Users Manual

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          13 May 1998
          FCC ID: MFEWAVECOMRA438—01


  Owner‘s Manual

                                            t                                                              RF—Linkc
                                                                OWNER‘S MANUAL

                                                                    C 24 [aVECOM s
                                                                           (Models Tx 888R and Rx 999R)

                                                                                   [AVECOM® m Jr.
North & South America
RF—Link Technology, Inc.                                                      {Models Tx 888 and Rx 999)
411 Amapola Avenue
Torrance, CA 90501
310—787—2323 Fax

Asia, Europe, Australia & Africa
RF—Link Systems, Inc.
IF, No.9, Chan Yen Road I
Science—Based Industrial Park
Hsinchu, Talwan, R.O.C.
886—35—776—699 Fax
                                                    Wireles §
RF—Link Systems, Inc.
8th Floor, No. 19, Section 3
Nanking East Road
                                                             A UdiO
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
886—25—046—508 Fax


& RF—Linkc |                       4   "
                                           © 1996 Rev. 1 by RF—Link Technology, Inc.

        Other Accessories                                                                                                  Contents
                                                                                            Introducing WAVECOM" Sr. and WAVECOM" Jr.                            5
          Additional WAVECOM®" Sr. Directional Receiver                       PWCRX—999R    List of Packaged Contents                                            6
             For reception on additional TV‘s or monitors                                   Controls and Features                                                7
|         Additional WAVECOM®" Jr. Directional Receiver                       PWCRX—999     Setti          :
|            For reception on additional TV‘s or monitors                                     etting Up Units                                                    8
          WAVECOM" Sr. Extended Range Receiver                                PWCRX—999RH             Connecting the Transmitter to:
             For reception at up to 600 ft. clear line of sight
          WAVECOM‘" Jr. Extended Range Receiver                               PWCRX—999H                       VCR                                               9
             For reception at up to 600 ft. clear line of sight                                                Cable TV Hookup                                  10
          Additional WAVECOM" Sr. Directional Transmitter                     PWCTX—888R                            .      R                ,
             For transmission from another A/V source                                                          Satellite Receiver or Laser Disc Player          11
          Additional WAVECOM" Jr. Directional Transmitter                     PWCTX—888                        Camcorder                                        12
             For transmission from another A/V source                                                            20.
          WAVECOM" Sr. Omnidirectional Transmitter                            PWCTX—888R0                      Miniature CCD Camera                             13
i            For operall‘on with dfsperse{d multiple re.celvers                                                Audio/Video (A/V) Receiver                       14
\         WAVECOM            Jr. Omnidirectional Transmitter                  PWCTX—8880
    |        For operation with dispersed multiple receivers                                                   Stereo Receiver
          Rechargeable Battery Pack with Charger                              PWCRB—012                          15
             For mobile operation of units
          Replacement Power Adapter                                           PWCPA—012                        CD Player or Audio Cassette Deck                 16
             To replace lost or damaged power adapter
                                                                                                               Computer                                         17
                                                                                                      Connecting the Receiver to:
                                                                                                               Television (or Video Monitor)                    18
                                                                                                               VCR                                              19
               For more information or to place an order, call or write to:                                    Powered Speakers                                 20
                                                                                                               Other Speakers                                   21
        North & South America                            Asia, Europe, Australia & Africa                      Computer                                         22
        RF—Link Technology, Inc.                         RF—Link Systems, Inc .               20.          .           .
        411 Amapola Avenue                               1F, No.9, Chan Yen Road I          Orienting Units for Optimal Performance                             23
        Torrance, CA 90501                               Science—Based Industrial Park        ,   .                                                m
        USA                                              Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.            Orienting Remote Control Antennas (WAVECOM"                Sr. only) 24
        310—787—2328                                     886—35—799—999                        .
        310—787—2323 Fax                                 886—35—776—699 Fax                 Using the Remote Control Feature (WAVECOM" Sr. only)                25
                                                         RF—Link Systems, Inc.              Troubleshooting                                                     27
                                                         8th Floor, No. 19, Section 3                      .
                                                         Nanking East Road                  Care and Maintenance                                                27
                                                         Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                                         88625—105536                            iHflcati
                                                                                            Specifications     and Warranty           5
                                                                                                                              Information                       28
                                                         886—25—046—508 Fax                 Accessories                                                         29

                                                                                            Other Accessories                                                   30
                                                       30                                                                        3

     Specifications                                                                           Introducing WAVECOM®" SR. and WAVECOM" JR.

      Transmitter:                                                                            WAVECOM®" Sr. and WAVECOM®" Jr. use the latest in wireless communication
          Output Level                         94 dB microvolts/meter at 3 meters             technology to deliver consistently sharp stereo audio and color video images up to
          Operating Frequency Band             2.4 to 24835 GHz ISM band                      300 feet away. By transmitting at a very high frequency (2.4 GHz or 2.4 billion
          Modulation                           FM (video and audio)                           cycles per second), the FCC—approved WAVECOM" Sr. and WAVECOM" Jr.
          Video Input Level                    1V p—p
                                                                                              avoid the crowded 900 MHz band used by many cordless telephones and other
          Audio Input Level                    1V p—p
          Video Input Impedance                75 ohms                                        wireless audio/video transmitters. Its superior quality is due to FM rather than AM
          Audio Input Impedance                600 ohms                                       signal modulation. In addition, the use of state—of—the—art circular polarized
          Power Supply                         12 Vde, 300 mA                                 directional transmitting and receiving antennas maximizes the signal range and
          Dimensions                           6.9 x 4.4 x 1.8 inches
                                                                                              minimizes interference from unwanted signals. With four independent channels,
          Weight                               13 ounces
                                                                                              you can transmit up to four different audio/video sources simultaneously using
                                                                                              multiple pairs.
          Qutput Level                         1 volt p—p (video), 1 volt p—p (audio)
                                                                                              WAVECOM"* Sr. also integrates a remote control extender to allow you to control
          Input Sensitivity                    —90 dBm
          Power Supply                         12 Vde, 400mA                                  the audio or video source from another room using your existing remote control
          Remote Control Transmitter                                                          device (feature not available with WAVECOM" Jr.).
              Frequency                        UHF*
          Dimensions                           6.9 x 4.4 x 1.8 inches                         WAVECOM®" Sr. and WAVECOM®" Jr. offer you greater convenience and
          Weight                               15 ounces                                      security in many ways:

      * For Model Rx 999R only (not included in WAVECOM®" Jr.)                                Convenience:
      All specifications are subject to change without notice.                                * Watch the movie you rent on any TV in your home or backyard without
                                                                                                running messy cable, moving your VCR/laser disc player or buying
                                                                                                another one
     Warranty Information                                                                     * Watch cable or satellite programming on any TV in your home
                                                                                              * Listen to stereo—quality music on any powered speakers inside or outside
     RF—Link Technology, Inc., referred to as "RF—Link" hereafter, warrants this product       the home
     against any defects in material or workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date
                                                                                              * Receive computer images and sound on a remote TV (additional

     of original purchase. This Limited Warranty shall not apply if the product has been
                                                                                                equipment requited)
     damaged due to abuse, misuse, misapplication, accident, or as a result of service or
     modification not approved by RF—Link. Should the product become defective within
     the warranty period, RF—Link will repair or replace the product at our option,
                                                                                              Safety & Security:
                                                                                              * Monitor your sleeping baby, playing children, the elderly, or the disabled
     provided that it is shipped prepaid to RF—Link.
                                                                                                on your TV using your existing camcorder or miniature CCD camera
      There are no express warranties other than those described above. No warranties           (available from RE—Link —~ see "Accessories" section)
      whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to, any implied warranties of   * See who is outside your door on your TV using a camcorder or
      merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall extend beyond the time         miniature CCD camera
      period listed above. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied        * Fire, police, and security personnel can send real—time images of
      warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives        dangerous situations back to a mobile base station or back—up partner
      you specific legalrights; you may also have other rights which vary from state to         through a miniature CCD camera (portable battery also available)
      state.                                                                                  * And many more uses!
                                                   28                                                                                  5

                                                                                              Controls and Features
                                                                       The transmitter and receiver look virtually alike. Any differences
                                                                       are noted below.                     20L
                                                                                                          Directional 2.4 GHz antenna
                                                                                                                Transmits and receives audio and video signals.
                                                                   Remote control antenna
                                                                   Transmits and receives UHF       FRONT VIEW                     Caution: Do Not rotate
                                                                   remote control signals                                          2.4 GHz antenna 360
           RF Remote Control Signal                                (WAVECOM®* S. only).                                            degrees or permanent
            _____ix—                                                                                                               damage to both antenna
                                                                                                                                   and mechanical stopper
           4—————z                                                                                                                 will occur.
           2.4 GHz Audio/Video Signal

Receiver                        Transmitter
           TiC                                           Mouse

             4        Remote
                                                                                                                       Remote control window
                                                                                                                       Infrared passes through this to remotely
  TV                  Control
                                                                                                                       control audio/video signal source
                                                                   Channel selection button                             (WAVECOM®" Sr. receiver only).
                                                                   Use to find optimal reception.
                 Audio/Video                                       Must select same channel on
                 Components                                        both transmitter and receiver.        VIEW


                    Note: For optimal performance, the IR
                    extender mouse should be placed within                                                                                On/off switch
                    6 feet of the IR sensor of the source
                    component you wish to control.                                                                                         Power port
                                                                                                                                          for approved
                                                                                                                                       (transmitter only)
                                                                                                                                         Note: Make sure
                                                                                         Left        &      .                            ON/OFFswitch is in
                                                                                         audio      :::g?; Yldeo    12—volt              OFF position before
                                                                                         jack        jack   jack power adapter           plugging in any
                                                                                        (white)     {red) (yellow)   plug                approved accessory.

                                   26                                                                           7

      &        &
Orienting the Remote Control                                                     1 Brspens
                                                                                                                     Audal                     Connecting the Transmitter
Antenna (WAVECOM®* Sr. only)                                                                      s
                                                                                   (WAYECOM® Sr.ouy)

For most applications, the receivers                                                                         ?“’b[           How To Transmit Audio/Video from Your VCR
remote control antenna should be                                                                         »
  —                  —          :                                                Audio!
oriented vertically with respect to the                      Recsive Remuee Contrl Video    ,"                               Make sure the WAVECOM" ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one
   .       .         ;                                       (fvecou®              Aucons 2
main housing (see diagrams 1 & 2 ).                          cwavecoM Sr calp Msy pae                                        set of audio/video (A/V) cables to the A/V jacks of the transmitter (Tx 888R or Tx
                                                                                  ,                              (FomVew)    888) and to the A/V jacks on the back of your VCR labeled LINE OUT. Be sure
                                                                                                                             the yellow, red and white plugs match the yellow, red and white facks on both the
                                                                                                                             VCR and the transmitter. If the VCR has only one output for audio (mono sound
                                                                                                                             only), connect the white plug to that single audio output and to transmitter‘s
                                                                                                                             AUDIO LEFTjack,
                                                                         (Froo View)

                                                                                                                             Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM‘" Sr.
                                    2                               If your remote control extender is not                   or WAVECOM"" Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet.
          hoe e :fi‘i:’.’
                   ic outy)
                                                                    working satisfactorily, first rotate the
                                                                           T                                                 Turn the ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be
          avecom"Scortn                                             transmit remote control antenna                          lit.
                              Pn                                                                 nu
                               T insgued                            (located on the WAVECOM Sr.
                              t _ g&:fi:&:‘t i, Auw                  receiver) to different positions (see                    If your VCR has only one set of A/V output jacks and you want to use it with a
                                ~~           giv                     I
                                   Ssl_       #,,,_ Sim             diagram 3 below).                                        nearby TV, connect coaxial cable from the single OUT port on your VCR to the
                                         ~.,      :
                                                                                                                             VHF/UHF IN port on your TV. (Note: In order to also view cable transmission on
               (Frone View}                                                                                                  that TV, connect your incoming cable TV source to the single IN port of the

                                            RECEVER                                                                          Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section ofthis manualtitled
                                            (Frou View)
                                                                                                                             "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."
                                                                                                                                                       AVECOM"" TRANSMITTER
                                                                                                                                                                                         To wall outlet

                                           Remore Control
                                           Reeche Amcnna                                   AudiofWideo

                                      (Side View)

                                                          Sideview of WAVECOM" Sr



                                        (Side View)                                                                                                                                                     Recommended
                                                                                                                                                                                                        TV connection
                                                                                                                                         (must be pumhascd)                                        ‘£__ for dual—output


   How To Receive Audio/Video from Your Computer                                                         How To Transmit Audio/Video from Your
                                                                                                          Satellite Receiver or Laser Disc Player
WAVECOM" Sr. and WAVECOM®" Jr. can be used to receive TV broadcast on the
computer monitor in the home or office using a TV/Video Card (purchase at your                   You can transmit audio/video either directly from your satellite receiver or laser
local computer store). This feature allows you to receive live TV broadcast from                 disc player, or by connecting them to your VCR. To transmit directly from
your large TV screen to a desktop or laptop computer without running wires                       your satellite receiver or laser disc player, follow the instructions below.
between the two.
                                                                                                 Make sure the WAVECOM® ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position.
First, insert the TV/Video Card into one of your computer‘s open slots, preferably               Connect one set of audio/video (A/V) cables to the A/V jacks of the transmitter
one which is close to the VGA controller. See TV/Video Card owner‘s manual for                   (Tx 888R or Tx 888) and to the AUDIOIDEO OUT jacks of the satellite
interconnection between the TV/Video Card and the VGA controller.                                receiver or laser disc player. Be sure the yellow, red and white plugs match the
                                                                                                 yellow, red and white jacks on both the satellite receiver/laser disc player and
Connect the single male connector on the Audio/Video Break—out Cable(comes with                  the transmitter.
TV/Video Card) to the Audio/Video Input Port on the back of the TV/Video Card.
The six female RCA jacks on the other end of the Break—out Cable allow you to                    Plug one end ofthe provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM‘"
connect up to two different video devices. Select red, yellow, and blue RCA female               Sr. or WAVECOM"" Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall
plugs for connection to the WAVECOM®" receiver.                                                  outlet. Turn the ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light
                                                                                                 should be lit.
Make sure the WAVECOM®" ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect yellow
video plug of the audio/video (A/V) cables to the red jack on the Break—out cable.               If your satellite receiver or laser disc player has only one set of A/V output
Afterward, connect the red audio plug to the blue jack, and then the whire audio plug            jacks, and you had to disconnect your TV from those jacks to connect
to the yellow jack. Connect the other ends of the A/V cable to the backside of the               WAVECOM" Sr. or WAVECOM" Jr., reconnect the TV by connecting
WAVECOM" receiver, make sure to match the color code of the RCA plugs and                        coaxial cable from the single VHF/UHF OUT port on the satellite receiver or
jacks.                                                                                           laser disc player to the VHF/UHF IN port on your TV.

Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM®" Sr. or                 Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manualtitled
WAVECOM®* Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn the              "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."                  mm
ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.                                                                      WAVECOM            TRANSMI
Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manualtitled
"Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."
                                   Audio/Video                                                                                                                                2      wall
                                    Break—out                                                                                                                                       outlet
                                      Cable    2
                                        ""_   WAVECOM" RECEIVER                                                Recommended method —’
                                                                                                               for dual—output components

                                                   cusmer.   asowo avpio         Myt
                                                              uerr. wory vioeo                                                                        s°" g

      COMPUTER                                                                           wall

How To Receive Audio on Your Remote Powered Speakers                                                        How To Transmit Audio/Video from
  Since WAVECOM®" Sr. and WAVECOM"" Jr. merely receive stereo signals and                                       a Miniature CCD Camera
  do not amplify them, the speakers you use to enjoy wireless sound must be self—
  powered or attached to an amplifier or stereo receiver.                                    In conjunction with a miniature CCD camera (sold separately —— see
                                                                                             accessories), WAVECOM®" Sr. or WAVECOM®" Jr. becomes a portable
  To use self—powered speakers, such as computer speakers, follow the instructions           wireless security system. First, fasten the CCD camera to any object using its
  below.                                                                                     clip adapter so thatit views the scene you wish to monitor, such as a sleeping
                                                                                             baby, your playing children, the elderly, or the disabled. Then, follow the
  Obtain a mini stereo phono jack—to—stereo RCA adapter at your local electronics            instructions below.
  store. Make sure the WAVECOM®" ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect
  the red and white A/V plugs of the adapter to the red and white audio jacks of the         Plug the single end of the special plug adapter that comes with the miniature
  receiver (Rx 999R or Rx 999).                                                              CCD camera into the bottom of the camera.

  Connect the plug at the end of the right speaker wire to the mini stereo phone jack        Make sure the WAVECOM" ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Insert the
  on the adapter.                                                                            two A/V plugs on the other end of the plug adapter into the transmitter‘s jacks——
                                                                                             the black one into the video jack and the red one into the AUDIO LEFT jack.
  Plug the wire leading from the left speaker into the back of the right speaker to
  enjoy full stereo sound.                                                                   Insert the power plug from the special plug adapter into the AUX POWER port
                                                                                             on the side of the transmitter. This provides power to the CCD camera.
  Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM‘" Sr. or
  WAVECOM® Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn             Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM®" Sr.
  the ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.              or WAVECOM" Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet.
                                                                                             Turn the ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be
  Locate and orient the WAVECOM"" receiver according to the section of this                  lit. For portable applications, plug the Portable Battery Pack accessory (sold
  manual titled "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."                                   separately —— see "Accessories" section) into the back of the transmitter.
                                                                                             Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manualtitled
                                                                                             "Orienting WR{?E%W"
                                                           wall                                                 *“MW§M|TTER
                                   rvve                    outlet                                                                                            wan
       camas.    asoro avoo        mat                                                                                                                       oullet
                 tar. wour vineo                   I   4
       3014                @              J

                                                                                                                           aio avno          mt
                                                                                                                camoet Ltb zen morr vioeo                4         OR
                                                                                                                 u_ ©          ©                                <—«~—~~
                                                                                                                                                                  12—VOLT BATTERY
                                                                                                                                                                      PACK accessory
                                                                                          CCD CAMERA accessory                                                        (availabl.e from
                                                                                          (available from RF—Link)                                                       RF—Link)
                              MINESTEREO PHONO JACK—TO—
                                 STEREO RCA ADAPTER                  RIGHT SPEAKER WIRE

                                                                                                                                                              Note: Make sure
                                                                                                                                                              ON/OFF switch is in
                                                                                                                                                              OFF position before
                         LEFT SPEAKER WIRE
                                                                                                                                  SPECIAL PLUG ADAPTER        plugging in any
                                                                                                                                   (Comes with CCD camera)    approved accessory.
   LEFT SPEAKER                                                     RIGHT SPEAKER
                                              20                                                                                            13

                                  Connecting the Receiver                                         How To Transmit Audio from Your Stereo Receiver

                                                                                               To enjoy sound from your CD player, cassette deck or radio on speakers in another
        How To Receive Wireless Audio/Video on Your TV                                         room, you can connect WAVECOM" Sr. or WAVECOM"" Jr. to your stereo
        There are two ways to receive wireless audio/video signals on your remote TV           receiver. To use this feature, you must connect either powered speakers or another
        (TV in another location):                                                              amplifier to the WAVECOM" Sr. or WAVECOM®" Jr. receiver at the remote site
                                                                                               {see "Connecting the Receiver").
        + Connect the receiver directly to the remote TV
        * Connect the receiver to a VCR, which is then connected to the TV.                  1 Make sure the WAVECOM®" ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one set
                                                                                               of audio/video (A/V) cables to the two audio jacks (red and white) of the transmitter
        If your TV has picture—in—picture capabilities, you can view any image transmitted     (Tx 888R or Tx 888) and to the audio jacks on the back of your stereo receiver
        by WAVECOM®", such as your sleeping baby, in a small inset picture while               labeled TAPE OUT. Be sure the red and white plugs match the red and white jacks
        enjoying other programming on the rest of the screen. Consult the owner‘s manual       on both the stereo receiver and the transmitter. The yellow video plug is not used.
        of your TV for instructions on using these capabilities.
                                                                                             2 Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM® Sr. or
        Connecting Receiver Directly to Remote TV                                              WAVECOMJr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn
                                                                                               the ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.
|   1. Make sure the WAVECOM® ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. If your TV has
|      A/V jacks, connect one set of A/V cables to the TV‘s A/V jacks and to the A/V         3 Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section ofthis manualtitled
       jacks on the receiver (Rx 999R or Rx 999). Be sure the yellow, red and white plugs      "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."
       match the yellow, red and white jacks on both the TV and the receiver. If the TV
       has only a single jack for audio input, connect the white plug to that jack.
    2 Follow Steps 4 and 5 on the following page.                                                      WAVECOM®" TRANSMITTER

                                                                                                                u_   ©®         @

                                                                                                                                                 J 2



        cwnrory ane ane
                    AQR ww                                                                                                 STEREO REceENER



                                                                                                                                                  1   e

                                                18                                                                                     15

                   How To Transmit Audio from                                                 How To Transmit Audio/Video from Your Computer
                  Your CD Player or Cassette Deck                                           WAVECOM"" Sr. and WAVECOM®" Jr. can send computer images and sounds to
You can transmit audio either directly from your CD player or cassette deck, or you         any TV in the home or office using a sound card and a VGA—to—TV Converter
can connect them to yourstereo receiver. For either scenario, to enjoy audio on             (purchase both at your local computer store). You also need a mini stereo phono
remote speakers, you must connect either powered speakers or an amplifier to the            plug—to—stereo RCA adapter (purchase at your local electronics store). This feature
WAVECOM®" Sr. or WAVECOM" Jr. receiver at the remote site (see "Connecting                  allows you to send presentations from your desktop or laptop computer to a large
the Receiver").                                                                             TV screen without running wires between the two. First, insert the sound card into
                                                                                            ane of your computer‘s open slots. Then, follow the instructions below.
To transmit directly from your CD player or cassette deck, follow the instructions
below.                                                                                  1   Connect the monitor cable attached to your computer screen to the VGA OUT plug
                                                                                            on the VGA—to—TV Converter.
Make sure the WAVECOM® ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one set
of audio/video (A/V) cables to the two audio jacks (red and white) of the transmitter   2 Connect a VGA extension cable (comes with converter) to the VGA port on the
(Tx 888R or Tx 888) and to the L/NE OUT jacks of the CD player or cassette                back of your CPU unit and to the VGA ZN plug on the VGA—to—TV Converter.
player. Be sure the red and white plugs match the red and white jacks on both the
transmitter and the CD/cassette player. The yellow video plug is not used.              3 Make sure the WAVECOM® ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one
                                                                                            yellow video plug of the audio/video (A/V) cables to the VIDEO jack on the back of
Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back ofthe WAVECOM® Sr. or              the VGA—to—TV Converter and the other to the VIDEO jack on the back of the
WAVECOM® Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn              transmitter, The red and white audio plugs are not used.
the ON/OFEF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.
                                                                                            Plug the mini—stereo plug of the adapter you purchased into your sound card, and the
Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manual titled            red and white A/V plugs into the AUDIO RIGHT AND AUDIO LEFTjacks on the
"Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."                                                  back of the transmitter.

                               WAVECOM®" TRANSMITTER                                        Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM" St. or
                                                                    To                      WAVECOM"" Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn the
                                                                   wall                     ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.
                                                                                        &   Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manualtitled
                                                                                            "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."

                   CD PLAYER                   AIV CABLE

                       >                                   1
                   :                                   f
                                                       I OR
                  CASSETTE DECK                        t                                                         EXTENSION

                       Limt iLint ovt                      1
                                                                                                                                                                     To wall
                       — ©
                       * ©


                    How To Transmit Audio/Video from                                                      Connecting Receiver to Remote TV through VCR
                      an Audio/Video (A/V) Receiver
                                                                                                 This setup enables you to record transmitted audio and video on your remote VCR
                                                                                                 and also enjoy the picture and sound on a remote TV.
Since most audio/video (A/V) receivers have multiple input and output ports, you
can easily transmit signals from several audio/video or audio—only components to a
                                                                                             1 Make sure the WAVECOM"® ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one set
remote location using WAVECOM" Sr. or WAVECOM®" Jr. To transmit from your
                                                                                                 of audio/video (A/V) cables to the A/V jacks of the receiver (Rx 999R or Rx 999)
A/V receiver, follow the instructions below.
                                                                                                 and to the jacks on your VCR labeled L/NE IN. Be sure the yellow, red and white
                                                                                                 plugs match the yellow, red and white jacks on both the WAVECOM" receiver and
Use audio/video (A/V) cables to connect the LINE OUT ports on any of the
                                                                                                 the VCR. If the VCR has only a single jack for audio input, connect the white plug to
components you wish to enjoy in another location to the AUDIO and VIDEO IN
ports on the back of your A/V receiver.
                                                                                                 If your TV has A/V input jacks, connect another set of A/V cables to the TV‘s A/V
Make sure the WAVECOM® ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one set
                                                                                                 jacks and to the jacks on your VCR labeled LINE OUT.
of audio/video (A/V) cables to the A/V jacks of the transmitter (Tx 888R or Tx 888)
and to the AUDIOIDEO OUT jacks of the A/V receiver. Be sure the yellow, red
                                                                                                  If your TV has only a single coaxial input port, connect a length of coaxial cable
and white plugs match the yellow, red and white jacks on both the A/V receiver and
                                                                                                  from the TV‘s VHF/UHF IN coaxial connector to the OUT coaxial connector on
the transmitter.
                                                                                                  your VCR. To watch cable channels on that TV, connect your cable TV hookup to
                                                                                                  the IN coaxial connector on your VCR.
Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM®" Sr.or              4
WAVECOM" Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn the
                                                                                                  Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM®" Sr. or
ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.
                                                                                                  WAVECOM Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn the
                                                                                                  ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.
Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manual titled
"Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."
                                                                                                  Locate and orient the WAVECOM‘" Sr. or WAVECOM®" Jr. receiver according to the
                                                                                                  section of this manualtitled "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."
To transmit audio/video from a particular component connected to the A/V receiver,
select that component to be the output of the A/V receiver. Consult the owner‘s
                                                                                                        WAVECOM®" RECEIVER            .=_
manual of your A/V receiver for further instructions.

    A/V RECEIVER                                    wavecom*" transmitten
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                                          A/V CABLE


How To Transmit Audio/Video from Your Camcorder                                                    How To Receive Audio on Any Remote Speakers
In conjunction with a camcorder, WAVECOM®" Sr. or WAVECOM®" Jr.
                                                                                             You can enjoy wireless sound without using powered speakers as long as you use an
becomes a portable wireless security system. First, position the camcorder so that
                                                                                             amplifier or stereo receiver to boost the signal from the WAVECOM‘" Sr. or
it views the scene you wish to monitor, such as a sleeping baby, your playing
                                                                                             WAVECOM® Ir. receiver. This feature allows you to listen to a multiple—CD
children, the elderly, or the disabled. Then, follow the instructions below.
                                                                                             changer or other audio source on a stereo in another room.

Make sure the WAYECOM® ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one
                                                                                             Make sure the WAVECOM®" ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one set
set of audio/video (A/V) cables to the A/V jacks of the transmitter (Tx 888R or Tx
                                                                                             of A/V cables to the two audio jacks (red and white only) of the receiver (Rx 999R or
888) and to the AUDIOAVIDEO jacks of the camcorder. Be sure the yellow, red
                                                                                             Rx 999) and to the ZN 7 or IN 2 jacks on yourstereo receiver or amplifier. Be sure the
and white plugs match the yellow, red and white jacks on both the camcorder and
                                                                                             red and white plugs match the red and white jacks on both the WAVECOM‘" Sr. or
the transmitter. If the cameorder has only one outputfor audio (mono sound only),
                                                                                             WAVECOM Jr. receiver and the stereo receiver or amplifier. The yellow video
connect the white plug to that single audio output and to transmitter‘s AUDIO
                                                                                             plug is not used.
LEFT jack. (Note: with some camcorders, you may need to use an adapter patch
cord that comes with the camera.)
                                                                                             Run speaker wire from your stereo receiver or amplifier to your speakers as you
                                                                                             normally would.
Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM®" Sr. or
WAVECOM" Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn
                                                                                             Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM®" Sr, or
the ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.
                                                                                             WAVECOM" Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet. Turn the
For portable applications, plug the Portable Battery Pack accessory (sold
                                                                                             ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be lit.
separately —— see "Accessories"section) into the back of the transmitter.
                                                                                             Locate and orient the WAVECOM"" receiver according to the section of this manual
Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manualtitled
                                                                                             titled "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."
"Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."

                     WAVECOM" TRANSMITTER                                                                                                     To wall

                                     aunio autto
                                      tert. wore vieo
                                                                                                                       STEREO RECEIVER OR AMPLIFIER

                                                                                To                                                                  t   *    sreacers
                                                            2                  wall                                                            no             t      K

                                                                                                                                             tror ©               a
      CAMCORDER                                                                                                    1
                                                                                                                                                            e—2—a)       speaxer wike

                     G¢——                                  12—VOLT BATTERY PACK
                                                        accessory (available from RF—Link)                                        A/V CABLE

                                                                                                                              SPEAKER WIRE

                                                                                                   LEFT SPEAKER                                             RIGHT SPEAKER
                                          12                                                                                        21

            How To Transmit Audio/Video from Your                                             Orienting Units for Optimal Performance
                                Cable TV Hookup
                                                                                        WAVECOM®" Sr. or WAVECOM®" Jr. should be placed on a flat, stable surface to
    To transmit your cable TV channels, you must have either a VCR or a cable           prevent damage to it from falling. For uneven or slick surfaces, such as the top of
    converter box. If you use a VCR, follow the instructions on the previous page for   your TV, audio/video components, or entertainment center, fastenerstrips have been
    transmitting from your VCR, To use your cable converter box, follow the             provided to secure the units (cut the strips into smaller squares with scissors).
    instructions below.
                                                                                        For optimal performance, both the audio/video and remote control antennas should
1   Make sure the WAVECOM®" ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. Connect one           be carefully oriented as described below. In addition, to use the remote extension
    set of audio/video (A/V) cables to the A/V jacks of the transmitter (Tx 888 or Tx   feature (available with WAVECOM" Sr. only), see sectiontitled "Using The
    888R) and to the A/V jacks on the back of your cable converter box. Be sure the     ControlFeature". For maximum operating range, try to minimize the
    yellow, red and white plugs match the yellow, red and white jacks on both the       number of obstacles (e.g. your TV or other electronics, large furniture) between the
    converter box and the transmitter. If the converter box has only one output for     transmitter and receiver units. In addition, try to place the units as high as possible
    audio (mone sound only), connect one white plug to that single audio output and     to avoid any possible interference from people walking between the transmitter and
    the other to transmitter‘s AUDIO LEFT jack,                                         the receiver.

2 Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the back of the WAVECOM‘ Sr.          Orienting the Audio/Video Antennas
  or WAVECOM® Jr. transmitter and the other end into any 120—volt wall outlet.          WAVECOM®" Sr. and WAVECOM"" Jr. broadcast their high—quality audio and
  Turn the ON/OFF switch to ON position and channel 1 indicator light should be         video using directional antennas which must be oriented in certain configurations for
    lit.                                                                                best results. The 2.4 GHz audio/video antennas have been designed to pivot and
                                                                                        have limited rotation in either clockwise or counterclockwise directions.
3 To view your cable signal on a nearby TV, connect coaxial cable from the single
  OUT port on the cable converter box to the VHF/UHF IN port on your TV.                Warning: See instruction shown below for rotating audio/video antenna. Rotating
                                                                                        antenna beyond the specified range will result in permanent damage to both
4 Locate and orient the transmitter according to the section of this manualtitled       antenna and the mechanical stopper.
    "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance."
                                                                                        In most situations, the flat pitted face of the A/Vantennas on both the transmitter and
                        WAVECOM®" TRANSMITTER                                           receiver should be facing one another. Two examples are shown on the next page,
                                                                                        labeled land 2. Since all homes are different, for optimal reception, additional slight
                                                                 To wall outlet
                                                                                        pivots or rotations may be necessary. If the transmitter and receiver are less than 10
                                                                                        feet apart, keep the A/V antennas flat in their casings.

                                                                                                             Remote                              Audio/Video
                                                                                                             Control                             Antenna
                                                                                                             Antenna \A                  A/

                                                                                                                     /                              Front side of the antenna— pitted side
                                                                                                      &             ¢
                                                                                                       '\        :,"      Sideview of WAVECOM® Sr

                                            \ABLE conveEekTek BoX
                      ®    @    woeo                                                                                         Warning: Do not rotate audio/video
                      @|@|        .                      "     use                                                           antenna beyond the indicated region.
                                                                                                                             Antenna does not rotate freely 360
                      0| o |""                           on    * omgp                                                        degrees.
              6                                      1                                                                              Maximum clockwise rotation of
              L coaxiatcasue           3             ?                                                                              audio/video antenna shown
                 (must be purchased)       10                                                                                       23

                              Setting Up Units                                              Using the Remote Control Feature (WAVECOM®" Sr. only)
                                                                                              WAVECOM® Sr. not only allows you to send crisp audio/video from one area to
    Using absolutely no wires, WAVECOM" Sr. and WAVECOM Jr. can                               another, it also gives you the ability to control the source using your existing remote
    send audio or video signals from virtually any sound or picture source to                 control device (feature not available with WAVECOM" Jr.). The infrared (IR)
    any TV, video monitor or powered speakers using the same connectors                       signal emitted by your remote control is convertered to a radio frequency (RF)
                                                                                              signal at the WAVECOM" Sr. receiver and then sends it back to the WAVECOM"
    as your other electronics.
                                                                                              Sr. transmitter, where the RF signal is converted back to the original IR signal and
                                                                                              used to control the audio/video source (see below).
    To enjoy wireless video and audio, just connect the transmitter
    (Mode! Tx 888R or Tx 888) to whatever picture or sound source you
    want to view or hear at another location, and then connect the receiver                   How To Use the IR Extender Mouse
    (Model Rx 999R or Rx 999) to the TV, computer, or powered speakers                        The IR extender mouse connects to the WAVECOM‘" Sr. transmitter through its
                                                                                              own special connector plug. The extender mouse emits a high intensity IR signal,
    in that other location. Then turn on the power switch on both the
                                                                                              bathing your components with the remote signal. To use the IR extender mouse,
    transmitter and receiver and you are ready to go wireless.                                follow the instructions below.

                                                                                              Plug the IR extender mouse into the jack located on the backside of the
         vCR                                                                                  WAVECOM" Sr.transmitter housing. The jack for the IR extender mouse is

                                                                                              located to the left side of the left audio jack (white).
                                                                   TV & Monitor
                                                                                           2 Locate the IR sensor on the source component you wish to control. If the sensoris
   Satellite Receiver             )1 ) ) )))y                            or                  not clearly labeled on the front of the component, either consult the owner‘s

        eg.                                                           n
                                                                                             manual for that component or perform a simple test to find it: point your remote
                                                                                             control at different areas on the front of the component from less than 1 inch
                        Transmitter              Receiver                                     away. When it works, you have found the approximate location of the IR sensor,
        Camcorder                                              (converter card required)
           or                                                            or
                                                                                           3 Orient the IR extender mouse housing so that it points in the general direction of
                                                                                             the IR sensors of the source components you wish to control. Cut a piece of
                                                                                             provided fastener strip to secure the IR extender mouse to the stereo cabinet
    Stereo Receiver                                                                           shelving or door in this position.
Send from any of the following sources:
                                                                                              Position the WAVECOM*" Sr. receiver so that your remote control signal can
Video                                 Audio                        Powered Speakers           strike the IR window on the bottom front of the unit. To use your remote control,
   * VCR                                 * Compact Disc Player or Changer                     point it at the front of the receiver.
   * Satellite Receiver                  * Stereo Receiver
   * Cable TV                            * Cassette Deck
   * Laser Disc Player
   * Digital Video Disc
   * Wireless Cable
   * Camcorder
   * Security Camera (CCD)
   * Computer
The following pages first show you how to connect the WAVECOM" Sr. and
WAVECOM®" Jr. transmitter to any of these source components and then demonstrate
how and where to connect and position the WAVECOM" Sr. and WAVECOM" Jr.
receiver.                                8                                                                                                 25

                      List of Packaged Contents                                                        Troubleshooting
The following elements should be included in the box. Please check that you                            Please read this owner‘s manual carefully and follow the steps described in it. If
have them all before installation.                                                                     you still have difficulties, consult the following table. It will guide you through the
                                                                                                       most common problems and their solutions.
 1. One transmitter (Model Tx 888R or Tx 888)
  Transmits 2.4 GHz wireless audio/video and receives UHF remote control                                                                  DT              f
  signal froim the receiver (WAVECOM®" Sr. only— Model Tx 888R)                                         No picture or sound            Check the power on/off switches on the transmitter
                                    2. One receiver (Model Rx 999R or Rx 999)                                                          and receiver
                                                                                                                                   *   Check power switches on the remote TV and video
                                       Receives 24 GHz wireless audio/video and transmits UHF remote
                                                                                                                                       source (VCR, laser disc player, satellite receiver, etc.)
                                       control signal back to the transmitter (WAVECOM®* Sr. only—
                                                                                                                                       Make sure power plugs are pushed all the way in
                                       Model Rx 999R)
                                                                                                                                   *   Check all cable connections

                                                                                                        Interference:              *   Adjust receiver antenna orientation (see section on
                                                                                                        Noisy picture or audio         "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance"in this
3. Two audio/video (A/V) cables
                                                                                                                                   *   Adjust transmitter antenna orientation (see section on
   Conneets transmitter and receiverto your audio/video components
                                                                                                                                       "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance"in this
                                                            4. Two power adapters                                                  *   Select a different channel by pushing the channel
                                                                Provide +12 VDC power to units                                         selector button on both transmitter and receiver so that
                                                                                                                                       the channels match
                                                                                                                                   *   If using a microwave oven, turn it off
                                                                                                                                   *   Remove microwave oven from path between transmitter and

                                                                                                         Remote control extender   *   Check the path between the transmitter and the
                                                                                                         does not work                 audio/video source and clear unnecessary
5. Infrared Extender Mouse (WAVECOM" Sr. only)                                                           (WAVECOM®" Sr. only)          obstructions
                                                                                                                                   *   Make sure the IR extender mouse is pointing toward
  Emits infrared remote control signals towards your source components                                                                 the sensor on the source component you want to

                                                                                                                                   *   Adjust remote control antennas (see section on
                                                                                                                                       "Orienting Units for Optimal Performance" in this

6. Fastener strips for mounting IR extender mouse and securing units

                                                                                                        Care and Maintenance
                                                                                                        Clean the outside plastic packaging with a soft cloth lightly moistened with mild
                                                                                                        soap and water. Never use any abrasive scouring powder or solvent.



                                         * Miniature CCD Camera (Model PWCCC—100)

                                                                           and clip to hold it in place
                                                                           (included with CCD Camera)

                                         * 5" Black and White TV Monitor (Model PWCBW—055)
This page is intentionally left blank

                                               For more information or to place an order, call or write to:

                                        North & South America                     Asia, Europe, Australia & Africa
                                        RF—Link Technology, Inc.                  RF—Link Systems, Inc.
                                        411 Amapola Avenue                        1F, No.9, Chan Yen Road I
                                        Torrance, CA 90501                        Science—Based Industrial Park
                                        USA                                       Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                        310—787—2328                              886—35—799—999
                                        310—787—2323 Fax                          886—35—776—699 Fax

                                                                                  RF—Link Systems, Inc.
                                                                                  Bth Floor, No. 19, Section 3
                                                                                  Nanking East Road
                                                                                  Taipei, Talwan, R.0.C.
                                                                                  886—25—046—508 Fax


To the Users of WAVECOM" Sr. and WAVECOM" Jr.                                     Government Approval
Important Safety Precautions
+_  To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this product to                 USA
     rain or moisture. Do not use near a bath tub, wash bowl, sink,                This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
     or laundry tub; do not use in a wet basement or in or around a                limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
     swimming pool.                                                                Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
+    To avoid electrical shock, do not open the case of this product.              against harmful interference in a residential instailation. This
+    Operate this product using only the power supply included                     equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
     with it or provided as an accessory.                                          and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
+    Do not overload electrical outlets or extension cords as this can             may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
     result in fire or electric shock.                                             However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
*    Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.                                  a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
                                                                                   interference to radio or television reception, which can be
                                                                                   determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
                                                                                   encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
                                                                                   following measures:
party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to
operate the equipment.

                                                                                   *      Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                                                                   *      Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
                                                                                   +      Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
Disclaimer                                                                                to which the receiver is connected.
This product is designed for lawful use as a wireless audio and video              +      Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
sender from one location in the home or office to another location.
RF—Link Technology Inc. hereby advises the consumer to consult
with Local officials and other legal authorities regarding the proper
use and application of this product in compliance with all applicable                  Canada
state and federal laws. RF—Link Technology Inc. shall not be                           This device complies with RSS—210 of Industry Canada.
responsible for any misuse or unlawful application of this product by                  Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
any individual or entity under any circumstances.                                      device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept
                                                                                       any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
                                                                                       operation of the device.

                                    2                    Made in Taiwan, R.O.C.                                            31

                     13 May 1998
                     FCC ID: MFEWAVECOMRA438—01


Information Supplied to Applicant

                                              13 May 1998
                                              FCC ID: MFEWAVECOMRA438—01


                        AFTER COMPLIANCE TESTING

Manufactures should be aware that the FCC requires all products manufactured
and shipped be compliant with its Rules. The testing of an early production unit is
sufficient to meet the basic requirements either for Verification or Certification.
However, seemingly small changes to the product design can make a significant
difference in the product‘s EMI characteristics.          Such changes include the
changing of logic, the addition of options, the changing of power supplies,
interboard cable routing or other changes normally falling under the category of
value engineering. Thus, it is prudent that manufacturers have an established
Quality Assurance program to spot check their products on a periodic basis,
either based upon time of qualities produced. Obviously, a change in the
engineering design should be sufficient justification for a repeated test.

The Quality Assurance test need not be formal Verification or Certification such as
is required during the initial production of the product. However, it should be
sufficient in scope to assure that the EMI characteristics of the product have not
changed to the degree that the product exceeds the FCC Limits. If a new model
of a product is produced, it must undergo full Verification or Certification testing
and, in case of Certification, be filed with the FCC.

It is expected that the FCC will place greater emphasis and resources in spot
checking commercially available products. If a product is found not to be
compliant with the Limits specified in Part 15, Subpart J, the manufacturer will be
subject to the appropriate penalties imposed by the Commission. The initial
Certification or Verification is sufficient to justify initial production. The additional
quality assurance testing performed is the manufacturer‘s responsibility to assure
continued compliance.

Document Created: 2001-06-12 14:56:39
Document Modified: 2001-06-12 14:56:39

© 2025 FCC.report
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC