

Cover Letter(s)

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                     Software security for UNII Devices

Digi International
11001 Bren Road East
Minnetonka, MN 55379

To Whom It May Concern:
Product/Model/HVIN: ConnectCore 6UL
In this document the following definitions are used to describe the different level of parties
    1.     Module manufacturer, in this case Digi International, the party selling the
           embedded module to host product manufacturers
    2.     Host product manufacturer is the third party responsible for integrating the
           module into the host product
    3.     Installer or professional installer is the party responsible for putting the end
           product into operation. The end product can either be the host product or a product
           containing the host product
    4.     End user is the party using the end product

1                  Describe how any software/firmware updates for elements than can
                   affect the device’s RF parameters will be obtained, downloaded,
                   validated and installed. For software that is accessed through
                   manufacturer’s website or device’s management system, describe the
                   different levels of security as appropriate.

                   The device’s RF parameters can be affected by the following elements:

                      1.     The firmware running on the radio transceiver chip on the
                             device and its configuration file
                      2.     The board data file that contains calibration, regulatory
                             domain, channel limits and power settings
                      3.     The device driver and in particular its configuration file(s)

                   The ConnectCore 6UL module is manufactured and sold with none of
                   the above.

                   Digi International distributes the firmware, board data file and device
                   driver that allows to operate the module for the authorized modes of
                   operation in the following way:

                   1) The firmware image including its configuration is distributed in binary

    form only by the radio transceiver manufacturer, Qualcomm. The
    source code of this firmware and configuration is not distributed by
    Qualcomm in any way.
    2) The board data file that contains the calibration and power settings is
    distributed by Digi International in binary form only. Only a board data
    file for the US regulatory domain is provided, with power settings and
    channel limits for the US region. Digi International only provides the
    board data file for non US regions to host product manufacturers that
    sign a contractual agreement which regulates that the device may not
    be operated outside its authorized region.
    3) Digi International provides the host product manufacturers with the
    driver source and configuration files that match the authorized modes
    of operation.
2   Describe the RF parameters that are modified by any software/firmware
    without any hardware changes. Are these parameters in some way
    limited such that any other software/firmware changes will not allow the
    device to exceed the authorized RF characteristics?

    The software interface between the firmware running on the module
    and the device driver running on the host processor is defined by
    Qualcomm. Via this software interface, the host configures the
    operation of the module.

    The mode selection (client/master) and its configuration parameters
    can be set by the host, except output power, available channels and
    modulation settings that are set by the board data file and cannot be
    modified by the host.

    Digi International provides the host product manufacturers with default
    configuration files with operating modes that match the device’s
    authorized modes of operation.
3   Describe in detail the authentication protocols that are in place to
    ensure that the source of the RF-related software/firmware is valid.
    Describe in detail how the RF-related software is protected against

    At module power-up the RF-related firmware necessary for the module
    to operate is downloaded from the host to the module. This firmware is
    provided by Qualcomm, the manufacturer of the radio transceiver on
    the device. The firmware from Qualcomm is available as a binary
    image only. The sources for this software are not disclosed by
    Qualcomm to anyone. Modifications of the firmware require in-
    depth knowledge of the transceiver chip operation, it is therefore not
    possible to easily manipulate this firmware by third parties.
4   Describe in detail any encryption methods used to support the use of
    legitimate RF-related software/firmware.

    As described in the answer to the previous question (3) it is not
    possible to easily manipulate this firmware by third parties since the
    firmware from Qualcomm is available as a binary image only and the
    Sources for this software are not disclosed by Qualcomm to anyone.

    Similarly and as pointed out in answer (1), the board data files are not
    part of the firmware and are distributed in binary form only. The tools
    used to modify this board data file are not distributed by neither
    Qualcomm nor Digi International and manipulation would require in-

              depth knowledge of the firmware source, which as explained above is
              also not disclosed by Qualcomm.

5             For a device that can be configured as a master and client (with active
              or passive scanning), explain how the device ensures compliance for
              each mode? In particular if the device acts as master in some band of
              operation and client in another; how is compliance ensured in each
              band of operation?

              The ConnectCore 6UL module is certified to operate as both client and
              master in following channels:

                    Channels 1-11 (2412 – 2462MHz)
                    Channels 36 – 48 (5180 – 5240MHz)
                    Channels 149 – 165 (5745 – 5825MHz)

              In all other channels, ConnectCore 6UL can only be used as a client,
              since the RF chip has no hardware radar detection capability and uses
              passive scanning in these channels.
1             Explain if any third parties have the capability to operate a U.S.-sold
              device on any other regulatory domain, frequencies, or in any manner
              that may allow the device to operate in violation of the device’s
              authorization if activated in the U.S.

              Third parties do not have the capability to operate the U.S.-sold devices
              in a manner which would violate the FCC authorization. As explained in
              point (1) above, only the board data file for the US regulatory domain is
              provided by Digi International. This board data file mandates what
              regulatory domain, output power and TX/RX channels are allowed, and
              cannot be easily modified by third parties. A board data file for other
              regions is only provided to customers after signing a contractual
              agreement that regulates that the device may not be operated outside
              of its authorization.

2             Describe, if the device permits third-party software or firmware
              installation, what mechanisms are provided by the manufacturer to
              permit integration of such functions while ensuring that the RF
              parameters of the device cannot be operated outside its authorization
              for operation in the U.S. In the description include what controls and/or
              agreements are in place with providers of third-party functionality to
              ensure the devices’ underlying RF parameters are unchanged and how
              the manufacturer verifies the functionality.

              The device will only operate with a valid board data file. Only the board
              data file for the US regulatory domain is provided by Digi International.
              This board data file mandates what regulatory domain, output power
              and TX/RX channels are allowed, and cannot be easily modified by
              third parties. A board data file for other regions is only provided to
              customers after signing a contractual agreement that regulates that the
              device may not be operated outside of its authorization.

3             For Certified Transmitter modular devices, describe how the module
              grantee ensures that host manufacturers fully comply with these

                software security requirements for U-NII devices. If the module is
                controlled through driver software loaded in the host, describe how the
                drivers are controlled and managed such that the modular transmitter
                RF parameters are not modified outside the grant of authorization.

                We refer to our answer in the General description (1). The device is
                controlled through device driver software running on the host product
                and in particular by the board data file. Digi International provides the
                host product manufacturers with a board data file that matches the
                authorized modes of operation. In particular, regulatory domain, power
                settings and channel limits are mandated by the board data file and
                cannot be modified.
1               Describe the user configurations permitted through the UI. If different
                levels of access are permitted for professional installers, system
                integrators or end-users, describe the differences.

                The Host Product manufacturer can view and configure the mode of
                operation (Client/Master) and its configuration, with the exception of
                regulatory domain, power limits and available channels which are
                mandated by the board data file. A board data file for non-US regions is
                only provided to customers after signing a contractual agreement that
                regulates that the device may not be operated outside of its

1.a             What parameters are viewable and configurable by different parties?
                   i. The Host Product manufacturer can view and configure the
                      mode of operation (Client/Master) and its configuration, with the
                      exception of regulatory domain, power limits and available
                      channels which are mandated by the board data file.
                  ii. If the host product manufacturer does not include further
                      restrictions the installer or professional installer may view and
                      configure the mode of operation (Client/Master) and its
                      configuration, with the exception of regulatory domain, power
                      limits and available channels which are mandated by the board
                      data file.
                 iii. If the host product manufacturer does not include further
                      restrictions, the end-user may be able to view and configure the
                      mode of operation (Client/Master) and its configuration, with the
                      exception of regulatory domain, power limits and available
                      channels which are mandated by the board data file.

1.b             What parameters are accessible or modifiable by the professional
                installer or system integrators?

                If the host product manufacturer does not include further restrictions the
                installer or professional installer may view and configure the mode of
                operation (Client/Master) and its configuration, with the exception of
                regulatory domain, power limits and available channels which are
                mandated by the board data file.
1.b(1)          Are the parameters in some way limited, so that the installers will
                not enter parameters that exceed those authorized?

         Yes, the parameters are limited and the installer does not have access
         to configure the parameters in such a way that would violate the FCC
         authorization. The board data file mandates regulatory domain, power
         limits and available channels.
1.b(2)   What controls exist that the user cannot operate the device outside
         its authorization in the U.S.?

         The user does not have access to configure the parameters in such a
         way that would violate the FCC authorization.
1.c      What parameters are accessible or modifiable by the end-user?

         If the host product manufacturer does not include further restrictions,
         the end-user may be able to view and configure the mode of operation
         (Client/Master) and its configuration, with the exception of regulatory
         domain, power limits and available channels which are mandated by
         the board data file.
1.c(1)   Are the parameters in some way limited, so that the user or
         installers will not enter parameters that exceed those authorized?

         Yes, the parameters are limited and the end-user does not have access
         to configure the parameters in such a way that would violate the FCC
         authorization. The board data file mandates regulatory domain, power
         limits and available channels.
1.c(2)   What controls exist so that the user cannot operate the device
         outside its authorization in the U.S.?

         The parameters are limited and the user does not have access to
         configure the parameters in such a way that would violate the FCC
         authorization. The board data file mandates the regulatory domain,
         power limits and available channels which are mandated by the board
         data file.
1.d      Is the country code factory set? Can it be changed in the UI?

         The country code is factory set to US and only the board data file for
         the US regulatory domain is provided. This board data file mandates
         what output power and TX/RX channels are allowed, and cannot be
         easily modified by third parties. Board data file for other regions are
         only provided to customers after signing a contractual agreement that
         regulates that the device may not be operated outside of its

1.d(1)   If it can be changed, what controls exist to ensure that the device
         can only operate within its authorization in the U.S.?

         The country code can only be changed by using a different board data
         file binary which is only provided after signing a contractual agreement
         that regulates that the device may not be operated outside of its

1.e      What are the default parameters when the device is restarted?

         The default parameters are determined by the host product
         manufacturer except the regulatory domain, output power and channel
         selections that are mandated by the board data file.
2        Can the radio be configured in bridge or mesh mode? If yes, an
         attestation may be required. Further information is available in KDB

                     Publication 905462 D02.

                     No the device can not be configured in bridge or mesh mode.

3                    For a device that can be configured as a master and client (with active
                     or passive scanning), if this is user configurable, describe what controls
                     exist, within the UI, to ensure compliance for each mode. If the device
                     acts as a master in some bands and client in others, how is this
                     configured to ensure compliance?

                     The module is certified to operate as client on all channels and as
                     master on non-DFS channels as it lacks radar detection capabilities.
4                    For a device that can be configured as different types of access points,
                     such as point-to-point or point-to-multipoint, and use different types of
                     antennas, describe what controls exist to ensure compliance with
                     applicable limits and the proper antenna is used for each mode of
                     operation. (See Section 15.407(a))

                     The directional gain of the antennas supported does not exceed 6dBi.
                     For this reason, the antennas are not limited to a specific usage (like
                     point-to-point or point-to-multipoint).

McCall, Scott, Manager, Hardware Engineering

Digi International
11001 Bren Road East
55343 Minnetonka
+1 (952) 912-4248

Document Created: 2017-05-30 14:28:47
Document Modified: 2017-05-30 14:28:47

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