, must be
                                                               90 to 135 VAC, 47 to 63Hz,: or,
                                                               180 to 265VAC, 47 to 63 Hz
                          Building Circuit Breaker opens, or   Verify the building power outlet is
                          Building Fuse blows.                 correctly polarized, refer to Section
                                                               4.3.1, Step 1, or Appendix “A”, Pre-
                                                               Installation Checklist, Check 9

6.2 Telephone Line Problems


Problem(s)                Possible Cause(s)                    Solution(s)
Test Step 1: Can not      Telephone line is not connected      Connect per section 4.3.4
verify the MXU picks up
the phone.
                          Incorrect phone jack, can not        Refer to Appendix “A”, Pre-Installation
                          connect the phone line.              Checklist, Checks 5 and 6.

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Problem(s)                  Possible Cause(s)                  Solution(s)
.                           Bad telephone line.                Remove the telephone cable plug from
                                                               the back of the MXU and connect it to
                                                               a 2 wire analog phone, Note: you may
                                                               need a RJ11 adapter. Make a test
                                                               phone call between the test telephone
                                                               and the 2 wire analog phone. NOTE:
                                                               Do not connect a phone directly to
                                                               the MXU, it will not work.

Test Step 2: MXU front      If the Power On LED is lite, and   Contact the Gateway to determine the
panel “Line n LED” does     the MXU phone pickup is heard,     repair procedure. NOTE: The MXU
not light when the MXU      and the modem tone is heard, but   probably can still be initialized and
picks up the phone          the Line LED is not lite,          made operational.
                            Probably a bad LED
Test Step 3: No modem       If the Power On LED is lite, and   Contact the Gateway to determine the
tone occurs, (may take up   the MXU phone pickup is heard,     repair procedure. NOTE: Without the
to 1 minute).               and the Line LED is lite,          NOMAD MXU modem the unit can not
                            but no Modem tone.                 be controlled remotely.
                            Probably a bad MXU modem
Test Step 4: The Line n     PSTN non hanging up.               Disconnect the telephone line at the
LED does not go out                                            MXU and verify the Line “n” LED goes
when the test phone is                                         out. If so there is a PSTN problem,
hung up.

6.3 Antenna Line Problems

                          NOMAD MXU ANTENNA SERVICE PROBLEMS

Problem(s)                  Possible Cause(s)                  Solution(s)

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APPENDIX “A” –User Site, Pre Installation Check List
PURPOSE: The purpose of this checklist is to prevent problems during the installation phase. This
checklist is not an installation guide, it should be completed before the NOMAD MXU equipment arrives
on site. Figure A1 below is a summary of the checklist.

                          Check 2: Determine location of the antennas                                                            Lighting Rod
                             ( Clear Line of Sight, Horizon to Horizon)

                              Check 3: Length of Outside Antenna Coax

                              Check 4: Length of Inside Coax

 Check 1: Determine location of the console
 (+15 oC to +35 oC, Max 80% Relative Humidity, Non-Condensing)
                                                                                                                                                    Check 5, Type of PSTN Connectors (RJ11)
                                                                                                Console                                             Check 6, Verify phone lines are 2 wire analog
 Check 12, Null Modem Cable available
                                                                       Line 1

                                                                       Line 2
                                                                                        Channel 1

                                                                                        Channel 2
                                                                                                                                                    Check 7, Verify phone line with Modem call to Gateway
                                                                       Line 3                         Power
                                                                                        Channel 3
                                                                       Line 4                           Init iate
                                                                                          Channel 1     Power
                                              Control I nt erf ace
                                                                                Ready                 Sequenc e

                Monitor                                                                                                                               To
                Station                                                                                                                               Local
                                       , Null Modem Cable                                                                                             PSTN
                                   (RS232, Customer Furnished)

                                                                                                                                                              Check 8: Verify correct power
                                                                                                                                                              Check 9: Verify power outlet is grounded
                                                                                                                                 Power Cord     Example:
 Check 11, Monitor Station Requirements                                                                                                         50/60 HZ

                                                                     Check 10, Verify correct power cord has been ordered.

                                                                                                        Typical User MXU Installation.

             Check 1: Determine the environment of the NOMAD MXU console will be
                     +15oC to +35oC and a maximum 80% relative humidity , non-condensing. ______

             Check 2: Location of Antennas
                     Clear line of sight, Horizon to Horizon___________________________________

             Check 3: Verify an 8 meter outside antenna coax (W1) is of sufficient length___________
                     If the length is not sufficient, see Appendix “B”.

             Check 4: Verify 1.5 meter inside antenna coax (W2) is of sufficient length_____________
                     If the length is not sufficient, see Appendix “B”

             Check 5, Verify local PSTN Connections will accept PJ11 type plugs_________________
                     Cables supplied with the MXU, have RJ11 plugs on each end.
                     If the PSTN receptacles are not RJ11 types, adapters have to be procured by the user.

             Check 6: Verify all four sets of phone lines are 2 wire analog_________________________

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             If not the MXU will not function.

     Check 7: Verify all four phone lines, can make modem calls between the users location and
              the Gateway. ________________________________________________________
             If not, the MXU can not be controlled from the gateway and must be configured
             at the factory.

     Check 8: Verify the Power Voltage is 90 to 135 VAC, 47 to 63Hz,: or,
             180 to 265VAC, 47 to 63 Hz____________________________________________
             if one of these two voltages is not available, the MXU will not work.

             If the outlet is not properly grounded, have the electrician replace it.

     Check 10 Verify the correct AC Power Cord has been ordered_________________________
             If a power cord was not specified, the user will receive the power cord
             illustrated below.

                    Connector                                                 To Wall Outlet

                                                                                                   Wide Blade

                                                                         Narrow Blade             Building
                                                                         110VAC_High              Ground

             The correct power cord is the responsibility of the user. A possible source of power
             cords can be contacted at the following website. http://www.panelcomponents.com

MONITOR STATION (Optional, User Supplied)
     Check 11, Verify the configuration of the Monitor Station PC (user supplied) ____________
             IBM compatible a Pentium class PC
             at least 50 MB of free disk space,
             Microsoft NT 4.0 installed
             NT Service Pack Three installed
             CDROM drive (required to install the NOMAD MCM program)_______________

     Check 12: Verify, Null Modem Cable per following schematic. (user supplied)___________

                       Transmit Data (2)                    (2) Transmit Data
                        Receive Data (3)                    (3) Receive Data
                    Request To Send (7)                     (7) Request To Send
                       Clear To Send (8)                    (8) Clear To Send
                      Data Set Ready (6)                    (6) Data Set Ready
                              Ground (5)                    (5) Ground
                  Data Carrier Detect (1)                   (1) Data Carrier Detect
                 Data Terminal Ready (4)                    (4) Data Terminal Ready

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APPENDIX “B” – Coax Cable Options


                                                                               8 m (26.2 ft)                                  Polyphaser                         1.5 m (4.9 ft)
                                                                               LMR-400 or                                                                        LMR-240
                          Jack                                                                                        Type N                Type N                                       TNC
                                                  Plug     Jack (Bulk Head)
                            TNC                                                                                     Plug Jack             Jack Plug                                   Plug Jack
                          Plug           W3                                           W1                                        SURGE
                                        0.1 dB                                        1.5 dB                                                                           0.5 dB
                                                     0.1 dB                                                                     0.1 dB
                 0.3 m (1 ft.)

                                                                                                                                         Earth for
                                                                                                                                    Lighting Protection

                                                         Summary, Standard Length / Type Cables
                                                           Antenna Component                        Length                                 Db Loss
                                                           W3 Antenna Leadin                        0.3 Meters (1 ft)                      0.1 dB
                                                           Outside Coax Connector                                                          0.1 dB
                                                           W1 Outside coax                          8.0 Meters (26 ft)                     1.5 dB
                                                           Lighting Surge Protector                                                        0.1 dB
                                                           W2 Inside Coax                           1.5 Meters (5 ft)                      0.5
                                                           Totals                                   9.8 Meters or 32 Feet                  2.3 db Loss

Figure B1: Standard cable lengths as shipped with the NOMAD MXU.

                                                                                       W1A + W1B must total less than 1.5 dB of loss.

                                                  Type of coax depends on the length                       Polyphaser               Type of coax depends on the length
                                   Type N                                                                 IS-CLF50LN
                                                                                                  Type N                  Type N                            Type N
   Jack                          Plug                                                                                                                                                       TNC
                                        Jack (Bulk Head)                                       Plug    Jack             Jack Plug              Jack (Bulk Head) Plug
          TNC                                                                                                                                                                              Plug Jack
      Plug          W3                                                W1-A                                    SURGE                     W1-B                                 W2
                                                                                                              PROT.                                                                                           MXU
                   0.1 dB                                                                                                                                                    0.5 dB
                                    0.1 dB                                                                     0.1 dB
 0.3 m (1 ft.)                                                                                                                                                                                          Plu
                                                                                                                                                      Bulk head connector to be used as the
                                                                                                                      Earth for                             anchor for the strain relief.
                                                                                                                 Lighting Protection

                                         Non - Standard Length / Type Cables
                                          Antenna Component                           Length                                     dB Loss
                                          W3 Antenna Lead-in                          0.3 Meters (1 ft) NOTE 1                   0.1 dB
                                          Outside Coax Connector                                                                 0.1 dB
                                          W1 = W1A + W1B ( NOTE 2)                  X Meters                  NOTE 3             1.5 dB
                                          Lighting Surge Protector                                                               0.1 dB
                                          W2 Inside Coax                              1.5 Meters (5 ft) NOTE 1                   0.5
                                          Totals                                         X + 1.8 Meters                           2.3 dB Loss

                    NOTE 1: Supplied coax cables W3 and W2 must be used in the installation to serve as strain
                    reliefs; else, damage to the antenna or the antenna connections on the MXU will occur..
                      NOTE 2: Depending on the installation, W1 and or W3 may be too short. If so, custom coax cable
                      W1, or two custom cables W1A and W1B, may be procured from a cable vendor.
                      NOTE 3: The allowable length of the W1 cable, or W1A + W1B cables, is based on dB loss.
                      The total dB loss through W1, or W1A + W1B, and related connectors and adapters must be less
                      than 1.5 dB.

Figure B2: Custom cable lengths to be ordered by the user.

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Document Created: 1999-02-12 15:50:38
Document Modified: 1999-02-12 15:50:38

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