User Manual

FCC ID: MG38881-R

Users Manual

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     Getting Started   NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

     Remote control                                                # Button                Description
                                                                                           Press to turn on your TV. Press again to put your TV in standby mode.
                                                                   1       (power)         When your TV is in standby mode, power still flows through it. To
                                                                                           completely disconnect power, unplug the power cord.
                                                                                           Press to control a DVD player. You must program the remote control
                                                                   2 DVD                   before this button works. For more information, see “Programming your
                                                                                           universal Insignia remote control” on page 27.
                                                                   3 TV                    Press to put the remote in TV mode.
                                                                   4 APPS                  Press to open the Apps screen in the on-screen menu.
                                                                   5 TiVo                  Press to open the on-screen menu.

                                                                   6 GUIDE                 Press to open the program guide. For more information, see “Displaying
                                                                                           additional information” on page 35.
                                                                   7 SELECT                Press to confirm selections or changes.
                                                                   8   !"#$                Press to move left, right, up, or down in on-screen menus.
                                                                                           Press to select the aspect ratio. For more information, see “Adjusting the
                                                                   9   ZOOM                video settings” on page 40.
                                                                  10 EXIT                  Press to close the on-screen menu.
                                                                                           Press to decrease the thumbs rating by 1 thumb.
                                                                                           In the channel list, press to remove a highlighted channel from the
                                                                  11       (thumbs down)   favorite list.
                                                                                           In the on-screen keyboard, press to switch to lowercase letters.
                                                                  12 VOL+/VOL–             Press to increase or decrease the volume.
                                                                                           Press to open the favorite channel list. For more information, see
                                                                  13 FAV                   “Setting up the channel and favorite channel lists” on page 63 and
                                                                                           “Viewing a favorite channel” on page 64.
                                                                  14 MUTE                  Press to mute the sound. Press again to restore the sound.
                                                                                           Press to enter slow motion playback in TV VOD mode (watching Netflix
                                                                                           and CinemaNow) or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or DVR. For
                                                                                           more information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote
                                                                  15        /SLOW          control” on page 27.
                                                                                           Press to turn the video window on or off. For more information, see
                                                                                           “Turning the video window on or off” on page 43.
                                                                                           Press to jump back eight seconds in TV VOD mode (watching Netflix and
                                                                  16                       CinemaNow) or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or DVR. For
                                                                            (replay)       more information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote
                                                                                           control” on page 27.
                                                                                           Press to pause playback in TV VOD mode (watching Netflix and
                                                                                           CinemaNow) or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or DVR. For
                                                                  17        (pause)        more information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote
                                                                                           control” on page 27.


                                                                                                                                      NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                             Getting Started

# Button                   Description                                                                     # Button                   Description
                           Press to fast-reverse in TV VOD mode (watching Netflix and CinemaNow)                                      Press to change channels. For more information, see “Selecting a
                           or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or DVR. For more                    32 CH!/CH"                 channel” on page 34.
18        (fast-reverse)   information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote control”                                      Press to see the list of all the recorded programs in a DVR/STB that is set
                           on page 27.                                                                                                up with your remote control. You need to program the remote control to
                                                                                                           33 LIST/DVR
                           Press to stop playback in TV VOD mode (watching Netflix and                                                control connected devices. For more information, see “Programming
19                         CinemaNow) or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or DVR. For                                         your universal Insignia remote control” on page 27.
      (stop)               more information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote
                           control” on page 27.                                                            34 LAST                    Press to go to the last viewed channel in TV mode.
                           Press to start playback in TV VOD mode (watching Netflix and                                               Press to jump forward to the next segment in TV VOD mode (watching
                           CinemaNow) or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or DVR. For              35                         Netflix and CinemaNow) or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or
20 $ (play)                                                                                                             (advance)     DVR. For more information, see “Programming your universal Insignia
                           more information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote
                           control” on page 27.                                                                                       remote control” on page 27.
21 CLEAR                   Press to clear character input in the on-screen keyboard.                                                  Press to fast-forward in TV VOD mode (watching Netflix and
                                                                                                           36                         CinemaNow) or when using a DVD player, Blu-ray player, or DVR. For
                           Press to select Audyssey Dynamic Volume, SRS TruSurround HD, Audio                        (fast-forward)   more information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote
22 AUDIO                   Only, Treble, Bass, or Balance. For more information, see “Manually                                        control” on page 27.
                           adjusting audio settings” on page 44.                                                                      In DVR mode, press to record a program. You need to program the
                           Press to adjust the video settings. For more information, see “Adjusting        37      (record)           remote control to record from the DVR. For more information, see
23 PICT                    the video settings” on page 40.                                                                            “Programming your universal Insignia remote control” on page 27.
                           Press to control a set-top box. You must program the remote control                                        Provides an enhanced interface for attached device (such as a DVR),
24 STB                     before this button works. For more information, see “Programming your           38 A B C D                 Internet applications, and TiVi search features.
                           universal Insignia remote control” on page 27.                                                             Press to enter channel numbers, the parental control password, or
                           Press to control auxiliary devices, such as amplifiers or receivers. You                                   characters.
                           must program the remote control before this button works. You need to           39 Numbers
                                                                                                                                      When programming the remote control, press to enter device and
25 AUX                     program the remote control to control connected devices. For more                                          programming codes.
                           information, see “Programming your universal Insignia remote control”
                           on page 27.                                                                                                Press to enter a digital sub-channel number in Live TV mode.
                                                                                                           40 SLEEP/—                 In other modes, press to set the sleep timer. You can select Cancel, 5,
                           Press to open the input source list, then press ! or " to cycle through                                    10, 15, 30, 60, 90 minutes and 2, 3, 4 hours. For more information, see
26 INPUT                   the available input sources. For more information, see “Selecting the                                      “Setting the sleep timer” on page 76.
                           video input source” on page 33.
                                                                                                           41 ENTER                   Press to confirm selections or changes.
27 LIVE                    In menu mode, press to return to full-screen video TV mode.
                                                                                                           42 CC                      Press to turn closed captioning on or off. For more information, see
                           Press to display TV status information, such as the channel number,                                        “Using closed captioning” on page 71.
                           channel name (if available), or signal source. For more information, see
                           “Displaying additional information” on page 35.
                           In the channel list, press to rename the highlighted channel. For more
                           information, see “Setting up the channel and favorite channel lists” on
                           page 63.
29 MENU                    Press to open the on-screen menu.
                           Press to increase the thumbs rating by 1 thumb.
30       (thumbs up)       In the channel list, press to add a highlighted channel to the favorite list.
                           In the on-screen keyboard, press to switch to uppercase letters.
                           Press to access the VOD (video on demand) on-screen menu to watch
31 VOD                     video services offered through your connected TV, such as Netflix,
                           CinemaNow, etc.


     Getting Started       NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

     Using the remote control                                                              Making connections
     Installing the remote control batteries                                               Connecting the power
           To install the remote control batteries:                                             To connect the power:
           1 While pressing the release button on the battery                                   • Plug the
              compartment cover on the back of the remote, lift the                               power cord on
              cover off the remote.                                                               back of your
                                                                                                  TV into a
                                                                                                  power outlet.

                                                                                                            •    Make sure that you use the correct type of
                                                                                                                 power. See the label on your TV.
                                                                                                            •    If you do not intend to use your TV for an
                                                                                                                 extended period of time, unplug the power
                                                                                                                 cord from the power outlet.

           2 Insert two AA batteries into the battery compartment.
             Make sure that you match the + and – symbols on the
             batteries with the + and – symbols in the battery
           3 Replace the battery cover.
                             •    Batteries should not be exposed to
                                  excessive heat, such as sunshine, heat
                                  registers, or fire.
                             •    Battery chemicals can cause a rash. If the
                                  batteries leak, clean the battery
                                  compartment with a cloth. If chemicals
                                  touch your skin, wash immediately.
                             •    Make sure that batteries are disposed of
                                  correctly. Do not burn or incinerate.


                                                                                                               NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                                     Getting Started

Turning on your TV for the                                                               3 Press ! or " to highlight Set up this TV, then press SELECT.
                                                                                           The Remote Control Connection screen opens.
first time
  Per Dana’s instructions, the graphics and text in this section                                             Welcome                                   A   for retail mode
  were based on comments for the QSG. Please verify if additional
  changes need to be made.                                                                   You are about to begin Guided Setup, which prepares the Insignia HD
                                                                                             TV for your use. This typically takes less than 10 minutes.
         Note                                                                                (If you skip Guided Setup now, you can set it up later by pressing TIVO
                Unless otherwise noted, all tasks in this section are                        and choosing Settings > Help > Reset this TV > Repeat Guided
                based on using the remote control.                                           Setup.)

  The first time you turn on your TV, the Setup Wizard opens. The
  Setup Wizard guides you through setting up basic settings. You
  can skip these settings or press EXIT, MENU, or LIVE on your                                     Set up this TV
  remote control to exit the wizard (except when a software                                        Skip for now
  update is in progress).
  To set up your TV:                                                                     4 Press        and         on your remote control to pair the remote
  1 Make sure that you have:                                                               control.
     • Installed the remote control batteries. (See page 16 for
     • Connected an antenna, cable TV, or satellite TV. (See                                                 Remote Control Connection
       page 17 for details.)
     • Connected to your home network, if available. (See                                    To set up your remote control to use RF (radio frequency) to
                                                                                             communicate with your TV, hold down the THUMBS UP and
       page 24 for details).                                                                 THUMBS DOWN buttons at the same time for 5 seconds. This will
     • Connected the power cord. (See page 16 for details.)                                  mean you won’t need to point the remote control directly at the TV.
  2 Press (power) to turn on your TV. The Welcome screen

                                                                                             Hold down the THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN buttons for 5 seconds
                                                                                             Cancel (use IR instead)


     Getting Started          NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

           5 The Network Setup screen opens. Press ! or " to highlight                                     7 If you connected to a network in Step 5 and a software
              your network connection type, then press SELECT and                                            update is available, the Update in Progress screen opens.
              follow the on-screen instructions to set up your network                                       Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software
              and run the network speed test.                                                                update.

                              Network Setup                                                                                   Update In Progress
                You are about to set up this TV to use your home network.                                            Preparing                (Done)
                If you have a wired network, please plug an Ethernet cable into the                                  Connecting               (Done)
                                                                                                                     Getting info             (Done)
                If you have a wireless network, DO NOT plug an Ethernet cable into                                   Disconnecting            (Done)
                the TV.
                                                                                                                     Loading info             (38% complete)

                    Set up wireless network
                    Use wired Ethernet instead
                    Skip this step, I don’t have a network                                                       Please wait...

           6 The Setup Channels screen opens. Press ! or " to highlight                                    8 The Date and Time Setup screen opens. Press ! or " to
              your signal type, then press ! or " to start the channel                                       highlight Use this date and time, then press SELECT.
              scan. If you use a cable or satellite TV box, you do not need                                  OR
              to scan for channels.
                                                                                                             Press ! or " to highlight Set date and time manually,
                                                                                                             then press ! or " and follow the on-screen instructions to
                                                                                                             set your time zone, daylight saving option, and date and
                              Set Up Channels                                                                time. The Congratulations screen opens.
               Your TV works with either cable or antenna channels. Select the TV
               signal you have connected to this TV. The TV will then begin scanning
               for channels, which may take up to 30 minutes.                                                                 Date and Time Setup
               Note: If you have cable, only scan for channels if you do NOT use a
               cable box. If you have a cable box (or satellite box), that box already
               has information about your channels, and you can skip this step.
                                                                                                                If the date and time are not correct, you may manually set them.
                                                                                                                The current date and time are:
                                                                                                                12/12/2010 at 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
                    Skip this step, don’t scan for channels

                                                                                                                    Use this date and time
                                                                                                                    Set date and time manually


                                                                                                                NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                       Getting Started

 9 The Congratulations screen opens. Press TiVo to enjoy your
   new TV.
                                                                                       Programming your universal Insignia remote
                    Congratulations!                                                                      To use the on-screen setup for your remote control,
                                                                                                          the remote control must be in RF mode. For more
                                                                                                          information, see “Setting up your Z-Wave remote
     You TV is now set up.                                                                                control” on page 102.
     Press TIVO at any time to access the TV’s menu and On Demand shows.
     Press LIVE at any time to watch television.                                       Programming the mode buttons
     Enjoy your new TV!                                                                     In R3 comments, Dana said to add “DVR” in the following
                                                                                            paragraph. Vendor says to remove it. Please advise.
                                                                                            You can program the mode buttons on your TV remote control
           Press TIVO to continue
                                                                                            (DVD, STB, DVR, or AUX) to control the corresponding device
                                                                                            using your TV remote control.
                                                                                            To program the mode buttons:
                                                                                            1 Press TiVo. The Home screen opens. Press ! or " to select
10 If you skipped the channel scan in Step 6 because you are                                   Settings, then press $ or SELECT.
   using a cable or satellite TV box, select the video input
   source for your TV. See “Selecting the video input source” on                            2 Press ! or " to highlight Settings, then press $ or SELECT.
   page 33.


                                                                                                           Connect to the Internet
                                                                                                                                               Parental Controls
                                                                                                                                               Check for updates
                                                                                                                                               Account & system info
                                                                                                                                               Sleep timer


     Getting Started       NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

           3 Press ! or " to highlight Devices, then press $ or SELECT.                                  5 Press ! or " to highlight the mode button on your remote
                                                                                                           control that you want to program (DVD, STB, DVR, or AUX),
                                                                                                           then press $ or SELECT. In R3 comments, Dana said to add
                           Settings                                                                        DVR. Vendor says to delet it. Please advise.

                  Appearance                INlink HDMI control                     10:00 PM
                                                                                                                          Remote Control Setup
                  Audio                     Input sensor
                  Channels & providers      Remote control setup
                                                                                                                    DVD button
                  Devices                   TV power On                                                                                                                                         10:00 PM
                                                                                                                    STB button
                  Network                   Reset device settings                                                                                                                Set up the DVD button on your
                                                                                                                    AUX button
                  Recommendations                                                                                                                                                remote to control your device.
                                                                                                                    Power button
                                                                                                                    Volume button
                                                                                                                    Reset all remote settings

           4 Press ! or " to highlight Remote control setup, then press
              $   or SELECT.

                                                                                                         6 Press ! or " to highlight the device you want to control
                           Settings                                                                        with the button you are programming, then press $ or
                                                                                                           SELECT and follow the on-screen instructions.
               Appearance                INlink HDMI control                        10:00 PM
               Audio                     Input sensor
               Channels & providers                                 Set up the remote control to                          Step 1: Select Device
                                         Remote control setup       control the devices that you use                       Remote Control Setup (DVD button)
               Devices                   TV power on                with this TV, like your cable box,
                                                                                                            Select the device you would like to control when you press the DVD
               Network                   Reset device settings      DVR, or DVD player.
                                                                                                            button on the remote controls.                                                      10:00pm



                                                                                                                      NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                                  Getting Started

7 Repeatedly press $ to highlight the list of brands, press ! or                             10 Press ! or " to highlight Yes, continue, then press SELECT.
  " to highlight the brand of your device, then press SELECT.                                    The following screen opens.
  Vendor said to move the following note to follow step 8. But
  this note applies to brands as well as models. So it seems
  that is should stay with the step it first applies to. Please                                                   Step 4: Test Setup
  advise.                                                                                                          Remote Control Setup (DVD button)

                                                                                                  Did the device turn OFF ?
          Note                                                                                                                                                                          10:00pm
                                                                                                  To confirm that the remote fully controls the DVD (or other device),
                 You can narrow down the brand or model number                                    turn ON the device and then try the following buttons on the remote control:
                 list by entering the first one or two letters or numbers
                 of your device brand and model number using the                                  1. Play
                 on-screen keyboard.                                                              2. Stop

                                                                                                  Does the remote reliably control the device?
8 Repeatedly press $ to highlight the list of models, press ! or
  " to highlight the model number of your device, then press
  SELECT.                                                                                              Yes, continue
9 Follow the on-screen instruction to test the remote control
  on the device.
                                                                                             11 Press ! or " to highlight the input jack you want to assign to
                                                                                                 this button, then press SELECT. When you press the mode
                        Step 4: Test Setup                                                       button, your TV switches to the input source you selected
                        Remote Control Setup (DVD button)
                                                                                                 for the device.
      Now we will test to see if the remote can control your DVD (or other
      device).                                                                  10:00pm          If you do not want to switch to the input source you selected
                                                                                                 for the device when you press the mode button, select
      1. Turn ON the DVD (or other device).                                                      I don’t want to automatically switch inputs, then press
      2. Point the remote at the DVD (or other device).                                          SELECT.
      3. The remote will try to turn the device OFF.

           Start test


     Getting Started            NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

              We changed the following graphic based on Dana’s                                             Programming the button lock
              comments. Vendor wants move HDMI1 up to the first item
              in the list and highlight it. Then move Component to just                                         You can use the button lock to assign the power and volume
              above VGA. Please advise if additional changes need to be                                         controls to the device you select, regardless of the operating
              made.                                                                                             mode. For example, if you lock the volume to your DVD player,
                                                                                                                then go to TV mode and press a volume button on your
                                                                                                                remote, the volume will change on the DVD player instead of
                                                                                                                on your TV.
                               Step 5: Select Input
                               Remote Control Setup (DVD button)                                                       Note
                                                                                                                              Before you program the button lock, you need to
               If the DVD (or other device) is connected to one of the inputs of this TV,                                     program the mode buttons. For more information,
               the TV will automatically change to that input when you press the DVD            10:00pm
                                                                                                                              see “Programming the mode buttons” on page 27.
               button on the remote control.

                    Component [Component]                                                                       To program the button lock:
                    HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]                                                                             1 Press TiVo. The Home screen opens. Press ! or " to select
                    HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]                                                                                Settings, then press $ or SELECT.
                    HDMI 3 [HDMI 3]
                    HDMI 4 [HDMI 4]                                                                             2 Press ! or " to highlight Settings, then press $ or SELECT.
                    VGA [VGA]
                    I don’t want to automatically switch inputs

          12 Press SELECT to select OK and exit the remote control                                                       Home
              setup.                                                                                                                                                                    10:00pm

                                                                                                                               Connect to the Internet          Parental Controls
                               Setup Complete!
                               Remote Control Setup (DVD button)                                                                                                Check for updates
                                                                                                                                                                Account & system info
               The DVD button on your remote is now successfully set up to control the
                                                                                                10:00 PM                                                        Help
               DVD (or other device) connected to HDMI 1 [HDMI 1] on this TV.
                                                                                                                                                                Sleep timer



                                                                                                                     NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                           Getting Started

3 Press ! or " to highlight Devices, then press $ or SELECT.                                  5 Press ! or " to highlight the button on your remote control
                                                                                                that you want to lock (power or volume), then press $ or

       Appearance                INlink HDMI control                                                             Remote control setup
                                                                         10:00 PM
       Audio                     Input sensor
       Channels & providers      Remote control setup                                                  DVD button                                                                        10:00 PM
       Devices                   TV power On                                                           STB button
                                                                                                                                                                         Set up the power button on the
       Network                   Reset device settings                                                 AUX button                                                        remote to control your devices.

       Recommendations                                                                                 Power button
                                                                                                       Volume button                                                     Current Settings:
       Video                                                                                                                                                             AUX, DVD
                                                                                                       Reset all remote settings

4 Press ! or " to highlight Remote control setup, then press
  $   or SELECT.
                                                                                              6 Press ! or " to highlight the device you want the locked
                                                                                                button to control, then press $ or SELECT to return to the
                 Settings                                                                       Remote Control Setup menu or previous screen.
      Appearance              INlink HDMI control                                                            You can assign more than one device for the power
                                                                         10:00 PM
      Audio                                                                                                  button to control (TV is the default selected).
                              Input sensor                                                                   Highlight Use these settings, then press SELECT
                                                         Set up the remote control to
      Channels & providers    Remote control setup                                                           after adding the devices.
                                                         control the devices that you use
      Devices                 TV power on                with this TV, like your cable box,
      Network                 Reset device settings      DVR, or DVD player.

                                                                                                                 Setup Power Button
      Video                                                                                                      Remote Control Setup
                                                                                                  Choose all of the devices you want to turn on and off when you press
                                                                                                  the power button on the remote control while it is in TV mode.

                                                                                                       Use these settings
                                                                                                       Set-top box


     Getting Started      NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

     Resetting all the remote settings                                                        4 Press ! or " to highlight Remote control setup, then press
                                                                                                 $ or   SELECT.
           You can reset the remote control to the factory defaults. This
           will clear all the programming and button lock settings.
           To reset all the remote settings:                                                                  Settings
           1 Press TiVo. The Home screen opens. Press ! or " to select
              Settings, then press $ or SELECT.                                                   Appearance                 INlink HDMI control                     10:00 PM
           2 Press ! or " to highlight Settings, then press $ or SELECT.                          Audio                      Input sensor
                                                                                                                                                     Set up the remote control to
                                                                                                  Channels & providers       Remote control setup    control the devices that you use
                                                                                                  Devices                    TV power on             with this TV, like your cable box,
                                                                                                  Network                    Reset device settings   DVR, or DVD player.

                       Home                                                                       Video

                        Connect to the Internet
                                                           Parental Controls
                                                           Check for updates                  5 Press ! or " to highlight Reset all remote settings, then
                                                           Account & system info                 press $ or SELECT.
                                                           Sleep timer
                                                                                                              Remote Control Setup

           3 Press ! or " to highlight Devices, then press $ or SELECT.                                                                                              10:00 PM
                                                                                                     DVD button
                                                                                                                                                      Resets the entire
                                                                                                     STB button                                       remote settings
                           Settings                                                                  AUX button                                       to factory defaults.
                                                                                                     Power button
                 Appearance                 INlink HDMI control                    10:00 PM
                                                                                                     Volume button
                 Audio                      Input sensor                                             Backlight

                 Channels & providers       Remote control setup                                     Reset all remote settings

                 Devices                    TV power On
                 Network                    Reset device settings
                 Recommendations                                                              6 Press ! or " to highlight Yes, reset all remote settings,
                 Video                                                                          then press SELECT.
                                                                                                Vendor said to add step 7, but it is the same as step 6. Is this
                                                                                              7 Press ! or " to highlight Yes, reset all remote settings,
                                                                                                then press SELECT.


                                                                                                        NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                      Getting Started

Understanding the basics                                                                 2 Press ! or " to highlight a video input source, then press
                                                                                            SELECT. You can select:
                                                                                              • TV
Turning your TV on or off                                                                     • HDMI 1
                                                                                              • HDMI 2
    To turn your TV on and off:
                                                                                              • HDMI 3
    1 Make sure that the power cord is already connected to a
       power outlet.                                                                          • HDMI 4
                                                                                              • Component/Composite (to select a component or
    2 Press (power) to turn on your TV. The power indicator LED                                 composite device)
       turns blue.
                                                                                              • VGA
    3 Press (power) again to turn off your TV. Your TV enters
       Standby mode and the power indicator turns red or purple,                    Navigating menus and using the on-screen
       depending on the TV power on mode you select. For more
       information, see “Setting the TV power on mode” on                           keyboard
       page 89.
                                                                                    Navigating the menus
                  When your TV is off, power still flows into it. To                                             Press to open the menu.
                  disconnect power, unplug the power cord.
                                                                                                                 Press $ to move the cursor on the
                                                                                                                 screen, adjust a selected item, or
           Note                                                                                                  enter a setting.
                  If your TV does not detect a signal and you do not                                             Press # to move the cursor on the
                  press any buttons for several minutes, your TV goes                                            screen, adjust a selected item, or
                  into Standby mode automatically.                                                               return to the previous screen.

Selecting the video input source
    To select the video input source:
    1 Turn on your TV, then press INPUT on the remote control.                                                                                                           Did you know?
                                                                                                                 Press to select menu items.
       The input source list opens.                                                                                                                                      Insignia has a variety of
                                                                                                                                                                         high-quality speaker
                                                                                                                                                                         systems for your new TV.
                                      HDMI 1
                                      HDMI 2
                                                                                                                 Press to confirm your selections or
                                      HDMI 3                                                                     enter a sub-menu.
                                      HDMI 4
                                                                                                                 Press to return to the previous

                                                                                                                 Press to close the menu.


     Getting Started                NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

     Using the on-screen keyboard                                                                           To use the remote control shortcuts:
           The keyboard screen lets you create custom labels (names) for                                       • Press     on your remote control to add one space to the
           input sources or channels.                                                                            right of the cursor in the text entry area.
                                                                                                               • Press     on your remote control to delete one character
                                                                                                                 to the left of the cursor in the text entry area.
                            Name HDMI 4
                                                                                                               • Press      on your remote control to switch to ABC mode.
           Enter a name for the input and then press RIGHT to choose Done entering name.                       • Press on your remote control to switch to abc mode.
            HD TV__                                                                         10:00 PM
                                                                                                               • Press number buttons on your remote control to enter
                                                                Done entering name                               numbers in the text entry area.

                                                                                                       Selecting a channel
                                                                                                            To select a channel:
                                                                                                               • Press CH! or CH" to go to the next higher or lower
            Shortcuts:   Space   Delete    Uppercase     Lowercase     Enter numbers                             channel in the channel list.
                                                                                                               • Press the number buttons to enter the channel number
                                                                                                                 you want, then wait for the channel to change or press
           To use the on-screen keyboard:                                                                        SELECT to immediately change the channel.
              • Press !"# or $ to highlight a character, then press                                            • To select a digital sub-channel, press the number buttons
                SELECT to enter the character in the text entry area.                                            to select the main digital channel, press — (dash), then
              • Highlight CLR, then press SELECT to clear the text entry                                         press the number button for the sub-channel. Wait for the
                area.                                                                                            channel to change, or press SELECT to immediately
              • Highlight DEL, then press SELECT to delete one character                                         change the channel. For example, to tune to channel 5-1,
                to the left of the cursor in the text entry area.                                                press 5, — (dash), then 1.
              • Highlight SPC, then press SELECT to add one space to the                                       • Press LAST to go to the last viewed channel.
                right of the cursor in the text entry area.                                                    • Press FAV to open the favorite channel list, press ! or " to
              • Highlight ABC, then press SELECT to change all keyboard                                          highlight a channel, then press SELECT.
                characters to uppercase. The ABC key changes to abc.                                                     Note
              • Highlight abc, then press SELECT to change all keyboard                                                         If a list has more than one page, press !
                characters to lowercase.The abc key changes to ABC.                                                             or " to scroll through the pages.
              • Highlight SYM, then press SELECT to replace the
                characters with symbols. The SYM key changes to ABC or
                abc, depending on the character mode you were in
                before you entered symbol mode.


                                                                                 NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11   Getting Started

Adjusting the volume
   To adjust the volume:
      • Press VOL+ or VOL– to increase or decrease the volume.
      • Press MUTE to turn off the sound. Press MUTE again to
        turn the sound back on.

Displaying additional information
   To view channel information:
      • Press INFO to view an information banner. The information
        banner shows the current program information such as
        channel number, video input source, and resolution.
         • Digital channel information—Displays the channel
           number, station name, channel label, broadcast
           program name, TV rating, signal type, audio
           information, resolution, CC mode, current time, and
           current program start and end times.
         • Analog channel information—Displays channel
           number, channel label (if available), signal type, audio
           information, and resolution.
      • Press GUIDE to show the digital program guide, which
        may list available programs, program times, and program
        summaries, depending on the information provided by the


      Appendix    NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

      Setting up your Z-Wave                                                                2 Press and hold    and on the remote control for about
                                                                                              five seconds. The Remote Control Setup Complete screen
                                                                                              opens and the remote control LED blinks four times.
      remote control
           Per Dana, no additional changes should be made to the
           Z-Wave remote control section.
           The remote control that came with your TV is different from a
                                                                                                  Set up a New Remote Control
           traditional IR remote control. Using Z-Wave technology, your                           Hold down the and buttons at the same
           remote control allows RF communication with your TV. You do                            time for 5 seconds to set up your new remote control
           not have to point the remote control toward the remote                                 to work with this TV.
           control sensor on the front of your TV.
                                                                                                     Press any button on the TV to cancel.
      Adding your remote control to the TV
      Z-Wave network
           To turn on the RF communication between your TV and the
           remote control, you have to add the remote control to the
           Z-Wave network first.                                                            3 Press SELECT to complete the setup. You can now use the
                    Note                                                                      RF communication between the remote control and your
                           The remote control’s basic command is set to                       TV.
                           Simple AV Control command class. It is used
                           to control an AV device in a Z-Wave network
                           which is used for IR remote replacement.

           To add your remote control to your TV Z-Wave network                                         Remote Control Setup Complete
           (TV as Primary Controllor):                                                                  The TV now recognizes your new remote control.
           1 Press and hold VOL and VOL on the front of your TV at
              the same time. The Set up a New Remote Control screen


                                                                                                              To add other Z-Wave devices to your TV
                                                                                                              Z-Wave network, perform Step 1 above, then
                                                                                                              follow the instructions in the user manual of
                                                                                                              that device to complete the setup.


                                                                                                        NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11             Appendix

Toggling between IR and RF communication                                      2 Press and hold   and on the remote control for about five
                                                                                seconds. The Z-Wave Device Removed screen opens.
   Once your remote control is added to the TV ZWave network,
                                                                              3 Press SELECT to complete the removal. The remote control
   you can use Z-Wave RF communication to control your TV.
   However, you can also switch to IR communication, which                      is removed from the TV Z-Wave network, and RF
   requires you to point the remote control toward the remote                   communication is not available.
   control sensor when you try to control your TV.                                      Note
   RF communication with your TV does not require you to point                                 •   To enable RF communication, you have
   the remote control toward the remote control sensor on the                                      to add the remote control to the Z-Wave
                                                                                                   network again.
   front of your TV. Also your remote control and TV can talk to                               •   To remove other Z-Wave devices from
   each other which will help with setting up your Insignia                                        your TV ZWave network, perform Step 1
   Universal remote to work with other home theater devices.                                       above, then follow the instructions in
                                                                                                   the user manual of that device to
   To toggle between IR and RF communication:                                                      complete the removal.

   • If you are using RF communication, press and hold and
     EXIT at the same time. The remote control switches to IR            Resetting your TV Z-Wave network
     mode and the LED blinks four times.                                      To reset your TV Z-Wave network:
   • If you are using IR communication, press and hold and EXIT               1 Press and hold VOL , VOL , and CH on the front of
     at the same time. The remote control switches to RF mode                    your TV at the same time. The Reset Z-Wave Network? screen
     and the LED blinks twice.                                                   opens.

Removing your remote control from the TV
Z-Wave network                                                                       Reset Z-Wave Network?
   To remove your remote control from the TV Z-Wave                                   Warning: this will reset your Z-Wave network, and any
   network (TV as Primary Controllor):                                                devices you wish to use will need to be added again.
   1 Press and hold VOL and VOL on the front of your TV at
      the same time. The Remove a Z-WAVE Device screen opens.
                                                                                        Reset Z-Wave Network
          Remove a Z-WAVE Device?
          Go to your Z-Wave device and follow the instructions to
          remove it from your Z-Wave network.                                 2 Press ! or " to highlight Reset Z-Wave Network, then press

          Press any button on the TV to cancel.


      Appendix    NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

           3 Press SELECT to complete the reset.                                           To add your TV to other Z-Wave network:
                                                                                              • Refer to the user manual of the Z-Wave device (Primary
                                                                                                Controller) for programming information.
                                                                                              • When the Z-Wave device is in programming (setup)
                  Z-Wave Network Reset                                                          mode, press CH and CH on the TV at the same time
                  Your Z-Wave network has been successfully reset. Any                          to add your TV to the Z-Wave network.
                  devices you wish to use on the Z-Wave network must
                                                                                           To remove your TV from other Z-Wave network:
                  be added again.
                                                                                              • Refer to the user manual of the Z-Wave device (Primary
                                                                                                Controller) for programming information.
                                                                                              • When the Z-Wave device is in programming (setup)
                   OK                                                                           mode, press CH and CH on the TV at the same time
                                                                                                to remove your TV the Z-Wave network.

                                                                                     Z-Wave Terminology
                    Note                                                                   Primary Controller—This is the main device used to set up
                           After resetting your TV Z-Wave network, to                      and control your Z-Wave network. There can only be one
                           use your remote control, you have to switch
                           to IR communication or add the remote                           primary controller, and it must be used to add or delete
                           control to the TV Z-Wave network again to                       devices. A primary controller can be a portable device like a
                           enable RF communication.
                                                                                           hand-held remote control, a static controller (permanently
                           For more information, see “Toggling between
                           IR and RF communication” on page 103 or                         installed and never moved), a Z-Wave enabled PC, or a Z-Wave
                           “Adding your remote control to the TV                           enabled Ethernet router/bridge.
                           Z-Wave network” on page 102.
                                                                                           Secondary Controller—The Z-Wave network supports
                                                                                           multiple controllers so you can use additional Z-Wave remotes
      Managing other Z-Wave network (other                                                 throughout the home. If the secondary controller is the same
      Z-Wave device as Primary Controller)                                                 brand and model as the primary, it will have all of the same
                                                                                           capabilities as the primary with one exception; the secondary
           Your TV can be operated in another Z-Wave network with                          controller can not be used to add or delete devices.
           Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers or other                      Home Control Network—Your controllers and every Z-Wave
           applications. The different listening nodes within the network                  device you have added with the primary controller are linked
           can act as repeaters regardless of vendor.                                      together into a wireless network. Each device in your network
                                                                                           has a unique address assigned to it and cannot be activated by
                                                                                           your neighbor’s Z-Wave controller.
                                                                                           Node/Device—Node is the technical term used to describe a
                           To setup your Z-Wave network with other
                           devices, refer to the user manual of the                        Z-Wave device in your home control network. The terms
                           devices for more information.                                   “Node” and “Device” both refer to an individual Z-Wave
                                                                                           enabled device and are interchangeable within context of
                                                                                     Notes on Z-Wave network management
                                                                                           • Adding a node or device can also be referred to as including
                                                                                             a node or device. Removing a node or device can also be
                                                                                             referred to as excluding or deleting a node or device.

                                                                                                                    NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                Appendix

      • Every Z-Wave enabled device acts as a signal repeater and                       2 Enter 9 7 5. The LED blinks twice.
        multiple devices result in more possible transmission
        routes which helps eliminate “RF dead-spots.”                                          Notes
                                                                                                       •   If more than 10 seconds pass between button
                                                                                                           presses, the remote control exits programming.
Advanced remote control                                                                                •   If the LED displays one long flash instead,
                                                                                                           replace the batteries. If the remote control

programming                                                                                                continues to display one long flash, the remote
                                                                                                           control cannot learn a new button.

          Note                                                                          3 Press the mode button you want to learn functions on, then
                 To use the on-screen setup for your remote control,                      press the button on the Insignia remote you want to
                 the remote control must be in RF mode. For more                          program.
                 information, see “Setting up your Z-Wave remote
                 control” on page 102.                                                  4 Place your Insignia remote control head-to-head (about 2"
                                                                                          apart) from your original remote control (the one that came
Programming a learned button                                                              with the device).
   Your remote control includes a learning feature that lets you                        5 On the original remote, press and hold the button to be
   add functions that are unique to your home entertainment                               learned. Continue holding the button on the original remote
   devices (such as VCR tracking up or down). However, there are                          until the Insignia’s LED blinks twice.
   some considerations to keep in mind:                                                 6 Repeat Step 3 through 5 to program another button. After
   • Your original remote controls must be in working order for                           you have completed programming all the buttons you want,
     learning to work correctly.                                                          press and hold SELECT until the LED blinks twice to save all
   • Learned buttons are mode-specific, so each button can store a                        data learned.
     unique function for each mode.
   • Do not use the mode buttons or TiVo button.                                   Deleting a single learned button
   • Certain device functions are not learnable, including                              This process returns the button to its original programming for
     multi-frequency types, some high-frequency functions, and                          the mode you select. You can also delete learned programming
     other unusual formats.                                                             by teaching a different function to the button (see
   • When setting up learned buttons, avoid high levels of                              “Programming a learned button” on page 105).
     ambient light such as natural sunlight or energy efficient                                Notes
     fluorescent lights.                                                                               •   If more than 10 seconds pass between button
                                                                                                           presses, the remote control exits programming.
          Note                                                                                         •   If the LED displays one long flash instead,
                 Have your original remote controls handy before                                           replace the batteries. If the remote control
                 programming learning.                                                                     continues to display one long flash, the remote
                                                                                                           control cannot learn a new button.
   To program a learned button:
   1 Press and hold the A and D buttons at the same time until                          To delete a single learned button:
      the LED blinks twice, then release.                                               1 Press and hold the A and D buttons at the same time until
                                                                                           the LED blinks twice, then release.
                                                                                        2 Enter 9 7 6. The LED blinks twice.


      Appendix       NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

           3 Press the mode button that you want to remove the                                     To program a mode-independent macro:
                 learned button from, then press the button containing the                         1 Press and hold the A and D buttons at the same time until
                 learned function to be deleted, twice. The LED blinks twice                          the LED blinks twice, then release.
                 and programming ends.
                                                                                                   2 Enter 9 9 5. The LED blinks twice.
      Deleting all learned buttons in a specific                                                   3 Press the button you want to assign to a macro.
      mode                                                                                         4 Enter the series of commands you want the macro to
                                                                                                      execute (up to 32 commands).
                    Notes                                                                          5 Press and hold SELECT until the red LED blinks twice, then
                            •   If more than 10 seconds pass between button                           release.
                                presses, the remote control exits programming.
                            •   If the LED displays one long flash instead,                           When you press the preset macro button, the remote sends
                                replace the batteries. If the remote control                          the series of commands you have entered, regardless of
                                continues to display one long flash, the remote                       what mode you are in. For example, you could program a
                                control cannot learn a new button.
                                                                                                      macro button to turn on both your TV and cable box and
           To delete all learned buttons in a specific mode:                                          select a particular channel.
           1 Press and hold the A and D buttons at the same time until                                    Note
              the LED blinks twice, then release.                                                                To clear the macro, repeat Steps 1 through 5, but do
                                                                                                                 not enter a series of commands at Step 4.
           2 Enter 9 7 6. The LED blinks twice.
              In a previous review, Dana said to add “DVR” in the                                  To program a mode-dependent macro:
              following step. Vendor wants to delete it. Please advise.                            1 Press the device mode button (DVD, STB, DVR, or AUX).
           3 Press the mode button twice (for example, DVD, STB, DVR,                              2 Press and hold the A and D buttons at the same time until
              or AUX) to clear all the learned buttons for that mode. The                             the LED blinks twice, then release.
              LED blinks twice and programming ends.
                                                                                                   3 Enter 9 7 8. The LED blinks twice.
      Programming macros                                                                           4 Press the button you want to assign to a macro.
                                                                                                   5 Enter the series of commands you want the macro to
           Your can program any button (except the TiVo button) on your
           remote control with a macro function. Each button can be set                               execute (up to 32 commands).
           up to perform a pre-programmed set of sequential button                                 6 Press and hold SELECT until the red LED blinks twice, then
           presses with the press of a single button. You can use a macro                             release.
           to control a home theater operation, to set a favorite channel,                            When you press the macro button, the remote sends the
           or for other functions you want to control with one button                                 series of commands you have entered, but only if you are in
           press. Each macro button can hold up to 32 button presses.                                 the mode you selected in Step 1. For example, you could
           You can program two types of macros:                                                       program the macro button to turn on both your TV and
           • Mode-independent—Works in any mode.                                                      cable box and select a particular channel, but only if you
           • Mode-dependent—Works in a specific mode.                                                 are in TV mode. If you are in DVD mode, this button does
                                                                                                      not execute the macro you set up in TV mode.
                           Programming a new macro over an existing one                                   Note
                           erases the original macro.                                                            To clear the macro, repeat Steps 1 through 6, but do
                                                                                                                 not enter a series of commands at Step 4.


                                                                                                        NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11                Appendix

Controlling the remote                                                       3 Press ! or " to highlight Devices, then press $ or SELECT.

control backlight                                                                           Settings
    Your remote control has a backlight that can turn on when you
    press a button. You can set the amount of time your want the                   Appearance                INlink HDMI control                     10:00 PM
    backlight to stay on before it automatically turns off.                        Audio                     Input sensor
                                                                                   Channels & providers      Remote control setup
Turning the remote control backlight on or                                         Devices                   TV power On
off                                                                                Network                   Reset device settings
    To turn your remote control backlight on or off:                               Video
    1 Press and hold the A and D buttons at the same time until
       the power LED blinks twice, then release.
    2 Enter 9 7 2. If you are turning on the remote control
       backlight, the power LED blinks twice. If you are turning off         4 Press ! or " to highlight Remote control setup, then press
       the remote control backlight, the power LED blinks four                 $ or   SELECT.

Setting the remote control backlight delay                                                  Settings
    To set the remote control backlight delay:                                   Appearance               INlink HDMI control
    1 Press TiVo. The Home screen opens. Press ! or " to select                  Audio
                                                                                                                                                     10:00 PM

       Settings, then press $ or SELECT.                                                                  Input sensor
                                                                                                                                     Set up the remote control to
                                                                                 Channels & providers     Remote control setup       control the devices that you use
    2 Press ! or " to highlight Settings, then press $ or SELECT.                Devices                  TV power on                with this TV, like your cable box,
                                                                                 Network                  Reset device settings      DVR, or DVD player.


                Connect to the Internet    Parental Controls
                                           Check for updates
                                           Account & system info
                                           Sleep timer


      Appendix           NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

           5 Press ! or " to highlight Backlight, then press $ or
                 SELECT. Dana said not to change the following graphic.

                                   Remote control setup

                        DVD button                                                                                   10:00 PM
                        STB button
                                                                                                     Set the delay before the
                        AUX button                                                                   backlight on the remote
                        Power button                                                                 control automatically turns off.

                        Volume button                                                                Current Settings:
                                                                                                     3 seconds
                        Channel buttons
                        Reset all remote settings

           6 Press ! or " to highlight the amount of time you want the
                 backlight to stay on, then press $ or SELECT.

                                   Setup Backlight
                                   Remote Control Setup
                 Set the dealy before the backlight on the remote control automatically turns off.
                                                                                                                     10:00 PM
                        1 seconds
                        2 seconds
                        3 seconds
                        4 seconds
                        5 seconds
                        6 seconds
                        7 seconds
                        8 seconds
                        9 seconds
                        10 seconds


                                                 Legal Notices
Legal notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Two-year limited warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113


      Legal Notices         NS-32E859A11/NS-42E859A11

      Legal notices                                                                                    HDMI
                                                                                                              HDMI, the HDMI logo, and High-Definition Multimedia
                                                                                                              Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of
      FCC Part 15                                                                                             HDMI Licensing LLC.
            This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation of this product is subject   Audyssey
            to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,
            and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that            Audyssey Dynamic Volume™
            may cause undesired operation.
            This equipment has been tested and found to comply within the limits for a class B         Energy Star                                                           DYNAMIC VOLUME
            digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
            provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential                       To meet Energy Star requirements, keep TV settings at the
            installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy              factory default settings.
            and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
            interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
            interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
            harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by          SRS TruSurround HD
            turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the                                            is a trademark of SRS Labs, Inc. TruSurround HD technology is
            interference by one or more of the following measures:                                                                    incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc.
              • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                                                                           SRS TruSurround HD™ creates an immersive, feature-rich
              • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.                                                           surround sound experience from two speakers, complete with
              • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which                                        rich bass, high frequency detail and clear dialog.
                  the receiver is connected.
              • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.                     Disclaimer
           FCC ID Number Remote: MG38881-R                                                                    This Insignia product may contain content and/or services that belong to a third party.
           FCC ID Number TV: (working on getting this)                                                        Such third party content and/or service may only be used in compliance with the
                                                                                                              terms and conditions that govern such use. Unless expressly authorized by the
           Model Number: NS-32E859A11 & NS-42E859A11                                                          applicable third party's terms of use, you may not modify, copy, republish, upload,
                                                                                                              post, transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any
      FCC warning                                                                                             manner or medium any third party content or service displayed through the Insignia
            Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for                      All third party content or service is provided "as is." Third party content or service may
            compliance with the FCC Rules could void the user’s authority to operate this
            equipment.                                                                                        be terminated or interrupted at any time. Insignia has no control over the networks
                                                                                                              and transmission facilities that third party content and services are transmitted
      DHHS and FDA safety certification                                                                       through. Any question or request regarding third party content or services should be
                                                                                                              made directly to the applicable third party. INSIGNIA EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY
              •   This product is made and tested to meet safety standards of the FCC,                        RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY AVAILABILITY, INTERRUPTION OR SUSPENSION
                  requirements and compliance with safety performance of the U.S. Department                  OF ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT OR SERVICE MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE
                  of Health and Human Services, and also with FDA Radiation Performance                       INSIGNIA PRODUCT. INSIGNIA DOES NOT WARRANT OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION,
                  Standards 21 CFR Subchapter J.                                                              WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT THE SUBSTANCE, QUALITY, FUNCTIONALITY,
                                                                                                              ACCURACY, VALIDITY, TIMELINESS, SUITABILITY, AVAILABILITY, COMPLETENESS,
      RSS 310 statement                                                                                       FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER
                                                                                                              REPRESENTATION ABOUT SUCH CONTENT OR SERVICES. INSIGNIA EXPRESSLY
            To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain              DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,
            should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not            WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
            more than that permitted for successful communication.                                            UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, SHALL INSIGNIA BE LIABLE,
            Per Dana, need to add the open source information. She is                                         WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL
                                                                                                              OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ATTORNEY FEES, COSTS, EXPENSES, OR ANY OTHER
            currently working with the Legal department to implement.                                         DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF ANY THIRD PARTY
                                                                                                              CONTENT OR SERVICES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
                                                                                                       End User License agreement
                                                                                                              Please proivde the text of this agreement
                                                                                                       PUBLIC LICENSE
                                                                                                              This product contains software that is subject to the GNU Public License Version 2
                                                                                                              (GPL2). You can obtain a copy of the GPL License from


Document Created: 2010-09-27 11:49:49
Document Modified: 2010-09-27 11:49:49

© 2025
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