User Manual

FCC ID: MG3-4868

Users Manual

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Enjoy your                  It’s simple to pair your XR8 with your
XFINITY® TV                 Xfinity Remote for Out-of-Sight control.
right away!                 Your Xfinity Remote can be paired
                            with the XR8, allowing you to control
                                                                       4. Press and release the PAIR button
                                                                          on the back of the XR8. The LED on
Pair your XR8 and Xfinity
Remote to get started.
                            your set-top box or DTA even when
                            the device is placed out of line-of-
                                                                          top of the XR8 will start blinking.
                                                                       5. Press and hold the Setup button on                Xfinity Remote
                            sight (for example, in an entertainment
                                                                          your Xfinity Remote until the LED       Out-of-Sight Adapter
                            center or behind your TV). Xfinity
                                                                          changes from red to green. Then,
                            Remotes can be identified by an XR
                                                                          press and release the Xfinity button.    USER’S GUIDE
                            logo on the back of the remote.
                                                                          Note: You must press the PAIR
                            See the “Compatible Devices” section
                                                                          button on the XR8 before you press
                            on the back of this user guide to verify
                                                                          the Xfinity button on your Xfinity
                            that your set-top box or DTA and
                            remote are compatible with the XR8.
                                                                       6. If the LED on the Xfinity Remote
                            To pair your XR8 and Xfinity Remote,
                                                                          blinks green twice, pairing was
                            follow the steps below:
                                                                          successful. Press Channel Up to
                            HERE’S HOW:                                   verify that your set-top box or DTA
                            1. Turn on your TV and set-top box            responds as expected.
                               or DTA.                                 7. If the LED on the Xfinity Remote
                            2. Plug the XR8 into the IR Input port*       blinks red, then green, and then red,
                               located on the rear panel of your          pairing was unsuccessful. Check
                               set-top box or DTA.                        the “Compatible Devices” section to
                                                                          verify that your set-top box or DTA
                               *Note: This port may also be               supports the XR8.
        XR8                    labeled IR, IR-In, IR Receive, or
                               EXT IR IN.
      Xfinity Remote
  Out-of-Sight Adapter      3. Wait 3-5 seconds for the solid red
                               LED on top of the XR8 to turn off.
  USER’S GUIDE                                                                               ©2013 Comcast Corporation. All rights reserved.

FREQUENTLY ASKED                                                                 COMPATIBLE                             FCC Compliance Statement
QUESTIONS ABOUT PAIRING                                                          DEVICES:
                                                                                                                        This equipment has been tested and found
                                                                                                                        to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
                                                                                                                        device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.
QQ: Can I pair more than one Xfinity   QQ: During pairing, why does the LED                                             These limits are designed to provide reason-
                                                                                 SET-TOP BOXES AND DTAS                 able protection against harmful interference
    Remote with the XR8?                   blink red, then green, then red on    The XR8 can be used for out-of-sight   in a residential installation. This equipment
AA: Yes, the XR8 supports pairing          the Xfinity Remote?                   control with the set-top boxes and     generates, uses, and can radiate radio fre-
                                                                                                                        quency energy and, if not used in accordance
    with up to five Xfinity Remotes.   AA: The Xfinity Remote you are trying     DTAs listed below:
                                                                                                                        with the instructions, may cause harmful
                                           to pair with the XR8 cannot find                                             interference to radio communications.
QQ: Why can’t I use my other               the XR8. Unplug the XR8 and plug      DTA                   DCX3200
                                                                                 uDTA                  DCX3200-M        There is no guarantee that interference will
    remotes after pairing my Xfinity       it back in, making sure the red
                                                                                                                        not occur in a particular installation. If this
    Remote with the XR8?                   LED on top of the XR8 comes on        RNG100                DCX3400          equipment does cause harmful interference
                                           for 3-5 seconds. Then, repeat the     RNG110                DCX3400-M        to radio or television reception, the user is
AA: Some set-top boxes only
                                           steps to pair the XR8 and Xfinity     RNG150                DCX3501          encouraged to try to correct the interference
    support Xfinity Remotes when                                                 RNG150N                                by one or more of the following measures:
    using the XR8. Simply replace                                                RNG200N
    your old remote with another                                                                                        •     Reorient or relocate the receiving
                                       QQ: When paired, why does the LED                                                      antenna.
    Xfinity Remote if you need more                                                                                     •     Increase or decrease the separation
    than one remote!                       blink green, then red on the
                                                                                                                              between the equipment and receiver.
                                           Xfinity Remote when a button is                                              •     Connect the equipment into an outlet
QQ: During pairing, why does the           pressed?                              XFINITY REMOTES                              on a circuit different from that which
                                                                                                                              the receiver is connected.
    LED blink red and then green on    AA: The XR8 may have lost power or        Xfinity Remotes that can be paired     •     Consult the dealer or an experienced
    the Xfinity Remote?                    may be out of communication           with the XR8 include:                        remote control/TV technician for help.
                                           range. Try moving closer to your                                             •     It is strongly recommended that the TV
AA: Either a button other than the                                                                                            be plugged into a separate wall outlet.
                                           set-top box or DTA and make sure      XR2
    Xfinity button was pressed, or                                               XR5
    the Xfinity Remote timed out           the XR8 is securely connected. If                                            The user is cautioned that changes and mod-
                                           this does not fix the issue, follow   XR11                                   ifications made to the equipment without the
    before the Xfinity button was                                                XR13
                                           the steps to re-pair the XR8 and                                             approval of the manufacturer could void the
    pressed. Repeat the pairing                                                                                         user’s authority to operate this equipment.
    steps.                                 Xfinity Remote.
                                                                                        For additional information      This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
                                                                                        about Xfinity Remotes visit     rules. Operation is subject to the following
                                                                                          two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
                                                                                                                        harmful interference, and (2) this device must
                                                                                                                        accept any interference received, including
                                                                                                                        interference that may cause undesired

Document Created: 2013-07-30 17:46:16
Document Modified: 2013-07-30 17:46:16

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